Muppets from Space (1999) Poster

Dave Goelz: Gonzo, Bunsen Honeydew, Waldorf, The Birdman



  • Miss Piggy : Gotta run. Bye, Kermie. Kissie, kissie. Ha-ha.


    Statler : Is breakfast over?

    Waldorf : No, why?

    Statler : 'Cause I think the bacon just ran out.

    [they laugh] 

  • Gonzo : I had that weird dream again.

    Rizzo the Rat : You mean the one with the goat and the dwarf and the jar of peanut butter?

  • Ed Singer : Forgive me my Earthly manners, but, uh, do you have any idea what it's like to be laughed at?

    Gonzo : Yeah, sure I do.

    Ed Singer : To be called names, like 'wacko.'

    Gonzo : Uh-huh.

    Ed Singer : And 'freak-boy.'

    Gonzo : Oh, yeah.

    Ed Singer : And 'paranoid delusional psychopath'?

    Gonzo : Got me there.

  • [Gonzo appears on live TV] 

    Clifford : Hey, you better get down there, Kerm.

    Kermit : Relax. No one is going anywhere, okay?

    Gonzo : [on TV]  You see, I was contacted through my breakfast cereal, and then it was confirmed to me by the Cosmic Fish that I am definitely from outer space.

    Rizzo : So you want to go now, or wait for the commercial?

    Kermit : Now.

  • Ed Singer : They are coming to Earth, aren't they?

    Gonzo : I don't know.

    Ed Singer : How many of them are there?

    Gonzo : I don't know.

    Ed Singer : When will they be here? And don't you *dare* tell me that you don't know.

    Gonzo : I know not?

  • Gonzo : Rizzo, come here, my Cap'n Alphabet is sending me a message: R U There.

    Rizzo : Are you sure it didn't say "you need help"?

  • Gonzo : Hey, Rizzo, come here! I think my Kap'n Alphabet is sending me a message.

    Rizzo the Rat : Yeah, I know what you mean. I had some guacamole last night, and it's still speaking to me.

  • Gonzo : Remember, I built this new Jacuzzi for my alien family, so please, no eating in the spa.

  • Gonzo : Well, it's just that I'm sick and tired of being a one-of-a-kind freak, that's all.

    Kermit : Gonzo, you are not a one-of-a-kind freak. You're a, uh... uh...

    Gonzo : A whatever?

    Kermit : Well... yeah.

  • Gonzo : Rizzo?

    Rizzo : Gonzo?

    Miss Piggy : Kermy?

    Kermit : Piggy?

    TV Producer : What is going on here?

  • Statler : I wonder if there really is life on other planets?

    Waldorf : What do you care? You don't have a life on this planet.

    [they laugh] 

  • Gonzo : Now we can go meet my alien brothers at Cape Doom.

    Kermit : Uh, what makes you think that aliens are landing there, Gonzo?

    Gonzo : Oh, a sandwich told me.

  • Kermit : You know what you are, Gonzo?

    Gonzo : What?

    Kermit : Distinct.

    Gonzo : [looks at everybody else's photos with their families]  Distinct huh? More like extinct.

  • Noah : What are you, anyway?

    Gonzo : Oh, uh, good question. Now technically speaking, uhh, let's say, put me down as a... 'Whatever'?

  • Gonzo : I'm an alien!

    Rizzo : What, have you been tap-dancing on the barbecue again?

  • Gonzo : Come on, fellas. Take me to my leader.

  • Ed Singer : I'm afraid we're going to have to perform an invasive quadrilobal brain probe on you and pluck it from your head.

    Gonzo : The information?

    Ed Singer : No, your brain.

  • Gonzo : Kermit, you're the best friend any alien could ask for.

  • Gonzo : What a great day.

    Kermit : Mm-hmm.

    Gonzo : That was probably the best day of my whole life. There's just one thing I still don't understand.

    Kermit : What's that, Gonzo?

    Gonzo : Why did they ask me to build a jacuzzi?

    Rizzo , Pepe : [snickering] 

  • Gonzo : [Gonzo wakes up from a bad dream and sits upright, accidentally sending a hammock-sleeping Rizzo flying out the window]  I don't wanna be alone!

    Rizzo the Rat : You're not alone.

    Gonzo : Who said that?

    Rizzo the Rat : Gee, I don't know. Maybe it's the rat who's hanging out of the window!

  • Gonzo : [as Rizzo is hanging out the window]  Rizzo?

    Rizzo the Rat : No, it's Santa. But I forgot my reindeer.

  • Agent Barker : We feel your pain, Gonzo.

    Gonzo : They feel my pain!

    Rizzo : I've got a paper-cut that's a doozy. You feel my pain, too?

  • Dr. Phil Van Neuter : Feeling a little nervous, are we?

    Gonzo : Of *course* I'm nervous.

    Dr. Van Neuter : Well, don't worry. Everyone is before having their brains sucked out.

  • Ubergonzo : Gonzo, by surviving and thriving on this alien planet, you have proven yourself audacious, courageous, and distinctly one-of-a-kind. We welcome you back with our most ceremonious of ceremonies.

    Gonzo : What's that?

    Ubergonzo : We gonna blow you up, baby.

  • Kermit : So... you'll write?

    Gonzo : Oh, yeah, sure I'll write. There's probably a mailbox every couple of light years.

  • Kermit : Oh, hey Gonzo! I thought you were performing at a bar mitzvah?

    Gonzo : No, I got the Electric Mayhem to cover for me.

    Dr.Teeth : Shalom!

  • Gonzo : People of Earth, do not be alarmed!

    Miss Piggy : Oh brother.

  • Miss Piggy : What are you doing here?

    Gonzo : I'm making contact. What are you doing?

  • Gonzo : I had that weird dream again.

    Rizzo the Rat : The one with the goat and the dwarf and the jar of peanut butter?

  • Gonzo : Put a little more paprika on those, okay?

  • TV Producer : Now *that* is TV. The phones are lighting up like Vegas. What power, what heat. You're a hit!

    Miss Piggy : Oh! Oh, thank you.

    TV Producer : Not you. Him!

    Gonzo : Me?

  • Kermit : Listen, aren't you taking this alien thing just a little too far?

    Gonzo : Kermit. Kermit, I realize that it may be hard for you to accept me as an alien, but I didn't choose to be one. Well, I've always had alien tendencies. This just makes sense to me.

    TV Producer : Beautiful, Big G!

  • Gonzo : Rizzo?

    Rizzo the Rat : Gonzo?

    Miss Piggy : Kermie?

    Kermit : Piggy?

    TV Producer : What the heck's going on here?

  • Bunsen Honeydew : Goodbye, Rainbow, and stay groovy.

See also

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