The bus Billy enters at the beginning has a different color paint job in the close ups and the wide shots. It is silvery in the close up but blue and white in the wide shots.
The positions of the photo album and wine bottle on the dining room table at Billy's parents' house change between shots.
When Billy and Layla check into the motel, the clerk tells them check-out time is eleven o'clock, but a sign on the left wall states the time as noon.
Getting out of prison, Billy lies down to the bench in the sleet and rain. When he steps on the bus, his clothes are dry. He should be dripping wet.
After Billy grabs the bread off the table, it is back on the serving plate in a different shot.
When Billy initially gets into Layla's Celica he starts it up, no problem. Then, briefly following, he seems to be surprised that the car has a manual transmission that he is unable to drive. However, he would have had to engage the clutch to even start the car in first place.
When Billy and Layla leave the photo booth, they do so to (the viewer's) left side, though that side of the booth is positioned against a wall.
In the bowling alley scene when Billy ask Layla "What's so funny?", the boom mic shadow is visible on the ceiling behind his head when the camera pulls back.
When Billy and Layla arrive at Billy's parents' house, right under the upper door frame, you can see the boom mic.
When Billy and Layla get into her car after leaving the dance studio, you can hear the car start but then it cuts to Billy in the driver's seat complaining he doesn't know how to drive a shifter car. He wouldn't be able to start the car without already knowing that the car was standard.
Super Bowl XXV footage is obviously not from Super Bowl XXV.
When Layla does her tap dance in the bowling alley, several of the tap hits on the soundtrack do not match her foot movements at all.