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terryhall215 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
As handsome as Jordi is (who plays Arturo, the husband in this love triangle of a film) it was very difficult to feel any sympathy for him. His arrogance and inconsideration of both his wife and lover too strongly covered the conflicting feelings that must have been raging inside of him and were only really released towards the end of the film. By that time he had died and one couldn't help thinking that that was the best thing that could have happened for the two other lovers involved, releasing them from the lies, messed up emotions and insincere game-playing that Arturo conducted. As an exploration of the self-loathing gay man who cannot feel love for himself or anyone else, then we have a fine film. The story is not new, but we see it from the Spanish director's perspective and all the actors were good. I could feel for both the spurned partners and for the friend of the surgeon who made it evident that she had feelings for him too, despite knowing he was gay. Again, human emotions explored on film as naturally as they exist day to day.
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Second skin or true skin?
Miguel Fialho7 January 2001
A classic triangle movie with a married couple and a male lover in-between, only this time it's not the wife but the husband who's cheating with another man. Hot sexual male scenes makes this film a must by gay viewers when Spanish cinema is currently leading this matter. Though, it is a bit TV plot based on a true story, and it has rarely been seen on cinema, doesn't necessarily mean that it cannot be done. In fact, the quality that makes this particular movie a good piece of art and so worth watch it, is that it's portrayed as an archetype of a modern life situation that happen to occur more often than one could suspect. The husband's unwillingness and incapableness to find his true nature, constantly lying to his wife and his lover, has driven those last characters to despair in understanding and helping the man they love but who they don't know. The wife, never suspected that her lack of involvement in their relationship could endanger her marriage at the point of seeing her husband seeking for an affair. As for the gay lover, the fact that his present companion has afraid to be seen in public with him, like two lovers rather than two friends, hurts him badly because he accepts his own nature. The intriguing excuses of Alberto, the husband, makes them reacting towards him trying to solve the puzzle that he consists, when the easy way out of the situation is right near them (like when the wife cannot enjoy being with another man when she has the opportunity or the lover won't accept his female colleague to help getting over him). Three persons portrayed in their interior (the opening credits with the x-rays is one of the most beautiful openings I've seen lately) with their emotions thickening as the film passes. The players of this movie are excellent, particularly Ariadna Gil, the wife. What disappointed me were the last fifteen minutes in which seems that the writer and director of this movie were replaced by others who didn't know what was done before, leaving the ending so pathetic and inconclusive. Still, it is good to watch it.
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Coming out of the closet can be hard on your wife
jeuneidiot4 January 2007
his Spanish exploration of love and family centers on Alberto (Jordi Molla from Blow and Bad Boys II). A successful family man at an aeronautics firm, he finds himself in a passionate love affair with Diego (Javier Bardem), a confident physician. Diego is comfortable with his homosexuality and is madly in love with Alberto. Alberto, who can't deny his love for Diego, doesn't want to admit that he is gay and struggles with his desires. Alberto's wife Elena (Ariadna Gil) tries to understand the reservedness and lack of sexual interest in her husband. When she finds out, she's not very happy about it, he is her true love and what will she do? A sudden event alters all three lives, leading to compassionate conclusion.

I really like Adriana Gil, known in Spain for taking new, difficult roles, but Javier Bardem carries the show, I've never seen an actor express so much with his face and hands. Truly an amazing actor. Jordi Molla did a good job, but since he always plays a slimeball in American movies, it is hard to move past that character.

This movie is like a pear. I've got a pear right now sitting on my desk, trying to ripen. I'm looking forward to the juicy, grainy pulp that will hopefully develop as it sits there. Often though, it doesn't fully ripen before some parts start to spoil, so you eat it a little underdone. That's how this movie felt. Some good situations pregnant with emotion, but not developed to the extent I would have liked. 6/10
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Glossy Soap Opera
baker-93 June 2003
For all it's shortcomings, "Seguna Piel" is entertaining in a Lifetime movie kind of way, with some of the most overwrought background music you'll hear in this kind of film.

As someone else here noted, the character of the husband is underwritten to the point where you can't imagine why his wife or male lover waste their time on him. This isn't helped by the more vibrant performances of Javier Bardem as the gay lover and the actress who plays the wife. The husband comes off like a shallow, self-centered, spoiled child. Only at the end does he reveal himself as the conflicted, angry, self-hating man that he is, but it's too much info too late at that point.

Yes the sex scenes - one in particular near the beginning - are steamy, but the drama itself is pure soap.
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A heartbreaking and sensitive drama about a triangular love story starred by three fabulous actors
ma-cortes24 June 2015
Solid but downbeat drama by Gerardo Vera , being well photographed and compellingly shot . Diego (Javier Bardem) is a surgeon who has fallen in love with a married man (Jordi Molla) to Elena (Ariadna Gil) and with a son . Against the advice of his chief (Cecilia Roth) and best friend , he goes on his affair with Alberto . Then, it takes place doubts , mistrusts , jealousy , standing between the three lovers . The consequences of this twisted love story profoundly alter not only the two men's lives , but also that of Alberto's spouse . Alberto is a man now broke and ill who has sentimental problems of his own . But Elena is not willing to cede more and Alberto is torn between the two sides of love . Events go wrong , confrontation is inevitable, and the breakdown is accelerated until an unexpected ending with tragic consequences .

Intense and heart-rending melodrama about a peculiar and suffering trio . This interesting as well as intimate story is a passionate retelling and a touching melodrama , including strong sex scenes and nudism . The film relies heavily on the relationships among the main characters , a complex loving cobweb plenty of deceptions , pain , mistrust and lies . The main problem has to face "Segunda Piel" , beyond not being able to avoid falling into a claustrophobic drama is precisely derived from the coldness of its staging , which eventually become monotonous and excessive heart-breaking over one hundred minutes and some of footage . Very good acting from trio protagonist , as Javier Bardem as Diego, orthopedic doctor at a private clinic , he is a man without folds or prejudices who is pulled to the pool of loving risks with their professional and emotional stability ; Jordi Molla as a young and prestigious aeronautical engineer and Ariadana Gil as his zealous wife who wants to be in love with him , in spite of the hard circumstances . They are supported by a magnificent secondary cast such as Cecilia Roth , Mercedes Sampietro , Javier Albalá , Pilar Castro , among others . Colorful and brilliant cinematography by Julio Madurga . Special mention for excellent musical score , marvelously composed by Roque Baños . He composes a wonderful soundtrack full of sensitivity and good feeling . Roque Baños is considered to be one of the best Spanish musicians with successes such as Fragiles , Machinist , Sexy beast , 800 bullets and El Niño .

The motion picture was well shot by Gerardo Vera , being filmed in his usual formal and stylistic scholarship , without leaving a trace the thought-provoking issues , in terms of dramatic and narrative excitement . It was notorious screen-writer Rafael Azcona who encouraged director Gerardo Vera to make this movie . Gerardo Vera was born in Madrid , where he often shoots his films . He is a good filmmaker , production designer and costume designer , known for Deseo (2002) , Tattoo (1999) , La Celestina (1996) and especially this , Segunda Piel (1999) . Gerardo Vera is particularly famous as a prestigious Production designer , being known for El Pecador Impeccable , Fuego Eterno , Mitad del Cielo , Tasio , Feroz and La Niña De Tus Ojos (1998).
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Excellent actors in a mediocre feature film.
mvervaat2 March 2002
A must see for Spanish film fans, Segunda Piel brings together some of the most interesting contemporary actors. The plot is however quite disappointing. Slick photography in a wanna-be-almodovar setting: interior design with striking silimarities to Carne Tremula and t.v. commercials that unluckily do not reach the level of subtility of the Spanish Oscar winning director.
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interesting movie
kautharabdurahman21 May 2016
I found myself feeling very annoyed with Alberto throughout the movie. From the very beginning you could see he was trying to find himself even after he had been married with a child already. But even after he knew he didn't truly, deep down within himself love Elena, he was still so selfish as he didn't want to let her go and be free to find someone that could love her the way she deserved to be loved. He wanted his bread buttered both sides because he did the same thing with Diego. Although, in this case Diego wouldn't take no for an answer and was extremely persistent, Alberto would still string him along and give him false hope just so that he wouldn't have to be alone with himself to actually make decisions about his life and who he truly is, what it is he actually wants and then be able to free the people around him that he has been holding down for so long. I loved the ending where he dies because it was like a huge, but tragic weight has been lifted off both Elena and Diego's shoulders because now they weren't hurting anyone by wanting to be with a man that doesn't know what he, himself wants. I know it sounds harsh that I enjoyed him dying off but his character was just awful and he was messing with people's emotions, which isn't acceptable anywhere or with anyone. I found it quite surprising to see how well Elena and Diego got along with each other even before he died. It may have been as civil as it was because the person she was being cheated on with was the same set as her husband which was probably a lot to take in and so it seems she needed the confrontation and the face to face to actually make her thoughts and feelings a reality, that this was actually happening to her. But even then, they still did not lash out at each other or even exchange harsh words. To me, this goes to show the kind of people, or rather, the kind of character they have played. Which would be kind, compassionate and understanding and that is why they put up with him until his last day.
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What a letdown
jonr-329 June 2002
I saw "Second Skin" at Kansas City's Gay and Lesbian Film Festival 2002. The opening credits were beautiful; the photography and settings were luscious; the story started in a suspenseful and believable way; the characters were engaging (and MIGHTY easy on the eyes): I found myself thinking, "At last! I'm going to make up for some of the movies I've walked out on this week."

Alas, come midway in the movie, things started to look increasingly hopeless. Then in the last twenty minutes or so, pure soap opera took over. I was actually cringing and crawling down into my seat with discomfort and dismay.

I don't even know if I can say, "Nice try." The more I think about it, the more I think this film is based on and permeated with homophobia. A great pity--it started out so well.
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Very realistic story of gay/bisexual/straight triangle
Bob E6 October 2001
This is a dramatic, very realistic story about the internal strife of a bisexual man, torn between his beautiful wife and child and his desire for romance with a Gay surgeon. Well photographed and directed with excellent music. Excellent beach scenery. Explicit sex scenes are well done. The emotional pain of the 'bisexual' man (more likely a Gay man who married to please his parents and conform to societal pressures) is very graphically and honestly portrayed. The damage that his refusal to deal with his identity crisis causes both his wife and his lover is also honestly shown. Javier Bardem is excellent as the surgeon and Adriana Gil as the wife is stunningly beautiful.
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a very thought provoking film ; it had its impact
rocks159 July 2006
I have to see this a second time...the subtitles made is tough to follow especially toward the end. it's powerful when you are a married man with a male lover...let me assure you of that. How many of us find ourselves in that situation - hoping for a solution that makes every one can we live happily overate..and love those important to us? At the very least, the movie serves as a catalyst for discussion with one's therapist. that's sad to say but if there are 1000 such situations in the world, i suspect that there are 10,000. Many thanks for offering this up even with the subtitles. and if someone has a solution or resolution other than a fantasy of the death of the lost soul, please post your thought. There are many ways to die beside in a motorcycle accident. Those in these situations die many times and live for another day but no solution....

my imagination has the wife and lover becoming the best of friends for the future to recall their true love. who knows maybe they get married and have sex. believe me life is stranger than fiction but not hard to accept that he loved them both and was lost in love. i think they forgave him....but could not understand him. nor did he.
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An obtuse love triangle...
jotix10022 December 2001
The current Spanish Cinema can teach a thing or two to puritanical Hollywood in its treatment of themes the American movie executives would not dare to show a discerning adult public. This film, directed by Gerardo Vera shows us a different love triangle that could very well happen. The director decides to show gratuitous sex that frankly doesn't add a thing to the story, but it is repeated throughout the current crop of new Spanish films. The story is not too far fetched because as love triangles go, the sexes can vary and so they do in this one. Next time there's a film in which Jordi Molla appears, chances are that we might get to see all his endowments, as is the case with his appearance in Son de Mar, directed by Bigas Luna. The same goes for Javier Bardem, who can act pretty convincingly as he does in this film. Poor Ariadna Gil, she goes from movie to movie suffering all the time. She needs to get a supply of Chill pills next time she accepts a film offer, or maybe she can try her hand at comedy. She can even sing, because she's like that song, I Will Survive, since it appears she's unbreakable after all she's been through at the hands of some of the new Spanish 90-day-wonders...
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Wonderful & Worth Your Time
ladewi7 March 2008
The kaleidescope of images that make up the beautiful opening credits (which is probably the best opening I've seen in a long time) truly sets the tone for this film. And in this film ,just like a kaleidescope, the parts that make it up seem simple enough. You have the pretty wife, the cute kid, and the husband with a secret. You have the lover on the side, a handsome doctor. But this handsome Doctor Diego, played wonderfully by Javier Bardem, is having an affair with Alberto, the husband in the not so perfect marriage. But , just like the kaleidescope ,this is where the simplicity ends. We've all seen the films of people finding out, and coming to terms with their sexuality.That's what makes this film unique. It's not another "I'm discovering I'M Gay" picture. This movie doesn't follow that typical plot. The kaleidescope effect comes into play. You have to deal with a range of emotions that for me, at first, made me completely loath Alberto . The wife suspects, the wife finds out, yet Alberto's lies are too deeply woven in his psyche . And although Diego knows there's not something quite right, but because he's in love, he looks past them. He wants to believe he's not a fool.Alberto incessantly lies to both his wife, and his lover.The man is completely arrogant and self absorbed on every level. He is indifferent to his wife and Diego.Though his wife knows, he makes promises to her he can't keep. And he strings Diego along with more lies and distance, with complete disregard for the mans love for him.. I was completely hateful in regards to Alberto, but the more I thought about it..the more he came across to me as a man so desperately and selfishly in love with two people , and what each had to offer, that he actually couldn't fathom losing either one of them. The range of emotions, from love, betrayal , trust , and understanding are just a few of the emotions that come into play. I love how this movie isn't about being gay, but how one person can effect the lives of others with the tangled web of deception , that eventually effects and destroys exactly what one was trying to hold onto in the first place.I know many are disappointed with the conclusion of the story. But for me, I found the journey far more important to what was the obvious and inevitable outcome.Ohh..and the man on man sex scene...SMOKING HOT!
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Sexy and glossy, but promises never fulfilled
jangu13 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie starts out in a very interesting fashion when the story about the married man, his wife and his male lover (hunky Bardem in a good performance) starts to unravel. The husband is devoted to his little family (wife and one son), but also need the love and affection from his male lover who has a lot of the qualities he seems to be missing (open, free-minded and spontaneous). The wife, however (an excellent Adriana Gil), starts to be suspicious about strange phone-calls and her husbands generally absent-minded behavior. Naturally she thinks that he has a mistress, but gradually the truth dawns on her...

Apart from that interesting (but somewhat banal) setup, the viewer can also enjoy the fact that it's a high-budget product with nice locations, a sumptuous score and a title sequence that could rival the ones done for Bond-movies in technical brilliance. And for those who enjoy such things (I do), you also get some surprisingly hot gay love-making between the two men even though there is no full-frontal nudity.

BUT somewhere along the way the story starts to tread water and the erratic behavior of the husband begins to get on your nerves. Basically he wants to have his cake and eat it and expect everyone else to understand HIM even though he never tries very hard to understand either his wife or his lover, who both love him dearly and want him for themselves. In a number of very typical Spanish scenes with two parts arguing (husband/wife, husband/lover), the husband whines about his situation and very soon all patience and sympathy for him has reached zero level!

So when the end finally comes, you almost breathe a sigh of relief that the wife and lover now can go on with their lives and be happy because they are truly nice people at the core and don't deserve all the aggravation the husband has caused them. So, all in all, do take a look and enjoy this high-gloss gay melodrama, it is certainly easy on the eyes and entertaining, but don't expect to be deeply moved.
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my views
shireenvw14 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I can only say that it is the first time I have watched a film of such a nature regarding homosexuality. I don't regard people as being lesser humans because of the choices they make in life because we all choose our own path so for me this is a first. I found that the main part of the film concentrated on cheating on ones partner and the sharing of grief. You still cheating whether its with the same sex partner or not and people that are close to you still get hurt any way even though you feel its all about you. I also feel that in the end sharing your grief with others doesn't need to be contained to specific sex people because people assume they will be understood better if they speak to the same type of people and the movie showed another view and worked just as well for those playing the role and I'm sure in real life the same reaction would be evident. I liked the movie but I wouldn't exactly show it to my class but that my opinion and there are so many others to consider
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In a nutshell
shandretemmers19 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
When I first started watching this movie i thought it would be nothing more than a married couple having some marital problems and the husband or wife having an affair. I expected the husband to be having an affair with a female as he portrayed no signs of being a homosexual or even bisexual. That seemed to be one of the biggest turning points of the movie. The husband seemed to be controlling and having no consideration with regards to others feelings especially those of his wife and "lover". I felt sorry for him because he could never be happy with his life even when he had both relationships it didn't seem enough for him. He was a broken and selfish person. He could never accept who he truly was and perhaps this was because he was afraid of what others especially his wife would think of him. He knew people would see him and think differently of him. Which shows that what people think of others have a bigger impact than what we would expect. It seemed that throughout his life people had made decisions for him therefore he always had someone to blame for how things would turn out and that would explain why he could never make the right decisions in his relationships. It seems that the only good decision he made was to kill him. By killing himself he freed his wife and lover of any more negative emotions and it also brought them closer as they began to find comfort and closure within each other. By him still living, his wife and lover knowing about each other, would have brought no good in any of their lives.

This is a good movie to be exposed to especially as a young adult in today's society where people generally just do things without even thinking of the consequences or not even taking others feelings into consideration. It teaches one to be mindful of what we say and do and to be respectful of how others live their lives even if we do not agree with it.
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Difficulties within yourself.
laeeqahg30 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The film, where the noticeably handsome Alberto, a family guy is torn between the realities of being bisexual, has caused controversy worldwide. Truth is, it is just a display of how the damage that one's refusal to deal with their identity crisis causes hurt and pain to all persons involved or included in their lives. Both Diego and the wife of Alberto including his son's lives were vastly impacted by Alberto's identity crisis, both before and after his death. Diego, a seemingly openly gay character was forced to compromise his happiness and openness, to accommodate Alberto on his journey, in hopes that one day he'll be as comfortable as he is. Elena, his wife's happiness was also compromised, as even after she found out about the affair, she was still willing to work on things and Alberto, continued to lose her trust. This only because he had difficulties, within himself. The complex love and intense and heart-rending melodrama about a peculiar and suffering trio, seems very far from reality. It is however, a daily struggle for men and woman today. The passing of Alberto is arguably a very anti-climactic ending to the story, if however otherwise the story would have dragged out with the repetition of his actions, or he would have changed into a person he wasn't meant to be. The death doesn't take him away from any parts that make him the character he is but rather puts a defined ending to it.
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A complicated love-triangle
salamavanreenen10 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Second skin highlights the plight of Alberto (the perfect example of a family man, outwardly devoted to his wife Elena and their son Adrián) who's struggling to come to terms with his homosexuality due to intense inner conflict. In turn, he cheats on his wife with the handsome surgeon, Diego.

Alberto carries out a double life where he tries to please his wife and gay lover but the implications thereof are cataclysmic. The message is evident of staying true to yourself, how honesty can set you free and the consequences of infidelity – Alberto discovers this too late. He had lost his identity, found himself in a career he was pressurised into pursuing as he tried too hard to please everyone else around him.

I cannot help but pity Alberto, even though he is the cancer in both Elena and Diego's lives. Alberto (as a metaphor) could be present in any of our lives, perhaps not as a homosexual lover/spouse but as that toxic friend, relative or partner that is faulted by human error, the one you keep forgiving and pitying, yet you're fooled by their never ending lies and manipulation.

I enjoyed the movie; however, the ending was off putting. Alberto got off the hook too easily and consequently, Diego and Elena were left to clean up his mess – how will she explain the death of Alberto to Adrián, who will now grow up fatherless.
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Their Love Triangle
nycritic24 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Audiences who believed LA MUJER DE MI HERMANO to be the first to tackle marital infidelity where the husband has an affair with -- gasp! -- another man may not have heard of this little movie that splashed itself unto European movie theatres (and ultimately, ours in several Gay and Lesbian film festivals) in 2000. SEGUNDA PIEL (SECOND SKIN) delves into the theme of self-hatred through the disguise of infidelity, with the catch that even by the time of its release this sort of story had been explored years and years ago. If you change the sex of Diego (played by that explosive mass of dangerous masculinity called Javier Bardem) and make him a she, you have the basic of every Hollywood soaper that made it unto movie screens from day one. As a matter of fact, this movie plays with a sub-genre of gay fiction, gay romance, in which elements prevalent in heterosexual romance drive a plot. While many may chuckle at the thought, I seem to find value in it -- I would rather see this type of by-the-number, Lifetime-oriented melodrama ten times over anything that attempts to bring forth rituals of quasi-masculinity described in much of the literature of Jean Genet or Fassbinder's 1982 movie QUERELLE. For any story to work there has to be some form of an emotional link to it, even if it is hokey and clichéd. It's why a little movie called GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN works for me (despite it been filmed on a micro-budget), and why the works of William S. Burroughs, as extreme in their depiction of entire civilizations of men and the violence of their subcultures, leave me cold. SECOND SKIN is far from a great movie, or even a good one -- some subplots, such as Elena's sleeping with her co-worker -- lead nowhere, and it's true that there are times when Alberto made me want to break that fourth wall and smack him a good one for playing with the devoted Diego and Elena (and pretty much everyone else in the movie). However, it has the presence of four of Spain's best actors -- Javier Bardem, Jordi Molla (as Alberto), Ariadna Gil (as Elena), and Cecilia Roth (as Diego's friend and co-worker Eva), and the irony of showing scenes of homosexual sex so passionate they nearly stop the movie in its tracks as opposed to the more tame heterosexual scenes.
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is Alberto gay?
kimcupido2 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
When I started watching this movie I saw a woman that was happy, happy to go home to her husband and child. Then there were signs that her husband, Alberto was cheating. I knew that Alberto was having an affair but with who was the question? when I found out that it was a male it was a complete shock. Was he gay? Throughout the film I wondered if he was gay or not? I realized that he is actually just using Diego for sex.

Alberto's promises his wife that the affair will end yet, he still sees Diego. Somehow, I feel sorry for Diego because he has this hope that He and Alberto will be a couple. I thought that he doesn't want to hurt his wife nor Diego but I realized that his continuing this affair for his own pleasure. He wants the wife and child at home and the gay life behind closed doors.

His wife tries to work through her marriage but he rejects her. On the other hand he gives Diego all this attention but no commitment. Diego just accepts the way Alberto treats him because he gets the attention and affection from Alberto.

I think that Alberto uses Diego for the sex but somehow when they are alone he is soft and even tells Diego about his childhood.

Alberto won't leave his wife because she familiar but he doesn't want to let go of Diego because he is actually Gay. I think that he hides behind women to prove that he is not gay.

overall, i enjoyed watching the movie but it had some explicit sex scenes.
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A Spanish "gayploitation" movie
Guy331347 March 2000
This film has caused a lot of controversy in its native Spain. It is establishing a trend in Spanish films exploiting gay themes by casting some of the country's most popular male stars as lovers to lure viewers, therefore appealing to voyeurism. This "gayploitation" has been going on for over a decade in Spanish cinema. In fact, it's hard to name an established Spanish actor who hasn't appeared in at least one gay role. However, in most cases, these roles or their sexuality have been secondary. In SEGUNDA PIEL, however, it's full steam ahead as the film centers around these two stars' relationship, and features very graphic sex scenes between the two stars. Whether this film is voyeuristic or not is certainly up to the viewer to decide.
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Bardem saves this movie
jukef-11 December 2006
I rented this movie because I've been watching everything I can find with Javier Bardem in it. I think he's one of the world's finest actors. In addition, I have many gay friends, and I was very interested in seeing how the subject was dealt with.

Having said that, I was quite disappointed in this movie. I really wanted to care about the characters because I thought their story and their plight was very compelling. It could have been an amazing, affecting film. I'm not sure where it fell flat. The acting was quite good, but I never really felt anything for the characters--not even for Bardem's. I was satisfied just to watch Bardem, but it was still a disappointment.

I rated it as I did for the actors' contributions, but the character development could be much, much better.
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Tragic Movie, which makes you think
dgerous18 June 2000
A married man with a child has an affair with another guy. Both parties are unaware of each parties presence but they did find out eventually. The married man is indecisive, and after hiding his homosexual feelings for so long, he is unwilling to give up his family for the love of another man, though that tore him up tremendously as he finally found happiness with a man...

tragic consequences and handled sensitively... a very well made spanish movie that I have seen in a long time.
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Very insightful
megandutoit5 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I found the second skin to be a interesting and insightful movie, as it shows the perspective of the main character but also shows the wife and Diego's perspective as well and you get a sense of their feelings as the movie progresses.

I like how it shows the main characters conflict within himself as well as with his wife and Diego.

I think it is sad that he cannot be himself, because he feels he needs to be what is expected of him. I find that it is the case with some people these days (not only in sexual orientation) where they feel they are force to be something they are not or change who they are not, just so that they can please other people.
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A MAN TORN IN TWO...........(or: J&J Burn Up the Screen)
arizona-philm-phan15 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers

(Torn between the life society forces one to live and the life one needs live...........)

How utterly devastating for lead character, Alberto, as for any of us, to face the realization that everything he's done in life (carrying on a family work tradition, courting and marrying, parenting) is NOT who he really is. Elena's discovery of his activities forces this realization on him and places him in a situation with which he can not cope. We so clearly see this realization in his final return to their home (too late for his son's birthday party and after yet another session of love-making and sexual intercourse with Diego) where he is greeted by Elena's "how-could-you / final straw" stare. It's a look he knows he deserves, yet one to which Alberto can only respond by mutely sinking into a chair, the complete despair on his face so plainly telling us he's aware it's finally over between them. It's a grief stricken expression that says: I can't do this any more.

He tells us in his final film moments that he has never been allowed to truly be who he's wanted ("I've been lying since I was a kid / hated those with me in school / hated my job"). A third generation (grandfather, father before him) airport operations worker, a husband / father......all roles 'expected' of him, all roles in which he'd truly tried to give his best. But, in the end, all that trying wasn't enough. Nor was finding "the love of his life" (Javier Bardem's Diego) to be enough, although he'd would be. Recall that, in the afterglow of their sexual intercourse, Alberto looks to Diego, lying at this side, and says: "I think this was the best time I've had in my whole life." Then in a later scene, following intercourse: "I love you, Diego. I will for a long time." Can there be any doubt who was the one for him?

So, it isn't at all that his love for Elena is greater, it's that his commitment to their life had been pushed to become so strong (expectations......expectations, meeting them can tear you apart). And at the near conclusion of everything, when Diego says: "you have to start over......," you can plainly see the realization in Jordi Molla's oh-so-expressive eyes and face (this man is so beautiful), that he's just at a complete and total loss for knowing how to keep and love a family, as he's been strictly raised to do, and at the same time have the relationship he must have with Diego, the love of his life. Yes, it is his conflict over this very love which will bring everything crashing down, and his non-solution will be to run, run from it all. Doing so will result in tragedy.

FINAL RESTATEMENT: In the end, then, we can see that we have been given the study of a man raised and pushed into being something he isn't. It's the story of oh, so many out there. Some are able to break out of the mold, others not---the strength of commitments (to spouse, to children, family) being too great. Or perhaps that's the excuse used for staying within the mold. But in the hearts and minds of those who do stay, the longings, those yearnings for "the other" are there.......always there.......and they hurt. Alberto was able to break from the mold, but only to a point. And in the end, trying to live in both worlds tore him apart emotionally. This film shows you the results.

PS---Many aspects of this Spanish film presage ones in America's later released "Brokeback Mountain" (2005). Was Ennis's conflict any more soul-wrenching than Alberto's? True, Ennis is much the simpler man, but over and above that, when it comes to the love of your life, does it really matter where in this world you find that love (out-of-the-way ranch town or bustling city.......high-rise urban areas or soaring mountains)?

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The Holy Trinity: The only love triangle that works
nabzey27 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The movie was sincere, however I felt frustrated as Alberto held his wife Elena and his secret lover Diego on a pedestal. Alberto was deeply in the closet and was deeply unhappy with his life. The unfortunate fate was that Alberto couldn't resolve his own dilemma. I felt sympathetic towards Elena as she is a loving wife and unfailingly true to her husband. I feel bad for Diego too, as he is alternatively sweetly romantic and sadly confused as he didn't know where stood with Alberto.

I think the main focus was on Alberto's affair, and the fact that he had a child with Elena was overlooked. There should have maybe been a bit of focus on their son who is clearly consigned to a broken home. Alberto was annoying in the sense that he was indecisive. He was constantly lying to himself, as well as everyone around him. He used all sorts of evasive strategies to maintain his double life. I felt sort of relieved when Alberto died and Elena and Diego became friends, despite the unfortunate events.

Overall, I think second skin is a good movie to watch for open-minded and hopeless-romantic persons. I think the explicit male sex scenes may offend some people, especially those who are conservative, therefore I would think twice before recommending it to anyone.
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