Never Die Alone (2004) Poster

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A Dark Trip to the Underworld of the Drugs
claudio_carvalho7 August 2005
When the unemployed white journalist Paul (David Arquette), who lives in a ghetto, accidentally witness the execution of the Afro-American King David (DMX), he takes the wounded man to the hospital trying to save his life. David dies, but officially leaves his car and his possessions to Paul. Paul finds some cassette tapes in the car, and while listening to them, he becomes aware that David was a hideous drug dealer.

When I decided to buy this DVD, I had no information about this movie. What a great surprise for me: it is a dark trip to the underworld of the drugs, indeed a contemporary film-noir, with sordid elements. The very dark cinematography fits perfectly to the story creating an atmosphere very adequate to the theme. The screenplay is very well written, but there are many important deleted scenes available on the DVD that explain many situations and connections of the story. DMX, David Arquette and Michael Ealy have excellent performances, but I found the character of Moon too much clichés of the powerful Afro-American drug lord. The scene of Mike leaving the tunnel in the end of the movie is another clichés that works perfectly, indicating the possible redemption of this character. "Never Die Alone" is a surprisingly good, violent and very real movie, which does not spare the characters addicted on drugs, showing the consequence of their vicious and their destiny. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "Nunca Morra Sozinho" ("Never Die Alone")
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a bit better than one might expect
Buddy-5115 January 2005
Since truth is indeed sometimes stranger than fiction, often the movie with the most unlikely scenario is the one that turns out to be the most believable. This is the case with "Never Die Alone," an urban crime drama with a plot just loopy enough to keep us interested and just goofy enough to make us believe it.

David Arquette plays a white reporter who hangs around in a predominantly black section of the city soaking up the "atmosphere" for articles and books he hopes to write. One night, he attempts to save the life of a black drug kingpin (played by DMX) by driving the man to the hospital after he's been left for dead in a revenge killing. Immediately before his death, the man, who goes by the name "King David," bequeaths his car and other earthly possessions to this inner city Good Samaritan. Included in the haul is an assortment of tapes David recorded detailing his experiences as a successful drug pusher in LA. Thus, as Paul listens to these recordings, a full picture of the kind of man David was soon emerges.

The best thing about "Never Die Alone" is that it doesn't flinch from displaying the ugly, harsh realities of its blood-splattered world. It shows how even the innocent and the good eventually fall victim to the evils of drug addiction and crime. The film is not afraid to kill off characters in a random way, often surprising us with just who ends up dying and who ends up surviving. And it does not attempt to sugarcoat "King David," for despite all his comments about redemption and making up for the evil he's done, David is one hell of an amoral bastard who does some pretty horrible things to some truly undeserving people - and the film does not shy away from depicting that reality.

Although, on the surface, the film seems like just another in a long line of sordid crime dramas involving crack heads, dope fiends and armed-to-the-teeth ghetto gangstas, "Never Die Alone," perhaps because it is willing to hold nothing back in what it chooses to show us, has a certain ring of truth about it. Whatever the reason, "Never Die Alone" is a cut above the average.
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Karma is for real
refinedsugar19 March 2012
I remember when I first saw the poster for "Never Die Alone". I thought they were cashing in on DMX's turn in Exit Wounds and now he was getting his own action flick. The trailer just cemented this idea. Now I realize how wrong I was. Yeah, there's gangstas, there's killings, there's dope. There's a DMX track or two within, but this ain't no action movie.

I've seen a lot of dark movies featuring dark characters, but this situation, the main character, you know they exist in real life. This guy - King David - as he's called is one piece of work. I know very little about DMX and I couldn't help but wonder where the character began and he ended. That there is the most positive aspect of "Never Die Alone". DMX can be commended, but the movie on a fundamental level is flawed.

The story, the cast of characters ride the line between adequate and embarrassing. David Arquette's role as the writer - basically the bridge of the tale - is hackneyed and Arquette is no thespian actor. Michael Ealy's character and his connection to both King David and his drug boss employer is mix of lame poorly executed ideas and unsatisfying conclusions. While the whole theme of the movie is obvious from frame one. Intended to be a dark drama, "Never Die Alone" ultimately ends up being a pretentious glance at the surface of a drug pusher and the people caught in his blast radius.
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Interesting concept ......
webcrawler27 March 2004
.....but it just misses the mark here. I have been a fan of Donald Goines novels since I was a teen. I have often wondered why so-called gangsta rappers of our generation have glorified fictional icons like Scarface (Al Pacino) when there are better real life examples of hardcore gangstas like Donald Goines and Iceberg Slim who wrote about their turbulent lifestyles in graphic, candid detail in several real-life novels. When I heard about NDA I was excited that maybe someone had finally picked up the ball. Too bad this film falls just short of the mark. It tries very hard to lock onto a theme but comes across as disjointed and rambling. DMX aka Earl Simmons produced, as well as, starred in this flick. DMX's gruff demeanor is well suited for the Donald Goines anti-heros, but he needs to work on the acting skillz a bit. A very good supporting cast of known and not-so-well known actors. All in all I would say that this film is just a small step above the flick Belly -- just a little more violent and very crude. 2 out of 5 stars.
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Hero Worship
baho220 January 2004
Clever story. Good acting. Interesting direction. Film noir, gangsta rap style. Nevertheless, the movie sickened me. I have rarely seen such callous evil, even in the movies. And the notion that this gangsta culture has become so celebrated in mainstream music that our kids listen to should scare the hell out of every parent alive. These cool, good-looking black men dress very fine, have lots of money and spend their lives snorting drugs, having sex, killing people and MF'ing everything in sight. I wouldn't mind it so much if they were all really bad guys and I had never listened to Eminem. Nope. These are role models. Welcome to Hollywood, DMX!

Net, if you like this part of our culture, you will probably like this movie. But if graphic sex, heroin addiction, at least 10 murders, and having our beloved hero (Michael Ealy) smack his teenage sister in the face isn't your thing, you might try something milder. Maybe rent Pulp Fiction.
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Enjoyable enough that I want to read the book
roddick-125 August 2005
For starters story is very smart. That's the stand out thing in the movie. Interesting how one person can affect so many. But it seemed very short.

Acting wise it was average I guess. I'm a fan of DMX and think he isn't a bad actor. But most characters he's played are pretty similar. Good job by the supporting cast as well. David Arquette was the a stand out.

Overall an enjoyable movie. I was looking forward to seeing this movie very much for some reason, and it didn't let me down, but it wasn't perfect either. Once you've watched it you'll probably think something was missing because of the shortness, but there isn't (I think!). I look forward to reading the book.
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moviefreakazoid11 January 2005
When reading about the plot of this movie upon its release, the concept although extremely familiar sounded promising, even though DMX was involved. Although DMX's music has been very well received, there is a good chance that his movie career will not be of a similar level of praise.

DMX plays King David a man who returns after 10 years, only to die. David Arquette is the man who pieces together the fragments of King David's life.

Within the few minutes you can tell this is different from your usual Hip-hop kind of movies with fast editing and lots of serious bling within the few minutes. Continuing with the manner of the opening half hour, the movie could have been much better than it was.

It is obvious that the movie is a vehicle to glorify DMX. This is part of the problem, the other problem is that the movie is a mess. When going into recap although interesting at times, the movie doesn't develop, instead we have DMX in his usual role. There is no depth to the character of King David, we have no real remorse shown, no character, no emotion. There are elements in the story that could be involved much more but instead the camera cuts to shots of drug usage, some sex and some violence. The thoughts of DMX come out as if they're heavily lifted from somewhere, and the thoughts are not really backed up. David Arquette although used very little, does not offer anything to the movie. Although a very likable actor, he has not really given a stellar performance in a movie yet.

Never Die Alone is much better than a lot of the rubbish that fills the screens nowadays but it lacks so much. There is potential but it is never explored. My rating-4/10
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Low budget, gritty crime drama.
krachtm31 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Slight spoilers.

The most obvious comparison is Scarface, of course. Scarface was an interesting movie, because it took a rather uncompromising, unglamorous look at a repugnant character -- one who had been glamorized in numerous other movies. The greatest pity is that some people STILL managed to view Scarface in that glamorous light.

Never Die Alone runs with that. It tempts you to empathize with the protagonist, a drug dealer who has been talking about redemption, righting his past wrongs, paying his dues, and making things right. The movie opens with his death, which is revealed to be brutal and arbitrary. However, as you learn about the man's life, you come to hate him, realize that he's a monster, and all his talk of "redemption" is just bullshit. King David is a despicable sociopath, and watching him ruin the lives of everyone else in the movie is not an easy thing.

It's a powerful story, but there are some problems. First, it's a bit preachy. Second, the pacing can get a bit slow at times. The sex scenes, in particular, struck me as a bit boring. The brutality may bother some sensitive viewers. It's not the violence itself that's so disturbing; rather, it's that the violence is depicted realistically. There are consequences to the actions taken, and they are far-reaching, rather than the traditional Hollywood consequence-free violence that solves every problem. Many people have criticized the acting, but I thought it was fine. The directing wasn't exactly inspired, but I like Dickerson. His style isn't artistic or showy, and I doubt he'll ever transcend his B-movie roots, but his gritty, retro-blaxploitation influences work for me.
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So close yet so far
kben-israel13 November 2004
As the movie started out, it was almost too painful to watch. I imagine a few people walked out of the theater before realizing its worth. Not everyone is willing to go through the pain to get to the pleasure. If this movie had been imbued with more class and the corny lines were removed, it had the potential to be a classic. Unfortunately, all we are left with is the train who couldn't. The movie tries and you can feel it saying, "I think I can, I think I can". The weight of the opening act and awkward transition from cheese too wine is just too much for it to crest the hill. In the end we are left with nothing more than what if...

What if someone took the time to do this right?
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Decent flick
tricksixxx17 January 2006
I watched this movie expecting nothing. I was actually surprised by how good DMX could pull off his role as the King. This movie really shows the gritty, nasty truth of drug induced violence. There are no good people in this film, and there are no heroes to speak of. There are just ugly, evil, menacing things and people sewn completely through any attempt at good morals. This movie definitely hold no bars on how far it goes. It shows practically rape, murders of innocents, hard drugs, and intentionally making someone you love addicted to heroin. DMX truly shows the King as an evil and god-awful person and by the end of the movie, it is quite satisfying to connect it to the beginning. I can't say this is a great movie because there aren't any redeeming values to it, and there is really no point in it. It does however chill your bones in it truthfulness, and sparks an issue that can be debated after the movie is complete. Decent job guys, but give us a point and a good guy in there! 6/10
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VERY disappointing
Raziel2112 August 2004
When I first rented this movie, I was expecting some good action scenes mixed with a decent story and a great soundtrack...I was disappointed on ALL accounts. I found the plot to be lacking in every area imaginable, there were many holes in the plot where all you could do was use your imagination to fill in the blanks. The music chosen was Jazz, good for the slums of New York I guess, but in a DMX film you would have expected him to do at LEAST one song for it (if they did, it might have been when I fell asleep.) As for the action scenes, where are they?

I enjoyed the message the movie was sending, it was basically saying to take responsibility for your own actions, but that was ALL I enjoyed. Sorry to say this, but do NOT buy this movie, if you have a friend that's a big fan of DMX...and they bought it because he was in it, then borrow it. But I am sorry I even wasted my money on it, it's THAT bad...
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A very dark, and very underrated charater study of a monstrous person
Lando_Hass15 July 2004
Never Die Alone opens up with a scene that full blown gives away a pivotal event in the film, where we see the main character, King David, lying in a casket, eyes closed, hands on his chest. It's no big secret that he's dead, to me, this movie isn't about the events, but simply about the story and the characters, and that's really all that matters. What I like first about this movie is that it has the power to make the audience not care if the ending is revealed, or if any other event is told before it happens. I don't think this movie is about the ending, but it's simply about King David and his monstrous nature/personality.

Again, the movie opens up with King David in a casket, obviously dead. He gives a narration, and talks about reincarnation and how some say that when you die in one life, you'll pay back for your mistakes in the next one. Immediately, one can wonder why this man would mention this.

King David comes back to his hometown to make amends with a drug dealer that he stole from. This drug dealer is Moon. David offers to give back the 15 thousand he stole in drugs, plus another fifteen thousand for interest. Moon sends two of his boys, Blue and Mike, to make the pickup. During the scene in which Moon tells the two to meet up with David, Mike's reaction sparks up some question, because he gets noticeably angry. We the audience question the history that David and Mike, and ask what the deal is between them. The pickup goes wrong, and King David ends up getting stabbed in the process, right across from a bar. In the bar across the street is aspiring reporter, Paul, a man who hangs out in ghetto areas to gather up information on his novel. David comes to the aid of David, and drives him to the hospital. During this beginning scene, we actually start to feel sympathy for King David, as he pleads to Paul to `Not let him die alone.' This line is somewhat sad, but at this point we have no idea what kind of person David is. David of course dies, and hands over practically everything he has to Paul, probably because he was caring enough to bring him to the hospital and not let him die in the gutters. Among the things Paul gets from David are jewelry, money, and a nice car. Paul eventually finds a collection of audio cassettes, each one an audio diary chronicling the last ten years of David's monstrous life. Then the real story begins.

Through these audio tapes, we realize that David probably never wanted redemption and had no apology for the monstrous acts he's done. We at first feel sorry for his character, and not want him to die, but as the movie chronicles the last ten years, all of that care and sympathy that we had the character disappears as we see King David for who he really is: A monstrous man who has no compassion for anyone. King David charms women, gets to know them, then hooks them on cocaine, THEN switches them to heroin without them knowing, so that they have an unwanted dependence on him. King David is an unapologetic man, who seems to purely like the suffering of others. He single-handedly destroys these women's lives without remorse. He is able to look back on these events and tell them as if he were proud about them. This is his character. Unlike most drug movies, the character isn't sugarcoated, the character isn't sold as a cold blooded killer who still feels remorse for some people. The King David character is the complete opposite. He is written truthfully, without trying to hold back the grim events in his life.

DMX has made a few films in the past, the two most recent (I'm pretty sure) are Exit Wounds, and Cradle 2 The Grave, both mindless action films for the genre fans. Those two movies were there to simply make money, and to entertain people with fights and explosions. I liked those two movies, but I don't those movies were able to expand DMX's acting talents because of what kinds of movies they are. Never Die Alone brings out the performance in DMX that most people probably didn't even know existed. Unlike in Cradle 2 The Grave and Exit Wounds, DMX is able to give his character depth, and is able to define him in ways that most actors cant do. He is able define his character in the most monstrous way possible, and even though this character is monstrous and evil in the movie, DMX cloaks this evil vindictive side, and is able to appear normal, and I think this is the dynamic force of the character, he knows he's evil, he knows he's a horrible person, but he acts as if it's all just an everyday activity to ruin people's lives, and DMX pulls this characteristic off amazingly well. He wrecks people's lives, and he does it with so much ease and so little care, and DMX really brings this character trait to the surface.

David Arquette plays an aspiring reporter, who, like I mentioned earlier, finds King David's audio diaries and discovers the truth about the man he just met. Arquette's character isn't onscreen very much, and he only interacts a few times with other people, with the exception of King David. His character isn't really developed, but he's one of those film characters where he can be developed and presented with only a few sentences. What we can learn about this character is that he simply is willing to go where most people wouldn't dare to go, and he never intends harm to anyone else. The character is simply there to be the good hearted person who doesn't enforce any kind of hate or violence. He's the modern character of the movie, the everyday person. His character is drawn into the complex character of King David. Before he listens to the cassettes, he obviously doesn't know who King David is, but he probably thinks that David isn't that bad of a person, just like the audience. But as he listens to the tapes and hears the monstrous things he's done, we cant really tell what he thinks about the guy afterwards. We don't know whether he still feels some kind of remorse for him, or if he feels that he deserved to die. There might still be some remorse left in Arquette's character, but the movie doesn't really emphasize whether that care and remorse was diminished after he listened to the tapes. Each time this character was onscreen, I sat there wanting the movie to go back to King David's `adventure', mainly because Arquette's character wasn't interesting, and the movie tended to slow down every time they showed him. However, regardless of that problem, it doesn't hurt the movie that much, but I think it could have been fixed in some way.

The nature of this movie is dark and grim, so of course, the movie's setting has to be dark and grim, and it is. The lighting effects obviously reflect the movie's nature, and maybe even it's main character. The locations are perfectly fitting for the dark and depressing tone that the movie tries to set, and the lighting most of the time is perfect, because it maintains a depressing look that has lots of style. Whether or not the movie's look was done just for the sake of looking good, of if it was done to reflect the characters and situations, either way, it was very stylistic.

With DMX's name printed above the title, and with DMX on the front cover with two handguns at hand, most people will think this movie is another mindless action film in the tradition of Exit Wounds and Cradle 2 The Grave. I thought that it was an action film at first, but I had no idea that it was a serious movie dealing with serious characters and serious situations. Never Die Alone is a smart, taught, dark, and stylistic low budget drama that'll either disgust audiences or serve them a dark drama that takes you into the monstrous world of a vicious drug pusher, either way, the audience will despise it for the first reason, and maybe love it for the latter reason. I liked it for the latter.

Score: 9 ½ out of 10.

Very underrated dark drama that deserves some more recognition. Easily one of the best films of 2004.
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Never Die Alone is dark and brutal with an evil character. It isn't about the series of events, but about the story and its characters. (* * * 1/2 out of * * * *)
AngryMovieNerd14 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
At first glance of the film's movie poster, many viewers, before seeing Ernest Dickerson's Never Die Alone (2004), will assume it is an action picture like Scarface (1983) and New Jack City (1991). This isn't an action picture, but a drama, although it does deserve comparison to the latter movies.

Never Die Alone is the story of a viscous, cold blooded, and evil man known as King David. As the movie opens, King David (DMX) is laying dead in a coffin. Many will see this as a spoiler, but it isn't. This movie isn't about the events that occur, but about the story and the characters.

As the film opens, King David has returned from Los Angeles to New York to repay a debt to a drug dealer known as Moon (Clifton Powell). Moon sends his boy, Mike (Michael Ealy), and another man to collect the money.

But then the pickup turns violent against Moon's request, and King David ends up getting stabbed in the process. He is helped by Paul (David Arquette), an earnest journalist who hangs around in the tough streets of Harlem. Paul comes to the aid of David, and, of course, King David dies.

Upon his death, King David gives Paul a nice car, money, jewelry, and eventually, Paul finds a collection of audiotapes chronicling the last ten years of David's life.

We learn that King David was a ladies' man. The women in his life were all drug users. But what King David does to these three women is monstrous: he falls in love with them, gets to know them, then hooks them on cocaine. Then he switches them to heroin without them knowing. What's monstrous is when he decides to give them a little "test." DMX, as King David, is hard and cold. Just as we begin to care and show sympathy for King David, we begin to show hatred towards this vile, and evil man. Through flashbacks and events, we realize that King David is a man who shows no apologies for the evil things he's done, and he makes them look like an everyday activity.

The film also seems to suggest that there is some sort of connection between both Mike and King David.

DMX has done some terrible films in the past, such as Romeo Must Die (2000), Exit Wounds (2001), and Cradle 2 the Grave (2003), which were all mindless action pictures meant to entertain, but in Never Die Alone, he gives his best performance up to date.

Never Die Alone is a good movie, but I felt that David Arquette's character was poorly developed, but he gives a good performance, anyway. In the end we never know whether he has shown remorse for King David or felt that he deserved to die for what he's done. But Paul is more of a pawn than a mover to the plot. Half the time, he doesn't realize how much danger he's putting his life in, such as when he drives around in King David's car.

Cinematographer-turned-director Ernest Dickerson creates a dark atmosphere and he keeps the film dark to the very end. He keeps the action scenes brief and brutal, and it doesn't distract the viewer away from the plot. This is his strongest work.

Never Die Alone is not an action picture. It's a movie about an evil man, who shows no apologies for the evil things he's done to others. By the end, the movie asks Paul, the journalist, and even the viewer, do you think King David really deserved to die?
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Why did you kill him?
nogodnomasters2 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
King David (DMX) returns to NYC to repay a debt to Moon (Clifton Powell). Although he is soon killed, he manages to stay alive through flashbacks as Paul (David Arquette ) sorts through his life because the King wasn't very smart and made more incriminating tapes than Watergate. Ending has a slight twist, but not worth the wait.

Guide: F-word, sex, male butt nudity.
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Violent at first, but then it tells a real story
vchimpanzee16 March 2009
The movie starts with King David in a casket.

Then he starts telling us about his life. He came to Los Angeles to start his life over. Two days earlier, Moon needed Mike and Blue to collect some money from him.

Something goes terribly wrong, and David is left lying in the street. Paul, a white writer with a black girlfriend (Nancy), couldn't just let him die. On the way to the hospital, David pleads with Paul to tell his son his story. Interestingly, Paul was living the life of a black man, while Nancy seemed to have rejected her culture (I'm basing this on one scene, but we never got to know her) and disapproved of his living in that world, but Paul felt he had to in order to write what he wanted.

Paul finds out from a hospital worker that David had rewarded him by leaving him everything--lots of cash, jewelry, and a nice car. And cassette tapes with his autobiography.

As Paul listens to the tapes, we see the events described. Once again, David says he is starting over in Los Angeles. In a scene with three bikini beauties, Paul meets blonde white actress Janet. She becomes the first of his girlfriends that we see. With her connections, and the fact that no one on the west coast has quality merchandise, David becomes a major drug dealer. David meets Juanita, a waitress studying to be a social worker, so Janet is tossed out like yesterday's trash. And she's not making it as an actress, so guess what she does for a living? Poor Juanita. And wait until you see what he does to Edna, who may have had his baby.

To say David is not a nice person is a major understatement. But he's so charming that women want to be his girlfriend. Then they find out what he's really like.

Why would I watch this movie? I'm white and a few months older than Barack Obama. These days, I'll watch anything I haven't seen. At least I'll get it over with. But for me personally, the movie had a few redeeming qualities.

I won't say there's music for every taste. No classical, rock, or country. But nearly every style of jazz is represented. Some examples include muted trumpet with a rap beat, muted trumpet without a rap beat, a beautiful vocal performance in a club, and piano jazz in a nice restaurant. Of course there is gangsta rap. Two rap songs played for the closing credits are actually catchy, even for me.

And then there is the bartender at The Blue Room. She has the same edgy charm that made her so appealing on an episode of My Network's "Tony Rock Project". At least I think that's her.

The crazy judge from "Boston Legal" is a funeral director, but he's on very briefly and doesn't speak. That's a shame.

DMX delivers a very good performance. Like I said, his character is not a nice man at all. And yet you sort of want to like him. You won't when you find out about him.

Some unusual camera and editing techniques should be mentioned. One act of violence is shown from the victim's point of view. We see what he sees. In the scene with Edna everything is green or blue and seems to move in slow motion. The bikini babes disappear gradually as we jump forward in time several times from David's arrival to his first conversation with Janet.

Of course I saw this on a My Network station, so the sound went out many times and the mouth of the character speaking was blurred. Something tells me I should be very glad of that. Once (I mention this because it could happen to you) the sound of dialogue went out for no apparent reason though I could hear music. The violence wasn't as bad as it could have been.

I have a feeling this was a story worth seeing.
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Downbeat revenge drama
Leofwine_draca3 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Considering DMX's previous movie fare – which typically paired him with martial arts stars – I was expecting this to be an action flick. Well, in some ways it is – there are a ton of bloody shoot-outs and it partly follows the classic revenge drama formula – but in other ways, NEVER DIE ALONE surprises, exploring DMX's character in some detail and taking a downbeat look at the life of a drug dealer. DMX takes a role a little heavier than he's used to, and he's very good in the part, a really hateful character that you can nevertheless understand. The supporting cast is also pretty good, excepting David Arquette, who's hopeless as usual.

Sadly, NEVER DIE ALONE's subject matter is ultimately depressing, whilst the revenge drama is just too clichéd to be any good. The only good scene in the whole movie is the bit where a thug finds himself distracted by dollar notes which come floating down the alleyway towards him – an original and fun moment in a film otherwise devoid of laughter.
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'if it ain't where you from...'
ebruva21 February 2006
This is Donald Goines, not some wanna be street wise Tarantino Pulp Fiction junk. This movie will not appeal to those looking for a hero or a silver lining. You don't necessarily have had to live this kind of life, but it helps to understand the characters' motivations. The film doesn't glorify violence, misogyny, or the hustla's lifestyle. Life is not always clearly defined. There is not always a clear line between a hero and a villain. We all make choices and we all have to live with the consequences. You don't have to agree with the lifestyles of the characters in this film, but you should realize that this film was based on the real life experiences of the author. The street life, not as you want it to be, as you wish it to be, but as it is. "Never Die Alone" presents this lifestyle. 'It ain't where you from, it's where you at', not just physically but mentally.
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The black monster strikes again.
Iceman-157 April 2022
Are their any positive black male role models out there? How strange that so many black filmmakers have an affinity for showing black males at their absolute worst. Spike Lee started this trend with the trash of a movie Do The Right Thing, and now the director of photography of that film, Ernest Dickerson is taking his shot at it. The DMX character is a monster, plain and simple. People talk about how to improve the black community, but how can you when you're constantly being assaulted with the barrage of images these movies.provide. 1 star.
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Very good entertaining movie with a twist
marbleann26 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
It was my birthday and I was snowed in. I was bored to tears, nothing was on TV. So I went to one of those Direct channels and picked 2 movies. One was a Man Apart with Vin Deisal a terrible movie and the other was this movie. I was pleasantly surprised. THis was a very entertaining movie. Not a Oscar winner but very good. It is about a ex drug kingpin name King David who is back in town trying to repent for his sins. Well he gets killed before he can. No surprise because the first thing we see on the screen is him in a casket. The story picks up because when he was killed a reporter( David Arquette) was at the scene and tried to help him. In return King David gives him all of his worldly possessions, one being a stack of cassettes King David made of his past life. His tapes are the story. We get flashbacks of his former life. Yeah he was a son of a gun. A man who obviously hates women so much that he makes them into dope fiends, basically he turns them out. I actually knew guys like that. One he falls in love with but he is upset because he considers it being a weak trait and he rebels against the girlfriend, who seems to have a good head on he shoulder until she asks to snort some coke. You see these are the girls bad guys love and the guys good girls love. In any case she threatens him at one time to go to the cops. Dumb move because earlier we saw what happened to a woman who had made the same threat. I am not going to give away the twist. The movie was very good. DMX is good and so was his supporting players. I really wasn't expecting much but I got a lot. I would recommend this movie to anyone who wants to be entertained.
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Does He Take His Own Advice?
boblipton10 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
DMX portrays a small-time drug dealer and serial abuser of women in this movie about the start and death of a small-time drug dealer in Los Angeles.

Director Ernest Dickerson and writer James Gibson (from a novel by Donald Goines) seem to offer some message about the need to either not start down that path or get out before you must. However, despite that and Matthew Libatique's dark and color-drenched images, it's an updating of the Cecil B. Demille formula: the protagonist has a great time for seven reels, and is redeemed in the last. It varies the formula by making it a tragedy -- he doesn't get to redeem himself -- and by use of a constant voice-over by the lead letting the audience know where it's all going to end.
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Run of the mill
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews25 May 2012
"King" David(DMX, who's... a better rapper than he is an actor; in general, the performances are "fine" or worse), a charming scumbag(who does genuinely possess both qualities), returns to pay his debts to Moon, the dealer he screwed over, among others(and to narrate this entire thing, as his exploits in LA are shown in flashback). Only it's too late. He's done too much to just "make amends", and he doesn't realize in time. His return sparks a series of events involving both of the aforementioned, and Mike, who works for the latter and is very protective of his sister. You can somewhat figure out a number of the places this story of revenge and karma goes, but at least it does take itself seriously, keeping to the bleak tone throughout. The environment is brutal and unflinching. There's essentially no likable characters in this, just degrees of despicable. That's intentional, it's part of the approach, but it does make it a straining viewing experience. At least it does keep to a nice pace and it gets going immediately. It's pretty tense and exciting. This is largely realistic and psychologically credible. The hand-held cinematography is quite good(and immersive), if the occasional 90 degree angle turn is off-putting. There is a lot of graphic, bloody violence, disturbing content, strong language and direct sexuality in this. The DVD comes with an informational and interesting commentary track(with the star, director and screenwriter), 10 minutes of "meh" deleted scenes, a 5 and a half minute decent making of featurette, trailers for Inkasso, Saw, Paparazzi, The Machinist, Af Banen, Hotel Rwanda, Merchant of Venice, A Home at the end of the World and this. I recommend this to fans of gruesome ghetto dramas. 6/10
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rating and comments
msn-3216 February 2006
I wanted to let you guys know that this is one of the best movies I've ever seen. It's got a clear message in it and uses images to tell the story. The light at the end of the tunnel at the end of the movie is very touching and well thought. I don't understand why the rating is so low. I admit it's annoying that he talks all the time. but that's necessary to know the story. I think it's based on a true story, maybe that's the reason of the low rating, because of it's cruelty. But hey, that's life. Hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did! This really is a masterpiece. I thought the storyline was well connected and had a clear message in it, all the time. Hope this was useful to you.
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Never Die Alone
CinemaSerf4 September 2023
Journalist "Paul" (David Arquette) rushes recently shot "King David" (DMX) to hospital. Unable to save this man he had previously never met, he does find himself in possession of his car - and contained therein are some audio tapes delivering a retrospective of the deceased man's life as a small time drug dealer. This story offers us nothing at all new, indeed the DMX character is pretty odious from the get-go - especially when he decides to get his independently minded girlfriend hooked on heroin because she won't move in with him. It is gritty; there is a distinct plausibility about the way he lived his life; thoughtless and selfish, ruthless and devious. In parallel, we also feature a storyline about "Michael" (a competent Michael Ealy) who is making sure he avenges the killing even though he is a much more decent individual. Plenty of musicians have tried to cross to cinema and most can't hack it. Despite a reasonable effort with some dialogue that is nowhere near as banal as I'd expected, DMX relies too much on his own persona and charisma - of which he has plenty - rather than trying to imbue anything into his character, about whom I really couldn't have cared less. His own narration is sometimes quite withy and observational, but despite the frequency realistic drug abuse scenes, this still all quite well paced, but completely forgettable stuff.
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Dark Depressing, But Great
superjb10310 April 2004
The new movie from the freshly retired rapper DMX is like nothing else that has been out in theaters in the past six months. DMX goes back to the streets in this gritty gangster movie. You will be pleased to see him return to a role more similar to the one in his movie debut Belly. He fits perfectly into the equation of the urban gangster movie. Never Die Alone is based on the novel of the same title by Donald Goines. DMX plays King David a drug king pin that has came back home to set things strait. The movie is set in present day New York. It is told mostly in flash backs, and voice-overs which make the movie very unique.

The strong plot and acting will keep you interested through the whole movie. Another aspect, and one that is sometimes over looked is the camera work and picture. At times the picture is grainy. This may sound cheap, but it goes perfectly with the harsh and raw story. The camera angles and shots are also awesome. Small things like this can make the biggest differences in a movie. If I had four hands I'd give this movie four thumbs up.
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Too clean
vivatexas20 July 2008
It is not a bad movie, compared to other movies with the same characters, it is better filmed but the character is made too likable in his dirty business.

He is always clean, well dressed, no remorse for anything, doesn't look like a person, but like a robot. He gets anything he wants with little effort, too easily. He is never scared

It is OK, when you are bored but for it is too clean and not very realistic depiction of the life of real dealers.

The journalist is not very well made, it looks sleepy all the movie and he is never in the movie.
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