Navy Seals (1990) Poster


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Screw the critics, pop the top on a brewski, kick back and enjoy.
=G=10 June 2002
"Navy SEALS" is a fun escapist Hollywood testosterone rush packed with action and built around a thin story about a SEALS team which goes after some Stinger missels which have fallen into the hands of mid-East terrorists. The film features some great stunts, lots of pyrotechnics, and firefights galore as it shows SEALS in a variety of combat missions including high altitude and undersea insertion platforms. A critically panned flick but a great watch for military action junkies.
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Mindless but Entertaining Action Flick
andyetris21 April 2003
This is a rah-rah, gung-ho actioner and as long as that's what you're looking for, you'll have a good time watching this fast-paced story of the white hats versus the black hats.

Sheen, Biehn, Whalley, Kadi, and Paxton do workmanlike jobs with stereotypical roles. The plot is all formula but treated in a slightly unusual way and the action sequences are excellent. U.S. Navy SEALS (The good guys) stumble on a cache of weapons in the hands of mideastern terrorists (the bad guys.) The first attempt to get the goods fails, and in the process of tracking down the cache, everybody's best buddy dies (see if you can guess who THAT would be!) There are more tragic deaths before the finale, which, of course, includes hand-to-hand combat between boss baddie and our hero.

This is very definitely a promo for the U.S. Navy, with terrific shots of U.S. weapons, heroic depictions of our boys in action, and simple, demonized baddies. But if that kind of thing sets you off, it should be pretty obvious that this is not the film for you!
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Excellent Movie.
ikari1356 March 2002
Like the previous person's comments, this was like the "Top Gun" on the ground. He just forgot to also mention that it was also done in the Sea and in the Air. I feel that it was similar also to Chuck Norris' Delta Force; however, it was alot more realistic. Well, the actors in this film did a wonderful job of portraying the actions of the elite Navy SEAL teams. This movie should serve as a testament to the courage and valor displayed by all of the great Special Operations and Special Forces teams of the Armed Forces. The characters were really believable and the script was top-notch. Those who are from the Hampton Roads area of Virginia (like myself) will definitely notice many of the stateside locales. You could definitely watch this movie over and over again! It definitely provides a boost of adrenaline to all couch potatoes and action junkies, not to mention any of those who have either served in the military or were born in military households like myself!
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Not great, but decent
Aglandiir3 June 2004
First off, I'd like to correct the poster below me who said that God "Had a sniper rifle that fired tiny grenades." God was armed with a Barrett M-82A1 .50 caliber BMG. It is a current special forces rifle and is fully capable of (and often used for) putting a bullet all the way through a truck's engine, a foot of solid metal plate, or, as often shown in the movie, wimpy little concrete or cement block walls.


This movie is certainly not a feast for the brain, but neither is it intellectually devoid. The issue with the journalist in the movie is startlingly relevant in today's world, for example. I doubt it was intentional; it's likely that it was put in as a weak attempt at adding conflict and depth to a flat script. But hey, take what you can get, right?

The real strong point of this movie, for me, is the set design. This was shot back in the old days, when neat backdrops couldn't just be drawn in with computers over a bluescreen. The Beirut scene at the end of "Navy SEALs" has some of the best *real* urban combat sets I've ever seen, right up there with the Hue scene at the end of "Full Metal Jacket"... though not quite as good.

I don't know if the sets alone make this movie worth watching, but they do for me. It's generally mindless action, but that doesn't mean that it's without substance; just because "Navy SEALs" doesn't meet the standards of a "great" movie, with well-developed characters and all that junk, doesn't mean it's awful. "Navy SEALs" doesn't include much script depth because it really doesn't need to. That isn't the point. Do you think that real Navy SEALs would make well-rounded characters in the Hollywood sense? These soldiers *can't* have strife within the team, *can't* have little internal conflicts that, in most movies, would be considered interesting. That just isn't realistic.
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Charlie Sheens Character Ruined the movie
AGood27 May 2019
Michael Biehn's character said during the movie in a training montage that only 10% of recruits get to become Navy Seals. Remember that 90% of Navy Seal candidates are not good enough and fail the training.

In this movie there are three actions scenes. The first they are required to go in silently and extract some hostages and get out quietly without a shot fired. They are successful in doing this. Until Charlie Sheen's Character pulls out a pump action shotgun and shoots down a door with three shots for no other reason than he wanted everyone outside to hear them for a gunfight to kick off as he was craving an adreniline rush.

He causes directly a fellow Navy Seal to be shot and killed in this op. But because this was an unknown character at this point nobody seems to care and its just next day who cares.

Second mission, once again they need to silently extract someone without anyone hearing. This is all going to plan until Charlie Sheen's character wants a gun fight again so walks up to the enemy shooting him. He directly causes a second Navy Seal to be killed. Now cue 15mins of everyone being full of sorrow and teary eyes for this guy dying as he was known in the film up until that point.

Third mission, they need to quietly blow up a building. Charlie Sheen's character decides to shoot someone with the loudest hand gun he takes from his back pocket - when he has silenced gun on him already - and ruins that op too as everyone hears it and starts shooting. The main leader gets shot and is down for dead and Charlie Sheen disobeys further orders to just blow the building and to go in and get him out so they cannot blow the building till he does this.

This is meant to be the Navy Seals. And he is somehow the second in command of the team and any Navy Seal wouldn't want this guy coming within 500 miles of them as he seems to want to get killed everyone of his team mates and never follows orders. And yet he is deemed the hero of the movie. This guy ruined the movie for me as he was so annoying. It would have been a good movie with all the others but his character in it.
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A very watchable action movie
ijozic30 August 2001
OK, I'll try to comment mostly on the music cause enough has been said about this movie. I think it's a very watchable action movie (despite some flaws). Yes, it's not too realistic, but such a movie would most probably be boring (check how it worked out in The Finest Hour). Yes, it's not too deep, but come on, which action movie is (e.g. what's so deep about characters in Die Hard? nobody complains about that and they shouldn't)? Please take into consideration some other action movie involving the SEALS e.g. The Rock - the unwatchable Michael Bay/Nicholas Cage exploding blockbuster escapade which somehow has over 7.0 rating.

The most positive thing about this movie are the great action scenes which look pretty realistic (the gunfights in Beirut, for example). Nice use of the camera (although it looks a bit 'TV' in some places) and very authentic looking scenery (with some nice details, e.g. like that destroyed Israeli M113 in the background).

But the amazing thing is (personally) one of the best music scores in an action movie ever (which unfortunately I can't seem to find anywhere). I mean, Sylvester Levy really did his job right. Every time they head for action, they are followed by excellent instrumental scores which give this film and the scenery much more depth (my favorite one plays when they are running for the shore). Unbelievably good.

So, must have seen it a couple of dozen times and still like to watch it for the above reasons. It's not a deep movie, just good war action and great music. I enjoy(ed) it. Maybe you will, too. Personally, I'd rate it as 6, objectively at 5, IMDb 7 at least (should have more since atrocities like The Rock get 7.3 average).
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OK action navy movie...
dwpollar10 April 2010
1st watched 4/7/2010 -- 4 out of 10 (Dir-Lewis Teague): OK action navy movie about a group of Navy SEALS that find some missiles at a location where a terrorist was holding an American hostage. They get the hostage out but fail to blow up the missiles which causes them to have to do a few other missions to accomplish this major task. The movie stars Charlie Sheen and Michael Biehn as members of a small Navy SEAL group. Sheen's character is a little more rambunctious and tends to make quick decisions while the leader, played by Biehn, is the one that follows the book. Biehn's character is the one that decided to not blow up the missiles initially despite Sheen's character wanting to. Sheen later makes some bad decisions as well that makes them even and they both carry a little guilt into their next assignments. That's really about it for this movie. There are other characters like one member who is about ready to get married, reluctantly(but it never happens) and a part-Lebanese reporter, played by Joanne Whaley-Kilmer, who helps provide info for the cause but otherwise doesn't provide much for the movie, unfortunately. Pretty bland characters overall despite some good action sequences. The lack of character development doesn't make you care much for the characters and that's where it fails. An OK waste of a couple hours if you like these kind of movies and don't mind the cardboard characters.
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In the Navy
jotix10029 January 2006
As far as some action films go, "Navy Seals", the 1990 film directed by Lewis Teague, doesn't deserve most of the criticism that some contributors to this forum have expressed. While it doesn't add anything to the genre, it is a movie targeted to a certain audience, who will no doubt react to it.

On the other hand, watching it on cable the other night, it proved to be the entertainment it's meant to be and nothing more. Let's hope the real Navy Seals will be more selective in picking someone that is as misguided and egocentric as Lt. Hawkins, who disobeys his orders and causes the death of a man that shouldn't have died.

This film appears to be a vehicle for Charlie Sheen who was at the height of his intense period. Michael Biehn plays the man in command, Lt. Curran with flair. Joanne Whalley is seen only briefly. The rest of the cast, notably, S. Ephata Merkerson and Dennis Haysbert contributed to make the film better than it is.

All in all, this is a film for action fans with not a lot of expectations.
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What a waste of celluloid!
mikeveg16 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Oh, man, I hated this movie. Granted, the site locations were great, but that's about the ONLY positive thing I can say about it. Now, I'm going to state right at the beginning that I am VERY critical of the way weapons, especially firearms, are both portrayed, and handled, in movies. Being a war flick, portrayal was fine, but the shoddy weapons handling in the movie would have NEVER been tolerated by a real SEAL Team. The acting was more wooden than my first sailboat, the equipment carried (or lack of it) was laughable, and the dialogue was, shall we say, lacking in ANYTHING interesting. Well, with the exception of the journalist, which was actually prescient. Watching this movie was comparable to watching "Palmetto" with Woody Harrelson, where each scene was so bad you just couldn't turn it off, because you had to see if they could get worse with the next scene. Like Palmetto, they certainly did. The scene in the water, where, after shooting the first of the enemy, they BLOW THE DAMN BOAT UP, thereby having to face possible drowning, made me laugh so hard, that for a millisecond, I almost thought it was worth waiting through the movie for. Then Charlie Sheen decided to drag the surviving enemy down to the depths of the ocean (the way it was filmed, with the many camera cuts, it looked like they went down about 80 feet. Nice continuity there....) before slashing his throat was so damn stupid, I was stunned. Then again, so was the whole damn movie. I enjoy action movies, but not this one. NOTE: The version I watched was a TV version, pan & scan. I can't imagine that made a difference, except for making the whole thing blessedly shorter!
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ok, it's not that bad
xeneize0071 December 2001
Warning: Spoilers
you can't watch a commandos film and expect to see a godfather with SMG's. It's quite different to any other film of this kind; there are no nukes or chemical or bio weapons on this one: they chase simple stinger ground to air missiles, what any terrorist nowadays can have. Also there is no big explosion at the end or a pumped up villain or troopers, they're the average man, and their operations and equipment should be the one the real SEALs use. But i believe that Charlie Sheen's character is out of place, i really hated him from the beginning, and even more after he caused the big black guy's death. What a jerk! A court martial over there! He believes he can do anything he wants and nothing can stop him, also it was a very exaggerated perfomance by Sheen, i rather see him telling jokes than shooting arabs. A good film anyway for someone who needs a doses of testosterone, average than it's brothers.
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If you Like your Soldiers Drunk and Irresponsible, This is the Movie for you
Bob_Zerunkel7 December 2011
Charlie wakes up from a drunk in the surf. He steals a bicycle. He steals a car. He rips up a golf course. Beer cans thrown around. Carts dumped in the water hazard.

This is the way our fighting men are portrayed on their days off.

Charlie shoots a man who is holding a gun to the head of a woman. Charlie makes a joke. Charlie is asked what is happening during combat. Charlie makes a joke. Later in another battle, Charlie is asked to assess the situation. Charlie makes a joke.

This is the way our fighting men are portrayed during combat.

I like Charlie. But I'd slap the stuffing out of him for his part in this movie.
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A fun movie
larabeeslady8 March 2004
This is one of those action films I can watch with any of my guy friends and everyone's happy. It's a good, old-fashioned action-adventure movie. Michael Biehn delivers the same kind of reliable performance he always does and Charlie Sheen does just fine as well. (I won't comment on the director except to say that I've also seen his previous claim to fame, "The Lady In Red," a simply abysmal film starring Pamela Sue Martin and Robert Conrad.) Thanks to the stubbornness and tenacity of the cast, though, "Navy SEALs" went through a lot of revisions (which you'll see if you ever see any of the script drafts, reader's coverage, or the novelization) and actually came out as a straightforward, enjoyable actioner that's still watchable after more than 10 years.
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AwesomeWolf5 December 2004
'Navy SEALs' receives a fair amount of undeserved hate. It doesn't try to be anything other than a fairly mindless and entertaining action movie - surely it can't be criticized for that, can it?

Michael Biehn and Charlie Sheen play the commander and 2IC, respectively of a US Navy SEAL team. The movie starts with them having to rescue some Navy pilots who were captured by the bad guys. Correction - it starts with Charlie Sheen jumping off a bridge from a moving car. Anyway, when the SEALs go in, they discover a terrorist cache Stinger-missiles and find one of the world's most wanted men. After rescuing the pilots, our heroes spend the rest of the movie chasing these missing missiles and the terrorist leader, all while blowing stuff up and killing lots of bad guys. What more do you want?

Character development? Not likely. There is very little among the good guys, and the bad guys are barely even introduced, but thats probably because they spend so much time getting blown up and shot-up. I can live with that, even if I can't remember anything about the terrorist leader.

Check out 'Navy SEALs' if you're up for some mindless action and entertainment - 6/10.
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Been there, seen that
Morning-star-11 July 2012
Pure nonsense. A waste of time, energy and money. Besides the film being predictable from the first frame, it is also unrealistic, embarrassingly juvenile, and highly racist, a piece of anti-Arab propaganda whose only redeeming factor is to remind us that the anti-Arab thing is deeply embedded in our so-called culture. The plot makes no sense, the Great SEALs are depicted like a bunch of frat boys, the journalist is not a journalist, not a self-respecting one at any rate, she is what Hollywood thinks journalists are like, or the way it would like to think of journalists.... Hollywood, oh when will you ever come up with an original idea?
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The genius of Charlie Sheen
Spidboy13 August 2003
If you're interested in seeing Charlie Sheen in one of his most coked up, one-liner driven performances, I highly recommend this film (if not you have problems) Also, behold the greatest, and only action-movie/golf-course hijinks scene of all time. This of course leads directly to Sheen in hot pursuit of his towed convertible while riding a Schwinn. Pure NAVY Seal adrenaline.
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Lots of action and sneaking and tomfoolery...
athies21 September 2018
Watching it all these years later I realize I fell for the fake intrigue. Horribly fake laughs at end.
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Don't listen to the elitists
skinnersmom6 March 2001
Navy SEALS is a personal classic for me. If you can ignore things like plot, character development, and just be content to watch a bunch of explosions and macho gun fighting, than you can do no better than SEALS.

Yes, the movie is intelectually devoid (just like Randall says in Clerks), but it's supposed to be that way - it's an action movie. Go rent it, and do not feel ashamed, hell everytime I go into the video store I always grab the video off the shelves and in a real loud, nasal voice, I say "WOW, NAVY SEALS!"
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the worst experience of my life?
ogdendc27 February 2013
A Navy Seals team is sent to rescue some Americans who are being held hostage (middle east somewhere). During the rescue, a few dozen Stinger missiles are discovered but not destroyed. So the team is sent back in to destroy them.

Ordered to let their hair down first, they play golf, Boy these guys know how to have a good time. Then it's out again in search of the missiles. They seek out an attractive female journalist who seems to have more accurate information than the CIA. And I sort of lost interest after that.

In an interview, Michael Biehn stated that working on this film was "probably the worst experience of my life". Was watching it one of mine? When I was 14 I would have loved this and related to the 14-year old mentality of the leads. A few decades on, and not being part of this culture, I found little here I could watch easily, and lots that I found annoying. There was no problem with the technical side of the film, and the actors were good. The problems are more fundamental and are due to the script.
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Fun film to work on!
jpycior-18 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I had a great time working as a background actor in the two Pentagon scenes. I got the chance to meet Michael Beihn; a very talented and giving actor. I am glad the producers and director decided to shoot on locations around Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Richmond,VA. Overall, the film was entertaining, exciting, thrilling and plain fun. It was good to see some of the characters, especially the one played by Charlie Sheen, learn a lesson in a way. I really enjoyed the directing, art-direction, photography, locations, story line, plot and character development along with performances. It was interesting to take a look back, and see some foreshadowing to the current events of today. You can see the frustrations the Navy Seals had regarding Naval intelligence. Very good film all around.
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Dullest men-on-a-mission thriller ever
Leofwine_draca1 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
What looks like a fun boys-own adventure type film turns out to be a load of old rubbish. A prime example of why I hate these army-action movies, it's just a flashy yet shallow experience to watch as the cast of immaculate young men run around with guns and do some laughable male-bonding. Even the so-called "violent" action takes the form of a few minor missions which have some bad guys getting shot. The lack of a plot means that one meaningless scene merges into the next as all the genres try to get a slice of the action. Sadly, the action is disappointing (save for one cool chase towards the end), the romance is non-existent due to the horrible acting of Joanne Whalley-Kilmer, the comedy falls flat, and the human drama which is supposed to make us care for these macho losers is worthless.

What comes as most surprising is how an entire cast come off badly even when there are some (sometimes) good people involved. Of course, the characters are one-dimensional and clichéd - yet another black man is involved and predictably gets killed - but nobody even brings a little spark of interest in their performance. Charlie Sheen is annoying as the frisky hero who does amazing feats just to show off, i.e. jump from a moving car on a bridge into a river. Michael Biehn, who showed fine promise with his good performances in THE TERMINATOR and ALIENS, is totally flat here, simply an action-man figure to look at. Bill Paxton, nowadays something of an above-the-title name, wears a moustache and has about two lines of dialogue. Frequently boring, plot less, and a load of rubbish to boot, this is neither exciting nor thrilling and is thoroughly forgettable.
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Above-Average But Half-Baked Actioneer
zardoz-1327 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
"Jewel of the Nile" director Lewis Teague's fast-paced military actioneer "Navy Seals" qualifies as an above-average, but half-baked exercise in male testosterone with Charlie Sheen, Michael Biehn, Rick Rossovich, Dennis Haysbert, and Bill Paxton as members of an elite unit that accept what are essentially suicide missions. These guys fight hard and play hard, but the odds whittle down their numbers by fade out. Lensed partially on location in Spain, this is one of those anti-Middle Eastern terrorist rants that pits our heroes against die-hard Arab fanatics who have acquired Stinger missiles. Teague keeps the action moving fast enough to satisfy the action junkies, but the Chuck Pfarrer & Gary Goldman screenplay, loosely based on former Seal Pfarrer's exploits, is thick on plot but thin on characterization. Sheen has more character to work with than his co-stars. He is an adrenaline junkie who would rampage into Hell with a bucket of ice-water before he realized how he had imperiled himself. Meanwhile, as Lieutenant Curran, Michael Biehn is the cool under fire cucumber who knows when to evacuate.

The film opens with a U.S. Navy helicopter crew trying to rescue personnel from a burning civilian ship. Unexpectedly, an enemy gunboat plies through the clouds of smoke and unleashes a hail of gunfire that kills two of the crew and riddles the tail rotor. Down goes the chopper and the terrorists take the crew hostage. In Norfolk, Virginia, Graham (Dennis Haysbert of "The Unit") is about to get hitched when his buddies and he receive an alert to report to work. His bride to be cannot believe that they are walking out on her before they can exchange their marital vows. The Seals show up in time to catch the Arabs just before they can kill all the hostages. They save the pilot and the badly beaten co-pilot, but Hawkins (Charlie Sheen of "Platoon") follows his instincts when he should be obeying Curran's orders. The team stumble onto a full-scale terrorist operation as the villains are about to move a shipment of deadly American-made Stinger missiles. These weapons are particularly lethal because they are not only portable but also hand-held. Suddenly, terrorists pour out of nowhere to attack the heroes. Curran decides to evacuate his men after the terrorists gun one down.

When they reach headquarters, the big wigs decide that Curran should have stuck around to destroy the Stingers. Eventually, when their own intelligence community cannot furnish them with answers about the whereabouts of the terrorists, Curran persuades a beautiful half-Lebanese journalist (Joanne Whalley-Kilmer of "Scandal") to help them.

The thing that dates "Navy Seals" the most is "Cobra" composer Sylvester Levay's 80's style music. John A. Alonzo's photography is an asset. Teague orchestrates the action so that it builds to a climax when our heroes invade Beirut to blow up the Stingers and Hawkins gets to redeem himself.
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SkepticWolf2 May 2003
This movie is absolutely terrible... Definately a bull***t story and even worse acting. Too bad Charlie Sheen is involved in something like this since he is a decent actor and has done a couple of really good movies.

The special effects are 'A-team'-standard with the classical car gets shot and then flips over with a little fireball under the hood.

Of course the enemy are portrayed as total idiots and die as fast as they can say '-Die evil Americans'.

Unless braindead movies are you game, don't spend 113minutes of your life on this rubbish. Pick up 'the Platoon' or 'Apocalypse Now' instead.
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Good as an Action movie
jarkantt23 March 2004
Lewis Teague has made a bunch of average movies. This movie doesn't offer anything new, but as an action flick, it might be a legend for somebody. It's a great story about " America's secret weapon", Navy Seals. Casting is very impressive, including stars like Michael Biehn, Charlie Sheen and Bill Paxton. character development is minimal which is very understandable, after all it's all about action and little humor. Michael Biehn makes the most realistic performance from the cast, as a tough lieutanent. On the other hand, Charlie Sheen concentrates on joking in his role. Bill Paxton has got sadly only a minor role with hardly no lines at all. Movie is all about action, but good kind of. Worth watching.

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I agree, mediocre filming, but good acting and story
NotMoreMovies3 June 2006
The cast was perfect, things moved a little slow at times, but the character development of the MAIN cast was done very well.

The battles were also chaotic in their look and feel which is a lot like reality. So many times in movies things as scripted so well that battles look organized and clean. In reality very few times does anything go even close to how it's planned. Soldiers need to improvise and think on their feet. People you've known for years are killed or wounded right beside you.

I won't give away anything, you'll have to see this movie for yourself. But once again, Biehn is excellent as the leader of the squad of SEALs. Sheen also plays a good role as the headstrong rookie who years for combat. And the amusing thing is there's always one like that...and he either wins the Silver Star, or he gets all his friends and/or himself killed...or both.

The one problem with this movie is, in an attempt to capture the true chaos of battle they lose some realism. If you want a good blend of both chaos and realism I would recommend Saving Private Ryan.

This film was too ambitious and way ahead of its time, but I have to give it an "A" for effort!
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This is what bad is!
impedio1 March 2001
Be very afraid of anyone who likes this film. They probably inhaled too many paint chips as a child. Its so awful I refuse to relive a plot. O yeah, there wasn't one! This movie is a true definition of what Hollywood creates for people who don't want to think at a theatre. Do the bad guys win? Do the good guys win? Who cares!
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