Sleepover (2004) Poster


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wendy_williams396 August 2006
this movie is very cool and funny in way but not to enjoyable not the best movie i had ever seen but is cool. All the actors were very good especially Alexa Vega And Kallie as Yancy the typical loser type girl who managed to find friends at a sleepover. The story is about a group of friends who join in at a scavenger hunt against popular Queens. They get things wrong at first but they make way Alexa Vega gets to dance with her prince in the end at the dance. This movie is ideal for teen girls who live in a fantasy.i also love to watch the prince and me and comedies so try the prince and me it is a bit soppy but if you like other things watch like this movie i like stuck in the suburbs i love it!
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There's a lot worse out there, but only go for Sleepover if you're a tween, the parent of a tween, or perhaps just nostalgic.
colettesplace17 December 2004
Kids are running out of classrooms, shrieking and throwing papers in the air. A pop track pumps while the ubiquitous slow-mo panning camera follows the wannabes watching the popular girls strutting the corridor. That's right, school's out for summer in yet another John Hughes-inspired teen-flick.

You can loathe it, you can tolerate it, but I confess to a secret fondness of the genre. Although it's cluttered with ordinary films, this homogeneity is part of the unique comfort a teen comedy can offer. They're films to watch when you're sick, where bullies get their comeuppance, and moral codes are simpler than in an adult world. And kids enjoy them too.

Sleepover begins with Julie (Alexa Vega) inviting three friends for a slumber party to celebrate graduating from Junior High (Year 8). Of course, her former best friend Staci (Sara Paxton) can't come – she's a teen queen now. Sporting a superior blonde 'Farrah' reminiscent of nasty Caroline (Haviland Morris) in Hughes' Sixteen Candles (1984), you just know that Staci's a bitch with a heart of gold. She and her catty trio of 'Mean Girls' challenge Julie and her buddies to a scavenger hunt. The winners get the coveted lunch spot at high school next year – and the passport to popularity.

Julie, Hannah (Mika Boorem), Farrah (Scout Taylor-Compton) and Yancy (Kallie Flynn Childress) sneak out of the house, avoiding Julie's renovation-mad dad and bribing her slacker brother. They're aided by three irritating Ashton Kutchner-aspirational types, chased by a rent-a-cop and come to rely on a tiny electric car that needs constant recharging. Plus Julie has to steal her secret crush's boxer shorts. Producer Chuck Weinstock came up with the idea of Sleepover because his previous projects were too adult in content for his six and nine-year old children to watch. But there are some edgy aspects in Sleepover that wouldn't have been included in the 1980s teen films it pays homage to. For example, 14-year old Staci has to fend off sexual advances from her high school beau – a rarity for girls that age in Hollywood films, although possibly not in real life. And in a later scene Julie has to persuade her teacher to buy her a drink called "Sex on the Beach" at a nightclub to win the competition. Though these elements are ignored in the broader context of the film, and may be inappropriate, they certainly make Sleepover more interesting.

Although pleasant, Sleepover isn't one of the better examples of the genre. It's a disposable girly tween twist on Ferris Bueller's Day Off, but buoyed by Vega's strong screen presence. You know you shouldn't enjoy it, but you're probably going to. **½/***** stars.
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About what you'd expect
gromit-1410 July 2004
I thought this movie was quite enjoyable. It's a bit like a female version of Ferris Bueller, without the destructive male testosterone (the worst thing the girls can expect if caught is not to be able to go on a trip to Hawaii with the family). Even though everything is predictable (the dorky guys who save the day ... more than once, the popular girl getting her comeuppance, the "fat" girl learning to love herself, etc.) you don't seem to mind because the characters are well-developed and so, well, likable. It's not going to challenge you to use your brain much, but for a few hours of fun, this isn't bad. Will appeal especially to pre-teen and teen girls.
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fallgeek22 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is downright terrible. Usually I like cheesy movies because they are so stupid and pointless that you can laugh at them, but this movie is just all-around awful. There are many reasons that this movie is bad, so I'll list them here:

1. The acting is very questionable; it's supposed to feature a good, talented cast, but the actors may as well be robots, as they're not putting any expression into their lines whatsoever.

2. All of the jokes that are supposed to be funny are just stupid.

3. The main character, Julie, is a complete selfish, self-centered snob- she complains to her parents about not getting a lock on her bedroom door, and that her mom treats her like a baby, and that her crush doesn't even know she exists-it makes you want to slap her across the face.

4. The film basically encourages bad behavior, what with the scavenger hunt and all, and the parents' reaction to Julie's sneaking out of the house is far too lenient-they don't punish her, but instead reward her with a lock for her bedroom door-if I did that, I'd be grounded for life!

5. The fake emotion in this movie is overwhelming-the writers tried to throw in some emotional scenes that didn't fit to the script or the theme of the movie in the first place, and all of the actors failed to deliver them.

6. The ending is so predictable it's ridiculous-my five-year-old sister could see it coming! Julie ends up with the guy of her dreams and her and her friends win the scavenger hunt and are skyrocketed into popularity-news flash: life isn't perfect!

7. The movie is really shallow and pretty much implies that being popular and wearing designer clothes and dating the cutest boy in school are the most important things in life-it sends a bad message to young viewers.

8. Lastly, the guy that the chubby character (Yancy) winds up with at the end of the film says that he has a one-night gig working at the bar/club the girls sneak into-for this to be true, he'd have to be at least 21 years of age. Which means that a 21-year-old man has fallen in love with a 14-year-old girl. Isn't there something wrong with that picture?

This movie is awful for all of the reasons mentioned above, and is totally not worth the hour and half of your time that it takes up-take my advice: don't watch it.
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This movie is creepy...
debtman7 September 2021
One could almost give it a pass as a poorly acted coming of age movie for pre-teens. But that's being pretty generous. So many weird choices here... Like why does "spongebob" seem unable to speak in a normal voice? How does a high school principal not recognize a 14 year old student on a "date"? How did the director think setting up a date scenario with a 14 year old and their principal would be funny? How the heck are these not yet 16 year olds driving around and getting into bars with no problem? And the icing on the cake... I'm pretty sure if most of the "romantic" interests in this movie were to work out it would be statutory rape. Overall this movie just tries to insert some fresh out of middle school 14 year olds into "adult" situations, but oddly makes all the male counterparts a solid 4-8 years older... Which, wtf.
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Filled with stereotypical garbage
mycatserena8 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Sleepover is a great movie. For anyone under the age of 10 that is.

This movie was so awful that I decided to create an account for the exact purpose to write this review. In this terribly cliché film, our main character, Julie Corky (Vega) has a slumber party on the last day of year 8. She invites popular girl Staci (Paxton) who declines, saying that she is going to the high school dance with a her boyfriend. (Did I mention she was blonde? And what do you know, Staci and Julie used to be best friends back in the day, how very original!) Mainly due to her best friend moving next year, Julie is worried that she will not be popular enough to sit at "the fountain", because in high school being popular is oh so important! Somehow at the sleepover the girls get involved in a scavenger hunt with Staci's friends, the prize being a spot at "the fountain" and the losers having to sit next to a garbage tip (*note that this is completely unrealistic, what school would have lunch tables in such an unsanitary place?)

Okay, here's where it get interesting! These 14 year-olds who are under the driving age somehow obtain a car and manage to drive it, then complete ridiculous tasks such as stealing the popular guy's underwear and getting into a club, while being chased by a policeman who has nothing better to do with his time. The funny thing is, that while at the club, overweight chubby girl, Yancy, wallows to herself about never getting a boyfriend. Then, can you believe it, an overweight guy comes up and starts talking to her, much to her surprised disbelief. Now this would have been okay, if it weren't for the fact that this guy had to be at least 21 to be working in a club, and it sends out a message that if you're fat you can only get a boyfriend whose fat too!

So, any points for guessing how it ends? Somehow Julie manages to get her and her friends into the dance by giving a some-what inspiring speech to the ticket girl who was not popular in high school, by convincing her to "let her have her chance". Things must be looking up for Julie because not only did she score the lunch spot, but she somehow ends up with the popular guy who didn't know she existed until a few hours ago, when he saw her in a totally unflattering crouched position on a skateboard. He gives her his crown and they dance, but in the race to get back home she drops it. Somehow, the next day he appears in her cubby house (which is kinda creepy) with the crown. Now why would a guy, 3 years older than you, waist his time wandering the streets looking for a lost crown? Beats me, I only hope they would stop making these dumb movies.

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definitely a early 2000's movie
majidy_pam16 October 2020
I watched it last night ( October 15th 2020) as I was in the mood for something light and funny. The movie was that but definitely a early 2000's film. It was fun but awkward to watch today. It also made me realize just how many movies around that time were centered around middle school students acting and doing things much older than they should be ( hooking up!?, aren't they supposed to be playing 13- 15 year olds?) kinda like every show on disney today.
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Oh My God...
I_can_get_you_a_toe26 April 2006
I was recently sick with the flu and unable to move from the bed and because the movie channel repeats movies a certain amount of times in a twenty four hour period I ended up watching this movie 3 times.

It was the worst day of my entire life. If you wanted you could fashion a drinking game out of this movie - take a shot for every teen cliché they try to throw in (it comes to about 1 a minute)There were times when i had to literally squeeze my eyes shut to block out the all the stupidness.

Julie Corky is a fourteen year old girl who is 'blossoming' who complains about how awful her life and parents are because they wont give her a lock for her door, but they will provide her with a big ass house and trips to Hawaii - they're monsters i know. She decides to have a sleepover inviting 3 friends over, the redhead, the blonde and the fat chick thrown in to somehow give confidence to all the other fat chicks out there that they can get guys too, albeit chubby ugly guys while the skinny girls get the male models.

The next minute the popular girl (who wont hook up with her high school aged boyfriend - i thought the whole point to having a boyfriend was so you could hook up with him but whatever) is organising a scavenger hunt and as you can imagine, hijinks ensue.

Well the acting was completely awful, mika boreem who usually does so well is so completely wooden in this movie, Alexa Vega is only mildly attractive and unbelievable in the role of Julie Corky, the underage girl who manages to get the hottest senior in high school (and maybe the world) to like her after skateboarding past him in an unflattering semi squat position. The three skater dudes who so obviously have no idea what acting is, every time they are on screen you experience physical pain at having to watch them try to be funny.

After the scavenger hunt they all end up at the high school dance where Julie tries to inspire the girl taking the tickets to let her in by utterly insulting her - let me paraphrase "I know you, you're the loser who has to sit at the dumpster and no one talks to you cos you're so plain and you're the ticket taker at the dance because no one in their right mind would ever consider being with you. ever and if you don't help me i could end up just. like. you"

However this film had only one true intentionally funny part, when the jerk-for-even-thinking-of-kissing-his-girlfriend high school boyfriend and his new girlfriend are trying to win the dance contest, their slow jerky dance movements were the only bright spot in an otherwise idiotic film.

So potential viewers, stay away for the love of god stay away.
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One of the worst I've seen
ps9011 October 2020
Im usually a fan of chic is my favorite genre in fact....but this one was terrible. The message at the end for young girls was a terrible influence on our youth out there, the way curvy girls are portrayed sends a bad message as well, and it was pretty boring overall. Not a great movie lol
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cute tween comedy
windypoplar26 January 2006
I wasn't expecting much from "sleepover", other than Alexa Vega, so good in the "Spy Kids" movies for Robert Rodriguez, I didn't know anyone in the cast. So i found my self smiling, laughing and even nervous to see if Julie Corky (Vega) and her friends would win out.

This was a really cute Tween comedy that wasn't loaded with sexual references or violence. It may list language on the DVD box but I sure didn't heart anything objectionable. Alexa Vega is in full bloom here literally and figuratively, she really carries the picture, you simply root for her right away and really care that she finally realizes just how cool she is! Her friends are a bit generic and the girl playing Yancy, the chubby one, could use some acting lessons, but thats OK.

Of note besides Vega is Sam Huntington, who does a really nice job as Julie's older Bro. He brings some very witty observations to the film. I would have liked sharper writing and more actual sleepover scenes in here, rather than all the hijinks. That said, at least Vega makes the hijinks entertaining. all in all I thought this was a pretty good film. Miles above such teen tripe as "Raise Your Voice" or "Crossroads". Cheers for Alexa Vega though, its her movie and she makes it all worthwhile.
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How did this get made?
ChibiAnna25 August 2005
Oh, dear. Oh, dear. I hardly know where to start.

Sleepover is a typical tween movie: girls go for sleepover, mean girls propose scavenger hunt, hijincks ensue, obligatory make-out scene, etc.

I am close to the 8-to-13-year-old age demographic to which this movie aspires, and even I find it boring and a waste of time. My little sister, who is 9 and who 'should' enjoy it, thinks it is boring and a waste of time. But I'm not here to tell you what my family thinks of it.

First off, there is some simply horrendous over-acting, especially by Sara Paxton (Staci). I would understand if this were a high school play, but this is a multimillion-dollar film. Alexa Vega (Julie), who was the movie's main selling point, has two facial expressions: Worried and Mildly Angry. Her best friend Hannah, played by Mika Boorem, is the only person who seemed to know how to show emotion. I know these are supposed to be good actors, but... they sure don't show it.

On top of that, the whole plot screamed 'CLICHE' and consisted of contrivance after contrivance. Most of the dialog was simply terrible ("Hey, what's up? Your face is so glad-looking!"). This is a relatively new director, but there is simply no excuse for things like this. Dialogue can be fixed with a Sharpie marker 10 minutes before a shoot. There is no excuse.

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Cute and Corny
littleknight272 October 2006
It took me a long time to see this movie, but I finally did when my sister got it as a gift. Although the movie had its incredibly corny moments, and the plot was obviously written to entertain a preteen audience, I did find the movie enjoyable. There will be times during this movie when you will just have to laugh, and there will be times that you nod as you remember similar antics of your own. The characters are lovable and realistic, even if some of the messes they get into may not be. Granted, there will also be times when you just have to roll your eyes at the cheesiness. Overall, I found the movie very cute and very entertaining;just don't send your boys to watch it.
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good movie
shalini_genius24 July 2006
this movie is really good.the movie is fun to watch for the whole and adults alike would love the movie.but especially the teens can relate their lives to this movie.the cast was excellent showing real life portrayals where in an ordinary girl starts high school and how she manages to be the princess of her night with her crush.overall i really enjoyed seeing the movie and would like to see the sequels of this movie in the future.the movie shows the basic ethics of friendship where the leading actor misses her friend because she wont be studying high school with her anymore and it also shows how kind hearted and generous the character portrays.the other gang of girls who are snobbish learn their lesson when they realize they have only geeks as their partners for the night.but the escape is truly they escape is great fun to watch.and the best part if the movie is the climax where the hero takes the crown and waits for his girl and one more good part of the movie is the scavenger hunt which is very different from the other movies and the comedy part is they have to include Steve;s was fun to see them playing with the mannequins in the shop with the cop not noticing what these girls are up to.again i say its a good movie
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"Sarcastically Hilarious!"
wheremyhustlasat9 January 2006
This movie is a complete load of "enchanting" unrealistic crap. I get a wild kick out of bad movies and this one takes the cake for 2004. First of all the fat girl who they had to name "Yancy" to match her unattractive character (Kallie Flynn Childress), is not featured on the cover of the box because somehow American 14 year old girls won't relate with other chubby girls? Plus, when they sneak into the club while fatty waits outside, she's approached by a sweet heavy set charmer who is working on a gig there that night. Clearly in order for him to work in a bar, he has to be at least 21, which is of course is a perfectly acceptable age to hit on a 14 YEAR OLD GIRL! And while Joe Nussbaum is advocating pedophilia, why not condone the high school senior to fall in like with Julie (Alexa Vega), before she even attends his school. I remember in MY high school, only the coolest and most popular guys would court girls 4 years younger than them, as apposed to dating attractive mature girls their own age. Why stop at middle school Steve Faris, when there is plenty of kindergarten girls with your head shot tacked above they're bed surrounded by glittered hearts? If you're ready to play your home version of Mystery Science Theater 3K I HIGHLY recommend "Sleepover".
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Sleep Through This Film.
anaconda-4065829 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Sleepover (2004): Dir: Joe Nussbaum / Cast: Alexa Vega, Mika Boorem, Kallie Flynn Childress, Scout Taylor-Compton, Sara Paxton: Another mindless teen comedy worth sleeping through. It suggests adventure when entering that next stage of growth but it mainly plays as an encore for vulgar sexual humour where these girls get away with behaviour that perhaps they should not. Four girls about to enter high school are talked into participating in a risky scavenger hunt. The catch being that the mother of one of the girls believes that they are having a slumber party. Lame concept deteriorates into numerous situations to get a guy's boxer shorts and the crown at the dance, etc. Director Joe Nussbaum has little sense of timing and relies mainly on flashy locations. Alexa Vega of Spy Kids fame heads the cast as the girl initially challenged with this nonsense. Mika Boorem plays her best friend proving that if one person walks into stupidity then another must follow as a rule of friendship. Sara Paxton makes an appearance and it is about as bad as her mermaid film where she is basically cast to look good. Kallie Flynn Childress and Scout Taylor-Compton round out the girls and between them all they have the combined personality of a pair of dirty underwear. None of this is funny as it plays as the latest sex teen romp worth the sleeping pills to get through. Score: 2 / 10
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savannagsanders6 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
To be honest I only watched this movie for Evan Peters and Brie Larson. But, other than that it was awful. The dialogue was weird and unlike anything an actual person would ever say and these underage girls somehow got into a club even though they look nothing close to that legal age. Also, this 14 year old girl got the most popular senior at the end which i'm pretty sure is illegal or about to be. This movie can be entertaining if you're willing to look past the cliches and dialogue.
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For the love of heaven, keep away from this film!
moonspinner248 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Have you ever seen something so awful, so terrible, so frightening, that you couldn't look away? This film is akin to a fiery cataclysm or roadkill. It is literally so bad, it's almost mesmerizing.

This film was on cable after the movie my husband and I had been watching, and we left the TV on. Big mistake. After about ten minutes, unable to tear our eyes from the train wreck, my husband and I wanted to start a list of the bad messages it sends to teenage girls, or, most probably, girls a lot younger. (Why not? It's never too early to learn that if you're an overweight 14-year-old girl, you'll either never have a boyfriend, or you'll jump at the chance to get one that's old enough to legally get into a bar.) That's in addition to the other list we wanted to start, of the numerous dangerous and/or illegal activities that the girls engage in, in order to win a prestigious place to eat lunch when they enter high school after the summer. (Because everyone remembers how important where THEY ate lunch was when they were in high school.)

The messages of a GOOD film would be that overweight girls are just as valuable as anorexic ones, and that true friendship is more important than where you eat lunch. Instead, this movie tells young girls that dangerous, illegal hijinks and deception should be rewarded with popularity and boyfriends galore.

You have been warned.
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Sleepover was amusing, but that is not saying much.
mack3175-19 July 2004
Think of Ferris Bueller's Day Off and Adventures In Babysitting mixed together and you got Sleepover. Young kids may want to see this because of Alexa Vega of Spy Kids fame. But this is not for young kids under 14. Alexa Vega is going quite well from quite kid to beautiful teenager. She is up there with Lindsay Lohan, Amanda Bynes, and Hilary Duff. This story starts out with Julie(Alexa Vega) and her friends, have a sleepover in a celebration of there last day Junior High. While there are having the time of there life. They all getting a sudden visit by the school mean girl named Staci(Sara Paxton) who presents them with a little scavenger hunt. With Staci and her gang. And thus begins a night of moments of misadventures. Enjoyable to say the least. It is basically up there with Mean Girls and New York Minute. This movie is just for pure enjoyment. But it is not still not for kids under 14.
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Pretty brainless tween flick
dstephen413 September 2004
I saw this and it was moderately OK. I think if I was a 14 year old girl that it would have been my "fave!"

If you look at the poster, or preview, for this film you see pretty much exactly what it is. They set out to make a teen feature and they made one, complete with all of the typical teen movie elements.

Are you the unpopular girl? Then it must be your dream to be with the popular guy! Are you the dreamy guy? Then it must be your dream to get with that girl that you don't really know while saying things like "who is that girl?" Hmm I think I saw a plot device like that before, hmm where did I see that where, hmmm? Oh yeah, I saw it in 16 candles UPTEEN years ago.

Of course this would not be complete without the nerd guy sidekicks trying to help out the principal females, for some reason which is not really even explained in this film. A lot of the film is like that, its about as formula as you can get without really giving any background information for the typical formula moments. Why are these nerd guys hanging around so much? Its not really explained apart from the girls being females. Why does the popular girl just enter their house, after turning down their slumber party invite, then come up with some scavenger hunt for winning a place at the fountain when the popular girl would be eating at the fountain anyway? Why does the one girl not realize why she was invited to the slumber party, when she was hovering around when the other girl wasn't going? It was so obvious.

Sleepover is one of those films that is not a bad waste of two hours if you have nothing else to watch or do, unless you are a young girl who has sleepovers. Then it would probably be a fun film for you, making you think that someday that super cute guy will see you and like you for some reason or that some nearly popular girls will invite you to their sleepover even though you are the chubby outcast.
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You know, I really need to stop wasting my money on Movielink!
aleusong9 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I really think it is rather pointless to go down the enormous list of grand immorality and deceit that was in this film to say the least.

I will however note two of the following things.

SPOILERS: 1. The fact that Julie actually confesses about leaving the house to her mom and actually goes without being grounded makes me want to bang my head on something.

2. If you wanted to see this film just to see who wins there really was no point because the TV commercials for this film actually spoiled the very end of the movie for you by showing who ended up at the dumpster table.

Seriously, this was a bad waste of money for me, as was "Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen" but I cant drive so I was forced to give into Movielink's poor ripoff deals. My problem is that it's hard to resist these tweenies film because I so enjoy observing how thick the stereotypes are and how Cinderella like the story is. Heck Julie even uses the term Cinderella in the movie.

I must say: Julie is a total retard. She complains about how she'll never get notice while thousands in every school across the nation think the same. And if you really wanna know what's it like to not be notice I suggest you go to my old high school where the student capacity exceeded 3600 and rising.
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a surprisingly entertaining film
Hinosan41716 May 2006
A surprisingly good film, with good direction, well-balanced humor and many likable characters making for a very entertaining movie. Other 'teen' movies may be better, but one could do much worse if one is looking for a well-made film in this genre; Alexa Vega and Mika Boorem make for a very likable pair of best friends, Sam Huntington plays his pathetic brother character with just the right comic touch, and Sara Paxton has just the right amount of venom as the loathsome popular-girl antagonist. Although one could fault this film for featuring stereotypical characters, I feel that all the elements of the film are executed very well and I'm surprised that this hasn't garnered a higher score.
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SpansonCrackle245 March 2005
Sleepover is by far the single most insulting movie I have seen since I stupidly rented Terror Toons from my local Blockbuster. I ordered Sleepover just to laugh at how bad it was, but this movie is no laughing matter. No, this movie isn't intended for the age group it is about. The truth is, no self-respecting fourteen year old would ever watch this movie for anything other than masochistic reasons. This stupid movie was just a get rich quick scam by the studio to cash in on the tween craze, a la other crap like the Lizzy Maguire Movie and Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen. These movies are an effort to sell, not to entertain. I can just imagine 8 year old girls watching this movie and thinking their so mature because they're watching a movie about girls in their early teens. This movie feeds them the same social stereotypes that they will no doubt feel the need to live up to, like the terrible rich blonde girl and the fat girl with the heart of gold. And no, in real life, no one would ever say "Oh, for the love of carbs." I only wish I could've given this movie a 0 instead of a 1. If you see this movie at a Blockbuster or at someone house, burn it, stomp on it, and eat the remains. You'll be doing the world a favor.
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A fun "Tween" movie....
GreenRayEnt16 May 2005
So many movies nowadays either have young kids acting too old, or old people pretending to be young. Sleepover is just an above average teenie-bopper movie with some really fun moments and nice performances by a talented young cast. This target audience doesn't have a lot of movies to be proud of, but Sleepover can definitely be considered a fun one. All of the performances seemed on the money. Alex Vega (Julie) and Scout Taylor-Compton (Farrah) seemed to shine. There are a couple of very funny scenes from Steve Carell who plays an over-the-top security guard looking to break up the girl's fun. I commend director Joe Nussbaum for tackling a difficult genre and age group, and doing a commendable job with it. Don't rent it expecting anything deep, but it certainly is a good time.
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math_drama19 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was not great, but not bad. I give it a seven because two actresses I like are in this movie: Alexa Vega and Sara Paxton. Alexa Vega was talented as acting like a normal, nerdy type of girl, and Sara Paxton looked like she had a lot of fun playing the "mean girl." Overall, the acting was great.

On the other hand, the story line didn't have a lot of meaning to it. I felt it was a variation of Cinderella. It was more like Cinderella than the movie "A Cinderella Story" with Hilary Duff and Chad Michael Murray.

But, this movie would be a fine movie to watch if you were bored on a rainy day with hot chocolate and popcorn. No, it wouldn't be like the great Harry Potter movies, but it also wouldn't be like Read it and Weep, a stupid movie. You wouldn't be wasting your money if you rented it, but you probably would if you bought it.
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I felt like I was watching a cheesy teen show on the Disney Channel
Smells_Like_Cheese14 November 2007
I was bored one night and decided to go ahead and see what Sleepover was, it was on TV, figured it might not be so bad. Well, while it did live up to my expectations, I have to say for teens, this movie wasn't so bad. First off, the first time I saw Steve Carrel on the screen, I was like "Is that Steve... no, it can't be. Why would he be in a movie like this?", and it was him. But I guess we all have to start somewhere. He was an interesting person in the cast, but it's all good. Even though I didn't really like the film, it was worth the watch, I thought it was a good idea for the "tweens" as most people are calling this genre. I suppose who doesn't dream of a sleepover like this one? I mean it had everything, the girls had a date with their teacher(sounds sick, I know), messed with authority and got away with it, and got the guys.

Julie Corky is throwing a big sleepover for her friends, it's the summer before they enter high school, so they are trying to make a new name for themselves as the click crowd. After a bad night, the click leader, Staci wants to have fun and challenges Julie and her friends to a scavenger hunt where they have to do certain things throughout the night and then whoever wins will get the hot spot in high school and have lunch next to the fountain. The girls are in for one wild night and end up with the greater reward: friendships that will last a lifetime.

I have to admit that Sleepover has a few cute laughs, I wouldn't deny that some moments are funny. While the movie is still very overly cheesy, it's all good for the audience it was aimed at. It was just so cute how Julie found her "true love" in the movie, lol, I'm sure most teens find their true loves like that in real life. So other than that unrealistic situation, this was just like a J-14 magazine, I feel so preppy and bubbly, I have to watch a serious movie now I think. For the teens, this is the perfect movie for them, for adults, well, begin to feel old, because if this is the way kids act now a days, then I'm glad I'm done with them.

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