Zombie Nation (2004) Poster


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How to whip up an Ulli Lommel Special...
CutPrintJope5 February 2007
In order to make an Ulli Lommel Special, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 10-15 "actors" picked randomly from a variety of high school and community college drama programs (preferably ones dismissed for utter lack of talent)

  • 1 part German wooden lead to stumble through English dialogue

  • 1 abandoned warehouse to house all sets (police station with blatantly exposed sewage pipes clearly indicating it is shot in boiler room, apartment that looks like Ikea show room, furniture store whose door remains open all times of day despite lack of presence of staff or security team)

  • 1/4 gallon of white paint (will not be enough to paint walls within camera range in said warehouse)

  • 1 part crew man's accidental and blatant reflection in mirror

  • 1 part stolen soundtrack song from THE EXORCIST (to be repeatedly used)

  • Multiple parts flashback of fat bald man getting spanked

  • 1 part clone of Parker Posey

  • 1 part random FIGHT CLUB-ish scene where two men fist fight and fall into strategically placed cardboard boxes while friends and family shout encouragement, only never to be mentioned again

  • 2 cameras; one digital that shoots in good quality, one amateur home video camera that is glaring opposite to other camera

  • 1/4 teaspoon of black make-up (apply generously; black make-up under eyes will encompass ALL zombie make-up)

  • 3 parts lighting equipment to be blatantly captured in shot in every police station scene

  • 1 part terribly out of place, unnoticed, non-utilized gong, placed in very fake police station

  • 0 parts script supervisor

  • 1 part audacity to use MARATHON MAN homage (in nonsensical way)

  • 1 part random businessman that waits out in middle of woods to make business deals via cell phone, only to become fodder for zombie girls (who then steal car)

  • 1 part mechanic who takes out penis behind door as zombie girls approach

  • 1 part fake bloody penis

  • 1 part hope that you won't realize Uli didn't bother to write out the hero who disappears halfway through the movie due to real-life hospital visit

  • 0 parts logic

  • 6 parts zombie girls to wear said black make-up under eyes up with no other make-up effects to be seen (except for continuity-be-damned close ups in mirrors)

  • Multiple parts suspension of disbelief (cop takes offending woman to warehouse, partner waits outside, cop comes back out sans woman but with giant body-sized duffel bag, partner is not suspicious)

  • 1 part completely ludicrous ending

Take all said ingredients and throw haphazardly against wall. Hope it sticks. Take generous portion, swallow with grimace as Ulli Lommel rips money from your pockets, laughs maniacally.
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Makes House of the Dead look like Dawn of the Dead
TheThirteenthMan7 November 2007
Every year I watch hundreds of films, including many low budget amateurish straight-to-DVD abominations that nobody in their right mind would ever want to see. I have seen thousands of films in my time, many excellent, many forgettable. Zombie Nation I will remember forever as one of the most hopelessly laughable 'horror' films I have ever seen – in fact I still haven't recovered from the experience of watching it.

The day after, it seems like some kind of weird dream. Did I really see what I thought I saw? Why do the police work out of a warehouse? Did the voodoo priestesses really recommend that the 'zombies' eat cheeseburgers? Is it safe? Is it safe? Is it safe?

I wouldn't recommend Zombie Nation if you want to see a 'good' film, and neither would I recommend it as 'so bad its good'. However, if you are entertained by the prospect of watching probably the most indefensibly abysmal film ever – this is for you. Now, whenever anyone asks me what the worst film I have ever seen is, I will say Zombie Nation.

Seriously – I think it's a greater crime to make a boring film than a bad one, and Ulli Lommel deserves credit for producing a film that actually stuns you with its ineptitude. He really is the Ed Wood Jr. of the digital age, and I for one can't wait to see if he makes another film as consistently ridiculous as this one.
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I wanted a Stupid Movie...
gmannino1329 December 2006
Wow. I went to the video store tonight because I was in the mood for a bad B Horror movie and I found this Gem. I looked at the cover and I thought it looked like just the movie for my mood. I brought it home and put it on.

This movie was not the B Horror movie that I had in mind. This was MUCH worse. I wanted a bad movie but what I got, I didn't know that crap like this existed amongst man. This movie seemed like a 5 year old wrote and directed it and that is being nice about it.

I am an aspiring director and this movie made me so mad that someone out there is actually paying this guy to direct movies. He needs to work at a garbage dump shoveling crap where he belongs.

If you are thinking about renting this or buying it. I will tell you the same thing that I would tell someone getting ready to commit suicide. "DON'T DO IT, IT'S NOT WORTH IT!" I really have nothing nice to say about this movie. DON'T DO IT!
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what the f#%$ did i just watch?
rondeaj3 January 2007
i've discovered that this film gets rented based off of the packaging. the zombie on the front of the DVD looks cool and scary. then you get to the movie and it's women with raccoon masks on. zero special effects...and even the fight scenes you can see them miss punches by 2 feet. the funny thing is that Lommel acts in the movie briefly himself and is worse than the rest of the crap actors in the movie. the only thing i can think is that Lommel is just trying to make such a bad film that people dub it a "cult classic"...however, i can't possibly imagine anyone thinking this is anything but one of the worst movies ever made. the real horror in this film is how bad it is. i'm embarrassed i rented it and vow never to see another Lommel film again!
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This is the worst movie i have ever seen
burnhamlv122 December 2006
I honestly want the last 30 minuets of my life back.

The only person that is fit to watch this movie is Helen Keller I kept saying to myself this has to get better this has to get better.

Then the zombies finally showed up and they had some raccoon paint on there eyes.

They talked like regular people.

One drove a car.

Some voodoo woman asked what one of the "Zombies" wanted and the " zombie" said ( I want to Dance)

( THAT WAS IT) Out came the movie I couldn't take it any longer Can I sue for a ½ hour of my life?????
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Misleading Box
bigocciput11 January 2007
This is one of the worst films ever. I like cheesy movies but this is simply awful. Where are the images in the film that are on the box? I think more money was spent on the DVD box illustrations than on the entire film.

Why would a company release a DVD that the cover is so misleading? I feel like such an idiot for renting this movie based strictly on the box. As much as I explore IMDb I should have done a little research and made a list prior to visiting my local video rental store. I have no one to blame except myself. I want my money and time back.


Even if curiosity is motivating you, stick cocktail umbrellas in your eyes instead. It will be much more enjoyable. You have been warned!
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Can a movie get less than 0 stars? If so this is it.
maniacus30 December 2006
Horrible acting, Bad story line, cheesy makeup, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. I have never seen a worse movie in my life, 5 minutes in I decided to fast forward to see if anything redeeming would happen... It didn't. (Aside from a nice breast shot) The movie apparently was filmed in some furniture warehouse, and the same warehouse was used for at least 90% of the sets. You even see this same red chair in several different "locations" If you are going to make a film at least rent an office building and an apartment, not some warehouse which will echo all your actor's dialog.. (Note to producers) Renting a small office space and an apartment for a month is much cheaper than an entire warehouse, and both are quite a bit more versatile and believable) If you spend your money to rent this people I hope you got it with a return guarantee... You will be demanding your money back... I only spent $2.99 to rent this tonight and I feel ripped off.
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The worst ever
TheGOLDENWALRUS20 December 2006
BTK Killer, Green River Killer, Zodiac Killer; the man keeps putting out absolute garbage and the ironic thing is, he loves his crap.

I've never seen a Ulli Lommel film but I was so amazed on how everyone thinks his stuff is so awful. Like the movies I said in the beginning don't even equal a six when added together! After reading the comments I was curious to see how bad this guy really is. He is the worst out there.

The credits wouldn't end as the pathetic movie started and quickly I noticed that the audio was incredibly badly dubbed in. The acting was incredibly awful and same to the camera shots. The editing is easily the worst. This movie made no sense and I unbearably couldn't take it anymore as it wouldn't end and I was only 45 minutes in the movie. I couldn't take it anymore. I wasted 45 minutes of my life.

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Crap? Doesn't even begin to express it!
mixedblood7431 December 2006
I have made it my personal mission to go after those responsible for this film. I even got the rental company to give me my money back because I argued that they perpetrated false advertising.

It's not enough that the movie itself is a p.o.s., but the cover art is what sold me. I've done better make-up effects on my children at Halloween than what the movie actually depicts versus the cover art. Can you say "raccoon eyes?"

I'm not going to waste more of my time by going into the full details, but come on, the movie's main character is an L.A. cop who was born and raised in Alabama - but has a German accent!?! It's beyond insulting.
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awful movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sweeteezz2 January 2007
This movie was by far the worst movie that I have ever seen in my entire life. I'm not even kidding. It was poorly made and the actors couldn't act. It was a waste of my time and money. It looked like a movie that my friends and I could have put together on our own. The case the movie came in is definitely a disguise. Nothing in the movie looks like the zombie on the front of the case. It appears that the director or make-up artist has just put black eye liner under someones eyes an called them a zombie. The credits at the beginning of the movie take up almost 20 minutes of the movie. Which watching the credits was the best part of the movie. This was honestly an awful movie and I couldn't believe how badly it was put together. Scenes jumped from one thing to the other and sometimes u were like "whats going on?" The audio was awful and the action shots looked like a couple of teen's joking around making a fake fight scene.

IF you are considering renting or buying this movie I would advise you to at least watch the trailer for it because it show's how awful it truly is. I wish i would have watched it before i rented it.
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Just one question about this movie...
holypenguin5 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
...Is it safe? Is it....Safe? Is it safe? Honestly, that made me want to scream as I ripped my headphones off. I think I cried a bit when they got caught in my hair... I just couldn't get them off fast enough! And cheeseburgers? Oh, ffs! Besides, if 6 zombies dog-piled onto someone and ATE him, there shouldn't be ENOUGH OF HIM left to turn into a zombie! Argh, this movie was so bad it gave me brain diarrhea, yet I've rented this turd fest twice: Once because I thought it looked promising, then, after the crushing and vomit-inducing truth hit me about 20 minutes in, another time just to prove to my friends how crapalicious it was. Needless to say, I think they wanted to beat the hell out of me for making them watch it.

I think this movie is even worse than Strange Things Happen at Sundown.
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Greatest social commentary of our time. Truly innovative zombie flick
bighed21311 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Ulli Lommel has taken the zombie genre to an all new level. In this great social commentary he plays on your stereotypes and prejudices of what to expect from a Hollywood production. Plays, and then completely destroys them. The result is what is truly the most innovative zombie flick of our time.

The production value is astronomical. Obviously working with budget constraints, the film crew did an excellent job of reproducing a realistic police station complete with squad cars. The lights on set are cleverly disguised as lights at the station, and the plumbing of the warehouse they filmed in is well hidden. Rumor has it that Ulli only had a few gallons of paint for the entire set due to budgeting, but as we can clearly see Ulli prevailed.

The scariest thing about the zombies is at first you don't realize these are zombies. That is quite possibly the most innovative thing about this film, because it waits...until you think it's safe...and then it isn't safe. You will find that you are constantly asking yourself, "Is it safe?" The actors are most definitely the driving force of this film. Gunther Ziegler is downright creepy, and gives you chills to the bone. The idea of the German born character from a southern state plays off well, as the accent is clearly discernible as southern, and gives him a plausible past. One often wonders if Ziegler himself was the son of a maniacal psychiatrist in a torture ward of the mental hospital, as you feel this man was born to play this role. And let me say this. The torture scenes in the mental hospital are unforgettable.

As tensions peak, a fight erupts between two officers of the law, both determined to get to the bottom of the matter and torn between their conflicting and apparent interests. A crew of the officers are bound together by a past bound by the blood of war, and their loyalty tested throughout. This movie connects with many on an emotional level, and you feel a deep attachment to even the most ancillary of characters.

Many would expect a Romanian immigrant to have nothing to do with practicers of Voodoo, and that is the point when you realize Lommel has you. The ties she has are feasible and the protection curse was quite realistic to someone as myself, who has never performed Voodoo professionally.

As for gore, I was quite disturbed. I do not say that about many movies. During one eating session in particular, you realize how ruthless these sexy and mostly middle aged fem-zombies are. They take no prisoners, and even though they can live off regular food, they thirst for blood.

Lommel has created one of the most shocking and disturbing zombie flicks. Ever. The social commentary is deep and thought provoking. The only challenge you have now is get off that computer chair, chum up a few dollars for that obscure rental house that seemingly has every movie, and watch this movie.
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The Films of Ulli Lommel (The D.T.V. Series)
Captain_Couth14 July 2007
Zombie Nation (2004) is an strange film directed by real life horror filmmaker Ulli Lommel. This film is about a corrupt cop who has a disturbing childhood that has made him a twisted sociopath with a badge. You can't get any more shadier than this man. One day, he messes with the wrong person as his whole career comes crashing down, But this is only just he beginning. What fate lies ahead for Officer Friendly? You have to watch the odd but entertaining film.

Unlike his other flicks, Zombie NAtion was shot on 35mm and Ulli Lommel cameo's as well as David Hess. If you are expecting some multi-million dollar bore, then don't watch this. But if you want to watch a film that doesn't take itself seriously and have some laughs, then you'll enjoy this one. A bit different from Herr Lommel's serial killer based films. I was amused by this flick. Just don't look too much into it and enjoy.

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If you pay to see this, you just offended your wallet.
unakaczynski12 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Zombie Nation 2004 R

Hey, I was bored. I looked in my Comcastic little box to find a movie to watch. Zombie Nation? Hey, I love zombie movies. Says the filmmaker has some sort of cult following in the description. Funny how it doesn't warn me not to watch this film. I could've used that advice.

Zombie Nation is just like Troll 2 in that it's completely misnamed. It has little (if anything, depending on your point of view) to do with zombies, and takes place all within one city. This film revolves around a crooked cop, who acts as badly as possible (he has to be trying to suck this much), while he arrests women for trivial bullshit and then kills them. Yup, he's a serial killer cop. Not only is this film flawed in thinking that it's a zombie flick, it also gets its serial killer facts completely wrong. Serial killers enjoy killing, they live for it and they get down and personal with it. This guy knocks out the women, and injects them with some poison. He doesn't even have sex with the corpse or dismember it. Talk about boring! Eventually, one of the whopping five women he kills has Voodoo protection done to her and for no apparent reason, all five come back to life and head off to kill this guy. They were all buried or tossed into the ocean, but you wouldn't know it buy the sharp clean clothes they're all wearing. The women then act very poorly and take their revenge. Oh yay.

This film was crap in every category. Crap acting, crap writing, crappier sets, and crappier make-up effects. The women don't look zombie-like, unless you count really dark make-up around the eyes to be the de facto definition of what makes a zombie. They can all talk, behave, think, and act perfectly human. The gore is weak compared to even many PG-13 films and the nudity is beyond brief. You see glimpse of breasts in the opening sequence... Then the exact same breasts later! Go figure. Guess only one actress was willing to go topless for this trite. The police station is so badly constructed that you can see where they stopped painting the walls of the warehouse they're obviously filming in. You can see the pipes and the bad lighting and the overly sparse set-up and even, unless you are blind, you can see the director failing. Steer clear, it's a waste of time.

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I will never forget the name, Ulli Lommel
funknutz20 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Last weekend I bought this 'zombie movie' from the bargain bin and watched it with some friends thinking it was going to be a budget version of "Land of the Dead".

Boy, was I wrong.

It seems as if they spent a good portion of their budget on the cover-art, which is very misleading to fans of the zombie genre.

We watched up to the point where the zombie chicks come alive and get in the car with some yuppie who is out in the middle of nowhere talking business on a cell-phone. They actually speak to the guy before one of the girls kills him; but once they started driving the car, I couldn't suspend my disbelief anymore.

Some people actually consider this a "so bad, it's good" movie, they are liars. I didn't finish the movie, but one of the other reviews mention that they actually somehow become police officers at the end of the movie, which makes me glad to not have watched it all the way through.

This is even worse than "Zombiez" DO NOT WATCH!
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Avoid at All Costs
Marty-9130 April 2007
I stopped by BB and picked up 4 zombie flicks to watch over the weekend. Now, I understand that the effects will be cheesy, the acting will be sub-par, and the sets will be suspect. So I'm not expecting much. But it should at least have a story. Stories don't cost a thing except time.....apparently, they didn't have any time either.

"Zombie Nation" had 5 zombies that appeared near the end of the movie that all looked like new wave hookers. The picture of the zombie on the front cover NEVER appears in the movie. It was absolutely agonizing to watch and had nothing to offer the genre.

The running time is only 81 minutes but it felt like 2 hours. According to my wife (who could only hear the movie since she was on the computer in another room), it sounded like zombie porn....which if you think about, sounds kinda gross.....but it wasn't even that good.

The only suggestion I can make is that maybe the writer tried to do too many things and ended up with an incoherent mess.

It ended up being a free rental and I still feel ripped off. I rated it a 1 out of 10 because IMDb won't allow me to use decimals.
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"Zombie Nation"? With 6 zombies?
TitusYorick10 August 2007
Yeah, I'm sure it really could be a nation . . . if four of them all stood at the four corners of the world and the other two cloned themselves a few billion times. Man, I am REALLY glad that I saw this movie on FEAR.net instead of renting it. I'm a big fan of the George Romero movies and I'm pretty sure that if he saw this movie, he'd probably throw up while laughing too hard. I mean, what was with the raccoon girls posing as zombies and walking around like Charlie's Devils? It really helped too that the music composer chose the crappy fashion show music for when the zombies walked up to their killer, especially the part where they go into the warehouse posing as the furniture shop/police station/apartment/flat/whatever room it was with the gong in the background, and the live woman was arguing about the closed furniture shop. I couldn't even tell what nationality the killer was, and the fact that his accent indicated some multiple nations didn't help either. Oh well, what can I expect from a movie where they throw in a random fight scene for no good reason in a warehouse where they apparently ship boxes of air around the world. So, for all of those who worship Mystery Science Theater 3000 or if you just like reaming on bad C movies (C for Craptastic), then this is the movie for you . . . or not.
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This film barely contains zombies much less a nation.
aschall224 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I cannot believe that this movie was ever created. I think at points the director is trying to make it an artistic piece but this just makes it worse. The zombies look like they applied too much eye makeup. The zombies are only in the movie for a few minutes. Finally, there are maybe five or six zombies total, definitely not a nation. The best part of the movie, if there is one is definitely the credits because the painful experience was finally finished. Again to reiterate other user comments, the voodoo priestesses are strange and do not make much sense in the whole movie. Also, there is a scene with a snake and a romanian girl that just does not make sense at all. It is never explained.
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OK now tell me what is the purpose of making such a movie?
roland-bugle7 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Thank God! I didn't waste my money renting it but i downloaded it! This happens to be the worst movie i have ever seen in my whole life, f*****g visual effects, unnecessary gore and nudity! Far apart from other Zombie movies like Night of the Living Dead and others. There are lots of loop holes and mistakes in the movie. OK if you get time after reading this comment, please check out the director's(Ulli Lommel) profile. After seeing that i got a self explanation why the movie is like this, i mean every movie directed by Ulli Lommel gets a rating between 1 and 2. And now am not willing to search what kinda movies these are directed by him, but i can finish all this by saying one strong sentence. Even for fun or time pass or even at an extreme bored situation please DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE.
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Even Worse than House of the Dead!!! Worst horror film EVER!!!
czarnobog8 July 2007
German filmmaker Ulli Lommel has managed a task many horror fans thought was impossible: he's unseated fellow Teuton Uwe Boll for the crown of director of the worst horror film ever made.

Lommel is truly the Ed Wood of the new millennium. This film is as shoddy and laughable as the best-worst of EW. I am both proud and embarrassed to say that I watched it in toto, morbidly fascinated to see just low the bar could be set. The answer is: subterranean; Lommel dug a pit and buried it.

The fun begins with the cast of international nobodies. Only someone who has lived in Los Angeles, where every auto mechanic, doctor and mailman is an actor or screenwriter waiting to be discovered, could easily understand how Lommel managed to find so many wannabe actors willing to spew his ridiculous dialog with a straight face.

The main character, a villainous beat cop, is played by a German actor with a thick German accent. Aside from being a serial killer, he is also the oldest beat cop in LA. Despite the fact that he stops innocent women drivers and takes them into custody, then drags them into his home (which inexplicably is the top floor of a furniture warehouse), and does all this in plain sight of his rookie partners, the LAPD refuses to investigate, going so far as to physically attack one of his accusers in a ninja style raid on his apartment.

The sets are excruciatingly bad. The production designer's budget apparently included just enough money for a can of paint; enough to paint "Precinct 707" on a cardboard wall.

Since the actors were obviously unpaid non-professionals--a sad assortment of European emigres (possibly deportees if they acted in their native lands), bimbos, mimbos, and desperate middle-aged women--and since little if any money was spent on sets, special efx, locations or other production value, it is only fair to mention that they did spring for a few genuine-looking police uniforms. Sadly, they couldn't afford a police car; the uniformed cops cruise the streets in a shiny new Mercury rental.

More than half of the story focuses on the dirty deeds of our deranged German LAPD officer and the futile efforts of two young rookies to stop him. One of these young actors is especially pitiable because he's the only actor in this whole mess with even a vague shot at a real career in the movies. The other fits right in, with a rockabilly hairdo and tortured Brando posing that needs to be seen to be appreciated.

The latter part of the film is where the title gets its zombie, as the victims of our killer are resurrected after he murders a girl who had just visited some voodoo priestesses to have a protective spell put on her. Don't ask why a girl from Romania would resort to voodooism in anticipation of being murdered, just accept Lommel's logic and enjoy the absurd ride.

After much prolonged hand-clawing out of straw-covered roadside graves, the zombie girls manage to make their appearance. They look exactly as they did before death, maybe even prettier, with black glamor make-up generously airbrushed around their eyes. Looking nothing like zombies, they look more like high fashion models ready for the runway.

At this point in the movie Lommel borrows a creative note from his lauded countryman Boll, and injects large doses of cheesy Euro-trash techno into the soundtrack. We're talking prehistoric electronic bumblebee noise. Stuff they might have played in an Ibiza disco when Lommel was still young enough to shake his booty.

Unlike other zombies, Lommel's girls speak and function as normal... er, I mean, as they did before becoming zombified. This gives our auteur ample opportunities to shower us with more of his golden dialog. Yes, a golden shower it is.

I won't spoil anything by revealing the shock ending. All I can say is it's perfectly in tune with the rest of this masterpiece. The spirit of Ed Wood lives on... or should I say his geist.
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sorry excuse of a zombie movie
AngelicINnj22 August 2009
Mt little sister and I are self-proclaimed horror movie buffs. We have seen just about EVERYTHING, especially zombie flicks. Now, we have seen a lot of good zombie movies, and a lot of bad ones. This BY FAR is the WORST movie I have ever seen in my entire life. Not only was the acting horrible, but the special effects, graphics and ever "zombie" make-up was the worst I have seen. If you can even call it make-up ( black eye shadow around the eyes) This is totally proof that you should never judge a book by it's cover. Cause the cover to the movie is the only sweet thing about. do your selves a favor and DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so adamant about this movie I went as far as putting a sticky note on the inside of the movie before i returned it to movie saying "This movie sucks, don't waste your time, return NOW" hahahhaa I don't want anyone else to waste a good movie night on this POS movie! i don't even know how it got the ratings that it did, t should be in the negative
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The most pathetic movie I've ever seen
sebpopcorn2 September 2008
If ever there was a film that deserved a big fat zero rating it's this pile of crap. I love zombie films and even bad ones usually have something going for them but not this atrocity. I actually began to feel angry watching this film because it's so insultingly poor, I can't believe the people responsible for it would actually think this was acceptable.

There's no plot and the non-plot is cut with scenes of sadism and spanking. The people don't react, act or in any way resemble human beings. The entire movie is also shot in two rooms scantily decorated to vaguely resemble the places they are supposed to be. The whole thing is one pointless mess, it doesn't go anywhere and when the zombies finally turn up they look rubbish and don't do very much.

I could make a better film than this, so could you and so could someone who had never seen a movie before. It's pitiful and without doubt the worst movie of all time.

Honestly, the very worst movie of all time. You'll note by the way that the only positive reviews give this a 10/10 and urge you to BUY the DVD. I can't imagine anyone neutral genuinely thinking this is a good film, it's terrible.

0/10 and that's generous.
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A CULT CLASSIC from The New Ed Wood!!
CinemaVoltaire28 April 2007
Unbelievable!! That was my reaction to this disjointed nonsensical waste of Videotape. Never have I ever seen a film so self consciously bad on every conceivable level as this.It's almost as if director Ulli Lommel set out to ruin his career by making the worst horror film ever to hit DVD, and inadvertently made some sort of stoner masterpiece. And so meticulously conceived! Racoon eyed zombie women,wooden performances,horrible dialogue (seemingly ad libbed on the spot),bad techno music,crappy MTV flashcutting and braindead cops in the worst excuse for a police station ever put on video.Recommended ONLY with the appropriate alcoholic liquid or chemical refreshment.Amaze your friends,tell your kids,create new enemies!,see Zombie Nation! People will be writing about this one in cool cinema fanzines in 20 years. Tell em you saw it first!
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A Nation That Does not Deserve to be Recognized by the US
jamhorner15 October 2007
This movie had me going. The title was perhaps the greatest idea that I heard. I thought it was an independent movie about a zombie outbreak and their quest to take over the US and a group of lone survivors, band together, and plan to take out the zombies. DEAD WRONG! It's about a psycho cop with a weakness for killing his female arrests gets what's coming to him when a pack of zombie women rise from their graves in order to get proper revenge. As you can see there is nothing about the nation nor a county involved. Where to begin with the severity this cinematic disaster caused our nation.

First off, the zombie women look like Victoria Secret models with dark eyeliner and a pale face. What are zombies but mindless, debatable intelligent, cannibalistic killing machines that eat as a result of their primitive most basic needs? These zombie women walk like streetwalkers and runway models, they talk as if they are in a poor film noir movie and not do they act like real zombies. Sure the eating and killing is there, but where is the mindlessness and the horrible disfigurement? Although it is a very interesting concept and perhaps a great satire on the zombie genre, it makes fun of that genre and asks the question, "why can't zombies be beautiful vixen killing machines?" I would say that this movie would be considered a really bad indie movie that was produced and made by garage junkies. I would not recommend this movie to anybody that loves zombie genres too much, it's an insult and as for scary…not even.
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Life is too short to watch crap like this...
planktonrules18 February 2010
Wow. Aside from being a thoroughly unpleasant and disgusting movie, I was shocked at the film makers' apparent contempt for creating a movie that even remotely looked realistic. Just in the first few minutes I noticed that many of the characters (especially the most maniacal of the cops) had strong German accents--even though the movie was filmed in Los Angeles and was supposed to take place there as well. Some of the cops had hair that would never have been allowed by a police force. And, the two uniformed policemen drove around town on their beat in a red car with a crappy temporary light stuck on it--because, you can only assume, the film makers didn't want to pay to rent a realistic police car.

The plot is actually quite violent and nasty. I had to struggle to watch the film because of this and I really wondered what sort of people would want to make such a sadistic film. It begins with two cops (in the red unmarked vehicle) stopping a lady who was doing nothing wrong. He cuffs her and takes her back to the warehouse in which he lives and makes his partner stay outside. A bit later, he returns to the car with a huge duffel bag that he can barely carry--it's obvious to anyone that he killed the woman and put her in the bag. Amazingly, the young partner (who needs a haircut) says nothing until this occurs again! And when people from the community come to the police about seeing some of these suspicious behaviors, the cops drag them off and beat them. They also ignore the young partner when he finally comes forward to tell the boss what's been happening. I understand that there are some bad police in the world, but all of them being either psychos or idiots is beyond ridiculous! in light of this, I could certainly see why the LA Police didn't let them use one of their cars!

Much of the film is like a snuff film--showing grisly murders in a very exploitational manner. Additionally, the film keeps cutting to some weird hellish sort of facility where people are chained up and tortured. I felt like I was watching a film created by Dr. Mengele for his friends--and I'm really not exaggerating. Who, after all, would want to watch all this unpleasantness--rapists and serial killers, maybe. After a while, I just gave up watching, as I felt dirty watching a film that seemed to revel in tormenting and degrading women. Life is just too short to watch crap like this and I implore you for the good of your soul to just avoid this film like the plague. All in all, an ugly and nasty film--deserving its place on IMDb's Bottom 100 list.
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