Terminal Velocity (1994) Poster

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Skydivers, explosions and a sense of humor
unbrokenmetal14 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Skydiver Ditch Brodie (Charlie Sheen) is asked for a lesson. The beautiful lady (Nastassja Kinski) he takes on the plane seems to fall to her death as the parachute doesn't open. Brodie quickly finds out that she is alive and well, and gets into the middle of a conspiracy. Soon he is chased by secret agents, gangsters, Russians... everyone, really, and he doesn't know what for. What matters most to this movie is that it is moving fast, as its title suggested. And "Terminal Velocity" does well as an action movie with its stunts and explosions, if you compare it to others of the genre. Also it has a certain sense of humor because of the unusual situation that the pretty lady perfectly knows the espionage business, while the hero just follows her footsteps and even has to ask her how he can fire a gun. It's not a Bond, but Sheen and Kinski both have much less exciting films in their biography, so most watchers won't be disappointed.
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Great fun
LuboLarsson7 July 2002
This film was much better than I expected it to be. Its a very enjoyable fast paced action film, which doesn't take itself to seriously, with an on form Charlie Sheen, a beautiful Miss Kinski and the added bonus of a pre-superstar James Gandolfini. Its actually the perfect film for a Saturday night with a few beers and Pizza. There are many great action set pieces and Charlie has some great one liners too, I mean this isn't meant to be a work of art, its a light hearted action film, and it does it well, I'll even forgive the part that ripped off the ejection seat sequence from Die Hard 2, after all Goldeneye done it too!
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"For someone I've never slept with you've f*cked me pretty good." Fun action flick.
poolandrews19 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Terminal Velocity is set in Arizona where maverick skydiver Richard 'Ditch' Brodie (Charlie Sheen) takes a job from the attractive Chris Morrow (Nastassja Kinski) to do a jump with her, however things go wrong & she falls out of the plane & ends up dead on the ground 1000's of feet below. Richard decides to do a little investigating & discovers that Chris is still alive & is an ex Russian KGB agent trying to stop another ex Russian KGB agent Ben Pinkwater (James Gandolfini) from stealing $600 million worth of hi-jacked Russian gold & together with Chris he decides to stop the bad guy's & clear his name...

Directed by Deran Sarafian I actually thought Terminal Velocity was a decent & enjoyable little action flick. The script by executive producer David Twohy moves along like a rocket although after the intriguing set up when Chris fakes her own death it sort of settles back down into standard action film thriller territory. The film never seems to take itself seriously & is fairly light hearted with some amusing one liners coming from Sheen, I loved the 'pack your bags we're going on a guilt trip' line he comes out with as Kinski tells him about the hardship Russians have! It's nothing terribly original, it's clichéd in the sense there are the hero's who eventually defeat the bad guy's & save the day but it's fun & provides a fair amount of entertainment if your looking for some light action.

Director Sarafian does a decent job, it's not particularly stylish but it's well made with some good action scenes. The skydiving stunts are particularly impressive although some seem a little far fetched especially the way Sheen rescue Kinski from a car that's been driven out the back of a plane. There are some neat enough explosions & fist fights as well.

With a supposed budget of about $50,000,000 it tanked at the box-office making a paltry $16,000,000. The acting is alright with Sheen making a likable hero.

Terminal Velocity turned out much better than I thought it would & I'm struggling to see why it bombed so badly when it was released, anyway I liked it & thought it was entertaining fun.
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Fun filled adventure
AvinashPatalay1 November 2004
SPOILER: Happened to watch it when it was aired on TV and must admit I wasn't disappointed.

A hot babe Nastassja Kinski walks into Training centre seeking a few sky-diving classes and Charlie Sheen more-than-willing obliges. A slight over-sight of Charlie Sheen leads to the death of the new student. Sheen loses his license but determined to investigate further leads to uncovering a big suspense coupled with a roller-coaster ride.

A lot of holes in the movie but the tongue-in-cheek dialogs and fast pace of the movie make you overlook it all. Afterall, you are watching the movie for fun - and you are getting it.

Action sequences are well-executed especially the mid-air sequences. I must admit when Sheen fails to open Kinski's parachute and she falls "plop", I was like "Oh... my God!".

Watch it for fun... would definitely recommend it. 6/10 rating.
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A movie quite underrated
TB774 November 1999
This is one film that has not scored many good reviews, but honestly, I'm a little surprised why most movie critics has slaughtered this film all together. Myself, I think that's unfair, cause I found it absolutely enjoyable. OK, the story is a bit thin at times, but alot of films has had thinner stories than this one, and still received better reviews. Sheen doesn't act too bad in this film either, and Kinsky surprises as well. None of them are great actors, but they don't let the film down. In general, a fair action-movie, with some very spectacular skydiving-scenes. Not bad at all.
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Behind the B-movie title is a cracking action comedy!
rm.bentley4 September 2003
It's a shame to see Deran Sarafian has ended up directing episodes of TV shows because he proves with this, his best film, that he's a very competent hand at the helm of a big action film. Admittedly he's helped by the two leads, Charlie Sheen and Nastassja Kinski, who have the C-word... Chemistry, not to mention the villains, James Gandolfini and Chris McDonald who have the B-word... Baddy?

The stunt work is both impressive and breath taking because you can see it's genuine – witness the nail biting scene involving a car in free fall – would it be half as exciting if it was done with CGI? With a script full of great comedy moments it all adds up to a very enjoyable way to spend 100 minutes. 7/10
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More like a Seventies TV film than anything else. Not very good, but not very bad, either
pfgpowell-15 February 2015
I can't say I'm too surprised that Terminal Velocity gets such a low IMDb overall rating and was a box office loss, making just $17 million dollars, $33 million short of its budget, but that's a bit misleading: it's not exactly bad, it's just that it isn't very good. It is something of a curio. It many different ways, not least the toe-curling 'macho' dialogue, it seems more like a refugee from a cheesy Seventies TV series than a Hollywood film. Why it was made I really couldn't guess. It would be entertaining enough if you have enough beer and chips handy and an evening to kill - and you're not to choosy - but don't bother going out of your way to see it. Win some, lose some, I suppose.
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An okay action flick for channel surfers
=G=2 October 2001
"Teminal Velocity", a B-level action flick with sky diving as the principle source of thrills, sticks Sheen and Kinski at the center of international intrigue with sundry bad guys chasing them around as they to manage to find ways to free fall through space and into love. Full of plot-holes, this typical commercial Hollywood product is a potpourri of stunts, shootouts, effects, pytotechnics, romance, etc. sufficient to keep the bleary-eyed channel surfer awake until the end. The flick has one really cool stunt near the end, goes easy on the sex, doesn't take itself too seriously, and is an enjoyable "ride" as long as expectations are kept low.
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Hilarity ensues in this corny, clichéd action thriller!
The_Void16 April 2006
It's impossible to deny that Terminal Velocity is a terrible, clichéd mess impersonating an action film; but then again, it's very difficult not to have a great laugh watching it. In the right conditions, this frankly rather dull action thriller becomes a hilarious comedy, and I'm glad to say that I saw the film under the right conditions. The plot is reminiscent of just about any other 'some guy gets pulled into a dodgy situation' action film ever made, and scriptwriter David Twohy clearly delights in throwing in cliché after cliché between and during several explosion infested action sequences. The film is held together by it's leading man; the laughably silly Charlie Sheen, who is just great in the role of Richard 'Ditch' Brodie, a skydiving instructor who is drawn into the 'world of espionage' after a young girl that he'd like to have sex with apparently falls to her death. It's obvious that the plot is just an excuse for lots of stunts because the object at the centre of the tale - some gold disk or something - never really figures properly in the story.

The thing that makes this film so hilarious is the fact that you're never entirely sure whether or not the comedy is intentional. Certain one-liners clearly are, but then there's scenes such as the one that sees Charlie Sheen casually mutter 'goddamnit', just as he's about to plummet down a coal burning tower that ensure the doubt still lingers. Charlie Sheen's persona perfectly fits the very silly role given to him in this film. Seeing him swan around with a barrage of 'manly' gestures and a complete lack of modesty ensures that there's always something to laugh at during Terminal Velocity. The ending is about as original as saying that you've packed everything but the kitchen sink, and sees all three of the textbook action film conclusions appear on screen one after another. First we have the high-octane action stunt sequence, which isn't too bad despite being rather hard to buy, even in this sort of film. This is followed by the Mano a Mano dual between lead good guy and lead bad guy, but best of all is the cheesy sentimental final climax, which really had me in stitches. I hope the comedy in this film wasn't intentional.
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Rather surprised at the low ratings
fred_loeper9 October 2020
I found this to be an enjoyable movie. Nothing overly special but certainly not a bad movie. The stunt at the end when the car is going at 'terminal velocity' I found to be worth the time.
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The epitome of the cheesy 1990s action movie
Leofwine_draca16 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
TERMINAL VELOCITY is one in a small wave of Hollywood films that utilised the topic of extreme sports to bring extra energy to the subject matter. POINT BREAK is perhaps the most influential and famous of the group, and then there was Wesley Snipes's DROP ZONE too. TERMINAL VELOCITY stars Charlie Sheen as the hero and it is undoubtedly the dumbest skydiving thriller you'll ever watch.

The plot sees Sheen's bone-headed character get tangled up in a conspiracy plot involving Nastassja Kinski, daughter of the famous German actor Klaus Kinski. There are plot twists borrowed from Stallone's CLIFFHANGER and an increasingly twisty storyline which ends up with the main character simply pursued by numerous goons. What follows is a series of unbelievable action escapades that refuse to follow the laws of physics.

The film has dated plenty since release and if you compare it to something like SPEED it comes off by far the worst. Sheen is impossible to take seriously as an action hero after his roles in the two HOT SHOTS! films and the film as a whole has an unwelcome spoof feel to it. James Gandolfini did the bad guy thing much better in TRUE ROMANCE and is a joke here. And don't get me started on those silly stunts...
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Fun, Entertaining Action Movie
ccthemovieman-124 August 2006
This was a generally fun film that is considered an action movie, and rightly so, but has its share of good comedy, too. Charlie Sheen showed he was well on his way to being successful playing comedic roles, as he's doing on television right now.

Nastassja Kinski plays the typical new young macho-female role that introduced on screen in the past generation in which females beat up males. Give me a break! Anyway, I still liked her despite the characterization. James Gandolfini was the best of the villains, and also demonstrated how he was about ready to hit the big time, which he also has on TV with The Sopranos. Christopher McDonald was another villain in here but was stupid, not fun to watch. He was angry all the time and his bleached hair looked ludicrous.

There are a couple of outrageous action scenes in this film, mostly notably when an automobile with Sheen and Kinski still in it is dropped from an airplane! Yes, to enjoy this film don't take any of it seriously! It's simply fast-paced entertainment. For that, it gets a good rating.
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Die Hard on a...cloud?
hitchcockthelegend24 October 2012
Terminal Velocity, it is what you most likely think it is. Another dumb action film featuring a hot double act of pretty boy and pretty girl. However, and I say this not with tongue in cheek, it is damn entertaining in that popcorn munching way. Hey, at least it didn't have billions spent on it and wasn't based on a computer game.

Charlie Sheen is a sky diving maverick who gets involved in a life threatening situation after meeting Nastassja Kinski's slinky Chris Morrow. Enter Russian baddies, lots of gold and Christopher McDonald entering the hall of fame for worst villain portrayals. Director Deran Sarafian (Death Warrant) keeps it brisk, Joel McNeely lifts from Die Hard and Basic Instinct for his musical score and a few scenes are well worth the time of action movie junkies (the finale involving a car falling from a plane is really thrilling).

It's not high art, but nobody should be expecting that, and to really get in the mood for it you may need to drink the Tequila worm that Kinski does here, but this is far from being the worst action movie of the early 90s. 6/10
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It's not the fall that kills you, it's the movie
Soswenson21 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I don't see how some people rate this movie so highly. The "Russians as menace" trope was by then threadbare, the dialogue was wooden, the minutes-long scene of skydiving near the end stretches credibility beyond the breaking point and the characters were flimsy even for a sendup of the genre, which it seemed to be attempting. This is possibly the worst film I've seen in a theater. The only redeeming feature I saw in it was that a few scenes in it showed the some of cool scenery near my hometown. I don't have contempt for this movie, just pity. Don't rent this movie, because it's too bad to be good, and not bad enough to be so bad that it's good.
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Why don't people like this film?
lizzy-820 January 1999
When this film came out, it has to be said, it bombed. Seriously, and tragically. I put it down to the pseudo intellectualism surrounding modern films. The Idea that a film doesn't actually have to have a deeper meaning, or specific point seems to go over the heads of some people. Films were made for enjoyment and to allow people to escape their ordinary hum drum lives. That's exactly what this film is. Totally implausible fun. But that's what makes it so good! If you want spiritual or intellectual fulfilment, go and watch something with subtitles. If you want escapism from normality and a few laughs along the way, WATCH THIS FILM!!!
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Somewhat Silly
Theo Robertson29 October 2003
By 1994 Charlie Sheen`s highly acclaimed performances in PLATOON and WALL STREET were a long faded memory and he found himself starring - That`s " starring " as in " Starring Eric Roberts in a movie few people got the chance to see in a cinema " - in dross like TERMINAL VELOCITY . To be honest this isn`t the worst film you`ll ever see but it is a fundamentally mediocre one . Sheen plays a sky diving instructor who finds himself facing possible manslaughter charges after the death of one of his students . I won`t spoil it but there`s a very unlikely plot twist about half way through where both Sheen`s character and the audience gasp " I don`t believe this " and then things get more and more unlikely as the hero finds himself chased by Slavic bad guys .

Like I said it`s not the worst thriller ever made , it stars actors most people will recognise and the sky diving stunts are fairly good , in fact this might have been a good thriller after all but it`s ruined by too many unlikely plot twists
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Could have been better
beable30 August 1999
This is an enjoyable movie, but it could have been better. It should have been a straight out comedy, but sometimes seems to take itself too seriously. A few more gags, and it would have been a very funny movie. But now, it is entertaining and mildly funny, so you may as well watch it.
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Is it really that hard to find a good action movie with a decent story?
philip_vanderveken31 January 2005
Aaaah, what can I say about yet another action movie whose story must have been made up by a drunk and unemployed screenwriter with writers block. I'm sorry if that sounds a bit too hard for some people or if you are a big fan of this movie (it's not because I don't like it that you can't love it of course), but this movie really had nothing to offer that blew me away. I don't know why, but somehow it is almost impossible to find an action movie with a decent script or story.

It's the same problem with this movie: Ditch Brodie (Charlie Sheen) is a maverick skydiving instructor with a reputation that has made of him a first page news item for several times, but that will also cost him his job very soon. One fine day, a pretty girl steps into his office, asking to learn her skydiving. Of course he doesn't say no and he takes her with him on her first dive. But than he makes a fatal mistake, he loses her out of sight for one moment and before he knows what is happening she falls out of the airplane, without having opened her parachute, right to a gruesome death. When he is accused of man slaughter because he didn't attach her static line, he starts an investigation himself, finding out that she had something to do with the KGB and the Russian Mafia who are trying to steal gold from an airplane.

Normally this movie would have gone by me completely unnoticed, but because Charlie Sheen, Nastassja Kinski and James Gandolfini were in it, I gave it a try. The acting isn't too bad for the three actors that I just mentioned (although not excellent either), but the others really never exceed the level of the average action flick. In my opinion this movie isn't very good, but at least it isn't as bad as a Steven Seagal or Jean-Claude Van Damme film. I give it a 5/10.
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Ditch Rules!
tarbosh2200013 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Ditch Brodie (Sheen) is a radically awesome skydiver who you know is radical to the max because he works at a Jump Center. He is also the bad boy of said Jump Center. He's probably spilled more Mountain Dew than you've ever drank. When Ditchington Brodie III (which may or may not be a variation on his name that we made up) meets the alluring Chris Morrow (Kinski), he becomes embroiled in an intrigue that involves the KGB, missing gold, thugs, goons, murder, and all manner of danger and mayhem. The skydiving man must become "Detective Ditch" as he attempts to get to the bottom of it all. And there's only one way to stop the madness - more skydiving. In Ditch's world, skydiving is the solution to all problems, even on the world stage. So while James Gandolfini and Christopher McDonald are on his tail, Ditch pulls his ripcord into heroic legend. We should all be more like Ditch Brodie.

The 90's "Terminal" trend hits the big screen just in time to capitalize on another 90's trend - for all things outrageous, "Xtreme", and radically awesome. Everyone was always talking about "feeling the rush", or some variation thereof. Even Nastassja Kinski says at one point, "Is it a rush?", referring of course to skydiving, because if it isn't - not interested. And who better to be our guide through the awesome world of rush-feeling than Charlie Sheen, Ditch Brodie himself? The thing about Charlie is he does have a lot of charisma and screen presence. He also has good comic timing and cool hair. A lot of these elements are important to carrying Terminal Velocity, because the plot is pretty weak. It's all about the aerial stunts, and we give a lot of credit to the stunt people who worked on this film. They clearly went above and beyond.

Of course, this wasn't the only skydiving movie flying around at this time - there was also the same year's Drop Zone (1994), as well as the somewhat later Cutaway (2000). Terminal Velocity is bigger-budget Hollywood-stupid, but a lot better than anything Hollywood is putting out today. At least it's an original idea, not a remake, sequel, or superhero movie, which are the exclusive province of Hollywood these days. It's also a PG-13-rated middle-of-the-road Hollywood action thriller, enlivened by the cast and stunts. Of course, there are the requisite silly moments which make it worth watching.

Director Sarafian, known to readers of this site as the director of Death Warrant (1990), backs off on the violence so he can turn in a movie readily accessible to a wider audience. Sure, there are some blow-ups, a couple of fights, and some gun-shooting, but nothing you wouldn't see on TV. What he does deliver are skydiving scenes a-plenty, many of which include squealin' guitar on the soundtrack because it was the 90's, it was extreme, blah blah blah. You get the picture.

Many people in our age bracket remember going to the video store and renting Terminal Velocity on VHS, or at least remember seeing it in the store. In light of that, the movie served its purpose - being an entry-level action movie for younger viewers. It still works in that capacity today, but now it also has the added bonus of having some nostalgia value for those are of an age who remember it from back then. So, strictly speaking, this may not be an all-time classic, but it has a special place on our shelf.
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Some words
jessegehrig13 November 2014
I own this movie ( VHS ) as well as having seen it more than two times, I REMEMBER NOTHING! I guess there was a sky-driving boom in the 90's, I blame the movie Point Break, and born from that ridiculous craze we have a Charlie Sheen film. The plot is about ...I don't know?...Russians?...A pretty lady actress who may or may not have slept with Charlie Sheen?...I mean, I don't know...I should have retained something but no, I got nothing! It's an utterly forgettable movie made for mysterious reasons. I say mysterious because as a porno it would have made more money-as a movie without Charlie Sheen it would have made more money- as a straight up action movie without the skydiving it would have made more money- so what the f*ck were they thinking? Y'know, why did they think this would work? It's a mystery.
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"Pack the bags, we're going on a guilt trip."
Hey_Sweden22 February 2017
Charlie Sheen stars as "Ditch" Brodie, a daredevil and skydiving instructor whose latest student is the eager Chris Morrow (Nastassja Kinski). He's horrified when she seems to perish on her very first jump, and he's soon plunged into international intrigue. Proving that he wasn't neglectful and that he didn't let her die will not be his main worry. He will have to dodge attempts on his life by crazed goons who are former members of the KGB.

The screenplay by David Twohy (future director of such things as the "Riddick" film series) is patently ridiculous. You have to shake your head and laugh, but the good thing is that Twohy and director Deran Sarafian ("Death Warrant") are clearly never taking themselves 100% seriously to begin with. It's too bad that Sarafian, the son of cult filmmaker Richard Sarafian ("Vanishing Point"), didn't enjoy more commercial success in Hollywood, because here he proved that he had the chops to handle a mainstream action thriller. The airborne stunts and various set pieces are quite fun, and there's always plenty of gunfire and explosions to ensure that attention spans are maintained.

Sheen is decent enough as our hero, a more or less average Joe obliged to help save the day. Part of whatever strength the movie has, though, rests on Kinskis' capable shoulders. She really gives it her all. (And, of course, looks very sexy throughout.) James Gandolfini has an early role here, showing off that screen presence that helped the late actor to become a star a few years later. Christopher McDonald is fun as a psycho villain, although he does admittedly look rather silly with that bleached blonde hair. It's also nice to see Melvin Van Peebles and Rance Howard in small roles. Margaret Colin appears unbilled as Jo.

This is the kind of thing that does entertain the viewer provided they don't want to think about it too much. It's basically B fare with an A level budget.

Seven out of 10.
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Over the top with no plot
gcd705 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
"Terminal Velocity" is another one of those highly charged, average adventure films with over the top action and absolutely no plot.

Director Deran Sarafian makes sure the action comes thick and fast, with some of the stunts being truly spectacular, especially one particular scene in which our hero finds himself hurtling towards the earth in a convertible car, from thousands of feet up! The movie is loud, fast and has an unrelenting pace which should keep most movie-goers too preoccupied to be worrying about the absent storyline.

Charlie Sheen and Nastassja Kinski star, and both fit the bill nicely as the attractive, home grown (maybe not Nastassja) heroes, yet both have little depth to work with. What disappoints me is that Charlie Sheen is so much better than this. After struggling to make a name for himself, he really sky rocketed to stardom with two sensational performances, first in Oliver Stone's "Platoon" (86), and then again for Stone in "Wall Street" (88). Since then though it's been downhill all the way for Sheen as he quickly returned to selecting second rate scripts. Kinski (who still looks sensational) is also much better than this movie would suggest.

David Twohy's script, about a hot shot skydiver who suddenly finds his world turned upside down when a mysterious 'student' enters his life, avoids the painfully obvious just enough. There's no obligatory love scene for instance, but all the villains are predictably wicked and two dimensional, and all get their comeuppance. Just another reluctant hero saving the world from evil clutches.

Friday, February 10, 1995 - Greater Union Melbourne
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A good ride full of thrills!
ichabod816 June 2004
The bad wrap this movie seems to have here is in my opinion a bit over done. Terminal Velocity is not a bad action movie. Actually it's pretty damn good. Over the top at times, but still very good. And by over the top, I mean some of the skydiving sequences. For example, the climax where the car drops out of the plane.. the fall seems to last an eternity. In the end though, stuff like that really doesn't matter if the rest of the movie is good. Luckily it is.

This movie is also the last good movie Sheen did up until Being John Malkovich. And now after Scary Movie 3, maybe in time he'll end up back in the big leagues. Terminal Velocity won't change anybody's life, but as said, it is a good action movie.

**** / *****
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Guilty action thriller
nicholls905-280-54691122 April 2019
Terminal Velocity is an interesting action film. It plays out like a Alfred Hitchcock film and expects you to go along for the ride. Great stunts and Sheen cleverly cast in the lead. He saves this film from being an average action film. Drop Zone was the competing film at the time and this was the better film. The film isn't overly serious and it doesn't expect you to treat it this way. I enjoyed the film and will be interested in The Arrival once I hunt it down.
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A fast-action fable that's too far out even for most speed freaks
SimonJack31 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This film has one of the most far-out plots one can imagine, without being sci-fi.. Former KGB agents steal the Kremlin's gold. They hijack a 747 that was flying it somewhere, and land it in the middle of desert in Arizona. Two former KGB female agents want out of the deal. So, one gets killed and the other put her body on a small plane with a friend. Then she cons an American skydiver into teaching her to jump, and when he isn't looking she goes out the door. In the meantime, her cohort has flown the small plane to near the skydiver's plane and drops the body of her girlfriend, In a jump suit and parachute out the plane. Then, the con artist, who's really an expert skydiver somehow gets into the cohorts plane and they disappear.

That happens in just a few seconds, because the American has gone out the door after the girl. But he sees her splat into the earth. We won't even go into the details that she was hooked up in the plane for a static line jump (meaning that when she jumped out, the cable hooked in the plane would pull her shoot open several feet below the plane. Of course, she unhooked it to set up the fake death.

But the bizarre plot of "Terminal Velocity" doesn't end there. It gets more so when the former KGB guys lock the girl in the trunk of a car that is then released to fall out of the back of what looks like a C-130 aircraft. But the American comes to the rescue, opens the trunk - after what seems like an eternity of trying, and saves the girl just before the impact.

Well, there's a lot more to this wacko film. For instance, a 150-mph sled on rails ride that ejects the passengers just before it's collision ending. Charlie Sheen is the American skydiver who is bamboozled at the start. The female lead is played by Nastassja Kinski. This is so overboard with the unbelievable that it almost becomes a satire of the fast action films that have half-way believable plots.

Apparently, there aren't that many people actually hooked on fast-action mayhem - either than or not even many of them could tolerate this film. It was a spending one to make and it lost many millions of dollars.
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