Who Am I? (1998) Poster


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best fight scene on film
jaken7712 January 2004
ok, so the acting wasn't the greatest, but the excellence in every other aspect of the movie completely compensated for it. It had a good story, amazing action sequences, and a good combination of action and comedy (what Jackie does so well). the fight scene on top of the building is the best fight scene i've ever seen. what makes it the best is how real it is, today's movies' fight scenes are full of wires and quick cuts in editing to confuse the audience into thinking there's more going on. this fight had amazing stunts with guys who really knew what they were doing, with Jackie's trademark funny expressions mixed in. By far JC's best, and I didn't even say anything about the car stunts.
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A great action/adventure spoof
BrandtSponseller8 April 2005
Jackie Chan plays a "special forces" agent in this action/adventure film that is as concerned with spoofing the genre as it is with embracing it. The film starts with Chan and fellow agents descending on a convoy through the "South African jungle" to abscond a handful of scientists who have been working on exploiting unusual properties of a mineral found in the South African mines. With the aid of extensive training and sophisticated technological gadgetry, they complete their mission successfully. But someone in the "squad" is double crossing them. As the men are headed for recreational leave, they're sabotaged. Chan makes it out alive, but barely. He hits his head and acquires amnesia. The bulk of the film has him coping with his situation--he first ends up in the middle of a traditional South African community--while government agents try to track him down and kill him.

There are some details I could not fill in above, because the primary flaw with the film, and this is what brought my score down to an 8, or a "B", rather than a 9 or 10, is that the story is almost absurdly convoluted and difficult to glean (there was also a fair amount of ridiculous English dubbing in the version I saw--it was difficult to tell how intentional the "problems" with the dubbing may have been). But the story isn't really the point; and to the extent that it is, the point may be to make it absurdly convoluted and difficult to glean--this is to a large extent a spoof, after all. More important, the story propels the film from one jaw dropping, action-filled set piece to the next. On a surface level, at least, those set pieces are the raison d'etre of Who Am I. But surprisingly perhaps, Chan, who co-directed and co-wrote the film in addition to starring in it, also has a lot of interesting subtextual things to say.

Most viewers will come to this film as Chan fans. As such, they'll be hoping to see his "trademark" martial arts abilities, impressive stunt work and notorious sense of humor; they will not leave disappointed. During the climax, Who Am I has one of the longer extended martial arts sequences in any Chan film, and it unexpectedly gets back to the basics. For at least ten minutes, Chan fights just two "big baddies" who are close matches in skill. He uses relatively few props and relies very little on moving about his environment in fancy ways.

Of course, there are plenty of props and a lot of well-choreographed, complicated blocking elsewhere. A few of these more ostentatious scenes are intentionally hilarious in their absurdity. One of the most memorable spoof scenes involves an extended car chase. Chan imports physics from an alternate universe for about half of this sequence.

As an adventure film, Who Am I presents a kind of James Bond-like travelogue. We go from the jungles of Malaysia (doubling as South Africa) to the South African plains (where Chan disguises himself as a tribesman) to Namibia for a cross-country 4 x 4 race (partially across what looks like the Etosha Pan) to the Netherlands. Those familiar with South Africa will find it amusing that during one sequence, Chan and the cohorts he picks up along the way travel from the Sun City's Lost City to downtown Johannesburg to Pretoria in a matter of minutes. But this is the movies, after all, and a fantastical work of fiction at that. The varied environments were very well chosen, providing a lot of eye candy while also providing great fodder for comic and action scenes.

While it's funny that Chan's character (who is referred to as "Jackie Chan" at one point) comes to be known as "Whoami" once amnesia sets in, there is much more intended than a silly comic device. It's significant that the film is set in South Africa, a nation with a complicated multicultural history and not a little turmoil over the same. The title isn't just a reference to amnesia or Chan's character; it's a rhetorical question about cultural and ethnic identity. The members of Chan's special forces squadron were all loaded with different passports from different countries. They were told to forget their identities. It's never clear who they were, where they came from or who they were working for--a point is made to not let the audience know, and to not even let us know whether they were "good guys" or not.

Chan has to fit into tribal culture. He becomes associated with a Chinese race team in or near Namibia, and then befriends a reporter who appears half Asian and half Caucasian. The American CIA is prominent in the film. They have their hands in every culture shown in the film. There are subtexts about globalism and how first world technology is affecting the development of non-first world countries. The ease of travel, symbolizing ethnic mobility, is a prominent theme. Chan makes sure that the film ends in the Netherlands, which has had a strong presence and influence in South Africa for hundreds of years. The villainy in the film is centered on building better weapons, which of course tend to be used to annihilate persons from opposing cultures or ethnicities. Cultural and ethnic identity has become far more complex in the last couple centuries than it ever was before, even if it was never the clear issue that many people around the world assume it to be.

That the film is able to bring up such interesting issues, all while awing us with graceful action sequences and making us laugh, makes Who Am I a very enjoyable experience. Chan fans shouldn't miss this one.
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Exhilarating final fight sequence redeems film.
gridoon19 February 2004
This overlong Jackie vehicle looks like a DTV flick (of course it WAS a DTV flick, but that's no excuse), has an exposition-heavy script, and some of the action set-pieces (including the car chase) lack energy, but all's forgiven when we get to the last 20 minutes, where we witness one of the most exhilarating fight sequences ever filmed, followed shortly afterwards by (arguably) THE most breathtaking stunt Chan has ever attempted on-screen - and that's saying something! (**1/2)
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Good – but the last 20 minutes are great!
bob the moo20 April 2002
Jackie Chan is a special operative, part of an elite military unit who are employed to capture a group of scientist working on a potent force that can be a power source or a weapon of mass destruction. After the job the group is betrayed and their helicopter forced to crash – Jackie is the only survivor. He comes too much later in an African village having lost his memory. When he has regained full strength he begins to try and find who he is – however his ex-employers are also keen to ensure he knows nothing and that they can complete their work.

The story here is solid – not much more can be said than that. It works quite well as a thriller plot but it wouldn't stand up by itself. Happily we have two things saving the plot. The first is the strand of physical comedy that runs through Chan's work – here we have plenty of little jokes scattered around, e.g. Chan is fighting one man and uses the man's tie against him, another man waits to fight Chan but pointedly removes his tie first! The second (and more important) aspect is the fight scenes. For much of the film the action seems to be toned down – indeed there are only 4 or 5 main scenes in the movie where Chan lets rip. However all of these are good, however the final roof top fight (in fact the whole last 20 minutes) is excellent and worth watching the film for.

As always the film doesn't worry about details rather it focuses on choreography. This means we have bad support actors….and we do! It means that things like realism and continuity go out the window…..a car slides on it's side, spins and then turns over again – however seconds later it has no scratches anywhere! And some of the early special effects are a little ropy. Although these are minor problems.

Chan is excellent in the lead and is a real wonder to watch – I wish I could move like him now…never mind when I'm his age. His ability at both martial arts and comedy helps this film immensely. It is hard to fault him for effort.

Overall this is a good Chan movie – it has the same faults as all his movies do, but it's funny, has some good action scenes and ends with a really good conclusion. Well worth watching.
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Entertaining and funny Jackie Chan film with action packed from the beginning to the end
ma-cortes17 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Amusing and colorful action movie with Jackie Chan taking on dealers who kidnap three scientists in charge of very powerful meteorite fragments . It packs a violent confrontation between Jackie and double agents from CIA . This exciting story about a secret agent also named Jackie Chan is stunningly played and efficiently directed. Chang participates in a sting operation against an international spy-ring that is smuggling meteorite scraps with objective to create some nuclear weapons . The secret agent loses his record after falling from a crashing chopper . The commandos were then murdered in a helicopter crash , except Jackie who fell out of the chopper . Later on , Jackie was picked up by a a tribe of South African natives , who then asked him his name . Sadly, Jackie had lost his records and shouted 'Who Am I? . He is then pursued by a great number of other agency operatives, but he has no idea why . This leads Jackie traveling all over the globe beginning in Africa and finishing in Rotterdan . His journey with aid from two female sidekicks (Michelle Febre and Yamamoto) to find out his memory leads him all the way to Rotterdam where he coincidentally learns the location of the organization that abducted the three scientists. With no record , Chan is thirsty for answers by any means necessary . The story follows him as he attempts to stay alive and chase the villain . When CIA staff is deceived by a wicked criminal traitor called the General (Ed Nelson) , Chan turns into an unfortunate spy , he then is also double-crossed . A young journalist (Febre) helps him to track down and apprehend the gang commanded by a double agent (Ron Smerczak) . Then Chan looks for vengeance against the ominous villains at a cat and mouse game.

This exciting movie is crammed of thrills , unstopped action , overwhelming stunt-work and lots of violence but with humor . Jackie Chan is top notch as one army man fighting a group of heinous criminals and as always he makes his own stunts like is showed on the final fake-shots . Awesome , incredible stunts and brief comic touches , as usual ; the picture is better constructed than Chan's predecessors films . The lighting-paced storyline slows down at times , but frantic action sequences make up for it . Spotlights movie include a stirring car pursuit , impressive and interminable fights , breathtaking images with Chan going down a building, and other extraordinary action sequences in James Bond style . This is a phenomenal action movie distinguished by nicely cinematography of the spectacular sequences , and contains agreeable sense of humor such as previous entries . However while the former outings Jackie teamed up to prestigious actresses and fine action stars in their own right , like Maggie Cheung and Michelle Khan , at this film his two parternaires , Michelle Ferre and Yamamoto, are unknown . This is a passable action movie distinguished by ferocious sequences , and packs silly sense of humor as well as Jackie's subsequent entries . The picture achieves success in USA and around the world . However , Jackie Chan's failed at Box-office in his American debut ,¨Battle creel brawl¨ . Chan is a hard-working actor and director throughout his long and varied career .He went on playing ¨Cannoball¨ , ¨The protector¨ and "Rumble in the Bronx", until getting all American success with ¨Shangai Knights¨ , ¨The tuxedo¨ , ¨Around the world in 8days¨ and ¨Rush hour¨ trilogy , and of the course the recent ¨Karate kid¨. Of course , his big hits were ¨The Police story¨ series that won the Golden Horse Award, a Chinese version of the Oscar , the first was titled ¨Police story(1985)¨ directed by the same Chan , it was a perfect action film for enthusiastic of the genre ; the following was ¨Police story 2(1988)¨also pretty violent and with abundant humor touches. It's followed by this ¨Supercop¨ or ¨Police story 3¨ and finally, ¨Police story IV : Crime story. The picture is lavishly produced by the great Asian producers Raymond Chow and Golden Harvest production and compellingly directed by Benny Chan . Benny made various Jackie Chan vehicles as ¨New Police story¨and ¨Robin B-Hood¨ . Rating : Acceptable and passable , the picture has its sensational moments here and there , but also pretty violent and with abundant humor touches mostly provided by its agile star , the super Jackie . It's a perfect action film for enthusiast of the genre .
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Sliding down the Rotterman building...worth the price of admission alone
safenoe1 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This was made at a time when Jackie Chan was allowed to be Jackie, doing his amazing stunts and all without a care for the world. Then Hollywood beckoned.

Anyway, about half of this movie is set in some African country, and then Jackie does one of the most incredible stunts of all time in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. He manages to slide down an incredibly steep glass building - I wondered, how on earth did he do it??!! I mean, would he do it in the first place? No CGI, no wires, no nothing, just Jackie's bravery and wow, absolutely unforgettable and full-on. Anything could have gone wrong, but thankfully Jackie lived and provide the audience with one of the best stunts in movie history.
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Awesome Stunts by Jackie Chan who played a man with Amensia.
drewdizzle-1510213 May 2017
Great action packed Identity questioning Martial Arts Classic. Recommended viewing for film buffs and action movie freaks. Jackie Chan is great at stunt work. It's one of the films that launched his career as a Martial Arts Hero of China. Watch for yourself and judge accordingly.
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A Jackie Chan must watch!
Rubyslips99-113 March 2006
Great great kung fu film. The plot is a farce on the typical James Bond fare of secret government conspiracies and evil men attempting to gain the means to take over the world. The strength here, instead of a huge budget full of beautiful women and nifty gadgets, is in the action sequences. The fight scenes are so much fun to watch, and Chan's car chase is also a wonderful piece of footage (with some physics+ involved). If you are looking for a great time with the kind of fast fighting and physical comedy that come with Jackie Chan then make sure you sit down to Who Am I? Also, I will say that the final fight scene between Chan and the two toughest badies in the the bad men's stock fight is incredible. My favorite fight scene of all moviedom, especially the man whose specialty is his incredible legwork.
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Dont miss the flying poodle
A_Different_Drummer14 March 2021
This is a 1998 movie with the sophistication of a 1970s B-movie. Except for Chan, who is the showcase of every scene. This review is written in 2021 and Jackie Chan no longer makes movies. And he is missed. With that in mind, this is classic Chan at his peak.
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Possibly Jackie Chan's most underrated film.
Abyss4731 May 2013
Some of the most exciting action movies came out in the 90's, and this espionage gem is no exception, as it keeps you engaged from start to finish with its death-defying stunts - all of which don't feel as forced as they do in other Jackie Chan action flicks - and intriguing blend of humor, drama, and suspense. Taking place across a variety of locations (including South Africa), it's an adventurous epic that gives you a lot to see. The plot also unfolds primarily as a mystery, keeping you guessing to the end, as Jackie is trying to find out exactly why everyone from the secret police to the CIA is after him. Like most Jackie Chan films, there's also a strong reliance on humor, except this film doesn't have nearly as much slapstick as, say, "Police Story", to the point where it becomes annoying. The humor is carefully blended into the proceedings, and even when it reaches unintentional levels, it somehow makes the movie all the more enjoyable.

I won't spoil the various stunts performed in the film, you just have to see them to believe them, but needless to say, they are jaw-dropping. Speaking of jaw-dropping, the rooftop fight, which also serves as the final fight sequence in the film, is one of the best I've ever seen. It goes on for a while, but it's so well choreographed and stunningly executed that you'll want it to keep going for a few more minutes afterwards. The score by Nathan Wang, while nothing remarkable, fits the movie well, and sometimes goes so far as to raise the excitement factor, specifically during the chase sequences. It must be hard for anybody to direct themselves in a film, especially in an action film on such a large scale as this one, but Jackie Chan does so admirably here, alongside Benny Chan. It's some of his best work of the 90's alongside "Operation Condor".
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Cheesy fun
briancham19942 June 2020
This film is very goofy and doesn't take itself seriously. It's just pure Jackie Chan fun.
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Jackie Chan does Jason Bourne!!!
justin-fencsak23 December 2018
Released during his big year at the US box office, Jackie Chan's Who Am I is about a martial artist who has no memory of what he is or what he's from. Worthy fun for a rental.
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Funny, good fights, ridiculous story
Enchorde10 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers

Lee (Chan) is part of a covert mission in South Africa to capture three scientists and steal a strange mineral from some comet(?). The mission is successful in that part that their objectives are accomplished, but for Lee it is not so successful. He is hurt and only saved by a native tribe. When he wakes up, he has developed amnesia, forgetting who he is and what he has done. That is a blessing for his former employers who plan to sell the material and research to highest bidder. But for their own safety, they want Lee permanently removed. Fortunately for Lee, or Whoamai, as he is called now, he has not forgotten his training, especially not the training in martial arts. So as he fights for his own survival he must find out both who he is and why he is in such a danger.

A typical Chan movie, with good humor and nice martial arts fights. Unfortunately, the story is as ridiculous and shallow as Chan is skilled in martial arts. In addition some of the special effects are rather bad. But as mentioned the humor is good, actually a little better than the average Chan-movie. That applies to the fighting too. Especially the final fight is really good. Then there are some other nice moments. There is a really nice car chase and a fun fight where Chan is outfitted with clogs (come on, that must be cheating).

And as always, stay tuned for the blooper reel at the end, almost the best part of the movie. For sure the funniest one (as we for example get to see Jackie Chan do the macarena)

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JC should avoid writing/directing and stay in front of the camera...
Aldaron-216 July 1999
I wonder whether I'm actually reviewing the same movie everyone else is. I thought it was one of most dreadfully B-grade movies I've seen.

Let me set one thing straight -- I'm not a rabid Jackie Chan fan. I like his stuff, I've always enjoyed and gotten a laugh out of his movies, and I don't expect the most brilliant piece of cinemagraphic legerdemain, just a slick movie, great fight scenes and an all round good time.

"Who Am I?" had the fight scenes...yes. It had little else, unfortunately. Appalling acting, ridiculous props (like bombs that suddenly grow red tentacles...????), terrible visual effects (including CGI that looked as if it were done on a home PC), cheesy sets and, worst of all, the most squirm-in-your-seat-inducing dialogue I've heard in a movie in a long, long time.

Not to mention that the dialogue was about a third of a second out of sync with the actors -- something that irritates me no end...

I think Jackie needs to stick to stunts and fights, and stay well away from both the back-end of the camera and the script-writer's desk...
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Campy Over-the-Top Cartoon Fun!
roscopekoe1 October 2004
I'm astonished that there were so many negative reviews here...

This film is OBVIOUSLY not meant to be taken seriously. It is very clearly intentionally a "joke" of a film. That people would complain about bad acting, strange dubbing, and/or a convoluted plot just leaves me flabbergasted.

From the very beginning, it should be evident that a big part of the point of the film is its own self-deprecating humor. Jackie loses his memory and is picked up by a primitive African tribe. The chief asks him, in an unintelligible language, "Where do you come from? What is your name?" to which Jackie replies (not understanding the questions) "What am I doing here? Who am I?" This is a JOKE, folks.

A few minutes later, Jackie saves a snake-bite victim with an IV he improvises from a COCONUT! When he's returned to "civilization," the doctor is impressed with that tactic, saying, "That coconut IV technique is only used by elite military units!" Is there any way to even dream of taking the plot/dialogue seriously at this point?

The acting is "bad" by design. The actors were obviously told to ham up everything they did. The meeting of the American intelligence officials is a completely ironic reference to the same sort of scene you'd expect in any James Bond movie. Dialogue is intentionally absurd, plot developments are intentionally obvious. The "Morgan" character is played perfectly (and hilariously) as a crooked CIA operative out for his own gain while feigning loyalty to the USA.

Yuki is a master stunt-driver with the naivete and wide-eyed innocence of a schoolgirl. Christine Stark is a completely laughable "reporter" who fools Jackie only as a result of his head injury; after she's "exposed," she rescues Jackie in an golf cart that can't seem to move faster than an electric wheelchair.

That the villains actually join each other in a verse of song ("Friendship, friendship!") near the end should serve as a good reminder of just how camp this picture strives to be. To criticize it for this as a "failing" seems to me to profoundly miss the point. Did the same viewers dislike that "Hot Shots: Part Deux" was absurd too?

Overall, the strengths of the film deserve the attention: it is a very funny parody of the overplotted "action/intrigue" genre, it has a terrific car chase, notable action sequences, and a terrific Jackie-Chan-Style fight scene at the beginning of the film's climax.

Perhaps I enjoyed this movie because I had grown up watching the "GI Joe" cartoon series, and had always been rather insulted by the fact that it managed to be both preachy and stupid at the same time. If you're looking for a great 100 minutes of parody and HUMOR, I'd recommend this movie. If you're more interested in believability and suspending your disbelief, this film will definitely not work for you at all. Inappropriate expectations would be the only "problem" I can imagine that would reduce one's enjoyment of this film.

If you want a more serious Jackie Chan film, you might try Drunken Master II, or Police Story. But if you're looking for an enjoyable and sardonic 100 minutes, this is truly one of Jackie's great vehicles.
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For Chan fans
winner553 July 2006
The gradual introduction and growing popularity of Jackie Chan in America has from the beginning been fraught with odd twists and turns. "Rumble in the Bronx" at last popularized Chan for American audiences, but Chan cultists tend to hold this to be a disappointingly trivial film. These cultists generally came to Chan via "Drunken Master" some years before the release of "Rumble", and still hold that film in high esteem - even though it is actually inferior to a number of later Chan films, including the 1994 sequel "Drunken Master II".

The release of "Rumble" was followed-up theatrically with the release of "Operation Condor"; the problem with this is that "Condor" is actually the sequel to "Armour of God", a more interesting and more problematic film, which was released in America only on video.

Chan solidified his "Rumble" reputation with the extraordinarily energetic "Supercop", which also introduced Michelle Yeoh to American audiences two years before her appearance in the James Bond film "Tomorrow Never Dies". "Supercop", by the way, is also a sequel to a previous film, "Police Story", which only appeared in the US on video.

Chan then embarked on 3 film ventures almost guaranteed to subvert his reputation: the James Bond imitation "First Strike"; the low-key, difficult to follow "Mr. Nice Guy", and the disastrous "Rush Hour", which apparently succeeded at the box-office, much to my disappointment.

This year, the continuing saga of Chan's appearance of America continued on its twisted way. A film made around 1985 was re-dubbed and released theatrically: "Twin Dragons". The odd thing about this is that "Twin Dragons" has been available in America on videotape for at least ten years! Meanwhile, almost simultaneously, Chan's most recent Asian release, 1998's "Who am I?" was also released in America - but only on video! The odd thing about this simultaneous release is that Who am I is decidedly the better of the two films. So before remarking on "Who am I?", a brief note on "Twin Dragons": This film, co-directed by Tsui Hark and Ringo Lam (although Lam claims he only acted as second-unit pick-up director), is loosely based on a Claude Van Damme film, "Double Impact" and was made (very quickly) as a benefit for the Hong Kong Director's Guild. It is enjoyable, and has one or two remarkable stunts, but on the whole is a bit of fluff, even by the standard of "pure entertainment.

On the other hand, "Who am I?" - co-directed by Chan and Benny Chan (no relation) - is a well mounted stunt-and-fight-filled maze of plot and theme, as Chan stars as a commando with amnesia in a struggle with a corrupt CIA agent over a recently discovered explosive element derived from a meteorite; the film moves from South Africa to the Netherlands, and involves considerable double plays and double-guessing on the part of Chan's character as he struggles to reclaim his memory while also stopping the corrupt CIA agent from successfully selling the new element to the highest bidder. The message of the film is very positive, and the action is lively; the editing and camera-work are worthy of commendation.

There are some draw-backs to the film: Relationships between Chan's character and, first, a tribe of South Africans, and then later two women helping him, are never fully developed; thus Chan's character, rich in potential, is never developed fully, since this would require greater interaction with others.

For Chan fans the film is also disappointing in a number of subtle ways: the stunt work here tends to belie Chan's claim that he works "without a net"; i.e., without safety-supports. The slide down the skyscraper. for instance, is too obviously along a guide wire.

Secondly, the climatic final kung-fu battle between Chan and two kick-boxing thugs, while well done and exciting in itself, is clearly derived from the climatic finale of the much better "Drunken Master II." Both these problems raise an important issue which has been buzzing around Chan Fans for a couple years now - namely, is the master running out of steam? Is he perhaps growing too old for the kind of acrobatics his stunts and fights require?
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Awesome Fights. Plot?
skinny-one26 May 2001
This is a must see for martial arts fans. The end of the movie has one of the best fight scenes ever filmed and makes it worth the rental. Jackie Chan has plenty of stunts and minor skermishes, but the end dual between two excellent fighters leaves you breathless. Okay, what's the bad news? The plot is absolutely terrible. Laughable. So you don't watch Chan for plot? Yeah, but this one almost makes you turn it off before the end. And my worst complaint is the stunt doubles for the other actors (not Chan of course) are so obviously fake. How does a 6'4" white guy look like a 5'4" chinese guy with a wig on when he gets kicked? Otherwise great.
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Rough acting...
rutt13-120 June 2001
I like this one quite a bit, especially the last fight. And it's neat to see all the international locales. The plot's not bad, and the girls are cute, but I must warn against some of the acting and dialogue. Some of it gets a bit harder to watch each time, but though it doesn't quite live up to his older films, it's a good entertaining Jackie Chan movie....
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Great Jackie Chan movie
ebiros28 November 2011
Jackie Chan's movie has become modernized since Thunderbolt, and his association with Mitsubishi motors stronger. This movie is the end point or the apex of Jackie Chan's Hong Kong production before he really broke into Hollywood with Rush Hour. Most if not all of his movie since has been of international caliber, not confined to the Asian market.

Jackie Chan is a secret operations commando. He loses his memory while on a mission in South Africa. He gets picked up by the local tribe, then meets a rally driver and saves her brother's life. He becomes somewhat of a local celebrity, but his old colleagues, and South African intelligence is after him.

Jackie Chan is the first Asian asides from the Japanese to successfully created movies of international caliber, and he did this all by himself. The production of this movie is clearly beyond that of traditional Hong Kong movies, and refined to the point of international standards. The movie is beautifully shot, with exciting action scenes that only Jackie Chan seems to be able to create.

This movie has bit more action, and less comedy. Viewer's opinion may vary depending on which side of Jackie Chan movie they prefer to see more of.
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Cheesy, bad CGI and Jackie Chan
Gravendal28 June 2022
Jackie Chan loses his memory, and being chased by bad guys. The story itself is weak with cheesy scenes but damn the stunts are awesome for this movie, Jackie Chan jumping buildings, driving a car, being an African.

Haha, yeah that part kicked ass because so 90s cheesy feel good over it and does it in a good way.

It's a fun Jackie Chan movie, not the best he has done but like a easy story with advanced Kung Fu action by, dumb but still has its moments of being serious. It's an ok movie!
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So awesome you can't miss it
fabianmettler12 October 2002
This is such an excellent movie. It starts of with jackie chan playing a commando sent out to retrieve a new weapon of some sort. Later though he gets thrown out of a helicopter due to a dreadful CIA double cross. He lands somewhere in the middle of South Africa. Soon he ends up living with some natives there and soon he becomes one of them. But the people who masterminded the double cross are out to get him, although you don't know who is and who isn't. The film has some awesome fight sequences, stunts, shootings,and chases. This is everything you would excpect froma great Jackie Chan movie.
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Archetypical Jackie Chan movie...
paul_haakonsen31 August 2019
The 1998 "Ngo si seoi" (aka "Who Am I?") movie from directors Benny Chan and Jackie Chan is a very archetypical Jackie Chan movie, for better or worse. And I say this in the best possible way, because I am a fan of Jackie Chan and his insane over-the-top stunts movies.

If you are familiar with the works of Jackie Chan from other movies, then you know what you are getting here, because this is also an abundance of impressive stunts and martial arts from the king himself.

But at the same time it is also a movie that differs from what you usually see from Jackie Chan, as the storyline branches out in a very different direction, putting Jackie Chan in new and unfamiliar waters. Which was actually nice, quite enjoyable, and it translated well to the screen.

The movie takes Jackie Chan through a good many parts of the world, so we get to see a lot of variation in where the action and story plays out.

Aside from Jackie Chan, then the movie also have some nice performances from the likes of Ron Smerczak, Michelle Ferre and Mirai Yamamoto.

I've seen "Who Am I?" twice now since it was released, and it is a movie that you can see more than once with a fair amount of time passing in between each viewings.

My rating of "Who Am I?" is a solid six out of ten stars.
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Watch out for the final rooftop fight sequence.
Fella_shibby25 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Saw this first on a VHS during the late 90s. Jackie Chan is a secret operations commando. He loses his memory while on a mission in South Africa. Jason bourne? OK lets put aside the plot n concentrate on action. The fight scenes were absolutely amazing. The final sequences boast both one of Jackie Chan's best filmed fights and one of his best stunts. There is an amazing fight scene on a rooftop at the end of the movie. Jackie fights with two fighters on a rooftop. The end stunt where Chan slides down a huge dip on the side of a building is fantastic. The cinematography of the African bush is nicely done. Its co-directed by Jackie Chan n Benny Chan (New police story, Invisible target, Shaolin).
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iscream2214 November 2000
Typical Chan flick, but not as good as CITYHUNTER, (the best chan film ever!). This stars jackie as a swat team member who suddenly loses all of his memory about himself, and does not know who to trust. Rated pg-13 : Violence
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Epic action scenes, poor storyline! 4/10
leonblackwood9 October 2015
Review: This movie sees Jackie Chan (Who Am I), play a top secret agent who goes on a mission with his elite force to kidnap 3 scientists who are experimenting with a powerful new source. On the way back from the mission, the elite force are double crossed by 2 of the agents within there team and they send there helicopter crashing to the ground. Chan manages to escape from the crash and ends up in the South African wilderness, covered in bruises but he gets saved by a tribe who take him in as one there own. The only problem is that Chan has lost his memory and he keeps on getting flashbacks about his last mission. The tribe then see some cars driving through there area, so Chan goes to investigate, only to find a man dying from a snake bite so Chan saves his life with his new survival skills. The man's sister, who was panicking through the whole ordeal, brings Chan back to civilisation but he is still struggling with his memory lose. The agents that tried to kill the whole elite force, soon realise that he is alive and his life becomes in danger. Whilst fighting against corrupt CIA agents, he pieces together his shady memory and exposes the powerful individuals who stole the unique energy source. The storyline wasn't bad and the action scenes were OK but I still struggled to get into it. It definitely wasn't as authentic as Chans earlier movies and you can see that this film was made for a world wide audience, mostly for the Western market. Chans acting wasn't bad but the rest of the cast was pretty awful. Like most of Chans movies, the stunts were amazing, especially the scene on the helicopter and the epic fight scene at the end but I don't know why he has to over complicate his movies. Anyway, it's worth a watch if your into your action movies but it's not a must-have. Average!

Round-Up: This is another movie which has been written and directed by Jackie Chan which explains why the epic action scenes were spot on. Personally, I preferred his earlier movies like Drunken Master and all of the movies that he done with Sam Seed but thats just me. As this is the beginning of my Jackie Chan season, I'm holding out for his earlier movies, before they started to fly on strings and they had those crazy Kung Fu styles. I'm struggling to find some of the classics so I might have to import them from the Oriental market to have an impressive collection. Anyway, if there's anyone out there who have loads of Jackie Chan movies, or any old classic Kung Fu movies, then please let me know.

Budget: N/A Worldwide Gross: HK$39million

I recommend this movie to people who are into their action/adventure/comedy movies about a man who loses his memory and tries to piece his flashbacks together, whilst fighting against armed assassins and corrupt CIA agents. 4/10
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