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A perfect film for a Sunday afternoon.
ArosJohan31 August 2004
A quiet, sweet and beutifully nostalgic movie on how it is to be confronted with old friends and surroundings from your youth with all that memories and the problems and sorrows of the present with you. A movie that makes you feel good. All the ingredients are here: old jelousy, rivalry, friendship and loyalty. Mischief, nightly fridge-raids and all the other fun stuff that we all remember from our summer camps. All the characters get the opportunity for a week to experience this again as the old camp-leader now is retiring and want to meet the children from the golden years of the camp. All of them are now in their thirties and in the middle of their careers.
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A favorite
deviledhamman5 October 2020
I've watched this movie several times and enjoyed it each time although i can almost recite it word for word. Another throwback-to-an-era film is The Flamingo Kid with Matt Dillon in the coming of age role. Equally fun.
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A great little movie
gregrobinsonclp21 October 2002
I watched this last night after not having seen it for several years. It really is a fun little film, with a bunch of faces you didn't know were in it. Arkin shines as always. Check it out; you won't be dissappointed. By the way, it was just released on DVD and contrary to its packaging, it IS widescreen. The transfer is rather poor, but at least the WHOLE movie is visible. ;-)
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For those nostalgia buffs like me... this movie hits the spot
RP629943 September 2001
Not a 4**** but then again it doesn't try to be... it simply surfaces those fond memories of camp, those early teen years... growing up... yep the good old days... but it also is moving in that just like me in mid-life....each has moved on to adulthood and the ups and downs that life provides.... and each time I go back for High School reunions or to my home town these are the kind of warm feelings I have... the pranks are funny but more importantly the looking backward of "remember when".... also the beautiful shots remind me of summer camp in Waupaca, WI on an island just as they were... so I can relate to this quite well... the kind of movie you pull out when you want to feel good\sad and evoke emotions about the good old days.... like the Big Chill and St Elmos Fire where the kids still want to maintain their college friendships but are moving on to young adulthood and it's new challenges... this movie fits right in there..... this movie is not for movie Oscar buffs but romantic nostalgics like me. russ
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Not good, but not bad either.
Carson_Wells1 January 2019
What can you say about Indian Summer? It's a sweet little feel good movie that is on the verge of being entertaining, but never quite delivers. The story is thin, but the dialogue and the performances by the leads are quite good. I particularly loved seeing Diane Lane and the late great Bill Paxton do their thing. I would recommend this movie to anyone who misses the simplicity of camp life and is in the mood for something light and sweet. You might enjoy it for the nostalgia alone.
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After about five years, I finally saw it. It was almost worth the wait.
tomath7 June 2003
I saw the last five or ten minutes of this film back in 1998 or 1999 one night when I was channel-surfing before going to bed, and really liked what I saw. Since then I've been on the lookout, scouring TV listings, flipping through DVD/VHS racks at stores, but didn't find a copy until recently when I found out some Internet stores sold it. Then, being a world-class procrastinator, I still didn't order it. Finally, I found a DVD copy in a Circuit City while visiting Portland, OR, a few weeks ago. Then it only took me about a month after returning home before sitting down and watching it.

So, what do I think about the film? It's good. Not as good as I remembered and hoped for, but still well worth the $9.99 it cost me. After seeing the whole film for the first time I rate it as a 7/10, with potential to become an 8/10. I'll have to be less sleepy then, and have a better sound system to avoid rewinding to catch some dialogue.
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One of my all-time favourites
tower-618 January 2001
I thoroughly enjoyed this film overall, but four things really stand out: Sam Raimi's perfect comic timing and performance as the camp handy(?)man, Alan Arkin's wonderful characterisation of the camp owner, and best of all, the cinematography. The beautiful golden tones of the exterior scenes draws me into the film like a sunset at the lakeshore draws me into my own summer memories.

The dialog and mood feel very natural and believable. Some reviewers criticise the lack of a more "profound" script. To me, it is exactly that lack that makes this film work. The characters and their problems seem real and because of that, I care about what happens to them.

The bottom line is that all the parts come together to create a whole that feels right.
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Reminds me of camp
SnoopyStyle14 June 2015
Unca Lou Handler (Alan Arkin) runs Camp Tamakwa in Algonquin Park, Ontario, Canada. He invites some of campers from the golden age of the camp. Matthew Berman (Vincent Spano) is married to Kelly (Julie Warner) and runs clothing company Roots with his cousin Brad Berman (Kevin Pollak). Jack Belston (Bill Paxton) is drifting and holding an old grudge. Jamie Ross (Matt Craven) is dating 21 year old Gwen Daugherty (Kimberly Williams-Paisley). Jennifer Morton (Elizabeth Perkins) is single and Beth Warden (Diane Lane) is still struggling after her husband's death a year ago. Stick Coder (Sam Raimi) is the bumbling handyman. The group reminisce about the past, pulling pranks and reconnecting with each other. However a dark episode from the past with counselor Sam Grover haunts Jack and Unca Lou. It's also the last summer for Lou who can't seem to connect with today's kids.

Writer/director Mike Binder brings his childhood memories to the screen. It's 'The Big Chill' with a little bit of Meatballs. It's high on nostalgia especially for adults who had camp experience. It is a bunch of middle age white people who are reminiscing about their youth and that's the Big Chill part. I can do without the Roots product placement which takes me out of the movie sometimes. It's not as bad as Bud Light in Transformers but that's the worst of the lot. The story is nice and I like most of the actors. Sam Raimi tries to be funny and does his best. Alan Arkin is absolutely great. It's a very good time at camp and reminds me of my camp experience.
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One of my favorite movies!
Clancifer26 April 2003
This movie is by far one of my favorites. I saw it while in college in the early 90's, and while I couldn't identify with the thirtysomethings in the film, I felt that the story, characters, and movie in general were top notch. To the people who spoke negatively of Indian Summer, feel free to stick to your overblown Armageddon-type movies and leave the movies with a great, wholesome story to those who can appreciate them.
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Nostalgia Personified
The_Triad22 January 2007
Indian Summer is a warm, multi-character film, that would make a fine afternoon film (with a bit of editing).

The film begins in the past with a group of children being shown a moose, which sets the tone perfectly before cutting into the present, when a group of adults from the "golden age" of the camp are invited back again to spend a few weeks holiday by the head of the camp, Uncle Lou. The film then allows the viewer to spend time with these characters as they remember their times at the camp, and form new memories in their latest stay.

The film succeeds in the great way it brings across its characters in this gorgeous setting, and allows them room to develop without having to worry about plot developments. Watching these people reminisce, and their relationships with each other is what the film is all about and why it works so well. It never goes to over the top and melodramatic, always keeping its warmth, charm and realism. I've never seen a film where nostalgia is captured so well, and found myself getting drawn in despite never having been to one of these camps as a child myself.

For a warm, nostalgic character movie, I sincerely recommend.
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Succeeds too well...
A_Different_Drummer15 October 2014
In Binder's quest to capture the essence of summer camp, he seems to have forgotten that, at its core, summer camp is boring. And campers therefore have to constantly create activities for themselves - activities outside the traditional camp schedule -- to stave off that boredom.

I tracked down a copy of this film (not easy) because of an interview with Kevin Pollack who said it was his fave. Don't agree. In fact it is not even Kevin's best work -- see THE LOST ROOM for that.

I am aware that several reviewers have given this film a 10 out of 10 and that is a little scary to me. It is meandering, it is wandering, it makes great demands on the viewer and gives little back.

I am also aware that this is a draw for Diane Lane fans, one of the great beauties of the era. At least THOSE viewers have their expectations contained before the first frame..
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Deeply humorous yet an honest comedy.
mhasheider16 July 2001
Deeply humorous yet honest comedy about a bunch of grownups (Bill Paxton, Julie Warner, Kevin Pollak, Elizabeth Perkins, Vincent Spano, Matt Craven, and Diane Lane) who are invited back to spend a week to Tomawka, a camp in (Ontario) Canada by their former consuelor (Alan Arkin). Writer/director Mike Binder drew upon his experience at the same camp as the main source of creating a gentle and understanding yarn that makes sense. Also, the movie has plenty of funny moments, some of which are completely bizarre like my favorite, the one involves using masking tape. Newton Thomas Sigel ("The Usual Suspects", "Three Kings") provides the film with some impressive shots of the Canadian wilderness. Among the cast, Sam Raimi, director of "THE EVIL DEAD" films and "The Gift", appears here as Arkin's bumbling right-hand man. One more thing, this film reassured me that a camp doesn't have to be a site of bloody murders.
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Pretty Good Comedy-Drama!
gwnightscream10 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This 1993 comedy-drama tells about a group of friends that return to a summer camp after 20 years for a reunion and learn that it's going to close down. In the process, they reminisce and learn new things about one another. Alan Arkin, Elizabeth Perkins, Kevin Pollak, Sam Raimi and the late, Bill Paxton are featured. This is a pretty good flick with wacky and dramatic moments featuring a decent cast and beautiful scenery. Give this a view, especially if you think about your childhood.
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Its a movie. People were in it. Things happened.
idontneedyourjunk3 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A mishmash of ideas. 20-somethings (played by 30/40-somethings) take one last trip to Camp Tamakwa, their favorite summer camp of their childhood, 20 years later.

Mostly a feel-good movie that doesn't delve too deeply into any problem, it also takes humor material from camp movies from the 80s (the childhood pranks, the early morning wake-up calls, almost getting laid).

Added are a whole slew of sub-plots, introduced and never fully concluded, such as;

  • the couple whose marriage is on the verge of breaking down
  • the single friend who's ready to cheat with her friend's husband
  • the playboy millionaire who is in love (for the first time) with his trophy girlfriend
  • the rebel returned who has learnt his lesson
  • the mentor who is taught a lesson by his prodigy
  • the businessman who finds his true calling

The other major (or minor) problem, is that there is no main plot. It's just a set of slightly connected vignettes that show everyone to be fairly shallow and stereotypical. Just when you think they might have some depth, it's time to cut to another set.

Speaking of the set, it's very pretty. Camp Tamakwa is a real summer camp in Canada. This movie is prominently mentioned on their website. Current prices are about CA$1500/week ($10k for the whole summer).

Amusingly, one of the sub-sub-plots is racism in the 60s and that a black guy isn't given a job because of his skin color. Looking at all the people who actually work there now in 2019, it's a complete whitewash. Even the group shot of some 60+ campers. As Public Enemy said, "there ain't no black in that flag".

If you're after a light-hearted drama, sometimes juvenile comedy, sometimes almost PG-13 romcom, that requires no thought and no emotional connection with a single character, this is the movie for you.


Tom Boyd - it's our old friend and everyone's favorite and quite possibly the only oboist in Hollywood

James Thatcher - must have taken some pointers from Tom Boyd, 1200+ movies as French horn musician, only ~100 behind Boyd

Ashley Williams - hard to recognize her at 15 (in a non-speaking flashback), she played Jim's wife in the short-lived "Jim Gaffigan Show" and Victoria (Ted's girlfriend) in HIMYM

Kimberly Williams-Paisley - older sister to Ashley Williams, starred in the mini-series "The 10th Kingdom" and starred as Dana in Jim Belushi's sitcom "According to Jim"

Vincent Spano - starred in that movie where the rugby team had to eat each other to survive (Alive), and that's all he'll ever be remembered for

Sam Raimi - yes, that Sam Raimi. He went to the actual Tamakwa as a kid and was happy to have a small part (he's been doing cameos in his own movies since the 80s). Bizarrely, he plays a cringeworthy slapstick dimwit. My favorite part of the movie is the end credits where he sits watching a moose for 2.5 minutes, over the stylings of Allan Sherman's "Hello Muddah, Hello Fuddah".

Kevin Pollack - he's been doing 80s stand-up for 30 years, the only respectful work he's done was in "The Usual Suspects".

Elizabeth Perkins - best known as Celia Hodes from "Weeds". Was also in "Finding Nemo", you might not remember, she gets eaten by a barracuda right at the start.

Bill Paxton - much like everyone else, I haven't bothered mentioning what they do in this movie, they're all very forgettable. He's in it.

Diane Lane - she was in "Unfaithful", and I guess some other movies?

Alan Arkin - best known for his roles in "Little Miss Sunshine" and "Argo". He plays Lou Handler, who runs the camp, named after the actual Lou Handler who started the camp in the 1930s.

Mike Binder - writer/director, he went to Camp Tamakwa for 10 years. Either he really loved it or his parents really loved him not being at home during the holidays.

Dr Dale Garner - moose guide, he was in the middle of his dissertation, population ecology of moose, in Algonquin Provincial Park, when filming was happening. And they needed some shots of moose, so... after completing his doctorate, he became forest wildlife biologist in 1995, program coordinator in 2001, chief of the wildlife bureau in Iowa in 2004, head of the conservation division in 2017, and in 2019, he was finally listed on IMDB, when I noticed he wasn't there.
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real good feel good
Sunny-2227 September 1998
Great cast, good acting. Its a real video-movie. Play it when you are feeling sad, missing the good old days. This movie makes you realize that these days aren't that good after all. But don't expect a movie with a great story. It's just funny and entertaining. Laugh and cry if you want. Because you will if you open your heart to this Indian Summer
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Crazy Little Thing Called Life
raulfaust5 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
You know, I've always enjoyed these old movies that bring some nostalgia to the spectator. Even thought I haven't ever heard about this film before seeing it, this watch brought me a lot of missing. While watching "Indian Summer", I missed jumping in the river; camping; talking normally to people, without a smart phone ringing all the time; talking to people indeed, instead of paying attention to quickly internet videos in their phones. I missed the world without a bunch of unnecessary news screaming at you from everywhere. I missed the time in which sex could be done without worries involving diseases. This film, technically, isn't anything marvelous-- in fact, it's overlong--, nor does it have the handsomest actors as every recent film has, but it's very interesting to be seen in a immediatist decade like the 2010's. Take some time off and, please, give it a chance!
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A rare movie that got better as it went along
jeremy316 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say the worst part of the movie was the first half hour. I was really confused about who was who. For example, Bill Paxson's character had long hair and was wearing a jacket. Then, when all the males arrived at camp, it turned out there was a character who looked like Bill Paxson, but wasn't. I said where's Bill Paxson? Then, there was a guy with his girlfriend. He said she was 21. This was supposed to be a 20-year reunion of the camp director's (Alan Arkin) most memorable. Later on, this same girl was interacting and talking about her camp experiences. That made no sense. She would have been one years old. That said, the movie turned out to be pretty good. Kevin Pollak was the nice guy who was always being teased. One guy was a complete narcissist, and ended up losing his beautiful girlfriend. Alan Arkin was interesting as an old-style camp director, who admits that he has grown out of touch with modern youth. The best part was that none of the grown-up campers were successes in life. None of them had very great careers. This seemed very real life. The movie was compared to The Big Chill. In some ways it wasn't as exciting as the Big Chill, but it was a lot more realistic. So, even though the beginning is not promising, the movie ended up turning into a pretty good one.
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incredible movie
emb80821 May 2003
I have watched this movie well over 100-200 times, and I love it each and every time I watched it. Yes, it can be very corny but it is also very funny and enjoyable. The camp shown in the movie is a real camp that I actually attended for 7 years and is portrayed as camp really is, a great place to spend the summer. Everyone who has ever gone to camp, wanted to go to camp, or has sent a child to camp should see this movie because it'll bring back wonderful memories for you and for your kids.
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Who says that you have to grow up?
michaelRokeefe13 August 2002
"Hello Mudder; Hello we are at Camp Tamakwa". Mike Binder writes and directs this dramatic comedy about a group of "thirty-something" friends reuniting in hopes of recreating the best summer of their lives. Your emotions will be mixed...from laughing to maybe crying some. You will watch some turning back the hands of time; some trying to act half their age; and some that would just like to forget the past. This film gets better each time you watch it. A very good ensemble cast; I personally was most impressed with Diane Lane, Kimberly Williams and Bill Paxton. Also helping Unca Lou(Alan Arkin) turn back the time are:Kevin Pollak, Elizabeth Perkins, Vincent Spano and Julie Warner. Make the effort'll be back.
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The movie ended with me in tears ...
Bevan - #48 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
There is this private campground in Plymouth, Massachusetts, that's been around since 1959. My grandparents were among its founders, my parents had a site starting in 1968, and my two brothers have sites there now.

(This doesn't have anything directly to do with the movie; bear with me.)

I spent summers at Blueberry Hill from when I was five years old to when I was eighteen, and it is to people like me to whom this film speaks: the ones for whom a group camp in the woods was, as my fiancée tells of me, "the good and happy place." If you've never experienced the lifestyle, Indian Summer will probably be lost on you; don't bother. It's not quick-paced, it doesn't have rapid cuts, the plots aren't in the least bit convoluted, it has no explosions, such dramatic tension as exists is mild, there aren't any A-list actors, there are no rapid-fire quips just to show off how clever the scriptwriters are (other than, perhaps, Kimberley Williams' killer line about how her fiancé shouldn't "overwind his toys.") That is not the least degree what this movie is about, any more than The Godfather is a slasher flick just because it has a lot of on screen gore.

But Indian Summer is Godfather's polar opposite. If you have experienced the lifestyle, see this movie. Don't read any more, just do it.

For me, this is a 9/10 film.
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Poorly Constructed but Enjoyable
dansview31 July 2013
The plot and character development are weak here, but there are enough enjoyable aspects to keep you viewing. The scenery is amazing, the concept of returning to your childhood camp is appealing, and the cast is familiar and good looking. Alan Arkin's role does not appear to be super challenging, but it requires skillful subtlety and he does it well.

Where are these people from, that they would go to camp in Ontario? The other references are American. But Kimberly Williams is wearing a jacket with Canadian flags. No one seems to mention living in Buffalo or Michigan.

What the heck do they actually do for a living? The Paxton character says what he does, but I don't think the others specify. Diane Lane is technically too young, but I guess you are not supposed to know that. Are we to assume that the Camp owner played by Alan Arkin has been single and alone for 43 years? We know so very little about him.

Does someone have to stay at the camp in the off season? Why? Does the camp bring in enough revenue to support a couple year round?

The human dramas are clichéd and lack imagination. But the acting is good all around. I'm sure they had fun filming this one and it shows. There's a really forced plot device involving a black guy. It doesn't make any sense. Why would the guy want to work there in 1972?

Like other reviewers have said...if you went to camp, you will probably relate to the whole experience better than someone who has never been at camp. I envy the characters their past. They were so alive in their summers as kids.
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I want my 2 hours back
sagehaven4 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I was looking over our DVD tower last night for something to watch. We were between NetFlix mailings and it was a quiet Saturday night. I pulled one out that I never heard of before and realized it was borrowed from a friend. From the jacket, it sounded like a rip-off of "The Big Chill" but, with the all-star cast, felt it might be worth watching. Boy was I wrong!!! Not only was it like "The Big Chill," it was a rip-off almost character by character. The Bill Paxton character was a copy of William Hurt ("where have you been all this time" role) -spoiler warning- and, lo and behold, he remains behind to take care of the old place(cabin/camp). Kimberly Williams = Meg Tilly; jerk womanizer Matt Craven = Jeff Goldblum etc., etc. I found myself wondering why I'm even watching these people. There was insufficient character development for me to find any interest in them. How did "Unca Lou" even find these characters after 20 years? Plus it wasn't even funny, except when Perkins fell, err 'flopped' out of bed the first morning, it was a sign and I missed it. After it was over, I asked my wife, "Were there any endearing characters in this film? ... Are you sleeping over there?" She replied, "No, I'm still thinking...No, none I can think of."
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Could there be a better feel good movie than this?
baumer17 June 1999
I am a sucker for films like this. Films that take you back and let you relive your childhood. I'm a grown up now and have many grown up responsibilities like a mortgage, kids, dogs, a wife and a slew of others. I enjoy my life but it is not as innocent and carefree like it was when I was twelve. Mike Binder's Indian Summer knows this and explores this like he was twelve years old. It brings you back to a time when life was simpler and much more fun. It brings you back to a time when worrying about your first kiss and wondering if you could finish the camp marathon were important issues. Indian Summer is a fantastic film and it is one that should be watched at least once a year just so you can sit back and laugh...and reminisce.

The film stars Kevin Pollak, Bill Paxton, Diane Lane and Matt Craven (to name a few) as childhood friends that are being summoned back to Camp Tamakwa by their former Head Camp Counsellor, Uncle Lou. Uncle Lou is played perfectly by Alan Arkin. He is kind of guy who is the patriarch of the group. He is also all knowing and encompasses the true spirit of a father figure and someone who understands the simple things in life. He has a hard time relating to today's kids that need a walkman blaring in their ears when they are at a place of immense beauty like Tamakwa. This is a camp that has moose wandering through the camp, leaves turning colours that God gave them and water for as far as the eye can see. Uncle Lou yearns for the days of old and asks his former campers back to the camp to see one of them will take over the camp. While they are all together again, we get to see their trials and tribulations and perhaps a new love could spring between them.

As the adults return to the camp, it isn't long before they act like kids again as the typical camp pranks get played all over again. They take toilet paper out of the stalls, the put toothpaste on sleeping bags and so on. All of this is done hilariously and with actors like Pollak and Paxton, it is all very funny stuff.

But beyond the hilarity, we get to explore some very real adult emotion that anyone can relate to. In one of my favourite scenes, Kevin Pollak and Elizabeth Perkins are overlooking a bay where they used to go canoing as kids. Pollak can't get over how small it all looks and Perkins finally tells him that the bay didn't get smaller, they just got bigger. It doesn't hammer the point home, but it does it subtly. We all grow up, we all move on and we all unfortunately can't live like we did 20 years ago. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Indian Summer is a character driven film and it is written beautifully by Mike Binder who actually did attend Camp Camp Tamakwa, (as did Sam Raimi, who played Stick in the film) and it is his fond and vivid memories of his experiences that fuel the film. There are many touching scenes and there are many hilarious ones also. Both are perfect.

I love this film. I love everything about it and it is a true hidden gem.

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Ah, the camp life.............
Jetset9714 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Let me say right off the bat, that if you never went to a summer camp, and I mean a real summer camp not just a YMCA day camp or some lame excuse like that, but a real couple of weeks out in the wilderness camp, you will not enjoy this movie half as much as you could have. People that don't like this movie are people that either never went or really appreciated the wonder of summer camp. Being a long time former camper/staff member of a camp I identified countless times with the nostalgic aspect of this film. This cast is top notch but I have to give kudos to Alan Arkin as the old and wise camp director "Uncle Lou" who dedicated over 40 years of his life to the running of this camp. When he waxes nostalgia over his experiences I cant help but get a cozy and warm feeling. His goal in the movie is to invite his long time favorite campers, now middle aged adults, up for one last visit. He is trying to see if any of them will take over the camp. I wont say to whom but he has the best sales pitch line, "The camp is not worth any money, but if you hit it right, its one hell of a life." Sheer poetry. This is not a perfect movie and some scenes are a little overly preachy and pious. Like the whole reason behind why the one former camper hid Uncle Lou's boxing trophy all those years ago and now is going to return it to him. Also the whole marriage in crisis and lover spats add to up to very little. Aside from that the best part of the movie is just the reminiscing and rediscovering of camp life. Give this movie a shot. Its worth it!
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Unbelievably insipid pabulum
strat-816 June 1999
Wonderful cast wasted on worthless script. Ten or so adults reunite at the summer camp they attended as juveniles. Could this ever happen in a million years? It's simply a fantasy, and a boring one at that. Do they become teenagers again? Do they reenact their pranks, games, good times? They may try but ultimately the answer is: No. Is there any intrigue? Any suspense? Horror? Comedy? None of the above. How anyone can be entertained by this drivel is beyond me. I wanted to like this movie; I tried to like this movie, but my brain refused.
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