The Bourne Identity (1988)
Richard Chamberlain: Jason Bourne
Jason Bourne : Whatever you're getting paid, I'll double it. You were at the bank, you know I can do it.
Gold Glasses : I wouldn't touch your money.
Jason Bourne : Money's money. Why not?
Gold Glasses : Are you serious? Wealth is relative to the time we have to enjoy it. I wouldn't last five minutes.
Jason Bourne : Where am I?
Geoffrey Washburn : You're in Port Noir. This little village on the south coast of France. It's a village without boutique or Club Med or T-shirts. We've managed to avoid the 20th century. Intend to be dead before the 21st. It's quite a trick.
Jason Bourne : Why here, Geoff, when you're as good as you are?
Geoffrey Washburn : They said I was drunk. They said I killed two patients on the operating table because I was drunk. I could've got away with one but not two. They said they saw a pattern emerging.