Boys and Girls (2000) Poster

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.. sure.. it's worth three minutes
bjarias18 June 2015
..the only reason to watch begins at the thirty-six minute mark and lasts approximately three minutes. Otherwise the entire remainder of this movie is mindless banter between the two of spewing more absurd dialogue than the other. Without a doubt she is easy on the eyes, but when she opens her mouth that's when the trouble starts. Someday it might be nice to see her in a film where she is not acting and talking like a complete airhead. Box Office Mojo indicates this film unbelievably made twenty-five million dollars worldwide, be that the case, it just shows how much trouble the culture is in. Watch the three minutes (like watching a short music video).. and do yourself a big favor and take a pass on all the rest.
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Claire Forlani and Freddie Prinze Jr wrong for the parts
SnoopyStyle4 February 2014
Jennifer Burrows (Claire Forlani) and Ryan Walker (Freddie Prinze Jr.) first time meet on a flight to LA as kids. Four years later, they both go to the same high school. She's the home coming queen and a free spirit. He's the lowly geeky mascot. Then at Berkeley, he's the geeky guy with high school girlfriend Betty (Alyson Hannigan) who's going away to Seattle. He has a roommate (Jason Biggs), and runs into Jennifer again who gets dumped by her committed boyfriend.

What's with Jason Biggs' hair? Forlani's character is wildly inconsistent. Her persona is a little more serious than this free spirit character. Freddie is not the geeky boy type. They're both miscast for their roles. There isn't anything undeniably wrong with this movie, but it just doesn't have the charm. It doesn't have any comedy either.
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Oops... I actually liked it...
TheOtherFool26 March 2004
I just checked, people: Boys and Girls was the 8th (!) movie I saw that starred Freddie Prinze. In almost every other occasion, the movies were horrible (I gave Summer Catch, I Still Know What You Did Last Summer and She's All That a 1/10, I Know What You Did Last Summer and Head Over Heals a 2/10 and Scooby Doo a 3/10). So why do I keep watching them? Well, sometimes, something good pops up.

The first time that happened was Down To You (then again, Julia Stiles is excellent), and this movie is the second. Hardly a hidden gem, but good enough to watch and enjoy on a quiet night.

Prinze is Ryan, who in early years, meets Jennifer (Forlani) on a plane (both characters are about 12 years old). Years later they meet again (and somehow recognize each other) and they keep on meeting while going to college. What do they do? Well, they talk. And talk... Mostly it's about their relationships. Which are not working. Well, you kinda know how this is going to end, now don't ya?

There's a lot standing in the way of this film. It's terribly cliche (oh my, it even got a going-to-the-airport-no-driver-stop-the-car!scene), not really funny, it takes itself waaaaay to serious and... erm... it's a Freddie Prinze movie. But somehow it works. Well, for me anyway...

Forlani is good (I can see her moving on to bigger things) and Biggs is downright hilarious as the goofy room-mate. The pace is right, the music's right. Never a dull moment really.

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Such a sweet film.
jsabloomfield28 January 2003
Sometimes you want to watch a film, not to hugely stimulate the mind but to stimulate the heart and this one did it for me. The romantic concept was a familiar one of boy and girl meet but don't seem to get together and they become 'friends' but when they do strife comes of it. The ending may have been predictable but it was uplifting and very sweet and even though it's just a film you come out feeling optimistic that maybe happy endings do exist.
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Makes American Pie look like Citizen Kane
Ben_Cheshire29 August 2015
The year after American Pie, both Jason Biggs and Alyson Hannigan signed on for the worst script either of them had ever read. My guess is that they had absolutely no better offers that year, because this is a pretty cynical cash-grab. Its just falls flat in every way.

They both play minor characters, which further adds to my theory that this film was a preexisting "make lovers from friends" script featuring Forlani and Prinze Jr's characters that was forced into the old pie-tin once American Pie became a huge hit.

The acting is stilted, the dialogue is horrid, Claire Forlani is miscast as anything but an ice queen and Prinze and Biggs seem like they did a last minute switcheroo in an attempt for both to play against type, but Biggs can't play confident and Prinze is too good looking to be believably shy. I've seen worse movies, but I strongly recommend you don't see this one.

its just not good in any way.
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Sue me, I enjoyed this movie.
Aislynn28 July 2000
Note that I say "movie" and not "film". I was dragged to see this, but I found myself really liking it. The chemistry is wonderful and even though the storyline isn't the most original thing in the world, it has enough spark to keep it going. Definitely more of a rent-able movie, but let down your guard about teen flicks. This one is pretty good. :)
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Boys and Girls
jboothmillard17 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The film opens with a song called "Love Stinks", that should be retitled "This Film Stinks", because it does, from director Robert Iscove (She's All That). Basically Ryan Walker and Jennifer Burrows met each other as youngsters on a plane, and seven years, they encounter each other again in UC Berkeley high school. Jennifer (Meet Joe Black's Claire Forlani) is quick, witty, ironic, literary and independent, and Ryan (I Know What You Did Last Summer's Freddie Prinze Jr.) is deliberate, literal, serious and studying structural engineering. They become best friends, consoling each other over break-ups, and Ryan shares his plans, Ryan's roommate Hunter/Steve (American Pie's Jason Biggs) is surprised they aren't getting together. Jennifer is going to Italy after graduation, and surprisingly they spend a night together, after which she skitters away saying they should just be friends, and he is withdrawing also. In the end though, very predictable, Ryan and Jennifer end up on the Italy plane together, and they do accept they love each other, while Hunter (in a small subplot) finds his perfect girl with Jennifer's friend Amy (Final Destination's Amanda Detmer). Also starring The Blair Witch Project's Heather Donahue as Megan and American Pie's Alyson Hannigan as Betty. Prinze Jr. is too good looking to be a nerd with glasses, Forlani is the wrong person for the character, and Biggs with his weird coloured hair is just too much like Jim with a tiny bit of Stifler added, and what was with that extra scene in the credits where he farts with some models?! Hardly funny and too predictable, it just doesn't have the same spark as something like American Pie. Pretty poor!
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"When Harry Met Sally" for teens
paloma-416 June 2000
Boys and Girls is a predictable but fun look at two young people who are friends with potential. This movie follows Ryan, an uptight nerdy type who feels all life should be planned out to the very minute. Enter Jennifer, a quirky fun and free girl who is out to enjoy life as the adventure it is. Ryan and Jennifer meet a few times over the years before finally settling into a comfortable friendship at college. Where will their relationship go as they share more of their lives together? It's an obvious movie with an incredibly close resemblance to When Harry Met Sally (somewhat less clever than its grownup counterpart, but cute nonetheless). Freddie Prinze Jr. and Claire Forlaini have wonderful chemistry and are fun to watch (especially in the dance club scene). Ryan's best friend and Jennifer's best friend are played by Jason Biggs and Amanda Detmer with whimsical freedom. They provide much of the comic relief and are an enjoyable distraction from the plot. If you want a little escape from life for a few hours, this movie is just the light, enjoyable distraction you could be looking for.
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Quite possibly the worst movie I've ever seen
viperine24 February 2007
It seems I'm going against the stream here. Pretty much everyone else here seems to like this movie, although I really, REALLY can't possibly imagine why.

Until this day, I used to compare all crappy movies to "Isolation". A horrible attempt at a horror-movie, involving of all things a cow. But as of now, whenever I see a really bad movie, I'm going to think "Well, at least it wasn't as bad as Boys and Girls".

This movie is about... eh.. two people - a girl and a boy - who bump into each other at random places at regular intervals. And when they do, they start a boring conversation that usually ends with them disagreeing over something pointless, and parting again. These dialogs are not at all funny, not interesting, and most of the time, they don't make any sense at all.

The editing is also confusing. Entire years pass by in a cut without any indication hereof, other than the changing hairstyles of the characters. Several breakups take place, without you even knowing they were dating in the first place. And the shallowness - oh, the shallowness. You will hear dialog resembling: "So, I just got dumped. Are you still with your boy-/girlfriend, because if not, we can like hook up". And here I was, thinking romantic movies were supposed to have at least some romance.

So, no romance. And seeing as not a single sentence or scene in this movie was even remotely funny to me, I wouldn't call it a comedy either. And the drama kind of disappears when the dialog doesn't make sense, and the characters are impossible to sympathize with. That really leaves an hour and a half of absolutely NOTHING.

Watch at your own risk.
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More believable than When Harry Met Sally?
oliver-12318 November 2006
I am sorry to see that this film has achieved such a low average score, for I thought it was really pretty well done. Of course the plot has echoes of When Harry Met Sally, but for me it was sufficiently different to be readily distinguishable, apart from the fact that it took place over a much shorter time period, almost all the important action being in the central characters' college years.

I liked it that Ryan was an archetypal nerd (but not a totally clueless geek), which made the whole development of an apparently platonic friendship (but evidently more on his side almost from the start) much more plausible. I know it's a cliché, but I liked his room mate, self-proclaimedly more knowledgeable about women, continually striking out in real life. I liked the quietly attractive but by no means glamorous heroine and her friend.

Because it did not require so much suspension of disbelief as When Harry Met Sally, I think it worked better.
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Predictable Stuff
sddavis633 September 2001
A rather uninspired film about the relationship between Ryan (Freddie Prinze, Jr.) and Jennifer (Claire Forlani) who meet as children sitting beside each other on an airplane and develop an inseparable bond.

The movie is pleasant enough, but completely predictable and unoriginal. Is there anyone who could start to watch this without knowing from the opening scene that these two were going to end up in love? The movie largely revolves around their denials of the feelings they have for each other and their attempts to develop other relationships, only to be drawn back together. It's OK, and there are a handful of humourous scenes, largely involving their friends Steve and Amy (Jason Biggs and Amanda Detmer) - who have problems of their own to deal with - but frankly I wouldn't go out of my way to see it.

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I am not afraid to admit that I like it.
GARINDIAN12 December 2001
In an era when "teenage-girl movies" run rampant, it is easy to dismiss this as just another flick targeted to make young girls squeal over Freddie Prinze Jr or one of his 20-something cohorts. Boys and Girls, however, is different. It presents itself with much more class, and comedy, than most other films of its genre. Boys and Girls has an engaging story that makes the audience connect, emotionally, with the problems of the main characters. The film has more than one story that it follows. It touches on the lives of four different college students and their failing attempts at social interaction. Its involving story line is strengthened by the funny parts, too. Each character has their own unique quirks that make the viewing experience that much more enjoyable. Boys and Girls leaves many other films of merit in its dust and deserves much more recognition than it has received.
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Better than expected.
Rod-548 July 2001
This film is weakened by excessive zeal in tayloring it to its target demographic. The side-kick roles are especially stupid. But the principals are pretty good. I have seen more Prinze movies on airline flights than I would care to. His performance in this one is the best I have seen. And Forlani's role is also not badly written and played. She is beautiful as ever and seemingly adept at the accent. I just wish they had dressed her better, especially in better shoes. She is obviously uncomfortable in the walking scenes. But then, mine is not the target demographic!
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"I wanna do laundry with you, Ryan."
drewnes30 May 2021
I wanted to like this movie because I am a fan of cheesey romantic comedies, plus I like Freddie Prinze Jr., but this was rough. I used to see this in movie rental stores and think it would be great to watch as a kid, and now I know that fate was just helping me by not letting me get it. Extra half star because of the nostalgic music.
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Give it a chance!
sjr5911 January 2003
This film may be predictable, but it is so in a good way. I found it fun yet thoughtful at the same time. Its a Romantic Comedy that has something about it that makes you laugh out loud or cringe with embarrassment! I reccomend this film to anyone who wants a good laugh and a good cry! I give it 8/10.
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San Francisco bay area
ebiros221 October 2012
The movie captures the outstanding beauty of San Francisco bay area. In reality, the area isn't as glossy looking (there are many poor areas, and poorly maintained areas) as in the movies, but if you look carefully, there are areas like those shown in the movie.

Movie's treatment of life as a college student at UC Berkeley is just as glossy. UC Berkeley is only school that I know of that the campus is part of the town that the school is located. There are no perimeter set that isolates the University from the surrounding town. School merges right in with the town. This contrasts sharply with Stanford, that's across the bay where its campus is isolated from its surrounding town of Palo Alto by quite an expanse of land and roadways.

Is life in school like shown in the movie ? Well that's made extra glossy too. The movie should be viewed as a situational drama that's situated in UC Berkeley. College life aren't like what's shown in the movie either. These are kids from super privileged household if they really existed.

Movie's plot is very predictable. What else would boys and girls in college do ? I thought it could have had bit more charm, and/or more story to it.

For those who might have fallen in love with San Francisco bay area after seeing this movie, the area is no doubt beautiful, but isn't as new or glamorous as the picture shows it to be. It is now an over crowded place with danger of major earth quake looming.
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Homeless man's When Harry Met Sally
kishoremitra21 September 2015
This movie isn't really half bad. But it was a more recent take on of the iconic "When Harry met Sally". If you haven't seen the latter, you will like Boys and Girls. But if you already have seen and loved the Meg Ryan & Billy Crystal version, this will feel like a cheap imitation. And it is just that.....but made well. A little originality would be nice though. Seemed like the makers were way too lazy to work on an original story. Anyway, its not a bad movie if your expectations are appropriately adjusted. The actors' performances were reasonably mediocre but they looked good as most would expect. I recommend it as a one time watch.
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utter trash
pdxchx19 October 2000
Don't waste your time renting this one if you're in the mood for a good, funny, feel-good teen romance--rent _Drive Me Crazy_ instead. This one is almost, but not quite, as bad as _Down to You_. If, on the other hand, you loved _Down to You_ this is the piece of rubbish for you. It was billed as very funny, and it's not, and it was billed as very romantic, and it's not, and it did nothing to improve my overall mood.
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Cute Rom Com
BenTramerLives7831 October 2020
Freddie Prinze Jr. made a string of cute rom-coms in the late 90s-early 2000s. Here he plays a young man who, as a young boy, meets girl on an airplane, and then years later they meet again and become friends. The relationship is a complicated one and soon they end up getting intimate, which leads to more complications. Claire Forlani and Freddie Prinze Jr. had good chemistry and the story is decent. . Jason Biggs, Amanda Detmer and Alyson Hannigan also star.
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Hated By Boys and Girls Everywhere.
anaconda-406582 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Boys and Girls (2000): Dir: Robert Iscove / Cast: Freddie Prinze Jr., Claire Forlani, Jason Biggs, Amanda Detmer, Heather Donahue: Dimwitted mess about gender differences. It stars Freddie Prinze Jr. and Claire Forlani who have been friends since he was twelve. They go through a string of failed romances until the idiot plot brings us to the obvious. Directed by Robert Iscove who made the somewhat better yet nonetheless stupid She's All That. He must be in some sort of desperate casting dilemma to get stuck with Prinze Jr. twice. He is not expanding himself and remains in that constant teen appeal. Forlani is a pretty face in need of material better than this. She seems smarter than the predictable tripe she gets stuck with here. In supporting roles is Jason Biggs who wishes to impress women through lies. My best advice for him is never to admit to being in this film. Amanda Detmer plays Forlani's lesbian roommate. Her sexuality is suppose to make her appear interesting or rebellious but it plainly looks tacked on as if the screenwriter was merely writing a type as oppose to a real human being with a personality beyond anything this film offers. Heather Donahue isn't exactly making a splash after The Blair Witch Project, and this will not increase her odds. The film should have examined gender differences. The script should be folded into a paper airplane and darted down a sewer. Score: 1 / 10
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Not perfect but good
climber7006 July 2000
This movie is not perfect and it doesn't claim to be. it's a good light hearted romance/teenager movie. Even though the dialogue at the beginning was rough it began to smooth out and become a rather enjoyable movie. + the girl was sooooooo hot and so was her friend, Amy in the movie.

all and all a good 7/10 (not perfect but hey can you do any better?)
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If you like teen movies, you'll enjoy this, otherwise you'll hate it
cdtidy31 October 2006
The plot of Boys and Girls is simple. A boy and a girl (Freddie Prinze, Jr and Claire Forlani), who at first seem a most unlikely couple, gradually discover their similarities. To me, the film gets off to a slightly slow start, but becomes increasingly watchable as it progresses. The plot is similar to that of When Harry Met Sally, but the style of the film is totally different. It's essentially a teen movie in the vein of Scream and I Know What You Did Last Summer. But it matches up to other teen movies well and offers some good laughs (mainly from Jason Biggs as the womanising, compulsive liar of a room-mate). For anyone interested in the technicalities of film-making, the final scene in which the plane takes off is very smartly edited, too. In summary, if you like teen movies you'll enjoy this, otherwise you'll hate it.
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Better Than "When Harry Met Sally"
chickenpotpie26 June 2000
All the critics seem to be saying that this movie is trying to be "When Harry Met Sally" and failing miserably at it, instead of seeing what a nice change of pace it is to see a romantic movie about two people who don't cuss and run around naked. I get so tired of seeing the same plot line over and over and then when someone makes an original movie like "Boys and Girls" it is bashed because people say it is boring. It is not boring, it just contains great dialogue instead of the usual lame boyfriend girlfriend story where they all try to figure out who to sleep with next or what funny sex scene they can come up with. It is incredibly sweet and it contains a great performance by the wonderful Claire Forlani. She is such an incredible actress and no one seems to notice. The same thing happened with "Meet Joe Black" because it had wonderful dialogue and no one saw that either. I think people just don't like movies with any character development that may actually cause you to think about anything other than what will blow up next. If you want to see something that takes a little effort to understand, then go see "Boys and Girls". The dance scene alone is worth the $7.00.
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Nothing wrong with this
StevePunchard11 April 2022
Romcoms have received a bad rap as of late but I think this one is more fun than the too cutsie crap. Should be rated better in my opinion as the laughs happened every few minutes even though the lead actors are not A list. One such scenario was a guy who wanted to break up with his girlfriend by inviting her to a concert for his new he sung it: "Jennifer.... Jennifer.....I found someone newahoo".

Our main guy's lying roommate's lies are just funny where he looses track of his get the girl lines. He eventually comes clean with his real name being Steve! (why would he lie about that? name is Steve for craps sake!). Do you realize just how huge these decisions are when you're picking a potential life partner; I mean everything matters.

Weird things are is why is Freddie a Jr. And why does Claire regularly go cross-eyed. But then things heat up with them falling for each other, but it's too soon in the movie.....surely something's going to happen! Then sex and excuses happen and they change everything going forward!

OK, it's clearly a romcom in the end and I cried when things worked out beautifully well. Enjoy it if you're up to it.
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Opposites attract
Streetwolf17 January 2002
I figured this would be a lot like She's all that and i was right. Instead of having the title Boys and Girls it should have been He's all that! Ryan grew up planning his whole life perfectly even though he was a geek through out high school, dated a fellow geek played by Alyson Hannigan and yet for some strange reason the most popular girl in his school Jennifer always seemed to be around him all the time. Even so they end up going to the same uni and that's where they become friends, but as Jennifer can pick any guy she still continues not to be satisfied and where Ryan was concerned he seemed like the perfect guy she could talk to since he wasn't interested in getting involved with anyone there were no problems between them. Their friends believe they are somewhat in love with each other and soon things get out of hand causing their perfect friendship to be in trouble since both are not after the same thing... It's a typical boy meets girl, girl meets boy, they hate each other but under the circumstances they find a reason to be friends and so on. I think Freddie is great looking guy so for his fans yes this is a good watch, but if there is another movie on the shelf that you would also like to see, get that one first this can wait. Out of 10 I would give this a 3 only because Freddie looks so cute in a goatee!
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