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Not bad for a tinman...
paulclaassen2 March 2022
'Stealth' was a box office bomb. Critics hated it. Audiences didn't like it. So why did I enjoy it so much then?

Many of the comments expressed distinct dislike towards the fact that EDI, the warplane, could talk. But let's think about this for a second. Back in the 80's there was a talking car, KITT from Knight Rider. Today we have computers, electronics, gadgets, phones, etc that talk to us. So why not a plane - which essentially is a computer itself ?

The film revolves around the said plane, EDI - an unmanned fighter-bomber stealth plane. The future of digital warfare is here; a plane that 'thinks' for itself. Quite honestly, if this would eliminate soldiers dying in war, I'm all for digital warfare!

Three pilots were chosen for the program: Lt. Ben (Josh Lucas), Lt. Kara (Jessica Biel), and Lt. Henry (Jamie Foxx). I must be honest, I didn't like the Henry character. I got the feeling they needed a third pilot merely for comic relief (initially), and to create a turning point in the movie. This character was underdeveloped with lousy dialogue and it seemed they didn't know what to do with this character until he was needed for the turning point, as mentioned. He slowed the movie down...

After being hit by lightning, EDI malfunctions and becomes unstable and destructive. The action sequences are really good. The visual effects are not always good, but for most parts it were pretty good. The film takes us on a rollercoaster adventure from the US to Russian airspace, North Korea, and Alaska. The main antagonist is Captain George Cummings (Sam Shepard), who has ulterior motives and as a result makes questionable decisions.

'Stealth' is an action adventure thriller I actually thoroughly enjoyed. I've watched it a few times now and enjoy it ever time. And yes, I did enjoy it more than 'Top Gun'. (I've tried watching 'Top Gun' 3 times already and I simply can't get into that movie!! I find it boring with annoying characters). There, I said it; now crucify me for being honest!

'Stealth' has a really exciting finale. Oh, and just saying; Josh Lucas is a feast for the eyes!!

Would I watch it again? Yes.
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Spectacular aircrafts movie with lots of CG effects and noisy action
ma-cortes25 October 2007
The picture concerns about two all-American boys(Josh Lucas, Jamie Foxx) and a brave girl(Jessica Biel).They are the best US Navy pilots and were chosen by Captain Cummins(Sam Shepard) to fly the latest marvel aircraft, Stealth fighter, called Talons, a supersonic fighting planes. They go behind world terrorists into Rangun and Kirghistan. Captain Cummins adds a new member to the team, an unmanned combat aerial vehicle that is being flown by a computer called Edi( voice of Wentworth Miller) with an artificial intelligence brain inside the cockpit and operated by a technician(Richard Roxburgh). But the exceptional Stealth is struck by a lightning and like HAL from ¨2001, Space Odyssey", starts to think for itself, rebelling against the humans. The trio ought to stop it , before begins WWIII.

This is a well produced and entertaining film though some moments is lamentably dull, for that reason is instantly forgettable trifle. The story of three valiant Lieutenants is much too-thin to sustain such a long movie. What's important here are the combats, shootings, airplane pursuits, flying sequences , among the best in the last time Hollywood history. Amazing computer generator FX are realized by Digital Domain, whose owner is James Cameron. Fantastic, memorable aerial cinematography by Deam Semler is the main asset of this silly story with stunning dogfighting and horrible disco-music by BT. Numerous films appear ¨Stealth¨, the next generation aircraft, as the production star, the first movie was ¨Firefox¨(Clint Eastwood)and two with Steven Seagal(Executive decision and Flight of fury) and several in B series, especially. The motion picture is lavishly produced by Neal Moritz and professionally directed by Rob Cohen, both are usual action movies experts. Rating : Acceptable and passable for its spectacular images.
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Really dumb
briancham19944 June 2020
I was so looking forward to this film but it turned out to be a really barebones movie. It has the smallest semblance of a plot, the actors are given nothing to work with and the tension is not really believable. The story turns out to be really dumb and have no payoff.
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Stupefying and hilariously terrible film
mike-verdone9 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Stealth is the best movie of the summer. And when I say best, what I mean is that it's the most hackneyed and predictable 130-million dollar piece of crap action flick of the year. Stealth has no intentional redeeming qualities whatsoever, and plays into every single textbook stereotype of the genre. Thus, if you're the kind of person who loves Mystery Science Theatre 3000, you must, must go see Stealth immediately.

Stealth follows the exploits of three Navy pilots in a top secret program involving, well, experimental stealth fighters. There's Lt. Ben Gannon (Josh Lucas): the white-bread pretty-boy with a smarmy attitude with a history of breaking rules and taking too many risks, played like a twisted caricature of 'Maverick' Mitchell of Top Gun. There's Kara Wade (Jessica Biel): the obligatory Caucasian hottie pilot who spouts clichéd feminist rhetoric and sports an "I can do anything you can do, better" attitude aligned more with the Spice Girls than Andrea Dworkin; the pink teddy lingerie and frilly bra she apparently wears under her LuLu Lemon flight suit don't help her cause either. Finally, there's Henry Purcell (Jamie Foxx) the black male who listens to rap music, has indiscriminate sex with as many women as possible, and poses for imaginary photographers in his bedroom. For no apparent reason he's also a mathematician and numerology nut who later expounds that "one is a prime number".

The fourth character is "Tin Man", the artificially intelligent experimental stealth fighter assigned to the squadron. Its brain uses "quantum computation" and processes "20 terabits per second" which is pretty impressive until you realize the number doesn't make any sense. Having a computer as sympathetic character is a pretty cool idea. At least it was in 1968 when Kubrick made 2001: A Space Odyssey, though Tin Man's inflective voice and bizarre penchant for rock music suggests a closer relation to Max-- the shipboard computer in Disney's Flight of the Navigator-- than HAL 9000. This doesn't stop the writers from making bizarre homages to Kubrick's space opus; in fact one major plot point centers on the computer overhearing a conversation in a scene shot much like HAL's famous lip-reading in the Pod. The computer also has a big red eye, which is dumb because it doesn't need to see anything with it, but cool because it helps the computer emote more effectively.

After a minor sortie in Rangoon (where "three terrorist leaders" are meeting in "a building still under construction" (which is important because now they can implode the building without killing any civilians-- go America!)), and then an extended Thailand vacation sequence where the pilots engage in tedious ham-fisted metaphysical discussions about whether Tin Man is actually alive, the computer predictably goes nuts and decides to attack a fortified terrorist camp in Tzadzikistan or something that just got access to some old Russian nuclear warheads and SCUD launchers. (We know they're terrorists because of the turbans and the fact that they're moving the warheads around on carts pulled by mules.) The nukes get blown up but radioactive dust falls down the mountain side and kills "thousands of innocent farmers" which I guess is bad but they don't spend too long worrying about it because they have to catch the psycho stealth.

Usual stuff happens after that-- a pilot hits the side of a mountain, another one goes down inexplicably in North Korea, and the remaining one has to avenge his friend's death and rescue the other pilot from the Koreans' evil clutches. The ability of these planes to be in Rangoon, Tzadzikistan, Russia, Alaska, and Korea on just a few tanks of gas is explained by their ability to hit hypersonic speeds exceeding Mach 5 which is cool because it's like warp speed on Star Trek-- they punch a button and the planes zip away in a bullet cone of displaced air and end up in a new locale more suitable for extreme aerobatics. They also get to fly against the Russians which is funny because the Russians obviously haven't built any new planes since the fall of the Soviet Union, which begs the question: why do the stealths have such trouble with them? Why don't they just hit the Mach 5 button and get out of there? Is there something about the shocking yellow and brown paint job on the anachronistic Migs that impedes the functioning of hypersonic engines? The plot isn't really important-- what is important is that the movie contains a wealth of brain-dead inaccuracies for geeks to make fun of. From bizarre phrases like "the Stealth has firewall-ed the transponder!" to the fact that the Stealth's brain is made alternately from quantum hardware, neural networks, and DNA sequences depending on which one looks coolest for the effects sequence, and was apparently programmed by hand by one man using a futuristic language reminiscent of Matlab, to the way that the naval command is powered by transparent lexan PC cases decked out with coloured LCD cooling fans, this movie just stinks of technical naivety due to lack of research as opposed to creative liberty.

Stealth is a movie that begs its own drinking game. It should be watched with a group of people in an environment that engenders snarky comments. Stealth is not a good movie in any way, shape, or form, but it is a film that is so stupefyingly bad it absolutely must be seen to be believed.
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This means war
dejfatman5 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
(Spoilers ahead)

My brother in law must hate me, and I cannot let this pass. I mean, I might have been able to let it go if his disdain for me had manifested itself in a more civilized manner, like him sucker-punching me in the balls and calling my kids ugly. But no, his hatred for me runs so deep, he chose to exact his villainy upon me in the form of this hell-spawn stupidity know as Stealth.

Each grating second of the film was like another twist of Lucifer's fiery trident in my face. Hours after this holocaust was but a distant memory to my TV screen, the horrific imagery was still burned in my retinas. I could still hear Satan's demonic host laughing at me, lead by my brother-in-law.

Stealth, which easily charges past XXX and The Fast and The Furious in its unwavering quest to be the stupidest movie of all time, was directed by Rob Cohen, who, in exchange for fame, is obviously bound by some unholy pact with the devil to assault all of his viewers' senses. And yes, I mean all my senses: this movie looked, sounded, felt, smelled, and even tasted like week old sushi.

The movie's plot starts by introducing a trio of hotshot pilots who fight hard, play hard, and have perfect hair and teeth while doing it. You have Ben Gannon (Josh Lucas), the fearless leader who is wild, unpredictable, and doesn't like to follow orders, but, gosh dangit, he's the best darned pilot they have. Then there's his love interest, Kara Wade (Jessica Biel), a woman whose skills surpass most men's, especially when it comes to filling out a bikini. Last, and certainly least, is Token Blackguy (Jamie Foxx), the promiscuous, hip hop listenin', basketball playin', and doomed-to-die comedic relief.

After completing a dazzling training mission filled with enough fast cuts to induce a seizure, our trio is informed by the evil military commander that a fourth member, piloting a new prototype plane, will soon join their group. But the new pilot is no ordinary pilot. No, it's actually a computerized, talking Times Square New Year's Eve Ball! And his name, obviously ripped off some budding porn star, is "Extreme Deep Invader" or EDI for short. EDI is the heart of the military's latest and greatest weapon, the Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle (UCAV). He was also designed and built by idiots, because instead of being programmed to behave methodically, predictably, and controllably in the battlefield, he actually learns on the fly, picking up such useful skills like how to download illegal MP3s on the internet.

EDI is, of course, rushed into service during the hotshots' next mission, and before you can say "HAL900", he gets struck by lightning, goes all "Skynet" on them, becoming sentient. Luckily, his programmers equipped him to display a graphical representation of a DNA double helix being split for just such an occasion.

Soon afterward, the super team is scrambled to destroy some baddies holed up in a castle in the middle-east before the arrival of some ox carts bearing nukes (no, I'm not kidding). Despite orders telling him to stand down due to a high collateral damage assessment, EDI lights up the terrorists, spreading radioactive dust over the whole region. Not satisfied, EDI decides to off and kill several targets programmed in his hypothetical war scenario system, thrusting the plot forward into the man versus evil machine story. I could swear I heard my 3 year old say, "Saw that one coming."

From this point, the movie leaves the land of popcorn-movie incongruity and spirals into complete and utter implausibility. I won't go into too much detail, but one of our heroes dies, one manages to invade Russian airspace, shooting down 2 Russian jets sent to defend their homeland (ensuring the start of WWIII), and the other somehow crashes down in North Korea, requiring a rescue attempt that murders dozens of North Korean border patrol. And what about evil EDI? What else; he develops a conscience and sacrifices himself for the team, supposedly leaving you with a heart warming feeling. It left me with heartburn.

The abominable movie closes with the typical happy Hollywood ending where Ben Gannon and Kara Wade exchange love vows. Ah, nothing like true love to help forget about the impending apocalypse they just ushered in by invading Russia and North Korea.

You know, there are many ways to creatively describe hate. But the best one in this case, unfortunately, is not entirely my own. I couldn't help but think of one particular line in the cheesy dialog that, with a little modification, could perfectly describe this movie. At one point, in charge of maintaining EDI's brain, our stereotypical computer geek with bad hair, clothes, and, most likely odor, describes EDI as a "quantum sponge" that can learn at a geometric rate. Well, this movie is like a "quantum vacuum". The longer you watch, the more it sucks at a geometric rate.
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A movie I shouldn't have seen and neither should you Warning: Spoilers
Every now and then a movie comes along that really makes you wonder at the depths of human nature, the very intricate framework that binds us together in society. Stealth is one such movie, if of course you replace "human nature" with "Jessica Biel's cleavage", and "intricate framework" with "mind-numbingly bad plot and acting".

It all begins simply enough with the same old introduction of the piloting dream team (for more information on high flying dream teams, please reference Top Gun, Apollo 13, and the 1992 Olympic Men's Basketball Finals). Surely enough, one of them is a visible minority, one a woman, and one a version of white machismo incarnate. So, at this point in the movie, can you already guess who's going to sacrifice themselves for the team, who's going to need rescuing, and who's going to save the day? Good, good, and we're only 30 seconds into the opening credits. Next, enter the 'wave of the future' that's obviously going to turn evil and yada-yada-yada. Then, of course, mysteriously relocate the technician who's nervous about the doomsday implications of said future-wave. Same old, same old. Can we see some boobies yet? Yes, yes we can.

We then continue aimlessly through this movie as it twists and turns… and twists some more… and then, seemingly at the end of its contortion, starts twisting back to where it came from – the sewer. Joined the whole way by bad dialog, a senseless plot and a host of mispronunciations, not the least of which was "Tajikistan" (pronounced tie-gee-kee-stan by our venerable commander), this movie begins on a downward spiral which ultimately emerges as a two hour Army recruitment commercial. Cue the rescue, and with it the fact that these pilots all have better aim than the guys trained to shoot, and you have a movie.

So, what was it about this movie that was supposed to be good again? Ah, I remember, the special effects, the ones that have been assaulting our eyes on TV every ten minutes for the past month and a half. They couldn't possibly fail there, right? Wrong. In some scenes, the planes would have been better off being constructed of plasticine, and the terrible digital flames marking the sight of one pilot's unfortunate and entirely foreseeable demise might as well have been drawn by hand for all the effect they had.

In short, this movie is awful, but who knows, someone out there might like it. So if you're the kind of person who still wonders how they get the caramel inside the Caramilk bar, go see this movie, otherwise, you might just go Oedipus on your eyes.
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'Short Circuit' meets 'Top Gun'.
BA_Harrison11 December 2010
'Short Circuit' meets 'Top Gun' in Rob Cohen's CGI-packed action-fest Stealth, in which a trio of ridiculously attractive elite US fighter pilots (Josh Lucas, Jamie Foxx and Jessica Biel) must do battle with the latest in aeronautical warfare technology—an Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle (UCAV), flown by a computer called EDI, which goes haywire after it is struck by lightning.

Tearing out of the stratosphere at Mach Impossible to blast the crap out of anything that looks even the slightest bit foreign, the hi-tech aircraft in this film are about as stealthy as a herd of stampeding fluorescent pink elephants blowing vuvuzelas; they sure are cool looking though, and provide action fans with plenty of moments of spectacular mid-air madness, Cohen's virtual camera whipping in and around the state-of-the-art aircraft with as much speed and agility as the planes themselves.

Anyone looking for realism need not apply (the film's corny plot is about as believable as an email from a Nigerian businessman), but with endless huge explosions, a psychotic A.I. jet plane, Foxx ploughing into the side of a mountain, and gorgeous Jessica Biel in a bikini, those after some slam-bang, big-budget popcorn trash to give the old brain cells a rest could do a lot worse than Stealth.

6.5 out 10, rounded up to 7 for IMDb.
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Don't Watch This Film
scaryleon12 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
When I started watching this drivel the theme song from Team America: World Police spontaneously started playing in my mind. It didn't go away until I left the cinema, a sad and wiser man (although, fortunately, not poorer, as someone else paid for me to see it).

I say sad, although I did laugh on numerous occasions. This was not the laughter of joy; it was a kind of questioning "How did they get away with this?" kind of laughter at the sheer randomness of the universe in allowing this film to be made at all. From the clichéd white man/white woman/black man team, to the cringe-worthy scenes of recreation. From the amount of times the "superplanes" get damaged by debris from other aircraft to the woman who manages to shoot several of her pursuers with a random burst from her gun and force them to stop chasing her, despite her injuries, exhaustion, their superior numbers, dogs, blah, blah, blah - oh hold on, this is Team America Live Action. Now it makes sense!

I'm not sure what the worst aspect of this film was. Was it the story? The "hero" disobeys orders (leading to the AI plane disobeying orders and unleashing a radioactive cloud over thousands of innocents) orders his wingman to destroy the plane (leading to said wingman's death) steals the plane after he makes up with it, and attacks the North Korean border (as you might imagine, this potential start of an international conflict isn't exactly resolved at the end of the film) and _still_ gets the girl, and not a court-martial? Or is it the atrocious dialogue, the acting (another area in which this film is on a par with Team America)and the constant and pathetic use of clichés all the way through?

I wish I could say that I was pleased that the expected ending (hero shoots down the rogue plane and saves the day) didn't occur. But no! They somehow managed to find a worse resolution! In a sense, this is therefore a very special film, one so lacking in positives that it is a lesson to all potential film-makers as to how not to create a cinema experience. Unfortunately, there are likely to be a number of people for whom the explosions are enough to sell it. Sadly, I cannot rate this film as badly as I would like - the sight of the woman in a bikini is probably the only good thing about it, but she isn't that good-looking, it doesn't last long enough, and it very much does not make up for the rest of it. Worse than either Sahara or National Treasure (and that's saying something). This film was bad enough for me to register on this site purely so I could advise people not to watch it.

Don't watch it!
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For Those Who Need A Dose Of Action
ccthemovieman-113 April 2007
If you are in need for a good dose of action, this is the film for you. By the end, you've had your "fix." Being someone who is fascinated by the Stealth bomber, I enjoyed most of the action. Only the last 15 minutes was irritating in its stupid action, not that the previous hour- plus was believable. At least it wasn't as ridiculous as those final scenes with Josh Lucas defeating 10-15 guys at once and Jessica Biel doing likewise. Lucas performs his "Kill Bill Vol. 1" routine at a warehouse while Biels is in the wilds of North Korea. In future viewings, I stop the movie before those parts.

The main story - human pilots flying Stealth bombers trying to stop a pilot-less, state-of-the- art totally computerized-driven Stealth which has gone wacky - is fun to watch. The latter is obviously very reminiscent of the computer "Hal" in the famous sci-fi film "2001: A Space Odyssey." There are more than just a few coincidences here as the computer reads lips of the people, has a mind of its own, etc. The big difference is that this updated-Hal has a heart, too. Yeah, it's really far-fetched.

However, if you can put your brain on hold for two hours and just enjoy some wild action shots, you'll enjoy this film. It's basically a fun ride.
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Jingoistic to an amazing degree - an embarrassment to the USA
wrudd15 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The best part of the movie for me, and the only parts that were worthwhile were the scenes with Jessica Biel in the bikini, and at the bar. She is just incredible to look at. Too bad she was in a flight suite and helmet for most of it.

As for the film - putting aside the whole "robot comes to life" part - I couldn't believe the politics of the movie. I don't think anything this jingoistic has been made since 1945. First the robot comes to life and flies into Russia. The Russians send up fighters to protect their country. The American pilot barely thinks twice about killing them all and I am sure doesn't lose any sleep over it. I was stunned to see this, but okay he had to protect the living brain/robot I guess. But then Jessica Biel apparently flies across China in about 5 minutes and goes down in North Korea. Okay so I think now they have to have some negotiations to get her out right? Wrong. The pretty boy pilot and his trusty living brain-robot fly in blast dozens of Koreans who again were just protecting their country to rescue Jessica. So the life of one American is worth dozens of Koreans? I know Jessica is totally hot but come on, some of those Koreans were just minding their own business on border patrol and here comes an American jet and starts killing anything moving. Did they show this movie overseas? It's this type of thing that gives Americans a bad name. When people in a non WASP country see this do they think it reflects the attitude of most Americans? I think the producers should apologize to all the non-white people on the planet for putting forward this type of message!
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Thoughtless, but entertaining in a non-insulting way (that's good)
addgarlic30 July 2005
Stealth is devoid of higher thinking (or maybe any thinking at all). However it has couple of good things going for it:

1. Special effects are well-used. the planes and missiles and explosions rock. the dog fights do not rely on editing but are given a good effort.

2. Yes the premise is dumb - we assume correctly it would not be supported by thoughtful investigation into the mechanics behind the artificial pilot. However, the movie recognizes this fact and does not pretend to have given the matter much thought. It is straight and honest, though still mindless. But hey, that's alright sometimes.

3. The story is simple, but not linear - and that counts for a lot in a movie of this type, because it is unexpected and not required. Stealth has moments where it feels like an epic, albeit a mind-free one.

4. Have you noticed that it's often better to imply a romantic sentiment between the main characters rather than slamming it in your face, especially in an action movie which has precious little time to develop the relationship to begin with? You haven't? Uh that's not good... Anyway, Stealth doesn't kid us with a hasty obligatory romance but gives its characters some room to maneuver between inter-pilot and inter-personal relationships. What was the last summer popcorn movie you can remember that similarly uh, respected our intelligence? I am giving Stealth a lot of credit here. Let's just say if it insulted my intelligence, I was happy to let it slide this time because I was having a good time.

5. Ultimately Stealth is entertaining from beginning to end. It "respects" our intelligence by not appearing to be smarter than dumb. Stupid is less stupid when it doesn't pretend.

I hope you give this movie a chance, and notice how it differs in the formula and execution from what you may have anticipated and from other mindless summer blockbusters.

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Surprisingly enjoyable
shara-422 July 2005
I did not go into this movie with high expectations (my husband received free tickets to an advance screening). However, I was pleasantly surprised! I disagree with another reviewer - I thought the first 15 minutes were oddly paced and filmed poorly (the camera is shaking as we look in on the office of a politician initially).

However, the film picks up from there with solid, well-developed characters, especially Jamie Foxx playing the role of a smart pilot who expresses the moral quandaries of his work at one point and Jessica Biel as a strong female pilot (both physically and psychologically). The audience enjoyed the movie as you could tell from their laughter at Jamie's quips.

While the plot is a bit predictable, it truly is an enjoyable ride. Best of all, my husband is an aerospace engineer and he was impressed with the overall accuracy of the film "for a Hollywood movie." I've had to listen to him (and his co-workers) complain about other movies, but they enjoyed it too - so we give it a thumbs up in you're in the mood for an exciting action movie - or love planes - with just a touch of romance (innuendo only, nothing graphic).
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A fistful of nonsense
EgonMaude9 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
America's self-appointed mission, of course, is to rid the world of threat and terror. Pursuing the the old adage that there's no defence like offence, three uber pilots engage in flirting against the backdrop of catastrophically implemented and egotistically actioned assaults on all manner of cardboard terrorist types. The cast and crew of this FX extravaganza were clearly on autopilot the whole way through.

Our heroes bump off a selection of high ranking terror group leaders in Myanmar by collapsing a high rise block in the centre of Rangoon, with, impressively, no collateral damage, except to the ego of the AI plane that has become their new, unwelcome wingman.

They manage to rumble a gang of Tajeekistanis with a cargo of radioactive matter and explode it. No problem, the main thing is to bring that god dam AI plane under control! It's gone mad you see, and developed consciousness (which later develops into a conscience) and a taste for nu-metal. It won't follow orders and is attacking targets of its own choosing.

No matter then that the chase takes our triumvirate of stereotypical, teeth-like-tombstone heroes into Russian airspace and requires them to do battle with people whose airspace they have invaded in the first place (because of a problem **of their own making**!) The thing is to get that rogue plane under control - at any cost. Even if it means bumping off the well-intentioned airbourne saviours of the universe in the process.

This is where I started to feel genuinely sick. Yes, I know, it's action, it's not real, it's harmless fun. I'm too old to be watching this kind of movie etc etc.

I disagree. I thought the thinking behind this movie is a frightening example of just why the 'war of terror' has panned out the way it has. This film is a clear illustration of the ill thought out comic book imagination of Bush and his middle America supporters writ large. It is, if you think about it for more than a second, deeply disturbing. Somehow it summed up for me the hypocrisy, short-termism and selective amnesia of the West over recent years. Saddam used to be our friend? Get outta here! America supported the Taliban in Afghanistan to oust the Ruskies? Gettaway! They is da enemy! I digress.

The basic premise of 'We are the best, everyone else needs us to save them, so let's go and pre-emptively kick their booties on their own ground so we can all sleep at night' is wearing a little thin. Even the most popcorn headed of movie goers above the age of 16 might have thought that somehow this movie didn't feel quite right?

That this film was made and released during the current climate is a reflection on the general mindset of Hollywood. Don't get me wrong - I'm all for people watching and making what they want - and if you enjoyed the film then good for you, I'm taking it all far too seriously. And I'm not on some anti-war rant either (altho I am certainly not in favour of it). It just seems that there is a dark subtext to this whole special affects caboodle that cannot, or really should not, be ignored. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but this is reconstituted cheese with an unsavoury centre.
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Awful parade of Hollywood clichés and toxic politics
paul_bowes200322 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I like films of this type, and I was ready to be entertained by 'Stealth', but really ...

The comments above have picked up the many, many plot holes and character clichés, so I won't bore you by repeating them, but what really annoyed me about this film was the pernicious brand of politics that it peddles. This is real Black Hat / White Hat stuff - don't look for subtlety. Judging by the plot of 'Stealth', the US military nowadays is almost entirely concerned to avoid civilian casualties (how many Iraqi dead now?) and take out cartoon terrorists on the basis of its faultless intelligence information (!).

You may think that this kind of criticism amounts to going after a fly with an elephant gun - this is after all supposed to be a simple action movie with a vaguely sci-fi premise - but there was a good film to be made about the moral implications of the US's love affair with military high technology and its deep reluctance to risk the lives of its servicemen and -women. 'Stealth' isn't it. This is a film so deeply wedded to cliché that it kills off its leading black character simply to give the white male lead a free shot at the female lead. It even establishes Jaime Foxx's character beforehand as a stud and yet has him express no interest in the gorgeous female pilot played by Jessica Biel. Apparently the colour bar is alive and well. Biel's character, carefully established as tough, capable and clever, the equal of her male colleagues, has to be dumped behind enemy lines purely so that she can be rescued by the hero. Everything in the film reeks of a conformist 50s Cold War mentality, with the faceless 'terrorists' replacing the Soviet Russians, American 'traitors' as scapegoats for the failures of American policy, and the gender and colour roles clearly marked out and policed.

The solitary exception to the cardboard, one-dimensional characterisation is Sam Shepard's Captain George Cummings. Shepard is credible as a soldier and commander - the leads are all far too glossy - and his character has some complexity. At times he seems to be acting in a different, better film.

The CGI effects are up to the usual standards, but this isn't even a notable effects movie (Biel's bod is the most arresting effect on display, and that only briefly). And like everyone else, I have no idea why the film is called 'Stealth'.
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A wonderful flick
greaternate20 October 2006
This movie made me very happy. I felt like I was able to tell the future because it was so predictable. It also had overpriced special effects that made me smile. If only the actors were replaced with special effects, the movie would improve dramatically. My favorite person in the movie was a voice coming from an computer animated plane that looked like it shouldn't fly because it ignores all rule of physics. The worst part of the movie was the fact that it lasted more than 2 minutes. I liked the DVD menu. It was very special. After that the movie began to suck a lot. I still am angry at the individual who choose that movie. He should not be allowed to choose movies anymore. I give it one gold star for excellence. Better a gold star than an angry machine trying to kill people who don't like it. Anyways, don't waste your time watching this attempt (too nice of a word) of a movie. My little brother could have made a better one on his first try. He's only 13. Anyways it sucked.
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Ridiculous, fun and filled with action.
brauner15 August 2005
Let me start out be stating that this is absolutely not the movie of the year. But I rather enjoyed it anyway because of the endless amount cliché lines, the way you can't really tell if it's actually meant to be a comedy or if it's supposed to be the action/scifi-movie of the year. The perfect movie for the guy or gal who knows nothing about computers, chemistry or the air force, and couldn't give a rats ass what's wrong or right. The acting isn't much worse than what you'd expect from a high school class, but don't expect not to be offended by some terrible lines and acting jobs. Warning: This is not a movie anyone should try to think about. Doing so will make you want to throw up. Do not think about how the facts have been messed up. Do not think about how the plot must have been written in the 80's and most of all: Do not think of admitting to your friends you watched this movie and liked it. All you have to do is fall back into the seat and enjoy watching things blow up for an hour and 55 minutes.
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great action movie
kdtreloar12 August 2005
Stealth was not the greatest movie I have ever seen, but it was pretty good. The beginning started out a little bland, but as it got into it, I was on the edge of my seat! I am not really into technology, or aircraft, but it didn't play a big factor in the film at all. The storyline was well done and the performances from the actors/actresses were also very good. The events were fairly realistic and moved well. I also thought that character interactions really helped make prominent events more memorable. If you are looking for a great action, explosion, military movie, this is it! I recommend this film to people who enjoy a lot of action and really sweet visual effects!
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Stupid and Corny Plot
claudio_carvalho10 June 2006
This is the type of movie that you need to shutdown the brain and enjoy the special effects, the beauty of Jessica Biel, the action scenes, the chemistry of Josh Lucas, Jessica Biel and Jamie Foxx, the landscapes in Thailand, the soundtrack… But the most important, i.e., the plot itself is very stupid and corny, and insults the intelligence of an audience of average IQ. In about two hours, the ozone layer might be much reduced, with the number of explosions in this story, in a world that is not in war in this moment (just avoiding). The pilots invade North Korea, Russia, and Alaska, explode, shoot, kill, but they are the "good guys", aren't they? It is better off watching a video game without playing. My vote is four.

Title (Brazil): "Stealth – Ameaça Invisível" ("Stealth – Invisible Menace")
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Silly but fun
graham-16710 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
There is virtually nothing about this movie that makes sense. We have an Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle, Eddie, with a cockpit complete with pilot's seat. This is so daft that they take time out to give a feeble excuse about "test flights", but the first time I saw it I knew it was there so the hero can fly it later on in the movie. And he does. Despite the very title of the movie being "stealth", not one of the aircraft on display acts anything like a stealth aircraft. They consistently attack targets from point blank distance, exposing themselves to anti-aircraft fire from everything down to AK-47s. Nobody ever has trouble finding or attacking them. Although set in "the near future", the Navy is still using F-18s and such - whilst simultaneously putting into use both a new generation of manned super-planes, AND the unmanned aeroplane that is going to render these obsolete before they enter service. We have an aircraft being refused permission to refuel, so it shoots the end off of the drogue line and then plugs into the tattered end of the hose it just shot up to get fuel! I could go on. And on.

BUT. While it is undoubtedly a very silly movie, it is saved from the pits of hell by being quite good mindless fun. Don't go in expecting Top Gun - Top Gun is a far deeper, more emotional movie than this one. Not that Top Gun was a deep, emotional movie. It's just a lot deeper and more emotional than Stealth.

There's one moment in this movie when I thought it was actually going to make a real, genuine point. On a mission one of the hero pilots disobeys orders to carry out an attack in a dangerous fashion so that he can minimise civilian casualties. Our robot plane observes this, and when it goes haywire it cites the earlier mission; he disobeyed orders, so why shouldn't it? You actually get the impression that the movie is going to condemn the hero for disobeying orders and acting on his own, that it's going to show that his individualism has negative consequences!

Of course, that would present the audience with an opportunity to actually THINK about something, and that's the very last thing a movie like Stealth expects you to do. In fact let's be honest here, a movie like Stealth doesn't expect the average viewer to be ABLE to think. So this idea is pretty much dropped flat. (Incidentally, after his disobedience the hero comes back to a "well, you got the mission accomplished so that's okay" attitude. Yeah, military organisations are well known for their forgiving attitude to stuff like that.)

But if you are the type of person who can completely disconnect your brain and go "huh, that looks cool!" a lot, then Stealth is a moderately pleasant way to spend a couple of hours.
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A good, not great, action flick
will3890031 July 2005
"Stealth" is a good, but not great action flick. It is about a team of 3 expert pilots who get a new pilot added to their squad. However it isn't an ordinary pilot, its a digital pilot. Its name is ed and the plane flies itself.

The computer graphics are eye candy and its hard to tell the difference between reality and the computer graphics. The story is very hard to follow and you might get lost if you don't pay close attention, however the action makes up for that. There is plenty of shooting and explosions to keep you on the edge of your seat through the entire movie.

Overall "Stealth" is an enjoyable movie.
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Quite possibly the worst film of 2005 and definitely the worst film Cohen has ever made....
Reel_World1 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I was really looking forward to this movie. The trailers showed promise, but when I finally sat down to watch it I was let down big time.

Rob Cohen is known for doing schlock action flicks, but he also directed the great "Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story". Stealth is probably his worst film ever to date and he should retire and disappear after this one.

From a storyline thinner than one of the Olsen twins, to the casting, to the overabundance of CGI, this film just might fly onto DVD shelves quicker than the planes in the film fly.

The only real saving grace to this movie - and the main reason I wanted to see it - was Jamie Foxx. Just imagine my surprise when his character starts off as your stereotyped "black guy sidekick" and then winds up getting killed 30 minutes into the picture!

What we're left with is Josh Lucas and Jessica Biel to look at with some quasi love story mixed with the killer computer from 2001 and some utter re-hashes of old dialogue from better movies.

Let me list the things wrong with this film.

A) Despite the planes being stealth fighters, they do not at any time actually use stealth ability. The planes fly low enough that anyone could see them and only once is the fact that the "stealth ability" on the ship is damaged.

B) I don't know who the military adviser on this film was - there probably wasn't one - but I don't think fighter jets can do back flips while going 900mph...

C) The dialogue was either of a 9th grade English class level or "borrowed" from other (better) films. "I'm not leaving my wingman" was one such instance.

D) The camera guy drank too much coffee...There has to be a better way to get the audience into the action without just shaking the camera.

E) The film tries to suggest that collateral damage is containable to a 100% degree in combat. This - especially in this day and age - is an unforgivable oversight and a real slap in the face to people who have lost loved ones in real wars in the last few years.

F) The film attempts to sensationalize war - much like other films - but winds up making it feel like there's no consequence to an action.

G) Jamie Foxx was totally underused.

H) Biel bailing out of her plane would have been physically impossible. Despite the fact that she was upside down when she ejected, the g-force of a spin like that would pin her into the cockpit.

I) I'm no scientist - but when an object reaches terminal velocity, opening a parachute would have detached the top of the body from the bottom. When she hits the ground too, amazingly she has no injuries!?

J) The N Korean sniper with his hail mary shot that hits her from like 40 miles away in the shoulder ends up causing her to limp?

K) For not a second did I think any of the actors (Foxx included) could possibly be real fighter pilots - much less the elite stealth pilots!?

I could go on and on and on. Let's just say that if you MUST see this film, then try to get it on a 2 for 1 rental night in September when it hits DVD. Anyone who pays good money to see this crap needs their head seen to. Anyone who actually thinks this film is GOOD - well gee whiz - they're either 10 years old or as one reviewer said they would have just had a lobotomy.

If you want a good fighter pilot flick - rent Top Gun again.
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Good, no-brainer, popcorn film
bdpmoorcroft7 May 2008
I really enjoyed Stealth. I watched it when I was in the mood for a movie I didn't have to think too much about. I was rewarded with a roller-coaster of a movie.

Yes, i know that the aeroplanes in the film wouldn't fly, it isn't realistic, and all of the other comments I have heard about it's authenticity. However, planted in the film (i know they are not mentioned much), but there are some valid issues about the use of unmanned war machines, and detaching the horror of war from war, essentially making it more morally acceptable.

To be honest, when you watch a Rob Cohen film, you really shouldn't be expecting Oscar winning stuff. You should expect entertainment, and this film delivers.
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Typical jet jockey film with nice twist
eichelbergersports16 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Navy lieutenants Ben Gannon (Josh Lucas, "The Hulk"), Kara Wade (Jessica Biel, "Seventh Heaven" TV series) and Henry Purcell (Jamie Foxx, "Colaterral Damage," "Ray") are the best of the best, having been chosen to fly the world's most sophisticated military aircraft. Once aboard the carrier "Abraham Lincoln," they are told by their superior officer Sam Shepard ("The Right Stuff"), that the fourth member of their group will be a superintelligent, remote-control jet, created by a reclusive Bill Gates-like character, and nicknamed "Eddie." While Eddie's intrusion into the trio is an annoyance, it soon becomes deadly when it begins to learn at an incremental rate, soon becoming like the maverick Gannon and disregarding orders. Sort like a really violent HAL from Kubrick's "2001." In a cross between "Top Gun" and "WarGames," the computerized plane decides to attack a terrorist camp in Pakistan (destroying a nuclear warhead in the process) and a cold fusion facility deep inside Siberia. Such an invasion will cause World War III, so top brass orders Eddie to be destroyed. Unfortunately, Eddie is getting too smart for that, and to protect himself, goes after the three pilots. Meanwhile, other high officials have plans for Eddie, which may not include good things for the others. After being shot down over North Korea, Wade survives long enough for Gannon to attempt a rescue, all the while battling an increasingly wily Eddie along the way. Good special effects, nice stunts, non-stop action and a neat little twist keep fans in their seats for this one. And while there are better military action movies out there, this is a fairly decent time. Ten bucks worth? I don't know, but a workmanlike effort, nonetheless.
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American war-propaganda at its "best". Seen it 1000 times before.
torewwa17 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
A lot of special effect, and tings blowing up. As thrilling as walker Texas ranger. Everything about this movie is so used up. I'm losing faith in "the land of the free". But Bush probably liked it:) And Jamie fox died half way into the movie. He was the only thin keeping the movie together. I think American war movies have taken a turn for the worse the latest years. Its time to make an American war movie which shows the reality of war in a impartial way. But thats a long shoot. But if u love a shallow American propaganda movie, with lots of special effects and a script u know by heart, go ahead and knock your self's out. But its the worst two hours i have used in a couple of weeks.
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Awful story, awful movie!
cr_b9 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Hollywood's depiction of the US navy in this movie is ridiculous! Absurd rogue military and political characters with incomprehensible motives! These characters seek to develop an "unmanned" military drone/weapon to save lives, yet ironically they are so willing and eager to kill to create it! Who thinks up this crap?

Summary: Story bites! Plot geared to Jr. High School intellect. Jessica Biel is hot!! Jamie Foxx is a bright spot with too few lines! Decent special effects! Josh Lucas is unbearable! (Lucas' characters always seem like such narcissists!) Except for the PG-13 quota 6 "s" words & 1 "f" bomb, and a few suggestive sexual references, this one is for the kids! Two thumbs down for adult/mature audiences. If I don't like this movie, does it mean I'm a professional critic?
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