Mindhunters (2004) Poster


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One of the best of its kind.
Kazum17 June 2004
No Spoilers Ahead

I saw the movie last night in the "sneak preview". I had no idea what kind of movie it was, except for the genre "thriller". Thriller is not right. It is more a "Thriller/Psycho/Horror Movie"

Most of the movie you had no time to get breath. It has a really good atmosphere and good actors. You never know what will happen next and you are really shocked the whole time.

Thats what my experience with that movie was, but i have to say that i did not know anything about the content of the movie, i did not see one trailer of it and i read no comment of it before watching it.

I have to admit, that there are several parts which are not logic or seems to be not logic, but it doesn't destroy the atmosphere, because you have no time to think about it during watching the movie.

I would not watch it a second time, because the shocking effects would not work anymore, but i give this movie 7 points.

By the way: there are really morbid and cruel scene's in it, i hadn't expected that.

I can't understand "illegal alien51"'s comment. I liked it!

( I hope my English is not so bad, because i am not used to write or speak English a lot )
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Mindhunters: Smart little thriller
Platypuschow16 April 2019
Mindhunters is one of those movies that's been on my watchlist forever, over the years its just managed to consistently evade me. Now I've seen it however, the wait was worth it.

This thriller starring Johnny Lee Miller, L L Cool J and Val Kilmer tells the story of several FBI agents going on a mock assignment on a secluded island in hopes of pleasing their tutor and getting the desired profiler job of their dreams. However shortly after arriving things suddenly get a tad too real.

I'll be honest even though its been on my watchlist for so long I didn't actually know what it was. For some reason I thought it was a sci-fi with a name like that, whereas it is in fact a fairly smart little thriller.

A blend of SAW (2004) and your standard police drama it's an entertaining little movie that is well written, well constructed and certainly not take your brain out viewing.

Sadly it's not without its flaws but it's still a lot of fun and a demonstration that once upon a time Hollywood did know how to do original old school style movies before they so very badly lost their way.

Fun little movie.

The Good:

Fairly smart

Cast are on point

Old school feel

The Bad:

Feels like its missing something

Film could have done with a higher running time
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Good Slash Thriller
claudio_carvalho15 December 2005
A group of seven FBI trainees is sent to an isolated island for the final stage of their training period under the direction of the eccentric Jake Harris (Val Kilmer), who uses questionable methods. However, they are attacked and killed by a serial killer that can be one of the team members. The tension increases amidst the group with the lack of confidence on each other.

Although not being exceptional, "Mindhunters" is a good thriller and slash movie. The tense story is original, mixes horror, thriller, action, crime and mystery and the resolution is not bad. This is the type of movie that entertains and I liked it. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "Caçadores de Mente" ("Mindhunters")
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Surprisingly Entertaining
Antagonisten20 November 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Knowing Renny Harlin's track record, you never know what to expect from the Finnish director. It seems it's more or less random which of his films turn out to be crap or really quite good. I didn't know what to expect here, and maybe my low expectations were part of the reason why i found this film to be surprisingly entertaining.

The setup is pretty standard-fare for a serial-killer film. What makes this different is the victims. They are FBI-agents in training to become profilers. Their teacher is Jake Harris (Val Kilmer) who likes to use special methods while training his agents. As a test the profilers-to-be are sent out to an army training facility on a desolate island. A small town is built on the island and the morning after their arrival a murder will have happened in the town, their job is to find the killer. Something goes wrong however and it seems the game has become real, a killer really is on the loose and now he's chasing them.

To say that this story is unbelievable and forced is an understatement. The whole set-up with an abandoned island feels a bit cheap, a lame excuse to get the agents alone in a place from which there is no escape. But if you can accept that particular bit of plot then the rest is not bad at all. The atmosphere is well built and the suspense is thick. Also most of the actors do a pretty good job creating that "anyone-could-be-guilty"-feeling.

So, even though the serial-killer thing has been done a thousand times and even though the set-up here is even less believable than usual, this is still an enjoyable experience. It might not be revolutionary, and it might not be something you'll remember for very long. But if you like this kind of movie you will at least be entertained for as long as it lasts. I rate it 6/10.
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Mindhunters is entertaining
gimili397927 December 2021
The movie, Mindhunters, has a very simple plot. A group of profiling trainees are sent to a deserted island used by the U. S. military to play out a simulation involving their profiling skills. Once there, things start to go awry and the simulation is not what it seems. What follows is a clever scene by scene, clue solving, movie that keeps the audience interested in what is going to happen next.

While Mindhunters can be faulted for some of its realism, it cannot be faulted for being entertaining. Once the simulation begins, the movie keeps your attention to the very end. Each scene is a "clue" that the agents have to try and solve.

Movies like this are not great acting or great dialogue. However, there are some well known actor names in the movie that play their parts well.

Was Mindhunters an entertaining and attention keeping film? Yes, and that is why I think it is a decent movie.
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A nice thriller and suspense movie with a great cast and intriguing events
ma-cortes20 June 2005
The film concerns a motley group of FBI recruits (Christian Slater , Johnny Lee Miller , Kathryn Morris , Clifton Collins) commanded by a training professor (Val Kilmer) . These Mindhunters train in a multidisciplinary capacity , including highly demanding field training . They are stranded at an island where are finding various killings executed by a serial murderer . For seven elite profilers, finding a serial killer is a process of elimination. Their own. Have been killed one by one . Who's the killer?.

In the picture there are mysteries , frenetic action , tension , suspense and a little bit of gore when the murders happen . From start to finish the nonstop action is continued , it is fast moving and that's why it is entertaining enough . The film is a crossover amongst the investigations means of ¨CSI¨ , the ¨Seven¨ (David Fincher) thriller , the training risks of ¨The recruit¨ (Roger Donaldson) and the intrigue of ¨Identity¨ (James Mangold) . The motion picture is a stimulating whodunit where we are really intrigued in the twisted happenings from the presentation to final . The screenplay has a complex plot and the end has an extraordinary surprise . The Investigative Support Unit ("Mindhunters" is slang for the ISU) is the FBI's special force (similar to ¨Criminal minds¨ TV series team) , they're profilers that have assisted state and local police in cracking some of the United States' most notorious serial murder cases . Mindhunters specialize in understanding and profiling the chemistry and mechanical workings of the brain in these serial criminals and have researched notorious series killers . The motion picture is only setting on two stages : the FBI academy and the island ; however , it doesn't make boring , neither tired , nor dull , but amusing . The pic was professionally directed by Renny Harlin . The yarn will appeal to suspense and dark atmosphere fans . Rating : 6.5/10, good . Well worth seeing.
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It was pretty good
GirishGowda5 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I had actually seen this movie 4 years back, but I didn't remember it. But I did remember actually enjoying the movie back then. As it was coming on TV the other day, I thought let me give it another try. I usually like these kinds of movies where a bunch of people are alone on an island and they have to survive against a killer on the loose, and it also helps that these people are not some horny teenagers and the killer is not Jason Vorhees!

A group of FBI newbies are stranded in the middle of an island by their trainer to simulate a training exercise. The exercise goes horribly wrong when they get killed off one by one by someone they don't even know. The killer is extremely intelligent and even tells them when they are going to die. After searching the entire island and finding nobody other than themselves, they start doubting each other. Now they have to find the killer and kill him before he brutally murders all of them.

The first time I had seen this, I thought it was a brilliant film. But now I think, though it was good, it was not path-breaking or out of the box. You can enjoy the movie for what it is. I loved the way the killings were done, they were completely bloody and gore. The sets were wonderful. The dialogues are somewhat cheesy and the acting was average. Still the movie is completely entertaining. Give it a try.

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They were hunting minds, but they forgot to bring their own
basrutten26 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Renny Harlin isn't exactly known for making intelligent movies, but at least they're usually quite enjoyable. "Mindhunters", however, is so utterly stupid that it's hard to get any kind of enjoyment out of it, apart from maybe some unintentionally funny bits.

The concept behind Mindhunters (group of people get stuck somewhere with a killer on the loose) is OK, and it has lead to some exciting movies in the past, including Harlin's own "Deep Blue Sea", which, while also very stupid, at least didn't take itself seriously. Unfortunately, "Mindhunters" does. And that's were the problems start.

"Mindhunters" is about a group of supposedly talented FBI trainees getting stuck on an island. Before long, a mysterious killer starts killing them off one by one, using increasingly more elaborate traps (think "Final Destination"). The first problem with this is that the traps that are used are so ridiculously complicated and depend on so much circumstances that in real life, they would have a one in a billion chance of succeeding. They would also take hours to set up, time that simply no character has since they're all together almost all the time.

Next, although the main characters are supposed to be trained professionals, they immediately crack up after the first murder, and start panicking and wildly accusing each other for so reason whatsoever. Yeah right.

The list of implausibilities and plot holes goes on and on, right up to the conclusion that makes no sense whatsoever, and seems to be there only for shock value.

All of this might have worked if the movie hadn't taken itself so seriously, or if there had been any other redeeming qualities. There aren't. The acting is poor, none of the characters are even remotely interesting or even likable, and there's hardly any humor in the entire movie (in spite of LL Cool J's presence). The only small point of light in this mess are some of the murders, which, granted, are fairly spectacular.

"Mindhunters" is a movie that asks of you to completely abstain from using your brain for about over one and a half hours, for only a couple of seconds of gore. If you ask me, that's a pretty poor trade-off. There's nothing wrong with a bit of mindless entertainment, but this goes beyond any reasonable limit.

*1/2 out of *****
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It has it flaws but it's better than a lot of other stuff out there
martine-1230 October 2004
I've read comments pointing out that this movie has ripped a lot of ideas from other movies and that there are situations that are so over the top that they get silly.

To that I say; Sure, why not? It's still entertaining.

I agree that they could have used the cast differently and that some of the plot points are quite unbelievable but on the whole it doesn't distract from the tension and the setting of the movie.

The profilers sometimes act pretty stupid and out of character but the actors do a very decent job portraying them and Renny Harlin has actually done a really good job with the directing.

If you want a horror/thriller/action flick where you keep guessing pretty much to the end and don't mind recognizing bits and pieces from other movies then this is for you.

Well worth a watch (no pun intended).
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Enjoyable but profoundly dumb
neil-47614 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
A group of FBI serial killer profilers is sent to a mock town on an uninhabited island for training, only to discover that one of them is an actual serial killer.

Let me start by saying that this film is as dumb as a sack of rocks. Much of it makes no sense at all, not least of which are some of the impossibly convoluted killing methods, which depend on knowing that so-and-so will be standing in just such a position at just such a time - murder by dominoes and liquid nitrogen being a case in point. I can envision someone being unprepared to suspend disbelief over that, so that the film turns them off completely. Personally, I thought it was a hoot.

And I think the cast has fun chewing the scenery in an over-the-top load of old nonsense, directed by Renny Harlin with panache, style, and tongue firmly in cheek.

So did I.
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Plot twists that make no logical sense doom a pedestrian take on Agatha Christie
dbborroughs3 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
There were seven FBI profilers in the bed and the psychotic one said roll over roll over so they all rolled over and one dropped dead...

This is the story of a class of FBI profilers in training who are dropped on an island to do their "final exam". The work of a serial killer will be enacted and they will have to catch him. The trouble is that someone- perhaps one of their own- is taking them out one by one.

Directed with little sign of his occasional skill by Renny Harlin this is a remake of Agatha Christie's Ten Little Indians. Its purely "by the book" direction and could have been put together by any reasonably talented director. Its reasonably acted by the cast which includes Christian Slater, Val Kilmer and LL Cool J.

Unfortunately this movie makes zero sense from its opening moments to its final fade out. There is simply no real internal logic to drive the story and so it simply becomes an okay time waster. How illogical is it? There are so many to choose from, but the easiest to explain is when one of the characters is brushing her teeth in a bathroom. She is looking in the mirror. Suddenly she turns around to find a dead cat hanging from the ceiling behind her. How it got there is never explained. She was in a room, all alone and suddenly this thing just appears. I was willing to give the movie the benefit of the doubt up until that point, after all it had barely gotten started, but at that point I was more interested just getting to the end so I'd know who was behind it all (at least you do want to know who the killer is, I'll give it points for that).

If you like serial killer flicks and want to see them all or if you have a high tolerance for low quality thrillers give it a shot, it does have its moments, but over all this is not really something to sit down and watch. My guess this is the perfect film to catch on a commercial station while you're doing other things, after all that way you can blame any plot problems on the cutting for content and your attention to your other task.

four or five out of ten.
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does what it's supposed to
lix21 January 2004
I found Mindhunters to be a thoroughly entertaining movie that did have some good surprises and moments. The story is as original as it could be, although, one can argue that the whole group in isolation getting picked off one by one thing has been done before. I will not give away too much of the movie so that you can be surprised at the twists that it offers, except I must make one comment. Why on earth do they let LL Cool J have some of the most ridiculously stupid one liners. I mean, if he wants to be bought as a believable actor, he needs to put an end to this madness. I am sure you will know what I am talking about when you see the movie.

Anyway, I give it 8 out of 10 and a definite check it out if you enjoy thrillers... especially ones with gruesome killers.
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Still entertaining
clayface-422-110025 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie when in came out in 2004 and have since seen it a couple of times. It's still very enjoyable and has aged well. The pace is quick and most of the time you wonder what the hell is going on. Nowadays there seems to be the need for a twist in every movie, but I remember that in 2004 a twist was a rare thing an this movie was a pleasant surprise. I also like the fact that the big players in this ensemble C.Slater and V. Kilmer kind of disappear early on in the movie. That really keeps you guessing because nobody of the relatively unknown actors can be considered safe in this movie. If you see this on the TV, this movie is absolutely worth tuning in.
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Decent Rental
christian12314 October 2005
A group of eight FBI profiling students are given a final test when they're sent to a deserted military island where they must solve the clues left by a fake serial killer called the "The Puppetmaster." What starts out as an exercise quickly turns deadly as they are killed off one-by-one in elaborate death traps, forcing them to start questioning whether one of them might be a real killer.

The plot isn't original or anything as this concept has been done already. However, this seems like the type of film one would rent to have a good time. It wasn't as good as I had hoped but it was a fair rental. The story did have a couple of plot holes and some unrealistic moments. The movie is also kind of predictable. If you're playing really close attention, then you will figure it out. The characters were pretty much all one-dimensional so it wasn't hard to see what role this person was playing and such.

The acting was decent, nothing spectacular though. Kathryn Morris is no stranger to this type of roles. However, she isn't a very good actress. She's tolerable but they should have gone with someone else. Val Kilmer is in the film for about 15 minutes, which is bad since his character was probably the most interesting one. Christian Slater gives an awful performance and it's good thing that he doesn't really appear much in the film. LL Cool J gives a decent performance. He's not really a favorite of mine but I don't hate him or anything.

People should know not to take a film seriously if Renny Harlin is directing it. His films are usually made for fun and he isn't a very good director when he makes a serious one. Exorcist: The Beginning was bad and so was Driven. He does a decent job with this film but I still haven't forgiven him for making Cutthroat Island. The film isn't very long as it's just 100 minutes long. The death scenes are also pretty good even if they are unrealistic. The ending is longer than it needs to be but it doesn't effect the film too much. I also don't really understand why it was delayed as it was a mildly entertaining film. In the end, this film is worth watching if you're looking for a mindless thriller. If you're looking for something that will challenge you, look elsewhere. Rating 6/10.
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This Season of Survivor is All FBI, All Action, All Idiots
absolutetravist6 July 2016
Director Renny Harlin is very much a paracinematic man, and his particular brand of style fits perfectly in the early 2000s aesthetic of excess. High concept thrillers such as Speed rely on an exponentially thrilling pace. Moving the plot along faster than the viewer brain can comprehend the inherent silliness of the core concept.

Since Fincher's Se7en, thrillers have taken the macabre turn in the crime genre. Reaching the point of Wan's Saw set within one of those trials of torture. Mindhunters similarly attempts the same zenith, upping Se7en's police duo with a ragtag team of FBI agents, racing to solve an ongoing test of intelligence and insanity. Despite the blatant exposition and character development, none of these people seem smarter than Pitt's hardheaded detective.

The agents muster a fun mix of "oh, they've come a long way since" and "oh... who?" Notable entertainers here are Johnny Lee Miller sporting his best Blanche DuBois, Christian Slater and Val Kilmer competing in their natural friendly-yet-suspicious-yet-bored acting styles, and LL Cool J acting as if he was John McClane in yet another preposterous scenario.

Attempting to outdo predecessors with 'bigger is better', the story takes place on an isolated island complete with an entire city simulation for a training exercise. According to their teacher, representative of "the mind of a sociopath", presumably not meaning laughably inane and ridiculously convenient for the killer's grand scheme. The film, of course, never slows down to let you question how the entire plot hinges of this arbitrary setting.

The script of Mindhunters is definitely where entertainment hinges on as Harlin desperately races ahead of logic and common sense. For such a complex and convoluted mystery build, there are a remarkable number of legitimate plant and pay-offs. Many of them are obvious enough to predict despite the suspension of disbelief being thoroughly tested. Much how Jigsaw relies on sheer chance amidst his philosophical soliloquies, a great number of set-pieces and foreshadowing relies on pure coincidence.

The script is constantly testing whether these characters are supposed geniuses outmatched or merely idiots outwitted by another idiot. One particular if insignificant moment of clumsy writing is the repeated mantra of a situation only being secure "on the drive home", the heroes of course proving this right... when boarding a helicopter to safety. Could've easily been fixed for "on the way home" but it doesn't affect the story.

In a world of post-modern, meta-narrative ironies, Harlin is successful in his sheer earnestness for pure, dumb, entertainment. For a film about investigative geniuses battling a criminal mastermind, it's best to leave your brain at the door.
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A myriad of influences
The_Void13 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers
WARNING: minor SPOILERS within

When the movie opens with a good sequence, which later turns out to be a "training mission", you know you're in for one of 'those' movies. Mindhunters is, basically, Final Destination, meets D-Tox, meets Five Dolls for an August Moon, meets Deep Blue Sea. It's about a team of FBI agents that are dispatched to an island to complete a training mission. OK, in D-Tox it wasn't a training mission, but it's still more or less the same. While there, it becomes apparent that one of them is a serial killer amongst them, a la Five Dolls for an August Moon, that is killing them off in a series of over the top traps, much like the ones seen in Final Destination. It's surprising just how sure the filmmakers are that people won't have seen the Italian horror film; Five Dolls, as an entire sequence involving coffee and sleeping pills is entirely ripped off from that movie. Mindhunters also subscribes to the Deep Blue Sea school of killing off your big actors near the start, thereby lowering the cost of hiring them while retaining the benefit of being able to put "Val Kilmer" and "Christian Slater" on the movie poster.

Yes, it is Val Kilmer's name that you see sprawled across the top of the poster, but in actual fact he only appears for a mere 10 minutes or so. Also worth noting is the Hellraiser rip-off on his demise...are we noticing a pattern here? Christian Slater also has very little screen time considering how highly billed he is. His death scene is fairly decent, however; even if it is a rip-off of Terminator 2, and it's extremely implausible. A lot of the death scenes are fairly imaginative, but it seems that most of them are just trying to be as over the top as possible, without worrying about whether or not they are realistic. For example; there is a scene in which a woman is killed by ingesting smoke from a cigarette that has been soaked in acid. What doesn't make sense is...why didn't the cigarette melt when the acid touched it? In fact, the film is riddled with plot holes, that is just one of them.

The plot is based on a fairly good idea, however. The FBI people in the film are competing to become a 'profiler', which is basically someone that decides what type of person a serial killer is, judging by their method of killing. The killer in this movie uses this skill to exploit his victims by setting a trap that he knows they will walk into. "Are we really that predictable?" seems to be the question of the film, which is admirable because at least it has a question to ask. Despite stealing nearly everything about it's plot, and being, in effect; a labyrinth of borrowed items and ridiculous plot holes, Mindhunters does manage to be entertaining for it's duration. The film is not great by any stretch of the imagination, but it is worth seeing if you haven't got anything better to do, like I didn't when I watched it.
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Far better than it ought to be
Flagrant-Baronessa1 November 2006
Hack blockbuster director Renny Harlin serves up a deliciously intense thriller that often tips over into horror territory, but always remains kinetic on the action front. 'Mindhunters' is one of those perfect blends of the aforementioned genres and it often manages unbearably exciting because of it.

Wayne Kramer – director of the sick but excellent crime mess Running Scared (2006) – penned the story to Harlin's film and much of his thirst for graphic gorefest is quenched at various points in the plot. It centres around a group of seven trainees in the FBI profiling programme who undertake a final examination of sorts in which they are shipped off to an island for a crime scene simulation. "I want a profile of the killer on Monday morning," says their instructor, played by Val Kilmer, who leaves clues for the trainees.

So begins an exhilarating journey of "whodunit?" that escalates when the murders stop being simulated and become real – especially when the murder starts killing off the trainees one by one. The trainees constantly pend between victim and suspect as they turn on each other, suspecting the other and fall prey to paranoia more often than murder. It becomes a psychological case study – not only looking at what happens to them during these dire circumstances – but why it is happening and why they are acting they way they do. Kramer's strength was never in characters but his writing always remains smart and intricately sketched enough as to not fall apart at analysis. Best of all, here it demands and absorbs our attention.

Mindhunters truly begs the question: how good are YOU at murder profiling? It constantly keeps you on the edge of your seat and on the edge of startling new revelations, tirelessly lashing out twist after twist. It is difficult not to spoil anything, so I will leave the plot at that. Rest assured that some turns come as splashes of water in your faces and other come as mandatory horror turns. On that note, Mindhunters undoubtedly ticks off a few too many dutiful horror clichés from the formula ("I have an idea. Let's split up!") but it always does so with panache and the fast pace leaves little time for reflection of its quality – its kinetic and sense-of-immediate-danger speed altogether mask these types of missteps, which Harlin does best.

Yet it needs to be said that it boasts of no super performances and no revolutionary approaches to any of the genres it so otherwise aptly blends. The dialogue is also shameless plot-fodder. Nevertheless, a worthy addition to Harlin's resumé (which I'm aware isn't saying much, but so what?). It certainly kept me far more entertained than it should have during the course of 1 ½ hours.

7 out of 10
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And then there were....
dbdumonteil7 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
In wikipedia,you can read at the end of the long "And then there were none" entry: "although not a direct adaptation,"mindhunters" closely follows the storyline of the book".It's true that some scenes bear more than a distant resemblance with Christie's classic thriller ,but it is not the only one.It's closer ,anyway to the play (like all the versions but the Russian one ) than to the book..It's mainly glaring in the last scenes where any Christie's reader will compare the three characters'situation to that of Vera ,Wargrave and Lombard.

That said ,"Mindhunters" is not devoid of interest.You can also feel the "Saw" series influence when the "time is running out ".The crimes display some originality and the characters are a bit less cardboard than they usually are in this kind of flick.In the grand tradition of "Psycho" ,the most famous actor (Slater) is killed in the first third.He should have studied the domino principle in his FBI school.
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Not A lot of thought went into Mindhunters
elitt7 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
When Christian Slater is on the marquee of the movie you're about to see, you can pretty much expect a couple things. The first one is that Slater most likely will die within the first reel and the other one is that the movie will probably suck. "Mindhunters" doesn't disappoint on either level. This is not a spoiler, this is fact.

Val Kilmer, another fallen star, is a sadistic trainer for a group of would be FBI profilers. The group is on the verge of advancing in the program but as a final test, Kilmer brings them to a secluded island to test their skills. The problem is that a killer is offing each profiler one by one and the agents all suspect each other. They all become paranoid and there is a lot of gun pointing.

This movie has some entertaining moments and I give it some props for coming up with such interesting ways of impalement and death. But for the most part, this movie is pretty stupid. The motivation behind all the violence is really pretty weak and I knew exactly when the little twist comes in to play.

"Mindhunters" is decent popcorn fare, but it's really a waste of time. (**)
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Stood The Test Of Time
denis8882 September 2017
Sometimes, I wonder why such awesome films as Mindhunters was bashed by film critics and was a flop in theaters. Released in 2004, it has stood the test of time well and is viewed very fresh and well now. The reason - shorter time, excellent cast, with Jonny Lee Miller, Kathryn Morris and LL Cool J among the best, excellent pacing and very good camera work. I do recommend this FBI mouse-cat-whodunnit-drama as it offers many thrills and holds you at the edge of your seat. Excellent nail-biting thriller where you never guess who the main culprit is till the very end. It is also fine for its correct dark navy color scheme and very menacing cold atmosphere of fear and suspicion. My rate is 10
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What people don't seem to get is that the smartest agents only appeared stupid because their weaknesses were exploited
ragpap9311 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
As the baddy says toward the end of the movie that while the other agents were studying and training to be FBI agents the baddy studied them, their strengths and weaknesses. The baddy was smarter than them. Also they were in training without having much job experience yet. Obviously there is a difference between potential FBI agent and an experienced expert FBI agent. I'll admit the movie was not the most clever movie that would change your perspective on what a movie is but its not the dumbest movie or the worst movie ever. At the end of the day it was entertaining and that is all you need. Its definitely better than half the movies in 2017
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Poor Thriller
Vortimer23 March 2006
A sub standard Seven/Silence Of The Lambs etc wannabe that does not grip enough to overlook the plot holes. The murders go for maximum unpleasantness over any form of logic. It tends to work rather to hard to try to be shocking, and its hard to really care for the unsympathetic characters, so when they meet their elaborate and grizzly ends you don't feel any emotion except maybe for slight queasiness, and irritation about the impossibility of their dispatch.

The main impact that the film had on me was to make me realize, by the presence of Val Kilmer and Christian Slater, that many of the stars of the eighties seem to have faded away in last few years.

It is not a total disaster: There are some tense scenes, some reasonable performances and at least early on a certain atmosphere, but there are many other films that cover the same ground rather better.
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A "whodunit" of the 21st Century
derekauthor26 July 2006
FBI trainees in the criminal profiling division get stuck on an island with a sadistic serial killer while going through a simulation organized by their eccentric teacher (Val Kilmer). The serial killer kills victims by using booby traps.

The movie reminded me of a cross between SAW and FINAL DESTINATION, with a 21st century twist on Agatha Christie's "Ten Little Indians". This combination of movies and books made this movie a lot of fun. Other contributing factors included the performances (especially by Kathryn Morris as a vulnerable trainee), a fast pace, imaginative directing by Renny Harlin (CLIFFHANGER, THE LONG KISS GOODNIGHT), and terrific writing.

Suppose to take place on an island off the coast of North Carolina, but was actually filmed in the Netherlands.
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Profiling or Crystal Ball Reading?
view_and_review16 April 2006
Mindhunters is about a group of FBI recruits training to become FBI profilers. For their training they go to a remote island so that they can profile a mock killer with fake murders. Things go awry when the profilers themselves end up dead.

The movie makes you believe that part of profiling is the ability to notice a few habits and characteristics about a person and thereby run down their whole personality and life history as well as their precise actions in certain situations. The people in this movie were dying in traps set up based upon their profile. The problem with that is that the traps were so elaborate that the targets would have to do exactly what they are expected to do in order to fall victim to the traps. It went beyond profiling into the realm of ESP. Sure we all have habits and hang ups, but who can guess exactly what we would do in a given situation based upon that; let alone knowing what half a dozen people would do in a given situation? The plot was good, the mystery was good, but the traps were just too elaborate and too unbelievable.
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Worst thriller I have seen in years
slowmcg5 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I must say when I first started in with this film I was actually alittle excited. The cinematography and lighting is fairly good, fitting nicely in with that of other thrillers and the sets are pretty unique, especially the navy training town. The cast seems decent at the start but quickly lose their appeal Kathryn Morris was awful and lacked any realism for the most part, Patricia Velesquez also appeared a very unimportant character lacking basic intelligent skills that one would assume goes along with FBI profiling (I know what time the killer will strike and yet I'm perfectly content picking up a pack of cigarettes that mysteriously appear in front of me), and LL Cool J, while still charismatic on screen, delivers one-liners like any other character he portrays. On a positive note, both Eion Bailey and Jonny Lee Miller give fine performances.

Now, my major bone to pick with this lacking film. Its basically just bad storytelling. The reason people have come onto this film's page feeling as if they were not able to guess the killer is basically because the way this story went, it could've been anyone. The filmmakers cheated. What I mean by this is that after Jonny is gunned down in the street (Quickly to stop anyone getting on my case about the bullets being squibs, as stated in another post, and therefor having Jonny's character play the card that makes both other characters assume the other one shot him. Squibs are small explosives placed in a gun or on a person to simulate bullet shots and therefor would not leave bullet casings lodged in a bullet proof vest, not to mention Sara touches these casings later while Jonney lifts his shirt to reveal the vest, if they were squibs anyone trained in marksmanship could tell is squibs were used or not) LL Cool J's character completely changes. I mean completely, he states a cryptic one liner, "thats what you get for being fearless", proceeds then to search for Sara, Kathryn Morris, by calling for her in a creepy tone, "Sara...Sara..", while brandishing his weapon, and finally when confronting Sara he states "Im the profiler...you're the victim". Never once have I ever seen filmmaker's go so far as to change a character's personality for the sake of a "twist" ending. Honestly its just poor writing. Out of no where Jonny is shown as the killer!? It makes no sense...the only character given any sort of back story is Sara, therefor following this guideline one could at the end of the film decide "well I feel like saying this character the killer...because he murdered his family when he was young". When a film is done like this it creates an atmosphere where instead of the audience attempting to solve the crime along with the characters, as you typically want for a crime thriller, they are simply left waiting for the next victim so they can rule out the dead ones.

While the film's concept, initial scenes, minus some dumb FBI moves which can be forgiven for a film, and even the killer's enticing actions of puppeteering and time seemed very promising; the entire film just falls apart brick by brick as it proceeds, capitalizing on an ending where rather the audience is dragged to a conclusion then discovering it for themselves.

Go out and rent The Usual Suspects, Memento, Identity, or LA Confidential if you're looking for a good who-done-it thriller and skip Mindhunters all together if ya can.
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