This episode is my tenth favorate of the show and this of course is by one of my favorate writers J Michael Strynski. This I'll admit is a really different territory for the show but then again this show is known to go a lot of strange places. Though what's really strange is their not fighting ghosts , here their dealing with dimentional beings which counts.
Yeah, it's a wild idea but it was a cool one where the Ghostbusters go into the world of animation, which is funny considering their animated too. The whole episode by it's nature is a love letter to the animation of yesteryear, without cartoon like "Looney Tunes", the Disney shorts, "Popeye", and many others we wouldn't have the animation as well as art we have today.
We see all of the cleches as well as physics that the Ghostbusters encounter and have to utilize, like seeing them literally pull a lake for Peter to fall into for safety. Though my favorate moment is when their is a forth wall broken when the Ghostbusters look toward the audience.
The Wenchester Wolf villain is a good villan that you love to hate, he is real sadistic jerk from torturing the poor cartoonist to just playing a lot of dirty tricks on the Ghostbusters that almost kill them, yeah this guy really doesn't want to play nice.
I even like the protagonist Doopy Dog whom is obviously a homage to "Underdog". Really like the voice sort of a Robin Hood like tone which just sings out chilvary.
However Ray is the one that really carries out the episode is kinda his episode by it's nature. He is littearlly a die hard fan of animation which I can empathize with because I'm a fan of animation too. And that fandom is the Ghostbusters best weapon for survival, I really love how he points certain things out in animation which is funny because it's all true in most of those cartoons of yesteryear. I also cracked up when he sang out and danced the tune to call out Doopy Dog, it's once again another homage to "Underdog" whenever Polly Purebred was in danger all she had to do was sing the song of distress and he would arrive.
This episode is colorful fun.
Rating: 4 stars