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The quest for mutuality in love
cetaylor320 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
As Nemo looks back (from age 118, yearningly, and forward from age 9, predictively, drawing on a 9-year-old's storybook-even-horror-story-based clichéd imaginings of adolescent/adult life and sci-fi future worlds), he sees his life's choices and their envisioned consequences pivotally stemming from one crucial choice at age 9, each path "typed up" as a draft of an alternate life. It's an existential tale of the power of choice to create the environments that reshape the persons who then choose from what life presents in their consequent environments, ad infinitum. It's a romantic tale in both the historic sense of quixotic, picaresque adventure multiply envisioned (including into distant time and space) and the modern sense of a quest for the idealized romance of heart and soul.

The alternate lives Nemo envisions ultimately hinge on a quest for one thing: mutuality of love in marriage. No cliché in that; rather a truth of human want and need borne out of the anguishing pain of a 9-year-old caught in rupturous divorce. Desperate to make the choice no 9-year-old should be asked to make, in such a way that it will be "the right choice" for his future, especially to find rapturous, enduring love, not re-creating his parents' fate, he engages a daunting will to prediction and a time-travel suspension and projection that allow him to see three futures before making the fateful choice.

So, to me, Nemo's three "lives" – represented by three girls and the wives they become in his predictive imaginings and rememberings – depict three points on the continuum of mutuality in love:

• loving more than being loved (with Elise, who marries him on the 'rebound', keeping the torch alive for the old flame)

• being loved more than loving (with Jean, who he marries as fated by a dance, thus a kind of 'arranged marriage')

These two reflect shoe-on-the-other-foot variations on the torturous "I love you but I'm not in love" dynamic where Nemo thinks a marriage can work, but discovers it cannot.

• and mutually impassioned loving (with Anna)

Across scenarios, we see his one mutual love, Anna, as someone he'd meet in various contexts (as if destined, as if his scriptwriting mind is trying to relieve him of the paralyzing thought that any one choice could preclude finding his true love yet also revealing that some timings for crossing paths with Anna could be inopportune, that perhaps only one timing might lead to the sustainable love life he craves):

first as children at the beach (who we wind back to in the final shot, sitting in innocent harmony on the dock), an age seen in first draft as too awkward for Nemo's self-consciousness that makes him hide his truth and blurt relationship-killing statements;

second as adolescents, brought together by parental merger, a merger that eventually reinforces his 9-year-old-self's pain about the fragility of imperfect love while exiling his and Anna's mutual pledges of soul-mate-like-passion;

third as adults, passing in a crowd - train depot, city street, funeral - where timings are off, where too much accumulated adult pain, caution, and distrust interfere, making all but the final draft of such adult encounters – the miracle in the chalk circle – come to a dead end;

and last as aged fellow travelers to Mars (i.e., destined to meet even if Nemo initially married Elise, upon honoring Elise's wish for her ashes).

Old Nemo claiming that these depicted lives are equally "meaningful" doesn't mean equally nurturing or vital; his emotion betrays where his truth lies - with a mutual love that's "to die for" (among all the traumatic deaths - by water, fire, or firearm – that he envisions) - and at age 118 worth living for – long enough to see Time reverse and be able to wind his way back - back to the chalk circle when "chance" or fate or miracle rescues an all-but-lost hope of reconnection, or back further to childhood on the dock as playmate–sweethearts who might never have lost each other, perhaps the maximal dream of the 9–year–old's quest for a love that endures all change.

When old Nemo lives long enough to reach time's reversal, he laughs a victory laugh for having found the scenario that miraculously returns his one mutual love to him in the nick of time, now presumably together (in some time and space) "for as long as both shall live."

Some suggest the "moral of the story" carries a (negative) verdict about wealth or career. But I think it was not wealth-boredom that made the Nemo who married Jean seek an alternate identity that got him assassinated; rather it was the restless boredom of never truly loving, reflected in Jean's questioning whether he even liked or knew her (even whether she took sugar in her coffee), missing the passion of two lovers who mutually attune to their beloved's every desire.

Nor is marrying 'trouble' (Elise grappling with mental instability) what undoes love – Nemo stays committed to the most trial-by-fire of marriages - as long as the love is mutual, but Elise's romantic fantasy is elsewhere.

It's asymmetric, unrequited love that smothers marriage with Jean or Elise, not the fact of an easy life or a hard one.

This message points back to the tale's beginnings, for the very 'die' the 9-year-old Nemo must cast and that traumatizes him is the result of a broken marriage, a love that was not mutually "for better or worse." Whichever of the 9-year-old's Hobson's choices he makes, what he scripts enough drafts to realize is what matters most to sustainable ("eternal") love and how to make his heart recognize, treasure, and hold it when he finds it. His last gasping word, "Anna," evokes Citizen Kane's dying, cryptic "Rosebud," but the latter portrays a self- pitying sense of boyhood loss, whereas Nemo's "Anna" portrays a transparent self-realizing sense of a boyhood dream found.
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What have I done to deserve this ?
Tieum16 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Mr Nobody, Nemo Nobody, is now 100 years old, the last mortal on earth in 2092, and he is about to die. Questioned about his life on his death bed by a journalist that sneaked in the hospital, he tells the stories of his lives. Yes, lives, his three lives, his three destinies between which he was unable to choose from. Three love stories, three very different existences conditioned by apparently meaningless decisions. Three paths, three wives, three families, three fates.

This genuinely mind blowing movie is an experience revolving around the notion of choice, the importance or futility of decisions, a complex story that questions randomness, and what our lives are made of. Illustrated by bribes of a science documentary enlightening us about concepts like time before and after the big bang, the extremely interesting superstition of the pigeon, the eventuality of the big crunch, the complexity of quantum mechanics and string theory. This is a journey into the human psyche and the ability to create and explore in our imagination all the possible moves, like a chess player, that would lead to different paths, different existences. Exceptionally imaginative, acutely funny and startling, this production reeks of intelligence and craftsmanship, breaks down linear storytelling into bits, only to shuffle the whole thing in a brilliantly orchestrated masterpiece. It reminded me of so many great experiences, from David Lynch movies to Jorge Luis Borges books, it's an exquisite bundle of intellect and emotion.

Choices, their meaning, why we choose this or that road through our lives, their consequences, whether we are aware of them of not. How many different lives could we be living ? Through the infinite possibilities facing each and every one of us, the good and the bad choices, every turn taken creates a new life, the most interesting of all is being alive. Chaos theory and butterfly effect to remind us how small we are in the randomness of the universe and yet so able to actively manifest the reality we desire. Nemo Nobody has to choose between leaving with his mother or stay with his father, the starting point of the exploration his available destinies. Unable to decide, he chooses both and takes us for a ride through an immensity of possible.

The filming is smooth and sequences linked in a flow of event that jumps back and forth through time, brilliantly edited with great attention for rhythm. The music score is so adequately put together that it adds to the already stunning staging efficiency of the directing by Jaco Van Dormael. I dare to say this is the very best movie of 2009 and will most likely go see it a second time next week, one can never get enough of these absolutely mind blowing experiences. Confusing and dazzling at the same time, it manages to spark the most interesting discussions about the meaning of life, in an attempt to pinpoint why we live it. Whatever you got planned for this week end, just drop it and go see that movie, you will not regret it.

There is a concept which corrupts and upsets all others. I refer not to Evil, whose limited realm is that of ethics; I refer to the infinite.

Jorge Luis Borges

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staffan-663-3210709 September 2010
This is the kind of film you don't see too often. It is truly a visual masterpiece. I haven't heard about this french director, but "Mr Nobody" really blew my mind in all its images, dreams, romance and complexity. The movie has similarities to films by Michel Gondry but i think this film was more magical. Dreamlike and existential films. Some might think Mr Nobody is too complex, too demanding. It is not for everyone, but I loved it. Like other surreal movies, Peter Jacksons "The Lovely Bones", and "Synechdohe: New York" "Dr. Parnassus", "Micmacs"- these dreamlike and "difficult" films must be terribly expensive to produce and I ask myself how can the companies go through with these productions? These flicks never generate big box office money. Im amazed that they still make this kinds of demanding visual movies for cinema. And glad.

I discovered the greatness of Jared Leto as an actor when he played John Lennons Killer in Chapter 23. That was a truly disturbing and amazing acting of a disturbed fanatic loner. Mr Nobody is however the role of his life! If you like this kinds of movies I recommend "Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind", "Synechdohe: New York" and "THE FOUNTAIN". They really make you think!
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Awesome but not for everyone
Quebec_Dragon28 July 2010
How to review this film without giving too much away? Throughout the film, I was constantly surprised and amazed. I think my mouth was hanging slightly open a few times from the brilliance on display. I was totally captivated from start to finish. Taken simply, it's a philosophical sci-fi film, but it's so much more than that. It's about choices, destinies, astrophysics, dreams and memories, just to name a few themes. Taken at its simplest, it's the jumbled recollections of the last mortal man, 118 years old, on Earth in 2092. The problem is that his memories are in total disorder and contradictory. In practice, it means that this is a very non-linear experience in terms of time and space, real and imaginary, showing you results of important choices either way. It doesn't focus on just 2 alternate lives either, things constantly branch out. You would think the film would be a mess, but it's surprisingly cohesive, gripping and even quite touching. I'm sure some will find it confusing, but that's part of the point: Mr. Nobody's memories seem confused and appearances might be deceiving.

I found it extremely romantic despite the fact there are 3 very different love interests. One might say that sometimes the dialogue in romantic parts was corny, but I think that the most beautiful declarations of love can be the simplest as long as they are sincere. They felt that way here. The acting was top-notch all over the board with no weak performance in sight. Mr. Nobody's makeup and voice as an old man were perhaps a little distracting but nothing major. It's not a special effects extravaganza, but what was seen was quite imaginative and beautiful to behold. I think the contrast with the more mundane stuff going on makes them even more impressive. Visually, it has an incredible number of different angles and viewpoints all extremely well shot. What's amazing is that the (often) brilliant transitions flow so well from one to another without being jarring.

There are so many story threads (most fascinating), so many changes of tones (whimsical to tragic) and so much range (from intimate to grandiose). I think people who like to analyze films would have a field day with this one although it's possible they would nitpick on the borrowed elements. There's also lots of food for thought and should provoke very interesting discussions afterwards especially on what might have happened if choices in your life had been different. Contrary to most films where I tend to think of what I will write in my review as the film is going on, it did not really happen here. I was totally absorbed and that's rare. The choice of songs and musics, mostly known, was excellent and added a lot especially in romantic parts. I'm even considering buying the soundtrack. Mr. Nobody is a challenging but very rewarding film to watch . I don't think it's for everyone, mostly because of its non-linear structure, but those who appreciate unconventional films like Brazil, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Vanilla Sky or Big Fish should be quite pleased. I loved Mr. Nobody and it has become one of my new favorite films. To be quite honest, I wish I could see it again right now... Very highly recommended particularly with someone special.

Rating : 9.5 out of 10 (not full 10 because ending could have been better)
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Why are you not watching it RIGHT NOW?
olga140317 April 2010
There's one thing about this film that makes me overlook the flaws:it's like nothing I've ever seen before. Some people walked out 20 minutes before the movie ended. I can't really explain to myself why ANYONE would do that (it was really tempting to ask but I literally couldn't take my eyes off the screen). It's really pointless to describe the plot because this movie is so much more then any summary could say. This film has so many stylistic, tonal and narrative changes that it seems absolutely mad for the first half hour. It's easily the most unique and worthy cinema experience in the last year, its feels very current. I could go on and on about the things I loved about this film but there's nothing right now that I would recommend seeing more to a person of any age, sex or taste in cinema. It's everything I could ask for in a film:funny, touching, thrilling, surreal, beautiful...
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davee_b0y19 September 2009
Just caught the north American premiere at the Toronto Film Festival. This is my first IMDb comment, doing it cause i saw no one else has written anything yet.

Jaco is an absolutely brilliant writer/director. I haven't seen too many art-house films, but I was pleasantly surprised by the tone which wasn't too serious, or pretentious. There were laugh out loud moments during a movie with themes concerning choice, destiny, and metaphysics.

I was enamoured by the love story, it was feel good without being Hollywood.

The visuals were amazing. I believe that Jaco explained that he used different DP's to film the different possible lives of Mr. Nobody. There were scenes set in the year 2092 that were absolutely stunning on the big screen.

I found the soundtrack to be awesome. Any movie with "Mr. Sandman" and "Where is my mind?" is alright by me.

The movie was extremely imaginative, original, funny, and will probably have me thinking about it and my own life for days after viewing.
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Astonishing and profoundly moving!!
cstrac213 June 2010
This is the first time I have felt the need to post a review of a film, but the experience that this movie provided was so unique and profoundly moving that I feel compelled to post something of my thoughts.

I have just finished watching Mr Nobody after knowing nothing about the movie beforehand (perhaps a good thing as I may have avoided it otherwise), but was simply astonished by the originality, cinematography, acting, script, soundtrack and profoundly thought provoking ideas.

I realise that this film will not be to everyones taste, certainly I think it will not be fully comprehended by the younger generation as it does require a certain lifetime of experiences to relate, such as birth, love, marriage, children, separation, divorce, death, life changing choices etc.., but nevertheless it does make you deeply consider your own past decisions and future choices, and everyone of all ages will have made and will make these decisions.

The production values are very high and would not look out of place in a 'hollywood blockbuster' but it is the mix of cinematography and music mingled with the dramatic scenarios that make it truly memorable.

It is a difficult film to describe as it does not follow a traditional narrative structure, but that is what makes it so unique and truly memorable. An experience that will hopefully stay with you long after you have seen it. It certainly made for a hugely memorable experience for me. Others may differ in opinion, but I don't think anyone can argue that it is not intelligent, fresh, original and thought provoking.

Well done to all involved in providing something original, intelligent and very entertaining.
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It's about time, people!
downsigner18 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I've read some of the other reviews and I think not too many of them understand the film. Some are astonished at the film's brilliant staging and fx and think there is a deeper meaning in it, but they don't know what it's about. I think I understand it.

The main key is at the end, when Nemo told the reporter about a child incapable of making a decision without knowing the consequences. That's the case of our existence in space and time. That's life, I mean. But then Nemo says that the child is also incapable of making a decision when he knows all the consequences.

The film develops all the consequences of each decision the child could make. Nemo tells the reporter that they are just imaginary characters of a nine year old child's mind.

And before that, he talks about the Big Bang and the kind of time it brings. With the BB we live in an entropic universe, where all things come into disorder like the ink that spills in Nemo's example on the TV scientific program. When Universe stops -in the Big Crunch- time will go backwards and what was disorder will became order. All the multiple choices and possibilities will be reintegrated in a unity.

In the film we see Nemo laughing at the end when he realized that. He won't have to make any more decisions. All the possibilities will came back to the time when the boy runs after the train. All of his life he was haunted by the impossible decisions he had to make. There'll be no more of that, now in the Big Crunch.
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a bit too ambitious
SnoopyStyle3 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
In 2092, humanity has achieved quasi-mortality. Mr. Nobody (Jared Leto) is a media sensation as the last mortal. The world awaits his natural death. He has lost his memories and there are no records of him. Dr. Feldheim tries to recover his memories. An angel erases newborns of their future memories but the angel misses Nemo Nobody. He is born with memories of all of his possible futures. Baby Nemo chooses his parents (Rhys Ifans, Natasha Little). His path splits at a train station when his parents split up. He has three possible loves with Elise (Sarah Polley), Anna (Diane Kruger), or Jeanne.

Belgian director creates an unusual sci-fi film. Jared Leto does have an otherworldly quality. It's a little too ambitious. The multiple timeline memories are narratively scattered. The tension is diffused and confused. The various memories become disjointed. While beautiful, the film is emotionally distant as one must try to follow the construction.
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A Wonderful Film - From Start to Finish
alexreynier27 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the most beautiful cinematographic masterpieces that I have seen in recent years. The photography, music, cinematography, cast, special effects and script creates a highly visually and intellectually stimulating movie.

The film is very complex, between how the movie is fragmented and its time-line, you are left in a state of confusion. A confusion which expands over the length of the movie and much is left to your own interpretations of certain events.

You try to hang on to a fragment telling yourself that this is the right fragment, this is the right time lapse but before you know it, you are introduced to another sequence of fragments which at the time may not necessarily make a lot of a sense and may create more confusion. In time, you start to understand that each fragment becomes a life of its own, each fragment appears to be real, and so each fragment is potentially the correct fragment, there is no right or wrong answer, because there is no reality. Each fragment represents a choice, each choice represents a series of circumstances and each circumstance represent the possibilities which this person is subject to, in his life.

You are introduced to many ideas, and many possibilities, which in themselves are a small selection out of all the possibilities that life may give. The possibilities are the ones given by a 9 year old child, full of ideas, full of freedom, completely and entirely boundless. This creates an enticingly magical combination of possibilities. Boundless and so free in every concept.

This is a journey in our character's imaginative mind, seeing his future being dependant on this one immediate decision, leading to future decisions and potential circumstances that may arise in his future based on his first decision. But the movie also states: If you don't choose, then you don't limit yourself to that one decision therefore the possibilities are endless. The movie encompasses our lives, the life of anyone, and how that life is lead. The circumstances in which you live and how you deal with certain events is represented via our character's perception of the future and circumstances.

This is a very highly intellectual movie which is not only stunning, but also very interesting. Some points about the life and philosophical questions are raised, these points may be easily applied to your own life and so in turn give more of your meaning to the movie.

This movie will not appeal to everyone - because the concept is very complex and the content is very intellectual. Some people will not even understand a little bit of it because it requires the viewer to apply his or her mind to understanding how it all interlinks. This movie would appeal to the more intellectually able people, who enjoy complex films and using their minds to apply meaning to the film. It is not just an enjoyment movie like any blockbuster - it is a content-full movie which required careful analysis of events to comprehend its entire meaning. You do need to be in the right frame of mind in order to enjoy the movie.

You want a distraction? Go see a blockbuster... You want intellectual and visual stimulation? Go see Mr. Nobody!!

I have to say that it really is a pity that this film has not yet been set a release date in most countries in the world (including the UK) because this movie is truly incredible. I had to travel to Paris, France in order to catch a screening. Please see it in English (Original Language) - translation of films never conveys the meaning of films correctly, so imagine what it would do to this very intellectually demanding film?
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One of my favorite movies of all time
elizabethsallen3 April 2018
Arguably one of the most ambitious storylines in all of cinema. Jaco Van Dormael is a director known to take fantastical weird storylines, and turn them into thought provoking film. Mr. Nobody is no different. I'm not stating that this film is perfection. With a storyline this ambitious, it's flaws are inevitable. But even with its flaws, it still shines as an intriguing si-fi flick. It's a fun film to analyze and break down because there is various ways to interpret it. It leaves you with a message of longing. It reminds us that our childhoods are our most formative years. And even the smallest of descions could have the biggest of outcomes. For those who have yet to see this life changing film, please do. You'll probably want to read a forum thread or article explaining the ending and themes. Even after seeing it multiple times, there are still new interpretations to take away from it. What I took away from it was the obvious. Every descion you make counts and effects your life to some degree. Sometimes the only viable move, is to not move at all.
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An experience of a lifetime
pumpkin-426 January 2010
Jaco Van Dormael's third & long awaited movie is a sensation. It is a real shame that this masterpiece didn't won lots of awards at different film festivals. How could they be so blind ? Mr. Nobody is a unique cocktail of drama, love story & science fiction. It's an odyssey about making choices and the effect it has upon our lives. The songs ( Buddy Holly ! Pixies ! Satie ! ) are well chosen and the acting ( Jared Leto ! Rhys Ifans ! ) is outstanding. Some might say that this is a difficult movie and a bit "arty farty"... I agree that you won't understand everything, that's for sure, but what the heck, just sit back and enjoy the ride ! This breathtaking tale of imagination leaves you astonished in your seat. Not to be missed !
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A meta-physical, philosophical love letter to the universe itself, thwarted from being a masterpiece by it's own unbridled ambition
The-Kissable-Writer6 June 2010
What would happen if ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND and 2001 A SPACE ODYSSEY had a love child? Not MR. NOBODY, but it could be the nephew of said love child. Because although it sports ambition, some of the time it feels like one influence is killing off the emotional or intellectual resonance of the other.

To further elaborate, I liked large chunks of MR. NOBODY but can't embrace the whole as a success. Even a cirque du soleil juggler drops one every now and then when he's got too many balls up in the air.

On a side-note (before I forget), I found the music to be bloody aggravating. I find that's a common complaint with Belgian or French films. Something a little more haunting along the lines of the violin tugs of the REQUIEM FOR A DREAM score or the subtleties of the BENJAMIN BUTTON score might've done more to reinforce the poignant scenes.

The Belgian director is drawing heavily from films like BENJAMIN BUTTON, DARK CITY, AMELIE POULAIN, ETERNAL SUNSHINE, 2001 and REQUIEM FOR A DREAM. To make a film with such diverse influences that still makes the tiniest bit of sense is a feat. If there were an Oscar for best casting, this would deserve it with flying colors. I don't think I've ever seen such striking resemblance between actors portraying the characters from several different ages. Jared Leto is back in REQUIEM FOR A DREAM form, and I like the fellow's daring. Heavily heckled after 2007's risky indie CHAPTER 27, he dives into the deep end again and this time it works out brilliantly. His dreamy, cloudy, confused stare into the camera lens defines the protagonist perfectly. The supporting cast is in ship-shape form as well, Diane Kruger with the brittle ghost of the naive lovesick puppy teenager still in her, Sarah Polley's self-destructive depressive is thoroughly sad and convincing and the actress whose name I can't find on IMDb (the one who played his mother) displays the right degree of life-weariness that comes with being a single mother.

Unlike Nemo Nobody, I claim no ability to see the future but I am adept at educated guesses. Quite easily MR. NOBODY could become a cult classic and hailed more with every passing year by film aficionado's. Quite easily could word-to-mouth be the salvation of a film so poorly marketed. Let's hope so. It'd be a shame to see this fine film disappear from mainstream audience's reaches.
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Great promises gone wrong
prohibited-name-22568 February 2011
Since this movie got so many positive reviews, I decided to write about it to give potential viewers both sides of the story.

Mr. Nobody is one of those movies with main plot transcending reality. If you've seen Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, or Butterfly Effect, you'll find yourself on similar territory with this one. Without spoiling too much, main character (Jared Leto) tries to regain his lost memory through hypnosis, which uncovers a lot. The only problem is: he re-experiences more than one linear life.

Sounds promising? Unfortunately, people responsible for this movie fail to squeeze any serious quality out of this potential. Jared Leto plays very well all the time, and the movie is shot with interesting style. First problem lies in the script. It just doesn't make much sense. For example: we are introduced to Superstring Theory, which doesn't have any relation to the movie, which is explained like a methhead would explain it after being sober for 36 hours. Throughout the entire movie, we are shown various little science facts and theories, all making no sense in the contexts, and making impression like a late night 2 hours google search put into movie to add to the overall "credibility".

There's a great love story in the movie, which resembles Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and really improves the experience, but unfortunately it's just one of many plots. Half of the movie it grows on the viewer, and promises a very unique experience. The other half it fails, fails and fails to deliver again, until a very unsatisfactory finish.

If it would have been more organized in structure, instead of random lazy scene by scene mash up ultimately leading nowhere, it could have been so much more. Still, many people find it entertaining, so it might be worth checking for yourself ;)
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Bored_Dragon4 December 2018
This beautiful surreal movie is full of memorable lines that will make you reconsider your outlook on life, but this one is my favorite:

"At my age, the candles cost more than the cake. I'm not afraid of dying. I'm afraid I haven't been alive enough. It should be written on every schoolroom blackboard: Life is a playground - or nothing."

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Brilliant - highly original, intelligent, thought-provoking, engaging and entertaining
grantss2 February 2019
It is the year 2092. Nemo Nobody is 118 years old and is the last remaining mortal human on earth, as, due to medical advances, all other humans are immortal. He is being interviewed in order to document his life, but the stories he tells seem to run parallel to each other. How could he be in several places at the same time, living, as it were, multiple lives?

Brilliant drama. Highly original concept, mixing physics and the choices one makes and how these affect (or don't...) your future. Incredibly intelligent, interesting and plausible, in an existential, philosophical and mathematical sort of way. Makes you ponder life and the paths ours can take.

Not just an academic rumination but a great human drama too. Some wonderful relationship-based sub-plots. Quite emotional at times and always very engaging.

Clever plot with a great revelation at the end. Very entertaining.

Jared Leto is superb in the lead role, effectively playing several versions and different ages of Mr. Nobody, including the 118-year old one. Good supporting cast.

One of the most original and intelligent movies I've ever seen.
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Great Movie! Some might need some Guide though.. here it is..^^
dnlo33329 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Some people maybe confused about the story and the movie itself, in that case your MISSING A LOT.. Having enjoy this movie myself, because I was able to follow and get the gist of it while watching; I decided to make this review so some people can have some guide of some kind. The movie is basically about a boy(Nemo Nobody) who got to a difficult situation of choosing to stay with his mother or father who are separating.. And in that moment in his mind, He deducted all the possibilities that will become his life. Throughout the movie different scenes are played at different settings and circumstances. Each scenes are not played sequentially and different scenarios are made throughout the movie.. So if you have watched the movie already and is a little bit confused of how to piece together the scenes, heres my summary of all the scenarios in proper sequence as I understood it..

2 main path: choose to be with his mother or his father..

1. He is with his mother. At the beach his schoolmate Anna ask him to swim with her friends and he replied "I don't swim with idiots..", She turned away angrily. He regretted saying what he said. After few years, he's 30 something years old, he meets Anna again now with kids, they say hello, how are you.. see you around...

2. He is with his mother. At the beach he says "I can't swim" and Anna stayed with him at the shore. His mother introduces a man and Anna is his daughter. They all live together and he developed a relationship with Anna. But his mother and her father splits. They don't see each other for some time. They accidentally see each other again, they got together, she gives him her number in a paper but it got erased by a drop of rain. He waits for her everyday at the light house for sometime. Eventually she sees him there waiting and they get married. One day on his way back to home He loose control of his car and drove trough a lake and died.

3. He is with his father. One day he's at a club and he meets Elise. Next day he made a love letter for her and went to her house. He met her in front of her house and confess his love but she rejects him. He decided that he will marry the first girl he dances at the club that day. At the club he danced with Jean(Asian girl) instead of Elise. He and Jean got married, had a great house and a family. But he is bored with this life, so one day he got out to travel and he sees this escort driver with a poster/sign for another person. He pretended that he is the guy this driver was looking for. He got the other person's accommodation etc. Unfortunately at the bath tub some guys killed him thinking he is this other person and dropped him some place.

4. He is with his father. He waits to his motorcycle at front of Elise's house. He sees her go out with her boyfriend and immediately rodes away. He gets into an accident and into a coma.. Eventually after few years, he dies on his hospital bed..

5. He is with his father. He confessed his love to Elise and kissed her. He talk to her and never gave her a chance to reject him. They got married and had a family. She never got over her previous boyfriend so she eventually left him. she is working at some salon. He is left to their house and he decided to write again. At the basement of their house while typing some disaster/ earthquake happens, he gets flooded in the room with water and died..

6. He is with his father. He and Elise just got married. On the way to reception at traffic, an oil truck exploded in front of their car and Elise died.. He got some business making some films. He got to a trip to Mars where he fulfilled his promise to her of bringing her ashes there. On the way back from Mars he meets Anna but a meteor storm pitted their ship and it exploded.

7. He is by himself. He refused to choose so he made a new world. He wakes up on bed wearing black and white checkered shirt. No one knows him, his mother don't recognize him. He get to this house where his 70 years older self tells him to live until Feb 2092? so he did until he is 118 years old where died and right after that the 'Big Crunch' happens..

(7.. remember a part of the movie that explains about dimensions?-- height, width, depth, time and other 6 minuscule dimensions)

At the last part of the movie, you can see the scene where Anna found Nemo waiting for her at a bench. Given this is the last part you see in the movie means this is the path that he chooses being with Anna. And even when the universe returns in time, it ends when they were young at the lake and they are now together...

Now you might want to watch it again and enjoy as you would understand it more now.. Then share what you think of the movie..^^
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Beautiful film. A gem!
isabellealenus18 January 2010
I saw Mr Nobody last night in a jam-packed theatre. I guess that the main reason for this is that I am in Belgium and the writer/director is Belgian. The response of the audience was amazing. I was in Flanders and so the film wasn't dubbed.

The film is magical and surreal. And yet it makes sense. Not many have achieved this, but Jaco Van Dormael seems to have done it with ease. It did take him 13 years however. If you liked Toto Le Héro, you should love this film too. Switching between the UK and Canada works brilliantly and Jared Leto, Toby Regbo and Juno Temple steal the show. Ifans and Little are also fantastic. Diane Kruger's strong German accent is unfortunate as the film needs no unintentional surrealism added to it. I think her role needed a stronger actress (she looks very beautiful though).

In all I recommend everyone to go and see it. The only reason the film gets an 8 (and not a higher score) is because towards the end it seemed to go on a bit. I will go and see it again however. The story really draws you in and I need to go back to search for some answers. I also want to see it again because it is so beautifully filmed. Van Dormael is an artist.

I enjoyed this film as much, if not more, than a David Lynch. And that truly is a compliment.
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What if...
LazySod29 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This film starts as a guy named Nemo is asked to retell his life story. Who is he? What happened to him to make him the way he is? Does he remember? As he starts telling his story it becomes clear that the story is quite convoluted.

Keeping the line smack in the middle of The Science of Sleep (2006) and Sliding Doors (1998) this film plays out the "what if" questions of life in a somewhat quirky artistic way. Following events that happen after making a choice - or having a choice made for you - it retraces the full life of a person through several different paths, at once. A multitude of different stories rolling through each other intertwined like an intricately woven web.

While I can say I really like the idea of toying with "what if" questions and depicting the results of each one of them I can't really say I liked the wrapper that was used to capture it all in one film very much. It's acceptable, but I don't think it was the best possible fit.

The bulk of the film though is very good - the different story lines are played out remarkably well and are different enough to stay interesting. It never becomes impossible to track which lifeline is which and the mixing of them is nice. It's just the wrapper that doesn't really fit in and that's a shame.

7 out of 10 choices made
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A Mix of Great Things
WhatWhat19127 November 2009
As I'm writing this, my brain is still analyzing and thinking of "Mr Nobody" which I just saw at the Stockholm film festival. Everything from the beginning to the end, moved me. This could be one of the greatest masterpieces this year and I'm hoping to see this score multiple awards of different kinds.

Jaco Van Dormal was not a that was stored in my memory, and I had a hard time remember just who he is. After this movie I'll never forget. "Mr Nobody" was a movie with many questions and theories. Confusing but still dazzling. The shooting was really great, I love the type of filming when you cross from scene to scene with a continuent flow of events. When "Nemo", the lead character switched from dimensions it was often expressed by him waking up from a dream. This was very interesting but I don't really know what to make out of it. Life is nothing but an illusion, perhaps?
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Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle applied to a life
lord_orsum7 October 2023
This film is not for everyone. It has a sprawling, non-linear, non-conventional approach to storytelling. It follows the life (lives) of a man called Nemo Nobody (Jared Leto) whose life could have followed multiple different paths depending upon the smallest of chance occurrences.

Whereas films such as Sliding Doors follow a simple two-path narrative, this film has multiple branches. The achievement is that all of them are interesting (in different ways) and it never feels confused.

The central theme is love, and how random chances affect who we love, and how that love changes. There is joy, loss, betrayal, grief and a whole swath of other emotions on display here. My only complaint is that there is no really satisfying conclusion to the film, but I am not even sure that such a thing is possible.

If you are willing to try something different, something unconventional, that doesn't necessarily make sense, then give this a try. If nothing else, it will give you something to think about.
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We cannot go back. That's why it's so hard to choose
chesp0516 September 2019
.Mr. Nobody is definitely one of my favorite movies. I had the opportunity to see it again 10 years after his release (in a wonderful director's cut version) and I am convinced that he is aging very well. Initially it was not taken into consideration in my country (Italy); then in 2016 the Italian distributors perceived the enormous success they had decided to take it to Italy. My advice is to watch it in the original language (you can find it on Netflix); dubbing,in my humble opinion, is done in a hurry and doesn't fully make the beauty that the film carries with it. Why did I like this movie so much? First of all, Jared Leto's performance is incredible, he really manages to extricate himself in a myriad of different roles with great skill. The soundtrack and the non-original songs that accompanied the film are perfect (including Where is my Mind by Pixies, great!). The film is complex, opens up a tons of readings and generates many questions, to watch and to review and to comment on. And finally, from a technical point of view, thanks to a very creative montage that creates a nice rhythm and a sensational photography is a pleasure for the eyes. In short, for me it is highly recommended.
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It's a thinker...
zainmartin25 October 2011
There are so many user reviews of this movie part of me doesn't even know where to begin. Firstly, I'd just like to say, I'm not going to sit and take this movie apart piece-by-piece, I have better things to do than that. I'm merely going to give it my own judgment and let you make your own.

So this wasn't the greatest movie ever made, far from it, and the ending (don't worry, I'm giving nothing away) was for me, a little disappointing. However, what it IS, is original. You certainly haven't seen a movie like this before. Many other reviews claim this is copying other certain titles, this isn't the case. The way this movie is shot and the storyline unfolds is quite unique, if not somewhat difficult to keep up with at times.

A lot of other reviewers claim this movie is 10/10 purely because it is difficult to understand. If being difficult to understand makes a movie a great movie, then I've gone seriously wrong somewhere in the years I've been enjoying films. This movie isn't "great". BUT, it is thoroughly entertaining and had me glued to the screen for about two and a half hours, which isn't something many movies can do (partly because few movies now are over an hour and a half, but that's beside the point).

If you like something that actually makes you think (and may also leave you wanting to know more) then give this movie a watch. It makes for a very interesting two and a half hours and at the very least has a little bit of nipple.

Who cares what other people think of a movie? Why should someone else's opinion (that you've probably never met) affect your decision to watch said movie?

Go watch 'Mr Nobody' and enjoy it for what it is; an original piece of cinema.
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confused kitchen sink muddle
Rob-O-Cop21 July 2010
Jaco Van Dormael has never met a cliché setup he wouldn't try to shoe horn into this movie. lots of setups we've seen before this time done exactly the same but choreographed to perfection, lit and shot beautifully like a car commercial, but still a cliché, and I kind of expect more from my cinema. Guy trapped in a sinking car, boy chasing a train with mother holding out hand, cryo life support pods, proms and dying wishes, every movie cliché there is all crow-bared into this film. All that money you can see on the screen, but it came across as something less than meaningful.

I'm not sure who was responsible for the music choices in this movie but they were hardly enlightened either. Tracks we've heard in a hundred other movies here to make you wince at the obviousness of their presence.

Jared Leto was also particularly bad. He wasn't once convincing. wearing a set of dark rimmed glasses doesn't make you older, he just looked like a youth with glasses and not a father of 3 with a career and wife. He's also under the miles of make up for the old guy but the thrill of that was truly killed by Brad Pitts similar exploits in Benjamin Button.

There were good performances in this. The three wives were great as were the teen actors.

I just feel disappointed after watching this. So much talent and money went into it yet it rang hollow. It did have some great ideas but they were watered down with the clichés, It had some wonderful technically brilliant camera and staging work but without the cohesive story and the average acting and cliché elements it was all weakened.

This looks like a movie where director Jaco van Dormael pulled in every favor he had owning to him, his big break movie with a ton of cash thrown at it, and he dropped the ball.
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An exercise in pointlessness
jbg66716 October 2011
Take several helpings of philosophical and physics theories and blend these together with some artsy cinematography and sci-fi backdrops to make it appear philosophical and "highly intellectual" as some reviews have described it. But if any of these were the goal of the makers of this movie, they failed miserably.

The director and the writer use confusion, chaos and distraction to make this movie appear highly cerebral. However it is a set of dissonant scenes forcefully held together without an underlying unifying idea pretending to be philosophical but offering no ideas, answers or even questions. It is as if someone had the philosophy alphabet cereal for breakfast in the morning and then vomited on a movie script at Noon. The ideas are all over the place, half digested and full of bile. Some people may confuse this for intellectualism but it is nothing more than half-baked flashes of thought. It is the cacophony of ideas that makes the movie appear philosophical, but only in a way similar to how a carnival magician shows a coin and then makes it disappear, leaving you thinking about how he pulled it off and not about the coin itself.

The unnecessarily stretched plot runs into over two hours without really needing to. One could easily cut out many of the scenes without losing much of the meaning of this movie, because there is not much meaning to lose. In fact, one could completely skip the movie and not miss much.
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