More (1998) Poster


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Believe the praise.
Behonkiss28 October 2001
Mark Osborne is a truly gifted man. More does not break new ground in the visual field of cel and claymation, but does that matter? A film can only be truly enjoyed if you like its story. More succeeds immensely.

After a first viewing, you'll be confused. "Uh, the goggles?...The glowing stuff?...The kids?" Let me tell you something: You MUST see More several times before you understand its meaning. And what a meaning it is.

There is an obvious fact that so much work and toil went into this six-minute short; the simple-modeled clay drone's emotions are perfectly modeled and presented; you feel his pain, frustration, and sadness.

Two versions of the film exist: The original, with a soundtrack by New Order, and a recent music video with the song "Hellbent" by Kenna. Despite most people saying they prefer the original, I don't think I can pick one over the other. The New Order music does a wonderful job of making you feel how bleak and dull the world is, while Hellbent contrasts with the main character's emotions.

You owe it to yourself to spare six minutes and watch this at You simply cannot call yourself a viewer of art until you have seen this messiah of animated shorts.
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A bizarre yet unique animated short
highkite3 August 2006
"More" plays out more like a music video than like your typical animated feature. Some things that come to mind are Tool videos and a few Marilyn Manson videos. Inevitably, it's the 90s cinematic style that inspired this type of film-making.

It is a story of a person. This is a person with no sex but we assume it's male because a clear obsession with machinery is shown. This person has no distinction between anybody else in the world. He wakes up in his crummy apartment, goes to his job where he fixes and puts together gadgets for an immensely popular brand of toy. This person however is hungry for something and we can't figure out what. His stomach opens up and shines a bright light, and determined as he is, he invents a new toy that makes you see nothing but happiness. Ultimately, the light in his stomach goes out and he's no longer happy.

The opening scene in the movie is very unique. It shows us a couple of (we assume) children playing in what seems to be a park. This represents happiness, and the scene jumps to a more saddened setting where the main character is living. The juxtaposition shows us just how pitiful this guy's life is. And after becoming happy with his new invention which leads to his emptiness, we realize that the title of the movie is exactly what he wants: more.

This is a very quirky movie. The haunting score is almost taken out from "Koyaanisqatsi", but yet feels very Tool-esquire. The music plays endlessly in the background as the visually stunning animation is shown. This is a very useful technique in keeping not only the viewers attention, but also keeping the audience in a more suspenseful mood.

"More" is not a typical animated short. It's very avant-garde and it mostly only tries to emphasize the music rather than the visuals. Had it been a more successful company, this film would have won the Oscar. The nomination was however good enough.
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For the normal "boob" out there (like me), you may not fall in love with this film
planktonrules12 February 2008
This is a very interesting animated film and I understand that it is trying to tell us that having stuff doesn't make us happy--I do get it. However, in the end, this is a decent idea but I really don't understand all the rapturous applause for it. Now understand, I did like the film--but for it to an Oscar nominated film? I dunno, but it just didn't seem that amazing. Now this doesn't mean that all the animations I like are simple cartoons or I am an idiot--I just didn't love it. And, no, it isn't because I am a plebe--heck, I really liked Petrov's really artsy award winning shorts (such as THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA and MERMAID). But MORE just seemed like a nice idea--but not great.

Now as for the technical merits of the film. The animation is very nice and the music effectively oppressive. It all worked together well.

See it for yourself--maybe you'll love it, too. But I wonder if the average schmo out there will agree that it's THAT good.
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A Masterpiece
FeldBum5 February 2002
A visually breathtaking short that depends entirely on music and visuals to tell a powerful story. It is a beautiful film that illustrates the power of the short. The combination of different medias gives the film a mesmerizing look. See it.
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One of the few utterly brilliant short films
pbjsammich29 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Many short films are very entertaining, but More is exactly that. It is without a doubt one of the few short films that I seek out repeatedly and try to comprehend on all of it's vast levels. It tells the simple story of a disillusioned factory laborer in a factory whose dreams of a happy childhood haunt him. After finally finding a way to relive his happiness artificially and gain wealth in turn, he finds himself empty and alone. The theme has been played before, but never with such fitting music. (New Order's "Elegia") The monochromatic and dismal world view of the film enhances the experience. The film is very thought provoking and well timed. Each scene is done with precise intent. Each frame is visually appealing. It is thoroughly a emotional film. Perhaps this is our version of Bliss?
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Oslo_Jargo17 August 2001
This is an absolutely astonishing short work concerning the meaning of life and what can not be manufactured in a synthetic factory. It presents a proletarian (in fantastic clay-mation) day in and day out, as he works in a factory assembly line building impersonal products to keep society happy. His dream is to one day create a new life affirming 'lense machine', for he is also an inventor with ingenuity.

In his struggles, he continues having glimpses of children playing around a merry-go-round and they are in vibrant color, while laughing and involved with joy. His dream is achieved, and then he becomes an over zealous capitalist who is sitting all alone in his skyscraper office, after directing the harsh void of the assembly line that manufactures his new product.

In the fleeting time that this short film runs, one gathers that it is something stupendous and magnificent, and the true satisfaction of creativity is not how many products one sells but the "fire that burns within"...

The song by the band 'NEW ORDER', is also melancholy, which adds to the ambiance, and is a joy to listen to.

Strongly recommended!

Look for it on Sci-Fi channel's "Exposure" or on PBS "High Intensity TV".
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If you have a chance to get this one, by all means, do so-it's exceptional!
llltdesq15 December 2002
George Santayana, call your answering service. This is a perfect example of what he was talking about with history repeating, if on a smaller, more localized, scale. Watch this carefully and you'll see what I'm talking about. This lost to Bunny for Animated Short, which I'm certain Bunny won because it is a more visually stunning cartoon. Given that both have a lot going for them in terms of intent, plot, ideas and eloquence, I suspect More could have won if Bunny hadn't been visually incredible. Personally, I wish there had been a tie between them. There is certainly nothing for either of these magnificent shorts to be sorry about and both deserve praise and a wider audience. More is solid in all respects-animation, backgrounds, story, music and so on. In most years, probably a winner of record. Given how precious little recent short animation is in print at the moment (very little), an audience for More is preferable to any award, in any case. Too bad that there isn't perceived to be much of a market for things like Bunny and More. It may not be huge, but a market does exist. If you can see More, by all means, do so. Most Highly Recommended.
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MovieAlien26 April 2000
That's the first word that came to mind after I watched this film. It is a sad, yet also touching study into the worth of happiness, and the repetition and dead-endness of working class jobs. This film was done using stop-action claymation and is probably one of the best (if not the best) one made. It was nominated for a 1998 Academy Award for Best Short Animated Film. Some screenings are available on the net, so if you ever come across it, check it out!
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I thought Osborne's other short Greener had more of a plot, but this one had more style.
Aaron137521 March 2012
I watched this short when I learned it was made by the same guy who did the short film "Greener". When one watches this, one is immediately reminded of his earlier short as both of them feature strange creatures in them that look alien, but have human qualities as well. I prefer that ones story more, but this one had the style. I enjoyed the music and how it was presented a bit more. I do not completely agree with the message it is presenting, but that mild disagreement is not enough to make me dislike the film. This short features a strange creature living in a bland gray world. He is obviously unhappy with his lot in life as he looks very sad and miserable at his job. I can totally relate, when I am at work I am completely miserable myself. He is working on something though, something that may lead to new and exciting things in his life, unfortunately happiness and bliss may still elude him in the end. Very interesting, and very emotional. Some things could of been done better such as the compartment in the lower half of this things body that had goo in it could seem to be a bit much, perhaps a better way to show him putting his all in his invention would of been warranted. Also, children are not super innocents that can find joy in the simplest of things. They tend to be the most material and cruelest among us. Me, I can just sit in a chair for hours and just enjoy the fact I do not have to go anywhere and it does not cost me a dime.
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J. Michael Pence1 April 2001
Wow. Who would have thought the entire meaning of life could be summed up in 6 minutes. The greatest of this film is its greatest irony, considering it questions the worth of success based on material wealth. The piece fits its soundtrack (Elegia by New Order) excellent as well. It's a shame this short lost out in the 1998 Oscars, I'd like to think that the voters had a chance to see it before deciding (although they probably didn't.) A definite 10.
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An amazing six minutes
Eviscerus22 January 2005
I pride myself on judging every film on it's own, trying not to let others sway my opinion, so when I stumbled across "More" with it's accolades on a web site I was skeptical. But WOW. It's just one of those moments you can't quite figure out *why* you thoroughly enjoy something but you do. Obviously the shots are beautiful and the music heart rending, but you get the feeling much more is under the surface.It's clear that Mark Osborne, like the protagonist of the film, poured his soul into this project dedicating it to his wife and daughter. If you haven't watched it yet, get with it! It's SIX freakin' minutes!
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Good premise, but weak elaboration
Horst_In_Translation12 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
"More" from over 15 years ago is an early career effort by writer and director Mark Osborne ("Kung Fu Panda"). It was Oscar-nominated, runs for 6 minutes and the music in it also has a touch of Asian to it like his most famous work, even if this short film here really has no Asian background unless it's criticism against the working system there. Anyway, this looks somewhat futuristic as we watch a character who looks as depressing as depressed when he is off to his job just like every day. He gets pushed around by his superiors and it seems he is pretty unhappy with the situation. One day, he makes a great invention and turns into one of these superiors himself. But that rise comes with a cost. I have to say the animation was okay and the contrast between the real world and what we saw through these glasses was impressive. Yet it is too much of a generalization in my opinion that the demise in terms of character always comes with getting a better position in your company. All in all, I wished this could have been better. Osborne certainly has the talent for more than what he came up with here. The again, he still only was in his 20s and obviously improving. Not recommended.
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A critical analysis
dynea7 January 2004
Everyone wants, expects, and demands more and more each day. We think we will get happier and richer by asking, giving and getting more. Are we though? Where is this taking us? This short film is very thought provoking. One can interpret it in multiple levels: political, religious, social etc. Politically there is subtle undermine of how it is almost impossible to rebel against the system. The workers of a factory in this film representing the workers of a capitalistic country who are like ants working their lives off in being productive and efficient to satisfy the demand of their consumptive society. These 'aunts' being controlled and pressured by others above them get worn out, ending up neglecting the meaning of life. Consequently, life seems dark, just like the colors of the film.

The religious implication is the sacrifice of the one for the benefit of the whole. In Christianity, Jesus Christ gave up his life to salvage humanity from the darkness of sin. In this short film, the main character gives up himself to salvage humanity from darkness. He opens 'the door' of his abdomen as if it was the gateway to his soul, taking out and giving to humanity the most precious part of his existence; his colorful soul. That is what it takes to make a change in our society.

As about the social implications, they are multiple. One of which is the monotonous routine the average blue-collar worker has in a developed capitalistic country. Waking up in the morning, going to work, doing repetitious work, getting pressured by the boss, going back home to sleep and repeat the same the next day and feel like nobody among the millions others.

In addition, regardless of the social status of each person, every adult is assigned with certain responsibilities and is expected to behave in a certain manner. Adults are not carefree and cannot act freely upon their feelings. Therefore, dreaming becomes a rescue zone. One is truly free in dreams, thus happy. The main character dreams about his childhood, the time he was carefree and happy. Becoming so nostalgic of the colorful times of his past, he turns into a restless and rebellious person, yearning to bring change into his dark world. He is determined to bring color and happiness back to life, regardless of the cost.

The cost of dreams is a notion highlighted by the director. Everyone has dreams. The demanding society we live in however, does not give us a lot of space to act upon them for free. Those who act upon them, have to sacrifice their lives in one way or another, whether that is the psychological, personal, financial, or even the physical aspect of their lives. How many get sick physically or psychologically from stress running after their dreams? How many drown in debt investing in their dreams? How many spend less and less time with their loved ones ending up losing them to get closer to their dreams? No one can make a dream come true without paying a price for it.

The main character ends up giving up his entire existence, body and soul, to bring this change in his world. His body represented as a piece of coal, and his spirit represented by the brightness of the red color coal which brought brightness, color, and happiness back to the world. It is interesting to note how the memories of his carefree, naive, and happy childhood has the same color as the pieces of the coal representing his soul.

The bottom line is that the main character succeeded in bringing change. Color and happiness was brought back to the world. However, the price was more than he expected. It cost him his life. Was it worth it? Probably it was for him. He finally sensed the almost forgotten feeling of happiness outside his dreams. He once again saw color in life - a notion pertained only to childhood before his sacrifice. Not only did he make himself happy, but he also endowed everyone else with happiness. He saved humanity from darkness. The question is what will happen after him? Will the rest of the individuals get inspired by him and follow his steps or are they going to follow the flock already organized for them for a dark, monotonous, meaningless ride on the road of life. It is a personal decision whether one will live to work or work to live. Which of the two one will get more of, is up to the individual!
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Pure Beauty
the dude-325 January 2000
One of the most beautiful and poignant animated shorts I've ever seen, if not the most. Unfortunately, I got to see it only once and didn't get a chance to fully take it in, and there was definitely a lot there to take in. Some beautiful animation and a beautiful story about what happiness really is. Full of symbolism and a look at a future which may not be far off. Shows that happiness doesn't come in a box or any other sort of artificial means. Something which most of the world doesn't and probably never will get.
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rockiwi26 December 2012
This is without doubt one of the best short movies I have ever seen. It is sad, however, than it isn't so well-known.

What makes the movie beautiful? Everything from the plot, idea, to the music. Everything seems to fit like a puzzle. And this is a hard thing to accomplish. Very well made from both technical point of view and from the point of view of the plot and the message it sends.

The most striking aspect is how well we can relate to it.Not only us as individuals, but as a society. His and their story is ours. I must say that I am honestly not a huge fan of animation- but with plots like this it truly helps accomplish its aim and touch the viewer.

This short is for everyone. Everyone. And you'll love it. Watch it and you'll show it to your friends, for sure.
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The Nature of Invention
Polaris_DiB9 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I hesitate to use words to describe or remark on this work since it's visually poetic by nature, but to sort of desensitize the meanings and move it into a narrative reading, this is a film about the yearning of an idea, an idea literally in one's stomach, that seems utterly unreachable... but when one's dream is actualized, is that the end? It seems to be a general trend of the human mind, really, to only have one real idea. The Lost Generation of the 20s and 30s was trying to write THE Great American Novel, not the seven or eight really good American novels. How many directors have made a stunning first feature, a sophomore slump of a second feature, and then made maybe one or two adequate features before calmly fading into obscurity? How many bands out there have made more than two or three albums (not counting rereleases, best ofs, live albums, and remixes)? More than people would like to think.

Is bliss truly bliss if it doesn't feed the fires of creative endeavors? And why must artists be essentially starving artists in order to create? Those questions along with an affecting score keep this short of invention going, but there's more than even that. The animation is mixed between several styles, alternatively colorful and gray, and has great visual accuity. It's seamless, and tragic, and tells a good story without the need for dialog or even for real acting. It's just wonderfully modeled faces of something not quite human, but which is relatable and depressed, the very artist we sometimes dare to see within ourselves.

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Beauty and power in Plasticine
sadrec118 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
More seems to get better and better with each viewing. Maybe it's because I come closer to tears each time. This story is the classic story of someone who finally is able to reach his dreams, but ends up using it as a means to get material gain, and finally, loses his soul. The gray of the drab, industrial world our everyman lives in is brilliantly and hauntingly contrasted by the colors of the "Happy Product", his world's artificial joy Du jour, the colorful, traditionally(yet so unconventionally) animated dream world of his "Bliss" goggles, and the tragically joyful children of his dreams, which drive him mad. The mood is set incredibly by New Order's "Elegia", a beautiful instrumental piece. This piece deserved the Oscar, which the good but just plain odd "Bunny" won instead. I mean, it was nice, but like most early Blue Sky works, the animation is clunky, and... rabbits becoming moths after death... but I digress. This is an incredible piece. Watch it online. Better yet, buy the new 2-disc DVD set, crammed to the bin with gooey clay features.
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Astoundingly glorious.........
watto12429 July 2001
"More" is an absolute masterpiece. This little gem is the best short film ever. The music that plays is beautiful, and the story is similar to that of Terry Gilliam's "Brazil". Mr. Osbourne is a genious at what he does and I can't wait to see what he comes out with next. If you can, try to see "More". It is incredibly detailed, beautifully made, and is elusively attractive.

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"More" is a truly wonderful film that I have yet to fully understand.
collineliot18 December 2003
"More"touched me on several levels.

first, the effort exherted to make such a lifelike clay figure is incredible. His facial expressions and physical movents are beautiful.

Second, the color contrast between the older, troubled figure and the young children is brilliant. The youth exhibit radiant colors that the older figure wishes he still had. This ties in with the Third item that struck me; the incredible story.

Osborne brings to life (through lifeless clay) the common story of elders regretting not taking advantage of their youth. This film shows that adults still have the core of a child, but it's simply not the same.

"More" is a great film that is worth seeing several times.
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Deeply moving
larcher-226 April 2000
Deeply moving, if a trifle derivative. Rarely has so much been packed into 6 minutes of animation. The design, the editing, the story are all powerful and evocative. The detail is amazing--right down to the "newspaper" headlines. So delicately nuanced that it requires several viewings.
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Benzel18 September 1999
I've seen this thing about ten times because a good friend of mine's brother did the character and set designs for it. This film is awesome. It's only about six minutes long, but there is just something about it. When it's over you just sit there staring at the TV. All you can say is,"Whoa." A piece of art.
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MORE featuring New Order
somebodysayhey27 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the best movies i have ever seen. As an artist, i feel no other movie, long or short, so completely hits the nail on the head. The sadness that pushes out the creative juice, then the sadness that follows when the creativity is gone. And the sadness that comes with the realization that you will never be young again. I watched this movie as part of a DVD short film set in the mid 90s, and it should be a testament to the greatness of this show that years later i could not get it out of my head and had to look it up. Plus, using New Order as the soundtrack is just icing on the cake... as they have been my favorite band for many many years. All around, this changed all my opinions about claymation and short movies.
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An idealism for film
the coyote12 June 2000
"More" is quite simply the best short film I have ever seen, and I have seen quite a few. Rarely is any artist, much less any filmmaker, ever able to coordinate all the elements of his or her art as beautifully as Mark Osborne has done. The music is almost minimalistc in its simplicity, yet it carries unbelievable power behind it. The care and precision with which facial expressions are molded makes for better acting than what most Oscar performances deliver. The production and camera work are perfect and the timing is incredible. Few stories are as emotionally impacting as this claymation short. Few stories have such a valid point.

This edges closer to perfection that I would have thought possible for such a film. Osborne is certainly no less than a genius.
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zorba_tur17 December 2005
This is an extremely nice short movie about youth, life and how the people become the way that they actually hate. Our hero finds peace in his childhood memories and tries to recreate those moments today with his own invention. But he ends up in a situation where he is much further away to those moments than ever.. The movie also gives messages about the consumer society and elaborates on the loneliness of people. It is told in a very touching way with excellent music. This is the first time I am giving a 10/10 to a movie and I think it definitely deserves it. You can actually watch it online too. Watch it, you will not regret...
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The endless search for happiness
ackstasis20 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Frequently held as one of the most emotionally-affecting animated short films ever made – and rightly so – Mark Osborne's 'More' is a poignant allegory for Mankind's everlasting search for happiness. The main character is a depressed factory worker living in a grey and dreary metropolis, whose only sanctuary exists within his dreams, as he recalls the bliss of childhood. Wanting to help those around him, our character invents a pair of special glasses, into which he places a few drops of his own inner happiness, spreading bliss and contentment to everybody in the city. He becomes rich and famous for his invention – the world's greatest inventor! – but ultimately finds that it has come at the cost of his own happiness. By sharing it around to everybody, he has diluted the bright light within himself to nothing.

The stop-motion animation in 'More' is exceptional, serving well to give the characters sullen, downcast expressions and producing the bleak, emotionless cityscape in which they live. The film has been released with two background music tracks. The first, from the version that I watched, is "Elegia," from New Order's 1985 album 'Low-Life.' It is a remarkably hypnotic piece of music, complementing the beautiful images and themes wonderfully. The track "Hell Bent" by Kenna was also later used as an alternate background track, though I am yet to see this particular version.

Many modern short films are simply produced to tell a quick story, straightforward and insignificant. Others, like 'More,' attempt so much more than this, and it is truly remarkable that, in just six minutes, Osborne has endeavored to explore the very meaning of life. Whether he has succeeded or not is left entirely to the viewer, but here is certainly a film that leaves you with plenty to think about.
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