Press Gang (TV Series 1989–1993) Poster


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At last Itv "Kids" drama got intelligent
lucky_ducks26 February 2001
To say Press Gang was unique in style and acting and writing was an understatment. This was a constantly enjoyable smart funny drama. In america it would have had a Prime time slot like Buffy Dawsons or 90210. But as itv saw it as Childrens tv it was left at 4.40pm though it won bafta awards for best childrens tv.

It pushed boundries with its subject matters, dealing child abuse (the award winning first season), drug abuse, bullying, and suicide and this was in the even from the very first few episodes and its humour was very adult for the time of day but the children watching would not have realised many of the more subtle oneliners.

Set in the news office of a local teen newspaper its follows the lives and loves of its reporters and editor Linda Day (Julia Sawalha) and her star reporter Spike Thompson. This setting allowed for some very funny comedy and top quality acting. Colin and the rabbit suit or the bird infestations or the ping pong balls.

like its audience it grew up very quickly but from the first episode was unmissable and like grange hill it spawned top actors who crop up every where. I was sad when it finished good thing i taped em really!
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An intelligent children's drama series.
DavidSim24018313 February 2004
Warning: Spoilers
After years of waiting, one of the greatest children's series ever to be written has finally been released on DVD. Well, only the first series, but hopefully the rest will follow, because its great to see one of the most brilliantly written, witty and intelligent TV series on our screens again, Press Gang.

Press Gang was one of my favourite series to watch as a child, and I am happy to say it has withstood the test of time. All 12 episodes of Series 1 are excellent, and it manages to cover hard hitting issues such as solvent abuse and teen suicide that other children's series of the time were afraid to touch.

For anyone unfamiliar with Press Gang, I will bring you up to speed on the series and the plot lines of the episodes.

A top journalist, Matt Kerr (Clive Wood) moves to a new town to become the editor of a newspaper. He also sets up a paper called the Junior Gazette, "a paper about youth, by youth." A newspaper to be written by teenagers might seem a little unusual, but in the case of this series it works. This is mainly down to the Junior Gazette having a great editor, Lynda Day (the magnificent Julia Sawalha).

Lynda is bright, intelligent, wise far beyond her years (which is also a general summation of the series too!) and is the perfect choice for editor. She is completely devoted to the Junior Gazette, and wants to get the paper off to a great start with a "grabber" story. But before she can do that, she needs a team.

The staff all come from different walks of life, but are from Norbridge High like Lynda. Some people are forced to join or risk being kicked out of school. Spike Thomson (Dexter Fletcher) fits into this category.

The school troublemaker, Spike "the American" wants nothing to do with the paper, that is until he meets Lynda. He falls for her instantly, much to Lynda's disgust. The chemistry between the two actors is electric, and the sexual tension is so thick you would have to cut through it with a chainsaw.

Helping Lynda to run the paper is Kenny Phillips (Lee Ross) as the assistant editor. Kenny is the mild Yin to Lynda's abrasive Yang. He is the voice of reason, and tries to keep a lid on Lynda's rage in the newsroom, with limited success. Kenny is so mild mannered he could wrest the title from Clark Kent.

Sarah Jackson (Kelda Holmes) is one of the paper's top reporters, but is more concerned with her academic success than the paper at times. This is especially true in Episode 9 "Both Sides of the Paper."

Providing the comedy element to the series is Colin Mathews (Paul Reynolds) who is the financial brain behind the Junior Gazette. His never ending get rich quick schemes always end in disaster and humiliation, particularly in Episode 5 "A Night In."

There are other characters out of the staff but these are the main ones, and there is a real sense of camaraderie between them. Even after just watching the first couple of episodes, you already feel like you've known them for years.

Nick Stringer makes a good character as Mr Sullivan, the Deputy Headmaster, who often finds himself in the position of confronting Lynda over her obligations to the paper taking precedent to her schoolwork.

Written by Steven Moffat, he manages to make the dialogue sharp, the characters involving, and story lines bitingly original. One thing I especially liked about Press Gang is the way it wasn't afraid to take risks. It confronted controversial issues head on, and handled them in a mature manner. This often got the programme into trouble because it was supposed to be a children's series. The truth is, the audience it attracts is much broader, because my parents and grandmother enjoy them immensely.

Some of the episodes are quite touching such as Episode 3 "One Easy Lesson" where Sarah wants to help Mr Knowles (Adrian Edmondson), a teacher who is given a hard time by his students. Another story like this is Episode 6 "Interface" which is great for two reasons. It covers things like the Internet which was still in its infancy in 1989, and because of casting Andy Crowe as part of the news team even though he is a quadriplegic. This was a highly ambitious decision, and a brilliant idea.

Some stories like "How to Make a Killing" are ground breaking because it illustrates the dangers of solvent abuse. This is a great way of showing how much good the Junior Gazette can do. The first series ends with a brilliant climax, where Lynda nearly quits because of her part in a teenager's suicide, even though it wasn't her fault. Spike proves how his character has evolved from a reckless troublemaker to a thoughtful young man when trying to convince Lynda to come back. The closing scene at the end of the episode is touching and gives a satisfying sense of closure to the first series.

Press Gang is so good, and is on a par with teenage series today like Buffy and Smallville. Brilliant innovative ideas such as the characters comments over the end credits are always a joy to listen to, and there are always subtle gags in each episode.

Press Gang is an inspiration to other television series, because it doesn't patronise its viewers like a lot of them do.

Press Gang rules!
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One of the greatest television series ever made
David_Niemann1 July 2003
When I was a kid I absolutely loved "Press Gang".

I really feel sorry for the children of today, who get served up so much crap. This show never once underestimated the intelligence of its audience. The story-lines and characters were believable, intelligent, gripping and emotionally powerful, as well as being incredibly funny.

I wanted to be just like the people in this show, and I even started writing my own "newspaper"!

Lynda Day was such a great character, played with real enthusiasm by the wonderful Julia Sawalha. And the supporting cast were magnificent.

The show was not afraid to address confronting social issues that were relevant to its audience. In some ways it is quite like the "Degrassi" series.

I long to see this show repeated on television here. Oh Press Gang, I love you!
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The good guy or the bad boy?.... oh the dilemma!
LAlston17 February 2007
For every smart, misunderstood pre-teen girl, Press Gang is the ultimate fantasy. Lynda Day (Julia Sawalha) is the head kicking queen of the Junior Gazette with the enviable problem of being constantly pursued by bad boy Spike (Dexter Fletcher).

Her deputy editor is Kenny (Lee Ross). The nicest, most squeezable back up guy you'd ever like to boss around.

The dilemma for every 12 year old girl is which one is cuter? The good boy or the bad boy?

Get your hands on it, show it to the smartest little girl you know and watch her wrestle with the problem.

The most unheralded role in the series is Sarah (Kelda Holmes). Kelda's beautiful performance of the smart, self obsessed underdog is so fresh and magnetic, you can't help but want her to be your friend.

PS Dexter Fletcher fans definitely need to get Bugsy Molone and Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels .
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I'm devouring it on DVD
AusBabyBoomer6 June 2007
I was *ahem* a little past my school years when Press Gang was broadcast, so missed it then. Having since become a fan of Steven Moffat through his adult sitcom Coupling, and seeing the DVDs for this show on sale, I decided to try it. One week later, I have devoured seasons 1-4, and season 5 won't last much longer. The show has all of the wit and inventiveness combined with 3 dimensional, flesh and blood characters that I'd hoped for, and it is a disgrace that it languishes in relative obscurity when garbage rules the (air)waves.

It's a pity that he gave up on the end credits voice overs after season 2 - I loved them.
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Contender for the best show of all time
OjamasanLulu8 October 2020
I watched Press Gang for the first time as an adult and during quarantine, so know that I am unbiased by nostalgia when I say that it may be the greatest show I've ever seen. If you can put aside prejudices based on cheesy music from the late 80's and the concept of family television, you will have the privilege of finding your new TV family. First of all, the idea that this is family television is deeply misleading. By the end of the first season, we are knee-deep in issues like drug addiction and suicide, and it only gets darker from there. Not to say that this is a purely dark show. Press Gang's balance of comedy and drama is always surprising, placing humor and tragedy exactly where you don't expect either. I guess you could call that the Steven Moffat touch, something we're all very familiar with from that same, instantly recognizable style of writing in Sherlock. It is an intrinsically British style of writing, yet it redefines the literary tradition from which it originates. Second of all, and this may sound controversial, but I dare say that this is the most explosively talented ensemble cast I've ever had the privilege of watching. These (at the time) young adult actors hunger for their futures makes their performances more connected, more immediate, and more vulnerable than many of the finest performances I've seen from seasoned professionals. I find myself in 2020 thinking almost non-stop about Spike, Colin, and Lynda and seeing my life through Press Gang glasses. The characters of the show are so complete that they permeate my life, which I believe to be the bellwether of great television. If a show is great, you ought to be at the grocery store thinking to yourself, "Hey, I bet Colin has no idea how to shop for groceries" or beating yourself up for treating your friends the way Lynda might treat Sarah (on one of her less awful days), or leaning in doorways like Spike, doing the good old pout-and-shimmy. So glad I found this show!!
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Best TV Show Ever To Be Seen
appendixscar25 September 2002
I was about to turn 5 when Press Gang was first aired so unfortunately for me I missed it first time round although I was lucky enough to catch re runs of it on cable tv when I was 12/13. A fantastic show which shall always remain not only my favourite childrens tv programme but favourite programme of all time. Great witty humour with plenty of one liners which was a nice break from the usual slap stick humour of the american kid shows that I was exposed to at that age. Along with the humour was the tension of Spike and Lynda's relationship and both actors' created wonderful on screen chemistry. The one liners they bounced off each other were endless and never tired!

The other characters were just as wonderful...Colin's scams never failed to amuse me and Fraz's simpleness all added to the greatness of the show. So unique, a tv wonder that only comes along once in a lifetime. Its a show that you can't help but give pride of place in your heart.
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Best young adult series ever.......
Estella7 June 2000
I am watching 'The Last Word' episode of PG as I write this. My sister has quite a lot of PG's on video, and The Last Word is my fave.

Press Gang has got to be the best young adult TV series that was ever made. The drama is fantastic, and the comic moments are side splitting (Colin is the funniest character!) I wish they'd make them like this now, but lets face it, this kind of excellence only comes once every so often.......
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As Good As A TV Show Can Get
afigreg2 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I completely agree with all the other glowing reviews here. I grew up in Australia and Press Gang started on ABC TV here in Australia when I was in my late teens but about 32 years later it is still one of my all time favourite TV shows. I absolutely love Press Gang. It is as good as a TV show can get, and not just kids TV. It covered subjects that at the time weren't covered by kids TV shows, and probably aren't today either, but should be, and they did it without dumbing it down to kids. Even now in the 21st century I think it should be mandatory viewing for all teenagers, and adults too, even if that's just to give kids(and adults too) some intelligent, very well written, well acted and thought provoking entertainment. I wish there had been more.
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The greatest television show ever made
Spleen12 July 1999
Oh, God, why did I write that. No-one will read any further; people make similar claims so freely about any old rubbish. -But in this case it's TRUE, dammit.

Hilariously funny in every episode, seriously emotional in some, tautly dramatic in most, with great performances from a very young cast (Julia Sawalha is more famous for other shows, but she has never had a better role)... look, trust me, everyone who has watched this show loves it. It represents the triumph of the script by an individual (Steven Moffat) over the script by committee.
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"Your lips are big."
cyclonev20 May 2003
Ah yes - Lynda's classic comeback: the only bad thing she could say about Spike *sigh* And who doesn't remember that eventual declaration: "I vole you."

Oh dear, I'm gushing like everyone else! This, as far as I'm concerned, wasn't a show for "young adults". It could be watched by "young adults", for sure, but the wildly comic and consistently excellent script and acting made it a delight for anyone. I guess I was around 20 when I first caught sight of it. My boyfriend at the time was 32 and he loved it too.

So many of the actors who started off in this, eg Julia, Dexter Fletcher (ok, he was in the Elephant Man as a kiddie, but surely this was his first romantic (!) adult role?), Gabrielle Anwar, Paul Reynolds (I) have gone on to... I can't say greater things necessarily, but many other excellent things at least.

I'm just desperately sad that my videos of PG, incomplete to begin with, have self-destructed over the years. I wish the ABC (Australia) would repeat the whole dang lot of it but knowing them it's gone for good.
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Brilliant acting and realistic plots make this series fantastic!
avanti20 December 1999
"Press Gang" is probably the best TV series I have seen. It has all the elements of good entertainment. This includes brilliant acting and realistic plots. This series is set at the office of the Junior Gazette, a newspaper run entirely by teenagers. The paper is funded by the Gazette with two purposes: a) to encourage people to read the Gazette and b) to keep some trouble makers off the street. The series runs through stories about what happens to the newspaper team while trying to put the Junior Gazette out for the week. I loved this series and found it very addictive. By using young actors it relates to teenagers better than most TV series. I hope that everyone gets a chance to see this series soon.
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Watch and learn, TV writers!
Katta-315 March 2002
I'm an addict to television, simply put. I have followed more TV series than I can remember, and some of them were actually very good. So trust my authority on this: Press Gang is the best show I have ever seen. I

don't own many TV videotapes, and honestly don't want to, but PG is the one show I would want to own all episodes of. Most of them are

fabulous. Two or three might be a bit off, but still better than

practically anything you can get from any other half-hour show.

The concept is simple: take a bunch of teenagers, put them in a room,

tell them to write a newspaper. Even describing the characters wouldn't explain much. The leads, Spike and Lynda, are one of innumerable

Hepburn/Tracy ripoffs, but unlike practically everybody else, these two nearly exceed the original. The rest of the cast is in no way inferior. A personal favourite of mine is the glamour bitch Sam, only

participating in one season, but impossible to forget.

The plots can be corny, but never unintentionally. "Issue" stories a bit oversentimental sometimes, but that's a breeze compared to how they're handled in American shows.

And oh, the dialogue, with so many good lines it's hard to choose. Since I'm so fond of Sam, let's have one with her and Lynda.

Lynda: A few wrinkles might give your face some character. Sam: You've got enough character for both of our faces. Lynda: Both of ours or just both of yours? ...brilliant...
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Now available on DVD
Vince-611 February 2004
The first series of Press Gang was released on DVD in the UK on February 2nd 2004. I believe it's Region 0, so anyone anywhere can view the DVD.

Press Gang is my favourite TV show of all time. Top notch writing and brilliant acting; funny, moving, thought-provoking - it was a show that excelled in all areas. Highly recommended.
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soa01ah2 March 2004
The chemistry between fiesty,ruthless super-bitch editor lynda, and cocky, wise cracking American Spike was sizzling! makes the likes of joey and pacey seem-dare i say it?-overly melodramatic and fake. One thing that press gang is not is fake. unique and ahead of it's time, yes. But no way is it fake because the characters, though quirky and lovable, are also real and strike a cord with viewers. Again, if u compare it to contemporary shows like dawsons creek (and i was a fan of DC believe it or not!) press gang still comes out tops coz despite being over 10 yrs older the dialogue still seems fresher and more intelligent. And it was press gang who started using self-referential gags first, not kevin-scream-williamson! I also liked the basically mute tiddler (the origional maggie simpson) The hilarious wheeler dealer colin (like a younger boycee but then again a total one-off) and the voice overs at the end (very kevin-from-the wonder years) Basically if u haven't heard of this show (and u probobly haven't coz it's criminally under publicised) then 2 it! My only regret is not taping the entire lot. I've finally nabbed series 1 dvd's from ebay but if any1 has any old tapes from the rest of the series please, PLEASE email me and let me borrow them! I will pay u whatever is neccesary! xx
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Children's TV programme that made the transition...
ddd323 January 2006
Let me tell you a little story. Once upon a time an old guy had an idea for a TV series. So he submitted it. Even though it was his very first idea it was picked up, at which point the old guy, remembering his son who was just about to follow him into a teaching career had expressed a desire to write for TV, says that they can only use the idea if his son gets to write an episode. Instead of binning him off immediately they decide to give him a shot and the son submits a script. It's amazing, and he subsequently gets to write the entire series and goes on to marry the programme's producer and write full time for TV. Sounds too good to be true? Welcome to Press Gang, the show that just got lucky.

In addition to breaking one of the best new writers of the age, the show also had two young stars whose chemistry could melt your TV. It couldn't fail except... it was doomed to be a kid's TV show shown at kid's TV show times, and there it might have remained had it not been for a programme planner on a rival network who purchased the show for adult viewing.

There are more original ideas in any one season of Press Gang than you'll find in an entire network season these days. Hey, there's probably more than all the networks put together. Any impartial critique is almost impossible because there's just nothing to compare this show with. There'd been nothing like it before, and there's been nothing like it since, so all I can say is, if you've never heard of it but you like a good ensemble laugh-fest with an occasional serious edge to it, chance your arm and try a season of this show. I'm confident you'll be right out there buying the other 4 seasons within a day.

Believe me, or check my other reviews, it's unusual for me to get this enthusiastic about anything, let alone a TV show, but what else can I say? It really is that good.
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soooooooo good
jillski27 November 2003
lately i have become extremely nostalgic about all those old abc shows i grew up on. press gang, degrassi, grange hill etc. tv just aint the same these day eh!anyway i digress...

i can't give enough praise to press gang, but most of it has already been said so i just wanna add that the quality of PG was just unbelievably amazing. i loved the way it was so intelligent and could successfully make you laugh and cry. the gunman episode for example. superb actors and actresses. i can't seem to be able to string a sentence together at the moment but yeah it was the best. i hope they put reruns back on soon.
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Best kids Tv show ever
bobpants11 January 2004
This has to have been the best Tv kids show ever. Featuring a host of names that would go on to other stuff including juila sawahla of Ab Fab and Dexter Fletcher Of Lock Stock.

Directed by the guy behind ab fab, the goodies, dads army, are you being served, years of quality.

A drama series with comedy, likeable characters and drama that didn't treat you like an idiot. Even more than 10 years on and watching in my 20's & 30's this still holds my attention, which is more than can be said for the powerpuff girls.

the only sad part is that the TV movie was never made and only 1/4 of 1 series was ever made available oon video. What a waste !

Anyway, if you get chance to see this, grab it !!!
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A one-line summary isn't going to do it justice!
thinkinfairytales1 February 2003
Press Gang. Ahhhh, the good old days when children's television wasn't presented by patronising 20-somethings who shouted at you as though you were deaf, when they let the credits roll without talking all over them thus ruining the atmosphere, and most importantly, when children's TV wasn't full of mind-numbing American 's*it-coms' like Sabrina and badly-drawn, badly-voiced cartoons.

Rant over.

I was 10 years old when I became a fan of the show. (I'm now 23) Lynda Day was my hero, and her troubled relationship with Spike - even at such a young age - caused me some anguish. I bought the books (and still have 3 of them, at least one is a first edition though sadly not in perfect condition!)and I used put-downs from the show on kids who bullied me at school - and they worked! It was very empowering.

Series 3 was the one that really cemented my passion for Press Gang: 'The Last Word' parts 1 and 2 where the news team are held hostage by an unknown gunman, is a masterpiece. I watched The Last Word part 2 - the only one I'd recorded at the time - so often I knew the script off by heart and wrote it up in my diary! This was possibly the start of my passion for television writing.

Out of all the programmes I have seen, and I've seen plenty, Press Gang has had the biggest impact on my own work. I now have a degree in scriptwriting for Film and TV and I give Press Gang credit for having the biggest influence. It was much more than simply a well-written kids drama: it was ahead of its time, treated the viewers with intelligence, never dumbed down and never shied away from the brutal realities of life while never being patronising or preaching. The scripts were as sharp and witty as the characters were wonderful, the stories funny, moving and sometimes achingly sad. There are so many fans who want to see this again, but unfortunately it isn't avaliable to buy anywhere.

(If anyone can copy episodes for me PLEASE get in touch! I will pay for postage and packing and you will be my friend for life!!!)

Press Gang: Superb, superb, superb. Can't say anymore then that.
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The two words that sum up my teenage years
lisacal3 December 2001
Who would have thought that such a hidden gem would have such an impact on people from all walks of life. Press Gang, the two words that sum up my teenage years. Way ahead of it's time, a show that never really got a chance to bathe in the sunlight it deserved. But it will stay and flourish in the hearts of those who know of it's great qualities.
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Quite wonderful, even if you missed it first time around.
pmyteh4 December 2001
I missed Press Gang when it was originally being broadcast, despite being the right age and watching a lot of kids TV. I watched the series for the first time recently with a group of friends, and am now hooked. Frankly, this is one of the best television series I have ever watched - and the "Kids TV" label be damned.

The writing works on many levels - farce, one-liners, situational comedy, tense drama, passionate emotions - without becoming trite or maudlin. It tackled Big Issues(tm), like solvent abuse, adultery and child abuse, but avoided clubbing its readers over the head with a ten-pound moral at the end of the show. And each episode packed into 25 minutes! In short, it treated its child (and adult!) viewers with the respect they deserved. And it pays off handsomely. The acting is superb, particularly the interplay between Spike and Lynda, the writing sparkles and the emotional punch of a few of the episodes is monumental. Press Gang even somehow manages to survive multiple viewings without losing anything.

Despite only having access to ropey third-generation copies (AFAIK, only the first series was ever put onto video - and that long out of print) Press Gang is one of my all-time favourite programs. Sure, it's supposed to be kids TV. And, sure, it's about young people. But (at the risk of sounding like a freak) this is some of the best television ever made. If you ever get the chance to see it, make sure you do. You'll be glad you did.
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"Yesterday news"
ggramos19 January 2000
When I watched this show on Spanish Television, I wasn't that young. Actually, I was already in College. However, I couldn't help to become addicted to it, to the lives and troubles of the characters and "The Junior Gazette". I specially remember (and I think it's one of the saddest, most romantic moments in the history of t.v.) the episode called "Yesterday news".
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This series "marked" my life.
martacampos20 February 2000
It is impossible to explain just "how" this is one of the best-ever-made tv series. It is unique! What can I say... It was like they were alive, because they were so real! I loved it so much, that after almost 8 years I still remember when Spike was in the explosion, or when he and Linda broke apart. And did I cry when that happened! I loved it!
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also Germans love press gang!
justagirl18 April 2001
In Germany there was shown this great TV-series, too! I watched a series with so funny and intelligent dialogues not very often. Unfortunately I could not listen the original voices of the actors, but the german synchronisation was really good. Lynda and Spike were my favorite characters, because their discussions were so great! I´m very sorry that the series isn´t shown at TV any longer, but I taped some episodes , from the first and second parts of the series. Does anybody know how I can get the other episodes?
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Best Show of all Time!
CanadianPGFan30 October 2002
There are not many shows that can fully achieve the masterful quality that this show had. The actors/actresses were unknowns when they started on the show, yet their acting was beyond anything that could be expected. Shown in Canada, shortly after its release in the UK, I was immediately drawn into this show.

Episodes tackled such hard hitting topics like suicide, child abuse and drug use but also countered it with a wonderful mix of comedy, humor and romance. If one was to list the top romances where opposites attract- Lynda and Spike would have the top spot. Her bossy abrassive nature mixed with his smug, danger boy attitude brought this show to different playing field. Dexter Fletcher and Julia Sawalha's chemistry radiates within each of their scenes.

Since then I have watched my taped episodes over and over, loving them as much as I loved them the first time I saw them. They never age, they never grow tiresome. I still laugh at their antics and still find the comedy and drama as fresh as ever. Lynda Day is a female character that all girls should learn from. Her strong personality and her dedication to her own desires is admirable (even if her bitchy attitude isn't at times ;-) She doesn't let any man trample her dreams of success and isn't afraid to fight for what she believes in. A true role model, one of many within a truly great show!
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