Blown Away (TV Movie 1992) Poster

(1992 TV Movie)

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Teenage Skin Flick
griffinator0115 March 2006
It's just another movie with the Corey Boyz (Haim & Feldman). It started with the "Lost Boys" and, who knows? They might make a new reunion film.

Other than that, It's Nicole Eggert from "Charles in Charge" fame. Like the previous commentator, it's her naked through about, oh, two-thirds of the film. Nothing wrong with that. She's hot. She plays the teen femme fatale, who is just plain horny. No rhyme or reason. She just shags and kills. She's angry at her dad, like all teenage kids are usually. Ho-hum!

Bottom line: it's one of those movies to watch when you're feeling funny downstairs. Have fun drooling!
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One of the sexiest movies I've seen
baumer27 July 1999
I usually don't recommend a film based simply on it's sex appeal, but this time I have to. I have always found Nicole Eggert to be extremely attractive and in here she shows off how sexy she can be. The story itself is fairly simple but it is well done. Eggert is a beautiful young woman that has too much money. Her mother is dead and she is trying to convince Haim that her dad should be the next one to go. Okay, ho hum. But when this film concentrates on sex and naughtiness and all that wonderful stuff that guys want to see, it is so much fun to watch. I really don't think this film is aimed at women so any ladies that are angry that this film is exploitive and garnered simply to us guys, then I understand your your anger. But these films don't come out too often anymore so this is one of those guilty pleasures that I recommend every guy get to see once. Eggert is hot. And she is hot in this film. If that is excuse enough for you to see this film, then bravo. If you need more than just breasts and sex scenes and leather to keep you interested in a movie, then skip this one. But man, this is a hot movie.
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5/ 5.5. Here is why...
jeffronthi16 August 2008
This is actually, if you are a particular about acting like I am, the second best acting job of Haim's career. He is mostly believable and can carry a long scene by himself, unlike Feldman (whom I am not dissing on!). It may be different now, but this was near Haim's pinnacle of acting. Pay attention, you'll be rewarded.

So, that was a treat, knowing he at least made it into his 20's, before he started overacting and being silly.

People rate this a bit lower than it deserves, I think. Probably based on the sex, etc. Sure, I agree, this is an exploitation on Basic Instinct's popularity at the time, but it was a suitable and not a particularly bad knock-off. I look at it as a young-adult romance thriller with taboo nudity...Just keep in mind, these kids were well into their early 20's, not some baby's. So, it is perfectly natural to feel attracted to's not license to drive, folks! Nicole and The Corey's have always looked younger than they were.

So, if you like tense thrillers with unsettling moments, or just want to see Haim and Nicole naked, this is a solid B-Flick.

Check it out.
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dreadful-218 November 1999
I love the whole mood of this underrated film. It has a real "dark" ominous feel to it that just doesn't quit. The suspense is just enough to keep you interested, the plot is twisted enough to surprise you, and the acting is good enough to make you care! And, the sexual scenes are INCREDIBLY sensual and exciting, just the best. Tasteful yet explosive, this is a little gem of a film that appeals on multiple levels, making it a great movie for singles and couples alike. Turn down the lights, make sure you have the UNRATED version, and get ready for a nice experience!
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More blown off, a little, than blown away
videorama-759-8593913 October 2015
Contradictory to public opinion, here's a film, you won't necessarily be blown away by. Our two Corey's reunite again, with hottie Eggert, who provides some real stimulating and stifling sex scenes in a b grade typically plotted thriller, save for a twist near the end, involving the not so good looking Corey, I never made out. Right from the start, it's obvious what Eggert's intentions are, so obvious. Why? Because I've been around this block, so many times before. I'll run down the plot. Eggert's just turn sixteen. Her mother is car bombed, in some very skillful bombing, where the bomb make, is made untraceable. Is it the father, who's having an incestuous relationship with daughter, that did it. With her sexy prowess, Eggert lures Haim (the good looking Corey) into a relationship, and how can he really say "No", really. She coaxes him into a plan to kill off pops, making it look like an accident of course, with a big inheritance sum at the end of it. Blown Away isn't of course, without interest. I'm glad I watched it. A Basic Instinct using younger pups, if you will. It's very tasty, not just cause of Eggert's sexual presence which I'll make male hearts melt, and their hormones rise. It just really doesn't offer anything new. And there are some real amateur moments, and I'm taking dialogue, especially in some of the two Haim's dialogue, I was laughing embarrassingly to myself. Haim again just plays another unlikable brat, who's brother's intentions and driven motivations, like Eggert's made sense. Though can we really be a hundred percent sure, she was the one who blew up Mommy. There are a couple of small intense moments, but really, honestly the standout of this film, are the sex scenes, and it is fun watching Haim, delivering his dialogue, while again, we realize just how good and professional, Feldman is, a much better actor than Haim.
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IDanceWithFishes26 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This was just down right, side clenching hilarious. Corey Feldman had me gagging with joy at the end, as he throws his hat away in a "sexual" manner and drawls the line; "Start by taking your clothes off."

This film is cliché, badly done, and poorly acted. I'm sure the three main leads did the best with the sex scene driven drivel they had to contend with, but boy, is this a complete stinker. It is also, awfully unintentionally funny. I found none of the characters sensually enticing or believable, and the plot became too overstretched, unrealistic, and ambitious for the film to continue on a passable level.

If you want to laugh at the sappy, wannabe porn dialogue, or the eye-rolling,overdone sex scenes, or Corey Feldman just attempting that passes for erotic....go ahead. There is a small part of me that loves it for that horrendous fact.

Get drunk, switch this on, and let the mocking commence.
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The legacy of the two Corey's!
fmarkland325 September 2006
Corey Haim stars as Rich a horny guy who falls for a sexy blonde (Nicole Eggert) who wants to kill her father out of vengeance for the car-bomb murder of her mother, however Haim must make choice to follow his lust or do the right thing. I'm somewhat shocked at exactly this is almost at a 5 out of 10, when this movie is just so damn awful. However it is funny though. Imagine a soap opera with Melrose Place styled antics (Complete with the meat headed guys and slutty girls) made with the two Coreys. Nicole Eggert is indeed a hot little number, sure and her sex scenes to provide some mild interest but let's face it, once you're a certain age a movie must hold more interest to you than just seeing naked women going down on Corey Haim. So with that in mind the story is just so laughably lame, however it is bad enough that it makes you want to puke but stupid enough to make you howl with laughter. It is so bad it could only star the two Coreys. I mean if not for the Demolition High series, this could very well be the funniest movie Corey Haim ever made.

* out of 4-(Bad) (Take off a 1/2 star if you can't laugh at a bad movie)
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Haunting vision of young lust gone awry.
Brinke18 August 1998
Quite a bit more interesting than the average b-movie teen lust flick, "Blown Away" captures viewers with naked vixen Nicole Eggert, and the hapless Corey duo, Haim and Feldman. Despite the quite overused mexican stand-off ending and meandering plot, this movie does have a bit of style: dialogue, wardrobe, its young cast, and last but not least, the ever-creepy Jean LeClerc, as Eggert's "overprotective" father.
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Blown Away Review
Spideyfan-963-2462159 September 2016
Blown Away(1992) Starring: Jean Leclerc, Corey Haim, Nicole Eggert, Corey Feldman, Lean Leclerc, Kathleen Robertson, Gary Farmer, Rex Hagon, and Ray Sager Directed By: Brenton Spencer Review She'll charm you. Seduce you. She might even kill you. Hello Kiddies your pal The Cupid Critic here and have you ever been so in love that you'll just kill. Well we have a picture with boring characters, a semi interesting plot and the only thing good at about it is the climax. After her mother is killed by a car bomb, a 17-year-old girl lives a reckless and decadent lifestyle. She begins having sex with a boy who works at a local ski resort. He falls in love, and she tells him of her suspicions that her strict father was responsible for her mother's death and wants him to help her out of her situation. He must decide whether she's telling the truth or using him to her own ends. The film is so boring, its plot is suppose to be a crime thriller about murder and lies. But I don't care for anyone who dies in the picture, not the girl, not the father or the mother in the beginning. It's very difficult for me to get into a murder story unless I care about those who die. The film did not achieve its goal as a romance crime thriller. The performances feel bland like butter, like no one look invested in their roles so it was very difficult for me to invest in their characters, they all acted like if they were saying their dialogue in monotone. That also contributes to poor direction, but the film is shot nice. The film doesn't come all together to well, I did enjoy the climax, the film is shot good, but with poor story and characters this thriller falls flat. I'm giving Blown Away a two out of five.
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Great underrated sexy, dirty and dark surprise old-time thriller
OJT19 December 2014
Sometimes you are mislead by an IMDb-score, and this is one of those films which deserves more praise. Currently on a 5,1 score, this film is definitely a 7.

Don't trust the haters here. They will be many, since this has graphic sex between teenagers, and not in that matter your average teenage flick. The flick scores on tension and realistic feel.

This is a sexy teenager flick with haunting dark sides, which will give any teenager at least an erotic sensation. It's made in the early nineties, but it really has a feel of a 80'ies film, in the golden video age. One of those you rented and made your world back then.

The title says it all. It's about a 17 year old getting blown away in teenage love, to a sexy rich mysterious dream girl. A girl which really early on gives a feel of being a classic femme fatale. A girl which sometimes is sweet as a cutie, but as soon as the sex is over she tends to go cold as ice, running away playing with the young teenagers feelings. To complicate it more, she has an seemingly insane father, and he has a quite dodgy brother.

This film certainly has it's weaknesses, but to way up the weaknesses there's many things which makes this interesting to watch. OK I admit it's sometimes a bit cheesy, but weighing up this in very sincere play by many involved. Sometimes the logics are failing, in a very humane way. The film has some steaming hot young sex scenes, leaving less to imagination than usual are, though not showing more than small teenage boobs. Acting very realistically showing the sexual tension and lust of teenagers in love.

I think acting is very good all over. Corey Haim probably does his role of his (way too short) life here. Showing some real talent. Teenage girls watching this back in the nineties must really have had a defining moment. Fellow Corey Feldman is probably the least favorite here, though he's most certainly to show a less sympathetic young man.

THis type of film, a sexy thriller, often fails. This doesn't due to a smart script and great acting from the youngsters. The film has some dark humor, most often presented as the Colombo-style detective, sometimes analyzing, sometimes talking dirty. Always giving impression he knows what's going on, except not able to prove anything. Filming is great, effects less since the explosions don't hit the mark, though they are colorful enough. Twist and turns are great, and the film is very engaging when you decide to give it a chance. You should, if you're not easily offended by a little sex on screen.
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The end of the two coreys
Zedyeti25 July 2020
I remember back in the days of blockbuster renting movies as a kid I had heard about this awesome movie starting Jeff bridges and tommy lee jones (the bad guy from under siege!) that involved the ira and the bomb squad. It was called blown away. So I did what I did every Friday and went to the the video store to rent this new awesome action thriller. When I returned home and put the movie in I was in for a surprise. It was actually this movie. Someone put the wrong blown away in the case so I was stuck with this mess of a movie for the next 24 hours. As a kid the soft core late night skin-a max type vibe was pretty cool at the time but seeing the coreys in this type of movie was really weird and didn't seem to work. In fact it was quite terrible and really put the final nail in their film career days of Being on the cover of crappy teen magazines. Watching this movie now is actually hilarious because of how bad it is and seeing where the coreys career ended up. Movie is good for a quick laugh but consumption of alcohol or other indulgences may be required.
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Good movie
hawks06613 January 2002
I really enjoyed watching this movie, no, not just to see the beautiful Nicole Eggert nude, but the fact that it was a pretty well thought out plot. The acting is good, and the plot makes sense. Not typical for a straight to video release. This is probably one of the best Corey Haim movies I have seen.
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Growing up...
fullmentaljacket13 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is not all that good... but it has its qualities.

I freely admit that I loved the fact that it had soft-porn moments with the girl I lusted after as a youth watching "Charles in Charge".

It also has the Coreys.

The fact that Nicole has very intense sex scenes counterbalances the fact that they are with, not just one, but both of the said Coreys...

After watching, I have to admit that this movie is better than most of the fair that appears on HBO late night, and Cinemax or Showtime, in both plot and star appeal.

I know that Ms. Eggert wanted to show she was all grown up... and she did in an Elizibeth Berkely/Showgirls sort of way ... but where is she now?

The Coreys could use the same excuse... that they were trying to show they were all grown up... but I think they just wanted to see and touch Nicole naked as much as the rest of us "Youth Gone Wild" of the 90s.

Where are the Coreys now? Making cameos on "Adult Swim" cartoons and making marginally awful music.

This movie gets a 7 for having 3 stars I remember and admire from my youth... for being sexy in a Nicole Eggert fashion... and actually having a good plot that falls between a generic Lifetime movie and "Unfaithful". It is definitely worth watching... or at least renting.

This comes from someone that owns the DVD.


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a complete and total barf-o-rama. (spoilers)
vertigo_141 August 2004
'Blown Away' is a pretty pathetic Corey and Corey soft porn. It is supposed to be a thriller, but the filmmakers looked as though they weren't interested in much more than the fleshy activities of the three main actors: Corey Haim as the confused looking Rich, Nicole Eggert as bad girl seductress Megan, and Corey Feldman as Rich's brother, Wes, the self-proclaimed expert on women.

Megan is the typical thriller female: rich and initially innocent, though soon exposed as a double crossing seductress. She tries to convince Rich, who is quietly smitten with the blonde beauty, to kill her father. According to Megan, it would be just deserts for the man who killed her mother, hinting that the car accident in which she died was no accident. She claims that her father is some abusive creep in order to convince Rich, who is unsure whether he is loyal enough to this girl to commit murder. And, as the story unfolds (just barely), and Megan's true character is revealed, Rich is left to decide whether Megan is telling the truth about the past and about her father.

The movie was just awful. Haim, in particular, is a pretty boring character. Nicole Eggert is really the only one of the three main characters driving the movie. Feldman doesn't appear much and Haim's character hardly shows any emotion, much less has an speaking parts. His character is completely ridiculous and he hardly acts like a person who's just been asked to kill another. It wasn't like he's the jaded teenager. Obviously, he's supposed to be someone with a conscience. But we never get much from him, and so his character is hardly entertaining, much less suspenseful.

I imagine this was just the Corey team attempting to make a quick transition into more adult roles, having been the mainstream teen heartthrobs for the 80s. Only, this movie is so cheap and so stupid, it looks like the only way they wanted to prove that they've matured beyond teen films is their willingness to bare some skin and get dirty.
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interesting plot with a good message to teenagers
tisiclay7 August 2001
I saw this movie 5 days ago and I loved it. It has a interesting plot of a girl named Megan who convinces her new boyfriend Rich that her father killed her mother and he should die too. Rich helps megan in doing this because he has fallen head over heals for her. As the film progresses, only rich gets caught for the murder of megan's father. He is confined to prison, but Megan soon bails him out. After this happens, Rich finds out that megan isn't what she appears to be. The message the movie sends is that you shouldn't trust a person just because you have fallen for him or her. I wouldn't recommend it for anyone under 16 because of the nudity. But people over sixteen should see it so they can learn that love and lust are two completely different things.
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Blown Away? No, Rather Bored A Lot
denis8883 November 2013
That was the year when we wanted to see them all together - Nicole Eggert, and two Coreys - Haim and Feldman. Plus, here is gorgeous beauty Kathleen Robertson of Beverly Hills 90210 fame. And yes, yes, there is so much nudity, not so explicit, but still, some. In the 90's that was quite OK. Can this all work? Nope, this cannot work. Nicole is a mediocre actress, to say the least, she is a sweet lady with excellent body, but hey, this is not Baywatch or something of this kind, here you want a bit more than that. Nicole cannot deliver it all well. Both Coreys are, well, typical young teen handsome guys who look swell but never perform well. The whole plot is OK, twisted and sometimes very captivating. But then, very son, one can easily predict the next scene and then next. And then say with a high probability, who the main culprit was. So, often even a nudity and sex scenes do not save the weak film form being weak. They add some thrill to younger watchers but leave bored after all. My advice - watch it once and forget quickly. This is not a work of art or likewise
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Not Blown Away
michaelradny28 August 2015
This generic 90's action film is as little action as you will see, with more educational dialogue and weirdly placed romance scenes. Being a fan of Jeff Bridges, I do have some bias towards him, and to be fair he plays a good part just not a convincing one. It feels like The Fugative cross The Crying Game, but instead of being a well matched up, evenly balanced film, it crumbles in boring as it just feels the same as every big explosion action movie ever made.

Blown Away will not blow you away. Boring, generic and uninteresting, Blown Away just doesn't add anything to the mix of exciting action films from this decade. If it felt more fast paced, more balls to the wall and more finely polished, this film could have come to life a little more, but with the idea at hand, this was never going to be a successful blockbuster hit.
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Routine Erotic Thriller
jfgibson7330 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Ever since "Double Indemnity," the erotic thriller formula has pretty much stayed the same. Beautiful girl convinces earnest, naive man to do something terrible, then screw him over by having him take the rap. Blown Away redoes the story with teen idols as the leads. The Two Coreys and Nicole Eggert form a triangle that tries to keep you guessing who is manipulating who.

One of the many problems with this story is that it is an adult drama in which no one actually acts like an adult, including the middle-aged adolescent father to Nicole's character. Much of the dialog is silly and there are plenty of plot holes and confusing twists. However, looking back as a retro piece of b-movie trash, it does have some entertainment value. I liked the movie more before it dove into the "will-you-help-me-kill-him" cliché, and Corey Feldman does what he does best--playing the sleaziest guy in the show. The early scenes with him as a slimy ski resort worker were more interesting than most of the final third of the movie. Overall, only recommended for fans of unintentional humor and irredeemable trash.
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kept my attention for 2 hours
oyellowrose28 December 2000
Watching one of my childhood favorite line ups- the two Corys- having sex (not with each other) was pretty disturbing , but the illogic and campiness of the plot and camera work kept me laughing from beginning to the end. I have seen many other movies that could not keep my attention for that long so I have to give it credit. It was hysterically bad.
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It's blows away erotic..
kumar_delish18 May 2022
Hot sex scenes all over the movie the actress has stunning look makes the movie more erotic Little action more sex scenes less romantic.

If u like erotic and sexy movie watch it.

Noting special in the movie.
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faroebaldur17 August 2021
Nicole Eggert is hot and naked

thats is all.

She is really, really, really hot and naked a lot.
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Corey Haim in an erotic thriller
SnoopyStyle11 August 2015
Megan (Nicole Eggert) loses her mother on her birthday to a bomb in the car. A year later, Megan meets Rich (Corey Haim) who works at her father Cy's resort along with his half-brother Wes (Corey Feldman). Rich and the self-destructive Megan have a passionate affair. Darla (Kathleen Robertson), who is in love with Rich, finds comfort with Wes. Darla is killed and Detective Anderson investigates the suspicious death. Megan is in the hospital claiming to be beaten by her father. She convinces him that Cy also killed her mother.

This is an erotic thriller with the Coreys trying to grow into more adult roles. It's a cheesy B-movie effort. Feldman and Eggert's erotic sex scenes are either bad 90s late night erotica or laughably silly. Feldman is trying very hard to be hard but he's not the type. The movie is a poor B-movie.
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Very Fun Film to Watch
sonofamanandawoman25 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Here we have the two Coreys reunited for this fun flick from 1992, filmed entirely in Ontario, Canada. This film is well known for its nude scenes with Nicole Eggert and Corey Haim. I was very saddened to hear of Corey Haim's death, and I watched this movie as soon as I got the chance, since I hadn't seen it for a very long time. All the stars look great in this picture and although this movie was filmed in 1992 it looks, sounds and feels like it was filmed in the 1980's. The soundtrack, featuring a fantastic and obscure single by John James "She Bought Love" adds to the 80's feel.

Though the majority of the funny moments in this film are unintentionally funny, there are a few quips in the movie that actually work. The homicide detective in this movie played by Gary Farmer is absolutely hilarious, especially in the scene in the interrogation room with Corey Haim.

The scenes with Corey Feldman and Corey Haim are great, and they are both fun to watch as always. Nicole Eggert is stunning in this movie and she plays the conniving seventeen year old brat convincingly and with ease. There are some movies that just "click" with some people, and this is how I'd describe the feeling the first time I watched this one.

Without a doubt, this is one of my favourite movies. Let's not forget that a movie's purpose is to entertain people, and it certainly puts a smile on my face each and every time I watch it. Don't miss the opportunity to see this movie. Get it on DVD while it's still available.
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By Nicole?
kosmasp17 November 2021
No pun intended, but I wouldn't blame you if you were by just looking at her. Of course the movie also starts with a bang that has nothing to do with her - well I mean another character gets Blown away. Literally in that case.

I am a bit surprised this movie flew under my radar, it would have been something I probably would have really loved as a teenager. Odd choices, weird friendships (relationships included) and a heated romance - well with a lot nudity that is. Male and female in case you are wondering. Though I don't think you see any genitals from either gender. I didn't pause so if there is a glimpse, I apologize for not noticing.

The thriller is quite ... it is quite ridiculous and crazy and out there. Twists coming left and right .. but it still can be fun if you let it. Some odd choices when it comes to the use of slow motion (horse and some other things) and overall the acting may feel weird too. This is sleazy, hot at times and completely insane ... you make of that whatever you like.
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I am not responsible for the movie
jessegehrig21 June 2021
This is Blown Away, not the other two movies also called Blown Away, and neither was it the short lived TV show that is also called Blown Away. In this Blown Away, Nicole Eggert shows a lot of nudity. So much naked boobies in fact that whatever is officially stated as the movie's plot, be it here at IMDb or by the film's creator, this Blown Away is about Nicole Eggert being naked and simulating having sex with Corey Haim. And before you get mad at me for saying the obvious, remember that I had nothing to do with this movie or any other Blown Away, do you see my name attached to a writing credit or producer credit, I didn't direct this movie either, you need to direct your displeasure at the people who convinced Nicole Eggert to take her clothes off for scenes in this film.
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