The Peacemaker (1997) Poster

George Clooney: Thomas Devoe



  • Thomas Devoe : Doctor, you can run your charts and your theories all you want. In the field, this is how it works: the good guys, that's us, we chase the bad guys. And they don't wear black hats. They are, however, all alike: they demand power, and respect, and they're willing to pay top dollar to get it. And that is our highly motivated buyer.

    Julia Kelly : What about other motivations?

    Thomas Devoe : Not important to me.

    Julia Kelly : Whether it's important to you or not, there are people out there who don't care about money, who don't give a damn about respect. People who believe the killing of innocent men and women is justified. For them it is about rage, frustration, hatred... they feel pain and they're determined to share it with the world.

    Thomas Devoe : Okay, that does me no good. Now let's deal with the facts at hand. 23 hours ago, General Alexander Kodoroff stole ten nuclear warheads.

    Julia Kelly : He's just a delivery boy. I'm not afraid of the man who wants ten nuclear weapons, Colonel. I'm terrified of the man who only wants one.

  • Julia Kelly : [Kelly is reading a list of terrorist names]  IIin, Kodoroff, Kulik, Levindovsky

    Thomas Devoe : Kodoroff? Alexsander Kodoroff?

    Julia Kelly : Yeah... you know him?

    Thomas Devoe : Yeah... I know him... Goddamn it. All right, I don't know about these guys, but General Aleksandr Kodoroff doesn't ride around on a nuclear transportation train. Get me NMCC intel please. It's like Ivana Trump on the subway.

  • Julia Kelly : You will not take action without authorization.

    Devoe : What do you think I am, some gung-ho, stupid son of a bitch?

    Julia Kelly : No, I don't think you're stupid. I think you're a talented soldier with sloppy impulse control.

  • Julia Kelly : So do you think he set us up?

    Thomas Devoe : Who?

    Julia Kelly : Your friend.

    Thomas Devoe : No.

    Julia Kelly : How can you be so sure?

    Thomas Devoe : Because he's my friend.

  • Thomas Devoe : [approaching enemy truck in a helo]  All right, gentlemen - whatever you do, do not shoot any civilians, do you understand?

    [minutes later, pointing to a couple of gunmen on the bridge below] 

    Thomas Devoe : Those fuckers you can shoot!

  • Ken : Colonel, the guy you bagged is Dr. Amir Teraki, Pakistani. PhD in Astrophysics, educated at Harvard.

    Colonel Tom Devoe : That's right, people. We educated half the world's terrorists.

  • Julia Kelly : [Devoe wants to take a team into Russia while they know where the bombs are]  The Russians say they are handling it.

    Thomas Devoe : The Russians couldn't find snow in the middle of fucking winter. Look, it's this simple. When that satellite is out of range, those nukes are gone.


    Thomas Devoe : It's only jet fuel.

  • Thomas Devoe : I'd like to know something. You moved from Lawrence Livermore to the White House. So, first you build the bombs to blow up the entire world, and now you want to save it. Make up your mind: which is it going to be?

    Julia Kelly : Well, I believe this week we're saving it.

  • Soldier in attack force : We have a survivor here, sir.

    Devoe : [to man hanging off side of bridge]  Do you speak English?

    Dr. Taraki : Yes - I went to Harvard - Go Crimson! Help me up, please?

  • Julia : Where the hell is my military liason?

    Devoe : Colonel Thomas Devoe reporting as ordered, ma'am. I'm sorry about in there, sometimes my enthusiasm gets the better of me.

    Julia : No problem. Would you like some coffee?

    Devoe : I'd love some.

    Julia : It's over there.

  • Julia Kelly : Would you call Langley? We're still waiting on a psych profile on Kodorov.

    Thomas Devoe : He's an asshole. Save you the trip.

    Julia Kelly : Thanks, I'll settle for the official version.

    Thomas Devoe : OK, officially - he's an asshole!

  • Devoe : [Devoe phones Kodoroff, who is driving a truck loaded with stolen nuclear warheads]  You watched CNN during Desert Storm. You remember all those television shots from the nose cone of the GBU missiles slammin' into those trucks? Remember that picture? How it kept gettin' closer and bigger on the screen... You'd just about see the faces of those drivers and then... Zap! The picture went dead, we didn't get to see what happened next. Well guess what, Alek? You will.

  • Thomas Devoe : It doesn't make sense. You don't... you don't kill a Dimitri Vertikoff. There are certain rules - killing him isn't useful.

    Julia Kelly : Is it ever?

  • Devoe : My personal agenda is my business. Now you are not in Washington anymore. You are in the real world, and in the real world there are nuclear arms heading for Iran. Now whether your agree with me or not, GET ME AUTHORIZED!

  • Colonel Tom Devoe : [Devoe is holding the passenger list of the train]  Forty men on board.

    Julia Kelly : Well, this is meaningless.

    Colonel Tom Devoe : It's in Russian.

    Julia Kelly : [in Russian]  It's meaningless because they haven't listed anybody's rank.

  • [Losungsswort] 

    Julia Kelly : I need the password... What's the password?

    Thomas Devoe : Hang on...

    [rips duct tape and ask Hans] 

    Thomas Devoe : Password

    Hans, German Backpacker : NO

    Thomas Devoe : [to Julia]  All right... Hang on...

    [puts silencer on his gun and puts it on Hans left elbow] 

    Thomas Devoe : All right, Hans, we'll do it your way... How's the backhand? Password

    Hans, German Backpacker : Hasselhoff

    Thomas Devoe : [to Julia]  Hasselhoff

    Julia Kelly : Hasselhoff - how do you spell Hasselhoff?

  • Thomas Devoe : I'm not gonna shoot you unless I have to. And if I have to I'll feel really bad about it. Now sit down!

  • Colonel Tom Devoe : Sir, it's not our war.

    Dusan Gavrich : It is now!

    [He raises his gun to his head...] 

    Julia Kelly : NO-!

    [... and shoots himself] 

  • Julia Kelly : [Julia Kelly is trying to disarm a nuclear bomb with less than a minute left while Tom Devoe is standing next to her]  Devoe, get out of here.

    Thomas Devoe : [laughs]  Okay, I'll be in the truck.

  • Julia Kelly : This is your plan?

    Colonel Tom Devoe : Yep.

    Julia Kelly : [incredulous]  This is your big plan?

    Colonel Tom Devoe : This is ... my plan.

  • Devoe : You're the head of transportation, right?

    Shummaker : That? No, I just do the scheduling.

    Devoe : Right, you're the guy who gets things done. Smart, put a German on it.

  • Devoe : I gotta know, are you still humping that Finnish stewardess with the bad skin?

    Aleksandr Kodoroff : Tom, you still trading stolen cars on the black market?

See also

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