Shriek If You Know What I Did Last Friday the Thirteenth (Video 2000) Poster

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Not bad.
13Funbags4 December 2019
This movie was exactly what I expected, an average parody with tons of sight gags. It won't have you doubled over in laughter but there are some good jokes.
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Not great, but reasonably entertaining
grantss8 October 2019
A spoof of several horror movies. Kids at a high school are being murdered by a maniac in a mask. A TV reporter investigates.

Not exactly original: horror spoof movies were dime-a-dozen in the early 2000s, and almost as common as horror movies involving crazed mask-wearing killers bumping off high school kids. Isn't too bad though: some good laughs and is reasonably entertaining. Never takes itself seriously, which is a very useful quality in a parody.

Much more watchable than I expected.
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Saved by the Kelly
atinder26 July 2009
There not much that I can about this movie.

I liked it, It not great not even that good and total over the top plot but it still a lot of fun.

The plot It's your typical high school where a group of friends including Dawson (Harley), Slab (Rex) and Boner (Strong) are enjoying school life. Until, as serial killer turns up and starts chasing after them one by one. No one knows who this killer is, as he obviously slips around the school. Will they finally unmask the killer before it's too late?

If you didn't like the movie, a least you get to see Kelly from saved by the bell

This movie spoofs are Scream, Friday 13th,Halloween, I know what you did last summer,Chucky, Christine and even Grease.

This movie add anything to movie, when ever it wants, it not rip off of scary movie. it just other good/bad spoof movie

This movie made me laugh 5/10
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Setting the record straight...
rdatsun15 March 2004
Okay first things first... This is NOT a rip-off of Scary Movie. It was in production way before Scary Movie started filming and was slated to be released in theaters. However it got delayed and Scary Movie beat em to the punch. Knowing that people (especially now as I can see from the previous posts) were going to think it a rip-off if released right behind SM, the producers opted for a tv movie instead. This is the truth as it was mention on Entertaiment Tonight. So please, STOP CALLING IT A RIP OFF!

Now to the review This is actully a pretty cool parody. Unlike Scary Movie (which I also liked btw) not all the jokes are riddled with sex gags and toliet humor, so of it harken back to the days of Airplane. I love the bit where the characters are at the party and discussing what to do in a horror situations. That was just hilarous especially with the cameo by the dude who played J.J on Good Times and the Pop Up video chase.

I'll admit some of it doesn't work but that how parody goes, its hit or miss and Scary Movie had the same type of problems. Overall I say its on par with SM. Both have unique sense of humor, it just a shame that SIYKWIDLFtT will only be seen by a few and sadly be wrongly branded as a rip-off just because of circumstance and bad timining. It really is a good movie if you give it the chance.
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Films Like These Give Parody a Bad Name
atpzr131 August 2003
This is the second-worst parody I have ever seen (the first being "Naked Space"). There were one or two good jokes, but not nearly enough to fill an entire movie.

I was watching this on TV during one of USA's Halloween marathons, so I didn't waste any money buying it on video. The main problem is that the writers tried too hard, and don't even pay heed to a rule they give in the film itself.

Many people would assume that it's easy to write a parody- throw in some goofy sight gags, one or two halfway decent jokes and you're done. But it's not as simple as that. Parodies are one of the harder film genres to write. Each gag (no matter how bizarre or outrageous) has to make sense. You can't just throw in something that's completely random. It doesn't work that way. The sight gags have to be carefully executed, and, if you repeat any, you should only do so three times (complying with the "threes formula").

Another thing- you can't rely on just sight gags. A successful parody has to incorporate multiple types of humor (one of the reasons they're so hard to write). You need sight gags, word play, social commentary and flat-out jokes- all the while having to keep in context and fitting into the story.

Not as dumb as it looks, is it?
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Worst spoof ever!
Cinema_Love29 December 2005
I will start this by saying that, Not Another Teen Movie was an intelligent and generally funny parody movie, Shriek If You Know What I Did Last Friday the 13th is completely and utterly devoid of anything resembling an effective joke (or anything of any worthwhile value, really). There's not much to say about this one; every single gag falls completely flat - even though it's parodying a lot of the same flicks that Not Another Teen Movie went after. The actors seem to be trying, but with a script this horrible, Marlon Brando himself (and I'm talking old school Brando, not The Island of Dr. Moreau Brando here) would've come off amateurish. Imagine the lamest joke you've ever heard and then stretch it out to around an hour and fifteen minutes, and you'll have a vague conception of how excruciating it was to sit through this miserable flick.
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Bottom of the barrel
TheOtherFool19 October 2004
Even for those who hated Scary Movie, they still have to admit it's way better than the lame spoof 'Shriek...' is. In fact, it's title probably is the best joke of the entire film.

As Scary Movie, Shriek takes the teen slasher formula and makes fun of it, but the jokes are lame and the movie doesn't have any likable actors to make it worth while. Worst of all, besides Scream there aren't many movies spoofed in this one, well not in a good way anyway.

The fact that it went direct to video should've stopped me from watching it, but I thought 'why not'. Well, that's why.

Stinker, 2/10.
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Painfully unfunny
kaitom-8051421 March 2022
Now there were some moments and jokes that kept this from being a complete waste of time but most of the humor was so outdated and unfunny. It was hard to get through.
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The worst thing i have had to endure
Darthginger23 July 2001
i went to the video store with my younger brother, never again will i let him get a video without my approval. This is one of the unfunniest unscariest films i have seen in my life. I sat and watched completely bored out of my skull waiting for the jokes and the comedy to begin, in fact the only smile this film got was when i pressed the eject button on my vcr.

The cast were poor, the story un-original, the directing terrible and the jokes that never worked and if they did i must've missed them. I hope the makers of this film never work again, and the performers if i never see them again i won't wonder why. I am going back to the store and i'm planning to sue them for false advertisment by putting this pile of garbage in the comedy section
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It's a parody movie, it is supposed to be bad!
Rooster998 August 2002
This movie is very much like Scary Movie. Either you laugh at all the silliness and jokes at other movies' expense, or you sit there frustrated thinking it is far too stupid to be funny. Remember, this movie was meant to be a joke!

That aside, there are hundreds of references to other films, some subtle, most not. There is a take on Grease's "Greased Lightning" which had me rolling in my seat, and at one point, Chucky makes a cameo appearance. This movie had a lot of stupid moments, but I would have to say it works as a whole. You have to be prepared for yet-another farcical Scream parody, if you go in expecting the finely-tuned humour of Billy Crystal or Woody Allen, you will be sorely disappointed.

Watch the background for many, many film references. The obvious slapstick gags sometimes overshadow the more humourous background references, some of which actually give this film second viewing possibilities. You will definitely not see all of the jokes this movie has to offer in one viewing (of course, many of you will not be able to stomach watching it a second time).

As with any parody, many of the jokes are predictable and somewhat lame. There are a lot of scatological references (expected), even some scenes pretty well ripped-off from Scary Movie (the entire first sequence), but there are some original bits which tip the scale in it's favour.

I gave it a 6 which is probably very generous, however I went in expecting a childish display of visual gags and got exactly what I expected. I think it was the "Greased Lightning" bit which pushed this from a 5 to a 6, it is one of those memorable moments in a comedy which when you think back on, always seems to make you chuckle.
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2008 Review: Not Bad My first Review:Utter Garbage
BHorrorWriter10 December 2001
2008 Review:

I recently caught this flick again on cable, and thought..."I wonder what I wrote about it way back when?" So, here I am digging up my own words and going, "gosh, was I harsh!"

This really is not as bad as I stated below. I mean, it is not funnier than Scary Movie, but it really does have a charm all its own.

I actually did laugh a few more than 2 times. I mean, not laugh out loud, but it did have some decent stuff. Sorry for such a nasty 1st review.

Original Review:

Okay for anyone to say this movie was far better or funnier than Scary movie, need to have their head examined. i think only 1 or 2 times did i give a slight chuckle. the comedy was just not here...the sets ups were bland and predictable. the editing...well, it seems someone used a lot of scotch tape to piece this trash together. to me, this was not a spoof...but a stream of ridiculous scenes taped together and called a film. this would never, never have lasted in theaters. reviewers have said this was funnier and would have made more money than Scary Movie...huh, wrong...

forcing us to think teen pregnancy, masturbation, alveoli and drugs are funny in teen movies, is just ignorant. nothing urinal or special abotu this "spoof". I hope it doesn't not spawn a sequel like the credits promise....

2 out of 10
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Shriek is what Scary Movie was trying to get to...
REMwoman20 June 2001
I have to admit that I didn't rent this video, my teen daughter did, but she liked it so much, she insisted that I watch it, telling me..."It isn't dumb, you'll like it!" She was right. We watched it together and both laughed all the way through. Since that first viewing, I've watched it a couple more times and--this is my best review of all--I found new things to laugh at that I missed the first time. We've recommended it to my daughter's friends and to my friends, and from both age groups we haven't heard anything but rave comments.

I think what's most important for its success is that Shriek is well written by script artists who have a great sense of dialogue. They've got a good grasp of the essential nature of parody and I think they must have seen every 'dead teen' horror flick ever. Because they know them so well, they've put in gags about pretty much everything related to them, instead of having to resort to being one-gag wonders.

But they don't stop with lots of in-jokes about dead teen movies--added on to that is an absurd collection of sight gags and parody-within-a- parody subplots (everything from the dance sequences in Grease to a few glimpses here and there of the Rocky Horror Picture Show).

In fact, there are so many sly asides and one-liners that I couldn't help but think "Mel Brooks" all the way through it. Of course, just like Mel Brooks' movies, this movie isn't claiming to be War and Peace or something. If you are looking for some kind of deep intellectual insight or social criticism, Shriek won't be for you...but then again, the genre it spoofs isn't about deep intellectual insights, either. Those movies are just for a thrill and this one is just for fun. So if what you're looking for is a good time and a lot of laughs, you can't miss with Shriek.
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one of the more entertaining teen/horror spoofs
disdressed122 November 2007
my personal feeling is that this movie is better than any of the Scary Movie Films.i found it more relevant and is better paced,with no real spots that lag.the jokes do fly literally about every few seconds.i woudn't say it is funny,but there are some very amusing moments.i particularly liked the end stages of the me,this film is lighter in tone than the Scary Movie's also not as gross.the violence is also less graphic,and the language is much tamer.there is very little in the way of nudity,and most of the sexual situations are implied.the movie is rated R,but i'm not sure why.after watching it,i thought it would be PG-13,at most.i checked the rating after watching,and i'm really surprised.from my viewpoint, i think this movie would be suitable for most kids 13 or older,but parents should use their discretion,of course.either way,i thought this movie was pretty entertaining all the way's no masterpiece,but i give this movie a 6/10
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Why, please tell my why?
azaro66627 May 2001
The fact that I even agreed to see this movie is still leaving me answerless, but why this was even made is just dumb-founding. Perhaps a reason for the initial downfall is the fact that the teen slasher movies are being ironic towards what they are doing, yet still Scary Movie was funny, very funny in places so thats obviously not the whole story.

The fact is that in order for comedy to work, you need jokes, lots of jokes usually and yet in the script itself there are no gags, there is no substance to any of the dialogue whatsoever, which leads again to the question begging for an answer, why was this movie made? A script with no gags is made as a comedy.

Most gags are visual and tired to the point of slaying a dead horse. Most are seen to be coming a mile off, and even when a surprise does come up on you there is no appreciation for the simply fact that the it is so bloody slow. The acting, although it is down for comic effect, is wooden. Tom Arnold appears to be the only cast member who is aware of what he is doing, which becomes a bad thing as the rest of the cast look even worse than they would have done had he played it straight. There is no point playing this straight for the simple fact there is nothing there to play straight with.

Its a shame as the trailer actually looked quite attractive and the opening 10 minutes were very promising. All in all this is one huge mess which has clearly been edited down to fit into 70 minutes of pure crap.

Perhaps even some humourous sex/nudity would have helped, which is saying something. In the end though you have got a movie which pretends to be a slasher send up done in the style of the Farrelys, which actually plays a scream done scene for scene, without the words, and a handful of s**t actors.

I cannot un-recommend this movie highly enough.
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I liked it
Vampire_Grimm12 December 2001
As compared to Scary Movie, this movie will obviously not appeal to the mass audience, however to those of us who enjoy overall "bad" movies this is a hit. I spent the money to rent this and have to say that I am happy. Personally I thought the beginning drab, with only one or two somewhat funny parts, however as the movie goes on to me, it gets better. I have to say that I did NOT like Scary Movie as much as everyone else, in truth I found the sexual humor overly done, this is quite the reverse. This pokes fun at ALL aspects of a teen slasher movie, not just the fornication. If you like pointless films, but your friends don't then save this diamond in the rough for a lonely night when you have nothing better to do. ((And before any of you comment I have quite the active social life))

† VampireGrimm †
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Not laughing
iliveinacake00115 August 2003
This movie was by far the stupidest comedy I've ever seen in my life. First of all, most of the movies being imitated were NOT horror films, but teen movies like American Pie and Grease. Second, the the entire movie overall seemed to be going nowhere. There really isn't much of a plot--it's as if they thought certain things would be funny to make fun of, but there was really no way to make a story out of them, so they filmed a bunch of random scenes and stuck them together to make a movie. As if that weren't bad enough, it looks like the creators were just trying too hard to make a successful spoof--they overexaggerate certain aspects of high school (they have to show at least 10 doors in the high school labeled "Debate Club," "German Club," etc.) and they tend to make fun of things like teen pregnancy and teen sex, which really has NOTHING to do with making fun of horror films. To say the least, I probably laughed once or twice through the entire 90 minutes, and that was only because I was shocked that a movie could possibly suck so bad.
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Absolutely Diabolical
garrielines4 April 2003
This has got to be one of the worst movies i have ever seen.

Thank heavens there was Scary Movie to boost my confidence in spoofs, this movie is so dire it goes beyond belief.

Every single one-liner and visual gag falls flat on it's feet, there is absolutely nothing in this movie to make you laugh - avoid at all costs.
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Ohh! Woe is me, woe is me
oogy_boogy11 November 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, i saw this film and didn't have any high expectations, i didn't expect this to be good, i expected some cheap gags and then a good, yet goofy ending, Oh God, how could have i been so stupid as to buy something which wanted to Spoof a Spoof!?


Ok, now that u've all been warned, i had to say that this movie was one of the worst that i've ever seen in the whole movie rip off thingy, I mean, ok it wasn't that bad to see the b/f in Scream turn out to be the killer, it was tempting fate to have the movie of the ex-killer in the second, and Incurred the wraith of God to have her "secret brother" play the killer in the third, but for christs sake! "Oh My God! Its my Identical Twin Cousin!" *Shudder*

I don't think the people knew what they were doing when they made this "thing" I can only hope that if they ever had to defend this in a court of law then they could just plead "temporary insanity" because Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, thats the only thing which could have produced a movie of this poor quality.

Another thing that made my blood boil was the ending, how many bloody times do u have to have a "the end, or is it?" before a movie can actually end? I mean, i'm trying not to be rude now but.... ARGHHHHHH This movie was terrible! I was willing it to burst into flames after it had finished, i thought about calling my local priest just to get some holy water and cleanse the evil spirit out of my poor tv!!!

The actors in this movie were lame, they didn't know what the hell they were meant to be doing, they all looked like they were trying desperatly to act and it just looked like a cheap third rate production made by children and ametuers (Cut! I have diaper rash!) I couldn't understand the constant flashbacks either and to be honest, i wished that the "killer" would just hurry up and kill them! I know that there are certain spoofs that were funny and did successfully manage to take the mick out of Scream Etc. but this most certainly was NOT one of them.

All in all, i wish this movie had NEVER been made, i wish that the people who watch it will join in a crusade with me to cleanse the video market of this foul evil, and believe me, there was a stench in my room after this thing was played, it wasn't the smell of evil, it was the stench of pure CRAP!
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i feel violated
FilmTree30 April 2002
You know that feeling you get when you've just watched a movie for the first time and you absolutely loved it? Well reverse that feeling and times it by a thousand, and that won't even come close to how bad i felt after watching this movie.It wasn't that the humour was bad, it's that it was SO bad that i think i saw a few clowns dying in the background.The film's biggest problem is that it tries to weave in too many parodies of films in a weakly based Scream plot line. i've seen a lot of bad movies but there were times in this film (well most of it actually) that i found myself screaming out 'Why movie Gods, why!'

If you liked Scream or Scary movie, for the love of God don't watch this film. Or if you have to, watch it with the worst expectations of a movie you have ever had and you might just be pleasantly surprised... I DOUBT IT THOUGH!
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If you bought this from the 5.00 bin at Walmart with the thought "this movie could be decent" take it back.
accountforsurveys3 February 2006
This movie tries too hard to be funny.

I just forced myself to sit through the entire thing and think I could have caught up on my sleep. I wish I could get my five bucks back, because this is not something I'm going to be adding to my DVD collection. I might keep it in a box and when someone talks about "The worst movie ever" I'll refer them to this piece of crap.

I should have known from the name of the movie that it was going to be a waste of time. There were two times that I actually laughed at something going on in the movie. I expect that from a subtle comedy but this sad excuse for a movie would go under the genre of comedy, and so I expect laughs. The jokes are corny. The writing is awful and incoherent.

Don't watch it.
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Not that bad actually
AvonKerr26 August 2001
Having only just barely managed to sit through several of the movies this parodies (Final Destination, Cherry Falls, etc.) I would say that most of the time it is does a pretty good job of poking fun at them. While it is very hit-and-miss in places it was a lot better than I expected and many, many times funnier than Scary Movie. Most of the jokes are one liners and while some fall flat enough of them are funny that you end up laughing quite a lot.
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Not worth watching
YungRapunxel21225 April 2013
This is almost identical to "Scary Movie", but seven stars worse. I got no laughs out of this. I watched this because it is a parody film, and Simon Rex was in it. I only liked Simon Rex in it. The rest of the actors and actresses were bad and the movie worse than them. If you wanted to see a "Friday The 13th" parody, don't watch this, even though it's title is "Shriek If You Know What I Did Last Friday The 13th", it has nothing to do with the movie. And, of course, when I ordered this, they sent me two copies, so if anyone wants a bad movie, let me know.

Rated R. I do not recommend for 15 or under. Strong sexual content,language (but not a lot of the f word), parody violence, and some other stuff.

Bad movie. Don't watch.
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It was great!!!
joy-405 December 2000
For all you LOSERS who said it was a bad ripoff of Scary Movie, get your facts straight. This movie was written and produced BEFORE Scary Movie was even a thought. The Scary Movie production team stole pieces of this film right from the original draft. USA did do a lousy editing and mix job, but that is NOT the fault of the writers or actors. For those of you who said it reminded you of Airplane, kudos, from an article I read about the writers, that's what it was supposed to achieve.
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Shriek is so damn funny you will not have much time to laugh.
dobbin-419 October 2007
Shriek is a movie so damn funny that you will not have much time to laugh. The movie is about 5 teenagers who after a string of murders get hunted by a retarded serial killer. The movie is badly rated because of Scary Movie but records state they were made at the same time. The movie is funny start to finish and is a must watch for all fans of the Scary Movies. This movie is misrated highly to be rated 35% and that I think Ratings of Scary Movie and Shriek would of been the other way around if Scary Movie had come out last. Overall I think that this movie is wicked and deserves a way higher rating then 35%. I rate this movie 68% for being a movie you can watch over and over again.
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raulfaust3 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
If I knew this movie would be that metalinguistic, I wouldn't even bother. I know that "Scream" and "Scary Movie" are a little bit of this, but not that much. "Shriek If You Know What I Did Last Friday the Thirteenth" has some few funny scenes through its 86 minutes, which are: the running in circles, the origin of Scream's mask and some other stuff.

What annoys the most are the repeatedly scenes about "I know what you did last summer"; they show this scene around seven times in a row, tiring and bothering the spectator. Morealso, the film is poorly written and directed, you need to be either drunk or in a very good mood to enjoy this. See "Scary Movie" instead, or see this to compare the versions and decide which one you prefer (I sadly don't know anyone who preferred this one).
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