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dank you veddy much
J[oe]22 December 1999
I've been an Andy Kaufman fan for quite a while now. True, I was around six when Andy died. But somehow this strange man was able to affect both my work and outlook. So needless to say I was looking forward to this film. And I was not disappointed.

Critics complain that while engaging, this film does not let the viewer in on who exactly Kaufman was. It's simple: there was no real Andy Kaufman. He was socially inept, utterly brilliant, and a strange and distant individual. His sense of humor (if he even had one) was not for everyone to understand. THAT WAS THE POINT. So why should a film spoil the mystery? MAN ON THE MOON was as an homage to Andy, NOT an explanation, and far better than those dull, lifeless documentaries on E! or comedy central in which uninteresting comedians try to explain why Andy was brilliant. It's common knowledge that explaining a joke renders it humorous (a notion that Andy toyed with in his Foreign Man routine, remember?)

True, some facts were altered for dramatic purposes (though the truth is just as interesting), or maybe just necessity, but the base story is still pretty accurate. Some of the more humorous moments in Kaufman's career were not mentioned (i.e. his stints on Johnny Carson and David Letterman, his work with performance artist Laurie Anderson, his street corner preaching). But lets face it, everything couldn't and didn't need to be included. The film is capable of capturing the essence of Kaufman's world. If you want to see everything Kaufman did, find a recording of it and watch that.

Carrey is brilliant as Kaufman. Some call it an imitation, though that seems overly simplified and absurd. That was an imitation along the lines of Geoffrey Rush in SHINE, or Hilary Swank in BOYS DON'T CRY, or Richard Farnsworth in THE STRAIGHT STORY. Sure, Carrey observes and uses the many Kaufman quirks without a fault, but his observation goes far beyond what any other actor seems capable of. Carrey is Andy Kaufman. So many seem unwilling to admit that Carrey can act.

Taken on it's own, MAN ON THE MOON is a magical, funny, and wonderful film. Taken with the rest of the sources currently available on Andy Kaufman, this is just another facet to a complex career and an homage to a brilliant man.
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Man on The Moon, indeed.
jaycer12 March 2000
"Man on The Moon", indeed. I remember seeing Andy Kaufman's act on TV as a teenager, and I admit, I wrote him off as another comedian, with an incredibly expressive face and a flair for silliness. Years later, I'm watching him on "Taxi" reruns. I admired the easiness where he could go from loving Latka to malicious Vic with ease, and I thought, "Wow, this guy really loves what he does". And then I watch "Man on The Moon". Reality check.

This picture, I believe, redeems Andy Kaufman. He endured five grueling years in "Taxi" just so he could get some laughs out of people. He did wrestling stints just for the heck of it. He came real close of hitting rock bottom just to save himself at the end. He died of cancer at the age of 35, ridiculously young, and even then his own family didn't buy it. He lived misunderstood, and died misunderstood. And years later, he gets a biopic. Just what he deserves. It is sad that many people will know Andy's talent and understand him only after watching this film. But still, let's face it, at the end he did get the last laugh.

The true cornerstone in this film is Jim Carrey. Yes, you've heard endless reviews about him immersing himself into Andy, not just playing him. But this is acting beyond your dreams, trust me. Especially when he plays Andy's foreign character, Carrey lived and breathed Kaufman air. This is the movie where his silly-putty face comes handy, as it seems to help Jim turn into Andy. (If only we could do something about those teeth...) NEWSFLASH FOR THE ACADEMY: Jim Carrey can act!!! I remember Tom Hanks beginning with the same kind of movies that Jim did: loud, colorful, goofy and silly (films like "Bachelor Party" come to mind). Then he did "Big", then came "Philadelphia". When is Carrey's "Philadelphia" coming along? I can't wait to see him at the Academy Awards this year.

Man on the moon, indeed.
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Carrey's best performance so far
lasttimeisaw26 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I enter the film while being literally oblivious of who is Andy Kaufman, as far as I know, the film is mostly famed because it hitherto has been Jim Carrey's most Oscar-worthy performance, yet being blatantly snubbed again after his drama venture in Peter Weir's THE TRUMAN SHOW (1998, 8/10).

So in my case, the film is a dedicative portrait of an eccentric entertainer whose ideology of performance is all about entertaining himself and treat his audience as a receptacle of his sensational idiosyncrasy and excruciatingly manipulative fabrications disguised as parody or mockery. Yet, during his short life-span (Andy passed away in 1984 at the age of 35), this methodology makes him a unique figure in the canvas of American comedians (although he would never condescend himself as a "comedian").

Apart from his best remembered role as Latka Gravas in ABC's sitcom TAXI (1978-1982), Andy's strikingly unorthodox gambits include the Foreign Man persona, Might Mouse lip- syncing, and singularly his alter-ego Tony Clifton, an audience-abusing lounge singer with off-key boorishness, all farcically re-enacted by the-one-and-only Jim Carrey, more hinges on visual gags than fusillading well-conceived punchlines, he vigorously pulls off a studious impersonation rather than reveling in his usual elastic facial stunts, in a way, Andy is much more closer to a performance artist than a funny man, staging appealing sensations to exploiting genuine emotions from audience, his motto is to always stay distinctively in advance of your audience, instead of pandering, he surprises them, especially in a provocative way (e.g. the inter-sexual wrestling sham), Carrey nails his psychology to the marrow in his transcendent effort. The rest of the cast is playing it safe around him mainly because most of the prototypes are still alive (some of them make cameos and others are simply playing themselves in a not-so-faraway time-frame), DeVito and Giamatti take a lion's share of their screen-time in comically constructing a layer of authenticity as Andy's agent George Shapiro and his creative parter Bob Zmuda, whereas Courtney Love is Lynne, Andy's romantic interest, instead, submerges herself as a subtler spectator to offer gravitas when the film needs in the second half as the ultimate death is looming large.

Surely it is also a refreshing maneuver to start the film with sheer Black & White sequences of Andy breaking-the-four-wall and kidding about this picture with his comical bent. The two-times Academy winning director Miloš Forman steadily segues one skit after another, confidently concocts a mesmerizing montages of Andy's career highlights, and maintains an enigmatic aura of Andy's personal facet, in the final scenes, when an Andy impostor performs Gloria Gaynor's I WILL SURVIVE as Tony Clifton, at one time, we are all being tricked into believe the real Andy is still breathing the same air of ours, then the frame majestically pans through Lynne, George and Bob, suggests otherwise without unmasking the subject, such a class act ending.

Despite that some of the farces are too passé to appreciate nowadays, the film doesn't feel far-fetched in its nitty-gritty and it does arouse some stinging thoughts about how we perceive to be entertained from the showbiz, if only Andy could have lived longer to stand the test of time, is he a true legend in modulating the general taste of the mass or a shooting-star cannot prevent his ego from wearing out his routine antics.
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Fascinating Bio Of A Strange, Strange Man
ccthemovieman-115 March 2006
Biographies of strange people have always fascinated me, and this is no exception. And "strange" doesn't really seem to adequately describe real-life comedian Andy Kauffman. He was REALLY different, many times very offensive, sometimes very unfunny....but always extremely interesting and certainly unique.

Jim Carrey shows us once again how comedians can be such good dramatic actors. Carrey is outstanding in this role, and perfect for it. The rest of the cast is good, too, from Danny DeVito to Paul Giamatti to Courtney Love.

Right from the beginning of this movie one sees how original it is, and how original Kaufman was as a comedian. His routines, antics and put-ons are so realistically done that no thinks they are just that. Unfortunately, his "jokes" don't always go over so well, aren't appreciated by most audiences and he is not always the most likable entertainer you will ever see. That means - be forewarned - that there are a number of unpleasant scenes in this film. You have to really appreciate Kauffman's absurd humor and to appreciate Carrey's great portrait of this man.

On multiple viewings (I've seen it four times) I liked this film even more than the first time, even though I knew the surprises. I don't know of any comedian - to this day - who deliberately tried to annoy his audience or truly liked it when his audience hated him. I cannot believe he had the nerve to do the things he did. In summary, this is a fascinating biography, to say the least.
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This is a story about a man who lived and died without being understood.
I Live 4 Movies5 January 2000
It is truly sad that we have to wait until a person is dead and gone to give him or her the honor they should have received while alive. Andy Kaufman was a man of many talents, and I saw him only as this funny little man on a TV show called, "Taxi" with a cute accent. Who could not fall in love with that person he was on "Taxi"? He was cute, honest, kind, and funny! Who knew that while we were all at home laughing, he was crying on the inside because that wasn't who he was, nor wanted to be. I went to see this movie about a person who was famous for his "Elvis" personation, and his little record player, doing the "Mighty Mouse" skit on Saturday Night Live, never to forget "Latka" on "Taxi." He was a man of many talents, so many that the world never knew about, so many that only Andy knew who he really was. Jim Carrey allowed us to come into Andy Kaufman's mind, and realize that this grown man lived in another place, another time, an entire other world where Andy was free, and there was peace, and where everyone never grew up, they stayed children playing "pretend" forever.

Jim Carrey put himself into this part, he lived this role... He was Andy Kaufman. Carrey was able to show me a whole new light on this man I thought I knew. This funny man who could make you laugh just by walking on stage. Jim Carrey showed us that who we saw, was not the man we thought we knew. And it took his death to show the world that Andy Kaufman was in fact a human being, who just needed a hug, and a chance at what he did best.

This sadness me to realize that our joy brought this man pain, who we wanted was not who he wanted to be, and I think everyone should be able to live the dream they choose. I never cry at movies, because I am able to pull myself back and remind myself that it is just a movie, and those are just actors. Jim was Andy, and what I saw was too true for me to tell myself, "It's only a movie."

This is a story about a man who lived and died without being understood. I cry for the person Carrey brought us into, the life he showed us that was hidden for too long. No one could have given Andy such a life as Carrey did. This movie is not a normal movie, it is art in the most beautiful form imaginable. To sit in a theater and be at aw... for two hours is amazing! I only wish we had known Andy Kaufman when he was truly alive. Now it is too late, the curtain has gone down...
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Just great
williamdejager27 December 2005
Jim Carrey delivers on of the greatest acting achievements of the nineties in this stunning biopic about the legendary comedian Andy Kaufman (the man on the moon, according to REM). For me as a European citizen, Andy Kaufman is a complete mystery. I've never seen any of his performances in Saturday Night Live nor have I ever seen any of his live shows. After seeing the movie five times, I as a Dutch not-knowing citizen who had never heard of Kaufman before, can make an image of the man and his brilliance. This is all thanks to Milos Forman and a stunning Jim Carrey, who really becomes Andy Kaufman. According to me, this movie is where Jim Carrey proves that he is just more than a funny guy, and after seeing him in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) Carrey has really proved that he is in fact a character actor.
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Fair movie, but poor biography
Xophianic2 February 2000
I watched this movie already knowing quite a bit about Andy Kaufman and the things that he has done in the past. I was hoping to learn more about him after watching this movie. Unfortunately, I knew more about Andy Kaufman than this movie told me. As a biography, this movie wasn't so great. It didn't go into much about Andy's childhood or what he was like outside of work. Rather, it showed most of the skits and performances that Andy has done throughout his life, most of which you could learn about on MTV specials.

The acting was well done, especially by the star Jim Carrey. Carrey played Andy Kaufman. This was by far the best acting job I have ever seen Jim Carrey perform. One could argue he did a better job at Andy Kaufman's skits than Andy Kaufman himself did.

The plot and storyline, if not looking from a biography point of view, was very interesting. The best thing, in my opinion about the movie is learning more about how Andy Kaufman met his girlfriend, the scenes from Taxi and his wrestling career. I didn't care much for Tony Clifton but, as the movie states, he is a different person from Andy Kaufman all together.

I'd say this movie is worth a rent, don't go to theaters to see it. Jim Carrey deserves an Academy Award for his performance.
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A stunning film, with an equally stunning performance by Jim Carrey
mjlavoie22 December 1999
I saw a special sneak preview of "Man on the Moon" last week in Boston. Quite simply, the film is magnificent, and truly provides the audience with a glimpse into the genius of Andy Kaufman. There are moments of true hilarity, and moments that will break your heart.

Of course, this film would be nothing without the inspired performance by Jim Carrey. Within the first moments of the film, you completely forget that it is Jim Carrey on screen. Rarely have I seen an actor truly transform into the persona that he is portraying. Jim Carrey was Andy Kaufman.

At the very least, Mr. Carrey is deserving of every honor that is given in acting. No other performance this year comes even close to this. Without question, this is a film for the ages, and gives everyone a look into the mind of a genius.
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LuckyFour-LeafClover6 November 2020
I'd consider myself a Kaufman fan. I always admired the guts he had to live his life the way he did. Watched Latka on Taxi, watched some of his performances, and even read his biography along with Bob Zmuda's best friend tells all book. The Zmuda book I took with a grain of salt but it was entertaining.

I thought Carrey did well enough trying to portray Andy. But what always struck me most about Andy were his big blue eyes. Jim's are dark brown. He had some of Andy's mannerisms down but seemed a little too effeminate for Andy. I don't know if that's the right word?

It's a decent watch not outstanding. I might add though the film took some liberties in the time line of events in Andy's career. The Carnegie Hall concert didn't take place right after his cancer diagnosis. I'll leave it there
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Man on the Moon is a strong film with an excellent performance by Jim Carrey
tdunlevy16 November 1999
Man on the Moon is one of the most heart-felt endeavors I've ever seen on film. With each frame, you can feel how much the project means personally to all involved, especially to star Jim Carrey and producer Bob Zmuda. Although personal adoration for the subject of one's movie does not always translate into a film that audience members will identify with, Man on the Moon succeeds brilliantly. Between Milos Forman's unique directing style, the actors' performances, and Scott Alexander and Larry Karaszewski's writing, the film is able to simultaneously make you a member in one of Andy Kaufman's audiences, experiencing both joy and frustration at his antics, and a close friend who sees, or thinks they see, the Andy Kaufman behind the masks. Just as Karaszewski and Alexander did with the Ed Wood or Larry Flint biopicks, they challenge our concept of what it means to be successful by giving dignity to to the seeming misfits of our society. However, a biopick like Man on the Moon succeeds or fails mainly on the grounds of the lead performance. Jim Carrey proved his dramatic talent last year with a performance in The Truman Show that should have translated into an Oscar, and this year he again gives what will likely be the best performance of the year. Carrey approaches the role of Kaufman with a level of professionalism and enthusiasm far greater than that displayed by many of today's acclaimed actors. Carrey adopts Kaufman's mannerisms flawlessly and becomes Kaufman so convincingly that you forget Carrey is acting. The film's other stars, in particular Paul Giamatti, Courtney Love, and Danny DeVito, all turn in excellent performances as well.

Man on the Moon is both inspiring and thought provoking - a must see.
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This is the story of a man who lived and died...without really being funny.
maxcellus463 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I gave this film a rather high rating if for no other reason except that it's an excellent story about someone who was apparently totally psychotic and self absorbed. Andy Kaufmann was someone who should have been pitied and institutionalized in order to seek a cure. It's almost like the story of the Elephant Man who was put on exhibit in sideshows so people could gawk at his gross deformity. Same is the case with Kaufmann. His legacy is that of being a mildly humorous "one joke" comic with a very obvious dead end in show business. He's not the first though. There have been many who thought what they did was hysterically funny and clever but eventually it was proved to be nothing at all. Joe Penner in the 1930's-40's with his "Wanna buy a duck?" played itself out very fast and he ended in total oblivion. Or another was Parkyakarkus with his "How DO you do!" These people and Kaufmann have proved continually that they are of limited intellect and creativity when it comes to attempting to being funny. Lionel Barrymore was rumored to have said on his death bed, "There's only one thing harder to do than die, and that's comedy." As for this mish mash of a story about a mish mash of a "comdeian", it's only entertaining to the morbid curious and clinical minded. Otherwise it's a definite "pass".
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Andy Kaufman was the P.T. Barnum of our time
rooprect9 February 2010
I was in high school during the Taxi years & heyday of Andy Kaufman, and all I remember are the sensational rumors about how he developed a split personality, became obsessed with wrestling women (jello wrestling, as I heard it), and publicly self-destructed before disappearing into obscurity (I never even knew he died). Of course, that's not how it happened, but that was the chatter you'd hear in the hallways between classes.

This film is like the quintessential dispelling of a myth. Santa Claus is revealed, the Easter Bunny unmasked. Oddly enough, what we find beneath the shticky exterior is even more shticky than before. And we learn that the man was successful at what he did because he truly lived it.

Doubtlessly, you've heard Kaufman admirers refer to him as a genius, ahead of his time, and all the other obligatory accolades that are heaped on a misunderstood artist. But for the first time, I now understand why all these things are true, and if you watch this movie--whether you love him or hate him--you too will understand why he the outrageous things that he did.

Furthermore, this film may help give you an understanding of other bizarre artists. I'm beginning to appreciate what drives other avant-garde artists like Picasso, Godard & the Sex Pistols. But this is a lesson you'll never get in any documentary or art appreciation class. Here through comedy--the most un-pretentious art form--we can truly enjoy the madness without all the highbrow beard-stroking that often clouds the subject. Here we have it plain & simple, the cartoon version: the story of an artist who led a revolution.

Watch this movie. Then go to YouTube and watch the original clips of Andy Kaufman ...his wrestling exploits, his bizarre appearances on Letterman, his strange but true reading of The Great Gatsby before a confused and peevish crowd. This movie is the long-awaited explanation of all the madness.

I was expecting to see a depressing, tragic film about a young man's spiral into insanity and oblivion. Instead, I found the story of Andy Kaufman to be the ultimate victory, and I find myself strangely energized by the whole experience. The whole thing comes down to one laugh (in that powerful scene in the Philippines near the end). Laugh and the world laughs with you; cry ...and the world laughs with you :D
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Good, but not deserving of the hype.
Laner28 December 1999
This was basically a summary of what Kaufman was famous for. It didn't dig that deep into Kaufman's life - and completely glossed over some points (but that's understandable). Unfortunately, it wasn't particularly funny, nor was it particularly introspective or touching. The cast was good - although Courtney Love's character was never developed to any degree. Devito was impressive as usual.

As for Jim Carey - he had Kaufman's mannerisms down pat. But whenever they went for a closeup, I never thought I was watching Andy Kaufman... Carey's face is just too well known - especially during the "Mighty Mouse" bit... very Carey-esque expressions. Part of what made Andy so recognizable was his cherubic quality - something Carey does not have. Tony Clifton was dead on, however... It wouldn't surprise me if that was really the actual Bob Zmuda playing that part.

Carey is a good actor, no doubt. But nothing he has done (including The Truman Show and Man on the Moon) has justified his $20 million paycheck, IMO.

Overall a good movie, but falls flat on too many fronts. I give it a 6 out of 10
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clawpack10 December 2004
For all the attention he got, Andy Kaufman didn't leave much of a comic legacy. Mostly just his part on Taxi, where his Latka character could be amusing in small doses. So why make a movie about a secondary sitcom actor? Unfortunately, you'll still be asking that question when the movie is over.

What Kaufman was famous for is stunts involving feigned anger or outright verbal abuse that were designed to entertain only himself. People who watched him hoping to see something funny often just saw shouting and threats. He was called a comedian but he preferred being unfunny.

Man on the Moon carefully recreates these episodes. Makeup artists make Jim Carrey look exactly like Kaufman, and Carrey meticulously reenacts all of Kaufman's mannerisms. The producers even cast many of Kaufman's actual accomplices, like wrestler Jerry Lawler. The problem is, when you carefully, painstakingly recreate an unfunny event, you get a careful, painstaking unfunny event. This isn't a failed movie in the sense it doesn't achieve its goal; it's a failed movie in the sense that the goal was never worth achieving.
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hoscheit30 December 1999
Having liked the contrived Latka Gravas, but never really knowing much more about Andy Kaufman than the Headlines, Man on the Moon offered some incredible depictions of this one of a kind enigma.

I was never a big fan of his off-Taxi antics, but then again, Man on the Moon made it clear that I simply did not understand them. I'm not any more of a Kaufman fan than I've been, but Man on the Moon has left me with an incredible appreciation for his genius.

Jim Carrey's performance is chilling. His normal on-screen presence has often made it hard for me to see him as the characters he's played. This time, I forgot that I was watching an actor portraying Andy Kaufman. It was frighteningly good. The entire supporting cast was just as stellar.

Though interesting throughout, mostly because it explained so much that I never knew about events that were so highly publicized, Man on the Moon's amazing insight into the "why" behind the "what" of his antics completely left out the "why" behind the "what" of the person. I now know a lot about what he did, but I still know very little about who he was.

If the creators' intent was to let the world get to know Andy Kaufman the man, then I think the film missed its mark. However, that has nothing to do with the fact that it was an outstanding film in every way. It would be as unfair to detract from the film for this as it would be to call a hammer useless because it doesn't drill holes. A film isn't about what I expect, it's about what it is. In this case, it's astounding from beginning to end.
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Jim Carrey goes off
SnoopyStyle9 November 2014
Andy Kaufman (Jim Carrey) is a misunderstood child and a misunderstood comic. He loves to play WITH the audience more than play TO the audience. Talent agent George Shapiro (Danny DeVito) signs him up despite thinking that he's a foreigner who speaks broken English. He gets the role on Taxi and develops the character Tony Clifton with his writing partner Bob Zmuda (Paul Giamatti). Andy starts wrestling women planting actresses like Lynne Margulies (Courtney Love) who ends up being his girlfriend. He gets into a fight with professional wrestler Jerry Lawler. Then he gets cancer but people aren't sure if it's actually a joke.

Firstly, there is a surreal quality to this starting with Andy Kaufman at the beginning of the movie stating that things have been changed up. The other thing is that so many people are playing themselves in the movie. It's like an alternate universe. There's also the fact that Jim Carrey does a lot of crazy stuff on stage. Carrey puts it all on the line in this movie and it shows. I wouldn't put too much stock in the accuracy debate. I don't usual care that much about that and this movie can be seen as another Tony Clifton production anyways.
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A Delightful Film that's just as Ridiculous and Absurd as Andy Kaufman was,
lesleyharris3025 December 2017
Man on the Moon is a terrific film with a very well developed plot and a spectacular cast. It is a truly interesting, unconventional biography film that follows the life of complicated, eccentric comedian Andy Kaufman. It does not hold back on showcasing who this man truly was as both a performer and in real life, the film matches up the tone to who he was as a person in a way that I think would have made Kaufman proud had he been around to see this.

The only real gripe I had with this movie is that it did not really manage to pull me in at the more emotional moments because of how absurd and over the top it is, for the most part. When they tried to showcase real humanity for Kaufman, it just felt a little too forced and on the nose.

The performances are magnificent, Danny DeVito, Paul Giamatti and Courtney Love all truly embody their characters in larger than life performances, but it is without a doubt the remarkable Carrey who really takes us away from beginning to end. He is mesmerizing as Kaufman, funny and emphatic, you will forget you are watching him and just get absorbed in to his portrayal.

A great watch. Funny and fascinating, Man on the Moon is a truly unique movie that I would recommend to anyone looking for a good biography or comedy.

Follows the life and career of eccentric comedian Andy Kaufman.

Best Performance: Jim Carrey
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Entertaining, though shallow.
Boba_Fett113816 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is a perfectly good and entertaining movie to watch. However as a biopic the movie remains pretty shallow and we never fully get to understand the character, though that also would had been virtually impossible, considering who's the subject of the movie.

Not really Milos Forman's fault that the movie remains too shallow, since he's obviously capable of making an unsympathetic and unpredictable character accessible and likable (watch "The People vs. Larry Flynt", for instance). This movie doesn't ever really gives us an impression of the real Andy Kaufman. It's hard to tell in the movie when he's trying to be serious and when he's joking around. This is also due to Jim Carrey's acting. If you look at footage of the real Andy Kaufman you'll notice how incredibly natural and subtle his humor is He's not ever acting, he's just natural. Jim Carrey, no matter how great he is in his role, is clearly acting and playing a character. Guess that Andy Kaufman just wasn't the right subject to pick. He was too complex and unpredictable to make a fascinating and engaging biopic about. It has always been hard to define Andy Kaufman, since he was not your ordinary comedian and never referred to himself as being one.Having watched this movie, I still have no idea of who the real Kaufman was and what drove him and went on in his head.

Don't get me wrong, Carrey is great, I mean he gets really absorbed by its character but he just isn't Kaufman. It perhaps makes his performance- as the entire movie a bit overrated.

It's fun to see that lots of persons involving Kaufman's life and career play themselves in this movie such as most of the "Taxi" cast, Jerry Lawler and David Letterman. But the movie also features some other great 'real' actors such as Danny DeVito, Vincent Schiavelli, Paul Giamatti and Courtney Love.

The movie focuses on Kaufman's entire career as a comedian (and wrestler!). Obviously a lot to put in a merely 2 hour movie but the movie manages very well to put the interesting and groundbreaking legendary things of his career into the movie. It also makes sure that the movie always keeps pace, though its not always for the best of the movie. Basically in a 15 minutes time-span we go from the beginning illness, to Kaufman's Carnegie Hall performance and his death. The movie doesn't leave much room for thinking. Perhaps also a reason why the movie remains pretty shallow, though the movie still has some good emotions in it.

So the story-flow is a little offbeat at times and things happen to fast and are forgotten in the next sequence again. It's perhaps the only flow in the otherwise great directing (though the audience reaction in the movie were also distractingly overdone at times with lots of over-the-top laughing and standing ovations, as if Kaufman was some sort of God to everyone.) and entertainingly written story.

It's definitely true that the movie focuses on the more merry aspects of Kaufman's life. For instance the birth of his give up for adoption child with his only 17 year old girlfriend is not mentioned at all in any form in the movie. The movie focuses on the humorous side of life and is made in the same style as Kaufman's kind of humor. Guess that the movie is pretty much like Kaufman himself would had liked it

But even if you weren't a Kaufman fan, I think this movie would be still one worth watching. It's greatly directed with good productions values and a solid cast.

More entertaining than engaging or interesting really.

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About as unexplainable as Kaufman was.
MovieAddict201630 March 2004
"They say, 'Oh wow, Andy Kaufman, he's a really funny guy.' But I'm not trying to be funny. I just want to play with their heads."

- Andy Kaufman

Was Andy Kaufman a brilliant comedian far ahead of his time, or a disgraceful, unfunny, mentally unbalanced individual who had a sick desire to confuse people? This is the topic at the center of Milos Forman's screen biopic, but the movie never really reveals anything remotely interesting - or enlightening - about Kaufman. He's more of an implacable human being after the movie ends than he was before.

To be fair, Carrey does a commendable job of portraying Kaufman, the man who was present for the launch of "SNL" on October 11th, 1975, and was later voted off of the show by callers, after producer Lorne Michaels asked his audience to decide for themselves. What's most bizarre about Kaufman, however, is that he admittedly never actually revealed himself to anyone. He was never in touch with himself, and relied on multiple personalities for amusement. Back then, he was regarded as a different sort of comedic talent, but to be blunt and honest, as much as I love the television show "Taxi," I think Kaufman really did have mental problems. As a child he used to stare at his wall, pretend there were cameras and put on shows.

This is where the film opens. Then it skips ahead. If there's one movie that needs more flashbacks of childhood, it is "Man on the Moon," a film that should have revealed Kaufman's past, rather then present us with a fairly mediocre timeline of events that we're already aware of. What has never been explained is Kaufman's past. Which leads to a startling conclusion, and one that the filmmakers may have stumbled upon (and which may explain the reason some twenty years are cut out of the movie): Kaufman has no past.

He's a man who left behind a legacy of mysteries and loose ends that were never settled. After the release of "Man on the Moon," there were rumors that perhaps Jim Carrey really was Kaufman, who he bore a startling resemblance to, and one that could have easily been altered with facial surgery. Yes, Carrey was born on the same day as Kaufman (January 17th), was almost as tall, had the same distinctive features, same lanky body, same sort of wacky, bizarre humor. And many of Carrey's films contain references to things Kaufman loved. But I'm not sure I buy this. The real question:

Did Kaufman stage his death?

To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if he did. It sounds far-fetched, but everything Kaufman did was a hoax, from the David Letterman sequence to the "Fridays" disaster to showing up on the set of "Taxi" dressed as Tony Clifton.

Lots of people mimic his style, but after a while they usually let up and break character. Andy never broke character. When he was in character, he was in character, and that leads to another interesting possibility that has been oft discussed by his fans: Was Andy Kaufman actually a valid persona? Where did this man come from? One day he was a nobody, then he was famous, then soon infamous for his awkward behavior on and off the screen. (During filming of "Taxi," his manager found him in the kitchen of a restaurant, cooking fries for people and telling them he was not Andy Kaufman, despite the similarities he was always noted for.) Andy unarguably received pleasure from confusing his audience. He fit into personalities and never let go. Is it too unreasonable to suggest that Andy Kaufman was another persona he created one day? And one he eventually grew tired of and abandoned like he had with so many others? If so, then why would he do this to his family? Why would he not resurface after his adopted daughter traced her origins to Kaufman?

We don't know much about Kaufman's parents, and he introduced them only once on David Letterman's shows. To be fair, they could have been paid to pose as parents, and this is exactly the type of bizarre stunt that Kaufman would be capable of pulling. Also, as a child, he reportedly liked to run away and hide and scare his parents into thinking he had gone missing.

"Man on the Moon" tackles none of these subjects. It's a straightforward timeline of Kaufman's life, sloppily constructed and quite poorly directed on the whole. This could have been a controversial, epic biopic, and it also could have been a lot funnier and insightful. Even if Forman and Carrey decided not to delve into any "conspiracy theories" regarding Kaufman and his origins and his "death," it still would have been nice to explore his background more.

Was Kaufman an utter nut case or an under appreciated comic genius? We'll probably never truly know. And that's the primary fault of "Man on the Moon." By the end of the movie, Kaufman is completely unexplained. We're not able to truly sympathize with him, because the movie portrays him a freak of nature. Kaufman told the press once that he never cracked a single joke. It's true. So was he funny or just a sick, demented human being who liked pulling tricks on people, and possibly pulled a final one before disappearing into the middle of nowhere, leaving behind little traces? "Man on the Moon" doesn't know, and it doesn't try to offer any clearer resolutions. It's about as muddled and confusing as Kaufman was. And like Kaufman, it doesn't tell us a single joke, which is really a shame.

2.5/5 stars.
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funny, sad, and everything in between
framptonhollis8 May 2017 other words, everything a biopic about Andy Kaufman should be.

While it has plenty of faults, Milos Forman's heartbreaking and humorous tribute to the great comedic performance artist Andy Kaufman is simply astounding. Jim Carrey's performance is no less than astonishing and may be the best among his widely varying comedy career. He impersonates Kaufman in a way that captures both the legend and fantasy of Kaufman's character, as well as the soul that hid behind the act. The rest of the cast is jam packed with recognizable faces and they all perform splendidly.

As a fan of the pioneering Kaufman, I found this film to be thoroughly entertaining, and those who have never heard of the man will likely also find much to be astonished here. The film is not flawless, and some sequences were over exaggerated pointlessly, although the film itself is quite faithful to the true story.
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Best if seen by those entertained by Andy
fullheadofsteam19 October 2013
I first saw this movie when it came out, and have just watched it again. Admittedly, I marveled at the unique comic genius of Andy Kaufman, and sadly we have seen no one like him since he left us. Andy was the absolute king of the put-on -- no entertainer has has ever done it better. And this movie says it in the comedic, sometimes raw and unnerving, manner in which it took place and as performed. Jim Carrey, an actor who delivers inconsistent performances, is simply outstanding in his dead-on portrayal of the physical and mental comedic genius Andy Kaufman. This movie beautifully exemplifies the two classic masks of good drama, which are Comedy and Tragedy. The fact that many actors in this movie depiction actually did know and work with Andy is also a testament to a unique comedic talent who left us too early. And thanks do Danny DeVito who worked with and knew Andy, for not only appearing in the movie but producing it as well. For those who never had the experience of seeing, when it was first aired, or who didn't appreciate his SNL performance of 'Mighty Mouse', for those who never saw or who didn't appreciate Kaufman's Elvis, for those who never saw or didn't appreciate Kaufman and Michael Richards on "Fridays", and for those who cannot appreciate the show biz put-on that professional wresting is, you probably need not see this movie as you may never be able to comprehend all of it or appreciate it.
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Carrey - great. Kaufman - ??
neil-47619 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Let me say at the start that Jim Carrey's portrait of Andy Kaufman is quite brilliant.

Let us now turn to Kaufman, best known for his amusing portrayal of Latka Gravas in the sitcom Taxi.

Kaufman also did other stuff. He called it comedy. My guess is that very, very few other people would call it comedy since it didn't involve laughter, amusement, or any of the other things people associate with comedy. It was equivalent to putting bits of glass, metal, wood and similar on a plate, and saying you're a chef. Kaufman's material was aggressive, in your face, provocative, and not even slightly funny.

This deeply unfunny and unpleasant man (if Carrey's portrayal of the rest of him is as accurate as the Taxi part) had nothing worthwhile to say, and one can only speculate as to why he chose to say it in that fashion.

The film involves spending a lot of time in the company of someone whose company is not pleasant. So, while granting Carrey the kudos he merits, I have to say that I did not like this film.
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Delightfully Hauting
adbny19959 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sure this review will be shorter than the last- or so I say now. I thought I'd do a review about this movie because its another film that I think has been really underrated. I've also seen this one three times and I loved it. So here I go! The first time I saw this, it was with someone that had already watched it so I remember feeling that I was pressured to catch all the details and to like it. You know that feeling? I usually just make sure its a movie that me and my company haven't seen. For this movie it actually turned out okay… First of all the storyline is just amazing. Wait… SN: I'm realizing that I may just run out of positive adjectives to use to explain how much I liked this movie, this story, these characters… I'm just so in awe that I may not be varied in my articulation. So just imagine a girl sitting at her computer bright eyed heart beating quickly, jaw dropped and mind so active that what comes onto this blog is merely the few snip bits of wonder that she is able to snatch and type. This is my new favorite movie. I have so much to say about it. You'll just have to trust that I know what I'm talking about.

OK i'm back. Its just so fresh. Yeah, FRESH, that a good way to describe it! Like the last review I did, I think this movie is another one that requires a sharp mind to appreciate it. But Man on the Moon is not just a movie. What I say will speak to this whole phenomenon as it were… There's tons of unorthodox and very smart things that take a open and patient lover of comedy to enjoy. There that's all i'll say for that.

Jim Carey stars as Andy: Now any level of "film buff" knows that Jim Carey is one of the most successful comedians in the business. I'm not the biggest Jim Carey fan so I haven't seen all of his work or know his story, but as someone who loves comedy and at least likes him, I was very satisfied with his acting in this film. In my opinion, Jim only solidifies his talent in this movie. The truth is this movie is not nearly as popular as his other films, and he plays a role that's on an entirely different scoring field. But the result is absolutely incredible. Also this movie rates pretty high on this site alongside his other movies: 7.5/10 compared to 6.8/10 for The Mask or 6/10 for The cable guy. I think that the reason for this is the storyline.

Danny DeVito's role in the film touched me because he was manager and mentor to this special guy. I found myself wishing I myself could have played this role. What a wonderful place to be.

Paul Giamatti took on a similar role. He instead, was like a side kick or understudy. Also a wonderful place to be.

There is also a lot of stars in this film but someone my age wouldn't really be able to speak on them.

This movie was just magical. If I wasn't cracking up, I was sitting on the edge of my seat with my mind constantly active and overwhelmingly entertained. You will NEVER see a movie like this, as you will NEVER hear a story quite like this. I've never been so happy after seeing a movie. It was so satisfying and fun and sad and…I just thought it was brilliant. What this character did was all so very groundbreaking and brilliant that he just makes such a strong impact.

Now in order to do this review, I had to do some research. Remember when I described Man on the Moon as a phenomenon? Here's why: I remember hearing that this was based on a true story, but today as I'm writing this review I was moved once again. First, I went to Google to search for Andy. And there it was. The first link : Andy Kaufman on Wikipedia. I skimmed the article and was surprised to see what things in his life were held true in the movie. What a treat! Its hard to believe that Andy really didn't consider himself to be a comedian. Then, I went to YouTube and watched a video of him in an interview on David Letterman. Again I was just amazed. I liked thinking of how the audiences must have been so affected by him. It would have been such a big thing to experience first hand. Lastly, I watched an interview with Danny DeVito about working with Andy Kaufman on Taxi. This interview just brought back for me all of the feelings I saw while watching the movie because he talks about a scene from the film as it happened in real life. Simply irresistible.

Andy Quotes: They say, "Oh wow, Andy Kaufman, he's a really funny guy." But I'm not trying to be funny. I just want to play with their heads.

I just want real reactions. I want people to laugh from the gut, be sad from the gut, or get angry from the gut.

Andy Kaufman is among the greats. He was the one who brought the people through every emotion at maximum intensity. He was the one who's brilliance is haunting. If you don't know of the man I suggest that you watch Man On the Moon. Then, learn about the true character that simply could not have been created for film.
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Andy, did you hear about this one?
dbdumonteil27 April 2003
Andy Kaufman was definitely a famous actor in the United States. However, in France, he still remains unrecognized. It was nearly normal that American cinema devotes him a movie. This is Milos Forman who took care of relating Andy's life and the result is a fair success. Forman had the good idea by hiring Scott Alexander and Larry Karasweski to write the screenplay. They wrote the screenplay of "Ed Wood" by Tim Burton and to write Andy Kaufman's story, they used the same methods as in Tim Burton's movie: they tried to relate Andy's life as precisely as possible and the result works. Besides, you could say that Ed Wood and Andy Kaufman were two characters who had similar points: they wished to impose their talent so as to go down in history, they had weird habits and unfortunately they had an unhappy end of life: they fell badly sick and died.

The less we can say is that Andy Kaufman was an uncommon and unpredictable character which shows had surprises in store. They were great "trompe l'oeil" and used to lead the public astray. Behind the dramatic side of the situations, Kaufman's shows turned out to be loaded and completely made-up. But in spite of his absurd performances, Kaufman used generally to reach his goal: make the public laugh and it showed his original talent. Moreover, Forman introduced a lot of liberty and movements during the shows that sometimes are close to the surrealism.

Jim Carrey is rather convincing in his performance and restitutes quite well Andy's personality. He skilfully avoids the third-rate acting. It shows that he's into the hands of a conscientious and serious film-maker who masters his movie. As a conclusion: a fair movie and a quite harsh biography.
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Umm, ok?
oogy_boogy17 November 2001
I saw this movie with my friend and he told me that what i should have really done was watch some of the eariler stuff and try to get a basic understanding of him, i didn't do this and it was a BIG mistake.

The movie is little more than an autobiography in my opinion of a crazy man with a split personality, i didn't understand most of the jokes and if anything, i think that you have to be a big fan of this guy in order to understand most of whats happening on screen.

I won't disgrace this movie by calling it bad, but at the same time i really couldn't say that i would recommend this to anyone who asked without reservations becoz u have to know something about the films "before" plot. This movie for those who know what its about will be quite good, but in my opinion, steer well clear away if u have NO IDEA of who this guy is!
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