Weekend Pass (1984) Poster


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Lamest '80s comedy ever?
Leofwine_draca19 October 2015
The plot of WEEKEND PASS reminded me of those old musical comedies starring Gene Kelly and Frank Sinatra in which a trio of up-for-it sailors come on shore leave for the weekend and engage in all kind of escapades. Unfortunately this is the lame '80s comedy version of the story, put out by trash purveyors Crown International, and it's as dumb and stereotypical as you'd expect.

The problems are tenfold. For starters, the main characters are all jerks, and I mean real scumbags. When you see the way they treat women and find out the kind of humour they enjoy then you'll end up hating them too. Secondly, the adventures they embark on are dumb and designed to titillate than anything else. They end up at a sleazy strip club, allowing for ample nudity from the female extras, and also head to a comedy club and listen to various racist and offensive jokes.

To pad out the running time there are a few sub-plots here and there and some slapstick moments, although surprisingly for a Crown International film, no scene of a dog tearing off a woman's bikini top. Oh well - you can't have everything...
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An 80s sex comedy, only without the sex or the comedy.
BA_Harrison16 January 2013
In what sounds like the perfect recipe for an 80s sex comedy, four naval recruits get a weekend pass and head to Los Angeles for 72 hours of fun. Unfortunately, 'fun' in this case consists largely of driving aimlessly around town in a jeep, getting in a scrap with a badly dressed street gang, visiting the world's worst comedy club, and busting some moves at an aerobics themed party (WARNING: this film contains scenes of gratuitous body popping and gaudy spandex outfits which may cause uncontrollable hysteria and/or feelings of nausea).

The weekend's more risqué activities are limited to a quick visit to a strip joint, hiring a topless masseuse (the only one in LA who doesn't offer extras!), and for one member of the group, almost getting jiggy with an ex-girlfriend (the fool chickens out when he realises that she is more experienced in the sack than he is). Not much to boast about when they get back to base, then.

By the end of their not very wild weekend, each guy has successfully hooked up with a 'nice' girl, meaning that they've had zero nookie, and that anyone unfortunate enough to have watched this wretched bilge has had zero fun.
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Average '80s sex comedy about sailors on leave
Groverdox10 January 2019
Three navy guys - a nerd (they have those in the navy?) a handsome jock type, and a black guy, have a "weekend pass" in the city.

Surprise surprise, they visit a strip club first, so that the movie can get some bare breasts in. Then it quickly loses its momentum and we stop feeling like we're along for the ride.

There is a scene where the nerd has a massage from an Asian lady, who takes her top off.

Then there is no more nudity.

The black guy turns out to be an ex-gang member, who has to fight with the now-gang leader.

There is an endless scene where they go to another club and see comedians on stage, none of whom are funny, but nor are they supposed to be. Poor, ill-fated Phil Hartman makes a cameo appearance. We get it: these comedians aren't funny. Why do they have to go on for so long? Why do there have to be so many of them?

One of the handsome jock navy guys (I thought there was only one?) goes back to a hotel room with some lady, who takes her top off in the movie's third scene of nudity, after 30-40 minutes of fully clothed people.

The movie has titles announcing the day and time of each series of scenes. I wonder if they added that after realising the movie has no sense of the passage of time, despite supposedly taking place over one weekend.

"Weekend Pass" may not be funny or sexy, but it's not as bad as most of these '80s boob comedies. The characters may be mostly out to get laid, but at least they end up finding women they connect with on a deeper level. I could have done without the black guy fighting with the gang leader, though. That was like a throwback to '70s exploitation flicks... but not in a good way.
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An Understated Charm
BloodTheTelepathicDog8 August 2011
This isn't that good of a movie but it has a mysterious charm working for it that I can't quite put my finger on. I don't know, but I think it has something to do with the camaraderie of the four sailors. As a military veteran, I found the friendships fun and engaging. Where else can four completely different guys strike up such a bond outside of the military?

This film focuses on four sailors fresh from boot camp who have a weekend pass in LA before they head their separate ways, various specialized schools. LA is the former haunt of Spencer and Bunker Hill (Chip McAllester) who have dames from their past they're eager to meet while nerd Lester has a phone number of his commander's niece and Fricker (D.W. Brown) has a spot lined up at a prestigious LA comedy club. They each have their missions but Lester's is the only one that proves fruitful, however, each sailor finds romance in the arms of a woman they weren't expecting.

STORY: $$ (The story really is a letdown. It really isn't the story as much as the filler that hinders the viewing experience. The director gives FAR too much time to dance choreography, tossing in some lame mime shows, aerobics workouts and a spandex-clad dance climax. However, despite the emphasis on dancing, the love story of Bunker Hill and his aerobics instructor sustains interest as does Spencer's fling with college chum Hilary Shepard, who doesn't quite live up to his fantasy--she's too Hollywood for his tastes. Fricker's lead up to his comedy routine could have used some work as could Lester's set-up with the commander's niece (Graem McGavin).

ACTING: $$$ (For a 1980s comedy that featured a bunch of lesser names, the acting wasn't that bad. D.W. Brown and Chip McAllester shine. You'll feel for Brown's Fricker whose main ambition is to be a great standup comic but he just doesn't have it. His failure, however, leads to a romance with the cute Daureen Collodel, who, just like Fricker, was a bomb on the stage at the comedy club. McAllester is solid as Bunker Hill who returns to his old stomping grounds--and all black neighborhood--with his three white sailor chums. Some ethnic jokes ensue. Hilary Shepard gives a quality performance as Spencer's object of lust who cares for nothing but her own image. She gives the best line in the film when she agrees to bed Spencer but only under her rules--mechanical appliance necessary. She tells Spencers that conventional sex went out with bell bottom pants. Graem McGavin gives a sensitive performance as the sheepish girl that Lester dates).

NUDITY: $$$$ (There are your typical strip club nude scenes supplied by "actresses" early in the film as the sailors first destination is eats and titillation. Later on Hilary "The Body" Shepard disrobes for a bath but gets rebuked by Spencer. Buxom little Graem McGavin isn't as obliging in this film as she was in MY TUTOR).
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It would have been more comical had they stayed on base.
yenlo9 June 1999
There is a scene in "Citizen Kane" where Joseph Cottens character Jedediah Leland is attending an opera. On the stage singing, or at least trying to sing is Kanes mistress Susan Alexander. Leland is so bored with her talentless performance he begins making paperdolls out of his program . If you watch this movie you may also find yourself becoming a master in the art of paperdoll making. A bunch of Navy recruits fresh out of bootcamp on the town for 72 hours. Their weekend comes to an end sooner for them than this picture does for the viewer. Recommendation: The second part of the title "PASS"
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Mitch-3829 June 2002
Torture isn't pretty. It hurts, and frankly, I wouldn't recommend it. So, in the same thought, I wouldn't recommend WEEKEND PASS. Four young, nubile sailors set out on a (dare I say?) weekend pass. The aftermath: 88 minutes of sheer, mindless, pathetic, depressing boredom.

How this inescapably bad film ever received theatrical release, is beyond the wisdom of Solomon. Whoever was the studio exec that approved this, has probably moved on to a new line of work.

The acting is appalling. The script seems as if it were written by some fifteen year old students, who really thought they were being clever. I'd rather watch someone tripping on bad acid. Just AWFUL. Gentle viewer, you have been warned.

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I think they misspelled "Weakened"
happyendingrocks12 August 2020
Though the adventures of the sailors in this caper unfold over the course of the weekend indicated in the title, this bare bones offering seems to have been written and produced in even less time than that. This quick and economical approach was precisely the driving force behind Crown International's massive roster of b-flicks, a library that encompasses minor classics to unwatchable duds and everything in between, but in the case of Weekend Pass less is definitely less.

The story is built more on a scenario than an actual plot, following a quartet of Navy lads fresh out of basic training as they trek to Los Angeles for one last splurge of hedonistic freedom before reporting for duty. The first half of the movie essentially doubles as a tour of 1980's LA as the group drives aimlessly from one site to the next, hitting Sunset Boulevard, then a strip club, then the beach, and just to make sure the flick packs in as many requisite decade cliches as possible, the squad also takes an aerobics class and spends some time in south central gang turf.

There is a vague attempt made to infuse this otherwise banal road trip with some sex comedy tropes, but the film falls well short there by failing to deliver any legitimately funny moments--an especially egregious oversight in this case, given that a healthy chunk of the movie actually takes place inside a comedy club where the late great Phil Hartman serves as MC; yet, sadly, nothing especially humorous happens there, either. There's also no sex, so aside from a few bursts of gratuitous nudity, much of the action plays out like a generic PG teen rom-com.

Still, while this result may frustrate viewers expecting a healthy dose of raunch, it does serve to present the four leads as likeable scamps rather than horny dirtbags. Likewise, the gals they end up paired with are a refreshing change of pace from the new-wave strippers, naked masseuses, and vapid showbiz predators they initially lust after. The result is four couples you end up sincerely rooting for, which is a surprising outcome in a film that is otherwise built on tedium rather than engagement.

That satisfying finale isn't enough, though. The cocktail napkin plot requires lots of padding to flesh out into a feature-length film, so the few noteworthy aspects here are swallowed in a sea of filler. Director Lawrence Bassoff (who would go on to helm the last, and worst, Crown International release, Hunk) may have been hamstrung by working from a script that was ostensibly only 15 pages long, but that doesn't excuse his lazy mismanagement of the run-time. The strip club scene, which is there merely to set up a semi-comical exchange with one of the dancers, eats up twenty minutes of the film and features three complete performances. Ditto with the afore-mentioned sequence in the comedy club, where one of the sailors finally gets a chance to achieve his dream of doing stand-up... but not until after we sit through 15 minutes of painfully unfunny material from a slew of performers who otherwise have nothing to do with the movie. Certainly, a flick of this caliber isn't likely to draw the next Scorcese, but given how much emphasis is placed upon the bond between our principal Navy brothers during the conclusion, Weekend Pass would have been far better served by allowing its leads more onscreen camaraderie instead of squandering so much time on the film's unmemorable ancillary players and dead-end diversions.

In more capable hands, this movie could have maximized the potential of its endearing cast by giving them some genuinely humorous material to work with. Unfortunately, most of what ultimately ended up on the screen here is a slog to get through. And, while this certainly isn't the the shoddiest entry in the Crown International catalog, it stands as a largely forgettable jaunt that is easily overshadowed by any number of like-minded flicks of its era. Even if you have a whole weekend to spare, there are a lot better ways to fill it than this.
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For the love of Crown
BandSAboutMovies5 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Never doubt my commitment to Crown International Pictures or Mill Creek Entertainment. As I prepared to watch this movie, I learned that my B-Movie Blast set actually had the disks for the Dark Crimes set. A quick Amazon order was made, but I wouldn't be getting a delivery in time to write this for the site. And Weekend Pass, in a world where everything is streaming, was not streaming, even on Mill Creek's great movieSPREE app.

There's one place on the internet that movies go and hide. That would be OK.ru, the Russian lawless land of video, where you can often find the movie you want - it was the only place I could find Armed and Dangerous - but you have to hear someone screaming the dialogue in Russian over the real audio track of the movie.

Lawrence Bassoff made two movies: this one and Hunk. Both are on the B-Movie Blast set - as well as Mill Creek's Too Cool for School collection. Yes, I am that guy buying multiple Mill Creek 12, 20, 50 and even 100 movie sets just because I love them that much.

Basically, four Navy recruits get out and about on shore leave after finishing their initial training. This is what we call a hijinks ensue movie. Just re-read that first sentence and add "hijinks ensure" and you've got the entire movie figured out.

Have I seen too many teen sex comedies to instantly recognize Chip McAllister as Magneto Jones from Hamburger: The Motion Picture? That D.W. Brown was in Mischief? That Hilary Shepherd was also in Scanner Cop, Theodore Rex and, yes, Bassoff's other film Hunk?

Look, some people use their minds to make the world a better place by inventing great things or leading others in peace and harmony. I just sit here in my pajamas watching teen movies from when I was a teen and write them up for you to read. I'd argue I'm doing the Lord's work.

PS: Phil Hartman is in this, which makes how boring the rest of the film is a necessary exercise and maddening, because he should have just been the whole movie.
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It always look so easy on television
nogodnomasters11 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Four sailors leave bootcamp in San Diego and travel to LA for a long weekend. While there they visit a strip club, go to the beach, do aerobics, go to the old neighborhood, get a massage, and go to a comedy club. They all meet girls and live happily ever after.

Eighties music soundtrack. Rather pointless movie available on many multi-packs. 4 stars for the nudity Guide: F-word. Nudity (Hilary Shepard, stripper Sara Costa, Cheryl Song, Ashley St. Jon)
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Mostly boring, unfunny, supposed comedy...
dwpollar7 February 2021
1st watched 2/4/2021 - (Dir-Lawrence Bassoff): Mostly boring, unfunny, supposed comedy about a group of Navy younguns getting a weekend pass after their initial training. A geek, a funny guy, a cool black guy, and a "good looker" - pack up their backpacks and head out to Los Angeles for a weekend of freedom. Of course, the first place they go is a strip club and the "good looker" reaches out to a stripper and bets he can get her number and of course, doesn't. Than, of course, they try to get a sure thing for the geek by ordering a masseuse - and this turns out to be another klunker as she walks on him with heels and twists him in numerous ways, but no happy ending. The cool black one gets a crush on a fitness instructor and eventually gets her attention. The funny one has a gig at a comedy club that falls flat but he, of course, meets a woman. Despite the intent to add raunchy scenes the movie actually tries to have a heart as the "good looker" actually says no to sex from an old college friend - primarily because she is more interested in others than him. There is a final Sunday night party where the geek has a setup date with the niece of an officer where everything works itself out for a full-on happy ending with every Navy dude having a partner. Besides the slight heart of this movie - it is not funny, not interesting, and pretty boring. Another miss for Crown International.
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An enjoyably lightweight Crown International comedy romp
Woodyanders20 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
A motley quartet of four sailors -- hip "Bunker" Hill (a likable performance by Chip McAllister), nice guy wannabe comedian Paul Fricker (solid D.W. Brown), cocky stud Webster Adams (a perfectly smug turn by Patrick Hauser) and timid nerd Lester Gidley (an engagingly awkward portrayal by Peter Ellenstein) -- on a 72 hour liberty pass cut loose in Los Angeles: Among are foursome's misadventures are visiting a strip club, going to Venice Beach, and having a harrowing run-in with a nasty street gang. Writer/director Lawrence Bassoff relates the entertainingly silly story at a reasonably zippy pace and maintains a winning sense of goofy good-natured fun throughout. Better still, this movie has a surprising amount of real heart and warmth to it; the main characters start out as kind of blah and uninteresting, but become more well-developed and engaging as the plot unfolds towards its charming conclusion. Naturally, there's still a pleasing amount of yummy female nudity (Sarah Costa and Ashley St. Jon are smoking hot as a pair of sexy strippers). Moreover, we've got a bevy of beautuful babes in colorful supporting roles: Pamela Kay Davis as sassy aerobics instructor Tina Wells, Hilary Shepard as the sultry, but stuck-up Cindy Hazard, Graem McGavin as cute dweebette Tawny Ryatt, and Daureen Colledell as sweet aspriring stand-up comic Heidi Henderson. Phil Hartman has a funny bit as smooth comedy club emcee Joe Chicago. Bryan England's bright cinematography, John Baer's jaunty score, and the bouncy pop-rock soundtrack are all up to speed as well. A very pleasant and diverting piece of harmless piffle.
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Minor fare, but likable enough.
Hey_Sweden13 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
"Weekend Pass" is one of the lesser efforts from the legendary Crown International during this time. Those hoping for typical raunchy and nutty hijinks from the era of the sex comedy will be sorely disappointed with it. There *is* some enjoyable nudity, but no sex, and the movie has no real comedy fireworks. That's not to say that it doesn't deliver some laughs, but in general it's not hard to see why some viewers would consider it to be boring. Writer / director Lawrence Bassoff, who went on to direct "Hunk" for the same studio, obviously knows that he doesn't have a lot of story here, so he's obliged to pad the running time here and there. Fortunately, this does benefit from an attractive and endearing cast who manage to make it endurable.

Four young men, sailors in the Navy, have just completed their basic training, and now intend to have the last great weekend of their lives before they have to go their separate ways. They include aspiring stand-up comedian Paul Fricker (D.W. Brown), preppie Webster Adams (Patrick Houser), geeky Lester Gidley (Peter Ellenstein), and former gang member "Bunker" Hill (Chip McAllister). All they really wanna do is see some action (naturally), so they hit up places like a strip joint and an aerobics class. Bunker also runs into his old gang and there's time for Paul to attempt an act at a comedy club.

The objects of their affection are likewise an engaging bunch: Pamela Kay Davis as Tina, Graem McGavin as Tawny, Daureen Collodel as Heidi, and Annette Sinclair as Maxine. The supporting cast also features familiar faces such as Grand L. Bush ("Die Hard") as gang member Bertram, Teddy Wilson ("Loose Shoes") as restaurant owner Nat, Bunny Summers ("From Beyond") as Sadie, the late, great Phil Hartman ('Saturday Night Live', 'NewsRadio') as comedy club emcee Joe Chicago, Anthony Pena ("Humanoids from the Deep") as a cop, and Kirk Calloway ("Cinderella Liberty") as Squeenie.

As was said, nothing all that exciting ever happens but this is still mildly entertaining. Unfortunately, not much of the stand-up in the movie is all that funny (although the audience in the club seems to think otherwise), and the bouncy pop soundtrack does feature some horrible music (the irresistible theme song notwithstanding). Overall, a watchable enough comedy while it lasts.

Six out of 10.
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No classic but likable enough 80's comedy
Red-Barracuda6 October 2015
Four sailors just out of boot camp head out to Los Angeles on a free weekend. They all end up meeting various women with differing results.

Weekend Pass was made in an era when the sex comedy was at its commercial peak. There seemed to be loads of them back in the 80's or so it seemed anyway. To be honest, the majority of these films have been very much forgotten and don't even command a minor cult following now. I would say that this one does qualify as a sex comedy, as it has some nudity sprinkled throughout and its central characters and their motivations certainly fit the genre. But it's a very restrained example of this kind of film it has to be said. And while it's not exactly funny, most of its peers aren't either. I have to say, however, that while this is hardly a very good film I found it to be somewhat likable. I think this was primarily down to its quite decent cast who put in engaging performances, while on the other hand its episodic structure meant it never got too boring either and ensured that there was a reasonable amount of variety to its events. There are encounters in various places such as a strip joint, a comedy club and an aerobics disco. I thought the various couplings towards the end were handled fairly well also, with even some worthwhile dramatic acting in places. By the end of the flick you would never say it's a lost classic but, at the same time, I thought it did a number of things reasonably well and wasn't as knuckle-headed as this type of fayre normally is.
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Greatest movie ever made (not)
newsman-517 October 2002
It beats Casablanca, Citizen Kane, Gone With The Wind and The Wizard of Oz as the world's finest example of cinematic craftwork. And if you believe that, I have a voting machine from South Florida I'd like to sell you. P.T. Barnum was right.
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Not completely terrible, but it's best if you pass on seeing it
Wizard-86 March 2013
"Weekend Pass" did pretty well at the box office for a low budget youth comedy with no big stars in its cast. However, it's all but forgotten today. Watching it, it's pretty easy to figure out why it hasn't built even a minor cult. There's no real story here - it's just a bunch of vignettes that have little to no relationship with each other. There are a number of attempts at humor, but they all fall completely flat. The musical score is pretty bad - I'm sure even audiences in 1984 thought the music was sub par. And while there is some T & A, none of the characters actually gets lucky, at least on screen.

Still, I have to admit that the movie is not COMPLETELY terrible. The production values are pretty good for a low budget movie, taking us to a number of places that include some L.A. locations you don't usually see in a B movie. The four main characters come across as pretty likable guys, supporting each other and having warm personalities. And the final sequence has a surprising amount of emotion. I'm not saying this stuff saves the movie, but it helps to make the viewing experience less painful than you may be expecting.
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