Dead Tone (2007) Poster


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7eventy 5ive ... percent of the characters in this movie are incredibly unlikable
homerjer13 January 2008
The plot of 7EVENTY 5IVE involves college kids who play a cruel phone game that unexpectedly (to them, if not to fans of horror) gets them in over their heads. The STORY of 7EVENTY 5IVE, on the other hand, is that of a horror film that had a wee little bit of promise, sadly outweighed by really bad writing.

What could have been a fun, if somewhat silly, old-fashioned slasher tale is derailed early on by its filmmakers' misguided belief that the audience would enjoy watching a bunch of loud, whiny rich kids bitching at each other for most of the film's running time. With the exception of a police detective played by Rutger Hauer, (in a minor role that is designed mainly to add the movie's only star power) every character on screen is a different breed of young A-hole.

Male and female, black and white, straight and gay, an entire ensemble of shallow and shrill college kids carries the bulk of the film's narrative. Worse, since the tale deals with a PARTY game gone awry, most of the time the scenes are completely filled with these little b*****ds. Because of this, there are few breaks for the viewer, who must put up with the angry sniping of the thinly-drawn protagonists. Even though at least some of these people are supposedly friends, invariably all characters interact in a very hostile manner, long before any genuine conflict has actually arisen. This leads to the worst possible result in a slasher film: The audience, intended to care about the leads, instead not only cheers on the anonymous killer, but wishes that he had arrived to start picking off the vacuous brats far earlier.

The real shame of this poor characterization is that otherwise 7EVENTY 5IVE actually DID have some potential. Visually it's fine. First-time directors Brian Hooks and Deon Taylor know how to build a suspenseful mood. They also manage to deliver on some competent, if sparse, moments of classic 80s-style gore. Surprisingly, the production's cast is also fairly able. It isn't that the actors aren't capable of expressing realistic human emotion; it is simply that the screenplay (co-written by newcomer Vashon Nutt and director Hooks, who fared much better behind the camera than with a keyboard) is short of such moments.

7EVENTY 5IVE can hardly be recommended, as its familiar premise and few thrills can't outweigh the bad taste left behind by a story driven by a gaggle of unpleasant characters. In this tepid whodunnit, the real mystery is why anyone should care about a group of young folk who can't even manage to like each other.
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Standard slasher with some odd script elements
jdollak3 May 2011
Everything about this movie is standard stuff. Except for a few points. First, the killer in the first five minutes doesn't seem to have much motivation. Second, there are some really strange scenes. There are two scenes back to back that seemed to exist to promote condom use. It almost came across like it was product placement, although the idea may have been to insert a moral into the movie. Third, some of the characters are nearly offensive in how stereotypical they are. There's a gay character that exists to talk in a stereotyped fey voice. There are two black guys who talk and behave in a stereotyped "black guy" style.

There's nothing compelling about the movie, but aside from these things, there's also nothing worth looking for.
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Nice concept, not executed too well.
Boba_Fett113824 August 2008
This movie has a quite good promising concept for a genre movie. It's a slasher in which lots of people are getting killed randomly by a serial killer. Like many genre movies before the movie uses phone-calls as its main concept. It's something which always works out well for horror/thriller movies. Nothing wrong with the phone-class but everything else about the movie is just way below par.

I purely watch these kind of movies because of Rutger Hauer. Even though the movies are always horrible, his presence still gives the movies always something special. But like always, his role is far too small. Perhaps if he was the main lead the movie would still had been more bearable. It now is as if he plays in a totally different movie himself and has nothing to do with the main plot-line of the movie. Like his scenes were shot at a totally different phase of production. I bet he never ever even met most of the other actors and crew members involved with the movie.

One of the movie its problem are its characters. The movie is a slasher, so of course it features a bunch of university students, played of course by a bunch of actors who are close to- or even older than 30 years already. None of them are however likable or memorable. They are basically all the same and a bunch of typical stereotypes. I don't even know who all these characters were and what their names were. There are just too many characters in it and most of them are just asking to be killed.

The movie its story also just doesn't ever seem to get off the ground. The first halve of the movie is filled with many false scares. Way too many. The scare moments of the movie because of this start to become really ineffective. It even makes the movie more comical like at times than an horror movie. Not sure if this was the point of it all. It was Brian Hooks first and as of yet only directed movie. Besides that he also played the main lead and served as a producer and writer for the movie. He's obviously not the most talented person around in the business.

When the movie becomes more of a slasher and horror/thriller movie the movie becomes more watchable to watch for the genre fans, despite being formulaic and predictable with it all. No, it's just not the most exciting or scary genre movie around but there are also definitely worse of out there. The genre fans should be able to appreciate some of the gore and violence of the movie.

The movie soon however starts to get worse again as it heads toward its ending, when the movie is trying to be clever by trowing a couple of twists (what else is new?), which are just too far out there and don't work out well for the movie as a whole.

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Why God? Why?
olliejackson21 January 2008
5 minutes into this movie I was hyperventilating, shaking, and writhing in pain. And not in the good way. The story is about a troupe of idiotic children making prank phone calls to a psycho which is always a good idea. Turns out psychos don't like prank phone calls because in 2 minutes time he's at their door killing poor Williams mom and dad. Well skip ahead 15 years and guess what? Still prank phone calling people. Yep you would of thought that a horrible murder would of deterred them from doing that ever again but no. So after about two hours later and way too many scream ripoffs I realized that this movie gave me nothing but a terrible taste in my mouth and a severe urge to take my own life. This piece of crap isn't even worth laughing at the shoddy production, the "acting", or Rutger haurs dwindling career. I love crappy horror movies but this is the most unsatisfying piece I've ever seen. Just don't.
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Just a another slasher movie (might contain spoilers)
Mascolo2 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Saw it yesterday night at the Midnight Slam of the Festival des films du Monde in Montreal. What a disappointment. This movie is clearly over rated by IMDb fans. The acting was only but regular. The directing didn't bring anything new or interesting. The plot lacks considerably : the movie is all about those college grads and the game they play making prank calls(7eventy 5ive). And on top of that, you can predict the movie's end in the first five minutes. If you like prank calls and a slasher with an axe that makes you jump only once or twice during the whole movie, you might like it. If you don't, this movie is not worth it.
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Oh, all those braindead characters..
connyskribent23 December 2007
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What an utter disappointment! The score of 6,1 here on IMDb built up some mild expectations but, oh my, was I disappointed. The first thing that bugs me are those braindead, stereotyped university kids. Yes, I know teens can be childish and so on, but why are they in movies always portrayed as complete braindead morons? There was one character that I thought was alright, but he/she (not revealing it here) was killed off way before the end. The other characters was poorly executed and even the supposed hero/heroine just didn't do it for me. On the plus side: The plot is pretty good and the productions values a cut above for these kind of flicks. The acting was generally not very good, Rutger Hauer stands out in a small role. But it all fails with bland and braindead characters. You just stop caring about them after 10 minutes. 4/10 (and thats being generous).
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Good concept, but very cliché and poorly executed.
fdiallo3311 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers

The movie started out with a montage of a killing. It was edited with the opening credits. I'm not sure the reason behind this but it wasn't effective. It honestly annoyed me a bit.

Fast-forwarding 10 years later the killer comes back to haunt the children that viewed the past murder. He begins stalking them. In one particular scene he watches them from across the street. This scene was poorly edited. When we are seeing the killer's point of view, its blue and blurry. The last time I saw anything lie this was in the beginning murder scene. I'm not sure the reasoning behind this. I think it was very redundant and unnecessary.

On their way to the house, the students stop for a bathroom break. One if the students dresses like a clown and scares his friend in a bathroom stall. This is so cliché. Most slasher movies tend to do this.

Later on after the killings, we come to find out one of the students was the killer and had a friend aiding him. This is a great plot twist. This was the only thing I enjoyed in the entire movie. The movie had a great concept behind it, but was poorly executed and had too many "cliche moments".
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Dead Tone
Scarecrow-886 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
"We are all going to fu&$%ng die!"

Prank calling leads to a massacre. Yep, that is pretty much the motive for a psychopath wearing a winter coat (the kind of coat a participant in the Iditarod would wear), wielding a steel ax (I admit, the ax is cool-looking), is on the pursuit of college kids attending a party held at an impressive mansion. The festivities include drinking and hook-ups, along with non-stop swearing. The opening has kids playing "75", a prank calling game requiring those participating to keep the victim on the opposite line on the phone for 75 seconds. They prank the wrong fellow and he proceeds to interrupt their parents' party, butchering all the adults in attendance before the police arrive. Ten years later, the children, now young adults, are next to be selected as ax victims, having witnessed the bloody onslaught to their parents. At the party of the film, 75 is played once again and like before the killer is contacted, torturing some poor soul for the stunned, rowdy college crowd, soon learning of their location, intruding upon them with ax in tow. You know the rest. Formulaic, generic, familiar slasher—the content and characters are as obnoxious and annoying as you'd expect. My user reviews for these movies sound repetitive like a broken record recycled over and over because what I am watching is repetitive like a broken record recycled over and over. The slasher genre as a whole fails to produce imaginative story-telling and I don't expect much when I watch a movie featuring young people butchered by psychos, but there's always a desire to be surprised. It doesn't happen often, but occasionally a slasher movie comes along that challenges the status quo regarding a not so depressingly ordinary plot delivering interesting characters instead of the usual dimbulb dunderheads. Presented by Flavor Flav's Nine Tails, which should tell you all you need to know about how this film will likely turn out from the get-go. Of course, there's a twist regarding the mastermind behind the newer murders and the ending, as detectives (including veteran cop Rutger Hauer, positively wasted and almost forgotten as the final rampage takes up the final twenty minutes) try to find the remaining kids, scattered about after adoptions sent them to different locations, actually aid the psycho, will likely be sure to infuriate many viewers (obviously designed to do so). Yes, there's the typical barricade of group in bedroom, bickering that leads to punches and shouting matches, and the stupid decision to split up which leads to members being picked off one at a time (most of the deaths occur off-screen, with a couple of decent beheadings the main attractions for an otherwise tiresome slasher that offers nothing fresh or innovative). "Dead Tone" is just another slasher destined for burial into obscurity, Hauer's presence in the movie, no matter how muted, the draw for many viewers in the future.
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Entertaining Enough....
FrightMeter2 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
"Dead Tone" opens with a group of young children making prank phone calls while their clueless parents party and carry on in the other room. With one of the phone calls, they reach a psychopath who isn't at all happy to be bothered with their childish banter. This puts a damper on their game and they decide to go to bed. A short time later, the telephone rings. When one of the kids wakes up to answer it, he is greeted by an axe-wielding psycho- path who proceeds to murder his parents and their friends. Flash forward 10 years to a group of college students who decide to spend the weekend at the rich jock's secluded mansion for some partying and sex. All is going well when, while drunk, they decide to make prank phone calls as a game. The rule: you must keep the person on the other end for at least 75 seconds. Needless to say, they (again) reach a psychopath who ends up showing up at the secluded house with his trust axe.

The Good: "Dead Tone" is a slasher flick through and through. There is no lame attempt at comedy or self-referential moments. In fact, in resembles something that came straight from the 1980's, where slasher films were only interested in one thing: getting a bunch of teenagers together in an isolated setting and killing them off brutally. The killer, though a rip-off of the "Urban Legend" killer, is quite brutal and it doesn't take long to realize he means business. The production is top-notch and the acting is fairly decent (Rutger Hauer gives some credibility to the film). For the most part, the action is fast paced and there is no real boring parts. Once the killer arrives at the mansion, the killing and action doesn't let up.

The Bad: The script is clichéd as all get out and I swear I have some some of the exact lines uttered in this film said in countless other slasher film. Additionally, the film is VERY formulaic--it is like the screenwriter and director took a cure from "How to Make A Slasher Film in Three Easy Steps." We are even subjected to the "let's stop at the creepy old gas stations where we can get a few false scares while one of the characters ventures into the incredibly filthy bathroom and the be warned by the equally filthy and creepy gas station attendant before we speed off a tad shaken" scene. Really, the filmmakers offered absolutely nothing new to the genre and, again, this film could really be a combination of about twenty five other slasher films I have seen lately. The ending is predictable and a tad silly and unbelievable. Oh, and the main blond girl isn't that great of an actress and is definitely the weak link in the cast.

Overall: An entertaining 80's style slasher film that you just might enjoy if you go into it with no expectations. The action is brisk, there are some decent death scenes for gore hounds, and the production is nice. However, it is clichéd and you will roll your eyes at the predictably of some of the scenes, particularly the ending.

Fright Meter Grade: C+
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What could have been a great slasher movie
atinder14 July 2009
Here we go with other slasher movie, Good looking people and Acting from everyone was really good!

Few kids playing pranks phones calls and there parents are killed by the killer in front of the kids! 20 Years after they are still friends, They go to huge house, have fun, Drugs and Sex (no nudity) for least half a hour of the movie! Again they start making pranks phone call all over again! and then killer comes back kills them off one by one and killer is in BIG BLACK COAT with axe just like Urban Legend movie,

Deaths scene really weird, really odd times too.

Nice slasher movie at this part would gave 7/10 but the twist at the end of the movie made the whole movie kinda of pointless

The twist killed the movie for me so I going to give it 4/10
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A throwback to 80's slasher flicks
Psy-Ko26 December 2007
This was great, it took me back to being a kid and going to see all those 80's horror flicks! No its not an original concept but really how many of those are left? Nothings original in Hollywood. It's just a straight forward lots of blood, a bit of a storyline slasher flick.

As for caring about the characters, are we supposed to? To me a slasher flick is supposed to be full of one dimensional characters that can be cut into tiny pieces every couple minutes. It's pure fun!

Rutger does a good job in his small role, just enough to add a bit of seriousness to the film but not enough to make you think too much and with a slasher do you really want to think? Naw.
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Dumb But Fun...
Nightmare-Maker23 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
You know, the amount of dross these days served up to us is a bit of an insult. I sift through some awful films, but occasionally I come across a nice little find, and 7ENTY 5IVE is one of them.

It is a straight forward slasher flick, which in all truth is'nt original, but it is entertaining. It has a few nice little twists, that I did'nt see coming.

It has some decent gore effects, decapitations, axe wounds and a lot of blood spatter.

I can recommend this to all horror fans who like a slasher flick, it's not a masterpiece, but it is good fun, like I mentioned, it is'nt nothing that has'nt been done before, but it moves along at a nice little clip, and the likes of SCREAM came out of nowhere, so you never know - 7ENTY 5IVE might get a little following and come out all guns blazing.
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A somewhat lazy nod to the ubiquitous blood-bath hack-fests of the early '80s
bob_meg11 September 2011
There are times when you want a horror movie to be genuinely frightening ---if this is one of those times for you, you might want to hang up on Dead Tone. It's just not that type of slasher. It's more of the get-a- bunch-of-your-friends-together-throw-stuff-at-the-screen-and-play- drinking-games kind of a slasher.

I've never thought ultra-graphic horror was that movies, that is, especially on-a-budget outings like this. Kind of like the shark in Jaws, the closer you get to it, the less horrific it seems. The killer in Dead Tone wears a hooded ski parka and wields an axe, so the kills are violent, but you see them coming for seconds before they hit. From that point on, it's just a matter of how bad the effects suck.

Still, Dead Tone ain't a total snooze. Given the lack of thrills, marginal to bad acting, and zero character development, all that's really left to make this watchable is "how serious are the directors taking this?" Turns out, not very...and that's good.

There's the standard rest-stop sequence, where the "crew" (a multi-culti Benneton crew, of course) stops to take a bathroom break, and that whole scene --- toothless redneck from hell clerk, mega-blasted "fright" music cues at the stupidest moments --- really works. When this film is lampooning the genre and itself, it's the best and brightest.

Sadly, though, those moments are few and far between. There are a lot of visual and scripted call-backs to other, better slashers (Urban Legend, Black Christmas, etc.) that prove the filmmakers weren't just rubes. But they didn't quite have a handle on what they wanted to do, and the film as a whole suffers for it.

Oh yeah, a postscript: Rutger Hauer is the brand-name star here, playing the usual doggerel cop role, and looking barely engaged enough to make camera contact. One mystery at least solved: I wondered how he managed to tumble down the long road to something like the rancid "Hobo With a Shotgun"...this is a telling detour.
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Slasher lovers will get their fix
Aaron_da_miller9 February 2012
This film is an incredibly mixed bag of a horror movie. It is y scenes, but not enough of them to actual credit the movie with good writing. The opening is pretty stupid, and feels like something a 12 year old would think up as a scary opening.

A huge problem with this movie that goes against slasher formula, is that none of the women are good looking at all. Normally they are just cast to look nice on screen and less for their actual acting ability. However, the women in this movie are neither good looking, or able to act.

Rutger Hauer is in the movie for around 10 minutes worth, though he does not really move the plot forward at all. It felt more like he owed someone a favor and was written into the film to reach a larger viewing base. He does a decent enough job with having no good dialogue. He just intensely stares into the camera, which is scarier than any of the actual horror moments the film presents.

After the initial characterizations, when the killer finally shows up, the film really gets going. The special effects are not that good, but it still presents us with enough fun to make it memorable. I had a good time watching this movie and if you are a fan of slashers, this will definitely pass the time. Has a nice conclusion as well.

The Good- Fun slasher, decent enough gore, some funny moments, ending.

The Bad- ugly people, below average acting, bad opening scene.

--- Note: The original name of the movie is '7eventy 5ive'. If you look carefully, you will see that number in various places throughout the film.
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Poor acting, directing, and writing
danvu8117 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I was attracted to seeing this movie because of this plot and my desire to watch a horror.

To my disappointment, this turned into more of a comedy than a horror. The acting, dialog, and flow of the movie was all very poorly done. Much of it didn't make sense. For example, there's a party of about 30 people and they're all terrified of one person despite them being at a secret location and are all healthy looking young adults and the guy threatening them sounds haggard. I kept thinking, maybe this was a parody of another movie like Scary Movie, but they were trying too hard to make it look gruesome - emphasis on try.

The blood and gore are also poorly done. I've seen Halloween costumes look more believable than this. A guy with his head cut clean off... looked clean - missing signs bone, flesh, blood, and even the head. A strong downward strike with an ax on a corpse should lodge itself into something... seemed like the guy was swinging a bat instead of an ax.

Revealing who the main villain was supposed to be a twist, but contradicted other parts in the story. What was going in the guy's mind to turn out like that? If there was going to be a twist, you should at least build up to it adding mystery and suspense.
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Could have been much better, but still watchable.
innocuous4 March 2010
I've seen a lot worse films than this. The cinematography, FX, and sound are just fine. Very good, even. It's the story that's hackneyed and predictable. As for the actors/actresses, they do an OK job with what they've been handed. This is definitely intended for the slasher crowd at the theater, as it really doesn't come across as well on the small screen.

Hauer's role is really no more than an extended cameo. The other actors are interchangeable. After a decent beginning, you'll get a lot of blood, some nudity, and some really anti-social behavior between friends/class-mates.

Again, much better than a lot of the independent junk that's out there. It doesn't hurt to watch it.
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Slashing… with an axe.
lost-in-limbo25 January 2010
When I caught a glimpse of the title I thought are we going to get another try-hard hip slasher, but actually I found "7eventy 5ive" to be a mildly passable, and almost 80s throwback after a tediously slow mid-section it picks up momentum for the final half-hour leading to it's outrageously tacky climax and downright cop out ending. It won't win awards for originality, because it's as systematic as you can get and steals its thunder in the way of thrills (usual cheap jump scares), location (secluded mansion) and motivation from other films. The gleaming direction is by-the-book and the material is quite hackneyed with poorly realised red herrings within its elaborate plotting and flimsy script. Sometimes laughable, but nonetheless I was entertained mainly due to its brutal and grisly acts of pulpy violence towards some rather obnoxiously annoying college students by a psychotic killer with a battle axe. The performances weren't bad in the shape of a spunky young cast, however the characters they were portraying weren't particularly enticing. An always presentable Rutger Hauer shows up in a short supportive role as a grizzled detective. A slickly made, but a shallow and forgettable addition to the fold.
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Routine Slasher
jfgibson738 June 2010
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Standard horror/slasher movie in every way. A group of cocky teens get together for a party and they get killed. Nothing to distinguish this from a million other movies just like it.

Except for one sequence: when the killer first arrives at the party, there are quite a few unnamed characters for him to mow through before we get down to all the clichéd chase/hide/death sequences. So it has a little bit higher body count.

The premise is that the kids are playing a game where you have to call someone and prank them. The object is to keep them on the phone for 75 seconds. They dial a serial killer and he comes to kill them. The twist is that the killer is one of the kids whose family was killed when someone was playing the very same game. It has a somewhat open ending that looks like the killer survives.

I only watched this because I liked the actress in this movie who also played Suzanne Somers in the Three's Company TV movie. After seeing this, though, I think I'll skip the rest of her work.
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A pretty good and original slasher
TheMoriarty17 March 2019
Gory and unsettling at times, this movie gives somewhat of an original spin to the slasher sub-genre; however, it fails to expand on the killer's twisted mind and background.

The strongest points are some twists, the varied personalities of the group of youngsters being hunted down and the mansion chosen as the main setting.
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Not good...but full of Magic
trustyvaliant3 January 2008
This wasn't really a very good movie. There were lots of implausible and predictable things that happened during the course of the film...but I think that most of the reviewers are missing the point of why this movie should be enjoyed by a wide audience. THIS MOVIE WAS PRODUCED BY MAGIC JOHNSON! Isn't that enough to inspire us all to check out this film? A film produced by a former NBA star doesn't come along every day, you know. Beautifully stupid kids in a big house getting slashed by an axe wielding psycho. Every cliché trotted out for us to groan over. Teen sex. And it was all produced by MAGIC JOHNSON! I can't say enough about this movie! Teen drug use! College hijinx! And it was all produced by MAGIC JOHNSON! Yippeeee!
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This is a near-perfect slasher film:
willyspeed4 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I can understand if some people watch a movie and are expecting it to be the most perfect film ever, but when a horror film actually blows away a years worth of bigger budget competition, you should give props.

7eventy 5ive is what horror audiences need these days...something that is original. Sure, it's all been done before when it comes to the plot lines that a slasher film can have, but you have to be naive to expect that matters the most. There are always the details of the plot and how it unfolds, and 75 gives us that. What the film really excels in is being graphic, brutal and to the point. There isn't much nonsense going on at all in the film, and unlike many slasher films, it's not littered with unplausible humor. It does have situational humor where you the audience member can laugh, though the characters are being dead serious as they should be in such terrifying situations.

This film has one of the most unrelentless killers I've seen in a film in many years. There is passion for the genre, homage, graphic gore, good acting and a worthy climax for this film. I don't know what else you need to stand out from the pack. This film needs to hit DVD soon so I can add it to my collection. You can bank on this film hitting cult status quick, too.
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The number you dialed has been terminated. Please hang up the phone and try again
Coventry25 May 2008
I expected the absolute minimal when renting "7eventy 5ive" and, even though the opening sequences seemed to confirm I was about to see yet another abysmal and irritating modern slasher flick, the whole thing eventually turned out to be an entertaining and moderately surprising movie. Sometimes the opening credits alone are enough to betray the quality-level of the entire film, and in the case of "7eventy 5ive" this already was a pretty bad omen. Luckily the movie got a whole lot better after that. The story idea (of the intro as well as of the whole movie) isn't too bad, but the execution is terrible, with the hopelessly unclear editing of gory murders interlarded with the most amateurishly accomplished credit you've ever seen. During some kind of party event, the kids of several couples are in the bedroom making prank calls to random people. The night ends in a complete bloodbath when the parents receive a visit from an axe-wielding maniac. The title of the movie refers to a prank call game where the player has to try and keep the other person on the line for at least 75 seconds. Ten years after the massacre, some of the survivors are still playing this game with their new college friends, but once again the prank backfires on them when another (or the same?) killer answers the phone and decides to make a house call after. "7eventy 5ive" is a pretty standard and unmemorable slasher movie containing all the basic screenplay ingredients (dumb bimbo girls, macho guys, transparent red herrings, …) but also a handful of mildly imaginative elements (like a neat attempt to a surprise end-twist, some okay humor and a even a little bit of suspense). The murders are, in good old 80's tradition, engrossing and plentiful. The hooded killer swings around an impressive axe, so you may prepare to see various brutal beheadings, limb amputation and more similarly repulsive stuff. The soundtrack somewhat annoyed me, but maybe that's because I'm not much of a hip-hop fan. The youthful cast isn't as bad and untalented as all the other reviewers claim they are (except for the main blond chick) and it was very nice to see Rutger Hauer in the brief supportive role of veteran police officer. I assumed his character would be the typically sarcastic and witty copper, but it actually was a serious role. If you choose to watch "7eventy 5ive" today, you'll probably won't remember much about it tomorrow, but at least it offered some fun and thrills while it lasted. Personally, I appreciate modest and small-scaled productions like this over boisterous and pretentious films that claim to save the genre, like, oh I don't know, "Hatchet"?
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2wo out of 10en
p-stepien5 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
One New Year's Eve a group of parents party, while their six kids make prank calls to random people. This ends in a bloodbath, when one of the victims decide to perpetrate revenge by chopping up all the adults in the household with an axe and letting the children live. Ten years later the killer seems to have returned and is now aiming each of the survivors separately. The foregone conclusion of the murders take place in a graduation party, which slowly but surely becomes a teen slasher movie...

After starting off with some undisputed promise with a rather shocking and visceral opening sequence the movie quickly drifts into teenage slasherland with a spice of "Scream". The plot is nonsensical and basically derivative with a very poorly devised baddie. What's worse the perpetrator of the original crime never shows up and remains a gimmick used solely to start off the movie. None of the characters really click and by the time body-count starts amassing you can't be bothered and actually seem a bit thankful that irritating useless characters are being disposed of in prompt fashion.

Some of the murders are well done (and gory enough to keep the blood pumping), even though several of them are basically winks to classical slashers in 'can you name from where we borrowed that scene?' An absolutely pointless and derivative flick with a shelf-life of milk.

Not even some decent albeit absolutely pointless Rutger Hauer cameo can make a turd into a piece of cake. It makes it look better, but it still tastes of crap.
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7eventy Five fails
cloventt16 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sorry to all the fans, but this is a useless movie. The acting is bad, even wooden, it over-hypes the fright-factor early on, and doesn't exactly work. I think there was supposed to be a twist at the end, but it just ended up being maddeningly confusing. What the hell? The dude who was killing everyone was one of the hunted? Try again.

Its hardly original, and it isn't even particularly good as a straight slasher. And that's saying something.

I think whoever did the castings, whoever wrote the script, and whoever thought of the concept should be mercilessly fired and deported.

Don't watch this movie. If someone puts this on at a party, throw the disc out the window and put on a good horror movie, like Silence of the Lambs or The Shining.
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jcblue-11 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this movie as it was every bit as good as any other Horror/Slash movie flick that we have seen. You don't want to have to think and analyze when you are watching, you just want it to flow. I thought the cast did a great job with what they had to work with. The script was poorly written, leaving plots hanging for us to try to figure out. They gave us a lot of blood and gore which makes this kind of movie met its audience's demands. I personally enjoyed the ending, but wished that they hadn't killed off Katrina, as they could of done a sequel. I guess they could say she was stabbed, but didn't die. I liked her, the killer and of course Ratguer Hauer, the detective the best.
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