Black Sash (TV Series 2003) Poster


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I'll sass you back & lash out at Black Sash bashers!
crispy_comments25 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Ten years after this show's brief run, here I am watching it for the first time. I enjoy(ed) many WB shows, but missed this one, and seeing it now certainly makes me nostalgic for the good old days before The WB became the vastly inferior CW of today. The WB shows had more heart. And they weren't quite as incessant with their product placement, and thus weren't as focused on the lives of the rich and vapid.

Black Sash is refreshing by comparison, since it deals with Troubled Teens from a less privileged economic bracket. I know nothing about martial arts and can't tell you how realistic the portrayal may be. But it was nice to see such a diverse cast, and 3 generations interacting instead of focusing solely on teens. (Whoa. An actual *elderly* person on TV! I'm talking about Master Li, of course.) I also appreciated the attempt to actually send young viewers positive messages. That's right, Black Sash is kinda heartwarming, with it's main character trying to reconnect with his 12 year old daughter (Ha! Good luck finding a *pre*-teen on a CW show! If they can't be shown having sex yet, The CW ain't interested in 'em, basically), and being a father figure of sorts to his students as well. Not just a martial arts instructor, Tom Chang is a mentor who goes above and beyond, taking in an abused teen, and helping them all out of various predicaments.

Of course that's partly 'cause we have to showcase the star, Russell Wong (and his students, to some degree) kicking butt at least once per episode. So they all regularly get into dangerous situations, which may seem like overkill within a mere 6 episodes, but hey, I can deal with this contrivance. At least the fight scenes depict some struggle and feeling of realism in that the kids don't defeat the Bad Guys *too* easily. Fans of the Canadian band, Spirit Of The West, keep your eyes peeled for lead singer, John Mann, as one of these thugs. Poor guy kinda looks the part and gets typecast. He was also a shady underworld figure on Stargate SG-1.

I wonder about the comments I've read, disparaging Black Sash for being more of the same typical teen angst/high school drama. Is it so common for teens to be framed for murder, or to have to deal with gangsters and thugs coming after them because of their shady parent's criminal dealings? I *hope* it's not a "typical teen experience" to be stalked by a potential rapist? (Nice job showing the girls fighting back and protecting each other, btw... nowadays they'd probably just fall in love with their stalker.) Well, despite these dramatic sounding plot lines, Black Sash is pretty down-to-earth and feel-good entertainment. I know many people today balk at anything "too preachy" and prefer soulless anti-heroes and serial killers, but I'm hoping folks get sick of that trend soon. Maybe return to shows with likable protagonists - decent people trying to make a difference? It's so rare today, it would actually be a "daring" and "edgy" choice, TV writers! :P Btw, those of you comparing Black Sash to truly preachy, nauseatingly narrow-minded and just plain badly written junk like 7th Heaven, need to broaden your TV horizons and gain some perspective. There's a difference between a teacher providing guidance but helping teens gain self-esteem and encouraging them to do what's right for them... vs. being a religious nut who won't tolerate other ways of doing things and looks down on/pressures kids to conform to your belief system. Also... good kind of message: if a guy stalks you, be creeped out, not charmed. Learn to defend yourself if attacked by would-be-rapists. Bad kind of message: Never have sex before marriage! No abortions allowed! Even if you're raped! I know which show I'd rather watch. Hint: the one that doesn't hate women.

Of course the show had it's flaws, like pacing issues and trying to juggle all those characters. Bryan never really got a backstory. Nick vanished, rather implausibly. Trip had nothing to do in the last few eps, becoming irrelevant after his story with his Dad wrapped up...which happened too quickly, really. A lot of the character development (and romances) happened too quickly. Is Allie shy or not? Inconsistent characterization, or a fast-tracked character growth arc? I guess the showrunners knew they had only a 6 episode order, so they crammed a lot in. I read that there were a couple other unaired pilots that were reworked due to last-minute character changes, and you can kinda see some remnants from those "earlier drafts", if you squint.

At least the last episode ends with a feeling of hope, despite some unresolved story lines. I was half-expecting a horrible cliffhanger with everyone's life in jeopardy. So many writers continue to believe cliffhangers will get their shows renewed, but then they get cancelled anyway and leave fans in traumatized limbo forever. Yet another thing that makes Black Sash feel like a breath of fresh air now, to jaded TV viewers like me. I can live with the ending. Still it's a pity this series was cancelled so early. Six measly episodes, but the writers and actors managed to make me care, and I enjoyed these 6 eps more than a bunch of shows I could name which have inexplicably lasted for years. Too bad the suits at The WB didn't really give Black Sash a chance, nurture it, and have a little more patience - despite Mr. Chang's lesson on that very subject in the finale. :P
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Didn't watch full show
heavenreed4 November 2021
Was going through some old tapes and found an episode recorded. I actually really liked it and am sad that I can't find it on a streaming service to watch 😢 I was a little confused, but only because I started somewhere in the middle.
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I like it
bananaslug14 April 2003
I saw the pilot episode by chance and i thought it was pretty good, the plot is decent and i would definately recommend it because in my opinion there are not that many good shows to watch on sunday nights ne ways. So check it out if not for the plot at least the actors are all really good looking.
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it was cute
Ashmo12 May 2003
i must admit i really liked this show. the martial arts are not realistic but i found the characters easy to follow. the story seems pretty cheesy, and it is a "no-brainer" type of show, but tell me what other WB show isn't? basically, it's just a feel good hour of television and it sure beats watching bad reality television.
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Surprise show
shaun2000us13 April 2003
This was a show I didn't think would be all that good, but when Alias had reruns, I thought I would check it out to see what it's about. Surprisingly, I found it to be a pretty decent show. Russell Wong is really good in the show. I watch a lot of dark shows like Angel, Buffy, but I do still like to see shows about a caring person, trying to help others, and this is what it is. The character Tom, who has had a troubled past of his own, takes in some a few troubled teens and teaches them martial arts, and just to give them a better outlook on life. I recommend that you give this a chance, you might be just as surprised as me.
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More than just pretty faces...
heavenly_creature18 June 2003
Sunday nights I sat and watched Angel, and noticed a new show coming on afterwards at 9. Without anything else better to do, and absolutely no expectations, I watched the entire pilot of Black Sash. Each character was represented completely, but you could tell they were rushing to detail each character in the 45-minute segment. Other than that, I was hooked. Each character has some sort of physical/emotional struggle, and their martial arts training ties in with each episode, it's uniquely blended to put on a great episode. The actors do a great job, Russell Wong is great as the mentor, and his grandfather also hands him advice. Good show, sad it got cancelled. Watch for re-runs. Oh, and yes, the actors are all good-looking. That helps.
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decent show
wylfyr15 May 2003
This is actually one of the better shows I have found lately. Russell Wong <Romeo must Die, Vanishing Son I-IV> is the lead in this series. Playing Tom Chang, Wong is a former police detective who is framed and arrested for drug trafficking. Serving his sentence, he leaves the police department and ends up teaching martial arts to students. The shows martial art scenes are great. Especially good, is that the show is primarily shot in Vancouver, Canada. Mako <An Eye for an Eye, Bulletproof Monk> is Master Li, the owner of the martial arts dojo where Wong's character teaches his martial arts. The show is great, but unfortunately, it has been cancelled.
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Great show Good cast.
cobra_01125 April 2003
The martial arts in the show is Ba Gua Zhang (Eight Trigram Palms) and it is not shown correctly on the show. At least not in the fight scenes. But I do like how they don't use wires and do impossible flips and moves. It IS a realistic view of martial arts even thought Camera Tricks are used. The moves on the show can actually be done in the real world. Russell Wong (vanishing son series) though is not a "master" of any form of martial arts has done enough fighting stuntwork and choreography to pull off being the teacher and overseer of the school. The kids are faced with real life problems such as Child abuse, obsession, crime, etc... I have heard that the WB has cancelled the show only four eps into the six that were first ordered. I think it's a huge mistake on there part. THe show has the potential to be the WB's next Dawsons Creek if they developed the characters right. Overall I give the series a 9/10. I'd recommend it to anyone.
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Decent little martial arts show
DunnDeeDaGreat27 April 2003
Black Sash is a decent martial arts show with Romeo Must Die's Russel Wong. The series is like The Karate Kid with more kids thrown in. None of the kids really seem be skilled in martial arts but they all act decently. Ray J even does a good job as one of Wong's most skilled students. Extra cool points go to Missy Peregrym and Sarah Carter for being hotties on the show.
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Kung Fu Meets The Master
bcolquho31 March 2003
Five outcasts work under an ex-San Francisco police officer who runs a kung fu studio. Tommy Chen was a San Francisco narcotics cop who went to Hong Kong to stop the flow of heroin

into the City by the Bay. His partner in Hong Kong was in on it and framed him for posession. He served five years in Hong Kong. During that time, he lost everything, including his wife and

daughter. He was served a restraining order telling him to keep 100 yards away from his ex-wife, her husband, and his daughter. Now he has to work as a bounty hunter to raise the five thousand dollars to see her. Tori, the daughter of a murdered cop, has a

chip on her shoulder the size of the Rock of Gibraltar. Tommy

takes on a student who's been physically abused by his father. Tori and Tommy go after the man who killed her father. Tommy and his old kung fu master go after the man, Billy Wu, and his boss. His new student gets the courage to see that his abusive father's put away.
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Its So GOOD!!!
bitchyprincess4life9013 June 2003
I think this show rox and the stupid WB cut it off after only 6 episodes , WTVR the show was out and so many different types of people watch it, me, Im kind of a punk, i watched it , my brother, kind of a dork watched it, we all love it. so if they ever have reruns watch them.
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Russel wong in probably another underrated series
lord_power30 March 2003
Russel Wong plays a martial artist who has recently taken over a martial arts studio for his teacher. His students each have there own unique problems and reasons for joining including the two newest additions to the school one who joined cause his dad beats him and a girl obsessed with one of the other students. apparently russel wong's character was a former cop who was framed by his partner and the triads in hong kong. he did some hard time in a hong kong prison or "hong kong hard time" as one of his students phrases it. apparently with the opening of the series he has only been out of prison for a couple of months which means that he has only been running the martial arts school for about that long. His character is also faced with some legal battles over being able to see his daughter which leads him to have to bounty hunt on the side so that he can afford the lawyers and court fees because his school doesn't make much money.

The series is a good idea seeming to revolve around the interaction of the characters and there various problems with Russel Wong who as there teacher must guide them in the right direction while he himself returns to his master for help. I like the premise. I like the characters so far. However the martial arts coreography is not the best the scenes with russel are ok but the other student that is shown in an actual "fight" in the first episode is very VERY bad. I could live with it however in that she is a student and thus shouldn't have the greatest technique then again she has been with him for a while as she is not one of the new students and she almost injurs two of the other students kind of setting her up as the top student. So other than the coreography with her i definitely reccomend it.
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It was fine!
Psykoblast20006 May 2003
I believed that some of the actors have potential but as for the content of the show? Well, the replacement of another episode of Charmed speaks for itself. I am disappointed that it went off the air but I do think that it deserved more credit than was received.
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In real life there are no camera tricks.
rorygunn15 April 2003
If you've watch Black Sash as I have from the beginning then you've noticed that when the characters go into the choreographed routines..Sorry to burst your bubble but that's what they are..the action is slowed down then sped in Matrix style and there are all these flashy quick cuts.I know this is supposed to enhance the action but to me it proves that the creators and producers have no faith(rightfully so)in their actors skill in performing these movements and yet we are supposed to believe some of these characters have had experience in other martial in point-the Nick character introduced on the April 13th episode...He sits in Russell Wong's office and names off several martial arts that he's been involved in including wing chung,wushu,gung fu which is a redundant remark since wing chung and wushu are forms of gung fu..He names a few others including-gasp-Jeet Kune Do!!!Yeah.Right.If he remotely even knew what it meant then when he started those back alley street fights he would've deflected, intercepted then countered any attack brought to him..instead he blocks and assume the classic stances which justifiably gets his butt kicked..I know this was set up so Russell Wong could come in and save the day but even he is rightfully getting whipped until the other guy remembered that he was the hero and let him win....Mr. Lee says show me a classical karateist and I'll show you a dead man.And that's what these kids would be if this was a real situation.I harp on this because these kids are supposed to have real problems in everyday life...As for Russell Wong he is a capable actor an on screen fighter.Mr.Wong should take some quality control of at least his fight sequences and not do the slo-mo quick cut thing and o it in one fliud motion take so that people will know that he does have skill and isn't one of the six month trained actors like the rest of the cast..This is just one of the problems of the show...The lessons that are being taught are not being taught in an efficient and simple manner..Case in point,when Tori comes out and finds Nick on her bike what does she do?She warns him 5 or 6 times then stands there when Nick doesn't move instead of knocking his butt off..but that would've been the common sense thing to do...and that is not being taught..If it was then the students would know the real reason they're there at the learn to fight..after all you don't go to cooking school to learn your way around the kitchen..that's a by go to learn to cook..There are other problems as well being that there are several storylines at once..and instead of a simple efficient solution they too take the long way around and in life that gets you lost...Maybe they should have Mako's character come in and teach a few classes...Then things would get solved or at least be on their way to a solution...I know the moves are supposed to be exaggerated for visual effect but come on!!Others in the past have proven that you can do good onscreen fighting and still make it look real..Overall if you want mindless entertainment with good choreography then this is a good show but if you're looking for a show with a serious martial arts message avoid at all cost and rent the masters of the genre...cause if these kids were to take what they've learned into the real world they'd get their butts whipped and in real life there are no camera tricks...
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Series for the liking
ozi-116 October 2004
Really, i read many ppl say the show sucked, but i'm in a different opinion. I think the show had a good background history, and i was really wanting to see more after the 6th episode. I really liked that the characters were shown as human beings. And not supernatural power ppl. The teens could defend themself, but also to a limit. I've seen a bit over 5 seasons og Charmed, 5 of Angel, 2 of alias. I got really bored of Alias. People say that Alias was a better show, but i really can't get that. I read about the guy saying Black Sash was only a bunch of pritty ppl. So what about Alias? The only reason i saw that was because Jennifer Garner is hot. Then also i found the history a bit fun in the beginning. Then i got tired of seeing Jennifers face, so then i don't see alias no more. I say that black sash is a good show, and i didn't get tired of it. (even though it was only 6 eps. I got tired of alias after 4 eps, but kept watching, may be it would get better, but it never did). Black sash is a sure 10 from me, alias get 6. Only because Jennifer Garner is easy on the eyes...
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XxCoRyxX16 April 2003
This show is without a shadow of a doubt the best show out currently.No show holds a candle to features fun and awesome action scenes for a TV show,that is better then alot of recent fight scenes in big budget action films,the acting by russell wong,mako and missy peregrym is GREAT.All 3 have became instant favorites as has this show.teaches valuable lessons with great mixes thrown into it.
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One Of The Best New Shows On TV
Shaliza3 April 2003
Warning: Spoilers
"Black Sash" is a great show. Warner Brothers are airing even more brilliant shows as time goes on. I don't want to provide spoilers for those who haven't seen the debut episode, but this is one show you're not going to want to miss.
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brakneus6 April 2003
I liked the first episode, if they develop the characters a bit it could be something to look forward to.. But as with most martial art movies they miss the point somewhat. The style they use in this show is baqua, an internal martial art form(like taiji, ching-y, aikido). But accept for some nice moves by the main actor most choreography is really clumsy, let alone internal... A lot of talk about the theory but it doesn't show.. (the straight line - clash thing was nice, since baqua is about going around in circles, and changing them all the time) If somebody ever wants to make a good television show or movie about internal martial arts, please cast actors who know how to do it. And that is not easy, even most of the Hongkong actors don't know how to do the real stuff. Even the suppose to be master in the show shows really awful flabby taiji. But whatever, it's nice entertainment..
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This Show Is a Necessity
theking-1229 April 2003
I am an instructor of Ming Hsien Kuei Shou Baguazhang, as well as a Northern Shaolin Temple Boxing System & Yang Style Taijiquan. In the show, there're a Lot of wushu forms being demonstrated that are from Chang Chuan (long fist) & Nan Chuan (short fist), that have nothing to do with Baguazhang in general. That combined with the specific choreography being shown as their 'forms' I'd say that the Baguazhang that's being practiced are the Wushu - martial PERFORMANCE - Baguazhang forms. These are based widely on the great Xing-Yi master Sun Lu Tang's form. What is displayed on the show is Not my style. There - now all of the critics have been Heard. For myself, although the pilot needed Serious Aid (as do ALL pilots) the show Literally showed a geometric progression both in the writing & boxing technique of the show's 'practitioners'. I Continuously remind my All of my students (not just the Bagua students) to watch the show, because of the boxing, yes, but also because of many of the reasons why I watched all of the older 7th Heaven episodes. It Just So Happens that Chinese Kung Fu training offers a Helluva Lot in terms of Personal Development - perhaps because of the school structure being based as it is on the Traditional Family Structure. This is an absolutely fantastic series, & I'm Deeply Affected by the fact that the WB has elected to take it off the air. I had just returned from a tournament in Philadelphia, doing 80+ miles an hour in a 15 passenger van to get back to PGH in time to see The Black Sash, Only to find that it was Gone. I don't want to be just one more of countless others repeating the same things that everyone else does, but I must say that this is the Absolute Right Time for this type of show, & that these are the Absolute Right Actors/Characters for the type of expression necessary. None of 'US' out here know about the actual numbers or give a damn about ratings. That's why all of the older 'cancelled' shows always end up coming back over & over again & do really well, for no 'apparent' reason. Even if 'ratings' are slow in coming. Please consider this. I TRULY HOPE that there is a way for this saga to continue, for the sake of all who may benefit personally. It gives people Something To Believe In.
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One of the weakest shows the WB has ever produced! Nothing but a bunch of pretty faces with no talent!
joeym4288711 July 2003
The subject says it all about this trashy teen drama, Black Sash! Thank God it is gone!!! It had almost nothing going for it expect having Corey Sevier running with his shirt off! The only breakout talent of the show was Sarah Carter. And Drew Fuller was good, but he was very smart and left this piece of sh*t and went to Charmed. All in all a very sad look at where teen drama on TV is heading to!!!

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sorry but this show deserved to be cancelled
jayrives5 May 2004
I watched all 6 eps of the show and it wasn't being put against Alias that killed the show. It was the bad writing. Russell did a decent job in his role, but not a great role. The 'kids' were decent enough but the stories were so routine and full of over the top homilies etc that it was like someone recast 7th Heaven and tossed in some kung fu cause it was hip at the time. I had taped the eps thinking that maybe they would get better. I recently rewatched them and it was painful. When Drew Fuller turned up on Charmed later in the season, I was thrilled because his performance as "Nick" was one of the positives about the show.
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Very Good
LadyDragonair23 April 2003
I like this show. Russell Wong I think is a great actor. And the kids they have are different from each other but get along and the plot is good too. If for noe other reason you should watch the show because sunday night has a void in it's lineup and the charaters are good looking.
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Give it a chance.
ANT230422 April 2003
I'm writing this because I am very concerned that the WB is going to cancel this show after only 4 episodes. They have done this with other shows and has disappointed a lot of viewers. This is a show that deserves to stay on it has everything some one young to old would enjoy. Martial Arts, Fighting, Drama, Romance the list goes on. Please watch the show and you will see what I mean.
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Definite potential
sth12830 March 2003
Starring Russell Wong (Romeo Must Die), Black Sash tells the story of an ex-cop martial arts teacher, his personal struggle, and his students.

I caught the premiere by pure chance, and it was quite good; choreographed fighting backed with decent story and humour, plus a main character whose English is actually understandable (the hell with Jackie Chan!). This is a series that definitely has a bright future.
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