The Untold Story 2 (1998) Poster

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Solid CATIII Film - Though Not Nearly On The Same Level As The Original...
EVOL66630 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
For fans of the original UNTOLD STORY hoping for a worthy follow-up to that landmark CATIII sickie - the UNTOLD STORY 2 will more than likely be a disappointment. Those that can judge it on it's own merits as a "stand-alone" film may get more out of it.

The storyline follows Cheung, a geeky and timid restaurant owner whose wife, Kuen, cheats on him. When Kuen's cousin Fung comes to town, things get hairy when Cheung begins an affair with her. Turns out that Fung is a bit of a whackadoo, and decides that she will do anything necessary to keep Cheung all to herself...

Obviously, THE UNTOLD STORY 2 was made simply to cash in on the success and notoriety of the original film - but it definitely can't hold a candle to its predecessor. There's a passable amount of nudity, and some gore, but not nearly as strong or memorable as some of the more notable scenes in the original. That said, this is still a pretty solid CATIII film, which actually surprises me a bit because I was expecting it to REALLY blow. Overall, the performances are solid by all involved, and genre favorite Anthony Wong has a supporting role as a cop who is friends with Cheung and his family, but starts getting suspicious when odd things begin happening around the restaurant. There is some of the humor present that was also noticeable in the original, but it isn't quite as overdone as in the first film, which is a good thing. Definitely recommended to the CATIII enthusiast - but again, just don't expect anything as exceptional as the original...7/10
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Very mediocre and lazily made Cat III offering.
HumanoidOfFlesh17 August 2008
Pauline Suen plays remorseless female psychopath from Mainland who seduces her cousin's wimpy husband. When her almost always horny cousin Kuen objects Suen proceeds to butcher her and use her meat for roast ribs.Totally unnecessary sequel to my beloved "The Untold Story".It's nowhere nearly as powerful and shocking as its sickeningly nasty predecessor.Anthony Wong returns as veteran cop Officer Lazybones who divides his time between arresting illegal chicken sellers and eating at Cheung's roast shop.The film is filled with lots of lame comedy and there is not enough gore and violence for my liking.The dismemberment of Kuen is quite gruesome and there is a bit of delicious sleaze,but I expected more.The film also spawned a second sequel "The Untold Story III" by Herman Yau.5 out of 10.
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Return at the death restaurant
Viva_Chiba6 May 2012
The Untold Story was a shocking and gory movie (plus, it had a memorable performance of Anthony Wong), it was successful enough to make producers invest in more CAT III films.

After 5 years since the original release of The Untold Story, Yiu-Kuen Ng directs this sequel in name only.

When i saw it for the first time, i was disappointed, since it didn't have much gore in comparison of the original (the only gore scene in this movie wouldn't go beyond the R-rating), when i watched it for the second time, i thought that it was a decent CAT III film. Like i said, the gore is toned down, but in The Untold Story II, the sexual content is boosted.

We get to see Anthony Wong, in this movie he plays a cop, i thought that his role was supposed to be nothing more than a glorified cameo, but he has many scenes, and his scenes are pretty fun to watch.

If you are looking for a gorefest, you will be pretty much disappointed, The Untold Story II was made when the trend of CAT III movies was declining, probably, because of the budget, the director didn't had a lot of ideas on how to shock the audience, but i found the movie to be entertaining.
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Nasty love story??!!
pde15 March 2001
Well if you have seen part one, you know a bit what to expect. The acting is good, especially the husband. The cousin is strikingly spooky in her own cute way. If you like naked women and dismemberment, check this one out, you will not be disappointed.
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The Untold Story:Part 2.
morrison-dylan-fan10 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Ordered as imports from Hong Kong on DVD with DR Lamb and The Eight Immortals Restaurant: The Untold Story (1992 and 1993-both also reviewed) this final title is one that I for some reason kept pushing to the back of the pile. Selling the disc recently, I decided it was finally time to tell the story.

View on the film:

Made when not only the CAT III era had fizzled out but the Hong Kong film industry was declining as the industry in the Mainland started to grow, director Yiu-Kuen Ng & cinematographer Chiu-Lam Ko serve up a dish flavoured with the peak of the style, from the opening shot of a woman in the midsts of passion,lit with a sleazy atmosphere.

Plating up wacky Comedy antics from fast-zooms and brash colours over customers arguing with each other in the restaurant,Yiu-Kuen turns the heat up with tasty close-ups of customers unknowingly eating human ribs, diced to a kinky atmosphere of CAT III exposed skin,and jump-cuts to the head of the latest victim sitting in the fridge.

Invited by Kuen and her husband Cheung (a dead-pan,worn-down Emotion Cheung) to help at the restaurant,the screenplay by Kam-Fai Law brings Fung (played by a devilishly seductive Paulyn Sun) to disrupt the marriage and the slick Comedy exchanges,with a great CAT III raunchiness wrapping Cheung round her little finger, whilst Law gives Fung a macabre glee in cooking up a untold story.
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On par with the first
Leofwine_draca15 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
THE UNTOLD STORY 2 is an unconnected sequel to the notorious Category III thriller. Anthony Wong returns but it's a new case and this time around he's playing the jovial hero of the piece, a cop full of the quirky mannerisms that Wong always brings to his roles. The setting is once again a butcher's/restaurant, where a female newcomer's presence spells havoc for the lives of the maladjusted characters living there.

I enjoyed the gender twist here and the general format of the movie, which feels very much like it belongs to the psycho-thriller genre popular in Hollywood in the early 1990s. The action is kept small scale, but the events depicted are unsurprisingly graphic, with the emphasis on explicit sex scenes this time around. There are still some grisly moments but the film lacks the grotesque edge of its predecessor, although quality-wise I found it on par with the first.
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Single Yellow Turkey
movieman_kev28 December 2006
Anthony Wong stars in both this and the original (far superior) Untold Story, but the similarities stop there. Wong doesn't reprise his role obviously, and instead plays a bumbling policeman who gets involved with a rather suspicious female, Fung (1994's Miss Singapore, Paulyn Sun) who's a repressed nut-job, sure. But her tame jealous "wanna be with a guy who's with a girl" killer is no where near as compelling as what Wong played in the first one. The movie itself seems tired and by the numbers. Yeung Fan as the physcho's love interest's unfaithful girl tries to keep one from total boredom by stripping down whenever possible, and Sun does have a nice ass, but even that can't save this dud.

My Grade: D

Mei Ah DVD Extras: Sub-titled interviews with Cheung Kam Ching & Paulyn Sun; Anthony Wong filmography; a very brief synopsis; Theatrical trailer for the film; & trailers for "Chinese Erotic Ghost Story" and "Twenty Something"
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Starts out normal, and Unexpected things starts to happen
ebiros229 January 2013
The story of a barbecue restaurant where the customers ends up eating human flesh. This is too simple of a description of this movie. It's done by the sexy beautiful wife of the restaurant owner, to few equally sexy friend of hers. Anthony Wong - a Hong Kong police officer finds himself in the middle of the crime, not suspecting what's really going on.

A psychotic wife of the barbecue restaurant owner goes out to revenge anyone who's belittled her - even to a point of killing them. Then she takes pleasure in watching the customers at her restaurant enjoying the flesh of the victims she's murdered.

It's a bit of a gore, but not that bad. The main focus seems to be the sexploitation of the victims, and the beautiful, and sexually charged wife of the restaurant owner. It's an intriguing story, and worth watching.

The movie is done beautifully, and is of high quality. All the actors really plays the part well. The story starts out quite normally, but takes a radical turn as events starts to unfold.

Honestly, maybe some of the victims deserved to be killed the way they did, for they were kind of poison to the society themselves. The advise is to stay away from people like them, so you don't have to go to this extreme.

A movie about situations that we all feel what this wife felt at few points in our lives, and serves as the release to the feelings that we have about them. Very Good.
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A weak Cat III sequel.
BA_Harrison5 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Anthony Wong, the star of classic Cat III shocker The Untold Story, returns for this sequel, only this time he's on the right side of the law as police detective Lazyboots, whose intuition tells him that there is something afoot at his local barbecue eatery. He's not wrong...

Meek restaurant owner Cheung (Emotion Cheung) turns a blind eye to the behaviour of his unfaithful wife Kuen (Fan Yeung), who he is no longer able to satisfy in bed. But when Kuen's attractive cousin Fung (Paulyn Sun) comes to visit, his libido returns and he begins an affair with the woman. Fung, however, is deranged and wants Cheung all to herself, so she takes a knife and stabs Kuen, much to Cheung's horror. Then, to dispose of the body, she cuts it into pieces and convinces Cheung to roast it and sell it in his shop. When Cheung eventually cracks, wanting to go to the police, Fung nails his hands to the bed.

Lazyboots' investigation ultimately leads to him being attacked by Fung, first shot with his own gun (which he absent-mindedly left in the restaurant), then scalded on the arm with boiling water, and finally threatened with an electric carving knife. Eventually, he gets the upper hand and puts several bullets in the crazy bitch!

Those expecting a harrowing experience like the first film will be sorely disappointed: The Untold Story 2 is nowhere near as gruelling or as graphic as the original movie, with only the dismemberment of Kuen's body delivering any gore (we see a couple of severed body parts hit the floor as Fung gets busy with her knife). For the most part this is fairly forgettable stuff, occasionally enlivened by some sex and nudity, Kuen playing with herself at night before trying to mount her disinterested hubby, and Fung washing herself in the shower.

As a sequel to one of the most notorious Cat III movies, it can only be deemed a disappointment.
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Ineptitude And Murder
DavyDissonance11 August 2020
Some simpy pansy and his stupid horty torty wife who hate each other invite a cousin to stay over to only find out she's nuttier than a fruitcake and on the rag. The Untold Story 2 is an unofficial sequel to the vastly superior Eight Immortals Restaurant. The story and conception borrows very little from the first, instead is much more in tone with the movie Misery. It also reminds me a little of Miike's Audition. Also, for those readying to spread eagle and crank one over some bloody goodness like the r·tards that you are, tough ass. The gore and violence is much more timid. But, it is still a good movie with great acting performances of Anthony Wong and Paulyn Sun and I liked the story fairly well. Just not as gripping as the original. Actually, if I were you, I probably would avoid trying to compare this to the original and just see it as a movie of its own. Don't be a dingus like me. Ugh!
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Good one to watch for Valentine's Day
witchsbrew8226 February 2024
If you're into sexy movies about human pork bun this is an awesome movie. Anthony Wong playing against type was the highlight for me. I have the Vinegar Syndrome restoration and I must say I wish they'd get their hands on the first one too, the colour grading and sound is unreal and amazing.

Depending on how well versed you are in Category III flicks this will either be too trashy or not trashy enough for you. For me I'd compare this to Erotic Nightmare - really sleazy but hypnotically enticing.

It's a sin they don't make movies like this anymore. The lens is so nihilistic, the events obscene and the playful tone makes the thrills and horror all that much more intense. Don't miss it!
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A Good Porking - OK Cat III Film
ninjaalexs24 June 2022
The original Untold Story is an absolute blast. Anthony Wong plays an absolute mad man and marries scenes of disgusting violence with dramatic tension. The Untold Story 2 is much more restrained.

Nice guy, Emotion Cheung (Chung) and his cheating, gold digging wife, Yeung Fan (Kuen) are unhappily married. Cousin, Alien Sun (Fung) is the seemingly sweet or even dim witted mainland girl who turns out to be an absolute psycho. She is jealous of their relationship and seduces wimpy Chung and puts up photographs of Chung and her in wedding clothes to make Kuen jealous. What follows is her getting chopped up and served as BBQ pork to the local cops.

Anthony Wong returns this time in a cameo role as Officer Lazyboots. As the name suggests he's a lazy, naive cop and compared to the absolute insanity he brought to the first film, he is wasted in this role. Alien Sun also really hams it up and gurns into the camera at every opportunity. This makes the performance not really believable, it made me wonder how much better the film would be with Chingmy Yau in the lead.

The scenes of violence are bloody and over the top. There's also a few graphic sex scenes, but not enough to satisfy the most hardcore Cat III fans bearing in mind the brutal Ebola Syndrome came out the same year.

It's fun, but loses steam near the end. The end face off fails at being as exciting as it should be. That said the plot is different enough from the first film and there's some hilarious campy moments, but this is a starter not a banquet.
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Loved It.
illogik3 October 2003
As a diehard Anthony Wong fanboy i knew id love this. Wong plays officer lazyboots, a bumbling cop who always seems to lose his gun (a staple of the asian "bumbling cop" for more proof see ichi the killer) He however has a keen sence on intuition and when his best mates wifes cousin comes to town things start to go haywire.

A few cool sex scenes, limited but pleasurable amount of gore but overall sence of fun makes this a great little flick id recommend to genre fans all over.
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Mixed bag sequel
dworldeater26 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Untold Story 2 is a sequel only in name and a cheap cash in of the popularity of the original film. The Eight Immortals Restaurant is the setting and Anthony Wong returns (this time as a cop , Officer Lazybones). For those familiar with Category 3 movies, it fits the bill with enough sleazy content and amoral tone. This time around a mainlander comes to visit her cousin and seduced her husband and killed her wife in the process, getting rid of the evidence with BBQ pork buns, oh yummy. While this can not come anywhere near matching The Untold Story, it's far from all bad and does have some black comedy and some good gore. Anthony Wong makes the most of his role as dufus cop.
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Hot women...
plaznihqyllnikaaf19 October 2001
First of all, this movie is not as extreme as it would like us to think! The actual gore is very limited, but that does not make this movie bad at all. I kept thinking about Audition during the last half of the movie, because of the psycho women in both movies and the torture of their lovers. The acting is fair and the direction ok.
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Humour, suspense and good acting
Standard-Deluxe13 December 2001
Warning: Spoilers
(This applies to the VCD version) *POSSIBLE SPOILERS*

I haven't seen the original Bunman yet, so I can't compare it against that, but I feel that this film stand up very well on it's own. It would be hard to give the plot away, but needless to say it involves the standard lunatic woman exacting demented 'revenge' upon poor unfortunates.

The acting is perfect for this style of film, with Cheung Kam Ching giving a fine portrayal as a sensitive fella who just can't keep his lady friends under control. As things go bad, which is a good 25 minutes into the film, you want to slap him as much as you feel sorry for him.

The humour stays with the film consistently - even in the last few confrontation scenes "Officer Lazyboots" (according to the subtitles) manages to deliver the kind of lines that can raise a chuckle, and flesh out the characters, if you'll excuse the pun. Actually, it could be that a lot of the humour comes from the translation - the subtitles are written in perfect broken English, with words often seeming both inappropriate and perfect at the same time.

To conclude - this film is fairly gentle and warm-hearted throughout, offering no surprises, but a good deal of tension, sex, eating, and comedy. With dismemberment and cannibalism for added taste. Recommended!
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