Night Fangs (2005) Poster


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Worth a download or a rental, but don't buy it.
rockyhorrr16 January 2006
I watch cheesy horror movies in the hopes of finder a diamond in the rough....a new twist or at least a decent take on an old one. Nightfangs isn't a diamond, but not a piece of coal either. It was obviously filmed on a shoestring budget, the acting is pretty wooden and the sound quality rates up there with your videotaped birthday parties and Christmas mornings.

Having whined about quality, let me say that some of the visuals were, considering the lack of cash, pretty good with some stylish gleams of promise. The vampire in the fireplace being particularly funny/creepy at the same time. The director was, I suspect, a fan of the old 70's "'Salem's Lot", with a few of the images seeming to come directly from it, the g/f in the rocker and vampire with the gleaming eyes in the bathroom being two obvious examples, but at least they were well used.

Regarding the previous comments regarding how vampires act.... There seems to be a number of opinions regarding how vampires "should" act. The vampires in this movie fall into the category or "mindless eating machines" with a small bit of wile to lure in the prey. Don't expect any deep and meaningful "Interview with a Vampire" dialogue here. But it doesn't really matter. It is all great fun, if blood smeared faces and a VanHelsing character that reminded me a lot of the OCD detective Monk is your idea of a good time.
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some good moments, but overall lame
zap64422 June 2006
I could get past the obvious low budget aspects of this film, but the story didn't hold my interest at all. I kept finding myself looking at the time wondering when it would be over.

I agree with those who said they should have delved more into the diaries of what's-her-face. There was way too much unexplained, and even for a vampire movie, there was too much suspension of belief required. One character turns into a vampire when there was no reason to understand why and another seemed not to when he should have.

Too many scenes were set up with no explanation and no discernible conclusion, leaving much of the film to be a sequence of disjointed vignettes.

I got the impression that this was the work of a film student who hired whoever he could dig up from other students attending whatever school he was studying at.
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I'm a lesbian. No, you're not, you're dead.
lastliberal17 October 2008
Wow, that Lupe (Cyn Dulay) is one badass lesbian. Do not get her angry. You have been warned.

Elizabeth Bathory, known also as Countess Dracula, plays a prominent part in this movie. You may be familiar with her from Hostel: Part II or Daughters of Darkness (Les Lèvres Rouges) or Apocalypse and the Beauty Queen. She will return in three films this year, and Julie Delpy will play her next year.

Lupe and Jennifer (Leslie Frank) find a virgin (Ruby Gonzalez) to use Bathory's "Blood Bath Ritual" in an effort to become vampires and live forever. It didn't work exactly as planned. Now, there are three lesbian vampires on the loose. Lupe has her hands full fending them off.

Lupe is good, but not enough, so the new lesbian vampires go on the prowl.

Lots of blood and a decapitation, but no lesbian action.
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Horrible movie, never watch it
satilla25 October 2005
There is no special effect, make up is really bad camera views are awful at first i thought it was a joke, i guess they gave the camera to a kid to film the movie also what kind of director will direct this movie i guess he killed himself after the movie.Acting is horrible the lead actresses are the worst i have ever seen i don't know why they picked them. Also the story is horrible too, u will see lots of blood (which seems like pastel) i think you can make a lot better movie with your friends.Don't waste even a second on this movie.Its also so hard to understand the people voted this movie how can you grade this movie even with 2.This is awful.Please for your own sake stay away.
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nogodnomasters23 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Two art teachers, who are also lesbians, bath in the blood of victims they lure on-line. They manage to obtain the real diary of Madam Bathory and discover it needs to be virgin blood. Gee, who da thunk. The next thing you know the small town has a vampire outbreak and only Professor Nashy (Ricardo Islas) who is not Roddy McDowell can stop them.

The acting was not the best, Leslie Frank who played Jennifer was notably bad. The sound was uneven in spots. The film uses symbolic fillers such as a spider in a web, but then has us watch a key typing board. Plenty of blood, even some vampire cannibals which I didn't understand.

Guide F-bomb, sex, nudity (Leslie Frank, Cyn Dulay-FF)
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mobouch24 October 2005
this would have to be the worst horror/vampire flick i have ever come across .. after the 1st 10 minute it was a complete waste of time.. i don't understand how anyone would even vote this as a movie ! the acting is awful so is the execution .. and one cannot even start commenting over the dialog ! i am not here to offend anyone but its not even worth the time or the money ... if u really dislike someone.. well here is a Halloween present for them ! a 100% non Hollywood movie seems like it was shot by a 1st year film school student on a college budget- the fact that it was stated that its a Elizabeth Bathory driven story? sounded Interesting but its just such a lie .. i was expecting history .. and more background with so much more - but i would say it again and again its the worst movie EVER !!
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ooh unpleasant
Xvid_Wookie1 November 2005
Is anything conceivably worse than this movie? No, because getting gang raped by a dozen vampire monkeys IS inconceivably unpleasant.

The monkeys might even be better actors, and the toking chimp would definitely be a better director.

What this movie lacked in plot it made up for in..

wait, no, nothing makes up for that.

The acting grade was so low there aren't enough letters in the English alphabet to describe.

The cinnamon tography was tasty; the fat dikes were not. Neither pain nor control are appropriate to sexuality. This movie is sexually derisive and altogether foul.
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the rocks will cry out for blood
Hillary_Clinton_is_EVIL4 November 2005
Where is the negative rating scale? This movie deserves a negative three! You'll develop a blood lust by watching this movie.. but it's not because you're a fan of vampire movies.. you'll be demanding heads.. you'll want bloodletting of the producer, the casting agents, and well, everyone that marketed this atrocity that passes as a movie. It's a movie in as much as there are flickering colors upon the screen and noises emanating from the sound holes on your motion picture device.

There are less unpleasant ways to Excruciatingly slowly kill brain cells. At least alcohol has a numbing effect. You'll have no such benefit from watching this movie in its PATHETIC entirety.

Your friends will doubt your taste in movies.. you might be banned from picking movies.. you might lose friends over it.. your hair might fall out, too. Isn't there supposed to be something alluring about lesbians? Oh, yes, there are supposed to be HOTTIES. This movie showed the queers to be the gut wrenching, disturbing moralphobic wretches that they are. The director failed to portray the BRIEF moment of IMPLIED regret by the obese, dark haired bitch over the drowning of the "virgin"; it came off for what it really was: self loathing and fear of apprehension. Virginity IS PURITY of heart. Lack of sexual intercourse alone a virgin does not make. That's called sexually inexperienced. A true virgin, one of chaste heart, would never have allowed the influence of an overt lesbian. This movie is as wildly conflicted as it is flawed.

Self loathing -- you'll be in that boat too, if you PAID to watch this movie. Save yourself the heartache.

Just say no
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relax and have fun..
hplvecraft6426 October 2005
Wow, there's a few harsh reviews for a fun movie, can't help wonder if it's personal.. Maybe someone thought she could act better than the chosen leads? Which leads me into my review! We rented this for a Halloween weekend Indie horror flick fest. I thought it was quick gory fun, with all the staples of your lesbian vampire flick. (If you don't know what that is check out any of the Hammer films, Caress of a Vampire, Vampyres Lesbos, etc.) The story seems to run on a little long in points, but then you get the payoff scene which gave it a mini-series feel at times. The actresses weren't Judi Dench caliber but it's a vampire flick. I especially like the casting of a full-figured woman for the lead. (To many cheerleader hookers in horror flicks these days.) They carried the material well, and the material was just enough story to setup and tie together the action, which is what the film was about- violence and gore! Good fun, and perfect for a Halloween weekend viewing.
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Is this a joke or what?
LordRufine28 October 2005
Is this a joke or what?, this film is the worst piece of crap i have ever seen in my hole life, i swear that a home movie made by 5 years old kids will be much entertaining that this, it's is an insult to any human being, i tried to finish the movie (and believe me i tried really hard) but after 45 minutes of watching pure crap i turned off my DVD player and turned on my TV to see the news, terrible acting, terrible photograph, terrible music, terrible effects, terrible actors, terrible story, i know it is a low budget film but this was ridiculous, absolutely everything was terrible, i can't imagine how people can rate this movie (if this thing can be called a movie) with more than 1 star. Please stay away from this awful thing.
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Very interesting flick... fishy previous comments
sucutar25 October 2005
First of all, about Night Fangs Lesbians, vampires, college co-eds, pottery. All pieces of an appropriately made direct to video vampire (ish) film. Another shot on video and direct to DVD release, this one is an actual attempt at making a decent film, with pretty good production value. Now, I have a really cool thing to report about this movie, it's full of good nudity, and in particular one of the main characters is a kind of heavy set attractive lezbo vampire chick that gets naked and kills. I like hot skinny Blondes as much as the next guy, but its pretty cool to see someone casting a different type girl in a movie like this. Either the director is very edgy and innovative, or he just couldn't get a typical Hollywood hot chick that can act for the roll. I will just assume that he is doing something new, Good Job Dude! As far as the film is concerned it's pretty much a by the book lezbo vampire story with a few scenes of non sexy pottery sculpting. A decent rent, but someone needs to teach the distribution company about Photoshop, because the cover sucks ass! Maybe the DVD cover artist at Lions Gate that makes all the amazing covers (for ****ty movies) can moonlight over here at Hart Smart video, and use his/her talents for something of a better quality.

Then... I read the first two reviews... I know many people can have different opinions about one same movie... but those two comments lack of details that make me think those guys... (if not the same one...) did not see the movie and are just spreading out some hate probably against someone either from the crew or cast of the indie flick... Sorry, but they are too generic for me to buy... Besides, the movie is good
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Zero Budget Entertainment
Dandy_Desmond5 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I read somewhere on IMDb that one of the major faults of this film is that 'Vampires don't behave like that..' I had to laugh.

Know many Vampires do you?

Anyway the film. Its clearly zero budget, the picture and sound quality is not the greatest but I must admit I did enjoy it in the end.

Two lesbians are trying to follow a legend around bathing in a virgins blood so they can become immortal and what happens is that everything goes apesh*t and the victim becomes a Vampire who turns the two killers into Vamps too.

The victims boyfriend and his friends try to help by getting the local professor (who is also the Director) involved - but end up get stalked by the Vamps.

The movie starts slowly and because of the budget as well almost made me switch off, however I am glad I stuck with it. There are many scenes that do work, the Vampires are quite cool at times and you can see influences from classic horror such as Salems Lot. The teens are quite natural and there is some funny scenes between them and also the professor is quite funny. I must point out the final scene - I liked it very much and ended the film on a high note.

I would take films like this, made with love and passion despite no budget over expensive, dull, pointless remakes any day of the week.
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Someone, anyone: pull out my eyeballs
whydidilisten25 October 2005
... though it would be better if you could reverse the flow of time by 98 minutes, and THEN pullout my eyeballs, before I sat down to watch 'Night Fangs'. Sometimes, a director with vision and an artistic eye can create a really good, creepy little horror film, using a low budget and a lot of imagination. This isn't one of those times. 'Night Fangs' was truly one of the worst films I've ever seen -- as a vampire film, it failed on every possible level. Crap storyline, crap acting, crap script, unerotic, and of course, not the slightest bit frightening. This wasn't even junior high-caliber stuff, folks: Spanky and the Gang could have pulled together a show scarier than this. Save a few brain cells and find something, ANYTHING, else to do other than watching this "film". I beg of you.
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richard_montgomerie17 January 2007
I gave this movie a very generous 3 out of 10 for one reason, it made me laugh. I know, it is supposed to be a horror movie, how did it make me laugh? Well we start of with two art teachers who are lesbian lovers and they are searching for everlasting life, so how better to achieve this than to try and find Elizabeth Bathory's diary! Then the story line really kicks in, because of course like with most everlasting life charms etc, you need to sacrifice a virgin! and so ensues a load rubbish!! The film starts off really bad, it gets slightly better and then it turns into a really bad TV movie with one of the worst and sorry to say badly acted finales I have ever seen! The film looks like it starred and was filmed by a college class and if that was the case, then they all need a lot more time in college! If anyone respects there eyes and likes their vampire movies then you should not even waste your time reading the cover. If you have picked it up, put it down right now and if you don't, you will regret it for a long time, in fact, you will regret it until you watch 7 Mummies, only then will you think Night Fangs is a good film!
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Bloody trash
centipede_no125 October 2005
This is one seriously crappy movie. The acting is the only scary thing in this flick. I gave it a 2 instead of a 1 because Cyn Dulay gets naked and she looks gooooood. Unfortunately, she is not the only one to bare all in this obvious low budget feature. If you are fan of vampire movies, this is definitely not for you, STAY AWAY!!! If your smoking some premium, high grade marijuana with your friends, you might(just maybe) get a chuckle from these 'b' grade actors stumbling through some ridiculous dialog. I wish I could get back the hour and change I spent watching this steaming hot pile of garbage. I am in shock that somebody would even fund this movie.
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Not a goodie
toronaga22 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
There's only one decent actor in this movie and that's the woman who played Lupe. She could at least deliver her lines with some conviction. The rest of the troup are pretty lame, especially the lead (who is definitely not the standard Hollywood starlet type).

The direction is bad. Too much time cutting back and forth between shots. Lupe in the car with the guy delivering the diary is one example - a shot of Lupe in the mirror, then the guy, then Lupe in the mirror again, then the guy, over and over. Several sequences like that.

(Spoiler) Knife the guy just because he's sexist? Come on! The lesbian clay modelling scene was ridiculously long and gratuitous. Yes, the lesbian aspect probably draws in some more teenage boys but 5 minutes spent on this did nothing to advance the film.

(Spoiler) Overall I quit watching after everyone turned into vampires which was totally irrational anyway. Rent this when you can get it for a buck, don't spend more than that.

Oh, I notice that a lot of people put in comments like "the negative comments must be from people who auditioned and didn't get the part" or some ilk like that...I could just as well say the 10-star positive comments were written by cast or crew members. Stick to your own opinions and don't worry about others.

Once again - this movie sucketh!
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Worst Movie I have ever seen
frubertlives16 June 2006
Wow. Words can not even begin to describe the endless pit of suck that this movie is. I would rather gouge out my eyes and eat them then ever see one more terrible second again. This movie fails on every level then fails some more. The acting sucks, the camera sucks, the blood effects (if they can be called that) suck, the plot sucks, and its more like a nasty porno than an actual horror film.The whole plot of "Elizabeth Bathory" and her diary is BARELY brought into the movie, and when it is, it's done poorly and historically incorrect. I don't know how ANY of these actors managed to land a role, and even they should be embarrassed beyond words...i'm embarrassed FOR them. I can only hope that a "Night Fangs 2" isn't being planned EVER...that thought is more frightening then the whole movie. One day this movie MIGHT show up at a movie store for a dollar. Take my advice and buy yourself a Sprite. You'll thank me.
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One of the worst-est movies...
mcdadi200019 February 2007
First of this movie must be rated C for Crapp but that is flattery never the less. The story is distorted and the acting is very very bad... I've seen a lot of people who have made some comments about movies that is subjective and annoyed me but let's take in consideration that I'm an horror fan. When I saw that 22 people gave this "masterpiece" 10 I almost feel sorry for them for ruining 1h and some of they life and even enjoy it. I could go and vote a lot of movies with 1 or 10 but I stick with my movie genre. I advise you do the same. In the end I recommend not to waist a lot from your precious time even looking at the trailer(if there is one).
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Much better than you'd expect
Bezenby18 April 2013
I picked up Night Fangs out of the Poundshop - it was worth every penny.

Two lesbian art teachers are obsessed with the legend of Elizabeth Bathory and get it into their heads to bathe in some blood in order to become immortal. After their first experiment fails, they obtain Bathory's diary and realise that they need the blood of a virgin to complete the ritual. Good job they've got a class of youngsters to choose from, eh?

Night Fangs is a cheap and cheerful shot-on-digital vampire film that starts off slowly but then heads off into Salem's Lot territory. It has faults, and a lot of continuity errors, but I forgive that because the people involved here have managed to create a pretty good film with plenty of gore and nudity to keep you going. Some of the acting is a bit clunky (amongst the younger actors) but I'd say job well done to director Islas, with further point added for having the lead actress having real bodies as opposed to the silicone enhanced barbie dolls we're used to seeing.

I don't even like vampire films that much, but I liked this one.
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Great movie!
blackhbeauty26 October 2005
I think the guy who wrote the comment that is posted wouldn't know a good horror flick if it bit him on the behind. I loved Night Fangs. And wouldn't you know,it is a low budget film. I thought the actors,setting, and storyline were all very good! If the first ten minutes were a waist of time why would you continue to watch it? I thought the director,Ricardo Islas, did a fantastic job with this movie. Adding Elizabeth Bathory into this film also added a touch of history. Judging by the cover of this movie you can already tell that it isn't something off of the history channel. This is a movie about Vampires! So if you are looking for a movie that is lame, with no gore, or if your looking for something that is a waist of time, then your looking in the wrong place. Night Fangs has everything your looking for in a Vampire movie.
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Blood, Guts, Boobs & Butts....
terrible210 July 2007
Night Fangs really caught me by surprise because I am normally not a vampire movie fan. I purchased the film (at a discounted price)and felt that I really had nothing to lose... I gained an indie treasure! First off, sure it is a low budget horror feature, so of course some of the acting is going to be stiff, but I found the story to be original and the style of the film to be that of the classic 1970's gore flicks (which I love!)... Writer/Director Ricardo Islas makes it known from the beginning that he plans to throw as much blood, guts, boobs & butts at us as humanly possible. His own character, that of the "Professor" added a comical side note to the film that brought me back to Tony Shalhoub's "Antonio Scarpacci" character from the TV show "Wings"... Anyone who enjoys the above, will certainly enjoy this film. I look forward to seeing more from Islas.
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Great Horror Film - Unique and brilliantly done!
holdenhayes26 October 2005
This is a fantastic Indy film. With the budget they worked with, it's wonders how they put together the quality of film they have. If you like horror, then this is simply a must see! The filmmakers weren't afraid to take risks and stray from over conventional horror film antics. The ending is freaky and leaves you shivering a bit! Applause to the director,cast, and crew. Again, if you're a true horror fan, you have to see this film. However, if you're simply and Indy lover, or even regular movie goer, OR, if you just want to be scared - check Night Fangs out!!! However, no matter why you go... Do expect to be scared and freaked out!!!...because it's SCARY!!!
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The movie is an excellent rental, just in time for Halloween.
filmsilove26 October 2005
I thought this was an entertaining movie. The beginning kept me interested and as it developed I thought this was an interesting take on the vampires. They weren't Hollywood's typical beautiful and glamorous vampires but rather a more hungry animal type of vampire. I enjoyed the fact that their was a comedy feel with the school kids, kind of like a Scooby-doo type of gang. There were a few jumpy parts and I thought overall this was an excellent made film. The plot made sense, the acting was convincing. I would recommend this movie to others who would like to see something else rather than the usual Halloween movies.
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average movie
hey87026 October 2005
Interesting back plot, the Elizabeth bathory history should have been expanded more upon, so that the rest of the movie which was based on her would have had a better foundation, the acting, make-up and was what i expected from an independent film, the lighting at some points in the movie was rather bad yet at different points excellent, there were also some interesting shot angles and perspectives while others need to be nixed. A little too much nudity, at times it felt un-needed, only in the beginning though. more character development would have also been appreciated, because the movie didn't give you a chance to care about the characters.

but all in all it wasn't the worst movie I've seen, but it was far from the best, i gave the movie a score of 7-8 being objective, since horror is not usually my genre my actual score would lower it to around a 5-7 range.
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Lots of blood, great!
leexp38829 October 2005
I loved Night Fangs. And wouldn't you know,it is a low budget film. I thought the actors,setting, and storyline were all very good! If the first ten minutes were a waist of time why would you continue to watch it? I thought the director,Ricardo Islas, did a fantastic job with this movie. Adding Elizabeth Bathory into this film also added a touch of history. Judging by the cover of this movie you can already tell that it isn't something off of the history channel. This is a movie about Vampires! So if you are looking for a movie that is lame, with no gore, or if your looking for something that is a waist of time, then your looking in the wrong place. Night Fangs has everything your looking for in a Vampire movie.
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