Flying Blind (TV Series 1992–1993) Poster


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A Trailblazing comedy WAY AHEAD of its time.
firefox2k9 April 2006
This was one of those great shows from fox, the SAME fox who brought you all the great shows, married with children, in living color, Simpson's, Tracey Ullman, parker lewis cant lose. all of these shows ( with the exception of parker lewis, ) are on DVD for viewing and a reminder of what great TV is about.

If you haven't seen this show, do yourself a favor and HUNT IT DOWN. i have all the episodes on VHS, but since the tape has degraded, it is quite hard to see.

You see many people call it the precursor of the oddball couples comedy. Ned and Stacey, Dharma and Greg, Mad about you, Will and Grace, are ALL copies of this excellent comedy. Thomas Haden Church, Lisa Kudrow, Andy Dick, all have appeared in the show, YEARS before their other shows.
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Not as good as I remember it being, but generally fun
cherold18 August 2017
I was broken-hearted when Flying Blind was canceled after one season. I thought it was one of the funniest series ever. But now I've been re-watching it on YouTube, and I have to admit I don't love it quite as much as before.

The series involves a nebbishy accounts executive who inexplicably lands a gorgeous, fantastically hip woman perpetually followed around by a string of brilliant ex-lovers.

Like Neil, I was a nebbishy New Yorker in the early '90s, so the show represented my dream life of sex and art. How could I not love it?

The humor was very much Catskills comedy, and one of the fascinating features is the difference in delivery styles between Corey Parker and Tea Leoni. They both tell a lot of jokes structured like, "that's the biggest blank since my relative did blank at the blank," but whereas Parker does a Woody Allen impression (a good one), Leoni has this odd, shambling way of telling the same jokes. She is one of those rare comedic actors who sound like they're actually creating the joke as they go along, and while much of the series performance arts jokes seem less edgy than they did in the 90s, her delivery is still pretty unusual.

While I don't love the series as I once did, I still find it quite likable, and there are many excellent performers, including Micheal Tucci as Neil's father (their familial similarity comes mainly in how they tell jokes) and especially Clea Lewis as Alicia's overshadowed roommate.

While this is a far more conventional sitcom than I realized at the time, it actually does have a pretty good sense of the period. Alicia is an exaggeration of a real type, and at times she manages to capture that emotional instability that makes women like her far less appealing to older, wiser men like the me of today, who knows enough to run away.

Some fans may think my 7 star review is too low. If it's any comfort, my 23-year-old self would completely agree with you.
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Never Given a Chance to Shine!
Sylviastel28 February 2008
Before she was doing movies, Tea Leoni was coming alive in situation comedies. In this comedy, she plays Alicia which is quite artistic and lives in the artistic section of New York City. Corey Parker plays her boyfriend who I remember having a crush at the time. He comes from the suburbs and falls head in heels in love with her. They live together with Alicia's friends always dropping by her loft like Clea Lewis and others. The show was quite entertaining at times and I liked it a lot for Sunday sitcom fare. Unlike Friends, I thought Flying Blind was quite more realistic and entertaining without being condescending to the audience.
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My favorite comedy half hour
sypecanpi22 May 2005
The good news about being on Fox in 1992 was - no one was watching, and you could get away with things you'd never get to do on a major network. The bad thing about being on Fox in 1992 was that almost no one watched. Which was a shame. Those few that tuned in were well rewarded.

The writing was sharp (look at what the writers and producers went on to do), the acting was brilliant (look at the cast), with incredible comedic timing, the production was...well, they had an early Fox budget, but they did what they could.

Some years later, Dharma and Greg would do another uptight guy marries into a free spirit family story. And while it was successful, it is a pale imitation of Flying Blind.

There is no show that I'd like to see come out on DVD more than this one.
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Adore this show -why it was cancelled:
Rebelmamma8 September 2016
I've lost sleep over the sadness of losing this amazing show!

I just bought the full series from this link: but haven't seen the DVDs yet. The seller said he's friends with Corey and sent him a set. Also said he sent a set to Tea, so I'm thinking they might be pretty good quality. The seller has excellent reviews. Only $19.95 including shipping.

While talking with the seller, he told me that Corey said the show was cancelled because 2 of the producers hated the other two producers! The producers and writers are brilliant: Malcolm in the Middle, Arrested Development... etc. The seller said there were more episodes written and ready to shoot, and the end of season one was left wide open for a season two but things just broke down on the set into havoc and everyone was miserable! The show wasn't cancelled as much as it fell apart! Corey had an opportunity to go back to Broadway and took it. That was it.

Corey and Tea are friends in real life, that's why they had such great chemistry on screen : ) Reading these reviews over the years has been comforting to me - to know others feel my pain and loss. Soon, I will get to re-live all of the joy of the only season of one of my favorite TV shows ever!!
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Where is the DVD???
markykirk5 November 2010
"Small children whose fathers are slumped unconscious over the controls of a small aircraft have landed it with less signals than she was giving you." Not wholly accurate I guess (I saw it a long time ago in a world far distant from the one we are now in) but it remains one of my favourite pieces of dialogue from one of my favourite shows with my favourite actress. Whats to dislike other than the failure to provide a DVD of the series!! A mix of the best sort of screwball humour from a much earlier era and some really quite gifted writing plus a great cast, all the elements were there and yes sure enough cancelled early! Endless series of Supernatural yet Flying Blind and Firefly zippo after one series, genius! If you have a chance though give FB a chance with an open mind and an appreciation of the budget constraints that must have applied.
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No good deed goes unpunished...
svperryman8 May 2006
This series was so great. It had all the elements of a great show: Smart, funny and sexy. I guess it was ahead of its time and Fox was behind the times. Probably could have been Will and Grace, before Will and Grace. Too bad, so sad! The premise, a tight-wound, stiff-collared, corporate-type guy, meets and falls in love with a beautiful former model, whose life has been free from the normal constraints of "real-life". It is so simple and yet so genius as it leaves a lot of room for funny situations. Though it seems obvious, the writers were really great at finding new and interesting ways to re-invent the humor with subtle grace. From the contrast of Alicia's incredible Adonis-like ex-boyfriends to Neil's constant (rightful) insecurity and difficulty adapting to this unconventional world, the viewer is never left wanting as so frequently occurs in today's sitcoms. If only we could resurrect this series!
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pre Dharma & Greg
SnoopyStyle29 May 2017
Recent college graduate Neil Barash (Corey Parker) feels lost. He still lives at home with his parents (Michael Tucci, Cristine Rose) and grandma. His dad gets him a job at his office in a snack food company. Ted Sharperson (Marcus Giamatti) is his under-handed climber office mate. Then he meets wild free-spirit hard-partying Alicia (Téa Leoni). Jordan (Robert Bauer) and Megan (Clea Lewis) are her crazy roommates.

There is an obvious comparison to Dharma & Greg. Although this came before them, Alicia is by no means the first manic pixie dream girl on screen. Corey Parker reverts to a little bit of Woody Allen from time to time. Téa Leoni is every bit the it girl. However, I don't love their characters. Alicia needs more inherit goodness and there needs to be something in Neil that is worthwhile to bring out. In the early episodes, he always ends up being jealous of the attention of the other men. This is really a twentysomething short-term fling. The relationship does develop as the show tries to balance the pair out but I never bought into any long-term possibility. The show lasted only one season on Fox. Clea Lewis does deliver another fun wacky side character.
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The Problem with Perfect Women
maybejustrex6 December 2001
Tea Leoni's presentation of her character in Flying Blind has always stood out as one of the most perfect presentations of the ingenue femme fatale in all of television (and most of cinema). Wild, extravagent, guileless and innocent, this presentation is a guaranteed heart-breaker for anyone who believes The Perfect Woman actually exists. The show as a whole, while flawed, still glowed as result of this unexpectedly successful collision of writing and actress.

I must also concur with other comments that this show got the short-shrift reserved for other real comic gems like The Ben Stiller Show and (dare I say it in print) Duckman. While a different genre entirely, Flying Blind was buried late in the Sunday evening programming where it too was doomed to a quick death (probably because Married With Children was busy leaving its "mark" on television).
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cubiclewally27 August 2017
I did not see this show in 1992, but I recently watched all the episodes on youtube. I knew the show was canceled after the first season, and the question as to why the show was canceled was on my mind as I watched it. I think the following were problems:

1. Corey would drift into extended periods where he sounded exactly like Woody Allen delivering jokes. Oddly he only did this part of the time. 2. The jokes were of the variety that are long and not particularly funny, They were mildly amusing stories involving implausible situations. This is like Woody Allen but his stuff is funny. 3. The romantic relationship was implausible and I really couldn't understand why the characters would want to know each other, except for the sex of course. 4. The story arc was going nowhere. I can't even imagine where they could have gone after the first season. In terms of narrative, Gilligan's Island made more sense.

Watching season one would be a good idea provided you don't find it annoying, but I think the studio executives made a good call in canceling it. The premise was getting old and stale, and it would have become unwatchable very quickly if it had not been canceled.
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Sitcom of Genius
Adrian Sweeney6 February 2003
I remember this as the funniest sitcom ever (with the possible exception of Fawlty Towers). Hip, slick, witty and hilarious. Nebbishy Neal, a hapless wage-slave who lives with his parents, somehow wins the heart of hyper-It girl Alicia - the kind of girl who catapults around the world from one chic party to another, pursued madly by writers, artists, billionaires, Nobel-prize winning scientists (and four full-time stalkers who have got together to form a pop group which is very big in Sweden). His family are straight out of Neil Simon, her friends are from darkest Bohemia. Imagine a young Woody Allen dating one of the girls Carole Lombard or Katherine Hepburn used to play in those classic screwball comedies. Parker and Leoni are both adorable and hilarious and every one of the supporting characters and cast are great. The writing is genius.

The gods are jealous of perfection, so Flying Blind was cancelled prematurely, leaving those of us who'd come to love it in a state of grief and denial which has rendered bleak and futile our every waking hour since. If it's ever re-run do yourself a favour and check it out.
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Way WAY ahead of its time
budikavlan2 June 2002
Comparisons to "Dharma and Greg" are fair, although this series was better (I like D&G too, but not anywhere near as much) and the only thing Dharma and Alicia have in common is free-spiritedness. The comparison to "Mad About You," however, is ridiculous. Calling "Mad About You" a classic is even more ridiculous. That aside, as a network suffers through its infancy, many good shows fall by the wayside. Baby nets have very few resources available to sustain good shows if they aren't getting good ratings. "Flying Blind" thus died a most undeserved early death. And as "The Naked Truth" has replaced it in most people's mind's "Tea Leoni file" the chance of anyone purchasing the reruns seems slight; a shame, because I'd like to see it again. "The Naked Truth" was a good show too, but not as good as this one.
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I laughed so hard I cried!
mirok12 July 1999
This was such a funny series that, when it was canceled, I was stupefied. There are a lot of second-rate (or worse) shows being made all too often these days (especially the sitcom genre) but this wasn't one of them. It was brash, irreverent, high-spirited and had all the ingredients for a very successful series. I laughed my way through every episode. It never, ever disappointed. And when fresh faces were needed on "Ellen", at least Clea Lewis (Tea Leoni's wannabe hangaround friend in this series) was spotted and almost stole *that* show too!
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Clea Lewis is perfect as the pretentious art chick roommate
skk-631 December 2005
This show has been somewhere in my subconscious for the past 13 years. At the time that this show was on the air I was moving from my parents house in the suburbs (again, after moving back in with them) and just getting fully entrenched in the post modern art world in The Big City. This show captured that time perfectly, complete with post modern performance "pieces" being staged in their loft/warehouse apartment. I related to the unwitting suburban average Joe and the sophisticated metropolitan artists. The characters resonated true for me.

Of course it's been 13 years since I've seen it, and had the series not been cut off at it's inception I might not have built it up in my mind. But, for me, this show captured a time and a place that no other show since has captured. I kept waiting for it to get picked up again. I'm glad to see that other people remember it and that I wasn't the only person out there who watched it.

When will it come out on DVD? Oh, Flying Blind, why has thou forsaken me?
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Too fabulous! Great premise...great cast!
auberguine27 April 2002
It is still one of the best sitcoms I have ever seen. Hip...funny...fabulous...witty...charming...gorgeous! I adore Flying Blind! Although it preceded both...I could best describe it as a mix of (the movie) Party Girl and Dharma & Greg. Perhaps that was the problem... it was too hip, to soon. Great cast...great writing...great premise...and a VERY bad decision in cancelling it!
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Never missed Flying Blind
mindhuntercyc12 August 2005
I can say with all honesty that I did not see every episode of Darma and Greg; Mad About You or The Naked Truth. I would be hard pressed to name more than 10 TV comedies that I would call "classic" - none of the above apply. However, I never missed a single episode of FLYING BLIND and think that Tea' Leoni is one of television's great beauties. Think about this - David Duchovney worked with the luscious Jillian Anderson all day and went home to Tea' Leoni at night - the luckiest man alive? I would put Tea' Leoni on a list of lovely television women for whom I have lusted along with Marina Sirtis, Susanne Pleshette, Jillian Anderson and Jenna Elfman. If Marina Sirtis wasn't so eastern Mediterranean exotic Tea' would be my number one. And every Sunday night late, she was.
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The Original "Dharma & Greg" only better
Howler-44 July 2001
My Summary says it all. The Shy Quiet reserved gut meets wild and free-spirited Girl, Hilarity ensues.

Hmmmm...Where have I seen that recently ?? :)

I really wish Tea would come back to the small screen in another comedy soon.

Hey, If Geena Davis can do it...
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title music
therealsusiQ30 December 2002
i loved the series´s a shame they took it off the air i wonder if someone knows where i can find the title music from the series i really liked that song i would appreciate any help on that!!!! thanx
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Another great one bites the dust.
mrmiles4218 September 2003
This series was hilarious. Too funny to explain, you just have to watch it. Too bad that even back then Fox had their heads up their @##.

Im looking for a good clean copy, either VHS or DVD. I have a set, but some of the episodes are fuzzy. Can anyone help?
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Flying Blind: Yet another gem discarded...
eeeeeeeeeeeeekk27 December 2005
I can't count the number of trail-blazing programs we've we've fallen for, only to have them time-shifted so frequently that we can't ever find them again (Keen Eddie), or simply yanked, for reasons we cannot fathom. It seems the moment a show begins to develop depth and a strong following of viewers that must be well outside the norm, it's moved from time slot to time slot, until its viewership dwindles to numbers so low, the only option is the dustbin. Flying Blind was one of the first sit-coms I recall relating to as a young woman. Tea Leoni was a wonderful, bright and still an individual. I think the show was appealing to both young women and men- my husband remembers it fondly, as well many of our friends. We can't figure out the criteria used to determine the fate of a show, especially one still in its infancy. - Eeeek
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Tea Leoni's "Coming Out ",basically
KUAlum262 February 2008
No,I don't mean Tea came out as a lesbian(what a shock for David Ducovny!),I mean "coming out" as akin to a Sweet Sixteen party. Previously known for her non-speaking part in the 1992 Summer blockbuster "A League of Their Own",Leoni here is given every opportunity to shine as the free-spirited artist and sex-kitten Alicia who is in a fairly(try highly)unlikely romance with nebbishy suit Neil(Corey PArker). This show got plenty of opportunity from FOX to stick in there--if I recall correctly,all twenty-two or twenty-three episodes were ran on the same slot(9:30/8:30 CST)Sundays,in back of such network successes as "MArried With Children" and "Herman's Head"--and still managed to be canceled. I'm not sure as to EXACTLY why this show got pushed off the air,and until they make a "E!True Hollywood Stories"(or something to that regard)on Ms.Leoni,I doubt we'll ever really know.

I watched this fairly faithfully,and it was predominantly because of Ms.Leoni's combination of breathy sexuality and her decent(with potential for improvement)comedic timing. PArker as the schlemiel was the right counter-balance,and contrary to what a few critics have described,I DO happen to think that this romance could've lasted another season,perhaps into a marriage. THe conflict of each show was primarily how this unlikely relationship could withstand the strains of both sides of the equation--namely Alicia's artsy,breezy and pretentious friends and former lovers versus Neil's kvetching,almost stereotypical parents(Michael BArusch was the dad,the mom's name escapes me for the moment)and his leering,equally hopeless friends--and thus kept the viewer guessing how it would affect their bond. While I was somewhat disappointed that this show wasn't retained,I was neither completely surprised nor really crestfallen. I figured a show that banked itself on a very tenuous relationship would probably run out of gas(read:fresh script ideas and plot devices)to keep its momentum for more than a season or two. If you can find this on DVD(Assuming it IS on DVD),you might want to check this out.
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Total waste of time
jeffpatrick18 November 2000
I had the great misfortune of seeing a few episodes of this series (when nothing else was on), and it was truly one of the worst series to ever grace the airwaves. The plot was the same in nearly every episode; Neil and Alicia have sex, get into a fight, break up, whine about it to their friends, make up, then have sex again. Fox did us a favor by pulling the plug on this show.
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What is America's fascination with Téa Leoni?
ticofeo27 August 2001
I'm sure the show thought it was "brash" and "irreverent" but mostly it came across as "scripted." The characters never spoke to one another, instead just recited "clever" dialogue on cue.

Corey Parker was a neurotic, New York Jew: a Woody Allen impression without any subtlety. Téa Leoni played the same role she always has, as vapid and head-jerking as ever. It was as if the writers bludgeoned the stars with their scripts and they in turn bludgeoned the audience.

A God-awful piece of dreck.

[It's interesting to note "Mad About You," a show with the same basic premise, premiered on another network a week after "Flying Blind." Of course, one of these shows stayed on the air for eight years, and is considered a classic. The other remains mostly (thankfully) forgotten.]
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waste of energy, film, and time.
toddodias18 July 2002
I used to watch flying blind and it was one of the most driest comedies, worst tv shows I have ever seen in my 25+ years on this earth. Corey Parker is not funny what so ever. I've seen him do stand up and bomb big time on more than one occasion. How this film ever made it onto the tube goes to show you anybody and I mean anyone can have a tv even if it is short lived.
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