FleshEater (1988) Poster


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An alright gore flick
NateW24 May 1999
This is another film in the long line of killer zombie rip-offs since Night of the Living Dead. This movie is not bad, but it doesn't have near the impact that the Living Dead series created by George Romero. The acting is very lame, and it's pretty predictable, but the gore makes up for it, kind of. The movie could have used some suspense along the line also. All in all, an alright zombie flick
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Dull zombie tedium
The_Void27 September 2007
Well, you can't expect anything original from a film like this, so I didn't. I just wanted a fun zombie flick that would entertain me for its duration and nothing more. Did I get it? No, because Flesheater features a serious lack of interesting scenes, and the way that it plays out with barely a lick of humour means that it isn't much fun either. Obviously the main inspirations for this film are George Romero's classic zombie flicks; principally Dawn of the Dead, but there's clearly things lifted from other entries in the series; not to give anything away, but the ending is a direct lift from Romero. As you can imagine, there is very little in the way of plot and the film is mostly made up of zombies eating people; which is OK, but really it needs some sort of story to go with it, or at least something else to keep the audience interested. The film starts by focusing on a group of kids who comes across the grave of an old man. It's not long before he comes back as the flesh eating living dead, and after some of the kids are bitten, things start to get out of control.

Considering there's not really a plot, you have to expect some decent gore...but Flesheaters even disappoints on that front. There's a fair amount of gore in this film, and it's not badly done; but it's boring and unimaginative, which fits the rest of the film but doesn't do anything for Flesheaters' credibility! Many post-Romero zombie flicks feature some sort of tribute to the master, often ham fisted stuff like calling a character "Romero", but this film goes a step further and not only does it cast Bill Hinzman - the first zombie from Night of the Living Dead - he's cast in a pivotal role! They might as well have just slapped a big banner over the cover saying "Romero Rip-Off" and had done with it! Most of the film takes place in a country setting, which is probably a result of the crew not being able to find a better place to film...still, it's one of the better things about this film. The film just kind of drones on for most of the duration - if you thought zombie flesh eating couldn't be boring, you'll reconsider after this. The ending is a real none-event too; overall, I'd recommend skipping this one!
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Where has this zombie flick been hiding?
Submission_Grappler24 August 2002
As you can probably tell by my nickname, I love horror films, zombie films in particular. I have pride in my knowledge of horror films, as I own close to a thousand of them and have seen many more. But I have to admit, I had never heard of this flick before yesterday. Browsing through a video store in another town, I came across it,scratching my head wondering how good could this be if I've never heard of it before. I was pleasantly surprised by this film. I think it was just as good as The Dead Next Door(a B grade zombie flick that gets a lot of attention as being an unknown classic). This is a fun film to watch if you don't expect too much from it. Don't expect great acting,top quality production, and whatever else most people think it takes to make a good film. But if your a fan of B grade horror movies, or on a quest to see and own every zombie movie ever made(such as myself), give this one a chance. I was surprised to see one of the zombies in this movie was Bill Hinzman, the cemetery zombie who chases after Barbara in the original Night Of The Living Dead. I guess you could say he is reprising his role, so to speak. I think he also directed and produced this film. I must admit, this film does seem to borrow a little from the original Night Of The Living Dead, but I don't care. This movie was fun and entertaining to watch and that's all I ask for. I was surprised at the amount of gore as well. The version I got was an uncut one entitled Revenge Of The Living Zombies. Once again, a pleasant surprise. Well, I have to go now and find a copy of this movie to buy somewhere! Later.
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So bad its FUNNY!
FilmFanInTheHouse6 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
FleshEater (1988, Dir. S. William Hinzman)


A group of teenagers, taking a nocturnal hayride come across the grave of a man. Little did they know that this deceased man is in fact very much alive in the form of a zombie. One by one, the actual living are falling victim and becoming zombies. Eventually there are zombies everywhere, and someone needs to stop them, but who?


The problem with this film is the amazingly poor choice of actors. To say it plain and simple, they just can't act at all. The most realistic acting in this film is the zombies. The reactions from the actors are the worst I have ever seen. The characters that are living just don't have anything special about them and are hardly memorable. The only character which I can remember the name of the lead zombie, but only because his name is the title of the film. There is just no emotion felt with the characters. The end scene, where the guy and girl gets shot (I wonder where they got that idea from) is meant to be emotional, but you just can't feel anything. You just don't simply care that they've decided.


If you've ever seen a classic episode of Doctor Who, then you will know exactly what type of music in this film is. The soundtrack used is more of a techno, sci-fi feeling and only fits with a select few scenes. It doesn't let you forget it anytime soon, as it's basically repeated throughout the film. Basically it's just a badly composed soundtrack.

Special Effects

The special effects are one of the things in which are not faulty in this film. They are actually very decent and are well made. Although some scenes have effects which are so obvious, they are not that bad. If they put as much effort into their soundtrack and actors, then the film has the chance to have been a lot better.


'FleshEater' suffers from a lot of problems. I would go as far as saying the special effects are fantastic, with the rest being bad. The film is that bad it can often be funny, but don't go into this film if you're expecting a serious zombie flick. It's often repetitive, with a lot of chances to guess what happens next. Also, if you're a red-blooded male, u would be pleased as there is a lot of nudity. You can tell when there is too much nudity, when you start getting the feeling that the filmmakers are just throwing in random naked women. I'll leave it up to you to choose but if you want to enjoy 88 minutes of laughable acting, then watch this, otherwise avoid.

"WOW... You're supposed to say trick or treat." – Heidi, the Little Angel (Heidi Hinzman)
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Hilarious for all the wrong reasons!
Coventry13 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
The only thing slightly intriguing about this painfully bad flick is figuring out what came over writer/producer/director/leading-actor Bill Hinzman in order to actually release this. You'll surely recognize him from George A. Romero's sublime "Night of The Living Dead" in which he had a modest – but very memorable – role as the zombie with whom it all begins. Aside from a few other jobs in the business, he never really meant anything but he suddenly felt the urge and ambition to make a nonsense movie that completely focuses around him. In the exact same suit and make-up (he hasn't even aged a day in over 20 years) Bill rises from a grave in the middle of the Pennsylvanian forests. He goes on killing a group of ultra-stupid teenagers who're picnicking nearby. The ineptness Zombie Nosh is funny for about 15 minutes. After that it becomes simply unbearable and impossible to sit through. Here is a quick summary of all the amateurish events that occur during the first half hour:

  • When the zombie grave is opened and the undead Bill opens his eyes, the discoverer just stares at him for a good 10 seconds. No screams, no frights...not even an attempt to flee. He just looks at him and awaits an attack

  • During that same sequence, zombie Bill supposedly throws the victim's corpse away from the grave but you can clearly see the cable that pulls the actor up.

  • A (not so) attractive girl seduces a dude to have sex with her in a shed, but instead of being sensual, she sounds like she's ordering a pizza.

  • The editing looks like it was done by blind monkeys

  • The gore, although plenty of it, is laughable. The zombies bite entire portions of flesh out of their victims' throats and that strangely resemblances to eating hamburgers at McDonalds.

There's plenty of more idiocy where that came from, but you get the picture. If you happen to be on mission to purchase all the stinkers in horror, make sure you add Zombie Nosh to your list. In any other case…avoid!
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vallely0019 February 2007
After viewing SHITEATER for the 5th time it has become clear as day that George Romero stole the whole zombie concept from Bill HINZMEN. George Romero loses in every category possible when measuring his and Hinzmans directing abilities. NOTLD should have been BILL HINZMANS NOTLD. Romero rides coattails.Bet you guys didn't know that Hinzman actually wrote DOTD and Romero stole it from him.Its fact!! Another unknown and unprovable fact about Flesheater is that John Williams{E. T and STAR WARS fame}was originally hired to do the soundtrack but was fired by Hinzmen after the Superstar blockbuster composer couldn't capture HINZMANS vision.One more true fact was that Fox and Warner Bros went to war over this film. Careers and life's were lost.When this film hit the 200 million mark in its 6th week of June 1988,it was safe to say that there was a new kid in town,and his name was Bill Hinzman.Ol Willie ruled the scene with an iron fist and no one dared to cross him. If memory serves, I believe that I once read at the Flesheater Premiere Hinzman threw his drink in Steven Spielberg face.True story .I feel that its safe to say that Bill Hinzman was nothing short of brilliant and an innovator that the rest of Hollywood tried to keep down. From what we have seen, nothing and I mean nothing can stop this one man army of brilliance and vision.
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Great Zombie B-Movie
claudio_carvalho1 June 2009
In Halloween, a group of five teenage couples hires a tractor driver to a hayride to the countryside to party, drinking beer and having sex. Meanwhile, a woodman accidentally unburies FleshEater (Bill Hinzman), a zombie hunger for flesh and blood. Each teenager is attacked and transformed in zombie, spreading the evil and attacking the locals, making a hell night in the area.

"FleshEater" is surprisingly a great zombie B-movie and a gem to be discovered by the fans of the genre. S. William Hinzman (a.k.a. Bill Heinzman), who wrote the story and screenplay, is also is the additional cinematographer, editor, producer, lead actor and director and works with amateurish actors and actresses that undress very easily in front of the camera. The most important is that he is aware that his movie is trash, and he uses all the possible elements of this genre, associated a great special effects. The result is an underrated zombie movie, with a funny and entertaining story. Last but not the least; Bill Heinzman is the cemetery zombie of "Night of the Living Dead". My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): Not Available
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No no no...
dead_but_happy11 March 2002
This was a very stupid movie... I can hardly express my dissapointment. Just cos zombie movies are underground, and the zombies fans are starving for entertainment it doesn't mean creators of zombie flicks can do anything they want and get away with it.

This movie had so terrible acting it beats most porn flicks I have seen, not to mention the sound technicians should have been fired! The script is such a complete theft from night of the living dead it I am puzzled there wasn't a lawsuit.

The only good things in this porr excuse for a movie were breasts and ok-quality filming at times. I give this movie a three, but I wasn't quite sure it deserved such a good grade.

(How anyone gan give it a ten is beyond me.. They must be the castmembers or something..)
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Hilarious zombie gore movie!!!!
cool_cool_13 March 2006
Flesheater (1988) is a very laughable zombie movie, the plot (if you could call it that) is about a bunch of college kids who want to spend the night in the farm/forest type place having a party.

A farmer discovers a zombie grave and opens it up to discover this old zombie man inside, of course the zombie awakens and then bites the farmer, turning him into a zombie....... and of course from then on, the 2 zombies stalk and kill various members of the college party..... turning them into zombies too!!! Now this film is low budget but it's actually great fun, the dialogue between the actors is often hilarious and made me laugh as they stumbled through their lines!!! What also made this film great fun was the gore, there's lots of killings and lots of nudity too which is always nice to see in a horror movie, so to sum this film up i'd say that it's a very entertaining zombie gore movie and i highly recommend it to lovers of low budget horror and zombie movie fans too. 7/10.
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Some corpses are better left untouched...
paul_haakonsen6 April 2012
Being a huge zombie aficionado, I found this movie on Amazon and had to add it to my DVD collection. After all it is a zombie movie, and wait, it gets better (or so you'd think), it has Bill Hinzman - the original zombie from Romero's "Night of the Living Dead" movie - as the zombie here.

Initially I thought it was a little tasteless to cash in on this fact that he was the original zombie in that movie and then spawn this movie from that fact.

However, having seen this movie now, I must shake my head. This was a zombie movie on the lower end of the rating scale. The story was really predictable, but there was a lot of continuity issues going on throughout the course of the story. First the people are at some secluded camp site, then suddenly there are houses nearby and people go trick or treating, and then there is a party in a barn. Yeah, well it just didn't seem to make much sense. It was like as Bill Hinzman was trying to put as much mayhem into the movie as he possible could.

The zombies sounded like growling predatory cats. Wait, what? Yeah, they did, and that really gave the movie a comical sense, and took the scary part right out of it. And also the zombies were able to block and parry blows coming at them and they were using tools to kill people as well. For me, that was veering way too far from the mythology of the living dead. But hey, I guess there is a target audience for everything.

"Flesh Eater" has some less than average acting performances in it, it seemed like most of the people didn't have their hearts with them in the project (aside from the one who got hers ripped out and eaten?). And to make matters worse, then the dialogue script was poor as well.

But being a fan of all things zombie, I can now say that I am the owner of this particular zombie movie, though it has been bagged and tagged on the shelf, never to be seen again.
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flesh eater rocks!!!
zombizombizombi22 October 2009
Now this is no night of the living dead but what it is its fun great zombiploitation if you will.Starts off with some young people on a hayride going to drink beer and have some fun.This tractor riding dude unearthed zombie bill hinzman than all hell breaks loose lots of gore nudity and sleaze exploitation for sure the DVD is wonderful media blasters do a great job with their product and this is a fin example.If your a fan of zombies exploitation and cheesy 80s cinema buy this!Also its a zombie movie that happens to be set on Halloween sweet and yes the movie is somewhat of a rip off of the original night of the living dead but who cares its exploitation and its mighty entertaining.
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An above-average low-budget zombie-romp!
ieatzombies21 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Flesh Eater (aka Revenge of the Living Zombies aka Zombie Nosh) is directed by and stars Bill Hinzman, the first zombie you see in Night of the Living Dead (the one that chases Barbara through the cemetery). The movie tells the story of a group of college teens who disappear into the woods one Halloween night for a little party. The farm they are residing on however was once the area of a group of people who practiced satanic rituals and when a farmer uncovers the grave of one of the corpses, it rises, attacks that farmers and kids and VOILA! Zombie mayhem!

There really isn't much to say about this movie as the plot line is almost identical to Night of the Living Dead. Don't be surprised if some of the sequences or *ahem ENDINGS! ahem* resemble Night of the Living Dead or other zombie films of the 70's and 80's. The acting here often receives a lot of criticism, but if you put the skill level with movies like The Dead Next Door, then you should be able to bear this (this seems like it even had a bigger budget). The movie contains some excellent gore scenes which was surprising as the movie only bears an R rating. Things to look forward to in this one included a nose being bitten off, a couple of hearts being ripped out, a pitchfork the to chest of a teenager, and a disturbing scene where a zombie attacks a little girl just about to begin her trick-or-treating run.

For some reason, this movie is one of the more disturbing zombie movies I own. I associate it with believability reasons. This film takes place in the woods and a small farm town around Pennsylvania. The area resembles many of the areas around my University here in New England and I think that it just stuck me as more frightening. I've always seen zombies in the tropical islands or the big cities, so for some reason, it was a bit scary to see them in my own "home turf." The version that I am reviewing is Flesh Eater from the Zombie Pack 2 released by Shriek Show entertainment. As I always recommend, GO GET THE ZOMBIE PACK 2 IF YOU LIKE THESE FILMS! I had always viewed this movie as the "least desired" of the three in the pack however I now all hold them with equal weight after viewing them all. This movie is a great low-budget zombie flick with tons of gore, nudity, and zombies! Do yourself a favor a grab a copy of this "under the radar" zombie flick and give it a view.
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Hillariously Stuporous Zombie Nosh
"FleshEater" (aka. "The Zombie Nosh") of 1988 is a hilariously clumsy Zombie flick in which none other than Bill Hinzman served as writer, director and star. The name Bill Hinzman will not necessarily ring a bell, but his face should be known to every Horror fan, since the man is known for his small, but highly memorable role in George A. Romero's 1968 milestone "Night Of The Living Dead". "FleshEater" is an absolutely inept mess, but nonetheless (or, more precisely, therefore) partly very amusing. While the film ranks among the dumbest Zombie flicks of the 80s (and that's quite something with all these clumsy Romero/Fulci ripoffs), I can not deny that I was very entertained. Apart from Bill Hinzman, the film entertains with a lot of (often very clumsy) gore, and occasional female nudity, which was probably thrown in to keep the viewers watching. The (unintended?) crap-factor of "FleshEater", however, is its arguably greatest quality. The storyline is an incoherent mess, and the performances are incredibly awful, even for an ultra-low budget, the dialogue is the most ridiculous imaginable. A bunch of College kids decide to spend the night in the woods drinking. An undead guy (played by Hinzman) then awakes for no reason, and begins to attack people, who are subsequently turned into Zombies too. The second half of the film is basically an (awful) homage to NOTLD in which several elements of Romero's "Dead" films are shamelessly copied, and re-enacted in an awful manner. Overall, "FleshEater" is an awful film, but it is nonetheless quite amusing for my fellow fans of the sub-genre. Also, it seems as if everybody involved with this was well aware that the film was a piece of crap, and just had fun making it. Some of the acting is just too damn amateurish to be unintentional. Bill Hinzman, gore, and an overload of amusing awfulness - Take it, or leave it, I had a good laugh.
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Predictable but still not bad
Hessian49913 May 2004
As other reviewers have mentioned, Flesheater stars Bill Hinzman of Night of the Living Dead fame as the title zombie in an all out attack in the undead. The film by no means gets close to the entertainment level of the movie it draws inspiration from, Night of the Living Dead, but is still entertaining to a degree despite being highly predictable. As stated before, a farmer uncovers a wooden box with a bizarre warning on it that had obviously been buried for decades, and upon opening it releases the zombie Hinzman who starts his rampage of undead terror. The acting is not the greatest and the story drags at times, but some scenes are pretty spooky, such as when Hinzman and some other zombies wander into town and attack a family in a suburban house. The ending, which I won't reveal here, is highly predictable and you can see it coming a long time off. All in all, Flesheater may not be the greatest horror film ever made, or even a great zombie movie, but it's not totally awful, either.
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A good example of why you shouldn't film without a script.
McQualude6 July 2008
It goes on and on and on... the movie ends at least four times but then just starts up again. Apparently the film makers didn't really have a script so they filmed an idea and when that wasn't long enough, came up with a new idea and started filming again, and again, and again. If someone took the time to re-edit this and cut it down by 30-40 minutes it would be a much better movie. We didn't need to see 20 minutes of rednecks walking around shooting zombies in a total ripoff of NOTLD. And the chick in the shower scene had a very nice body but 5 minutes could be cut from that scene, still get the point across and bump up the pace quite a bit. There is also quite a bit of useless dialog - this isn't Shakespeare, cut the chit-chat get to the zombie stuff.
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Not The Worst Thing I've Ever Seen - But Close
KillerCadugen20 February 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Bill Hinzman clearly is trying to trade off on some minor notoriety as the first zombie seen in George Romero's "Night of the Living Dead" by directing (and starring in) "Flesheater." Hinzman might say he is paying homage to Romero, but what he is doing is clearly ripping Romero off - blatantly. The script is simply awful, with a lot of stupid dialogue, poor acting, and gratuitous nudity. The plot is so simple as to be non-existent and the climax (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) was telegraphed WAY in advance and is a direct ripoff of Romero. Save yourself some time and avoid this one like the plague.
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So shockingly amateurish, I had to own it.
Stevej-425 May 1999
This has got to have been a college film project that someone foolishly released--but thank god for it. Extremely gory in the "special unrated version" that I own (Did they really release 2 versions?), it manages to pull off the gore with unbelievable cheesiness--especially the heart-ripping scene. Nudity that moves from the gratuitous to the pointless, but surprisingly modest zombies--look for the zombie that refastened her top after being killed. The most horrific crime of this production, however, is the bald-faced lifting of the entire "zombie hunt" sequence from "Night of the Living Dead". But that's only one of many. There should be a movie crimes commission in The Hague for this thing. Only the true bad movie fan with a stomach of steel should attempt this one.
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You can't keep a good dead man down...
Hey_Sweden23 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
S. William "Bill" Hinzman, part of cinematic history for having portrayed the memorable Cemetery Zombie in "Night of the Living Dead" (1968), adds another zombie portrayal to his repertoire in this unabashed, straightforward gore fest. It's a little disappointing that we don't see more of him throughout the movie, but still, a little does go a long way here. As the title character, he wakes up from his slumber in the ground beneath a farmer's property, and starts a chain reaction of zombie creation when he begins munching on the stupid kids who have gone on a hay ride. Things go from bad to worse in this story that definitely feels like a remake of NotLD at times, especially when the kids try holing up inside an isolated farmhouse. The scope of the action is opened up a little, as we see the effects of the epidemic hit other people in the area. Fans of B level horror movies get what they expect with "FleshEater", including the always delicious lousy acting, particularly from a cop, whose reaction to being swarmed by zombies is priceless, and a family member who's somewhat less than truly distraught when seeing a loved one after mutilation. (Said loved one also provides us with a tasty dose of gratuitous nudity.) The gore is fun to watch, with the scene of Hinzman chowing down on a victim's heart a highlight. One moment around the forty minute mark is quite effective as Hinzman and company prove willing to break a taboo. The music by Erica Portnoy is good and creepy, but also way too repetitive. What's nice to see is that Hinzman treated this as a real labour of love, functioning in various capacities - producer, director, co-writer, editor, and additional cinematographer - and also utilizing family members as part of the cast. His movie is a fair deal of fun, never pretending to be more than it is, and consistently delivering some amusing moments. Even at 89 minutes, one can feel the padding, but there's always an entertaining bit of business around the corner. Seven out of 10.
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An Overabundance of Flesh in this Flesh Eater
tomjeffrey20019 November 2009
This film was written, directed, and produced by S. William Hinzman, whose one claim to fame was his memorable role as the cemetery zombie in George Romero's Night of the Living Dead. This film might well have been titled The Further Adventures of George Romero's Cemetery Zombie, because that's essentially what it is -- except that it lacks even a trace of the talent that Romero brought to his masterpiece.

Once Hinzman's zombie rises from his grave early in the movie, the film becomes a non-stop killing spree punctuated with numerous scenes of gratuitous nudity. Now I am far from being a prude, and I appreciate gratuitous nudity as much as the next guy. But this film went too far, in my opinion.

Admittedly, some of the killings are interestingly executed (so to speak) and the gore effects are pretty good for a film this low budget. The acting is at times painfully amateurish, but according to the documentary that accompanies the Shriek Show DVD, the actors were paid only $25 a day. As the saying goes, "you get what you pay for."

The first and last part of the film are reminiscent of Night of the Living Dead -- victims trapped in a farmhouse surrounded by zombies; local yokels rounding up the zombies and shooting them. The middle scenes involving a family in their home preparing to go trick-or-treating and a Halloween party with a bunch of costumed drunken "teenagers" are somewhat more interesting and original.

This film is the definitely least interesting of the three films on Shriek Show's Zombie Pack 2, the other two being Zombie Holocaust and Burial Ground. It is, however, watchable, and the gore effects should please hard-core zombie fans who know exactly what they're getting when they watch this kind of movie. I found the documentary in the Extras section to be more interesting than the movie itself, as it explains how many of the effects were done and includes numerous humorous anecdotes about the making of the movie.

All in all, not a great movie but o.k. as part of a three-disc set.
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Zombies on HALLOWEEN!!!
Pumpkin_Man25 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Sometime back in either February or March, we had a big snow storm and got out of school for a few weeks. During that time I bought a bunch of Zombie flicks such as Zombi 2, 3, 4, 5, Burial Ground: The Nights of Terror, Zombie Holocaust and FleshEater (a.k.a.) Revenge of The Living Zombies, which was my favorite out of the whole bunch! I love this movie, not only because it's a Zombie flick, but it's a Zombie flick that takes place on HALLOWEEN, which is awesome!!! It has gore, female nudity, zombies, HALLOWEEN...what else could you possibly ask for in a horror flick! I knew how it would end because I'm so smart! The lead zombie is the cemetery zombie from George A. Romero's classic Night of the Living Dead! If you love horror, zombies, and HALLOWEEN, you'll love FLESHEATER (a.k.a.) REVENGE OF THE LIVING ZOMBIES!!!
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Technically bad, but very entertaining
capkronos18 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Now you can't fully hate a movie with a zombie in a chicken suit or one where a zombie thrusts his hand inside a girl's stomach and pulls out her heart. FLESH EATER (originally on tape as REVENGE OF THE LIVING ZOMBIES) is the type of movie you need to put your brain in neutral to fully enjoy. If you are unable to do this, you will only be annoyed by what you see here. It delivers in spades if you like low-budget exploitation horror movies with gore, female nudity and unintentional laughs. However, if you're looking for competent filmmmaking, it's just plain awful. The acting could not possibly be any worse, the dialogue is horrendous, the movie is choppy, badly edited and badly written, with little attention paid to continuity, but it delivers on entertainment in a big way so I'm willing to overlook the fact that technically speaking it's terrible and give it a mild recommendation if you enjoy these kind of things.

It was made by none other than Bill Hinzman, the tall graveyard zombie who kills Johnny and chases Barbara around at the beginning of the original NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD. Bill also stars in this masterwork as...you guessed it... a flesh-eating zombie. This time he's some kind of an Satanic zombie or something to that effect, but the script never goes into any detail about it. A farmer out in the middle of the woods moves a few leaves to the side and finds a coffin with a pentagram on it underneath. Inside is Bill, who wastes no time immediately coming to life, jerking the guy into the coffin and biting his neck. When he throws the dead body out, you can easily see a cable attached to the back pulling it.

Some "college kids," who are all hilarious dressed in ugly stone washed jeans/jean jacket outfits, are on a hayride. The driver drops them off in the middle of the woods so they can drink and smoke pot. A girl says "I feel like dancin!" and all the women in the group jump up and start dancing to some generic supermarket music, trying to jerk the guys up while they groan and drink beer. A girl flashes the camera for random boob shot number one (there will be many more of these). Another woman (who looks about 20 years too old to be in college) puts in her gratuitous topless scene in a barn before she and her boyfriend are killed. Two farmers are also killed as well as a few others. Everyone returns as zombies, of course. The survivors make it to a farmhouse and try to barricade themselves in but the living dead attack and kill just about everyone inside except one couple who hide in basement. And this is only the beginning!

All of the dead teens, plus the farmers, plus Bill, then descend on a small town and kill even more people, including several children. We also get random boob shots 3 and 4, plus random gratuitous fully naked girl who will become a fully naked zombie. It's funny because with all the zombie madness going on, Bill's the one who gets to wrestle around with and kill all of the naked girls and he even gets to bite one right on the breast! The best scene takes place at a Halloween keg party. While the zombies feast on the guys, all the girls screech and huddle in the corner for several minutes until it's their turn. One girl in a hula outfit tries to climb up a ladder and a zombie sticks a hook in her leg and jerks her back down. Another guy has his nose bit off. The best gore effect though is when Bill impales a topless girl with his arm, sticking it through her back out her chest. The gore fx are surprisingly well done for the budget range and there's plenty of guts, an axe to the head, impalements, pitchforkings, heads blown off with shotguns, zombies with eaten off faces and much more. In fact, this is easily one of the gorier zombie movies from the decade. The ending is directly "inspired" by the ending of NOTLD (i.e. ripped off), but at least our desires for the surviving Brad Paisley lookalike and his girl are finally fulfilled.

The DVD from Media Blasters/Shriek Show is an excellent print with some decent extras, including a photo gallery, a Bill Hinzman zombie pizza commercial and a documentary featurette called "Back Into the Woods."
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RIP Bill Hinzman Warning: Spoilers
A couple of things that are really a treat for any NOTLD fan. Of course Bill Hinzman (RIP my good man, you will be missed) the cemetery zombie from NOTLD directs and stars, but did you know that when George Romero and company set out to make NOTLD, the working title was "Night of the Flesh Eaters" yet another film, 1964's "The Flesh Eaters" discouraged George from using "Flesh Eater" in the title, but Bill seemed to use "Flesh Eater" to further the NOTLD mythos. also (spoiler alert) the little fella who pops the remaining two teenage survivors in the head, believing them to be zombies, when they scurry out of their hiding spot in the barn, well that fella was the same guy who shout Ben in the head when he peered out of the arm house in NOTLD. Seems Bill was trying to make a subtle point. I loved the Pennsylvania scenery in this film, and all the time watching, I was really dying for an Iron City Beer what with all the product placement. I love this movie for the bad acting, the camp, the non-plot, and all the bravado Bill put into this. Bill is the Ed Wood of the zombie film. any serious NOTLD fan should watch this for the shear nostalgia.
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Don't know what to think.
ROBD4524 December 2001
I don't know what to think about this movie, it had better gore effects then I thought it would, but not much of a plot. But then again, zombie movies don't need much of a plot, just the living dead runing around and killing everybody. I have seen the uncensored version and this show is just loaded with gore, from people exploding to them getting ripped apart by zombies. It's also know as Revenge of the Living Zombies (thats the name I saw it under) and it's pretty hard to find, so if you get the chance to buy it or rent it and you a zombie fan, I suggest you do because it's worth it.
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A NOTLD Remake Attempt?
geminiredblue18 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
1968, America was in upheaval. The Vietnam War was, sadly, in full swing. Atrocities were shown on nightly news. Riots were taking place in the streets. Crazed, lone gunmen were killing people from towers. Given the time and situation that our country was going through, perhaps it was inevitable that Romero's classic NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD is thought to be a product of that era. Not only that, but it was made entirely independent from any major studio, in Pittsburgh of all places! Not in California or New York! Nonetheless, the groundbreaker changed the face of horror as we know it. 1988, the Vietnam War has ended but trouble brews in the Middle East. The Cold War is winding down. Dead teen flicks were all the rage during the late 70s and 80s. Perhaps it was inevitable that someone would come along and try to remake Romero's classic. While a remake would come several years later, I believe this was a first attempt. The basic story is the same, and even features a few of the same cast members, S. William Hinzman as the lead zombie (again.) What's different is the sensibility. Where the original worked by building up the suspense to a near claustrophobic pitch, this movie wants to achieve it, but never quite reaches that level of terror. In fact, most of the movie isn't terrifying at all. Good make-up and special effects can't make up for paper-thin characterization, poor acting, and bad dialogue (not to mention ill-timed humor.) The movie's main focus seems to fluctuate between young actresses uncomfortably taking their clothes off and over-the-top gore. Halfway through, the movie seems to repeat itself. The movie opens with a party of young people (college age I think, though they act like high-schoolers) and halfway through, the survivors of the first party stumble upon another party of young people. Oh, and the music is SO DAMN ANNOYING! You're not even given a single second where the music isn't played over and over and over again! The same music played over and over and over again! Can you sense my annoyance?! Nice try guys, but we've seen it all before. As a remake or a sequel, it sucks. For a better remake, please refer to NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD (1990.) As an unintended comedy, it's wonderful!
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