The Singles Ward (2002) Poster

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Fun if you get the jokes
drgibson27 December 2002
This is certainly not a great film, but it's a lot of fun if you are LDS, like myself, have been in a singles ward, and get the many LDS culture jokes. Also, playing Spot-the-LDS-Celebrity adds to the film's appeal. But Singles Ward will just confuse and perhaps irritate non-members. So far only Richard Dutcher (who has a funny cameo in this film) has managed to go beyond the Mormon genre and appeal to non-members and audiences outside Utah/Idaho/Nevada,... with God's Army and especially Brigham City.
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Pretty Good
abrafocus23 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
When I first saw the beginning, and Jonathan (Will Swenson) talked to the camera, I thought, Oh good grief, here comes another Ferris Bueller.

But it wasn't anything like Ferris. After his wife dumps him, Jon is back in the Single's Ward. He meets Cammie Giles, the Ward Activies chairperson, and at first, they don't like each other. But as they get to know each other, they spend more time going places, like meetings, activities, and the like.

Danny Ainge even makes an appearance as a teacher. His words are really funny. He talks to his students, as if they were basketball players, and the audience doesn't know who he's talking to. Then we see: a bunch of 4 year-old's, staring at him, apparently not understanding a word he said.

Several other well-known LDS people make appearances, like Steve Young and Shawn Bradley.

This is one of the best LDS movies ever. Even if you're not Mormon, you'll enjoy it.

My Score: 7/10.
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Mormons can poke fun at themselves. LDS humor.
paparay13 November 2002
Lots of the jokes may not be understood by those not familiar with LDS (Mormon) beliefs. Even for a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, some stuff was just not very funny. Jumping from serious to humorous was sometimes a big leap. DON'T MISS THE BLOOPERS AT THE END!
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Great fun, cheesy though it may be
drew_graham129 January 2003
First of all, let me say that if you're one of those who find themselves offended because films show certain things or because they make fun of aspects of LDS people, you should realize that this film actually seriously makes fun of people who are offended by that kind of thing (God's Army specifically), and when they show those characters and you laugh, you're laughing at yourself. Having said this, I think Singles Ward was funny and cute, not on the same level as God's Army or Brigham City, but much better than The Other Side of Heaven. It's light-hearted and you have to watch it with a sense of humor or it probably will bother you. I AM a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and I know, we are pretty unusual in a great many ways, but this film shows some of these in a light-hearted manner, but remains entertaining. Maybe it was made for Mormons primarily, but anyone with a sense of humour can enjoy it. To those LDS who are offended by this film, I say LIGHTEN UP! We should find the good in all things.
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You don't have to be Mormon to enjoy this!
laurence-563 February 2006
As thus far the only non Mormon to comment on this movie (we saw it on, this was delightful, humorous, moving, placing it above the B movie level (perhaps), though it's weakness I feel is that it bowed too much to conformity, as in reality one doubts whether Jonathan would have returned so fully to the fold.

It also gives an insight to those of us on the other side of the world into a fascinating and vital culture. We noticed the reference to Franklin Planners, which through Utah guru Steven Covey has influenced many throughout the planet even after they shift to palm pilots and beyond.
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guamfiji1127 October 2006
I must say. This movie was pretty funny. I, too am a member of the LDS church.

It pokes fun at Mormon's and I see no reason to take offence to it. I also do not think that they portray non-Mormons as drunken idiots. Sure some were drinking but most of the non-Mormons WERE in a club after all, right?

I especially thought when the main character was going bad was the funniest scenes of all. I would give this movie to any Mormon, as long as they can take a joke. To all non-Mormon's who watch it, you'll find some particularly funny parts, i believe, and it's all just a joke. It's not meant to be offensive or anything of the sort.
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Funny if you are or were from Utah
dc_follies16 May 2005
If you have never lived in Utah, this movie would probably really suck. However, if you do or have lived in Utah, then this is just about as funny as it gets. There are many cameos from local "celebrities" and references to other Mormon-made films (i.e. God's Army) that are very funny if you are aware of the stories behind them. Perhaps there are too many inside jokes here to be funny to those outside of Utah.

There is nothing special about the acting - actually, it isn't very good and the story is pretty canned. Not being LDS, but having several LDS friends, though, the stereotypes that they played on were good for quite a few laughs.
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I don't get a 'ward' of it.
seanreynolds11 December 2002
I live in Salt Lake City and I'm not a Mormon, so why did I rent this movie? Well because I live in Utah and thought it'd be nice to see locations I know in a film. I really knew going into it that I wasn't going to get the inside jokes so I wasn't surprised when I sat with the deer in the headlights stare. What I was surprised at was the ant-non Mormon actions that were placed in this film.

I know it's a Mormon film, catered to the members of the LDS Church, but I found it offensive because of the typical stereotype of people that isn't of their faith. Every non Mormon, which wasn't many, drank, smoked and had an amazing selfishness attitude, why?

That really ticked me off about this film, they made the Mormons so pure, yet the rest of the state of Utah I guess is filled with punk psychos just because they don't follow the scriptures of the LDS Church.

I can understand having the plots revolve around all LDS members, but you'd think Salt Lake City was 100% Mormon, which isn't even close to being the truth. And as I said, the non Mormons in the movie were portrayed as drunken jerks, please!

I guess I just don't get it because I don't belong to their faith and I guess I never will.
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What a great film!
ilovewrestling1829 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
It is just outstanding. I watched it several days in a row after my sister got the video for Christmas. I had just got back from my mission and I was so impressed by how funny this movie was, as well as heartwarming. Some may complain that it seems to preach and say that one day non-members or "Jack" Mormons will come around, but that is the point. It needs to do this. It needs to show that the main character is a person who was denying what he knew to be right, because that is what all people who reject the truth of this church do. I believe that this is a great guide to showing why this is not just something that can ever be just deemed "nice, but not for me". This is for everyone, and the movie is not a downer, but shows the positivity of the message perfectly.

I have many friends who just like Johnathan have come back to the fold and I am glad to see it represented in such a fun manner.
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Who would want to marry Cammie?
baxdrum29 April 2005
As a one time inactive LDS male, Cammie reminded me of the active LDS women who treated me as an untouchable piece of trash because I had not bought into the "doctrine," hook line and sinker. Why anyone would go to so much effort to marry such a pious, self righteous, mind game playing witch is beyond me. Imagine eternity with her? That would not be heaven. Any person of the LDS faith who watches this movie and can't laugh at themselves, is taking life too seriously. Granted some of the work is stale "Mormon" humor, but if you are a member of the LDS Church, many of the scenes are very familiar. Yes, I meet with the team to get these folks reactivated and this movie has exposed some of our tricks. Time to change tactics.
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Not nearly as funny as I'd hoped...
worlebird6 February 2002
With the runaway success of "God's Army", every Mormon with a camera seems to be trying to make a movie now. In the case of the recent "The Other Side of Heaven", this wasn't at all a bad thing. That film, while not great, was quite good. "The Singles Ward", however, is not.

Telling the story of a young, divorced Mormon guy thrust back into single life, the writing and shooting style of "The Singles Ward" is, in many ways, very similar to the 80s comedy "Ferris Bueller's Day Off". However, the similarities end there. While "Ferris Bueller" was funny, original, and well-acted (as far as stupid comedies like this ever are), "The Singles Ward" is completely the opposite. It tries very hard to be funny. However, 90% of the gags either fall flat or are cliches and jokes you've probably heard a million times before. The other 10% seem to be thrown in to fill out the time. And the acting, while not awful, is amaturish at best.

In addition, if you're not either a Mormon yourself, or very, VERY familiar with Mormon culture, you won't get hardly anything at all. Whereas "God's Army" and "The Other Side of Heaven" were appealing to a broad range of viewers, both inside and outside of the Mormon church, this film is most definitely one big inside joke, and even if you get it, it's just not that funny.
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Review of The Singles Ward
mdiamond-65 August 2005
I think this movie is great. It is funny and looking back on my own experiences in a college singles ward -- very true. Young people going through this time of their life might not enjoy the humor because it is too close for comfort but when they get older they will realize how absolutely funny and true this movie is. I loved it and I think the characters are very believable. Thanks Jonathan Jordan and company for giving my husband and I great, clean humor to enjoy. I loved the cameo appearances by many big name members of the church and the way their comments came into play was delightful. I can't say enough good things about a movie that makes you smile all the way through.
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"The Singles Ward" is a funny picture with something for everyone
clivy19 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I stumbled across "The Singles Ward" while I was channel hopping. It was being shown on a movies channel that shows mostly made for US TV flicks (I'm based in the UK). I thought, oh my, a movie about church goers! I've got to stick with this! I'm glad I did. I enjoyed "The Singles Ward" tremendously and found it very funny. People who know me might find this a bit strange since I'm Jewish, married, in my 40s, and I've never been to Utah. The film brought back memories of my college days. I minored in religion and spent a lot of time socialising along a street near our university that held churches of various dominations and the Hillel center. I went to dozens of pot luck suppers and sundae socials, getting to know the different congregations. I was also embarrassed by wanna be Travoltas giving me their best moves during interfaith dances. A lot of the film rang true for me. Many of the girls in the singles ward were exactly like my friends: sweet girls who lived together and hosted Bible studies. I knew plenty of guys like Jonathan's roommates. I loved the roommate with the piercings and the liking for car bungee jumping and the scene with the balloons. They reminded me of several of my friends who lived in the dorms and experimented with melting records by using lit cans of deodorant for a blow torch. Jonathan's soul searching after he left the girl's apartment evoked my spiritual feelings. I could identify with the pressure on Jonathan and his friends to get married and start raising families- I had a lot of pressure on me at the time to find a boy from a "nice" family (one religious but not too religious), join a synagogue, start popping out babies and get them involved in temple classes and activities straight away. Did Brigham Young really say: "If you're 25 years old and unmarried, you're a menace to society"? It sounds exactly like my mother's comments when I was in my 20s. It's good to see a movie that's positive about the search for spirituality and meaning, has a sense of humor, and doesn't shove The Right Way down the viewer's throat. I smiled when the roommates said of Jonathan's self examination, "Who are you talking to?" and "You sound like a seminary film". "The Singles Ward" isn't just for Mormon audiences. People of different backgrounds can enjoy it too. I wish it didn't end with snapshots of all the characters getting paired up- I wish it offered them more choices than the officially recommended marriage and the baby carriage. On the other hand, numerous Hollywood movies have the same kind of ending: pictures of partners for everyone (even the most obnoxious) thanks to the magic of romance and dating services.
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Not bad for heirs of Happy Valley
bagnon10 February 2002
I went in expecting the movie to be completely dumb. With such a low expectation, any form of entertainment would be a pleasant surprise. The soundtrack was the best part of the movie, but poking fun at the nonsense that goes on in singles wards was also amusing.

This said, there were many things about The Singles Ward that were completely annoying. The entire film was poorly dubbed and made watching mouths while listening to their voices very irritating. This lack of professionalism was surpassed only by the cameos of Mormon celebrities who have no business acting.

This film will do well among Mormondom, especially in college communities where singles ward exist. However the conclusion will offer no hope for the poor losers who find themselves unmarried. (Only the pretty girls in the Singles Ward get married, the fat, ugly ones don't, but all the ugly men do) Ultimately we realize that the whole film was an advertisement for
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Not What You Expect
tayster12-530 March 2002
Before I write this review out, let me start by saying, yes, I'm a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I served a two year mission in Santiago, Chile. I used to have season tickets to BYU football. I go to church every single Sunday.

You should also know that I never attended BYU, I don't listen to "Christian Rock" (except Stryper) and I am probably the only person in the state of Utah that hasn't seen "God's Army" or other "Mormon-based" movies.

When my sister-in-law told me to go see "Singles Ward", I blew it off because I really had no desire to watch a movie that would be just a lot of inside Mormon jokes. She persisted, even offered to watch the kids and pay for the movie, so my wife & I went to the movie. I have to admit, I was pleasantly surprised.

Yes, most of the jokes are too inside for someone who does not attend our church, but I think even non-Mormon/non-Utahns will get a kick out of this movie. I mean, comedy is comedy. Even though I'm not Catholic, the song "The Vatican Rag" by Tom Lehrer is funny.

To be totally honest, the soundtrack was actually the coolest part of the movie. Finally, church songs the way they should have been written.

Like I said, I'm not a big fan of "Mormon" movies, but I really enjoyed this movie. It was funny, it was touching, and when you left you felt like your money (or your sister-in-law's money) wasn't wasted.
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A very entertaining and fun movie for the LDS (i.e., Mormon) audience.
shrinutah13 February 2002
This movie was a very clever comedy on LDS ways and things. My wife and I needed an evening of fun and relaxation--a break from stress--and this movie totally filled the bill. We laughed and laughed both in the movie and in reviewing it with each other on the drive home. Key descriptors of the movie include: clever, creative, entertaining, silly, fun, and in a few places a little bit romantic and heart-warming. Tremendous one-liners in the movie. Nothing in the movie is offensive or in poor taste. A PG rating was solicited by the producers (as opposed to a G rating) to increase marketability. Also, good-looking stars add a pleasant dimension to a movie, and the starring actor and actress in this movie are both very good looking. Nothing in the movie is offensive or in poor taste.

Warning: Non-LDS--not recognizing this movie's play on idiosyncrasies of the Latter-day Saints--would find this movie somewhat strange if not outright "stupid".
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Constant NON-STOP Laughs!
MrBallroom7 March 2004
Warning: Spoilers
UPDATED REVIEW: The Singles Ward was non-stop laughs! Kurt Hale hit a home run in his first at-bat in making a film about the Latter-day Saint culture. While taking their faith seriously - as they should, all too often, members of the Church (more commonly referred to as 'Mormons') take themselves far too seriously, and this film is the perfect remedy for that. Poking fun at the idiosyncrasies without being blasphemous, those of us who have done time in a singles ward can easily understand what Jonathan Jordan's character is going through.

Having done time in a singles ward myself once upon a time, I was able to easily identify with what a lot of what Jonathan went through. I must admit that as cute as I found Cammie Giles (Connie Young), I found her character extremely unlikeable in that she was WAY TOO INTENSE, as if she was going to break down and cry if the attendance at the ward party was less than 100%. There is a difference between fulfilling your call well, but Cammie was over the top, to say the least! Not my kind of gal by any stretch! Super cute on the outside, but way too many flaws on the inside to have any remote long-range potential beyond friends, not to mention some of those singles in the ward were prime candidates for the long-term psychiatric wing at Bellvue...

The cameo appearances by Lavell Edwards, Danny Ainge, Thurl Bailey and others were well placed (unlike The R.M.), and were a lot of fun to watch. It was well-written, produced and assembled with a good cast who worked well with each other in taking a light-hearted, yet honest look at what many singles go through at that often difficult time in their lives, especially when senior Church leaders - usually parents, older siblings, bishops and stake presidents - making the push for them to make a mad rush to the altar. Jonathan felt that way, and he wound up BACK in a singles ward at the beginning of the film.

A delight to watch and a welcome addition to my film library, The Singles Ward is a must-watch for all film fans of any, or even no religious persuasion.

On a scale of 1 to 10, I give it a 10/10. ***
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I'm Mormon..and i hated this movie
troyjames21 September 2005
don't see this. this was one of the dumbest movies i have ever seen. its hard to be Mormon sometimes when there are movies like this out there. what a sad view of Mormon life. i can tell you if you did see this movie that it is not all like this at all in a singles ward. if it was i don't think i would have made it through it. its too bad that most Mormon movies are made by a group of geeks who have nothing better to do. the acting was so bad that my wife and i barely made it through. i guess you could say that it had all the signs of a B movie. or are there C movies? anyway...i just thought this movie sucked and was full of cheese. i wish some Mormons would start making some quality movies.
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Funny! Needs to be watched with a group!
cjkelland20 January 2003
LDS individuals will find this movie funny if: 1. You have been in a Singles Ward, 2. Remember what it is like to be in college, 3. Have a sense of humor about the Church, 4. Remember how interesting life can be in YSA.

The directors and writers of this movie used a lot of tricks and ideas pulled from other comedies and LDS movies.

It is a good movie on various levels!
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I finally saw "Singles Ward" .....
Anibas6 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I finally saw "The Singles Ward" and, being originally from Salt Lake City, none of the "insider" jokes went over my head.

First off, the star, Will Swenson, is simply adorable and I hope he does not waste his talent on so-called "Mormon Cinema." That would be a pity. That's one light that should not be hidden under a bushel.

Next, I was pleased to see that the Mormon filmmakers poked a great deal of fun at themselves and their religion in this movie. E.g., naive Mormons believing that every movie star/singer/athlete is a Mormon or is taking the discussions; the reiteration of the 3 Nephite urban legends by naive RM's; the obsession of naive unmarried Mormon women to latch onto a man as fast as possible; the Jello jokes; the boring meetings, etc. They touched on a great many Mormon clichés.

Mormons take themselves way too seriously and this was again addressed in the movie when the male teacher is exhorting his Sunday school class like they were a football team ... only to have the camera pan over to let us see his class is comprised of very small children... a Primary class.

Quite frankly, Mormonism is pretty goofy to the rest of the world. I mean no offense by that comment but think about it: Whenever there is a reference to Mormonism in popular literature, or a TV show or a movie, it is *always* making fun of the religion. That simply is how the world perceives Mormonism, as something inherently funny.

Also, the crushing conformity demanded by Mormonism was perfectly expressed at the end when our handsome, vivacious, leading man, Jonathan, gives up his dreams, his personality, his love of comedy, etc., to woo the uptight, Miss-Molly-Mormon, Cammie. The only thing Cammie would be good for is to put out fires; she's such a wet blanket.

I wanted to shout at the movie, "Run, Jonathan, run! Get out of Utah!!" But, alas, young Jonathan's hormones were already stirred.

The end of the movie is rather chilling when we see Jonathan in his Mormon suit uniform, vapid smile plastered on his face, sitting in church next to his brittle wife, Cammie, while he pretends that he's the happiest man alive when he really just a beat-down "Mormon Stepford Husband." All in all, I enjoyed the movie. I realize it's geared towards a narrow Mormons audience but I am sure there are other god-botherers who would enjoy this film, as well.
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Brilliant Comedy
JJ196926 February 2002
A smartly done film. The insight and the perspective were right on target with an excellent balance of humor and emotion. I expected a lot less, but wound up leaving the theater pleasantly surprised. Goes to show you that you don't have to spend a Hollywood fortune to get something of much greater value.
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Stay away from this movie...
Ilikebooks23 April 2007
This movie was terrible. The plot sucked, the acting was bad, the editing was inept and this movie makes me want to poke my eyes out. I wish I had the time I spent watching this movie back. The balloon scene was stupid, the Mormon jokes are really old, the soundtrack sucked, I saw no chemistry between the two leads, it's full of stereotypes, stupid local "celeb" cameo's..most noted was Del "I'm going to drive as fast as I want to.." computer idiot. What is worst is that these actors had to play themselves on the spiritual side and even they screwed that up. This movie help create a long line of lackluster efforts to mainstream LDS beliefs into Hollywood. I.E. The RM, Church ball, etc. etc. I would forgo watching this movie and instead run head first into a brick wall. You will be more entertained than watching this poor excuse for a show.
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just the 'humble' opinions of a reactivated Mormon girl
Lily-3213 May 2003
I'm not a seventh generation Mormon (at least I don't think we go back that far, not on Grandpa's side anyway), I've not lived in Utah my whole life (first military then work, we skipped and jumped from state to state) but I still got all the jokes and found it very amusing. I liked it.

Yes, it's a little clicky with all the in-jokes, and yes, it may not appeal to non-members. But I go to movies all the time (and I've seen my fair share of movies) where in-jokes of a certain religion, local and society type are made that I just don't get. Does that mean the movie shouldn't have been made or was a waist of time to the rest of the world and myself? Not at all. I can still enjoy it and maybe someone can explain the joke to me so I can laugh as well.

Seems like a great opportunity to share our personal experiences and promote understanding in a society where you look at someone wrong and next week a building is blown up as a result.

And frankly, I'm just glad that I can expand my movie collection to include movies that don't have to be cartoons to be free from gratuitous sex, violence, nudity, profanity . . . the list goes on and on.

And as far as being offended goes, I'm probably the easiest offended person I know. My family certainly thinks so. I know so. And I'm trying to change that by learning to laugh at myself.

Someone once said, "A person who can learn to laugh at oneself will never cease to be amused." Better to laugh yourself into tears than let sorrow and emotional injuries force us into it.

And in my attempt to correct what I see as a shortcoming in myself I'm constantly reminding myself that if I'm offended, maybe I should be. Was what was done an attack on me (intentional or otherwise) or was it another persons way of expressing their own feelings about something?

Long story short, I loved the movie. Just because we don't understand it doesn't mean we can learn to and then like it. And if I ever decide I don't like it anymore, well, I don't have to watch it, do I?

Thank you.

*steps down off soap-box*
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Excellent, hilariously funny, and deeply moving story
aitken4amission7 March 2002
An excellent, hilariously funny and deeply moving personal story, including cameos of college/NBA basketball and college/NFL football players/coaches (w/Steve Young as "Brother Niner"). A deeply moving story of a young man who has to decide whether to be "in the world" or "of" the world. A real look at just what is a "Latter-day Saint" (a Mormon)?
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A Terrifyingly Bad Film Sunken by Cheap LDS Clichés and Abominably Non-Likable Characters
RiffRaffMcKinley2 September 2007
Yeah, that about sums it up. This movie was horrifying. Two minutes in I wanted to gouge my eyes out. This has been praised as an "innovative LDS comedy," but it's not even good for members of that church! I don't think any human being should be so victimized as to watch a movie of this low quality.

First of all, you can tell that absolutely no effort whatsoever went into this movie. It seems as if the horribly drab, glib, trite plot was thrown together by two crazy weasels somehow imbued with the gift for coherent (at least semi-coherent) thought. Then, there's the acting, which is dismal from *everybody* involved. Even the cameos fail to liven anything up.

And let's not forget the fact that our protagonist is a shallow jerk who we would like to believe can change, but that road is full of embarrassingly bad dialogue, appallingly hideous "gags," and a lot of Mormon "in-jokes" that anyone in their right mind, LDS or not, should consider purely *stupid*! This has to be one of the worst films I've ever seen!
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