London (2005) Poster

(I) (2005)

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Jason Statham
Johnny1024 May 2006
I was always a fan of Jason for his roles in Guy Ritchie's flicks and his roles in the transporter series (one not two). But when i watched this film i was in complete awe after i witnessed his performance in this film,it was so real and charismatic it was spectacular. watching the beginning of the film i found it entertaining and creative and stylish but it was a specific scene that completely sold me. It was a scene with Jason Statham and Chris Evans as the two are in a bathroom( which they are in for quite some time) and the movie is an hour and ten minutes in when Jason Staham compares his pain with Chris Evans,Statham's acting in that scene will forever change the way i see Jason Statham from now on. The film was directed with style and beauty. Many scenes in this film is the opposite of beauty but the way they are put on camera is done so beautifully. In conclusion I urge people to see this film even if the story does not sound appealing please watch it for Jason Statham's magnificent role in the film. Although Jason was not the only great actor in the film, Chris Evans also played very realistically as well the whole cast overall, Also watch for Dane Cook as George or the guy that talks to London at the party.
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Very good Movie....
hassanisali11 February 2006
As the synopsis shows London is a drug laden adventure which centres in a New York Loft where a young man is trying to win back his girlfriend. at first i thought. 'another cheesy movie'. i don't know what made me watch it but when i was finished i was absolutely GOBSMACKED!. 'London' is such an original and most importantly a very simple movie which is directed to its utmost perfection. Bateman (Jason Statham) is absolutely flawless in this movie as is Syd (Chris Evans). You begin to understand their characters straight away as both actors bring them to life wonderfully... i don't want to spoil the rest for you so ill finish on this note.. 'its a must see' ......
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Ever Wanted to watch a movie about two people doing coke in a strangers bathroom?
ExploitedMisfit29 May 2006
I must admit that I rented this movie for one reason: Jason Statham. Like many who watched (or want to watch) this movie, I have been a fan of his since I was first introduced to him by Guy Ritchie movies. So I rented this movie not really expecting anything and hoping for the best.

The plot of the movie revolves around a guy (Chris Evans) buying a bunch of cocaine and hiding in a bathroom during his ex's going away party rather than seeing his ex-girlfriend (Jessica Biel). His drug dealer, Bateman (Jason Statham) is dragged along for the voyage. The movie plays out like what it is, which is two guys getting high on coke and arguing about every little thing that pops into their heads, all the while playing it off like philosophy. If you get stressed out by movies, be aware that the arguments can get quite intense and a couple people I watched the movie with felt a bit stressed out by all the arguing.

Chris Evans plays the main character and is stuck with the decision of saying goodbye or confessing his love to his ex-girlfriend. We are supposed to sympathize and perhaps even do a bit towards the end but for the most part he comes off as an utmost misogynist a-hole jerk that makes you glad that he and his girlfriend are not together anymore.

Jason Statham however, starts out a bit weak and ill defined as a character. However as time goes on, he really blossoms out and shows some acting chops, and in more particular scene he shows an intensity that I found remarkable for someone who is just in the beginnings of his acting career.

So I give this movie a 7, as the ending is satisfying, despite the movie being quite catch as can. The rest of the actors are passable. However, I wished that there was more of the cutie Isla Fisher however. Jessica Biel which is the focus of the movie, basically serves as a periphery to Evans and Statham. As a result you end up rooting for Statham's "Bateman" and wishing him to get the girl. The movie is good, if you are a fan of the actors, then you should see it; if not there are better choices.
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Jason Statham is practically the sole reason to watch this film
guyfromjerzee6 April 2007
I don't have much to say about this film, other than Jason was great in it. The film basically revolves around the ups and downs of the relationship between the two main characters, played by Jessica Biel and Chris Evans. The relationship plot is pretty standard, and I felt the flashbacks of the two of them together kind of slows the film down. The more interesting scenes take place in the bathroom between Chris Evans and Jason Statham, who plays a random guy he met in a bar. Jason happens to have some coke on him, and Chris happens to be headed to a going-away party for his ex-girlfriend. So there are plenty of scenes where the two characters are just doing coke and chatting it up in the bathroom. But I enjoyed those scenes! Especially when they both get to know each other better and expose deep, dark secrets from their love lives. Evans and Biel are both fairly good actors, but they don't command the screen in the way that Statham does. So all in all, Statham steals the show! I think many people first discovered him in "The Transporter" movies. Though both films were good, he didn't get a chance to show off his acting chops. I personally liked him ever since I saw him in "Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels," though the movie itself didn't appeal to me much. "London" is not a bad indie flick, but it's uneven, with too many dull moments for me to regard it as anything more than slightly above average. And in case you're wondering, Jessica Biel doesn't get I
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Take a look in the mirror
SepehriJ7 July 2006
Self-indulgent, self-important, annoying, silly, irritating, etc. are just some of the critical words I have seen used to describe this film. Sure, it probably is all of those things. As I watched this film, a lot of those adjectives ran through my head too. When Jessica Biehl (London) lashes out at Chris Evan's character Syd's "psuedo-intelectual bullshit," many viewers probably associated that phrase with the whole film.

But so what? One doesn't have to be a cocaine-snorting rich kid in New York to see that the existential angst the two main characters (Syd and his friend Bateman) feel is shared at one time or another by just about everyone, regardless of class or context. The old question about whether life imitates art or the other way around applies. The fact that the characters may be self-absorbed or narcissistic or silly doesn't take away the fact that the questions asked in the course of their exchanges do take place between all kinds of people. Don't we all ask these questions about God and existence? Don't we all wonder why He often doesn't seem to listen to prayers? Don't many of us still cling to idea of Him for fear of death and fear of deciding that all that is anywhere or anytime is what we live day to day so that we might as well just find the nearest tall bridge as soon as possible? Are only non-beautiful down-to-earth characters allowed to act out on screen the pain we all feel at least sometimes?

London expressed the failure and pain we all feel at times in a real, if not original or eloquent way. Maybe I have just had a really bad run for the last six months in my life (which I have). London felt pretty good to me, nonetheless. Frankly, as the movie went on, I was drawn in and I screamed inside right there along with Syd and Bateman. It was like the Howard Biehl character in Network screaming out the window, "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore" played out over an hour and a half with two guys doing the shouting in a bathroom in between snorting lines of cocaine. In sum, at least for me, this film worked just fine.
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Predictable, Yet Surprising
littleBIGdave11 February 2006
Not a bad way to spend 89 minutes. Good Script. Good Acting.

Believable, if sometimes annoying, main characters, which i think was the point of the writing.

As a side note i always wondered how they can shoot a movie in a room full of mirrors, have the actors stand right in front of the camera & not see the camera in the mirror behind them. I just wondered.

I thought both Joy Bryant & Jessica Biel were under-utilized in this film. As a matter of fact that's all the films they've been in. But I digress.

Great music by the Crystal Method.

This film makes me interested in what Hunter Richards will do next.
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Prescriptive Analysis
imaginarytruths17 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
London Written and Directed by Hunter Richards Starring Chris Evans, Jason Statham, Jessica Biel, Joy Bryant, and Kelli Garner Rated R for strong sexual content, pervasive language and drug use, and some violence.

Rating: 2/5 Plot: Two months after getting dumped by a woman named London (Biel), drugged out Syd (Evans) is informed by a phone call that his ex is having a going away party that night and will be leaving town the next day. Enraged and agitated, Syd decides to crash the party and make one final attempt to salvage his relationship with London. Along the way, he picks up Bateman (Statham), a coke-dealing white collar professional who Syd cajoles into accompanying him to the party. Once they arrive, they shack up in an opulent bathroom where they snort massive amounts of smack, debate the existence of God with a pair of passing party-goers, and boorishly compare notes on who has endured greater pain and suffering. Will Syd snap out of his drug-induced haze long enough to speak his peace with London? Is there anything left to reconcile, or can he at least pull himself together enough to move on with his life?

Criticism: The biggest problem with this film is that it's seldom as insightful as it wants to be or thinks it is. Syd and Bateman are not particularly interesting or compelling characters, despite their emotional issues and drug abuse. Their "intellectual" discussions are shallow and trite and flat. They are both so caught up in their insecurities and belligerence that they are incapable of genuinely seeing or feeling for anyone else. The filmmaker is well aware of this, as shown by the use of tag names (acid casualty Syd Barrett of Pink Floyd infamy and Bateman the soulless corporate killer from American Psycho). But the filmmaker refuses to acknowledge that his creations are pathetic and empty. He presents their hollow observations and meaningless chatter as if it were genuine insight. This makes what happens in the last 20 minutes entirely ludicrous, as the film veers suddenly into conventional romantic drama territory that cannot be justified on the basis of what has come before.

Prescriptive Analysis: (spoilers galore) One of the few dead-on moments in the film is in a flashback where London tells Syd that his philosophical discussions are little more than bullying designed to raise himself up by tearing everything else down. The film needs to do more to play up that angle. But first, the Syd character has to be shown as having a little more potential that what is demonstrated here. His "intellectual" repartee needs serious punching up. There are plenty of clever cynics/nihilists to use as models. What he's saying needs to sound attractive and interesting on the surface, so that it can come as a revelation when it's revealed later on in the film as hollow and manipulative self-absorption. Likewise, the numerous flashbacks to his memories of the relationship need to show moments of beauty and understanding and not just the distrust and macho posturing shown here. We need to see that this relationship was something special and we need to feel a sense of tragedy at its loss. We need to see its flaws, especially his flaws which the audience should see even if he doesn't necessarily, at least at the beginning. But we also need to see the beauty when it's not totally swallowed up by the ugliness.

Then there's the issue of those last 20 minutes. Syd and Bateman go downstairs, get into a massive brawl with the party's hosts...and then not only does London leave with Syd, but, after a "deeply meaningful" conversation in which nothing actually deep or meaningful is said or shown, she actually goes to bed with him before catching her plane in the morning. And throughout all this Syd comes across as remarkably together for a man who has indulged in an epically massive cocaine binge.

OK, so how might they have done this instead? Let's keep the fight, but make it even more of a mess. Bateman breaks somebody's nose, the apartment is totally trashed, police get called. Bateman gets arrested, and London has to beg her friend not to press charges against Syd. Syd ends up back in the bathroom, where London comes in to help nurse his injuries. They talk, using some of the dialog from their "deeply meaningful conversation" in the actual film but also more raw anger and hurt from him and a lot more analysis of their relationship's shortcomings from her. Without admitting it, it is here that he has to realize that his intellectualizing is bs and that he's been a totally selfish prick. And, through her tenderness and sadness and invocation of what was beautiful about their relationship, it needs to become clear that she still deeply loves him, though she has made the choice to move on with her life. Perhaps they could fall asleep in the bathroom together, then he takes her to the airport in the morning. The tracking shot at the airport, which is a nicely shot farewell, could then be mostly left intact, only the emotions would be earned.
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A great film, impressive
PersianPlaya40826 August 2006
Hunter Richards' film about a young man(evans) who is desperate to win back his beautiful ex-girlfriend, London (Biel). The film isn't deep, but i found it extremely effective in showing a simple story. The performances were real, even Biel was good here as was Evans and Statham who truly stole the show. I liked the screenplay a lot and the direction suited the film as well. I liked the cinematography from Jo Willems and the music by The Crystal Method. The film is a great 2 million dollar film, low budget, high quality, they should make more films like this.--- very good film from hunter richardsIMDb Rating: 6.0, my rating: 9/10
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holy pseudo intellectualism
jsooper25 May 2006
Pretty good movie...great performances with a really pretentious script. Some of the discussions/ conversations are a bit trite. Lots of cliché drug banter, which tend to hide the real meaning of the movie. The deeper content of the film is hearty and full of quality but isn't evident enough. I'm personally kind of sick of of being a voyeurs to the trials and tribulations of rich Manhattan 20 somethings, but again good performances. I do wish Jessie Biel had more scenes but that has to do with my personal obsession/Love for her. WARNING not a drug movie, even though it does contain lots of gratuitous drug use, which is depicted fairley accurately...or at least that what people who do those drugs have told me.
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A total failure on every level
hack200013 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
London is a dialogue driven film which falls flat on its face, simply because the dialogue is horribly written and utterly pretentious. Who talks like the characters in this movie in real life? The answer : No one. The casting is also completely out of control. Jason Statham as an impotent drug addict? Unintentional laughs often occur as Statham and Chris Evans talk about some of the most ridiculous things ever committed to celluloid, while snorting unrealistically huge amounts of cocaine in a bathroom that looks like a porn movie set. Please stop now. None of the characters are sympathetic. This ruins the whole premise of the movie (Evan's character trying to win his girlfriend back) and it's impossible to connect with any of them, leaving the audience to one of the most tedious films ever.

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Very good film
Movienut8812 February 2006
Directed by newcomer Hunter Richards, London is a complex tale of a man scorned by a traumatic breakup. Jessica Biel plays the title character, a savvy sophisticated woman who was the love of Syd's (Chris Evans) life. Since she left him, he has become a complete wreck. He now spends his days drinking and snorting cocaine. Six months later, he finds out through a random phone call that London is moving to Los Angeles. The worst part is that her friend Becca (Isla Fisher) is throwing a going away party - one that he isn't invited to. Determined to get London back, Syd decides to crash the party along with his unsuspecting dealer Bateman (Jason Statham), a banker who sells drugs on the side. When they get there, they eventually wind up in the bathroom. They snort huge amounts of coke and talk about life and love as Syd attempts to get up his nerve and talk to London. Along the way we are introduced to a number of eccentric characters, such as feisty bartender Mallory (Joy Bryant) and high-school student Maya (Kelli Garner). Each one plays a part in Syd's tripped-out journey of self discovery.

Although it features a cast full of popular young stars, London is not an easy sell in the slightest.. Audiences aren't likely to respond due to its strange and offbeat plot. It reminds me a lot of 1999's Go in this regard, although it is considerably less mainstream. It is truly a character study of many different individuals, all of them reflecting on life as the events unfold before their eyes. It moves at a slow pace but is never boring thanks to excellent performances and stylish direction.

Chris Evans is on screen for almost every frame and delivers another excellent performance. He shows his dramatic chops here and exhibits an ability for both comedy and drama. His character is very complex and has many different layers, all of which are revealed throughout the course of the film. Jason Statham, well-known for his action roles, plays against type here as the straight laced businessman Bateman. He shows his talent in both comedy and drama, and also has great chemistry with Evans. Jessica Biel is radiant and fascinating as London, a woman longing for complete commitment in an otherwise stable relationship. She has strong chemistry with real-life boyfriend Evans and her character is believable and likable. Most of her scenes are flashback sequences, so it is interesting to watch her character progress.

The supporting cast is great for a film of this size. Joy Bryant is solid as Mallory and gets the most to do of the side characters. Kelli Garner makes an impression but isn't given a whole lot to do, maybe appearing for fifteen minutes total. Isla Fisher, who was hilarious in last year's Wedding Crashers, gives another strong comedic performance here as the naive and unsuspecting party host. The rest of the actors are fairly insignificant overall, with most being reduced to mere walk-on roles (such as comedian Dane Cook).

Richards writes and directs this project and shows great promise in his first outing. The direction is stylish and he finds many interesting takes to use - making the film easy to watch and helping it from dragging on. The screenplay is also solid. It seems like something originally written for the stage, but it works on film thanks to the way each scene is handled. While there are comedic elements, there are also several sweet and poignant scenes. The best scene in the film is the final confrontation between London and Syd in an airport. The Crystal Method provides the score for the film, a techno-fringed mixture of various beats that fits well with the tone of the film.

Overall, I can see why London isn't appreciated by critics and won't be embraced by audiences. It's a strange film that requires patience from the viewer due to its slow pace. But thanks to excellent performances and stylish direction, it turns out to be a completely fascinating and involving tale.

8/10 (B+)
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sick sick sick
destroyeverything-123 February 2006
I f'n loved this movie. awesome cast, great script work and the story is original and intriguing (sp?) this movie is set in great locations which really fit the films mood. the sound is superb there's moments with no ambient noise at all just the voices of the actors and the snuffle of a line of nose candy disappearing. the some what fresh cast worked great together and proved that the film industry will survive long after the Catharine zetas and George cloonys of today. It was nice to see Jason statham in a acting role he carried multiple scenes with ease. I recommend all see this movie and commend the cast of this wonderful film for their work.

also if you liked this movie watch

the rules of attraction
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BandSAboutMovies19 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Syd (Chris Evans) learns that his ex-girlfriend London (Jessica Biel) is having a going-away party by her friend Rebecca (Isla Fisher) as she's going to California with her new boyfriend. London destroyed Syd when she broke things off and he refuses to let her escape without telling her how he feels, so he brings along his coke buddy Bateman (Jason Statham) and pretty much gets destroyed and does lines in a bathroom while confessing everything that got him to this point in his life.

Directed and written by Hunter Richards, this is very 2005 in that Dane Cook has a role. Its leads were also dating, which makes sense as to why they'd both do this and hey, at least The Crystal Method soundtrack is pretty good.

Really, if you want to watch 90 minutes of Evans and Statham in a wig doing blow while women come in, urinate and also do blow while those two go off on life, love and urinating on folks, this is on blu ray and looks nice, I guess. This feels like a one room play and at least the leads get to put it all in and go for it. Maybe it's your favorite movie and you saw it back in the mid 2000s and remember a time when you could randomly go to parties and not deal with a plague and the worst thing was some post-nasal drip and the need to apologize to some people you offended.
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An underrated gem
imdbbl6 December 2009
Hunter Richards's first feature film, London, is quite the gem. I guess the best way to described is as a complex and extremely smart tale of a man hurting by a traumatic breakup. Chris Evans plays the lead character, Syd, a very complex and layered individual who has a cocaine addiction. And the beautiful Jessica Biel is London, Syd's ex-girlfriend. Chris learns that a good-bye party is being thrown for London. Syd decides to go even thought he wasn't invited and brings his new aqquaitance with him. Bateman(played by Jason Statham), a banker/drug dealer from who Syd bought cocaine. They arrive early at the party and are let in by a reluctant Rebbecca, the party host and owner of the loft. Syd and Bateman go upstairs to the bathroom and proceed to snort large quantities of cocaine while they talk about life, love and death. There's also a few flashback sequences throughout the film that show what happen between Syd and London. While Syd and Bateman are in the bathroom, the party gains life. Syd is afraid of getting out of the bathroom but he knows that ultimately, he has to talk to London to either sort things out or finally move on... One can say that the plot is a bit strange and/or of-beat when compared to other films, and that may be the reason why this film isn't appreciated by many( hence the low rating on IMDb). If you want to "escape" from your daily routine and watch something uplifting, this is probably not the film for you. This is the everyday life, this is an extremely well made character study that shows in a very raw and realistic way the anguish and turmoil of relationships. The main character, Syd, feels lost and depressed and he questions himself, at one point he questions everything, just as real people do( I know I do). Regarding the technical aspects; the direction is very stylish, the soundtrack fits extremely well with the tone of the film, the dialog is superb and the acting was tremendous. Chris Evans was great and managed to show a few different sides and layers of what otherwise could have been an unlikable character. Jason Statham showed some serious dramatic skills that I was not expecting considering he's mainly an action star.Jessica Biel was radiant as London, Syd's ex-girlfriend who longed for commitment. Overall, London is a very intelligent, honest and realistic film. I guess it is an acquired taste but I won't be forgetting this one soon.

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Entertaining but Pointless Romance
claudio_carvalho24 April 2009
In New York, the drug-addicted Syd (Chris Evans) is consumed by drugs and booze missing his girlfriend London (Jessica Biel), who broke with him six months ago after a two-year relationship. When Syd finds that London's friends will promotes a going away party to her, he decides to go to the party without invitation. But first he meets the banker and drug-dealer Bateman (Jason Statham) in a bar to buy coke, and he invites his new acquaintance to go to the party with him. While locked in the bathroom with Bateman snorting coke and drinking booze, Syd recalls moments of his relationship with London, inclusive that he had never said "I love you" to his girlfriend despite her countless requests. Bateman also "open his heart" under the influence of cocaine and tells his impotence problem to Syd; in the end he convinces Syd to talk to London.

The weird "London" is an entertaining but pointless romance. Jason Statham wearing wig has a great performance and Jessica Biel is incredibly sexy and gorgeous in the role of London. However, the characters are not well developed and, for example, it is never clear how Syd can be wealthy and spend the days using drugs and booze without studying or working. Chris Evans is miscast in the role of a twenty-year old teenager (or young man), and his egocentric and arrogant character never creates the necessary empathy with the viewers or chemistry with London. Most of the dialogs and small talk are funny since most of the characters are coke-head under influence of cocaine and alcohol. Last but not the least, the story brings no message or moral in the end, going to nowhere with the open end. Like the poet says, "love is eternal while it lasts". My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "London"
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A flawed Masterpiece
otatom18 September 2006
'London' is a superb film that consumes it's spectator from beginning to end. The Plot line is brilliant, the directing in perfect, the look of the film is perfect. However it has some obvious flaws. The idea of two strangers stuck in a room together comparing their problems, almost competing to have the more troubled life, slowly removing their many layers of clothing and getting deeper and deeper into their psyche is pure brilliance. But perhaps Richards could've given Chris Evans' character 'Syd' a bigger problem. So he split up with his girlfriend...people are dying of Cancer! Although i do like 'Bateman's' (Jason Statham), an impotent man, because it's an issue that isn't really thought of...the effect of impotence on a relationship and on a man's ego as it literally is taking away his manhood. Also the film has many plot holes for instance where the hell does 'Syd' get his money from; to buy cocaine, and the many presents for 'London', and pay for his apartment? Also why does Isla Fisher's character have an Australian accent when she was supposed to have gone to Syd's high school and grown up in America? Most of the issues are pretty tiny anyway and can easily be overlooked. I do however think that the casting was a little off. Despite the fact that all of the actors do a grand job i feel that some of them could've been chosen better. Jason Statham acts brilliantly but i think that Bateman should have been a more 'well-spoken' character instead of a cockney. I also think that someone else should've played the part of 'London'. Jessica Biel's presence in the film, i think, makes it seem a lot more 'Hollywoody' and main stream as if Hunter Richards needed 'a name' to be in the credits. Everything i've said seems to make them film sound awful...or makes me sound pedantic...but it's not and i'm not. 'London' was a surprisingly good film to watch and i thoroughly enjoyed it, it consumed me, i felt for all of the characters and became emotionally involved. The music is perfect too. In terms of aesthetics it is perfection. It looks god, sounds good and is bloody bwilliant. Saying that, the reason i wont rate it 10 is because of films like 'The Godfather I and II' and 'Appocalypse Now' or 'Goodfellas'...they're 9's to me and i regard them as the best films ever made.
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goes all over the place
ksf-228 April 2022
Syd (evans) drags his coke dealer (statham) to a going away party for his ex girlfriend. To which they have not been invited. Lots of drugs. Flashbacks of interrupted sex. Awkward conversations. Between syd and his chick. Between syd and the dealer. Trippy film. Conversations of various types of fetish sex acts. We hear what led up to the big breakup. So traumatic. Extra dramatic, due to all the drugs they have all been doing. I think this is the first time i've seen statham completely clean cut and shaved... he usually has the five oclock shadow. Ps. London is the name of evans' girlfriend, played by biel. Written and directed by hunter richards. It's okay. The constant drug use and bickering gets annoying after a while. Showing on the roku channel, so at least the arguing was broken up by commercials now and then.
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Noisy and disappointing
poetbob21 May 2006
The story's summary on the back of the DVD sounded interesting enough, however, the only reason I didn't turn it off a third of the way through was because I was just barely intrigued enough to want to see how it ended. While there were a few interesting moments of dialogue, I felt no empathy with the film's protagonist, rather, he was an angry, self-involved a**hole who did nothing but whine and yell the whole time. It was utterly impossible to think that the character London would find anything attractive in him, let alone would have ever been in love with him. This movie tries very hard to be trendy, smart, and artsy, yet it failed in each respect. While the ending was nice to see in a movie, and the soundtrack was enjoyable and appropriate, it still did not make this film worth watching, and I wish I hadn't bothered.
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a flawed, yet accurate, portrayal of a relationship
RussianCzar19 July 2006
I've been reading a lot of very negative reviews posted here about "London" in the past couple of hours. Most of the reviewers complain about rich yuppie kids with no jobs snorting coke and bitching to their therapists. Yes, this is what goes on in the background for 2/3 of the movie.

However, even though bitchy, rich yuppies are not likable characters, the movie portrays them very accurately. Having spent some time with "these people", I felt the movie was incredibly honest and dealt with pertinent issues. Maybe not pertinent to you in particular, but pertinent to these types of people in this age group.

The acting is really superb. Chris Evans strips down his likable "flaming" side to become an annoying, ego-maniacal prick. Stratham gives a powerful performance, which for some reason screams of Bruce Willis's "finer" work. Biel is the weakest of the main actors, mostly due to the script edging her out of most of the movie. All the actors are right on the money with their characters. Within 10 minutes you start to feel like you've known them for years.

But beyond the drugs, beyond the obnoxious mannerisms, lies a story of a real relationship. By way of flashbacks, but we are given some great insights into how the relationship worked, and how it fell apart. The characters screwed it up, and its amazing watching Syd (Evans) re-live both his best and worst memories. That is the most essential and successful part of the film.
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Not your everyday flick, thats what makes it slick
clasikrcomafia16 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
First off, this is a quality movie. The acting by Chris Evans is nothing to write home about but it's the best he's done so he gets a pat on the back, and Jason Statham as "Bateman" is one of the funniest characters i've seen in a movie. Statham revives his sarcastic attitude from Lock Stock, and Snatch to fit the personality of a stressed out, paranoid, coke head. The flow of this movie is very well done making it sometimes slow and sentimental, and then every time someone does a line it speeds up as the brain cells explode! The Crystal Method soundtrack goes well, and in the end of the day it doesn't hurt to sit and reflect on the fact that the whole movie took place at one party, on one night, and the majority of it; in one bathroom at that party. On another note, the movie has beautiful women in spades so for those who do not enjoy the comedic male performances can have something to looks at :) The acting by Jessica Biel is not much either but she has a very small role, considering her name is the title of the film. I'd say the weakest points of this film are the flashback sequences to when Sid and London were still dating. Those seemed to me, to be dry and just plane stressful. I as a viewer, having a connection with a fictional character appreciate Sid much more when he's stoned out of his mind and not in a relationship. All around good movie, decent acting, 7 out of ten. Bam!
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Umm..are you JOKING?! No wonder this DVD was in the dollar bin.
missashleyh9 March 2008
So I'm definitely one for movies about people living tragic lives while doped up on drugs, but this movie was vile.

'London' was like a grade schools kid's wannabe imitation of Requiem for a Dream. The relationships, the conversations, the language, the perspectives, the entire story line..I thought to myself throughout the entirety of the movie that it must have been written by a child.

If you like movies that (and these are no exaggerations) a.)drop the f-bomb every other word, b.) have the character's snorting coke every second between the f-bombs to the point of it becoming obnoxious, c.) obsess over dick sizes, and d.) have zero substance..this could be the movie for you!

This must have been some sort of punk or humorous joke to see if these actors could pull off such a poorly written script.
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Accurate Portrayal of Anxiety
mjordan7620 May 2006
Surprisingly, for the type of dialog driven movie that this was it was pretty good. I think it was mainly a movie about the human psyche and how it can screw with people hardcore sometimes and screw up good things (relationships). This is also very accurate in portraying how someone with anxiety might feel and act after a very hard breakup. Not everyone will be able to relate to the guys actions here or may think it is because he's a druggie, but I think this movie is more about anxiety. When he is seemingly going nuts (around the time talking to the shrink)it was very realistic of the helpless feeling someone with panic attacks will have.

Almost every conversation, mood and situation in this movie I can relate to, and have been in before. I've had the same conversation with a few ex girlfriends when they were trying to push religion on me. So I don't think the dialog was trying to be too pretentious or philosophical at all. It was just portraying the stupid things people argue about that someone may have been very caught up in during the passion of the moment, but then thinking back to them they seem very stupid to fight about.
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A niche movie that adds to its narrow genre
ericjams30 June 2007
A movie set around a single night. A movie fueled by the dialect of drug users. A movie that doesn't do much than scratch the surface of relationships, drugs, and the manic lives of new yorkers, is not going to attract mainstream approval. I live in NY. I have done/do drugs. The movie appeals to me. The rambling dialogue hits topics like mortality, atheism, suicide, depression, love, sex, anger, pain, and make no mistake it all occurs over the high strung flow of cocaine use. The movie conveys the sense I get when Im out with friends and we have a great conversation about life. You don't necessarily remember it the next week, but you grow, slowly from experiences like that. Through what appears to be innocuous and skittish conversation, the viewer sees a morality within these characters. Its of course inescapably shallow because most of the pain and suffering is merely the result of privileged kids incapable of understanding why life does not play out like its supposed to. But for me, a 27 year old eastcoast, nyc, professional, much of the movie rings true to what happens in the big city, if its a sad social commentary, so be it....better than a glorified story that no one can relate to in my opinion.
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Smash your head against a wall instead
mkat28 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I rarely comment on movies on IMDb, but I just can't help it here. This is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. But wait, I'll admit that Statham is a decent actor. He's entertaining at least. But everything else here is terrible. Rich, beautiful, drug-addled, self-obsessed losers going on about how difficult life is - between lines of blow. Not a single one of these characters is even mildly admirable. I kept watching because I thought the movie would take an ugly but necessary turn and the main character would pull a Lynch move and smash someone's skull open - now that would have been fitting given the personalities portrayed here. We could have at least had an OD to make the movie realistic. Instead we get more superficial garbage spouted from the mouths of spoiled supermodels. Who identifies with these people? And who goes on a coke binge, drinks a bottle of tequila, and goes home and has great sex? Another thing - why would Statham's character's wife marry him in the first place if he couldn't get it up? See? And self discovery? What did the hero discover? That he was an a*#&#E to begin with and still an a#(*$(E at the finish?
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A terrible bore
Gordon-119 August 2015
This film tells the story of a man who is dumped by his girlfriend before she moves to Los Angeles. He gets talking with his drug dealer after snorting cocaine.

With the big names in the film, I thought "London" would be good. Just ten minutes into the film, I was already thoroughly bored. The whole film is basically two guys talking talking and talking for hours in a posh toilet. They argue, swear at each other, and is full of negative atmosphere. And I am so annoyed by Jason Statham's wig. I just think it is wrong for him to have a wig because his bald image is just the right image for him. Chris Evan's character is called Syd, which probably stands for Sydney - and his girlfriend is called London. The other characters might as well be called Berlin, Tokyo, Beijing and New York! I could not get into the film at all. I thought it was a terrible bore.
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