Passion of Mind (2000) Poster

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Standard Demi Fare
sddavis6312 November 2002
Demi Moore is a very beautiful woman, and once again she proves that beauty alone cannot carry a movie. I've seen many of her movies, and only one of them really stands out to me as one that's worth watching more than once, and that's "A Few Good Men" - but it's worth watching for Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson. Demi is basically window-dressing there.

"Passion of Mind" is typical Demi stuff. She has a troubled life as Marie/Marty - troubled because she isn't sure which one she really is; one life is a dream, the other reality. As Marie, she's a mother of two in France, as Marty she's a high powered literary agent in New York. Then in both lives she falls in love: in France with William (Stellan Skarsgård) and in New York with Aaron (William Fichtner.) The movie at times is confusing as she shifts from one life to another (which is all right, because it surely points to the confusion she has herself in trying to sort out reality from fantasy) and although there are hints from the very beginning as to which life is real (I took a guess that turned out to be right almost right away, but it was a guess) it does remain a mystery until the end. The last fifteen minutes or so of the movie add the needed emotional heart-wrencher as she says good-bye to those in her fantasy world and prepares for life in reality.

All fine. The primary problem with the movie is that Demi is living out two lives, neither one of which - quite honestly - are all that interesting, and which, as a result, don't make for particularly interesting viewing. In the end, this is a pretty standard Demi Moore movie. She doesn't offer a particularly energetic performance, but she's OK, and the movie isn't particularly good, but it isn't awful either.

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A double life in your mind
esteban17479 December 2002
An interesting argument in a very slow film, which seems to be more French than an American made one. You must see carefully the first scenes to follow the proposed plot. If you do not that you will be certainly lost by mid of the film. Even though you will be in doubt regarding the real personality of Marie/Martha Marie 'Marty' Talmadge (Demi Moore). Whom she really loved? it was a mystery.
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A romantic "psycho-love story" that could have gone much further.
DOMINO-55 February 2000
Slightly bland love story with psychopatological elements where a woman lives two different lives in different countries (France and New York,US) but is unable to distinguish which one is real and which is just a dream. The movie has high production values but could have gone much further on its premise. An ultra romantic soundtrack doesn't help either.
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Novel premise, well-done, kept us trying to figure it out until the very end.
TxMike1 March 2002
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILERS - This is a Demi Moore film with a fine supporting cast. Her dilema is this, she has two very real existences, one in New York as a high-powered professional, the other in France as a widow with two children. However, one of them is a dream and she doesn't know which. Neither do we. When she sleeps in one existence, she is awake in the other. In both she has a psychiatrist who assures her the "other" existence is a dream, and in each she has a new beau who is falling in love with her.

In the end we find that the French existence is really a dream, taking her back to her childhood there. She had never reconciled the premature death of her mother, and in her dream she became the mother, the two children were her at different ages.

A fine, entertaining, thought-provoking film. Most of the critics, like Ebert, got this one wrong. It is better than they said it was, probably because they decided early into the film that it wasn't good.
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humdrum pseudo-psycho-analytic hoohah
aromatic-24 January 2001
This movie defines the word "confused". All the actors stay true to the script. More's the pity, because the acting is fine, but the script is a confused pastiche of pseudo-psycho-analytic random ideas. The pacing is mind-numbingly slow, and the soft-focus-lens cinematography gets on the nerves quickly. I give it 4 out of 10.
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The Double Life of Demi
moonspinner5515 August 2001
Surprisingly absorbing film that requires your patience (to let it unfold) and your attention (to capture all the nuances, and they are there). Demi Moore (looking angular and pale like Courteney Cox-Arquette, yet more flexible) is very fine as a woman living parallel lives, one of which is a dream-world. She's a widowed book reviewer in France with two kids and also a literary businesswoman in New York City. Complicating matters are two separate lovers (and shrinks!) who all say that the OTHER life she's having is a dream. Plot is laid out in elementary terms (with some nice surreal edges there at the finale) and I found it a pleasant, intriguing bit of fantasy, quite romantic in its melodrama. And for the poster who hated this on both plane flights he saw it on, heads up: most films look bad on planes. *** from ****
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Torturous Plane Ride
psikotyk27 September 2000
I had the misfortune to catch this on a flight recently. I had the bigger misfortune of having it played on my RETURN flight as well. Obviously Demi's attempt to get some "arty" cred, the movie is a shambles because of her lousy acting ability. A better actress might have made this work, but a simple look at the face of Moore shows the emptiness within. At least she's not ruining American literature this time out.
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Misguided presentation of an interesting psychodrama
FlickJunkie-229 September 2000
How much one enjoys this film depends greatly on how much of Demi Moore you can stand. If you like long drawn out schmaltzy romances with Demi as the romantic heroine, you will love this film times two. Otherwise, hide any weapons lest you begin attacking your screen.

This film was toasted by the critics, but I didn't think it was that bad. In fact, I liked it. I guess I fall more into the first (sucker for schmaltz) category. The story was criticized as being a contrived version of `Me, Myself and I', where a woman is torn over the choice between life as a professional and the family shtick. That criticism really misses the point. This is a story about a woman's psychological attempt to deal with her traumatic past and has nothing whatever to do with lifestyle choices.

I found this to be an intelligent and complex character study of a woman who seems to be two people living two lives, but really isn't. If that seems cryptic, see the film and it might become clearer. When she goes to sleep from her life with her children in France, she wakes up to her high-powered career in New York and vice versa. She can't determine which is real and which is a fantasy. She has a lover in each life and both seem very real to her. As the story unfolds, she and we try to figure out which is her real life and which is the dream.

The trouble with the presentation is that its real intrigue lies with the psychodrama. Unfortunately, neophyte director Alain Berliner pushed that element to the background and cranked up the schmaltz machine, centering the story on the romances instead. That wouldn't have been so bad if they weren't so interminable. Scene after scene retraced the same romantic theme, until it became frayed.

Other than the misplaced emphasis, the film was well crafted. There were subtle hints throughout about which was the real life, but they were far from obvious tip-offs. However, when we finally discover the truth, it takes forever to wrap up the loose ends. To Berliner's credit, the locations were breathtaking, in both France and New York. It is easy to find beauty in the French countryside, but these were some of the most wonderful film perspectives I have ever seen of New York's skyline and street vistas.

After enjoying a few years as one of the highest paid entertainers on the planet, Demi Moore disappeared for three years. This was probably not the best vehicle for her return. Her performance was strongly emotional but one-dimensional, failing to differentiate the characters sufficiently. She played the high-powered NYC girl to be just as wimpy as the insecure girl in France. To be fair however, she created two very appealing and vulnerable romantic characters and deserved better notices than she received.

William Fichtner was not the greatest choice for her NY love interest. Fichtner is better at abrasive antagonist roles and his attempts at sensitivity came across as far too pathetic. Stellan Skarsgard was much better and made a dashing and attractive romantic figure.

This was a good story that took a sentimental detour under the guidance of an inexperienced director. Still, it was engrossing and even touching at times. I rated it a 7/10. Add a point if you like sentimental pieces and subtract at least two if you aren't a Demi Moore fan.
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Character Study of an Unfulfilled Woman
Carrie9021024 March 2004
Before I speak my piece, I would like to make a few things clear: 1)I am a chick who's not into chick flicks ("Kate&Leopold" and "Someone Like You" are EXTREME exceptions- Hugh Jackman's ass). 2)I only picked this one up because I am a Fichtner fangirl who looked forward to see him in a bathtub. 3)I am not a Demi fan, though I think her performances in "Immortal" and "A Few Good Men" were sublime and have earned places in my vid library- also I think she's a little crazy (no way is she NOT still sleeping w/Brucie).

If this is a character study of an unfulfilled woman living dual lives of independence and happiness, then I'd say we have one narcoleptic melodrama. Marty: Literary agent. Makes 6-figure salary. Lives in an upscale Manhattan penthouse. Easy for her to read several hundred manuscripts and fall asleep at her desk for some highly suggested nocturnal escapism. Or perhaps stepping through an interdiemsional portal? She has the career, the looks, a cool car, a great pad, now where are the man and kids? In steps our boy Aaron- some real escapism. What are architects? They're artists who can do math, dreamers that make real money. Aaron gives Marty the dream of security and fills a void where she, obviously has no self confidence.

On the other side of the coin, there's Marie, still living out her schoolgirl fantasies while she muddles through motherhood. Her children are her career and life. But what about Marie, does she only exist through her children? In waltzes William, a Parisian stranger who helps her focus on the one thing she has lost touch with: herself.

A supposed journey of self-discovery and late a coming of age thrown in some with angst and some resentment to Marty/Marie's own mother. This gets a 3/10. All I could say is thank God for the BPL multimedia division, I wouldn't waste my $2.99 at Blockbuster on this, put it toward a Harlequin Blaze title.
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Sincere and gentle but painfully muddled
rollo_tomaso21 September 2000
Enough talent and sincerity went into making this film that I wish it turned out better. Everyone is clearly doing their best to be true to an intriguing premise, but it's too deep a vision, too involved attempt at disentangling mental delusion to survive a transition to the screen. It is an attempt to capture the dimensionality of gossamer patterns on celluloid -- the result is muddled and slow. I give it a 10 for effort, but a 5 overall.
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For those you like to remember
berghella28 May 2005
For those of us who like to remember loved ones, who believe movies can and must be more than just a laid back entertaining experience, but a voyage through our own feelings, imagination and the past images, people and moments gone by that make us who we are today, I would recommend this apparent portray of a woman's insanity between two lives that are, in reality, directly linked to explain who she really is. Yes the movie is sometimes difficult to follow for rational minds, but the final moments bring it all together. You may not like it from a rational standpoint, but from an emotional one, if you have found in a stituation someday where you've had to relive, accept and say goodbye to your past in order to really appreciate your present, then emotionally, you will understand and appreciate it. Demi Moore delivers a subtle and wonderful performance. I miss her. I wish someone would tell her (or Hollywood) that an actress should not be judged on the regularity of big movies she cashes in for them but on the quality of the movies and messages her projects deliver. Thanks for making me remember my mom again ;)
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Original and interesting with a great ending.
LT-105 July 2001
The film gives us some pretty neat ideas to think about, where does reality end? The first movie I've seen on the subject and it was worth it.

Some people will call Passion of Mind slow, but really their suffering from being over Hollywood-ised and don't realize the have a very small attention span. The term "thriller" is too harsh for this movie in my opinion. The movie isn't action filled, but it doesn't need to be. The story is enough to keep the audience interested or at least the only audience that will truly appreciate it. Even though this movie didn't get much attention, this was a smart movie for Demi Moore. It shows she isn't a Hollywood vehicle that will just take anything, this is a cleverly crafted story. I respect her greatly for doing this movie. Also, the rest of the cast is great. The France scenes have been shot beautifully, really good work here. Also, the film ends greatly. The perfect ending for this movie, I was worried as I watched the movie that maybe the ending would be too simple, but it worked out fine. See it.
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If you don't mind it being abstruse or contrived...
ruby_fff29 May 2000
NFE (Not for everyone). It could be rather esoteric. It would have been easier to swallow if the film were in French. The fact that it's in English does not negate the need to decipher the central character's motivation. It boils down to getting into her mind and what she's thinking and going through. Perhaps it'd help if you just take it all in stride and do the chewing over of the details/plot twists at the credits roll post partem. If you like seeing Demi Moore in a double role, Stellan Skarsgard in a romantic role, and William Fichtner in a more substantial role opposite a leading lady, and you long for provincial and natural sceneries of France, and love New York City's Central Park, then give PASSION OF MIND a chance.

If seeing double role is what you're after, the Australian offering by writer-director Philippa Karmel "ME MYSELF I" with Rachel Griffiths is a more fun and down to earth depiction of the struggles of a young woman who turned thirty, having an identity crisis and wishing/dreaming she were with the man she had a crush on back in college days. Hence forth the rest of the movie/story showing us the other aspect of what Rachel Griffiths character's other life could have been. Deeper meaning of life revealed and renewal of a positive approach in living began as she ends her vacillating doubting identity crisis. Rachel Griffiths shines beyond "Hilary & Jackie".
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*** Truly original drama
Bil-322 May 2001
Demi Moore is excellent in this intelligent drama about a widow living with her children in France who keeps going to sleep and waking up as a single career woman in New York. The double life is so effectively convincing that she can't tell which of the lives is real and which is the dream. On top of this, she has romantic interests in both lives, a controlling and passionate writer in France (Stellan Skarsgard), and a giving and kind man in New York (William Fichtner, his best performance yet). Moore's fascinating screen presence keeps this movie going even when it sags terribly in the middle, and Ronald Bass' script makes such a compelling argument for both of her lives that it's very difficult to guess for yourself what the outcome will be. The film's conclusion is so well played out and rewarding that it renders any previous flaws completely void. Also features a rich performance by Sinead Cusack.
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Takes All the Magic and Romance Out of Magic Realism Romance
noralee8 November 2005
I went to see "Passion of Mind" because I usually get a kick out of the genre of alternate reality romances, i.e. "Sliding Doors," "Me, Myself, I," etc.

But this was the worst one I've ever seen! I had to force myself to sit through it. I didn't even stay through the credits which is unheard of for me.

The magical realism was completely missing because Demi Moore was grim and the lovers she was two-timing were guys who usually play villains, though each was kind of sexy and appealing.

There was actually a psychological explanation provided for the dual lives, with a distasteful frisson of The Elektra Complex; maybe the magic shouldn't be explained for this genre to work.

(originally written 5/28/2000)
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Demi and Demi
Go_Skins23 March 2005
Rented this one the other night. It wasn't that bad. Starring Demi Moore as a woman who leads a double life. She is in one life in N.Y. as a writer with little to no romance and no kids. She then dreams of another life in Paris with a romantic background, kids, nice landscape, etc. That would be the life that I'd like to have! She has a psychologist in both lives and the both tell her that the other people aren't real and that's she dreaming it all up! Demi is definitely in a good role here as she tries to lead that double life wherever that may be. I would suggest if you like a movie with double roles, then don't miss this one!
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gridoon8 June 2004
Although the premise is far from original (like someone else already said, it had been used only two years earlier by Raoul Ruiz in a film called "Shattered Image"), it is certainly interesting. It's the kind of premise that makes you want to see a movie, and that keeps you watching it all the way to the end. The film itself is dull, however. The filmmakers have chosen to de-emphasize the mystery/fantasy aspects of the story, and to emphasize the romantic aspect. But for all the time that is devoted to them, both romances that Demi gets involved in are pretty hollow, and visually the film is much less inventive than "Shattered Image". Eventually the truth is revealed, but even that is done in a most anti-climactic manner. (**)
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A good idea put into a boring love flick, or the opposite?
gloawyn4 June 2006
Martha - or Marty - is bound between two worlds, one of which is made of dreams, but she has yet to find out where she really belongs to. What first looks like a boring two-sided love story slowly reveals itself as a shallow but poetic reflection on the particularities of an unusual life and the difficulties embodied in it for both the heroin and its siblings. Difficulties which put her on a journey of questions and facts with the ultimate goal to put and end to it all. Subtile jokes here and there, nothing wrong but nothing deep about this movie, hints too big to be missed only to leave you with little satisfaction of being right when time comes and not worth much discussing with friends after it. Something to watch (and at least not too boring) with your mother, a thing made easier with Demi Moore appearance; A good romance for those mothers to watch with their good sons.
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Not the comeback Demi or Demi fans were hoping for
school13 July 2000
The movie suffers from one major flaw: it takes too long to get anywhere. By the time the "surprise" ending arrives, you can't actually really care anymore what's what and who's who. Not a bad idea for a movie, just executed in a very average way. Demi Moore is not that bad either, but it's definitely not going to win her any new fans. Stars of the movie: the two girls playing her daughters.
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Low key, touching film
Passion Of Mind is a little seen fantasy romance tale that stars Demi Moore as a woman named Marie, essentially living double lives in a way. She lives and works in New York, and is as ordinary as any other woman in the world, but when she goes to sleep she wakes up to another life in the French countryside, with another job and children who aren't in New York. She lives a day in the French life, goes to sleep, wakes up back in the New York life and lives for another day before going to sleep and back again. And so it goes. Is one life a dream? Or both? Is she imagining things, or stuck in some rift? To complicate things, as always happens in film, there are two men, one for each life. Aaron (William Fichtner) is a kind, caring businessman in the New York life who she begins a relationship with. In France she meets compassionate, romantic William (Stellen Skarsgard) who she also begins to fall for. Quite the predicament, no? If the premise sounds familiar to you, here's why: there was a short lived NBC drama called Awake which ran for one season, starred Jason Isaacs and had the exact same setup. Now while the show obviously borrowed it's central plot line from this film, it's no big deal because it's such a great idea it deserves more than just one shot. The film is quiet, pleasant and sweet, never really taking steps to explain it's concept but simply letting it's characters live within it in perplexed, whimsical harmony. Moore has an inherent sweetness to her and she's wonderful here. One might think a protagonist who is put through a scenario would be confused, stressed out and damaged. Moore plays it her own way, as she always had. Her character is enchanted by her situation, if a little wary. Skarsgard and Fichtner are left field choices for romantic leads, as both are kind of considered character actors with stark, specific looks. Both play it straight here and their casting helps the film loads. Marie has two separate therapists, each from one of the lives (an element which the NBC show used as well), played by Joss Ackland and Peter Riegart. It's not to serious, not too fluffy, just the right kind of low key romance with an imaginative streak and a high concept that fits neatly into the story.
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Maybe it wasn't a movie. Maybe I just had a bad dream
rps-26 December 2002
The year still has three weeks to go but unless a really horrendous turkey shows up before then, Passion Of the Mind may be the winner of my lousiest movie of the year contest. An interesting idea badly executed. And, for that matter, badly acted. Demi Moore is very good at curling her lip and smoking cigarettes, but is that all she does? And why so many cigarettes. Did Ligitt and Myers or one of the other bad boys of nicotine have some of their illicit profits invested in this production. It's confusing, silly and moves at the frantic past of a arthritic earthworm. I gave it a 3. Should have been a 2!
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This is one of my top 10 movies of all time
mothraegg18 February 2007
What a wonderful surprise! I think I saw this movie at a point in my life where it was actually "therapy" for me. For any woman who has lost their mother and is having a hard time functioning in the world, this movie can be a real heart warmer and eye opener. I can honestly say that I was never a huge Demi Moore fan until this movie. So for anyone who is a Demi Moore fan, it would be ashame to miss it. It is amazing how many people who love her have never even heard of it. I have never seen a movie quite like this one. My friend enjoyed it but she thought it was a bit slow. To me that was part of the charm. I found it calming and tranquil. Watch it on a day when you are a bit depressed or have a couple hours to yourself. It had a huge impact on me.
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Preposterous, contrived, fantastic.
=G=20 September 2000
"Passion of Mind" pivots around the Moore character like teeter-totter: One woman, two personas, two love affairs. Those expecting "Three Faces of Eve" realism will likely regard this film as a preposterous, flawed, and silly fabrication. After all, Demi's dilemma could be resolved with one phone call. Those who can pigeonhole this flick in the fantasy category, however, may enjoy the idyllic double lives, the unreal repartee, and other obvious contrivances.
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What a great surprise ! And i didn´t even knew this movie existed !
Alcaminhante20 March 2002
I never knew this film even existed untill about a week ago. I saw it on sale at a supermarket and i was intrigued by the synopsis of the story at the back cover. I love this type of stories about paralel universes but i was not sure that a story like this could work properly as a serious romantic drama. Particulary one made-in-Hollywood. Basicaly i feared that this was another comercial sugar coated Jennifer Lopez-Julia Roberts comercial movie. I was wrong. I rented this movie totaly convinced that it was going to be bad, but, after the movie ended, i went back to the supermarket and i bought a copy for myself ! PASSION OF MIND was a real surprise to me. I´ve been reading plenty of bad reviews about it after i´ve seen it, and i can´t disagree more with them. I guess most people don´t realy get it´s idea and so rather than thinking about it, they decided the movie sucks. Possibly because it doesn´t follow that usual love-story comercial crap that make Hollywood´s so called romantic movies, most people don´t like it, because this PASSION OF MIND is a movie where you have to think along and you don´t have everything totaly explained all the time. But above all it´s an original movie, and a very good diferent aproach to a romantic story without making it look plastic.

What stroke me first was the incredible cinematography. I never before seen New York filmed in such a beautiful way. The exterior locations looked trully beautiful and it´s a real viewing pleasure just to see a good story set against such beautiful images in the background. As for the plot, i think it´s a brilliant concept and a very inteligent way of telling a romantic story. Ok it might not be the most original one if you read a lot of sci-fi novels, but in this case it was extremely well presented, with never a dull moment despite the slow pace the story moves along. A great for story for people who like "sci-fi" themes and for people who don´t. Great script, good dialogue, good ending and it keeps its mistery right up untill the end ,without giving much away through out the whole film, making us stay glued to the tv set untill the movie finaly ends. (The region 2 dvd, has an incredible image and a fantastic 5.1 sound mix wich fills the room with a perfect 3d atmosphere)

If you like stories about paralel realities, and you like this sort of existencial themes and hipotesis, you´re going to love this movie. As someone said in a review back here somewhere, this is a real good quantum mechanics movie, wich depicts very well some of the concepts present in those theories without complicating things for the viewer. Above all it makes us think and wonder. It´s a great movie to initiate a discussion about the theme afterwards and a very inteligent and beautiful romantic story. Pretty impressive actualy. As i said, a real good surprise. If you like originality, watch this. If you only like guns, explosions and special effects, stay away because you won´t get it. PASSION OF MIND is trully an execelent surprise.
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