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A dramatic and well made film
thousandisland4 June 2000
This film has a seriousness and drama to it that will surprise you. There are no songs, and it has an adult feel to it, with mature themes and exciting action. The voice characters are its main failing, with Kevin Bacon giving rather flat performance to Balto, and there is an overall lack of conviction in most of the other voices as well. But this movie has good story and excellent pacing- there are several gripping action sequences, and very few childish moments. Balto is an excellent family film, and will keep adults and older kids enthralled and entertained. I think it's a little too serious for very young kids to enjoy, though. It has realism and is not light hearted. There are ideas about sickness, death and prejudice which are used very well to move this story along and help resolve it in the end. This is a hero story with a feel-good ending, and plenty of adventure along the way. The art and appearance is interesting and unique, mostly classic animation with a few computer assisted scenes-- the overall look is tidy and quality, with some charm and humor that will get you smiling. It has a live action entry and closure (including a view of the Balto statue in Central Park) which acts as a tie-together, and the true story behind this movie gives it additional appeal. This film, like the WB's 'Iron Giant', has been breezed over by the public and not gotten the recognition it deserves. I would recommend Balto for anyone who likes dogs, realism, or just a smooth, enjoyable film.
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Based on a true story
The_Light_Triton17 January 2018
I grew up watching this movie multiple, multiple times as a kid. I had not seen it in probably 15 years when my mother dug it up on Netflix last night and I got to relive this dog-lovers classic. But unlike the last time I watched, I did no research done on the actual true story...but that's for later.

Balto is the story of a half-dog/half-wolf who is the subject of intolerance by the living beings of Nome in the year 1925. Even though he has friends like Boris, the Russian Goose, and Muk & Luk, 2 goofy, fun loving polar bears, He desperately tries to fit in, but no matter what he does, the townsfolk don't trust his wolf side and the dogs of the town wish he would simply cease to exist, especially the vicious husky Steele. But when a sickness overtakes a wave of children in the town, including young Rosie, who's dog Jenna takes a liking to Balto, Balto takes it upon himself to help save the children, with Boris informing him "A dog cannot make this journey alone....but maybe a wolf can."

Now with every "based on a true story" line there's got to be alterations to the story. and some alterations, like adding in comic relief in the form of a Russian goose and a british-accented polar bear are totally acceptable.

But there are details that are left out. For example, The sled run was not made by one dog team, it was actually multiple mushers and 2 leaders - Togo (who we can assume is whom Steele is based upon.) and Balto, a trained, single breed Siberan husky. Togo ran most of the run, but Balto only ran the last leg of the course, and therefore got all the fame. If you really want to know the true story, just dig up the trivia section.

The voice actors do a really good job, although Kevin Bacon sounds too good to play the role of a stray dog like Balto. Bob Hoskins definitely got the Russian snow goose role down very well, although having Robin Williams there would've been really, really fun (But too recognizable...and expensive.) Bridget Fonda for Jenna, She's got the beautiful girl voice. Phil Collins, the guy from Genesis for Muk & Luk, he's not bad but it feels out of place because of his british accent. Rick Moranis & Dave Thomas (Bob & Doug McKenzie) Would've been perfect, but they came later for brother bear. Jim Cummings? What can you say, the guy's a Voice-over legend but you can hear the traces of Tigger in his voice (Tigger from Winnie the pooh, Cummings also provides his voice) And finally, the uncredited Frank Welker as the bear. No really. give him credit. He made a killer angry bear.

Animation-wise, it's very well done. Amblination/DreamWorks always have been able to hold a candle up to Disney (even though Disney's got the firehose to douse it.) look for a cute little reference to E.T. during one scene.

As long as it's still up on Netflix, give this one a view.
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Good boy, Balto.
cricketbat28 December 2018
Toy Story may have stolen the spotlight from Balto in 1995, but this is an under-the-radar movie anyway. They barely stretched the story to over an hour with all the filler they threw in. But it's a harmless movie with a heartwarming message. Good boy, Balto.
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A great movie! One that will live in your memory forever!
This is a great children's movie. But, being a kid's movie doesn't mean that it isn't good for others. This film entertains audiences of all ages. I first saw this movie when I was seven. And to this day, I still love it. Kevin Bacon supplies the voice of Balto, a half-bred wolf who risks his life to travel in the cold of Alaska to retrieve a sled of dogs that were lost while bringing antibiodics back to the town of Nome to stop an epidemic. BALTO is a film to see on a cold, Sunday when you have nothing better to do. You will enjoy this film greatly. After viewing it once, you will want to see it again. I lost track of how many times I have seen this film. But it has been more than thirty times. See this movie. It's well worth seeing. This one is one that I am proud to have in my video collection.....5/5.
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Not bad
briancham19943 October 2020
I like films with dogs and this one had all the right ingredients - a brave and relatable hero, the compelling stakes, the evil villain, the comedic sidekicks and so on. However, the execution leaves a bit to be desired. It feels too typical and sentimental, such as the framing story. It was a joy to watch but some moments took me out because they were so exaggerated or contrived.
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Amblimation caps off its short life with a genuinely good adventure story.
IonicBreezeMachine8 May 2021
Set in Nome, Alaska in the winter of 1925 (and loosely based on a true story, Batlo (Kevin Bacon), a wolfdog, is an outcast in a town that mistrusts him. The exceptions consist of Boris(Bob Hoskins), a Russian Snow Goose who is Balto's adoptive uncle, a young girl named Rosy(Juliette Brewer), and Rosy's pet Siberian Husky Jenna(Bridget Fonda). When an outbreak of diphtheria strikes the town's children, including Rosy. With transportation routes by air and sea closed, the only viable route is via a lone dog sled team making a treacherous journey between Nome and Nenana. Balto despite his stamina and strong sense of direction is kept off the team by the ego and superiority of Steele (Jim Cummings), a malamute who's a figure of authority and respect in the town. However when the sled team gets lost only Balto can save them by learning to embrace the part of himself he saw as a weakness as a strength.

Released in the Holiday season of 1995, Balto marked the final film from Steven Spielberg's short lived animation label, Amblimation (though the animators were relocated to Dreamworks), prior to the release of Batlo Universal had released two other Amblimation films, An American Tail: Fivel Goes West and We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story, which were both eviscerated by critics and met with lukewarm box office. Universal's interest in theatrical animation was waning at this time, and with the failure of these three films, Universal scrapped a planned animated adaptation of Andrew Lloyd Webber's Cats. Balto was better received critically than the preceding Amblimation films (albeit wit reservation), but even with the improved critical reception, its proximity to the release of Disney Juggernaut, Toy Story meant paying family audiences were syphoned away. It's a shame Balto wasn't given a wider berth from other animated films because Balto is actually a solidly told adventure story.

While the movie is based on a true story, the movie keeps only the scantest of details and shouldn't be taken at face value for historical facts. This is not a knock against the movie, but if I don't say it someone else will. While animated movies based on historical events have a divisive response to say the least (Don Bluth's Anastasia and Disney's Pocahontas being prime examples), Balto takes the bare bones of the 1925 serum run to Nome and filters it through the lens of Jack London. In many ways Balto is a traditional dog adventure story fitting well with the established examples like White Fang. Kevin Bcaon plays Balto really well with a cocky swagger but also conveys the loneliness that his "half breed" status has afforded him, he doesn't fit with the sled dogs of Nome but he also doesn't fit with the wolves either and it's a story about self-acceptance and not letting the label the world has decided for you define your identity. While the character of Balto is quite endearing, he's also put through an adventure that has weight and stakes we care about. Jenna, who serves the story as Balto's love interest and one of the few points of light in Nome for Balto is also loyal and protective of her owner Rosy, admittedly the earlier scenes with Rosy can sometimes be a bit too overt with how they're done as a way of creating emotional weight to the movie, but the more subdued scenes with Jenna and Rosy are really well done and Bridget Fonda does a great job voicing Jenna conveying her determination, sincerity, and principles. Steele also makes a really strong villain, with his army of sycophants and his ego he's definitely more than a little reminiscent of Gaston from Beauty and the Beast and his snarling smugness with a punchable superiority complex and Jim Cummings excellent delivery make him a villain you love to hate.

The animation is also really well done this time around. With Simon Wells directing this movie sans his collaborator on the previous films, Phil Nibbelink, the bounciness present in Fievel Goes West and We're Back has been dialed back considerably and it's a much more focused film that allows breathing room for emotional and character based scenes. The movie uses a mixture of traditional animation and subtle CGI touches to good effect with a particular stand out moment involving a grizzly bear with fur that's aggressive dark creating a good use of negative space that's really striking, and a good sequence with a frozen lake that gets ambitious experimenting with perspective.

Balto is not a perfect film as it does have some notable drawbacks, the first is that there are way too many comic relief characters in this movie. Some like Boris the snow goose have a clear place, but others like Muk and Luk the Polar Bears voiced by Phil Collins (yes, seriously) and a trio of Steele's sycophants who are the subject of a running gag used six times in the film are aggravatingly bouncy and just feel like distractions from the story and characters. While the animation in Balto is really good throughout the majority of the film, there are moments where the animation gets a bit more rubbery and elastic than it should.

Balto is a solid animated adventure film. With a likable protagonist and stakes we care about, the film takes on a beautiful but harrowing journey through frozen Alaskan wilderness and tells a story of overcoming prejudice and societal labeling. While the film suffers from having too many comic relief characters and some inconsistency to the animation, it's a heartfelt story with sense of adventure.
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Balto was truly 'man's best friend'. A feel good animation movie.
ironhorse_iv3 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
People have always seemed to have a soft spot for heroic fictional dogs. Whether it's on television like 'Lassie' (1954-1973), 'Rin Tin Tin' (1954-1959), & or heart-warming family films like 'Old Yellow' (1957) & 'Benji' (1974) series. These creatures has captures our love and affection as few other things. So it's only natural, to want to hear about real-life dogs who save people for real, like Balto (1919-1933), whom help out on a supple run, to prevent a deadly epidemic from ravaging Nome, Alaska in 1925. However, I can't say, this animation film from Amblin Entertainment & Universal Pictures is historic accurate. There were a few parts in this film directed by Simon Wells that was a little far-fetched like the idea that one set of dog-sled mushers made the seven hundred miles from Nenana to Nome to stop an epidemic, in a few days, when it normally takes 25 days. In truth, 1925 Serum Run, also known as "Great Race of Mercy", carry out the task in five and half days, without much breaks, because they had 20 mushers and about 150 sled dogs, at relay points throughout the path. If anything, it was more a relay race than a marathon. Also, Balto in real life, wasn't the dog that went through the longest and most hazardous part of the run. That honor goes to Togo, who led his team on a 91-mile journey that included crossing the perilous ice of Norton Sound. The real Balto, only got the credit, because they were the ones that arrived in Nome. This claim to fame, became a source of controversy by many historians, as many consider Togo to be the true hero & should had been immortalized with a statue in Central Park. Also, I hate the fact that the movie makes it look like the human mushers were mostly unconscious, incapacitated or inadequate, the whole time, as if it was the dogs that was leading the way. In truth, people like Gunnar Kaasen, Leonhard Seppala, Bill Shannon, Edgar Kalland, Jack Nicolai, Myles Gonangnan, Henry Ivanoff, and others, deserve credit as well. They made life threatens, decisions in the way, they travel, often changing paths. Some of them, lost dogs, and nearly lose their hands to frostbite, because of the dangerous journey. Another thing, I have to criticize about the film is it's out of place & over the top, predictable villain in Steele (Voiced by Jim Cummings) who Balto (Voiced by Kevin Bacon) have to fight with. I felt the movie didn't one. After all, man vs nature is already a very good conflict. His presence was really, jarring. I don't get, how he was able to get ahead of the race team and ruin the markings of the tree, after being lost, with them, only a few minutes, earlier. It just doesn't add up. Why, don't they just use, their nose in the first place!? Not all changes that the screenwriters, Cliff Ruby, Elana Lesser, David Steven Cohen & Roger S. H. Schulman were bad. I kinda like the idea of the film portray Balto as a gray outcast street wolf-dog, rather than a pure bred Siberian husky. It adds to the idea of being isolated, because people fear him as a dangerous wild animal. I love that he is looking for a chance to fit in and proving to his peers that he is capable for compassion. I also didn't mind, all the obstacles that he had to go through on his journey; even if some of them, don't make sense, like the bear sequence. Aren't they, supposed to be hibernation? Anyways, all the action scenes were all intense and help make the film, a little more compelling than what it original could had been. I also didn't mind, the illogical, weird editing of live action modern-day narrative with the animation flashbacks sequences; as it adds to the tone, of a parent reading their children, a kid friendly's fairy tale version of real-events. Even the dialogue scenes with the dogs talking, while the humans not understanding the animals, wasn't much of a problem for me; as the dogs don't really say much. Plus, I saw this, play out, in many traditional dog related Disney animation films before, such as 1955's 'Lady & the Tramp' & 1961's '101 Dalmatians'. In truth, the voice acting for the dogs weren't that bad. The voice acting for the other animals were little more questionable, like Bob Hoskins as Boris, the goose and singer Phil Collins, as sidekicks Polar Bears, Muk & Luk. They could be a bit annoying, at times. Still, for the most part, they were there for some good laughs, which, they delivered on. I also dig, the music from composer, James Horner. Overall: I wish more people went to go see 'Balto' at the time. While not an outright bomb, it didn't turn a profit, due to new-kid-on-the-block Pixar releasing 'Toy Story'; which slaughtered this film at the box office. Some animation fans consider it to be the first sign of CGI eventually overthrowing traditional animation. It's sad, because the animation was honestly pretty good for Amblimation film. Sadly, the studio close its doors after only three films, as most of the staff would migrate over to Dreamworks Animation for 1998's 'The Prince of Egypt'. In the end, while it's not the most heart feel or entertaining, animated movie out there, Balto is still worth watching. It's engaging and very though-provoking. While, you can't teach an old dog, new tricks. You can still teach your children to grasp complex social issues, while showing them, great examples of honor, duty, self-sacrifice, humility, & dedication in the face of fear, with Balto. It's a must-watch.
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This movie was great, and I cannot see how someone could not like it.
fatalframer12217 February 2005
It is only my opinion, but this was probably one of the best animated movies I have ever viewed. I cannot understand why someone could disagree against this movie. Character voicing was superb, full of life and very well constructed. Aniamtion was beautiful, with smooth backgrounds and even up to the little details such as footprints left behind in the snow. The music was probably the best part of all, with the excellent orchestral background, full of dramatic phrases during an intense part of the movie. It especially sounds great when you're supporting surround sound.

This movie was a great movie and people think it was one of the greatest letdowns in the 1990's. In my opinion, it was the greatest animated movie and I would recommend that you should watch it with your family or with a friend. It is a fantastic movie...
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Old dog with old tricks, but pleasant enough.
vip_ebriega28 August 2008
My Take: Good family entertainment with pleasant animation yet familiar plot elements.

Universal may have released THE LAND BEFORE TIME which was a terrific family animated adventure and, in my opinion, a worthy Disney contender in the 80's (not exactly the best time for Disney until THE LITTLE MERMAID came along), but they're still not Disney. With reaping one mighty triumph after another, classic after classic, Disney has proved to be at the top of their game (a game which they themselves started by the way). Universal, with former Disney animator Don Bluth working alongside them, is one of Disney's first business rival, a studio challenging Disney with their own animated efforts. Besides THE LAND BEFORE TIME (certainly the best of the bunch), there's AN American TAIL and its sequel, both of which doesn't match Disney's regal highness.

By 1995, Universal released another contender to the Disney throne. It's BALTO, an animated adventure supposedly based on true events of a courageous sled dog mellowed down to kids movie material (talking animals, wild antics, mild fictional perils). For an animated film, BALTO fulfills all the requirements: a pristine animated environment filled with interactive characters, a stylish voice cast, fast pacing and all the essential trappings to drag both adults and kids to purchase. But while it fulfills being an animated adventure, it rarely succeeds on being a brilliant one. It's appealing for kids, with maybe a few tidbits to attract adult attention, but it's still miles away from Disney territory.

The film is less a true story as mere fairy tale, as Balto (voiced by Kevin Bacon), an Ugly Duckling of a half-wolf (half-husky, half-wolf) usually tormented and embarrassed by the other sled dogs, including the cream-of-the-crop town "hero" Steel (voiced by Jim Cummings). His only real friends in the world is a talkative goose named Boris (voiced by Bob Hoskins) and a pair of twin polar bear cubs (voiced by Phil Collins). Pretty soon, a dangerous epidemic plagues the small Nome town, and after the sled team sent to pick up the antitoxins have failed, Balto seeks a chance to play hero as he sets of on his own to find the team, bring the medicine back to the ill-stricken town and have a monument inscribed before him (Okay, that last one wasn't exactly part of his plans!). Along the way, the film manages to provide a few good moments, including a battle against a giant Grizzly bear (why it isn't hibernating at this time of the year I don't know) which might scare the kids a little, but is no doubt some of the film's more exciting moments. There's also an avalanche (two actually, one on a cave).

The voice cast is adequate, as is the animation, but BALTO can't help but fall short. The characters, story and everything else, while good, are not Disney caliber and definitely feel more like a forced imitation. But as pure family entertainment, I didn't mind taking BALTO out for a spin. Therefore, I suggest a worthy rental would do just fine.

Rating: *** out of 5.
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Wonderful family movie
Dontaskuwontlikeit25 October 2007
This movie evokes so much emotion in me, just thinking about it. This movie came out 1 day before my daughter was born. She still loves it to this day,

and now my 6 year old son enjoys it. He has watched it three times since i got it on DVD! This movie teaches a wonderful lesson. And is just a wonderful true movie!

If you can get this movie for your children. They will enjoy it for years to come, as will you!And i really don't need 10 lines to explain to you how good this movie is.

When you get the chance to watch it, that will be enough.
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Fun and Charming
NicholasCarriker13 April 2020
Balto's biggest set back is that Its historically inaccurate to almost obsurd levels. But luckily, this isn't a film for analyzing; It's a film for entertainment and enjoyment, and in that sense Balto succeeds. The animation is good and pleasent to watch, the characters are fun, charming, and likable, and the main bad-dog of the movie even has some depth in his portrayal. All making for an enjoyable adventure for the whole family.
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A Nice Retelling of a True Story
RECB318 September 2023
This is a good and nice film for all viewers to watch and enjoy. I enjoyed watching it. It is not exactly what really happened but it this film was a great take on the true story. The storyline was great and could have been a bit better. The cast selection was terrific. They connected well to the storyline.

This film reveals and tells viewers a broad outline of what really happened. I like watching true story films and dog films. This was a nice spin and combination of the two. Both true story films and dog films always teaches viewers something that can help anyone in life. This is a great film for viewers to watch, enjoy, and learn about a terrific true story.
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A glorification of a average dog.
magnusl198521 September 2020
It's a good children's movie but a glorification of a average dog.

Togo was the real hero in the true event but Balto got all the credit due to pulling the last miles. Balto was part only for 31 miles alongside 19 other teams but Togo and his sledteam not included among the 19 did 264 miles.
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Flawed...but fun and heartfelt
bsilbor27 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I recently had the opportunity to watch this film for the first time all the way through. I had seen bits and pieces of it on cable before as a kid, but I had never actually seen it all the way through, so nostalgia does not factor into my experience with this film.

Historical inaccuracies aside, this film is fun and heartfelt and a good movie to curl up on the couch with your kids during a snowstorm, with the lights off. It sends a good message of accepting what others see as your flaws and accepting that they might not be flaws after all. By the end, Balto allows himself to be who he is, despite ridicule from others.

However, in my opinion, it does seem to hit too many of the beats and clichés that Disney follows (admittedly, I looked for this on Disney+ because I did think it was a Disney property). There's a scene where an animal character winds up in a chef's kitchen and is under threat of begin chopped up and cooked, like Sebastian in The Little Mermaid, the main protagonist is a charismatic, homeless stray that everyone makes fun of and who jumps across rooftops, like Aladdin, and there's a trio of the main antagonist's followers that provide comedy relief through their own character tropes, like the hyenas from The Lion King. These so-called Disney tropes were pretty glaring to me, but overall didn't detract from my enjoyment.

There are a couple other flaws I had with this film, one of which was the unremarkable voice acting, with Bob Hoskins as Boris and Jim Cummings as Steele being really the only two exceptions in my eyes. However, the major gripe I have is the lack of characterization for the humans. Granted, it is a movie about dogs, so I don't take it too much to heart, but one scene that made me do a bit of a double take was when the serum arrives in Nome. The musher is clearly in serious medical trouble and no one seems to really care when the team arrives in town. Everyone ignores the dying man next to them (and yes, I know the children are dying, but even the doctor didn't acknowledge the man in critical condition right next to him). The only acknowledgement we get regarding the injured musher are two throwaway lines: one nameless person asking how he was and an equally nameless person answering that he was gonna be okay. Both lines are said offscreen.

It's a children's movie about talking dogs and Alaskan wilderness and is, in my opinion, a great movie to watch to escape the bustlings of day-to-day life. The film sets out to entertain children and offer some things for accompanying adults as well, and it succeeds, but it only does just that. I would absolutely suggest this movie to someone looking for something that is family-friendly and reignites a child-like feeling in their gut.
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Very touching and sweet
Smells_Like_Cheese26 November 2006
My friend lent my Balto and told me how it was one of her favorite childhood movies and was surprised that I never saw it, so I figured to give the movie a shot and see what she was bragging about. It turned out to be a very touching and lovely movie about the power of never giving up. I really did enjoy it, I loved the old school animation, I really miss it with all the computer animation all the time now a days.

Balto is a half dog half wolf, he is not excepted by either animal and human. But when the children get sick and need medicine that is six hundred miles from town, the dogs are sent to get it, but when the don't return. Balto and his friends go out and try to help them and Balto ends up saving the day with his brave courage and will to survive and help the town that so badly casted him out.

I thought that this is a very good movie for both kids and a family movie, I could see why this movie is so important to my friend and many others, it was a sweet film that can really touch your heart. Balto is such a cool dog as well and a true inspiration, even if you are human! :D Please watch this movie, it's a cute one.

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Nice wolf cartoon, with almost no stupid music
siderite9 September 2005
The story of this cartoon is almost identical to Snow Dogs, only with dogs. The main character is a "racially challenged" dog, meaning that he is part wolf, so neither dogs nor wolfs really consider him their own. In the end, he prevails against adversity.

The animation was nice, although clearly not worked very much. It was a low budget film and it showed. However, with that came some interesting story twists and animation techniques as well as almost no music, as we are used with American cartoons.

In the end, I guess it is the best of the series (why movies devolve in time is still a mystery to me) though I barely started watching Balto III. Balto II sucks and this last part is starting with a song. Not a good sign.
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A well made and dramatic animated event.
Tinny-Tinette26 April 2014
Released in 1995, "Balto" was Amblinations attempt to the animated empire that was then occupied by Disney (although their domination was starting to decline). While it didn't set the box office on fire, "Balto" was still a cult hit and has gained it's audience after wards, which is quite deserved.

Balto may not be a milestone in animation, but still delivers a quite likable experience, as the matter of fact quite likable. Watching the film again after many years, I was surprised to see how much there was to like about the film, as a solid story, engaging characters and a fine score by James Horner. Although "Balto" is obviously aimed towards a younger audience, it has enough pathos, drama and suspense to engage an older viewer. While the animation may not be at Disney's standards, its's still not entirely flawed either. The character designs are good and the character animation is quite effective.

Whether it was intentional or not, "Balto" does bring back some thoughts to Disney's features. Balto comes across as a canine version of Aladdin, while Steele is obviously a canine version of Gaston. The three dogs that worship Steele are reminiscent of the hyenas in "The Lion King", while the female dogs hearkens back the thoughts to the female dogs in "Oliver and Company". The bear attack is reminiscent to the one in "The Fox and the Hound". In true Disney fashion, Balto has the sidekicks in Boris, Muk and Luk and a love interest. But interestingly enough, "Balto" is no musical and is absent for songs, which is an interesting choice.

The characters are another strong component to make "Balto" work. Balto may be your average hero, but he still is quite likable. Rosie is an endearing little girl. Steele is a effective semi-villain and his three worshipers are enjoyable. Boris and Muk/Luk might be grating at times, but they do have their moments. The least successful is Balto's love interest, Jenna, who's horribly bland.

If there's any flaw in "Balto", then there's the screenplay and the pacing. The pacing is somewhat clunky and muddled at times. The obligatory kiddie-humor can also be grating at times.

Despite this, "Balto" is a good film that deserves to be seen by every animation fan.
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Awesome review for an awesome movie
Dragondrawer8825 August 2005
Balto has been a favorite movie of mine ever since it came out. This is the touching story of an out casted half dog half wolf named Balto voiced by the talented Kevin Bacon who's voice added a slight charm to the Balto character. The story takes place in Nome Alaska in the year 1925. A sickness as stricken the town's children and with out the antitoxin which is located hundreds of miles away in town of Nanana, the children will surly die. The dog team sent to retrieve the medicine which is led by Balto's almost arch nemesis Steel, is lost in a horrible snow storm. Now it is up to Balto to find the missing sled dog team and bring the medicine back to Nome before it is too late.

This movie is so gripping, I can never sit through the whole thing without balling my eyes out. This movie has a great plot which is based of a true story, a wonderful cast of voice actors, and a vary flowing animation style. This movie is so gripping and compelling that it as inspired me to become an cartoonist. I loved this movie so much that some how I found out I have three copies of it in my movie library. Surly this movie is worth seeing or owning if it makes a 17 year old shows tears for it, or sets the course for his career. Call me a geek but this movie is perfect for any one who likes talking animals, old school basic animation, and happy endings.
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The best non-Disney animation ever.
daffyphack24 July 1999
As I say above, this is definitely the best non-Disney attempt at animation to date. This movie just has something others don't.

The basic plot is engrossing, as we watch Balto and the sled team attempt to get the medicine back in time, with the subplot of Balto trying to find acceptance within himself. The moment he truly discovers who he is is a powerful scene for an animated movie. The characters are great, with a very good cast representing them. Kevin Bacon of "six degrees" fame plays the hero wolf-dog Balto convincingly, as Bridget Fonda does with the heroine, a collie named Jenna. Jim Cummings (the true voice man of Hollywood) is delightfully malicious as Steele. The comedy relief comes in a hilarious Russian goose played by Bob Hoskins, and two polar bears (the funniest characters in the film) played by Phil Collins.

As a whole, I hate dogs, and any movies about them...but this movie is just different, and I think that I would be lost without it.
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Great Animation, Greatly Produced
Balto-22 January 1999
Where can I start? This movie is greatly animated, directed and written. There's no cheesy songs to slow it up or a boring storyline. Every angle that is shown is perfect, every background and colour scheme is great. The music by James Horner is well done and fits the moods of the film. Whether you're a kid or an adult, you will find yourself cheering Balto on.
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nothing special
colleenthewall21 November 1999
It was a cute, forgettable film. The animation is not even close to par with Disney, the script delivers a few notable one liners and nothing else, and the voice talents adequate. Still it has its "touching moments" and the audience it was intended for(small children) will adore it.
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Excellent, overlooked animated film.
La Gremlin29 June 2000
It's not hard to see why this movie wasn't particularly popular (check out the scene where the carpenter is shown sadly preparing small coffins), but that doesn't mean it isn't worth a look. It's actually one of the best underrated animated films of the 90's. The drama is real, the visuals are beautiful, and the story ends happily. The live action prologue and epilogue are a little distracting, but they're made up for by a random (and hilarious) visual shout-out to "E.T."
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Balto is a hero
DogePelis201527 May 2021
This is a magical and exciting adventure; the animation is beautiful and the dubbing in Latin Spanish is very good; I recommend it.
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arseface197529 December 2019
Watch Togo instead. He was the real hero of Nome, Alaska.
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