Salem Witch Trials (TV Movie 2002) Poster

(2002 TV Movie)

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Lots of screaming, lots of fear
HotToastyRag28 June 2017
In this three-hour TV special, the plot is pretty self-explanatory. It's about the Salem Witch Trials. If you're interested in that period of history, this movie is pretty good. If you haven't seen or studied America's famous witch hunts, it might be better to start with The Crucible and ease your way in. This one is pretty intense, and very long, so you might get overwhelmed.

For the historians out there, this is a good representation of the hysteria of the time. With veteran actors like Alan Bates, Peter Ustinov, and Shirley MacLaine to round out the cast, it's a well-acted assault on the senses. There's lots of screaming, lots of accusations, and lots of fear. But after all, there's nothing more American than fear of "different" is there?
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Adds Little to What we Already Know
ConfuzzledShannon19 October 2018
If you have read The Crucible you know this story but I will say the acting and the way it is written does add to this story. Where the book leans towards the idea that the girls were faking being cursed this mini series lets you decide whether they were faking, having hallucinations, or really cursed. The acting is impressive. The writing of conversations the women have in jail are very realistic for the time period. It is worth the watch for those researching witches and their history.
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Very good historical docu-drama.
skeech5114 December 2004
I was pleased to finally see Hollywood come out with a more realistic portrayal of the events surrounding one of the darkest periods in American history. The acting is excellent and the events are about as close to reality as you will ever get out of our American movie industry, which is usually incapable of portraying such historical facts without garbaging things up with special effects and their two cents worth of fiction thrown in for the purpose of maintaining the interest of those with IQ's that parallel the range of springtime temperatures. I highly recommend this movie to anyone interested in this period of our history.
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andy-5320025 November 2017
"A masterful work..."? Who wrote that? Kirstie Alley in a masterful work about the Salem witch trials. Got to be worth a watch. I bailed after an hour and 25 minutes of my life that I bitterly regret wasting on this. If I hadn't had a pizza delivered and had my hands full, I might have had the will to turn it off.

I've tried to bear in mind that it's 32 years old but that's really no excuse.

The acting is truly awful. Accents that put Dick Van Dyke as the chimney sweep in Mary Poppins in a good light. Terrible cinematography, sets like a 1950s B movie. Plot devices and direction on the same level as a local am dram production.

Sorry, but I can't find a single redeeming thing to say about this. The one star I've given was for Kirstie Alley's acting which was pretty good.
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How did I not see this until now?
earlytalkie20 May 2012
Kirstie Alley and Shirley Maclaine really shine in this Canadian/American telefilm. it has all the qualities of a first-rate Hollywood film, and there isn't one bad acting job in the bunch. Particularly good are the young girls who were doing the accusing. They absolutely were so convincing in their "possession" scenes that they had me believing they were really possessed. I admit I knew little real information about the Salem Trials and I have never seen "The Crucible". The acting and direction here are really top-notch and I found the film to be riveting and ultimately heart-breaking to watch. If you get a chance to see this, please do so. It apparently is available on DVD and I assume that would be the same copy that is circulating on Netflix streaming.
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pumpkinclaire29 April 2021
I was recommended this as being excellent and I managed to struggle through an hour and a half before giving up. I'm not 'into' film so this review is purely based on my thoughts and feelings, NOT a quasi professional film critique like many reviews on here.

First, it was boring. Really boring. Second, the acting was just OK. Third, the accents were terrible and off-putting, ranging from Australian outback to South African. Some Dick Van Dyke level cockney thrown in too. As an English person it really bothered me and at first I was confused...why were there so many Australians in Salem? It took me a while to realise they were supposed to be English accents I was hearing and it really stopped me from being immersed in the drama.

I don't know anything about Salem and the history so I've got no comment on the film's truthfulness.

It looked like a made for TV movie, it was acted like a made for TV movie.

At the beginning when they are all screaming in the courtroom you saw some of the women being shown as 'witches' and it looked like something an amateur dramatic group would come up with. I should have stopped watching then but I was fooled by the gushing reviews this film has and I really tried to get into it but for me personally it was absolutely dreadful.

We can't all like the same things in life and as I said, I'm not knowledgeable in film but as a viewer who expects to be entertained and 'transported' this film failed miserably.
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Entertaining and contains some historical truth...
timothylynn9 March 2003
Although this version has a few serious historical flaws, "Salem Witch Trials" is a relatively entertaining story. I agree that Part I was slow but I chalked that up to historical/cultural background that made Part II more believable. Two things that bothered me: (a) the trials appeared to be judged by two men from beginning to end when, in reality, a panel of several men was sent to try the accused, and (b) the scene of Rebecca Nurse in prison asserting New Age philosophy seemed out of character for this pious Puritan woman. Still, the overall story was accurate and believable.

I found this version to be more historically accurate (if less entertaining) than "The Crucible," simply because "The Crucible" relied on the premise of an affair between two major characters that most likely did not happen. (In reality, she was only eleven while he was in his sixties.)

Another thing that bothered me in both versions was the absence of Tituba's husband, John Indian. He played a relatively major role in the original trials.
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ggovin3 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
If I wanted to listen to a bunch of screaming for an hour and a half, I would go to a Justin Bieber concert. The only spoiler here is if you don't want a migraine, refrain from this garbage. The cast lured me in thinking this would be good. Anything but. Overacting by most of the cast, adolescent girls screaming their heads off the whole movie, men yelling, women yelling, just pure nonsense. I hoped for something good, now I will have to drink myself to sleep.
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Loved it
silver_skittle20 July 2004
This movie came with perfect timing. My senior high school play was "The Crucible" and this movie gave me some great in-depth as to my character (Mrs. Ann Putnam). To think that all this actually did happen is both sad and crazy. In response to the previous comment, children may have been expected to be "seen not heard", however the truth remains that that movie is a fairly accurate representation of history.

Kirstie Alley was awesome, I loved how she portrayed her character, it made me both hate her and pity her. Kudos to the actors and directors, that is a heavy intense script and to have kept your performances strong throughout is amazing.
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Some great moments, but not a story meant for commercial televison.
erichkaroly22 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Presumably, the reason for this take on the subject of Arthur Miller's masterpiece was to give a broader overview as well as incorporate more recent historical research this into this oddly brutal chapter in American history. Odd not because of its brutality, brutality was of course so much a part of early American life, but odd because the brutality was of a community turned in on itself - rather than settlers against natives, slaves, the latest wave of immigrants, and so on.

Obviously made-for-tv, it accomplishes those objectives to some degree, but 3 hours is a long haul without the point of view of a master like Arthur Miller. Lacking that focus, it over-compensates with such ongoing hysterical screeching and writhing, that any moment of simple dialogue is a relief.

The teleplay is probably better than I can give it credit for. Outside of a public theater, I do most of my watching films while practicing piano exercises ( I no longer need sound after many years for this) or even physical exercise, to economize my time. But this one was too much to take even for that. So I was wandering in and out my screening room, working on various chores - I missed whole scenes, at least visually. Strangely, this one probably works better with actual commercials breaking it up - it was designed that way, as distracting as the ads would be.

What could have taken the place of the commercial breaks? Exactly what is missing here - the quiet of pre-industrial life, punctuated by the sounds of nature and the long hours of repetitive chores of peoples' daily lives. What a Terrence Malick could do here, he demonstrated amply in The New World. Against the backdrop of the natural rhythms of the settlers' lives, the hysteria of the children and consequent spread of madness throughout the community would be a hundred fold more terrifying than the onslaught of screaming we are subjected to.

And that's the rub. Like Miller's Playing for Time, which Joseph Sargent also directed for television, these are stories not meant to be told with commercial breaks for sodas and indigestion.

It has its moments, and a cast that can deliver them, whenever the screaming subsides. Shirley Maclaine has a beautifully directed scene in the cell with her fellow accused, which I would bet she had a hand in creating, as her Rebecca Nurse's spiritual transformation beyond the Puritanism of the times is a little on the money, when we know the actress's personal beliefs she's written extensively about. It's my favorite moment in the film, as she and Gloria Reuben and the women let their hair down and their true feelings out, something that would have been truly shocking at the time. In the misery of their circumstances, it is utterly believable, and I would even add, as revelatory for us as it is for the characters.

My 2nd favorite scene, or part of a scene, is the speech given to John Proctor before his hanging. I was curious to see how this would be handled, as this is the speech in Miller's play that delivers his great thesis - that play written largely in response to the McCarthy hearings, Proctor refuses to give up his "good name" by giving up "names" and confessing guilt to holding a belief he neither has, nor should be subjected to inquisition upon. The writer Maria Nation wisely avoids that angle, waits right up until the last moment - I'd given up on expecting her Proctor to have anything truly interesting to say - and just when I thought the scene had reached its climax with the noose, she gives Proctor a speech that preserves his dignity and miraculously as it were throws the culpability of the evil at hand onto the village participants and onlookers for all time.

To take in these 2 scenes again, I will save it on my List on IMDB, where it is available without charge. But the work as a whole is too arduous to go back and search for other great moments that I could have missed. Let me know if you find any, and where they are, and I'll gladly take a look.
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Buckle up kiddos
beccablum-0286211 July 2021
You ever want to hate kids this is the movie for you. Even tho it drags on in parts it makes up for it in the story itself. You really get to see the mental state of the people who are dealing with toxic religions beliefs. Fyi lots of screaming brats and you are really gonna wanna punch one of them.
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Mean Girls, Pilgrim-Style
petsitterlyn-4901222 April 2024
Too long, too loud, could have cut out the first 90 minutes. The ones acting witchy were all those mean teens. I do wish this had been a more in-depth, true to history movie, rather than the nonsensical, mish-mash this was. When you have actors such as Alley, MacLaine, and DeMornay, you kinda expect more. I looked forward to this, especially given the positive reviews, but was disappointed and really glad it cost me only .99 cents to watch it...whilst multitasking because it was kinda boring. It's an interesting time in history, but would have been better served with a more streamlined, less screechy, portrayal,
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myspecialparadise17 May 2014
I admit that I've never really given much thought to the career of Kirstie Alley ... as I've never really seen her do anything worth making note of ... until today. In the Salem Witch trial, she radiates a truthfulness that I have never seen in any of her past performances. She borders, at times, of overacting ... however, one wonders if this is due to the script, or did someone forget to tell us that she was playing the part of a woman bordering upon insanity? I prefer to think it was a problem with the script.

Shirley MacLaine ... OMG ... I have to say that I never ever thought I would see Shirley MacLaine in the all together, the all together as naked as the day that she was born ... and I'm not so sure I shall ever get over the experience! I can't believe that the script would call for her not to cry during this humiliating experience. But it is one heck of a soul baring scene. I do have to say that the prison scene "and I shall find GOD there" was sheer genius, and the acting made all the more memorable.

I, obviously, found the scripting to offer so much less than what this most talented cast brought forth out of the depths of their bowels ... EWWW ... sorry, got carried away. Its just that most of the acting in this movie was worthy to be shown in theaters, and not as a TV movie. And i can't believe that I have only just discovered this movie 12 years after it was made.

The Salem Witch Trials are true American horror stories that will never be forgotten, especially as it is a true testament to man's inhumanity to man ... for nothing more than the greed of man ... and, even more so, the church! More children of GOD have been tormented, tortured, and murdered, in the name of a false god that I pray I never come face to face with. Oh, that's right ... that god doesn't exist ... THANK GOD!

Update ... I have just discovered that the DVD of this movie has a problem to which I have only been watching the last half of the movie! For the first time I am watching the full movie and now it makes sense.
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We're All Potential Witches...
azathothpwiggins10 January 2022
In SALEM WITCH TRIALS, pompous, hyper-religiosity / self-righteousness are combined with ignorance and paranoia, resulting in mass hysteria. This takes place within a culture filled with superstition, rumor, and gossip.

This film shows how any theocratic society operates. The Puritans used their "religious authority" to intimidate, and ultimately eliminate those among them who were deemed to be "unclean". This was said to have been in accordance with "the will of God".

This film is as much a cautionary tale for today as it is an excellent presentation of the real historic events of the 1690's...
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Great . . .
dspires-71-5922327 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
First and foremost, this is a well-told, historically accurate tale, with the title telling the entire plot. This masterful work accurately details the current consensus of what exactly occurred to prompt the colonial witch-trials, to spread the witch-fears to surrounding communities, what factor halted these trials, these heinous tortures, these executions, and the shallow, self-righteous politics involved. A remarkable performance by all involved, with Kirstie Alley, as Ann Putnam, leading the way, supported by Peter Ustinov, as Reverend William Stroughton, and Shirley MacLaine, as the pious Rebecca Nurse. Excellent. Nothing more need be said.

--footnote-- If you are aware of Salem history, then my above entry contains spoilers, simply because of the accuracy of the film.
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Good Movie - Drawn Out To Long
Rainey-Dawn12 September 2017
This is a made for TV movie... apparently in two parts when aired judging by the length of it. This could have been easily cut down to a one part film - or one that aired in one night instead of in two parts. There are unnecessary and drawn out scenes to create more drama I guess.

I have my own beliefs of the real Salem Witch Trials WITCH I will not discuss here (pun intended) but I can say this is a good film, even though it is overly and unnecessarily long. I did enjoy this movie because I love stories (real and fake) about witches.

If you want a solid film on what happened at Salem then I do recommend giving this one a watch.

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Historically interesting, and contrasted with Miller's allusions ... spoiler? I don't think so.
UncleOmar13 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I looked this up on IMDb because I found a DVD copy in the discount bin, and wanted to know if it was worth the $4 ... I've been greatly interested in this period of history since I first saw The Crucible on stage, and also because one of my ancestors (Susannah North Martin) was hanged as a witch at Salem. I might guess that the above critiques that compared The Crucible (movie, not play, apparently) in any manner are perhaps not remembering that Miller's opus was an allegory for the McCarthy hearings during the Red Scare of the early 1950s, so Miller may have, in fact, taken some literary liberties with facts that could have been documented. (In his defense, I would suggest that the research done since his play was produced (and that story probably stimulated a lot of the research) has answered a great number of questions, and perhaps clarified inaccuracies presented, regardless of their sources.) I missed seeing this on TV when it ran, and since the above reviews generally are favorable, I will definitely be going back to the discount bin to purchase a copy. I expect that I have often spent money more foolishly, and at worst I will be able to pass a few hours enjoying the entertainment aspect of the story line. It will give me one more chance to glean background information on my family and their times. (BTW, Cotton Mather's alleged comment, which suggested that even though their guilt may have been in doubt, the court should "hang them anyway" has etched his place in history near the bottom of the garbage pile, regardless of his later recanting of the sentiment.)
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A great historical mini series.
treakle_19781 July 2020
Loved the performance's and directing. A beautifuly shot movie with accurate portrayals of what happened. Definitely worth the watch.
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Excellent film
sharonmacroun14 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this movie, not only is it the truth that went on in the trials back then but the sadness that allot of innocent people had to lose there life for barbaric lies the Putnam daughter and mother an father cocked up an others in there circle. I'm just glad that the victim's received apologies but if they new when Ann jr confessed why wasn't she put on trial or her family
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OK.. Shirley Maclaine is a great actress...this movie confirms that.
mipablito24 November 2010
First.... I can't believe this is a made for TV movie... seems too well acted, too many great actors, and set design/period too well done, for a "made for TV stamp" to be on this movie.

I never thought much about Shirley MacLaine.... just as a has-been sex symbol, and fluff actress (like early Natalie Wood). But when I saw this movie....WOW... she sheds all vanity and modesty, and delivers a powerful performance worthy of an (other??) Oscar. Piousness, Humbleness, sympathetic...all the qualities I thought this actress was not (didn't she do a Las Vegas show recently??)... she played all this, so movingly.

Peter Ustinov was at his best, too, playing a villain, yet showing his character as more complex, who feels sorrow at what he does, but still metes out his brand of misplaced judgment.

As high a drama as this was, I noted much of the movie as historically accurate enough, making this a great movie. On par with "Judgment at Nuremburg" (another star-clogged movie, that ended up being a great success).
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The title is great, it goes with the movie.
roxiegr18 May 2003
I thought this was a great movie!! The acting done by everyone was perfect and very hard to do. I really enjoyed the costumes and accents. It kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time (no boring parts). If you like good acting, this is a must see!!!
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An interesting mini series
orcagurl19 August 2003
I thought this was a very interesting mini series, definitely not holding back on the gruesome side of the 'old life'. They had tons of good actors and actresses stuck in and it's half the fun pointing to the people and saying, "Hey I saw them somewhere!" Even when, dissapointingly, they only have a few seconds screen space or have no name at all. (A good example is May's father)

It's horrible how the people reacted to whatever excuse they could think of first to explain the terrible deeds happening, and so much they said was Satan's or God's punishment! And how the children would target certain people, yes, you will see what I mean. Feeling important now that they are recognized.

And here's a scene to look out for. I near cried, it being so powerful, of strength and unity still within a dank prison. When Goody Nurse is in prison and praying and all the prisoners shout out what they would find God in. I wanted to join them (well, not really), and feel the first ray of light that touched their hearts in many a day.
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Witch movie not boring at all!
candy_lawrence10225 May 2003
i think that maybe you just can't handle the history side of the movie. Maybe thats why you found it so boring because you are so used to watching movies jam packed with crap. This was a very factual and exciting movie. Having been in a history class and doing my project on it I found the movie very helpful. The movie was practically all fact. A few minor mistakes but overall well done. Maybe you just can't appreciate the history behind things and you should be watching things like Not another Teen Movie. Sry!
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Strong Acting and Ok Storyline
xotownattitudex3 March 2003
Though there seems to be a million things happening in this movie, and a few too many family stories to follow, the acting is good..and strong. I was especially impressed by the performances given by the children in the movie.

The accents weren't to hot and could have been worked on a bit, but the acting more than made up for it. I give the movie an over all 8/10.
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Vincentiu31 May 2015
inspired gallery of portraits . touching picture of trials who becomes reflection of a time 's perception about order, justice, respect for the other, social order. exposure of a period essence. high performances. careful manner to remind the events. tension of trials. and honest/wise image of errors, blind judgments, fears and bleak interpretation of truth. a film with status of docu-drama who reminds moral values, mentality of a period about woman rights, ethical cages and admirable science to discover the nuances of characters by actors. a game and its tragical result. a war and few women in search of justice. religion as tool for control a community. a honest film. a clear image about a historical episode.
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