Jeepers Creepers (2001) Poster

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Half A Terrifying Movie
amandagellar-310771 April 2019
Jeepers Creepers had me! It had me the way so few horror films have ever had me. For about 30/45 minutes, I couldn't move - I was paralyzed with pure fear. The mood was thick, the threat was frightening, the characters were pretty well drawn, the acting was good - everything was going swell.

And then the creature feature silliness starts.

It's a shame that Jeepers Creepers can't keep its energy up to a satisfying finale. Maybe people's mileage will vary. Personally, I'm not too scared by a creature that sprouts wings and flies off with people. It's just too goofy for me. It's a lot scarier to think that this creature might be something even spookier. Maybe if they'd kept the creature in the shadows more, it would have been scarier to me.

Still, the first act is one of the most terrifying things I've ever seen in my life and that's got to count for something.
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impressive, creative and taken way to seriously
jordan-shepherd10206 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Jeepers Creepers is a good movie. I read people saying it was stupid for them to go back to the church. But if they didn't what could the movie have been about?! Dumb choices always happen in horror movies, but when these two teens make a dumb decision it's waaayyyy to unrealistic. Let's stop trying to make sense of a movie that has a flying demon that can only eat someone if he scare them and just marvel at the creativity of it. If they didn't go back to the church and went to the next town for help instead the Creeper wouldn't be after them and there wouldn't be a movie in the first place. That's what the movie is about a brother and his sister being chase by a monster so he can eat one of them. And Jeepers Creepers has an ending in which the bad guy gets away with it, that's a very risky move but those are some of the best endings.
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above average first half
djen30310 May 2002
I must say, I was expecting a lot worse from this film. The whole first half is genuinely scary. Although the brother and sister's rivalry was played up just a bit too much, their characters were still a lot more believable than most modern scare films. Their dialogue was especially natural, and didn't contain a single "oh my god, like, did I just totally see, like, an undead demon, or is it just me?" which I praise the writers for (there's only so many times Buffy the Vampire Slayer can say lines like that before I start doing a little slaying of my own). Despite the constant squabbling the kids do, you can still warm up to them enough to feel empathic about their plight. The cinematography was excellent, my favourite scene being the long pan up the side of the church. The music and sound were cued perfectly and conveyed a true sense of fear, anxiety and isolation.

Unfortunately, the second half of the movie really suffers. Like so many other movies, once the killer/monster is revealed the whole thing goes down hill. It goes from relying on X-files-like suspense to bland gore and a cliché monster suit. Top it off with some overacting "we're not taking any crap" police officers and a poorly acted psychic lady and you turn what could have been a gem of a scary movie into a second rate dud. The biggest disappointment was the end. It was horribly tacked on in a desperate attempt at being a shocker.

Other then the whole second half, the only other complaint I have is regarding the DVD. The menus show clips from the movie which essentially run in sequence, and if you pay attention to them, they spoil just about everything. Where they are, what the monster looks like, etc. I haven't bothered to watch the menus all the way through but with any luck they spoil the ending too (but that's not really so bad in this case).
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Lighten up people
VoodooVince1 December 2002
I've been reading the reviews for this film and have found myself sighing continually. Why? Because too many people take films like this far too literally. Like the reviewer who questions the characters decision to go back to the church. Hello, this is a horror film and if they weren't stupid we wouldn't have a movie. What were you expecting? Kubrick? Jeepers Creepers does exactly what it says on the tin. It's creepy, it's silly, and, if you can get over yourselves for a minute, lots of fun. Leave your brain at the door and have fun.

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Great Movie, Controversies Aside
baileycrawly16 December 2019
Jeepers Creepers was a fresh and unique movie when it came out. It was creepy, had some good jump scares and enough gorey horror content to satisfy the youthful audience at the time who demanded to see it. Jeepers Creepers has stood the test of time and gone on to become one of horror's greatest franchises. The movies are often talked about (for the good and the bad) and debated (mostly about the director) but, at the end of the day, this franchise's first entry will be remembered for many years to come.

Every 23 years for 23 days, the creeper gets to feast. It's an interesting concept, and a double-edged sword: it creates an urgency for the creeper as it stalks its prey, but it also causes extreme limitations in terms of sequel planning because the creeper is only around for that limited period of time (it's like Disney with their moratorium program; get it before it's gone for years to come!). The acting in this movie is about what you would expect from a slasher. It's campy, but nobody approaches one of those movies expecting a Shakespearean production. Where Salva's first horror effort, Clownhouse, was boring and fell flat, when Salva approached Jeepers Creepers, he really had his finger on the pulse of America. He knew that people wanted to see, what they were scared of, and what would make for a good movie. A lot of elements in this movie are dated (particularly the effects), but on the whole this movie is still fun to watch and stood up relatively well. I prefer the second one to the original, but this will always be one of the true greats of horror.
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If you want something scary and creepy, this movie is the thing you are looking for.
philip_vanderveken9 November 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Jeepers Creepers is one of the better horror movies I've seen lately. Especially the first half hour has some scary moments. What I didn't like too much about the movie was the fact that they were screaming and yelling all the time, it really started to annoy me. The same for the car and its gearbox. Come on, when they are just driving along, nothing is wrong with it, only when they have to be fast the thing is squealing harder than a pig that is being butchered. The makers have to choose: or the thing never works well, or it always works well. Now it lost all its credibility.

But so far for the things that I didn't like. What I did like was the story: A young woman and her brother are on their way home for school break, but a mysterious driver forces them off the road. Later on they see the driver again, dumping a body at an abandoned church. The driver sees they have spotted him and he goes after them. But the driver isn't just an ordinary psycho or a madman, it's a demon that has to feed on humans every 23 years during 23 days...

If you want something scary and creepy, this movie is the thing you are looking for. People who don't like blood, dead bodies, heads being chopped off... better choose something else to watch. I liked it and I would have given it a very high score if it hadn't annoyed me a little too often. Now I give it a 6/10, which is still not bad.
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Above average modern fright flick.
Hey_Sweden10 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Writer / director Victor Salva did his part in keeping the monster movie alive with this respectable effort. It's got enough ambiance, suspense, and general all around creepiness going for it to make it worth a viewing for genre fans.

A brother and sister named Darry and Trish (Justin Long and Gina Philips) are driving home during Spring Break and are taking the long, scenic route through the country. Unfortunately, they soon begin to be victimized - over and over and over again - by a mysterious entity that simply won't go away, and has been doing some nasty things to various human victims for a long time.

Now, granted, some fans can - and do - take issue with the way some of the movie is scripted - but God knows horror movies have had plenty of instances of "dumb characters doing dumb things" over the years and what goes on in this movie is far from unique. Also, it's true enough that this movie works best in its first half, when Salva is stressing a mystery element, and we don't know just who or what is stalking these kids. Once the nature of the monster is revealed, it is hard for the movie to not start falling into the clichés of the genre. For one thing, this monster just keeps coming and coming no matter what is done to it.

Still, one has to love some of the odder, WTF moments in "Jeepers Creepers" - including a tongue being pulled out of a severed head - and appreciate the horrific imagery of one of the movie's major set pieces, when Darry is investigating the monster's lair where it has been arranging dead bodies in what he describes as a "psycho version of the Sistine Chapel". The monster design by Brian Penikas is effective once we see it, even if it's not terribly imaginative. The rural location work is excellent, the atmosphere is strong, the music by Bennett Salvay is good, and there's a steadily building amount of tension throughout the whole thing. Salva does have this thing hit the ground running, as the first major scares & action scenes occur within the first five minutes.

The acting is pretty good; Philips and Long are likable and make a pretty convincing pair of siblings, Jonathan Breck is suitably spooky as the monster (and also has a small secondary role as a cop in the police station), Eileen Brennan contributes a memorable turn as a stereotypically nutty cat lover, and Patricia Belcher is fine as our exposition provider, a psychic lady whose head just happens to be filled with details on how the monster operates. Some viewers take issue with the presence of the character, but she didn't really bother me, personally. One element that becomes a character in its own right is the ugly, demonic truck that the Creeper drives; that thing is pretty bad ass.

All things being considered, this is a good if not great movie whose concept at least has shown some durability; one sequel came along two years later and fans are hoping that a proposed third movie sees the light of day.

Seven out of 10.
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Disjointed. (No pun.)
behkor3 December 2002
I had really hoped that I would enjoy this movie...and I started to. Then about a half an hour in it started getting really disjointed and the plot seemed to jump around. At first, the villain (creeper?) seemed really cool...kinda like just some weird-o with a truck slightly reminiscent of SweetTooth's truck in Twisted Metal: Black.

Clearly he was a bad guy...then he started to get weird...eventually turning into some poorly-explained creature. When asked about this movie I tell them that the first half-hour is good, and that each ten minutes after that seems like it was written and directed by someone else, and each person didn't get to see what the person right before him had done. Basically, it was crap on a crap-cracker. You did, however, for a very brief moment...get to see Gina Philips in her panties. It is this shining moment that I cling onto when I have to think about this film.
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Where didja get those eyes?
Smells_Like_Cheese2 September 2001
Warning: Spoilers
How rare is it that we get a good monster movie? The 1950's were filled with monster movies that as cheesy as they were, they were also a ton of fun. Victor Salva was a fan of those movies and it shows when he wrote Jeepers Creepers, a fun horror film with a great new movie villain. Not to mention it was a nice break from all the crazy CGI films of late, this was an old fashioned make up horror movie. With two good lead actors and their silly clichés that are guilty pleasures, this was a fun road trip movie with the great creeps.

Trish and her brother Darry are coming home from college. As they drive through the countryside, a mysterious driver in a rusty old delivery truck tries to run them off the road. After letting the vehicle pass them, they later see the same truck, in the distance off the side of the road, with a hulking man sliding what looks to be bodies covered with blood stained sheets, into a large pipe sticking out of the ground next to an old, abandoned church. Darry insists they go back and investigate. At the bottom of the pipe, he finds hundreds of bodies sewn together, covering the walls of a massive cavern beneath the church. They go to a restaurant and call the cops, they are phoned by a local psychic, Jezelle, who warns them that they are in terrible danger. She plays the song "Jeepers Creepers" on the phone, and tells them that when they hear that song, they will be in extreme danger.

There may be cliché moments with why these two "smart" adults go back to find the dead bodies, the psychic lady who everyone think is a psycho and never listens to her, and the chase scenes are a bit predictable. But I absolutely loved this movie and the risks it took. The creeper is one of the best horror movies I have seen in a long time. His make up effects and the way he hunted down his pray was just terrifying and gross at the same time. He sniffs his victims, their items and when they have something that he wants, he won't stop until he has it.

Justin Long and Gina Philips did a good job and had great chemistry. One of the things I loved about the film that instead of a cliché boyfriend/girlfriend story, they're brother and sister. Their relationship seemed genuine, the way they played off each other was perfect. My only complaint is that sometimes Gina did play the role a little dead, though I can get past it since her character seems to have a tougher edge probably from a tough break up before we meet them on the road trip. I also like that the film reminded me a little bit of Steve Spielberg's first film Duel and I wouldn't doubt that Victor got some inspiration from that film. The cars are also play a major role as a villain and what a haunting honk the creeper's truck made. I really liked Jeepers Creepers, it's scary, funny and clever and people need to lighten up because this is one of the better horror movies to come out in years.

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Entertaining, but not all that
KaterinaNV3 December 2002
I found parts of this movie, mainly the beginning to be very promising. I really thought that it was going to be an 'on the edge of your seat' horror film and the opening had all the tension and weirdness that one needs to set that kind of atmosphere. But as the movie progressed, even though it never sunk to being bad or even mediocre (no Friday the 13th B.S. here), I think it became a little bit of a disappointment because it didn't live up to the promise that it made in the beginning. And although I like to let my mind fill in the blanks, there was a lot that went unexplained that made it so that I wasn't really satisfied by the time it finished. I didn't recognize the names of the actors or the director, and they were neither here nor there for me - that's not to say that I thought the performances were bad, they definitely were fitting and on the mark for the genre. It's just that they didn't really stick out for me.

All of the above being said, if the movie was on cable on a cold winter night, I'd probably relent and watch it again - it's certainly better than most in it's category, but would I recommend it as a 'great' film? No, probably not.
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People like this movie?
Laszlo_deAlmasy5 September 2001
I saw this movie just two days ago, only because it was free, and was how BAD it was. In my own opinion, this entire movie was pure garbage. This is entertainment in it's cheapest form. Anyone with intelligence would be insulted seeing this movie. Most of it didn't make sense.

The characters made the worst decisions possible. Even in other horror movies where they make bad decisions, it's because they don't realize how dangerous the situation is. The two characters in this movie KNOW how dangerous it is and they still decide to throw themselves into danger.

The bad guy/monster/boogie man, which is never explained by the way, looks so silly that people in the theater were laughing in the supposedly scary parts.

The acting was horrible, the script was incoherent, the special effects were cheap and I don't understand why people don't see this. The only ones who do are the critics, yet after ripping the movie apart, they give it two out of four stars. If Jeepers Creepers is two stars, I would be scared to see a 'no-stars' movie.

There was one scene, however, that I really related to the female character. This kind of summed up the entire movie for me. She watches the monster killing one of the town's police officers from a distance and is horrified. She gasps and whispers, "I am NOT seeing this." I couldn't agree more.

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One of the best monster horror movies EVER
funnycommentor27 May 2022
The plot of the movie was very interesting and I was so hyped about that movie. I have to admit that I didn't had high expectations about that movie. Eventually, it was an amazing movie. The storyline was well-written. The characters were very interesting and very likeable. Also, I really admire that the 2 main characters weren't a couple. The brother-sister relationship they had, was so good, amazingly developed and totally realistic. The kills were nice. However, I expected something better. It was a very intense movie, most scenes were unexpectedly shocking. Also, there were some scary and creepy scenes. The whole vibe of the movie was very creepy and intense. The ending scene was totally unexpected. The casting was very good. Last but not least, the monster's appearance was very well edited.
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Why Darry
lindseyharmony-4449822 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Why did Darry have to die, the sister deserved to die. Come on man. Also If they had never gone back to the house in the first place no one would have died. And don't get me started on the ending. The movies had a great beginning. It keeps you on the edge of you seat. But the ending just makes me so mad. Over all it's a decent movie. The monster is not scary. The actors are lovable but the acting isn't the best. But for 2001 it's very good. The actors do make stupid and questionable decisions. It's a horror movie what do we expect. But why is it always the good looking guys that die. RIP darry.
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Not worth the effort
copper-82 September 2001
Well, this movie was horrible. The monster: why, what is he, why does he do what he does. The male and female lead: Hated them, they were irritating. The script was so stupid and pointless. I have never done this before, I have never voted or written a comment on a film, but this was such a waist of time and money, I had to. Francis Ford Coppola should be ashamed that he had anything to do with this film.
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A return to the creature features
skh19645 November 2002
For all it's worth I thought that Jeepers Creepers was great. A lot of people have critisized this film and just did'nt like it. The only flaw in the film was the reason for them to return to the church where they saw the mysterious man. If that would have been anyone in their right mind they would have drivin as far away as posssable. I thought that Trish should have been knocked out to awaken only to find her brother gone. The only place for her to start looking would have been the church.Other than that the film was a blast. The creature was great and one of the scariest I've seen in a while. Very imagiantive and constantly asking what the hell IS THAT? As in any horror film it is ment to be entertaining. If you watched the whole thing without hitting the eject button then you must have had some intrest in it. Victor has brought back a return to the old style creature feature films that I loved in the day and hope to see him make some more in the future.
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well done horror
SnoopyStyle15 October 2013
Bickering brother and sister, Darry (Justin Long) and sister Patricia Jenner (Gina Philips), are driving home cross country from college. Suddenly they are harassed by a rusty ugly truck. Later on they see the truck at an old church where the driver seems to be dumping bodies into a drainage pipe. The truck races out and runs them off the road. The truck continues on, and Darry convinces Patricia to go back to investigate the pipe. What they find there sets off a series of horrors and killings.

This is a well done horror movie. Victor Salva has created a new evil in the movie universe. The first part is mostly just brother and sister interaction. Long and Philips have great sibling chemistry. They just feel like people who have known each other for all their lives.

The major problem I have is the motivation behind going to look for bodies. It's way too crazy to go back to the house of horrors if you don't have to. The sister was completely right. They are better to try to find some cops. They got run off by the truck, so the cops would have to go to the church to investigate. There could have been others at the church. It's more than the usual 'Don't go down there!' complaint.

I'm glad that they finally got the cops. Usually the cops never get call in these kinds of horror. It does lead to a well made series of kills by the monster. I wish the monster could look better, but it's pretty good for a B-movie horror. Both parts of the movie work on their own terms. The first is much more atmospheric. The second is more traditional run and hunt. If only they could set up better why the siblings went to investigate the church in the first place.
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nashw823 April 2017
I re-watched this last night, I remembered not liking it when it first came out, but I thought maybe I had judged it wrongly. It's got quite a few major plot holes and the special effects havent held up well, BUT it is a good fun creature feature. I always Enjoy Justin Long and he does well in this. It's scary enough to enjoy but tame enough that I'll watch it with my kids when they're a little older.
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Mindless horror flick has some scary moments...
Doylenf19 August 2007
JUSTIN LONG and GINA PHILIPS are brother and sister returning home for spring break when they run into road rage and a monster who comes out of hiding after long hibernation to kill humans for body parts that keep him thriving.

It's a fairly suspenseful horror flick with the leads making the usual mistakes so that they can come into contact with the flesh eating monster who clearly is after one of them for a purpose not revealed until the end.

Long is amusing as the brother who has some good lines to say to his irritating sister as they squabble over how to approach the idea of hunting down a monster. His facial expression is mainly one of shock at finding dead bodies at the bottom of a barrel-shaped pipe and he keeps up the shocked look throughout most of the film.

There are some genuinely scary moments and a lot of silliness in the plotting which is pretty par for the course in these kind of thrillers. At least there's one saving grace: the director doesn't use the shaky camera movement or fast cutting to get his effects. He doesn't have to. The tale is chilling enough.
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gregmccool31 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I don't think anyone read the script before they started shooting this movie... I'm pretty sure the guy who wrote the script for this movie didn't read it before this movie was filmed. This movie is horrible, I have nothing good to say about it.

This movie had nothing to offer anyone. There was no plot, the main characters were excessively retarded even for a horror movie. The demon was almost as dumb as the two kids. Nothing made any sense.

Why would the demon only eat some parts of some people? Why did he sew bodies together? Why did the cops not shoot he demon in the face at the end of the movie? Why did a demon drive a car? Why did that girl not know how to drive a car? The characters are not well done either. Their is no continuity between any of the characters. That retard kid was all over the place, the retard kids retarded sister didn't make any sense either. Their emotions were always changing without reason or explanation.

Lets not forget the f****** demon. I mean seriously, what a pathetic excuse for a bad guy. He can kill hundreds of people no problem, but he has trouble killing these two retarded kids, and in the end he doesn't even kill them both? I wanted those two to die, they earned it.

I'd rather fist myself with a cinder block than watch that movie again.
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ONe of the best monster movies post-2000
jonconnormustlive-462987 February 2018
Jeepers Creepers follows a grown-up brother and sister taking the backroads home when they discover a mysterious man appearing to dump bodies, they're investigation finds them stalked by a deadly monster called the Creeper.

Jeepers Creepers blends several comedic moments into a movie that's creepy and disturbing. The Creeper is a cool and intense creature, the way his appearance can change based off lighting and wardrobe is cool. The effects are also really good. Sticking to being practical rather then CGI.

There are some good disturbing scenes many of which are enhanced by the films great score.

The actors are solid, never feeling unrealistic.

My only gripe is the main two characters. They're typical bickering annoying siblings, not to mention they make some dumb decisions. But that seem the norm now in modern horror movies.

It's still a lot of fun. Highly recommended!
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Great new killer.
Dodge-Zombie22 July 2022
The killer in this movie is great. The actors are great for the most part and especially the lead 2.

It's something a bit different and I think the creature effects were done well.
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Threeman8 April 2002
This is an unforgivably poor addition to the horror stable, and I'm stupefied that it has enjoyed such commercial success. Granted, a judicious, omnipresent marketing campaign successfully duped a lot of punters, myself included, but does bad word-of-mouth count for nothing these days? How is it that this unsightly, over-hyped juggernaut continues to bulldoze its way through the high-street stores, commanding premium shelf-space? I noticed a few other dissenting voices on these pages, but I feel we may be too few and too late in our mission to prevent this rubbish raking in further undeserved millions.

The movie begins with an inspirational ten or so minutes of tension-building, and promptly commits narrative suicide. Jettison mystery and suspense, replace with comically illogical character behaviour. Good move. Hint at an unseen, unspeakable evil, then promptly substitute with the most ill-conceived, laughable creature in a rubber mask. An even better move. Trade all subtlety for trashy, in your face clichés. Sprinkle liberally with an utterly stupid, gimmicky plot device involving the film's title. What genius.

It's precisely because JEEPERS CREEPERS hints at greatness in a fleeting, opening salvo, only to undergo a bewildering change of direction, that it deserves all this vilification. It shouldn't have happened like this. And you shouldn't have to watch it. There are so many other horror movies out there more deserving of your time, and that includes a myriad straight-to-video-hell numbers wallowing at the bottom of your local store's bargain bucket.
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B movie classic
prickhuss23 August 2004
Warning: Spoilers
The film starts of as others have said, keen on generating tension, uncertainty and foreboding. The initial minutes take elements from other a number of road movies. The key strength of the movie is the Creeper himself.

The creation; The Creeper is unlike many horror creations - he/it is actually scary. Compare the Creeper to Jason, Freddie, the wishmaster etc etc - No contest. Is he a demon, a devil or a fallen angel ?

Every 23 years he feasts for 23 days, and takes the parts of his victims he wants. The movie is low budget, and the effects on occasion do suffer, but considering the budget it packs as many thrills as any horror I have seem for a number of years. A modern day B Movie classic.

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Interesting and stirring horror movie with an eerie and creepy monster
ma-cortes30 July 2008
The Jenner brothers, named Patricia(Gina Philips) and Derry(Justin Long)are travelling across the rural South. They stop to investigate an old dark refuge what looks like a killing , but results to be a bizarre monster , Creeper(Jonathan Breck)which appears each new 23rd spring, after several years. He needs humans for a good barbecue and the teenagers brothers are menaced by the murderous maniac Creeper. The brothers flee and looking for to save their own skin , when the cannibal go after them.

This exciting movie with original monster, displays terror, suspense,cannibalism, thrills, and lots of blood and gore. The genuinely scary monster packs an excellent make-up, is played by Jonathan Breck who performs a double role as a bald cop; furthermore appears the veteran Eileen Brennan as the cat lady who confronts against Creeper. The motion picture is professionally written and directed by Victor Salva , he tries for profundity at the end and blow it. Salva is an expert on suspense's creator of atmospheres, such as he proved in : 'The nature of the beast, Powder, Rites of passage and Clownhouse'.

Followed by inferior sequel with Ray Wise and Justin Long appears briefly , realized by the same director, producer: Francis Ford Coppola, American Zoetrope, cameraman: Don E FauntLeroy and musician. Besides, the third part whose screenplay is written and preparing to enter preproduction . The script will have a prologue in the Old West which concerns how Creeper became from Native America folklore
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I don't know how it could've been any worse
joshnoullet19 October 2004
I rented Jeepers Creepers not knowing what to expect. I hadn't heard anything good or bad, and went in with an open mind.

That being said, this was one of the worst modern movies I've EVER seen. Horrible. I absolutely hated it.

First, the main characters seem to be complete idiots. They always do the exact opposite of the logical thing to do. You'd be amazed at the incredibly stupid choices that they make one after the other.

Second, the main villain is a stupid big IL' demon-like thing. Not even believable.

And, the icing on the cake is the ending. I don't want to spoil the stupidity, but it seems like they wrote the stupid Jeepers Creepers song and thought they were real clever and then wrote the movie around the lyrics.

At no part was the movie really scary. Perhaps some may be scared (a little) near the beginning, but as the movie progresses it just gets worse and worse until you just laugh at how stupid it is.

A one word summary for the film is PATHETIC.
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