Red Water (TV Movie 2003) Poster

(2003 TV Movie)

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not great, but ok
slothfest0018 August 2003
This movie was described by the actors, as being "unlike any other shark movie out there". I didn't find that to be true when watching this movie. The shark is killing people, the authorities at hand want the shark killed (for a handsome reward). The acting of is mediocre and somewhat very corney at times, screen cuts and slow motion sequences are cliche, and the ending (and pretty much the whole movie) is predictable. Lou Diamond was by far the best talent on the screen, and did his best to carry the film.

Overall, not a GREAT movie, but better than the later Jaws movies (and thats not hard to beat). :-)
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this review could be two words long
leeaf8323 August 2003
Warning: Spoilers
note; contains spoilers

All I can say is DUMP RIPOFF! The shark practically disappears for the middle part of the movie when we're forced to watch a boring hostage situation that had little plot and made little sense. Now when asked why there were so few shark scenes, the producers will likely give the 'less is more' rubbish but that's just not true. The shark scenes were mostly crappy. Showing the entire shark swimming underwater at the beginning wrecked it since we've seen the entire shark so any suspense of a possible magic moment when we first see the shark is now destroyed and the shark is tiny (maybe 8 or 9 feet in length) which makes it salmon compared to just about any killer shark we've seen in a Jaws/Deep Blue Sea/Shark Attack film. Any fear we could have had about this shark was ruined with the ridiculous scene when Lou Diamond Phillips is half way between the shark and the boat (he's originally trying to stay still but then realizes it wont work) and somehow manages to get on the boat without being eaten. The average shark swims 25 times faster then the average human which means that this shark likely could have swam to the bottom, swam to the boat, done a triple lutz and then eaten Lou but yet apparently it couldn't even swim twice as fast as a human.

Other stupid scenes; -the whole scenario of the kid seeing his grandfather get pulled off the boat and eaten, then hiding in the boat, the boat saling into the docks on it's own, the kid being too shocked to speak was a COMPLETE RIPOFF of the sequence in Jaws 2 when the beauty pageant winner sees her boyfriend Eddie eaten while on a boat (everything with these two characters plays out the exact same way). -The opening sequence of the brunette in the red bikini getting eaten is a ripoff of the Jaws flicks: They go into the water all smiley and giggly to have some fun (Chrissy in Jaws), she gets brushed against by the shark (which is stupid because she feels the shark and at first doesn't know what it is but then figures out it was a shark without even seeing it and why would the shark have not eaten her then?). And then the shark gets seen and the classic lifeguard on the megaphone and people rushing out of the water sequence which happens in 3 out of the 4 Jaws flicks occurs.

-pretty much any scene involving Lou Diamond Phillips. When the shark attacks the older fellow, Lou jumps in the water after him (trying to be a hero even though he has no weapons to attack the shark with and there's a 95% chance that anybody who is in a shark's mouth isn't coming out). Then when he sees the shark, he looks all shocked. The guy was given umpteen opportunities to be a hero in and out of the water and fails every last time with the possible exception of the ending. How in the world does he get a shark tooth stuck in his foot from an attack but not lose a single part of his foot is beyond be (the tooth supposedly broke off but a sharks jaw and tooth is much stronger then a human foot). The guy has huge financial troubles and is about to lose his most passionate asset (his boat) yet when he's killed the shark which would trigger an automatic 100 grand, he decides not to tell anybody about the shark because of some stupid legend. Could you see anybody with huge financial troubles throwing away money like that?

-the ending: it would be physcially impossible for the shark to be suspended in air with the drill going in it's mouth. The outwards spin of the drill would push the shark away from it (in fact even if the drill were set in reverse and had an inwards spin, the shark would have fallen down into the water). Even if it were possible for the shark to be suspended in air like that, eventually once the drill cut a big enough hole through the shark, it would have fallen down into the water. There is no way it could be torn to pieces like it was.
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Forgettable Adventure
claudio_carvalho11 July 2010
In Louisiana, the fisherman John Sanders (Lou Diamond Phillips) is near to lose his boat to the bank when his ex-wife Kelli Raymond (Kristy Swanson) that works in environment research and the arrogant son of her boss Gene Bradley (Gideon Emery) offer an amount for him to help their company in a drilling operation in the river. Meanwhile a freshwater shark is attacking people in the area. When they arrive in the site, they see an anchored boat and they believe that belong to their competitors from the Global Oil Company. However they are dangerous criminals that are seeking a large amount of stolen money that is hidden in the bottom of the river. Gene confronts the mobsters and the group is threatened by the gangsters.

"Red Water" is a forgettable adventure with the usual flaws and clichés of B-movies of the genre. Kristy Swanson is very sexy and beautiful and I did not recognize her. The scene of a hiking group near a bridge is totally out of the context and ridiculous. My vote is four.

Title (Brazil): "Rio Sangrento" ("Bloody River")
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Yep,it's as bad as you can possibly fathom
cmacaroni18 June 2004
My partner and i enjoy our regular DVD night's as the video shop we use has the biggest archive of hard to find movie's in Tauranga,but as my missus is usually in a hurry,she just grab's random movie's cause the cover look's good without reading the blurb on the back of the cover,hence we end up viewing the odd abomination such as this film.Some of my mate's came round that fateful night and viewed this jaw's invading the waterway's of a small hick town/criminal's searching for submerged loot sub plot, we could not help but giggle,make snide remark's and pick hole's in the sub porn wooden acting and the 'menacing' bull shark.Lot's of the ridicule was directed at coolio, washed up rapper/actor who seem's to think he's in a L.A gangsta flick and not in a small backwater community being terrorized by a vengeful, rubbery shark.Lou diamond phillip's career has taken a turn for the worst over the year's,yet he was in some fairly good movie's like La bamba,Young guns and The first power(i liked it anyway).Well worth a look to poke fun at but seriously do not see this thinking your gonna get a top notch thriller.
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"Here's a fish, you're a moron." Richard Jeni would love this movie. **SPOILERS**
ezridax23 August 2003
Warning: Spoilers
And I thought Jaws 4 was the worst shark movie ever. At least that dreck had Michael Caine in it.

But noooo... TBS has to make it's own contribution to the shark attack genre. And I swear to God, if any movie needed to be MSTed, it would be Red Water. There is absolutely nothing salvagable in this movie. Worst no-name actors who couldn't deliver a line properly if their lives depended on it. The soundtrack is full of horrible '80s music that no-one has heard of, probably because it's the only music they could afford the rights to. Probably the producers spent all their budget money snorting crack off of public urinals. And talk about inappropriate. This hick fisherman just gets off his boat and sees his best girlie or whatever walk up the dock to him. And this classical music with soft French lyrics starts playing, like they're in some palace ballroom dancing and not on a boat and covered in fishguts.

And the dialogue would make baby Jesus weep. For some reason, there's some convoluted plot that has some down-to-Earth Cajun and Texan catfish-fishers, hot hippie ecologist chicks, and black gangsters complete with huge gold jewelery, all ending up at the same Lousiana river. So the horrible stereotypical dialogue just chokes the entire movie. You can tell the actors are thinking, "Why do I deserve to be in this TV movie. At least Jaws 4 had Michael Caine. Who am I co-starring with? The principal from Saved By the Bell."

The gangsters and drug-dealers have it the worst though.

"I want you to bust a tack in that guy's ass." (Yeah, it said tack. Note: Switching nouns around does not make it wittier.) "I hate that double-crossing blood clot." "So Jerry, you wouldn't be honking our geese, would you?" "Hey, send me home to mama, bitch." "I had a band." "What'd you call it? Jerry and the Idiots?" "You aint't no shark. I'm the shark. That's why I got da money!"

And the plot is not better. There are huge half hour stretches of the movie, where the shark isn't even mentioned. In Jaws, the shark is MIA for most of the movie, but the people are always talking about or trying to fix the whole problem of the shark. "Red Water" should have been named "Here's A Movie with Eco-Cows in Tight Shirts Who Get In Gun Fights With The Gangsters Who Are Hunting For Hidden Drug Money And the Shark Has The Best Agent Out of All of Them Because He Spends Most of the Movie Off-Screen Snorting Cocaine off the Back of A Public Urinal With the Producers."

There's a nice scene where Eco-Cow leader and her cronies get kidnapped by the gangsters and taken onto their boat. The Russian-sounding gangster starts molesting her and taking off her clothes with a hunting knife. And I swear to God that the camera is situated on her cleavage for the entire conversation. I mean, writers... C'MON! Your characters are on a lake the entire movie. Can you not think of a better reason to show some boobs that having a random rape scene in the middle of a shark movie. At least have the shark rape her if you must, and make him earn his paycheck.
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The umpteenth bad shark movie
Coventry21 May 2006
What's with all these stupid but fancy looking made-for-TV shark movies these days? Only a couple weeks ago, I watched something awful called "Spring Break Shark Attack" in which a troop of sharks eat some college bikinis, and here's another one already, this time set in the swamps and revolving on a bull shark. Well, at least "Red Water" is slightly better than the aforementioned "Spring Break" but of course still a long way from being a good shark-thriller. Two crews of people navigate their boats down the extensive swamps of Louisiana. One crew (with Kirsty Swanson and Lou Diamond Philips on board) is on their way to drill oil, the other crew are villains (with rapper Coolio among them) looking for a lost treasure on the bottom of a lake, but all they encounter is an extremely hungry bull shark. It's rather dangerous to swim with him around, so the bad guys take the good guys (and girl) hostage and command them to dive for the money. "Red Water" features one or two well-staged action sequences and the bull shark is an interesting choice of water monster (finally something different than the Great White or Tiger Shark), but overall it's a forgettable thriller with weak performances from a washed up cast. There's no tension, a minimum of bloodshed and the underwater footage only shows brief images of a fake computer-engineered shark. The lovely Mrs. Swanson doesn't even wear on a colorful bikini, for Christ's sake, so why are we still talking about it?
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Frateloder20 August 2003
I got stuck watching this movie while up at my lakehome, and let me tell you: good lord it is terrible. I guess it hasn't been possible to make a good shark movie since the original original. Every Jaws sequel, Deep Blue Sea, this one... NONE of them are scary, have a decent script, have a decent director, have decent actors, etc etc. It's so predictable that it's off the scale! Lou Diamond Phillips must be VERY desperate for a buck these days (and boy did he put in a minimum effort). Avoid this one like the plague.
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Worst Produced Movie Ever!!!! Everything is awful!!!
DiscreetonAFF28 August 2003
Who made this? Everything is a bad as can be!!! What a waste...unwatchable....everyone involved should be ashamed of themselves and not allowed to make another film, tv show, or even a Christmas Card ever again!

I'm laughing at all of you.
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very very disappointed
soccers_my_religion11 January 2005
come on shark people please get together and make a movie that at least is on the same caliber as jaws.

I'm sick and tired of seeing these movies with killer sharks. The special effects are so much better than they were 10 years ago so why the hell does jaws look so more realistic there's no explanation other than the simple one low budget very low budget.

the last good shark movie that i ever saw was deep blue sea come on guys don't lower yourself to the level of this movie. 3/10

I'm very very disappointed what did i do to deserve to be put through the suffering of extreme boredom due to this movie just my vulnerability i spose to video cases with sharks on em
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A surprisingly decent little crime thriller/monster mix
Leofwine_draca25 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I was fully expecting to hate RED WATER. Not only is it a modern-day shark movie (set in a river) that rips off the likes of JAWS (underwater menace shots), ANACONDA (the setting) and DEEP BLUE SEA (huge mechanical explosions etc.), it's also a television movie, a genre of films that I typically dislike. Talk about everything conspiring against it from the start...anyhow, I was pleasantly surprised by this film when I watched it, and I ended up enjoying it a lot more than a lot of other big bucks fare. It's a film with plenty going on all the time, and a plot that is straight out of a B-movie action/thriller, not a monster movie. The story involves some criminals searching for stolen loot, and rapper Coolio has a large role in the film as an imposing, trigger-happy stock gangster cliché. There's plenty of shooting, stabbing, and fighting, and really, when you think about it, not that much shark action. But I enjoyed it anyway.

Sure, the film is predictable, the story little more than a reason to put a group of people in a single location together and have lots of conflict between them. But the acting isn't half bad; everyone seems to be making an effort here, which is more than can be said for some films. Coolio is definitely the worst actor but his performance enters the so-bad-it's-good category so you can't complain. Of the others, Rob Boltin is engaging as a Cajun, Kristy Swanson is far better (and prettier) than she was in that BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER movie and provides some pleasant eye candy, and Lou Diamond Phillips actually cuts the mustard as an action hero, all muscles and stunts and heroic stuff.

While the Louisiana setting means we get some Cajun dancing (think SOUTHERN COMFORT here) and provides an original backdrop for the underwater menace (the movie was actually shot in South Africa, and looks good), unfortunately the plot plays out strictly by the book. The black expendable dies early on, the bad guys can't hit anything when they shoot, and despite the watery setting just about everything in the film blows up at some point, captured in loving slow motion, of course. The shark never feels like much of a menace and is a cross between acceptable CGI work and a decent animatronics model. Unfortunately, it's not on screen very often, only popping up every half hour or so to make an appearance. The gore effects are kept to a minimum and consist of blood pooling in the water and a cheesy severed arm shot. One thing I did particularly like was the ultra-cheesy ending, which sees the shark being literally drilled to death; nicely grotesque, it's a fitting climax to a decent little thriller.
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Enough is enough.
jmcpher22 August 2003
I really am getting tired of the lame Jaws rip-offs. The original Jaws was fairly good, admittedly, but enough is enough already! This appears to be yet another made-for-TV movie attempt to resurrect the ailing career of Lou Diamond Phillips. Sadly, all the `Bats' and `Red Waters' of the world won't be able to do that. Pick some better projects, buddy!
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cool mechanical shark
chiefaragorn17 August 2003
i like the fact that the shark was the first ever to be completely remote controlled. i thought the movie was good. the fact that someone dies in the first few minutes made me realize that anyone could ide in the movie. overall, i thought the movie was pretty good, for a made-for-tv movie.
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Not bad, but nothing special
Brought back into an oil-drilling scheme, a fishing captain in the Louisiana swamps finds their trip interrupted by a group of criminals searching for lost lot and a released shark terrorizing the waters and work together to get away alive.

There's potential here for it to be a decent killer-shark film, but it descends into mediocrity far too often for it to rise above that level. One of its main strengths is its setting, with it transplanting the notions of a killer shark story into the rivers and bayous of Louisiana that lends a nice degree of unfamiliarity to the action. There is a lot of rather lovely location footage right throughout the film, which has the virtue of having being shot almost entirely on location. The fact that the action in the bayou helps its execution, since the murky waters both add some suspense to the attack scenes and makes the shark look all the better in the brief attack scenes. Those brief attacks, from the early attacks on the swimmers around the fishing holes to the park ranger on the water-logged bridge and the first appearances around the rig where it takes out the remaining crew-members in some rather exciting and generally exciting scenes letting the shark loose in some decent action scenes. The finale, an action-packed extravaganza with plenty of gunfire, kills, explosions and close-calls that it becomes the highlight of the film. That also includes the method of dispatching the shark, which is a classic B-movie moment that has to be seen to be believed. The one sequence where the shark traps a character inside a sunken vehicle is a really tense one, and features a couple of attempted jumps. Another great aspect is that it features some other great action with the crime-thriller beginning as there's a lot of fine chases, shootouts and brawls resulting in some really great explosions and excitement while waiting for the creature to appear. All of these, though, comprise just a little bit about the film. There's not a whole lot to like, and most of what's wrong is that the shark is off- screen for so long. It really disappears for the middle of the movie and is replaced by a really slow and drawn- out crime-thriller plot. The middle section almost completely loses the shark to change angles, and that robs the film of being a killer shark movie. It also lays on almost every kind of cliché with a disheartening enthusiasm, from the estranged couple reunited by danger, the hero-with-a-tragic-past, the evil business executive who gets his comeuppance, and the local people who turn on a colorful local festival at the drop of a hat. Again, most of the shark scenes are pretty bad as even though it features a mechanical shark, it still looks off from the real shark and whenever it goes with an open mouth there's the sense that's simply just a mechanical shark. Whenever there's a CGI version of the shark, it loses the battle without much of a fight. There's hardly a scene where it looks real, and it's a lost fight. All of these make it just a mediocre shark film.

Rated R: Violence and some Language.
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You've got to be kidding
FTB12319 February 2005
I was really excited to see that another shark movie was being made, I mean I loved JAWS it took me a while to go back into the water. I am also a huge Fan of Lou Diamond Philips, I think he is an excellent actor and usually gives an excellent performance no matter what he does. However! The script in Red water was so poorly written it was almost laughable, the action sequences were predictable of course heightened by tense music. As I said I was looking forward to another shark movie because I loved JAWS and I loved being scared like that again, and I always feel there's nothing like a good shark movie and this was nothing like a good shark movie, if you want to see how it should be done go rent JAWS
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This was a good movie
ShadowShark11 June 2004
Warning: Spoilers
It was the best shark movie I ever saw in 2004 It may change. But any way it has good things and bad things.

Bad things.

The first time you see the shark is when you see a digital version of him swimming and you can see him with a scar down his left eye. Then you never see him with that scar ever again. Unless you watch it again.

And another digital shot was him with a triangle cut out of his dorsal fin.

I don't remember him with with a triangle cut out of his dorsal fin again in the movie.

And then there's the fake looking puppet.

Good Things

It was a shark movie with a lot of story. It's about my favorite shark: the bull shark. And they did good work on the shark. The perfect shaped dorsal fin and tail. It had a nice funny scene that I liked a lot. And if you're like me and like good shark attacks This movie has them. And they're not gross. So if you're a gore fan go see deep blue sea.
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Entertaining but a lot of inaccuracies.
mjgkramer16 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I am a retired oil company engineer and early in my career was a drilling engineer. Later, I worked as an oil and gas production computer automation system engineer on a project in the West Lake Verret field in the Atchafalaya Swamp just outside Morgan City, Louisiana, where this movie was supposed to take place. The movie was entertaining, but I found it difficult to watch without noting a lot of inaccuracies having to do with the location and the drilling operation.

Usually in movies about the oil industry, the terminology is totally screwed up. In this movie, the terminology was generally correct, but the drilling equipment was nothing like the real thing. I chuckled when they pulled the drill string out of the hole when a blowout was about to begin. Blowouts are generally caused by drilling at thousands of feet of depth into abnormally high pressure zones for that depth and for the density of the drilling mud. When the decision was made to come out of the hole, the man in the control room just hit the controls and out came the drill string in a matter of seconds with no assistance on the drilling floor. In real life, it would take a crew of roughnecks on the drilling floor hours to pull out thousands of feet of drill pipe.

Another serious flaw was the drilling equipment. Drilling rigs derricks are typically 100 or so feet tall to allow pulling drill pipe out in triples (three 30 foot joints of drilling pipe at a time). The derrick in the movie looked to be 30 or 40 feet tall, more like one used to drill water wells.

I'm surprised the commenter from Louisiana didn't say anything the discrepancies between the real Lake Verret and nearby Morgan City. There are no hills as are shown in the movie. The highest ground in that area is the levees built up around the Atchafalaya Swamp and the bayous. The water is muddy, not clear as shown. The bottom consists of many feet of mud, not nice clean gravel. In one of the opening scenes, one of the teenage "Cajun" girls pronounces Verret, the name of the lake, with the accent on the first syllable rather than the second. Later other actors pronounce it correctly. I was impressed however that early in the movie one of the bad guys pronounced "Atchafalaya" correctly with a silent "A".

Another thing I thought was curious was, although generally looking like a Cajun, Lou Diamond Philips' last name was Sanders, rather than something like Boudreaux. There are exceptions of course. Most of the rest of the natives had Cajun last names, but not him. Strange since he seemed to be portrayed to be a local.
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Forget fishing on a lazy river.
michaelRokeefe30 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Not very fearsome. Boat Captian John Sanders(Lou Diamond Phillips)is about to lose his boat due to lack of on-time payments to the bank. He is persuaded by his ex-wife(Kristy Swanson)to help her company find natural gas in a Louisiana river. At the same time criminals are looking for a sunken chest full of money. A gruesome discovery is made; a Bull shark is stalking the quiet lazy waters in a search of its own...human blood. It doesn't take long before you realize this is just another low budget shark flick. The action is about as slow as the dialog is dumb. And the shark scenes are noticeably too fake. However my favorite scene is...let's say when the shark gets "drilled".

I'm a Phillips fan, but this movie makes BATS(1999) look pretty damn good. Coolio is horrid as bad guy Ice. On the other hand Rob Boltin's character Emery is likable. As for Swanson...she is female. Fears strikes out this time.
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Sinks Without Trace
Theo Robertson10 February 2013
Channel 5 broadcast this immediately after showing the 2010 version of PIRANHA . This is very lazy transmission but you can see the thematic logic of this . What it does mean is that a film like RED WATER comes off second best compared to a in your face comedy horror spoof because this is a very conventional , flat movie featuring a killer shark

RED WATER gets off to a fairly good start . You want to grab an audience's attention? Well what better way to grab every man's attention by having a couple of cuties swimming in a lake wearing very skimpy bikinis . Even better a couple of minutes later the action cuts to a bad guys swimming pool where some really hot women walk around in bikinis . The board on this page has a few comments noticing this somewhat cynical crowd pleasing scene and all state this is in fact the best part of the film . You got hot chicks in bikinis and it's the best part of the film ? Yes it says a lot about the movie you're watching

No matter how many hot chicks you can cram in to a movie you'd better have a story to go with it and how many great films have you seen featuring sharks that weren't directed by Steven Spielberg ? You'd also do well to remember RED WATER is one of those made for television movies so goes out of its way not to offend the audience . Example ? Someone gets eaten by a shark and a verbal reaction to this scene of horror is " Damn "
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Shark as scary as my aunt millie
Hang_All_Drunkdrivers7 March 2005
There were only a few short scenes with the shark and the water was muddy and shark didn't do anything but come str8 ahead like the prop on a string it was. Very weak special effects. Lou diamond philips was pretty good as the hero and i always love kristy swanson. A beautiful and very well built woman.

An incredibly stupid scene was when the good guys were tied up and thrown in this room. But their hands were tied at the WRISTS leaving the fingers completely free. Would have been easy to untie the ropes on their comrades. But they never did that and then one of the bad guys came in and kicked the crap out of them. After he left, they took a hacksaw out of a toolbox (which had been lying there all along) and cut the ropes!!!!

No suspense and no real scares in this "horror" movie. For kristy swanson fans only.
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Underwater and shark movies have the potential to be scary
carl-thompson21 September 2008
For me the highlight of the movie was the very short snippet of music they played just as Ms Swansen makes her appearance.(can't seem to find who it was by though) I don't know why, but I never seem to feel for the characters in these U.S movies. When Phillips relayed his hard luck story I thought we had jumped into a Leslie Nilson Parody. They could have all got eaten for all I cared, there was nobody there I would miss.

Being under water with no air is at least as scary as the shark, but they didn't make much about that. In life people change from good to bad and back to good again with each passing moment, but not in This movie, a gangster is a gangster and a fisherman ain't ever gonna become the we all get so easily confused if people change sides. As usual I could have told you at the beginning of the movie who would survive and who wouldn't.

The effects were good enough, especially for anyone who grew up with Gerry Anderson shows on Saturday mornings,and movies where the monster was always just outside the screen shot. but if you're not already sat on the edge of your seat before the monster appears then no amount of effects will save the movie.

An extra couple of hours to go over the script, put in some humour and some 'real people things' Oh and a little more of the decent music, and This 3 star movie could have been an 8+ on the same budget.
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Not as bad as I thought
jrhud22 August 2018
I've seen bad shark after bad shark movie and this one is not even near that level . It's a B movie that exceeds in climbing to B+ .

Am I the only one who caught the About Last Night references?

If a movie can make me feel like I'm in their world, I'm pretty forgiving.

Way better than I thought . If you love movies, want a shark horror/thriller, watch it .

Don't expect too much. But I didn't feel like my time was wasted.

Better than JAWS 4 . On the same level as JAWS 3 .

And I ask again, the About Last Night homages .
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Unbareably Long
FilmFanInTheHouse8 October 2007
Red Water (2003, Dir. Charles Robert Carner)

In the quiet waters of the Mississippi, body parts are being discovered. No one knows what is behind it all, until a huge man eating bull shark turns up. This bull shark is different, as it can breath in fresh water, making a deadly encounter between anyone who comes before it. John Sanders must now try and reach the surface, with his ex-wife and whilst being held hostage.

It's very, very rare that i write a review for a film before it's actually finished, but for 'Red Water', i was that bored, i just needed something to do. This movie was just painful to get through. It was just too slow to start with and dragged on too much. The actors aren't the greatest and this really showed. I actually found Coolio very annoying during this film. The characters were useless, with no feelings felt at all towards deaths. The special effects were quite poor. They started off OK, but seemed to decrease in quality before the end of the film. The shark effect was more impressive than the explosions. If you want an enjoyable shark film, then choose a more professional made film.

"Get your ass off that ladder before i knock you off." - Ice (Coolio)
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Highly enjoyable bull shi-, er, I mean Bull Shark action
HaemovoreRex4 June 2007
Well firstly, I must admit that I've been a big fan of shark flicks ever since seeing the original (and still by far the very best) Jaws when I was much younger. In fact, sharks in general terrify me so it's almost a morbid curiosity of mine to seek out as many shark movies as possible.

Most of the said films (post Jaws) tend to be fairly run of the mill affairs albeit highly enjoyable ones. The film being reviewed here is a cut above most of its ilk however for a number of reasons.

Firstly, this isn't just a man eating shark plot. Here we have a straight forward, but nonetheless enjoyable 'gangsters searching for hidden loot' scenario weaved into the unfolding events. Secondly and a huge plus this, the film has some very good performances in it, most notably from the always excellent and sadly underrated Lou Diamond Phillips. The special effects to, are very commendable considering that this was a 'made for TV' film i.e.low budget. As is very common with these films, the shark effects vary depending upon what technique is being utilised to portray the voracious predator. As a general rule and as is very usually the case in all such films, the CGI shark effects pale in comparison to the model work. And finally, well I've just got to say it – although there aren't many present, the ladies that feature in this are universally hot including the ever lovely Kristy Swanson.

Gore wise, (always another plus in these shark oriented movies) there's a few fairly decent scenes in store including one brief shock moment when Lou Diamond Phillips grabs someone's arm only to find that the rest of the body is no longer attached to said appendage(!!!)

All in all, if like me, you like your films with BITE, then this is definitely well worth a look.
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Campy, but not as bad as you might think.......
zaheer6911 August 2011
Red Water is one of those movies that can definitely be classified as a B-Movie. No doubt about that. The average rating for this film is 3, which is a shame, because this movie wasn't that half bad. (To me) Red Water has a pretty original plot. It features a small Louisiana river that is suddenly plagued by a twelve-foot freshwater shark known as a Bull Shark. The shark begins killing all sorts of people, when it is finally driven upriver where it encounters a small oil rig that has recently hit it big. Lou Diamond Phillips is the lead, who speaks in a southern accent, plays the kind John, who hates oil rigs because he feels responsible for the deaths of four men due to a blowout at a rig he was once managing. So, his ex-wife, played by Kristi Swanson, and his friend go to take a look at the said rig, which suddenly becomes the subject of armed thugs who are looking for dumped money nearby.

First of all, it's a made-for-television movie. The special effects and acting won't be that good. However, they manage to get a pretty good anamatronic Bull Shark in there, a decent set, and a decent cast. (I know that the acting is bad, but I've seen worse.) It has some pretty big names, such as Lou Diamond Phillips, Krisit Swanson, and Coolio.

Red Water isn't that bad. Sure, some of the cast sucks, but the three big name leads aren't that bad, and are pretty convincing at times. They have feelings just like everybody else. The drunk scenes featuring the two thugs are sort of funny, since they mock each other. Red Water has some pretty disturbing scenes, like a pretty teenage girl who ALMOST makes it to safety before she is gobbled up kind of gorily, just like an elderly fisherman. Adding action to sharks works fairly well here. The CGI towards the end sucks, but the effects shark wise are above-average for a TV movie. The shark is pretty convincing when it is anamatronic. And the shark death is creative, just like the Jaws movies. Also, they appear to get back together at the end of the movie, and it has a happy and satisfying ending.

Is it perfect? No. I've seen much better. MUCH better. It's real campy, some of the performances suck, but it's pretty suspenseful and keeps you interested in what's going on. It isn't worse than Jaws the Revenge, or Jaws 3, which is sort of obvious, since it has a higher rating than them, and they had budgets of 20,000,000 dollars and more. Above-average movie done on a small budget.

I hear it's even better to get drunk and watch it on "crappy movie night". =D
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Decent made-for-TV movie
Cube_TX17 August 2003
Being a made-for-TV movie I didn't expect much as far as big budget effects like Deep Blue Sea or the monster cinematography of Jaws. That being said it was a pretty good film. Sure it's cliched at times, but no more than any other made-for-TV movie.

Lou Diamond Phillips plays Johnny, a down=on-his-luck fisherman who is contacted by his ex-wife Kelly (Kristy Swanson) to drill for oil in Louisiana. Meanwhile a bull shark has swam up the river and is terrorizing the local area. The oil drilling and other industrial actions have killed off the territorial shark's food supply and the animal eats what it can -- at least that's the reason I was able to gather for the attacks. This was made apparent because of a comment at the beginning of the movie where an old man is on a fishing trip with his grandson and they see the oil rig. The grandson asks what the men are doing and the grandfather answers, "Scaring the fish."

Meanwhile a trio of men are also diving in the area. They are hired by a drug dealer in the Virgin Islands to find a sunken box containing $3 Million in drug money. Coolio turns in an above-average performance as one of these criminals.

You'll know right off who will die and who will live (hey, I TOLD you it was cliched) but it's a fun way to kill a few hours. I watched the premiere with my girlfriend and her daughter and we were never bored. Catch an encore performance on TBS if you get the chance.
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