I Got the Hook Up (1998) Poster

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Another bad No Limit movie, but light-years ahead of I'm Bout It.
Ghost the Lost Soul4 January 2002
Warning: Spoilers

Developed by No Limit Films and published by Dimension Films


>Unlike I'm Bout It, actual funding went into making this movie!

>A.J. Johnson, albeit annoying, is very funny.


>Master P gives us more and even worse stereotypes on both black and white people than ever.

>No one in this movie, especially Master P, can act to save their lives.

Plot summary: Enter Black and Blue(Master P and A.J. Johnson), two black guys running a "ghetto shopping center"(you won't believe it until you see it) in South Central L.A. One day, a delivery truck filled with cell phones and pagers makes an accidental stop in their area, and Black tricks the deliverymen IN THE MOST IMPOSSIBLE WAY of selling him the goods. Black "hooks up" with his perverted on-and-off girlfriend Lorraine(Gretchen Palmer), who has a job at a cell phone company, and a guy that can illegally activate cell phone systems(Anthony Boswell). With everything set, Black and Blue go into selling cell phones. However, when chaos ensues through mixed-up receptions, Black and Blue find themselves on the run from angry customers, federal agents, and gang members.

Review: First off, let me inform you that this movie is put together like a live-action cartoon and never takes itself seriously, even when it wants to. All the characters in this movie are overly done stereotypes that are so bad that it hurts. However, there was a particular scene I thought was funny though offensive to the core: (SPOILER ALERT) the scene with Black and Blue getting shot at by handicapped gangbangers, with the leader saying retardedly, "B****! I'm'll bust a cap in yo' a**!(END SPOILER)" Also, no one in this movie can act, especially Master P. All he ever does is stupid things in a Southern accent while flashing his gold teeth. The only person in this film that remotely tries to act is A.J. Johnson, though he is basically all mouth in the spirit of Chris Tucker. This movie starts with a unoriginal plot but then quickly gets off the plot and tries to be too many things at once, putting another flaw on this extremely flawed movie.

My final 2 cents: Watch it 3 times in your life, and never make any contact with this film again.

My rating: 3 out of 10
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Let the machine pick up....
mattymatt4ever30 March 2001
This is one awful, awful comedy and a waste of a fine cast. Just one failed attempt at humor after another, with such crude and flat gags. The film leads nowhere, thinking it can be fueled strictly on laughs. But there's a problem: the laughs don't exist.

There was one funny joke and it was given away in the previews. A.J. Johnson says: "Here are the twins, Ug and Lee."

Just so I don't sound like a complete sour grape, there is one great scene involving a boatload of topless babes. If you happen to catch this movie on cable, that scene is worth waiting for. But don't waste any money to rent this movie.
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The Jail Scene
nifabs15 January 2007
The scene where his mum and dad went to bail Blue?? from jail.

She was sprinkling Holy water!!!.

She was cursing all the demons (in the form of prisoners)to disappear.

That scene almost killed me.

I actually laughed and ended up weeping.

When some of the prisoners heckled her, she shouted at them, "Your Mama, All your mamas".

That's one of my fave jail scenes of all time.

Get Back Satan.

Disappear Demons!!!!!!!!
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I love this movie. And no, I'm not Master P's cousin.
gonzorifficfilms11 September 2008
I've seen more than my share of bad movies. I've seen my share, your share, probably your dad's share too. And the lady who delivers your mail Monday through Friday, the one who sometimes waves to you when you're out waiting for your dog to take a shizer, I've definitely seen her share. I went to see Master P's "I Got The Hook Up" in 1998 after reading a review in the arts section of the local newspaper, a review not unlike the negative ones here on IMDb. It declared "Hook Up" to be the absolute worst film the critic had ever seen, and set about quoting some of the supposedly awful lines from the movie. It was upon reading these quotes that I decided I had to go see this flick immediately. If you laughed at "Friday", there's absolutely no reason you won't laugh at "I Got The Hook Up". It's cut from the same cloth and features a few of the same key cast members as well. The cinematography and overall look of the film are surprisingly impressive as well (the production value is actually better than "Friday"). But the greatest part of this film is the dialog and characters. At times, it almost feels like they cast hilarious people and just let them say whatever they wanted. The fact IMDb didn't have ANY "memorable quotes" listed for this movie tells me it is truly under-appreciated. I added several of my favorite lines in hopes that some of you guys might laugh and check out this film.
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absolutely horrible
dmdennis425 February 2002
I've seen plenty of horrible movies in my life but this one takes the cake. I want everyone to see this though, for a laugh. I still don't understand what the f'n thing was about. Cell phones were important in this film, that's what the "plot" of the movie centered around. Other than that I'm at a loss. I can't imagine that a script was written for this. I'm quite sure a few people turned on a couple of cameras and yelled "do something". That's has to be what making this moving entailed.

Cable access is quality compared to this piece of junk.
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Master P, give me a break
King_of_IMDB10 August 2002
I got the Hook up is not what I would even call a movie, as it is really just merchandise for Master P to get his hands on money. This film has a weak plot if one at all, no one can act what so ever, and the script is not the best. If you like Master P, you might enjoy this movie. Personally I believe Master P has again failed at an another field of entertainment.
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Absolute TRIPE!!!!
akakasax30 January 2004
My kids took me to see this flick & it was an embarassment it was offensive,stereotypical crap Master P. should stick to music.One of the biggest gripes in Hollywood is that Black movies always get ignored around Oscar time.With garbage like this coming out it's no wonder.
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A poor movie with a few flashes of brilliance.
mudassarbaig24 February 2001
Let's face it. Master P is the worst actor in the history of performance. You will never see anything as bad as his stunningly horrific attempts at acting. His awful pick up lines couldn't pick up dog crap, let alone a woman. I got the Hook Up as a film itself is very weak. It tries to be another Friday but fails miserably. The Plot is a joke, and by the time you finish the film, you forget what the film was all about. But Master P has manage to include a few flashes of brilliance. The First being Tiny Lister Jr, who's hilarious expressions and comments, not to mention being a cock eyed motherf***r are sheer comic genius. Then there's the Acting Performance of the millennium by a retard with a disabled sticker on his bike. Worth watching just for his tour de force of a performance. Should have recieved an academy award nomination in my opinion.
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As bad as it could be.
TooManyFives20 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I used to be very much into this "type" of film when i was younger. Friday was and is one of my all time favourites and at the time i watched this i used to watch it regularly. "I got the hook up" has lots of the same cast, very nearly playing the same roles, but it is so bad. I rented this full of hope when in my teens and even then i thought it was absolute rubbish. Still to this day one of the worse films i have seen.

Sometimes really bad films are so bad that they become enjoyable. This does not manage to do that. It just makes you want it to end.

I can usually find something good to say about a film but all i can think of for this is that it isn't very long.

The dialogue is very bad, the acting is bad, the idea is bad. The soundtrack was bad. Sorry to be so negative. Please don't watch this film.
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Hell yeah, it sux, but so what its fun!
juuri-223 July 1999
Yes it is bad. But its got Ice Cube in it! Make no mistake this is a pretty bad film but in that vein it excels. Parts of it are so bad you can't help but enjoy the hell out of it... lighten up people, not every film needs to be a Cohen brother's masterpiece.
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Master P needs to stick with music....
Miss_MiChiMi5 March 2005
I am not a fan of Master P's music or movies, but I would rather sit through one of his CD's for an hour than be forced to watch his cinematic exploits. When I think of his movies, one of the titles sticks out, Foolish. This sums up what all of his movies are. The acting is terrible, the scripts are lame, confusing, non existent, or a combination of all three. He just cranked out junk to add money to his growing empire. When a producer casts his family, friends, and label mates in all his films, this should be a clue it definitely won't be nominated for an Oscar.

Granted, AJ Johnson is funny in most of his roles, but when given nothing to work with, what can you do? Master P thinks he is the next Ice Cube. Wake up call, Ice Cube has talent, something Master P seriously lacks. I think the movie viewing public will be safe for a while from being tortured by another No Limit movie production considering almost everyone on the label is either facing some type of criminal charge or serving time for being found guilty on charges brought against them. As long as video cameras and crew are not allowed inside prisons, we should be OK for at least 5-7 years.
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One of the Best of the Worst
Frick28 September 2001
This is definitely one of those movies just to watch to see how bad it is. I'm not too sure if you'll be laughing at it, or laughing with it, but the scenarios are ridiculous (including retarded gangsters trying to ride their bicycles and talk on the cellphone at the same time), the acting is pretty horrible (although Master P's vocabulary primarily consists of Uuuuuuuuugh anyway), and there's gratuitous shots of just about anything that doesn't help the continuity of the movie. Next to "Dolemite II: The Human Tornado", this is probably the funniest movie that its only humor is derived from the horribleness of the movie.
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Not as bad as it's made out to be...
WNABMike8 April 2005
Everybody's being too harsh on this movie.

It contains some genuinely surreal comic moments and AJ Johnson makes the film watchable even when nothing else does. Sure Master P is about as articulate and emotive as Shaquille O'Neal, but that doesn't stop the supporting characters and nutty, irreverent script from elevating this above the typical "'hood comedy" formula.

Where else can you find a "differently-abled" street gang, a dope-smoking grandma, a crackhead willing to do anything for "T-T-Two dollars", and John Witherspoon? OK probably a bunch of films but this one is worth a look anyway.

I quote nearly as many lines from this one as I do from "Friday". For the right kind of person, this movie is very entertaining.
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Top 1% worst movies ever made!!
Rhythm-22 December 1998
A pointless plot and bad acting characterize this film that needs to be thrown in the garbage. Master P isn't master of anything except stupidity in this movie. This movies features some of my favorite comics but they come off looking aimless in this film. Word to the would-be watchers of this movie: Ghetto fabulous + hip-hop non-culture + bad acting + pointless plot = A film that ain't.
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I thought this movie wasn't that bad
OptikRed30 April 2002
When I went to see this movie I was hesitant, but it actually turned out to be really funny. I felt like i was watching the real sequel to "Friday". The movie is quirky and hilarious. There are a lot of notable actors many from "Friday" the others are rappers off of Master P's No Limit label. Ice Cube has a cameo where he sells a stolen car to AJ Johnson. If you liked "Friday" and have got nothing against Master P I recommend this movie. Believe me you will be laughing...
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Worst piece of moviemaking ever
Keyser-158 August 1999
Strangely enough I don't feel it's a great stretch to call this movie not worth the film it was put on. This film could have been used for an Oscar winner, a thoughtfully done picture, or even a Bruce Willis action movie. But instead it was used to record Master P's desire to employ all the awful rappers of New Orleans while keeping his unexplainable popularity as the poor man's Puff Daddy through the roof. I can't even begin to tell you the problems I had with I Got The Hook Up other than to say I don't count it as an actual movie. Movies have actors, plots, scripts. This awful production had none of these. I've seen some bad movies in my time, but by and large many of them were at least fun to laugh at. This wasn't; in fact this made me genuinely angry. I wasted an hour and a half of my life on this monstrosity that I will never get back. If I ever meet Master P, he'd better watch out.
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Heheh -- Love to see a "G" rated version of this movie
wayno-62 February 2002
I would love to see a "G" rated version of this movie.

It never let's up in its use of the "F" word. In fact in the opening words of the movie, it used the "F" word.

I think if they made a "G" version of this movie - there would be NO dialogue -- the movie would be one long "MF" BLEEP!

This isn't even a good "bro" movie. Bad acting, bad dialouge. It did have a semblance of a plot though.

Let me put it this way - if I had to choose between this movie and "Pippi Longstocking" -- it would be a toss up...

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mrcastle-6804921 September 2021
Master P is awesome....his movie isn't. If your a no limit fan give it a view.
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Junior High Humor
jfgibson7325 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
If you were a middle school student when this movie came out, it was probably one of your favorites. Looking back on it now, it doesn't hold up very well, although it is pretty representative of the kinds of movies that were popular at the time.

Two street hustlers, Black and Blue, convince a delivery man to leave a shipment of mobile phones with them. They get a friend to help manipulate the phone company so they can activate and sell the phones on the street. Their business gets them in trouble with a rival gangster. I don't actually remember how it all resolves, but I remember thinking that the movie was basically what is known as a "vanity project" centered around Master P. P's movies didn't end up making huge amounts in the theaters, but he could probably still be making them is he wanted to. He was definitely a star and very well known. The humor is pretty crude and offensive with plenty of negative stereotypes, but that is kind of the point. It was made to be exploitive, even if it was black filmmakers exploiting perceptions about their own culture. My opinion was that it was mildly entertaining to watch, and there were even one or two likable characters, but as I said, I don't even remember how it ended. If your are between the ages of 12 and 15, you might still find it hilarious.
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Too filthy to be any good....
tmpj8 April 2010
I watched this piece of BS, and I was truly ashamed. Every other word was "MF" this, "Ho" that, "B****" this. You don't need to go to such extremes to try to be funny...and if you feel you must go to those extremes, you are in the wrong business. Nothing is wrong with ghetto-humor, but this one goes too far. The language was appalling, the situations and plots were not well developed. This was simply regular old, bad taste, low brow humor...bottom of the barrel. I suppose it has its audience, but did we come up 150 years from slavery to arrive here? I hope not. Movies of this sort should not even serve as a way station. Movies like this have to be the exception...not the rule. We can do way,way better than this. This movie belongs in the trash, and I cannot, in good conscience, recommend it to anyone...especially anyone who has children.
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samuraicopper5 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So this is among the dumbest movies ever made. Every bad stereotype is here. The plot makes no sense. There's a handful of so bad it's funny moments, but not enough to have a good time. Surprised by how predictable it is for a movie with such an aimless plot. Guy steals cell phones by pretending he was supposed to get them delivered, and the guy keeps delivering more? No report of an order not getting to the right place? That's the best Master P could do? I can't believe they made a sequel to this sack of crap. Avoid unless using to torture someone.
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Harsh critics do not appreciate the humor in this movie
Humphy14 July 1999
This movie is stupid, the plot is basically meaningless, and there is no real drama. And it's a good thing, because this is a comedy. Anthony Johnson(a.k.a. Blue & Ezel from Friday) is hilarious. Whether intended to be funny or not, parts of this movie are not only incredibly humorous, but astounding. If you ask me, a movie with Anthony Johnson and "Tiny" Lester cannot be bad.
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takielia16 July 2019
I've watched this movie over 20 times now but I'm sorry to say that it doesn't get the credit it deserves, It's Plots are amazing,it's funny , thrilling and much more ! Part two is out in theaters now and it's even better ! Thanks Master P You're the goat !
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This Movie is NOTHING LIKE Friday, IT'S BETTER!
covenant_advocate32926 August 2015
I just recently saw the review by some homie who accused this movie to be a blatant rip off of Friday. With all due respect to the dude because he from tha N.O. like me, the concept of this movie is NOTHING LIKE Friday. In fact it's BETTER THAN Friday! Why? Simple because the comedian Anthony "AJ" Johnson was naturally funnier than Chris Tucker as smokey because he didn't have to use his trademark or gimmick like Chris Tucker to be funny, such as the bobbin of the head when he puts emphasis on a particular word like "MAN"! Chris Tucker was funny of Friday because of the way e would say things BUT Anthony Johnson was funny because OF WHAT HE SAID!! Perfect example, when he was having a exchange with Sheryl Underwood's character in the movie, he said she looked like Wesley Snipes when he did the movie: To Wong Foo. That was HILARIOUS because SHE DO LOOK LIKE WESLEY SNIPES IN DRAG! lol And the plot was better because these two characters, Master P and Anthony Johnson unlike Cube and Tucker had aspiration to go beyond the lower class economic estate and into the middle or the upper class thru SELF-EMPLOYMENT which in real life should be a option among EVERY BLACK MALE AND FEMALE IN THIS KINGDOM!!
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Literally one of my favorite hood classics!
lenishalenay10 April 2021
This is when No Limit was on top! This movie is hilarious from start to finish, I own the DVD and watch it when I want a good laugh!
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