Meet the Feebles (1989) Poster

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Jim Henson stumbles into a bar, then into the X-rated shops and grind-house theaters, then goes to make a'd be this
Quinoa198430 November 2006
Sure, Meet the Feebles may not be director Peter Jackson (yes, Peter Jackson of Lord of the Rings and King Kong) at his finest hour of directorial standing, but as a fan of a certain kind of really deranged and off-kilter cult movie, a lot of this made my night. It's an ultra-perverse, ultra-absurd, and sometimes really ultra-stupid take on a variety show where puppets are preparing for the night's performance, only everything that could go wrong- or more precisely anything that could be unexpected to go wrong- does every which way to Sunday. It's actually the kind of movie when I was watching, for the most part early on, I almost couldn't really laugh. I just had a look on my face like 'what am I watching?' And, 'how can something like this actually exist?' It's not even so much a question of how well or how not well Jackson and his low-budget team pull it off, but how someone can take the time and energy to think this all up and put it all on paper.

Let me try to sort through some of the varied story lines- there is Robert, a newcomer to the Feebles gang (and gang I mean in literal and figurative terms), who wants to impress a certain poodle-dog type of girl who really has him going to lengths to impress her. But meanwhile, a really nasty rodent- also a porno director as well as the boss's assistant- decides to use her in his next porno flick by drugging her. This rodent also has to deal with some other low-lifes in the group, like a junkie lizard who has one big story to tell Robert at one point about his crazy, violent trip to Vietnam (including a 'why not' homage to Deer Hunter). There's also a rabbit who may or may not be dying from an STD of some sort (I think it was an STD anyway), and has a pestering fly (always in the most uncomfortably close of close-ups) trying to get the scoop on his condition. There's even the overly-annoying stage manager who can't wait to put on his God-awful dance number of his own. But the main center of attention and star of the Feebles shows is Heidi, a hippo who loves to binge on junk food, and is also suspecting a femme-feline of stealing away her previous man- the boss. When she finds out what's really up, it leads to the unbelievable climax.

And so on. I still keep thinking about my reactions to certain scenes, and the kind of sensibility about this whole project. Maybe in part its really lampooning something maybe more common in New Zealand, like with whatever kinds of variety shows or kid shows they have there. But it's also without a doubt that Jackson's also seen his share of Muppets, as the basic concept follows off from the Muppet Show. What's amazing about the film, and at times a little frustrating, is how a real mind-set of gonzo film-making is apparent. It doesn't seem original in parts, like it's taking things from other movies- or maybe other movies and shows that have come after this seem quite similar- but it really is in the bizarre, crude nature of everything. The climax probably holds the biggest laughs and surprises, even in its tight context of everything going to hell in a hand-basket. As its a world entire devoid of humans, all of its logic is based around how outrageous these puppets can be in their own whacked-out environment. With the exception of the naive, method-trained Robert, and maybe his love interest, every character in the picture is severely flawed in one way or another, or just really put to abstract lengths so mind-boggling they work only in conjunction with Jackson's unnerving, low-budget style. It has the same jarring, diabolically juvenile and in-your-face comedy of some of the South Park guys stuff (Team America and Cannibal sort of come to mind), but without necessarily the sharp edge of satire.

And at the end of it all, with all the laughs I had and shocked 'huh' moments at what Jackson had done with all these weird characters (some of which are outright perverts, drug addicts, criminals, egoists, adulterers, and even father half elephant-half chicken offspring), I wasn't sure totally what the point of it all was. Maybe though there really isn't any; I have to think this is the kind of movie that a director makes with himself as the audience, and not really in a selfish manner either. It's not great art by any means, and doesn't pretend to be, which is part of the dark fun of it all: Meet the Feebles, with its singing and dancing miscreants (quite a catchy theme song by the way), and numerous scenes of more-than-suggestive sexual moments and gory bouts of extreme violence, is a case of kamikaze independent film-making, where homage spreads out into the concept and becomes something very strange but, in its own world, sort of wonderful too. It might be far from my favorite of the director's, but it's got things in it that are really fantastic and uproarious. It's one of those fine guilty pleasures of the late 80s.
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Wonderfully perverse
tomfrh25 April 2004
This movie is crazy!. It's a puppet flick full of drugs, sex, guns and porn. As an early Peter "Lord of the Rings" Jackson flick it also features a bit of gore. The puppets don't just die, they get mushed.

I really liked it however I imagine some people would be repelled by it. Jackson himself said in his Oscars speech that it was 'wisely overlooked' by the Academy. He's the first to admit that this type of movie simply aint going to be to everyones taste!

However if your open minded and looking for something a little 'out there' then I would check it out.

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Unbelievable, yet headache inducing...
ElijahCSkuggs9 October 2003
Great puppetry and a whacked out plot make this New Zealand effort on par with some of the best cult films today. There are animals of all shapes, sizes, colors, and ethnicities(?); some are into money, others are into dancing, and then there are others who are into porn, coke, and feces. This film is rude, gross, demented, and hilarious. The end is really cool, and when Peter Jackson made this, he must've been on something. The voices and the lighting were probably the main producers of the major headache I received while watching this phenomenon of a movie. I mean, ordinary people just don't make this, and then wrap up one of the best trilogies off all time! This guy is a genius, pure and simple. I really hope Jackson goes back to his gory film making roots. Overall: *** out of ****
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"Bad Taste" was just the beginning...
DJ Inferno26 June 2001
I can understand all those people who gave bad reviews on "Meet the Feebles", because this film is far beyond political correctness and not suited for highly sensitive! Obviously shot with a higher budget director Peter Jackson made all the things possible he was not able to do in his predecessor "Bad Taste". The humor in this movie is insulting, gory and often repulsive, so Muppets-inventor Jim Henson would turn in his grave for this. Nevertheless "Meet the Feebles" is a real cult movie because of its unique character and his inimitable sense for dark humor. Many people hate this film, others love it. I belong to the last mentioned... Just don´t let your children watch this!!!
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What Would've Jim Henson Said?
Rindiana16 June 2009
Hollywood executives must have lobotomized Peter Jackson when he started the "Lord of the Rings" franchise, because his earlier New Zealand productions were so much better.

Just look at this sickly cracking showbiz satire, complete with an array of mostly disgusting Muppets from hell, acting as a walking compendium of the seven deadly sins (and some more). The sheer audaciousness of this nightmare folly is to be applauded, but the astounding fact remains that behind all the cold misanthropic viewpoints on display there's still a beating heart pumping warm blood into this creatures.

Certainly not to everyone's taste and riddled with too many drawn-out plot excesses, this one-of-a-kind pic still deserves a huge cult following.

7 out of 10 panty-sniffing anteaters
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gavin69428 October 2015
Heidi, the star of the "Meet The Feebles Variety Hour" discovers her lover Bletch, the Walrus, is cheating on her, and with all the world waiting for the show the assorted co-stars must contend with their own problems. These include drug addiction, extortion, robbery, disease, drug dealing, and even murder.

I remember seeing this many years ago, before Jackson was given the "Lord of the Rings" movies. I knew him for "Bad Taste" and "Dead Alive", so this was not a particularly shocking movie. Strange, yes, and probably offensive, but not really out of bounds from what he had done before. (This made his connection to the "Rings" films even more strange... he seemed an unlikely choice.) If you happen to be sensitive or easily offended, avoid this one. But if you like edgy, offbeat films, you really must check it out. What Jackson constructed here is on par with any cult film from John Waters.
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Imagine "The Muppet Show" On Crack!!!
EVOL66625 October 2005
MEET THE FEEBLES is one of the most outrageously insane films I've ever seen, and I mean that in the BEST possible way...Another home-run from Peter Jackson (BRAINDEAD, BAD TASTE, and most recently LORD OF THE RINGS). FEEBLES is a gleefully perverse film where all the actors are Muppet-like puppets or people in full costume.

The very basic story is that the FEEBLES is a variety show similar to the Muppets and that they are getting prepared for their first live telecast, when everything goes horribly wrong. So much happens in this film that I can't even begin to explain the story any more than that. Characters include (but are not limited to) a heroin-addicted frog, an over-sexed rabbit, a hippo with low self-esteem (and a short fuse...), a cow and insect porn film-making duo, a sleazy fly tabloid reporter...and a lovable and friendly porcupine.

MEET THE FEEBLES is a gleefully twisted comedy that is often shocking and strangely endearing at the same time. Many will be offended so this film IS NOT FOR EVERYONE. But if you are a sick bastard like me and have a twisted sense of humor, this film is absolute genius!!! Very Highly Recommended 9.5/10
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Crazy Puppet Show
JoelChamp857 May 2021
The strangest mix of characters all working on a musical production. I feel like this was a big gamble to make considering how much effort it would have taken and time spent. There is some rough scenes throughout the film of degradation, humiliation, abuse and betrayal, drugs, sex, std's and you name it lol. The music itself is pretty cool with talented musicians. All in all it's a strange film with a unique vision.
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An X-rated Muppets movie!
preppy-36 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Basically Peter Jackson made a parody of "The Muppets Show". It's about a bunch of animal puppets (or people in animal costumes) putting on a show where everything goes wrong. Half of the puppets are strung out on drugs; some are doing porno videos in the basement; the rabbit is basically getting it on with everybody (and gets a potentially fatal disease); a walrus is going at it with a cat (this is shown) and a psychotic hippo gets hold of a machine gun....

As you can see this is NOT for the kiddies. What it is is an all out, no holds barred assault on good taste. Jackson and his crew show puppets vomiting, having sex, being graphically killed or sexually assaulted. If you have a weak stomach this is NOT for you. However if you have a REAL sick sense of humor and can take VERY graphic material (like me) you'll have a ball! I was actually laughing myself silly during this. The movie keeps topping itself with the humor getting more sick and graphic until the final massacre sequence at the end. Hard to believe this guy went on to do "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy.

NOT FOR EVERYBODY but damn I had so much FUN watching it!!!!
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Don't get em' much sicker, or better!
Dracin10 January 2007
Now, this is one sick movie... But it's damn great and funny as well!

You'd never guess that this was the guy who made LOTR and King Kong, but it sure is his work... and some of his best! (In my opinion, Meet the Feebles and Braindead are probably his best.. although I like LOTR, King Kong, FS and Bad Taste as well)

Meet The Feebles is basically a screwed-up version of Muppets... Adults Only! ;)

Features a fox singing about Sodomy, a rat making porn, a bunny with aids, a drug-addict Nam-vet frog and a fly eating out of toilets... It's sick, disturbing, weird... and VERY funny!

I just watched this recently with my buddies, and we were all laughing our heads off, at the same time we were fighting to keep our lunch in.. :p

I recommend it to everyone, especially if you like Jackson's other 'old' movies!

This is top notch! 9 stars from me ;)
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What an overrated piece of crap this is!
Autumnalfire9 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, I love shock comedy. I have Orgasmo, Team America, and South Park in my DVD library. I usually buy the shows from Adult Swim as well. I'm sweet for the most vile and disgusting humor imaginable (including a horrid flick entitled "Porn of the Dead" given to me as a joke last year), but this movie was simply pathetic. The jokes were predictable and unfunny, the plot was threadbare and weak, and the only reason I think anybody likes this movie is simply because it's got an imitation Kermit the Frog on smack and a cat bl*wing a walrus. Why is this tripe a cult classic? Is this what constitutes groundbreaking originality? Ha-Freakin-Ha. That was sarcasm.

The "hero" of this 97 minute long fecal log is an obnoxious, whining, self-pitying pink hippo who can't stop stuffing bakery cakes down her gullet long enough to figure out why nobody likes her anymore. Sure, her walrus boyfriend is cheating on her, but besides the degradation of both her stage career and her body (of which both things are certainly her own fault), there is nothing else wrong in her life. Somehow, this justifies the machine-gun slaughter of all the folks she knows. This mass murdering Hippo (whose character is a blatant ripoff of Hoppopotomus on that 80's cartoon "The Wuzzles") serves only ten years in prison at the end, as if her inverted sadness excuses her heinous crimes. Sure, the "bad guy" of a Walrus and his hustling rat pal are dead, but so are a whole bunch of one-note characters that we barely heard from during the movie at all, and simply didn't deserve to die at the Hippo's hands. Usually, I giggle at mass-murder vengeance in movies (if the killer is righteous, ala Frank Castle), but this stupid, selfish, gluttonous hippo just makes the almost-cool end of this insufferable film all the more detestable.

From the very boring musical number at the beginning to the brainlessly unsatisfying end, there is nothing worth writing about that happened in between. (Well, maybe the sodomy song, but other than that....)

Peter Jackson: King Kong, Frighteners, LOTR....all GREAT movies. The only redeeming quality to this stupid Feeble flick is the credits, 'cause that means the torture is finally over. Which "walrus" did you play the "cat" with to find work again after this?

Avoid this unimaginative sewage at all costs.
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Puppetry Gone Haywire
gierran4 August 2003
This is a really odd film for people who have always wanted to see the Muppets covered in doo doo or at least seriously injured by being hit by a bus. I like offensive, mean-spirited movies so this was right up my alley. Warning: do not show to children unless they are as warped as you are.
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hilarious, grotesque, trademark Jackson!
Jonny_Numb22 September 2003
As is usually the case with Peter Jackson's films, "Meet the Feebles" is over-ambitious and excessive (the running time should have been trimmed down), but also highly entertaining. Indeed, it possesses a certain warm-heartedness amid a lot of grotesque imagery, as cute-looking Muppets do some very nasty things (bunny porn, anyone?). The characters themselves are well-developed and the action approaches levels of trademark Jackson absurdity. "Meet the Feebles" is better than "Bad Taste", but lacks the fluid balance of "Dead Alive"; still, it's one of the most ferociously tasteless (and hilarious) movies around, and makes "South Park" look tame by comparison.

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Tito-827 March 1999
This UNBELIEVABLY weird puppet comedy may be worth seeing for the shock value, but when I compared it to other films (a tough comparison, to be sure), I found this to be a little weak to recommend. This movie starts off terribly, and even though things improved considerably after the first ten minutes, it was still nothing great. There's no question that the filmmakers would try anything for a laugh, and I certainly admire any film that is as warped as this, but there weren't enough funny moments for me to call this a truly enjoyable film.
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Great! I'm going to show this to my kids!
winstonsmith_8425 November 2003
Wow, what a fun-loving, brilliant, magical story for kids to enjoy, as well as adults. (hehe, OK, maybe not kids!) I liked this movie, since it took a typical kid show idea and morphed it into something straight outta hell. This difficult-at-times to watch movie will make the sick ones laugh, and I found myself laughing alot.

It takes place in this weird freaking world where everyone is a puppet, and the feebles run this muppet-type show. The concept is great. Basically, instead of happy, fun-loving puppets, we have puppets who still have that "crazy" aspect that puppets usually do have, but with evil (and good) human traits attached. What you get, mostly, is an odd "Hell" kind of world. (Kermit, you better have been good, or you'll end up here!)

Somewhere in my demented mind I have a great desire to show this messed up movie to a kid, and see how they react. But I won't, not yet... hehehehe! >:)

Great concept. Difficult to watch. Messed up movie. Great for druggies. Not exactly for the kids...
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A crazy political movie
Fernando-Rodrigues24 July 2021
Peter Jackson did a good job with this movie's script. Fun, nasty, and 80ish.
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Adult-themed Muppets
123dontgo23 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I recently saw this film and it pretty good. Though here's a little warning: Meet The Feebles is not for everyone. I've seen Happy Tree Friends and The End Of Evangelion, yet there were still some scenes in this that made me squeamish. It's a good movie otherwise, but it's not for everyone. It is a black comedy movie, so of course it's not for everyone.

So think of the Illumination movie Sing, except it's low-budget, in the 80s, is for adults and is in live-action with all the characters being Jim Henson-esque puppets instead of CGI animation. They have a similar setting in a theatre, but the plots of this one and Sing are nothing like each other.

Meet The Feebles was directed by Peter Jackson, who would later go on to make Lord Of The Rings. This was one of his first few films as well.

It's about a group of puppets attempting to get their own show greenlit, but Heidi the Hippo, the star of the show, finds out her boyfriend, Bletch the Walrus, is cheating on her. Bletch also works with Trevor the Rat, a drug-dealing director. The newcomer, Robert the Hedgehog, falls in love with one of the chorus girls, Lucille the Dog.

As the film goes on, we discover that many of the characters have their own problems. Heidi herself has a low self-esteem and an overeating problem. Harry, a rabbit who is also the star of the show, is addicted to sex, then he is diagnosed with what appears to be an STD. Sidney, an elephant, is having a paternity suit filed against him for a child he denies is his. Wynard, a frog who is a Vietnam veteran, is addicted to drugs and uses them to cope with the fact he left a friend to die in the Vietnam war., and there's a filthy, nosy, journalist fly that eats crud and makes up lies about the Feebles cast so he can make an article for the newspaper.

We also get some scenes that go in depth about the secret drug-dealing and porn movie business that Bletch and Trevor are running. Eventually, Trevor decides that Lucille should be in his porn movies, then drugs her and tries to violate her. Robert catches them, but assumes Lucille is cheating on him and leaves her.

In the end of the film, Bletch reveals he never loved Heidi and removes her from the show. She attempts suicide, but the girl Bletch cheated on Heidi with mocks Heidi, which causes her to go on a murderous rampage.

After the end, there's an epilogue that reveals 6 characters survived, including Heidi herself, who spent 10 years in rehab and now is a member of society again under a new identity.

The soundtrack is brilliant, including Heidi's song "Garden of Love", while the song about sodomy that Sebastian the Fox sings is hilarious.

However, like I said earlier in this review, this film is not for everyone, and is not for people who have a weak stomach or don't have a certain sense of humour. Whether you're a kid who secretly watches South Park behind his parents' back, an edgy teen, or an adult, if you watch this, be prepared if you think you can handle this stuff. This is rated R and not NC-17 or X, but still. Don't say I didn't warn you if anything in this film makes you squeamish, vomit, etc.
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The Movie that Broke Me
george_sano31 August 2008
I made the mistake of watching this film back in 1997, when I was the tender age of seven years old. Back then, this was the most cruel, disgusting thing I had ever seen and it sent me into shock.

Now, at the ripe old age of eighteen, I can proudly say, this is the movie that made me the twisted monkey I am today.

The film itself was done by the same guy who directed the infamously long "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, Peter Jackson. You wouldn't guess it by the budget, but that doesn't remove any enjoyment. The film reeks of genius, taking something very fun and family friendly (The Muppets, and any other puppet-based kids show) and adding some not-so-family-safe elements (drugs, sex, killing, STDs, blackmail, date-rape, porn, swearing, toilet humour, homosexuality, eating disorders, emotional instability, smoking, suicide and excessive amounts of blood).

But how does it add up? Well, quite honestly I think this movie is one of the best pieces of satire ever created. Having seen a fair few puppet shows, it never crossed my mind about what Kermit would be like as a drug addicted ex-Vietnam veteran, or if the rest of the crew went bad. And Peter Jackson brings out the depravity greatly, with most of the movie being filmed in a cramped back-stage area that is covered in filth.

I would recommend this to anybody who has a very wicked sense of humour, since this has quite possibly destroyed more than a few childhoods. It definitely ruined mine, and I certainly would say adults only. Only show it to your children if you're sick in the head, or if you hate them.
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A perverse, demented, disturbingly unique film
kinetic-619 November 2005
Every once in a while you see a film that isn't necessarily the best film you'll ever see, but the passion and gusto used to make it makes it so distinctive that it will stick with you forever, whether you want it to or not. This is a perfect example of one those films. Near every cultural boundary is twisted or broken, but since it is done with muppet-like characters and so much zeal, the film has a desired train wreck effect. The creativity to come up with a film like this is astounding, and most viewers who have the courage to try a film out like this to start this will probably have to watch this film to its final chaotic live performance in the films climax, whether they want to or not. Meet the Feebles is definitely not a film for the tame of heart, but if you like you films rough, raw and raunchy, this film is probably perfect for your demented little fascination.
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Peter Jackson was always a genius
clarityclaire6 January 2003
Unlike most people, I saw this film long before The Fellowship Of The Ring. In fact I saw it way back in 1992 and was simultaneously appalled, amused and impressed by it. Maybe it is best described as "Bad Taste with puppets" or "The Muppet Movie in bad taste" but it is certainly a movie I would recomend to anyone of sufficient maturity (no children should EVER see this film).

Like Bad Taste before it this movie features disgusting humour, lots of blood, and impressive low budget special effects, and the puppets in it have to be seen to be believed. One of the best things about The Fellowship of the Ring (and I Love that movie as well) is that in the hype following it more people may see Meet The Feebles. Maybe Meet The Feebles and Bad Taste will be released on DVD in Australia now (I have them both on VHS).

I will say one thing tho, it is certainly a strange feeling to have been a Peter Jackson fan for 10 years before Lord Of The Rings was released and the whole world finally discovered him.
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Fortunately, a lot more than just feeble.
sarcasm_for_free23 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A very silly yet graphic adult pupper show from Peter Jackson of Lord Of The Rings fame(!) it features every bodily fluid and sexual sin known to exist... along with a bit of drug-dealing and graphic violence on the side. Sufficed to say, this is definitely NOT for the kiddies. Unless you want them to grow up weird, or something.

But within all the explicit, potentially very offensive material, there IS a kind of sweetness that ultimately lifts the movie up from being just a mannequin snuff film. There are some genuine friendships and sympathetic moments now and then, and some of the nicest characters even get happy endings.

So even though all most people will remember from the early effort of a legendary director would probably be the puppet nudity, the profane musical numbers and (especially) the bloody climax, it's to the movie's credit it's a bit more than that. So yes, I would just about recommend... but get ready for a wild ride you won't forget in a while. 6/10.
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A good concept turned train wreck
fatfish-4157229 July 2018
At times seemed more concerned with shock value than entertainment
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Not just ordinary puppets
lori-110 January 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Let me just say that this film is one of the most bizzare shocking and funny films I've ever seen. Where else can you see puppets doing cocane, having sex and singing about sodomy. The story is about a cast of bizzare puppets who are about to get a chance to perform live. There's the drug addicted veitnam veteran frog , a rabbit with vd a hippo whose husband is cheating on him with a siamese cat , a rat who makes porn flicks with cows and cockroaches, and then theres robbert who's trying to break into show biz. It all comes down to a hippo going on a rampage with a machine gun. Sure this movie looks like a kids movie but trust me this film will have anything to shock you. So sit back and enjoy peter jackson before he was working with hobbits and elves. Trust me you'll never be the same.
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The Muppets on crack
grantss31 May 2020
The Feebles Variety Hour is a TV program featuring all manner of entertainment: singing, knife-throwing, meditation. It's cast and crew are equally diverse. There's Heidi the Hippo, Samantha the Cat, Daisy the Cow, Sandy the Chicken, Sid the Elephant and Harry the Hare. The show is directed by Trevor the Rat. Calling all the shots is Bletch, wealthy producer and walrus of unscrupulous means. Robert, a hedgehog, joins the show and immediately falls in love with Lucy, a poodle.

Meet the Feebles is Peter Jackson's second movie (after Bad Taste) and it involves puppets. However, this is hardly suitable for kids. From the outset it is quite edgy and has many of the gross-out horror elements that characterised Jackson's early films.

Initially it is not that impressive, seeming to be a random string of scenes and animals thrown together. It didn't even seem that original, feeling derivative of The Muppets: Heidi the Hippo was clearly a copy-and-paste of Miss Piggy! It did have that edginess though, making it feel like an MA-rated version of The Muppets.

However, from a point order forms out of the randomness and a few plots develop, and they're pretty interesting and funny. The film takes on a darker tone yet manages to get funnier: Jackson certainly doesn't hold back in terms of black comedy. Plus, rather than being a Muppets rip-off, it's a Muppets parody.

In the end it is quite entertaining, in a funny, dark, absurd way.
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DevastationBob-36 January 2001
I'd really like to say this is the worst crime ever committed on celluloid, but I can't. See, for a movie to be truly bad it can't be made deliberately that way, and that's just what...(shudder) Meet The Feebles was. And somehow, that makes it worse. It's a snuff film with puppets. I can't put it any simpler than that.

Sadly, I'm sure there are people out there who really like this movie. I can only say that they have medication for these people and they should avail themselves of it. There's nothing wrong with pushing the envelope of good taste...but at least have a reason. The only message I could discern from this film was bad guys finish last. And hey...THAT'S NOT TRUE!!! ...coughOJcough cough... South Park the Movie pushed the envelope, but it was funny with a good message. Canada is the source of all our problems.

I wish I'd never seen this movie. Every once in a while, a scene will flash in my mind and I'll shudder. There is nothing redeemable about it. I want the people involved in it's creation to be Texas. Please, don't let my utter contempt for this movie pique your curiosity. It's not worth seeing it, you're young, you've got your whole life ahead of you! Consider yourself forewarned. Peace.

p.s. Even after the three Lord of the Rings movies, I can't find it in my heart to forgive Peter Jackson for this.
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