Dragon Hunt (1990) Poster


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Ugh, step down-ish from their first movie
jellopuke18 February 2018
Recycled footage and way too many shots of running through the woods/sand dunes drag this down. The gun battles never seem to end and there's some terrible continuity errors, but it still has that delusional McNamara charm that works in places. Okay, but not as good as Twin Dragon Encounter.
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Oh my...
Maciste_Brother5 August 2000
This Canadian "movie" is the worst ever! Stunningly amateurish. When the bad guys rob a boat, we see two women with machine guns and one of them says, with a very low voice, "We're robbing your ship!" She blinks and is totally shy! Very intimidating. ROTFLOL!!!

The two karate chopping heroes are 40something year old, five feet tall twin brothers! They're really bad actors. In fact, everyone involved in this production is a non-actor.

There are so many continuity mistakes in this cheap production that it's amazing. In one scene, the guys are wearing one type of swimsuit. In the following shot, they're wearing completely different swimsuits.

Absolutely terrible! A must see for any fan of bad movies. I have it on VHS. It's very rare. I cherish it.
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*whistles* Well.....
The_Hellraiser6665 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I...I don't know where to begin. Dragon Hunt might just be the worst film in cinematic history. Even Anus Magilicutty was better than this, as it was intentionally bad. Showgirls? No, it had kitsch value and was technically a well made film. But Dragon Hunt takes the cake, and eats it, then vomits it back up and feeds it to a homeless man. It's that much of a travesty.

The acting, if it can even be called that, is rough. It doesn't have the charm of improvised acting, so it must be scripted, but it's recited with an almost malicious tone of poor quality. Several lines were delivered in a way that shows the actors (or basically, those people on screen) either regretted being connected to this film or were thinking of a particularly humorous joke from Saturday Night Live, which they had watched prior to getting in front of the camera. I could write another three paragraphs on the quality of acting in this film, but you and I both don't want to hear it.

The make-up and special effects (which, with most films, is the only good thing) was laughably bad. The antagonist, whose name is so ridiculous I can't remember it, has a Mohawk glued to the top of his head. Yeah, glued to his head. And you can tell it's glued on too, if you look at the spot where it meets his pockmarked skull you can see a plastic strip, not unlike the ones on fake eyelashes. Thankfully he's pretty much the only example of make-up no-nos in the film.

There's also some terrible character development, to put it lightly. The women, who are strangely rough handled by the supposedly benevolent fugly brothers (and I mean, they are really pushed around), are not only ugly but...gasp...they don't know what they're doing! In one scene they turn on their apparent lovers, join up with the even uglier bad guy, and then snort some coke. Apparently they managed to get their hands on some really good cocaine, because they started shaking and laughing EVEN before all of it went up their nostrils. Great timing girls! Plus they wear some truly horrible stuff, clothes that belong solely in the late 80s and early 90s.

Overall this movie, this film, this waste of film I should say, is also a waste of time. Watching it will hurt you, and will require the suspension of not only your belief, but also of your entire brain. If you want to get stoned with your friends and have some good laughs, see if you can get this film (you'll probably have to download it) otherwise, don't even think about it. Hope I was helpful.
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Kung Fu Canadian style
Wow this movie was such a favourite growing up in the Great White North. Our two heroes who are kung fu experts kick some major ass over a few days in "the most dangerous game" style of warfare. They beat up everything from k-9 killer dogs to ninjas to 8 feet ogres. At the end these two dudes get the two find pieces of meat with one being addicted to coke.

Who can forget the villain in this flick? I mean he's a guy with a bronze hand and you have to admit he's a crazy psychopath and he makes you cheer on the bad guy which I like a lot.

I recommend this movie for any kung fu fan and not bad movie as some retards think. I hope that you people get the chance and look this one up.
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Worst movie I've seen so far
jawko20 March 2002
Everything about this movie is bad. everything. Ridiculous 80's haircuts. Ridiculous moustaches. Ridiculous action and fight scenes where you can actually see that the adversaries do not even hit each other. Bad, bad, bad 80's music. Repeated scenes of people running through woods. A bad guy with a silver plastic hand and silly hair. Stupid dialogue. The acting is nonexistant. Everything looks extremely cheap. This movie even surpasses "Plan 9 from outer space" in its utter badness.

It's not "funny bad" it's just bad.
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Worst movie ever. EVER
matt-kettle10 March 2005
This is by far the worst thing I have ever seen on film. My uncle's home movies have more talent in them then this piece of crap.

The plot summary is basically that these twin kick boxers are playing some sick survival game with a man and his private army on some island. The man has a very cheap paper maché looking hand.

The acting is atrocious in this movie. There are scene changes at the drop of the hat. For instance, for at least 30 seconds we see some guy humming a song to himself which adds NOTHING to the movie. This has the worst dialogue I have ever heard of in my life, I don't think this movie could get any worse then it already is. I would describe it as a want to be chuck Norris action film gone wrong. And I hate chuck Norris.
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definition of "trash"
hkettler16 August 2002
I have seen this movie several times, it sure is one of the cheapest action flicks of the eighties. So, I think many viewers would definitely change the channel when they come across this one. But, if you are into great trash, "Dragon Hunt" is made for you. The main characters (the McNamara Twins) are sporting great moustaches and look so ridiculous in their camouflage dresses. One of the best scenes is when one of then gets shot in the leg and is still kicking his enemies into nirvana. This movie is really awful, but then again, it is a great party tape!
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Strangely attractive
Marsha B24 September 2004
You know, I was very surprised when watching this movie. It aired during the day once when i was sick, and having nothing else to do, I continued watching. This is by far the WORST MOVIE EVER! But to my surprise I kept watching. I sat there saying, this is terrible, but yet didn't change the channel because I was so amused at how bad it was. Maybe It was the guy that looked like Big tom from survivor or the dreadful moustaches and mohawks these characters had, that kept me watching. However, the girls weren't half bad, but if that's what you want, there is far better. Oh, and there's "NINJAS" and "PAJAMA BOYS!"

So if you like ninja's, bad acting, hilarious(and terrible) dialogue, and two twins who are five feet tall and killing everything in their sight, then this movie is for you. It's so bad it's good. However, I just had to give it a 1 out of ten. I couldn't have put a 10 on it up there with Lord of the Rings.

ENJOY!!!!!!!!! :)
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"The dog's dead. The boat's blown up. And they are still out there!"
hwg1957-102-26570422 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Well, what can one say about the Chuckle Brothers of martial arts movies, Michael and Martin McNamara? Despite their efforts in acting, scriptwriting and producing 'Dragon Hunt' the film veers towards the so bad its awesome territory. The twins go on holiday and meet up with their old nemesis Jake who captures them. Then it's the old, old story of 'The Most Dangerous Game' as they are released to be hunted down by Jake's minions which include lots of ninjas. Needless to say the brothers kill everybody.

The only entertaining part of the film is the splendid over the top performance of B. Bob as Jake. When he is on the screen it lights up with a laughable lunacy that I found irresistible. It might not appeal to all tastes though.
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The Macs are back! Finally!
tarbosh2200013 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Seemingly continuing on right after the end of Twin Dragon Encounter (1986), Dragon Hunt sees the malevolent Jake (B. Bob) and his merry band of thugs, The People's Private Army (perhaps an oxymoron there?) pursuing their obsession with The Twin Dragons (Michael "Mic" McNamara and Martin McNamara). Angered at the twins' forcing him to now have a metal hand, Jake is more off the deep end than ever before. He recruits mercenaries and soldiers of fortune from far and wide and offers them 200,000 Canadian dollars if they can kill the twins. This Game becomes Most Dangerous when the twins are indeed kidnapped and caged, but then set free in the wilderness so they can be hunted by everyone from ninjas to overalls-wearing good-ole-boys. Of course, using their awesome Martial Arts and survival skills, the twins proceed to turn the tables on their pursuers and the hunters become the DRAGON HUNT-ed, eh?

The Macs are back! Finally! The McNamaras upped their game for this sequel to the jewel that is Twin Dragon Encounter. The cast is bigger (and "better trained" according to Jake), more diverse, and with bigger action setpieces such as machine-gun shootouts, blow-ups and even an attempted helicopter explosion. Consistent with this expansion, the movie is also even more disjointed and insane than its predecessor, with nutty narration by B. Bob as Jake, including much singing. He does a rousing rendition of "The Teddy Bears Picnic" that really adds a lot to the soundtrack.

Speaking of the soundtrack, what would a sequel to Twin Dragon Encounter be without more catchy, rockin' tunes by Billy Butt? Not only does he contribute a title song (with lyrics that reference happenings in the plot; we love when movies have those) but two new songs, "Survivor" and "Makes a Man Cry". The song "Faces" from the first movie returns, but we think it's an all-new re-recording.

The whole thing is wonderfully silly and you can't help but enjoy it. It even gets AIP-esque at times, and while the movie was released in 1990, it has a copyright date of 1989 and surely has the '89 spirit we're constantly talking about. They really did a lot with their low budget and we respect that. The first credit we see after the last scene is, and we quote, "This Film Was In No Way Assisted by Telefilm Canada Or the Ontario Film Development Corporation". So not only did they assert their true independence with the making of this movie, they went out of their way to give the finger to the powers that be! You don't see that anymore, and it should be applauded and treasured.

However, the downside to that is that this is the lesser-seen of the two classic McNamara movies. It got no U.S. distribution on VHS because Vidmark passed. We're really not sure why, seeing as they saw fit to release the first one, but maybe this was just too out there for them. Or maybe new management or something stupid like that. But it did come out on Cineplex Odeon Video in Canada, and a few French and German territories, but that's about it (except for rare television screenings, but we're talking about physical releases). In many ways an improvement upon its predecessor, at the very least it's just as good and worth seeing.

Reasonable people may differ on which is the better McMovie, but one thing is certain: all the charm remains intact in this sequel, and it's best to just see them both.
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Almost enough to make me ashamed of being Canadian
fougerec11 March 2005
Why is it that Canada can turn out decent to good movies in every genre, other then action? I caught Dragon Hunt on TV the other day and it was like a train wreck. I just could not change the channel, it's sheer stupidity sapped my willpower. Its pretty telling that the cast IMDb "credits" with this monstrosity apparently never worked again.

Bad acting, bad writing, bad narration, bad music, bad hair, bad cinematography. It just goes on and on. The movie really has nothing to recommend it. If you're looking for bad action films to enjoy by laughing out, there are a tonne of other films that won't require you to scorch out your retinas afterwards.

I hope this film didn't get money from the government for financing, otherwise I'm never paying taxes again.
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