Black Cadillac (2003) Poster

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Sufficient time-passer
willywants5 July 2005
After getting in a violent bar fight, three friends take off across a huge expanse of wilderness, only to be terrorized by a hulking black Cadillac. A friend of mine rented this and insisted I watch it with them. I was expecting a supernatural "Christine"-style thriller and with a title like "Black Cadillac", a goofy one at that. As it turns out, this film has no supernatural elements, nor was it very goofy. The film succeeding is being entertaining, well done, and at times even vaguely creepy.

The entire cast does a fine job here, especially Randy "Where the hell did my career go?" Quaid playing the police officer, who succeeds in making his character both funny and creepy at the same time.

The screenplay offer more twists and turns than you can shake a stick at, most of which were genuinely surprising. The tension between the characters was also very effective. The characters are mostly well-developed, there were even one or two I actually (gasp!) cared for. Director John Murlowski has done a fine job handling the suspense, and the chase scenes were often exciting.

If you're a fan of the "road terror" sub-genre, you'll probably like this movie. It kept me engaged and entertained for 90+ minutes, and that's pretty much all I asked for. Give it a try.

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Not bad, actually kinda good.
DEPRESSEDcherry27 October 2019
It's solid, well put together, decently acted and hits all its necessary marks. Yet it's lacking that something that makes it memorable, its an enjoyable watch but it won't last long in the memory. It could have probably done with a bit more suspense and menace and the lead characters could have been more likeable.
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How did that nut behind the wheel get loose?
LesWinterburn5 June 2003
A little mysterious,... hotted up '57 Cadillac chasing the Saab in the snow, at night, after a pub brawl....hmm.

The greater part of this movie takes place within the Saab or looking at it from without. Most of this is very good stunt work and captivating to watch.

Charlie the cop was a crackup right from the moment he just helped himself to a lift with the boys in the Saab. From the minute he speaks he sounds suspicious and reminds us more than once that he is off duty and just wants to get home.

The two brothers' dialogue doesn't sound like any two brothers communicating that I've heard but maybe they're step-brothers or something. The punch-ups are magnificent and some of the recipients are mega tough. Its either that or lightweights doing the punching. When you watch a man standing over another and punching him in the face repeatedly, say maybe five or six slammers, and then the guy can get up and carry on, blood lip, nose, eye perhaps? nothing!! Not a mark. Those gridiron guys at Yale, they're something else and hey, can they drive or what?

The flaws in this movie don't get in the way and it was intriguing to watch.

My rating 7/10 (Distinctive)
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Excellent, low budget chase movie
FilmFlaneur11 June 2003
Black Cadillac is a probably the best film so far from director John Murlowski. His previous two films Contagion (2001) and Terminal Error (2002) both dealt with different sorts of viruses of the biological then computer varieties respectively. Black Cadillac continues this theme, although this time with a much more ubiquitous 'virus': fear. It is a neatly done, surprisingly effective road chase movie, the basic premise of which is familiar from as far back as Spielberg's Duel (1971), and probably before: a faceless killer sits behind the wheel of an unstoppable vehicle, and spends most of the film hunting down our heroes in a relentless, tense vendetta. The difference here is that Murlowski swops the sun-bleached roads of Spielberg's celebrated debut for something much more immediately sinister: the freezing, pitch black back woods of Wisconsin.

Apparently based on true events, Black Cadillac begins ominously, from the viewpoint of an anonymous driver who tours his growling vehicle threateningly towards a roadhouse. This is the main thrust of the story: the Cadillac will be a vengeful, anonymous thing either prowling for victims or in hot pursuit of them. Anonymity is its strength and, in more senses than one, the plot's motor; as soon as the motorised stalker is humanised and his malevolence explained, tension is dissipated. Fortunately Murlowski postpones any necessary revelations until the end of his film.

Inside the disreputable roadhouse are three youths: Scott (Shane Johnson), a Yale man, his kid brother C.J. (Josh Hammond) and their friend the less experienced Robby (Jason Dohring). Soon we discover some essential differences between the three. Scott is very handy with his fists, promptly demonstrating this by getting CJ out of a scrape; he is also a womaniser. CJ, his face badly scarred by some previous unspecified incident is more laconic, a loner with his own 'agenda'. He shortly plans to make is own way in the world as a romantic drifter, perhaps by working the Great Lakes. Robby is the most immature of the three, and enjoys his first sexual experience that evening. The three leave, elated after escaping from a commotion triggered by CJ so easily, and speed off into the frozen night. Soon however a pair of headlights appears in the rear mirror, and the terrifying chase begins...

Along the way they pick up Charlie, an off-duty policeman (an excellently ambiguous performance by Randy Quaid), whom they initially suspect is the object of the Cadillac's attention. Abandoning him by the roadside, he apparently becomes the black car's first victim. "Did it just get darker?" asks a fearful Robby after the shots ring out. Now the three lads are on their own in the chilly forest, suspect that they are to be next as witnesses to the policeman's death, and alternate as they go between bickering, self-reliance, fear and personal revelation. From here on in, as any good film of this sort ought, Murlowski's story strips matters down to the bare essentials: a road game of terror as the two cars and their occupants try to out drive and out guess each other, nerves stretched to the limit.

Occasionally the film lets itself down. Once or twice it re-uses the same stretch of road to speed the cars along, an economy perhaps forced by a tight shooting schedule; at other times while it is obviously cold enough for breath to condense as characters converse, shortly afterwards it is not. But these are only minor distractions. What really matters is the chase, and the sense of panic and claustrophobia which builds as the narrative proceeds. By shooting long scenes within Scott's increasingly battered Saab's interior, Murlowski creates an effective ambience of fear which grows between the young men, unsure of what they have done. He even adds in a religious element (their pursuer scratches 'Your sins will find you out' in the ice on their windscreen as the trio take a short rest in a cafe), suggesting that the wrath that pursues them is of almost biblical proportions. The surrounding gloom of the frozen forest seems to echo the moral quagmire in which they feel they run. And as we discover, none are entirely blameless - but who is the principal cause of their predicament? And what should be done with the transgressor when discovered?

Such is the success of this middle part of the film that the reason behind the Cadillac's persistent pursuit of the trio, when finally revealed, seems rather mundane. Black as a coffin, and with overtones of divine retribution, the car has been a potent force propelling the action very satisfactorily. When this motor has gone, it is a tribute to the young cast that things do not go badly awry at this point, and that the final confrontation between them and their persecutors has drama remaining to keep proceedings interesting.

All in all this is a very effective film, low budget to be sure, but none the worse for that, considerably better than one might expect. It features a skilful, and mainly youthful cast whose enthusiasm make us forget some of the moral stereotypes involved. So just sit back, put the brain on free wheel, and enjoy the ride.
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Good movie- unexpected
TwisterHaze25 December 2018
Enjoyed this movie .It is one of those movie's that flies below the radar and pops up now and again. Well worth a watch.
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For a movie that has an intersting concept that costs 75 thousand it's not bad
jordondave-2808525 July 2023
(2003) Black Cadillac THRILLER

By looking at the overall picture, it is reminiscent to a Stephen King's "Christine", but ends up being the icy version of Steven Spielberg's "Duel". Based on some of the real life experiences experienced by the director himself by the name of John Murlowski who was also credited as co-writer, if one were to watch it with the audio commentary as well. Straight to rental made on a shoe string budget of $75,000, is really a moderately entertaining stalking chase flick after three college males of Scott (Shane Johnson), his little brother Robbie (Jason Dohring) and C. J. (Josh Hammond) and leave from drinking at a bar. This is an ambitious filmmakers film with a twist.
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Nothing to get excited about.
poolandrews4 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Black Cadillac starts late one night in the isolated Wisconsin forests as three high-school friends Scott (Shane Johnson) his younger brother Robbie (Jason Dohring) & CJ (Josh Hammond) barely make it out of a roadside bar after a big fight, they get into their car & speed off. As they try to put a few miles between the bar & themselves they notice a sinister black Cadillac speeding up behind them, the Cadillac tailgates them & becomes aggressive. As the three friends try to reach the safety of their homes the black Cadillac keeps on coming after them, the Cadillac seems to be forcing the friends deeper into the isolated wilderness but for what purpose exactly?

Directed by John Murlowski a caption after the opening credits informs us the audience that Black Cadillac was 'based on a true story', looking at the IMDb 'Trivia' section for Black Cadillac it seems the director Murlowski bases this on events from his own experience when a car chased him for several miles through backwoods roads. Unfortunately that is about as interesting as Black Cadillac gets & I would hardly call Black Cadillac based on a true story from that slim incident. Anyway, the script by Will Aldis starts off well enough with a fairly intriguing premise but the film quickly descends into total repetitiveness & goes nowhere very quickly. The main problem I had with Black Cadillac is that it sets up a potentially good story but then ruins everything with a truly awful & contrived ending that destroys everything that has gone before it. For the majority of Black Cadillac it felt very similar to Dead End (2003) & for that reason I genuinely thought that it was going to end with some sort of twist, you something that turns all the events upside down but Black Cadillac has a terrible ending where everything that has happened comes down to someone having an affair with someone else's wife. Truly the most lacklustre & routine ending the makers could have come up with which contradicts some of the more supernatural & mysterious elements from earlier in the film. Overall the film is very slow going, the character's are quite well fleshed out but it all amounts to nothing & feels more like padding once the film finishes. I really did think Black Cadillac was building up-to something good, boy was I wrong.

Director Murlowski does alright, the film is competent but little else. There's not much style here & disappointingly Black Cadillac has a lowly body count of two both of whom die at the very end. There's no gore so forget about that. Overall Black Cadillac is maybe more of a thriller than a horror, there certainly isn't much on show that I would specifically class as out and out horror. There are one or two effective scenes but they count for little when the ending comes around. There also a few scenes which stretch a largely serious films credibility, in particular a scene when the Cadillac literally runs into someone & pins then against a wall yet later on this person manages to walk just fine & seems unharmed.

Technically the film is fine, it's not going to win any awards but it's competent. The acting is alright, in fact it's not too bad at all. Despite top billing in the credits Randy Quaid isn't in it that much.

Black Cadillac felt like a Dead End rip-off all the way until the disappointingly mundane ending which is just about the most lacklustre & dull way the makers could have finished the film. So, a largely slow moving film which basically leads up to absolutely nothing.
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The Best we can hope for is Forgiveness.
LRW8127 December 2022
Ok so it's clearly a B-movie. But it's tense, shocking, with moments of intrigue and fun. The character twist at the end is unique too. Three friends who have crossed the Wisconsin line, begin wishing they hadn't. Reminds me of judgement night. (Another class movie BTW) Accept the fact that the effects aren't spectacular and look beyond that and it'll be a great watch for you too. There's a hidden agenda here. It has a similar feel to duel. If anyone remembers that. Only in this there's more character engagements than the unseen driver of that mentioned movie. Same kind of (someone is following you, creepy...) type feel. Only this time you get the feeling the protagonists are worthy of being chased. The suspense is great and by the time you get to the end you will not believe that you sat through a cheap movie and loved it.
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Just not worth the hype
gomulch9 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Black Cadillac was supposed to be a scary movie, but it wasn't that scary at all. Somehow I don't constitute being chased by a car into something that scares the living daylights out of me. The dialog, I felt, was sometimes forced and corny. The acting was, granted, not the worst I have ever seen, but definitely far from the best. Also, I could see the ending from a mile away. It was completely unoriginal. Randy Quaid has done a much better job in much better movies, and it pains me to see him doing a movie like this. The entire plot itself seems to add one cliché to a completely separate one, and the result is a complete disaster: The teen-adventure flick, complete with the cool ladies' man, the insane best-friend, and the nerdy wimp, meets the B-movie horror genre, and it just doesn't work.
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Studebaker Golden Hawk / Black Cadillac .....makes no difference
merklekranz22 July 2007
Part teen hormone's on overdrive movie, part car chase movie, part lost in the woods movie, part scary movie, part roadhouse fighting movie, part atmospheric freezing-snow movie, part girl trouble movie, and in the end let's not idolize the black Cadillac either. If a Studebaker Golden Hawk had been pursuing the three teens, it would have been just as effective. Basically "Black Cadillac" is what happens when you have a very thin script from supposedly your " own terrifying experience", and try and pad it into a movie. The endless chase scenes become tedious, and gradually the entire film loses steam, until the ending which seemed unimaginative at best. - MERK
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A Duel With Christine
ghoulieguru23 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Going by Black Cadillac, you'd think it was impossible to make a good scary road movie. But what about DUEL or THE HITCHER? Or even more recent is JOYRIDE or the surprisingly effective DEAD END, which I've recommended highly on this site. It's definitely possible to make a good scary road thriller, but Black Cadillac is not one of them. It goes for the most basic and obvious of road thriller conventions and ends up being a watered down, goofy amalgamation of Duel, Joyride and Christine.

I gave this movie three stars because, truth be told, some of the photography was good. Ultimately though, Randy Quaid is the only thing that saves this movie from being much more than a rotting pile of road kill. The story centers on three underage guys who make their way across the state line to get drunk and hopefully get laid. One of the trio is a smartass with a weird scar on his face who continually pops Pez candy through the whole movie. I love those quirky characters. Nothing screams B- level thriller like an intentionally quirky character.

Scarface Pez Eater gets into a fight at the bar, which causes our trio to go on the run before any of them can get lucky with the ladies. The local hicks chase them out into the parking lot and throw bottles at their car as our heroes make their escape.

Pretty soon, a mysterious black Cadillac starts following them. There are some decent chase scenes through the snow, with this demonic black Cadillac chasing our boys. Reminded me a little of Christine or even The Car. But after about twenty minutes of this cat and mouse routine, it starts to get a little boring. So, enter Randy Quaid as a stranded Law Dog.

Our boys pick up Randy, who instantly becomes the Mysterious Oracle in the Back Seat, spouting crude jokes and words of wisdom with equal enthusiasm. His presence in the car causes all the requisite dirty little secrets to come to the surface. We come to find out that all three of our boys have skeletons in their closet, things that they don't like to talk about. The big reveal is that one the boys slept with Randy Quaid's wife and ruined his marriage.

If you've seen Angel Heart, you'll probably be able to figure out that Sheriff Randy planned this whole evening as a really long, boring, drawn out way of getting his revenge against the pipsqueak who stole his woman. The twist in this movie is older than the Cadillac in the title, and that's what ends up being the biggest downfall of the movie. Black Cadillac is a semi-entertaining but flawed entry into the road thriller genre that doesn't quite live up to its predecessors.
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I expected very little but got a whole lot more !
hereatgraceland24 July 2006
I purchased this DVD for $ 5.99 at our local video store thinking it would be a great filler for a rainy night. My curiosity got the better of me so I stuck the DVD into the machine. Five minutes into the movie I soon realized it was going to be good one. Even the three new actors caught my immediate attention and they kept the movie rolling very well. An interesting note about Black Cadillac is.. "It's totally believable ! " Guys can relate to our days of youth trying to get into bars underage looking for booze and ladies. And some of us can remember some of the many brawls that end-up out in the back of parking lots. Once the suspense started; it never let-up until the last 10 minutes when we finally realized who owned the Caddy and why they were stalking the boys. Once again, it brought back memories of a few old classics " DUEL " and "THE CAR." Both of which had top run actors and I seriously believe Black Cadillac was better then both. If you love old cars and you feel like watching a movie with a lot of suspense, then add Black Cadillac to your collection. You will not be disappointed !
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Red Saab versus "Black Cadillac"
DVDkijker9 August 2005
In this road-movie "Black Cadillac" two cars are driving under snow conditions during the night.

I gave this movie a 'little' six out of ten, I heart the sound of broken glass after a collision between the two cars, however, later on I saw the taillights of the Saab still intact and also the front lights of the Cadillac were found to be in good condition in the sequence of this movie. The maintenance of the Saab was for the engine cooling system. Or is it the intention that the repairs are of the same category as the Chevrolet in John Carpenter's "Christine"?

Anyway the film "Black Cadillac" is fit for one and a half hour entertaining.
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Nothing to see here
Apollyon_Crash22 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers

"Black Cadillac" is another one of those "mysterious black vehicle chases some people" movies, and it's one of the worst. Apart from solid acting and occasionally witty dialogue (and the eye candy that is the '57 Cadillac), there is little left to this film.

The story is quite silly with a non-shocking climactic "twist", and there are several "Huh?"-inducing moments, like the question of how a small-town sheriff could afford a classic car that normally sells for well over $20,000 (and just carelessly fling it around on top of that), or maybe how our heroes manage to restart their car after they lock the engine in it. If the car overheats to the point that the engine locks, nothing short of a new engine is going to get it back on the road...and I don't think the shop they broke into had a new Saab engine block and an engine hoist conveniently left inside.

All in all, this film is very similar to "A Friday Night Date" (or "Road Rage" as it was called here in the U.S.), except considerably less exciting and better acted. The two films have several similar plot elements, right down to the ending. The difference is "Road Rage" at least manages to be entertaining enough for the viewer to forget how awful it is, and this movie doesn't.

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What A Tease
Lechuguilla8 January 2007
In a rural area of the upper Midwest three youthful dudes leave a rowdy bar on a cold, snowy night. Soon, they notice a car following them. It turns out to be a big, black Cadillac that just will not leave them alone.

Huge amounts of dialogue, annoyingly shallow characters, and manipulative music characterize this low-budget horror flick from writer/director John Murlowski. Aside from the characters, another and even more serious problem with the film is the plot. Whoever is driving that Cadillac could take action against the kids at any time. Instead, the driver teases, torments, provokes, harasses the three kids, and in general prolongs the ordeal. Why? Because without the teasing and the harassment, you don't have a full-length feature film. The film's plot is thus ... contrived.

Further, this is another one of those films wherein automobiles undergo horrendous physical torture, like in one scene of this film where the car careens off a high embankment. But then the car still runs. Wish I could find a car that durable.

The film's cinematography is acceptable, if not exceptional. The visuals are dark. Some of the scenes involve rear screen projection, and a "camera shaker" for effect.

To its credit, the film does have a Twilight Zone feel to it. The story takes place entirely at night, and with a general absence of other people, once we leave the bar sequence. Hence, the darkness and the sense of aloneness out on the open road does indeed foster some tension and suspense. But the story's resolution is ultimately disappointing.

"Black Cadillac" probably will appeal to younger audiences who may see in it some element of horror. But aside from the suspense derived from the dark and eerie atmosphere, I found the story to be hokey, the characters irritating, and the dialogue too talky, for the film to be satisfying.
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Used car lot special
MrGKB21 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Found this above average sleeper at the library, my favorite way to investigate an unknown title. It's far from perfect, but is still a decent ride, sort of like picking up one of those cheapo specials at the used car lot and finding out it's worth more than you paid for it. The script is reasonably crafted, although it sort of unraveled in Act 3, the acting was above par for a low-budget film, despite the presence of the ever-shifty-eyed Randy Quaid, and the cinematography and editing did justice to the above-average direction. I felt misled into anticipating a supernatural resolution of the plot (it ain't, and perhaps might have been more satisfying if it had), but overall a cruise around the block with "Black Cadillac" was a reasonable whiling away of a few hours. Your mileage may vary.
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A road trip may be the last for three friends.
michaelRokeefe19 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Three young friends from Connecticut(Shane Johnson, Josh Hammond and Jason Dohring)use their fake IDs to get into a Wisconsin roadhouse. The night of partying becomes a horrifying fight for survival as the trio are chased through the back woods of snow covered Wisconsin by a mysterious black '57 Cadillac. Revenge or retribution. The scared young men pick up a stranded peace officer(Randy Quaid), but that doesn't exactly mean the bumping and chasing with the Caddie will end soon. This low budget road trip is tense and predictable. I was most impressed with Hammond. Quaid seems to be ad libbing throughout as a cop not on the up and up. Also in the cast: Kierstan Warren and Karl Johnson. The stunt driving may be even better than the acting.
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How can anyone like this movie?
jasonk-105 May 2004
There were *so* many continuity problems in this thing, it was distracting. Cars getting smashed, next scene, they're in near-perfect condition. Car shooting fire from under the hood! Now it's fine. Oh look! It's on fire again!

The ridiculous sped up footage in some of the chase scenes looked like something out of a Keystone Kops flick. And didn't everyone know within just a couple of minutes that Charlie the Keystone Kop was evil? Just to break the boredom I wish Randy Quaid would have broken into full Cousin Eddie mode.

Running with compound leg fractures, packing the radiator with two handfuls of snow to keep it cool, the ridiculous back-story of the scar - Man it pains me to even think about this abysmal show. Glad I didn't pay money to see this thing.
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Unremarkable film
hoenija26 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I thought the story would be intriguing since it was supposedly based on a personal account of the writer/director. Just how much of the story is fact vs.scripted is difficult to discern. However, there are aspects of the story that seem phony. I watched only part of the movie along with the director's commentary.

The movie is set in Wisconsin and during the winter, but through most of the movie, if not all of it, you will not see the frozen breath of any of the characters. If it as cold as it is claimed to be during the events (20 below), a person will make huge clouds of vapor when he breathes or talks. One character makes a statement to another that he is "freezing to death", which was just not believable just for the lack of this detail. This isn't too large of a goof to overlook but I feel the director missed a great opportunity to make us believe that the frigid temperatures were an element of danger. The high speed driving on ice was to over the top to believe it was based on true accounts.
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Car crash
baunacholi-8615917 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I had quite high expectations based on glowing reviews. Ultimately I can't disagree more. Tension, suspense or a true level of surprise is hardly given, sure the Cadillac harasses our party of 3 but it goes literally in circles and gets repetitive. The showdown or final twist a bit of a let down in my POV. Some shots in the night I found well made.

If u are up for a similar story but superior in all aspects check out the ever fascinating (supernatural) Christine. The more action based joyride or the psychological refined in fear.
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It follows
kosmasp27 August 2021
I hope you are not expecting this to be like the movie it follows - actually you may rather think it is more like Duel. Which may or may not be true in the end. But there is also another element to this. A twist like things going on ... something that you may guess to a degree I reckon.

A decent horror movie effort all things considered. Cut it some slack, suspend your disbelief and you'll be good to go - no pun intended. Good acting too which was almost surprising.
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Worst movie I have ever seen in my entire life.
s_hemann29 May 2007
I honestly don't understand how any human being can possibly enjoy this movie! This is absolutely one of the worst written, acted, and directed movies I have ever seen. There was no real characterization of the characters besides the clearly spelled out, stereotypical, after school special monologues each of the main characters gave at their respected time. And how "Bad-ass" the character with a scar on his face was, you could truly feel his pain and torment.. sorry i couldn't hardly say that last sentence with a straight face. It was all horrible. The entire story was incredibly cheesy and predictable. Watching it with my friends, we were able to predict every single "suspenseful" moment that happened in the whole thing. This is one of those kinds of movies that make me horribly angry at the entire system of Hollywood. I can't understand how this movie is made when i hear about how hard Quentin Tarantino had to work to get Reservior Dogs made. I can't believe that movie producers read this script, along with countless others and say, "Yeah, I think this movie will be great. I'll invest multiple millions of dollars into this piece of non-garbage and it'll make a ton because people will love it!" And the worst part is, from reading other posts and the over 5 star rating on IMDb, that people actually did like this piece of predictable, horrible, cheesy, dumb trash. It's really sad when you can say truthfully that you think Randy Quaid was the best actor in a movie.
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"Did it just get darker?"
bannonanthony4 August 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Being a fan of films like DUEL and ROAD KILL (JOY RIDE to U.S. users), the sound of this film appealed to me. I just love scary road movies and I have to say that this picture, which I got on DVD recently, did not disappoint.

The Cadillac itself has a great menacing look to it and I love it when it and the Saab are engaged in their battle on the road. Apart from Randy Quaid, the cast is little known, but they all turn in brilliant performances. The tension mounts as the Caddy herds the Saab deeper into the backwoods of Wisconsin and repeatedly clashes with the boys. The boys are pushed to the limit of their endurance and discover some dark secrets about each other.

The ending is something I won't give away but I guess that some people could probably see it coming. Despite this, the final battle between the boys and the drivers of the Caddy is very tense. I give this film a confident thumbs-up!
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Keeping death on the roads
misbegotten28 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The story in Black Cadillac concerns three male teens (two brothers and a friend) who get into a vicious fight at a seedy roadside bar. After managing to escape, they start the long drive home on a bitterly cold, snowy night, only to find themselves pursued by the menacing titular vehicle.

The script cleverly alters and subverts our initial expectations of the three main characters: the older brother originally seems to be the sensible, heroic leader of the group, but is swiftly revealed to be an arrogant macho jerk. The wimpish, permanently whining younger brother unexpectedly displays courage and common sense, while the cocky, trouble-making friend ultimately turns out to be the most grounded of the trio.

As a fan of films that merge the horror and road movie genres, I really enjoyed Black Cadillac, and it would make a great double bill with such similar-themed movies as The Car, Dead End, and Reeker. Although made on a low budget, it's an extremely slick and professionally-shot film, and boasts some quietly impressive stunt sequences, with a car chase on a frozen lake being especially worth mentioning.
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bad movie
jonascoryn31 July 2008
damn this movie really sucks, if I were the driver of the Saab, I would just have pulled over and asked the men what is their problem. this whole movie goes about a black Cadillac following the Saab and the Saab runs away for it for no reason damn. how stupid is that:s

Also the only thing you see all the time is the Saab driving away from the Cadillac and you see the guys talking about it all the time.

Anyway I think it's a really boring movie. Greets from Belgium by the way.

Also what a stupid rule is this that I have to type this useless text to get to 10 lines of text.
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