Night of the Comet (1984) Poster

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It's valley girls vs. zombies and evil scientists tonight on Schlock Wars!!
Nightman8527 November 2005
Cheesy, but enjoyable satire is like the poor man's version of 28 Days Later (2002) with a big chunk of '80's vibe for flavor!

Comet eliminates the worlds population, leaving surviving sisters to fend against a group of demented scientists.

While many peg Night of the Comet as a zombie picture, and granted two or three zombies do show up along the way, this film really has much more in common with the old B sci-fi movies of the 1950s. In fact, one could make a good case that the film is meant to be a comical parody of those old schlock films, after all it does have a nice comic book feel! From any view, this is an entertaining film even with its silly moments. It manages to stir up a few chills along with the laughs.

The films cast is only decent, but their performances do hold their own. The special FX, mostly the zombies, are pretty decent. The music score is composed mainly of electronic tunes that perfect that great '80's feel!

For those seeking a bit of fun humor with their horror, Night of the Comet isn't a bad choice.

*** out of ****
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It's, like, the end of the world and I don't have anything to wear!
Coventry29 May 2007
"Night of the Comet" is a truly fun and engaging little genre effort of the 80's, but surely some of its hardcore fans are slightly overestimating the value and significance of this film. I've encountered reviews stating that "Night of the Comet" is a quintessential gem of 80's horror and that it's easily one of the most intelligent tributes/parodies to older B-movies ever made. Okay, the script is quite clever and writer/director Thom Eberhardt definitely knows a lot about all the post-apocalyptic classics of the 50's and 60's, but I honestly doubt it ever was his intention to direct the ULTIMATE homage. "Night of the Comet" is more like a miniature-tribute! All the obligatory story lines and sub plots to create an end-of-the-world epic are present, but Eberhardt's only disposed of a limited budget and thus the elaboration is only small-scaled and rather cheesy. There are mutated zombies, crazed scientists and hostile groups of survivors on the rampage, but all just in small doses. The movie opens during a bright summer evening, when the entire world is preparing to see a mesmerizing and once-in-a-lifetime ecological phenomenon, namely the passing of a comet. Two high-school teenagers who missed out on the event (sisters, moreover, what are the odds?) wake up the next morning and slowly realize that the comet's radiation killed every human being in L.A, only leaving behind small piles of red dust. They entrench themselves in an abandoned radio station, meet up with another sole (and male) survivor, battle the occasional mutated zombie and – of course – go shopping without credit cards. Things get slightly more dangerous when a bunch of dying scientists, who predicted the extinction of the human race, try to abduct the survivors to steal their still uncontaminated blood. The tone of "Night of the Comet" is continuously light-headed, still director Ebarhardt manages to maintain a more or less sinister atmosphere which never allow you to forget that the whole of mankind just got wiped out. The girls, although mostly concerned about fashion trends and pop music, understand the seriousness of the situation and deal with it the best way they possibly can. There are still a handful of creepy sequences (the confrontation in the mall) and well-developed Sci-Fi ideas (the diabolical scientists), but the emphasis largely lies on the two girls and their typically 80's pop-culture life-styles. I've never heard this many campy pop-songs in one movie, not even in a musical, and the special & make-up effects are kept to a minimum. The acting performances of Catherine Mary Stewart and Kelli Maroney are more adequate than you'd expect, as it certainly isn't easy for young actresses to portray teenage character that are stereotypical, ignorant, fashionable and yet likable at the same time. "Night of the Comet" certainly isn't brilliant, probably even a bit overrated by its fans, but still worth a peek in case you have a weakness for 80's cinema.
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Wonderfully Camp 80s fare
howie7327 December 2004
This is one of my guilty pleasures. A camp, 80s sci-fi caper that's dated but still enjoyable. The opening is wonderful and contrasts with the subdued but somewhat haunting ending. Back in 1984 this would have been even better because it would not have been regarded as camp. Today it seems we can all sneer our postmodern noses at such works but make assertions that its kitsch quality is now rather endearing. Catherine Mary Stewart steals the film with her Ripleyesque action moves and feminine charm, while Zoe Kelli Simon provides a number of dumb blonde comedic moments. The film lags somewhat after the brilliant opening but never loses its heart. The only downside is the fact it seems like a TV film/80s MTV video with its fuzzy camera-work. Watch it with popcorn at home, preferably late at night.
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Chakotay, Kayla Brady#1, and Kelli Maroney save the world from zombies!!!
Barb6728 March 2007
Hey, you can complain about it all you want folks, but this is classic 80s!!! Those of you who feel nostalgic when you hear synth music, see super fluffy layered hair with LOTS of Aqua net, and skintight SV's or Jordache, this is for you.

Robert Beltran is our Ponchlike hero, we who are Trekkers have come to know him as Chakotay from ST: Voyager, but some of you 80s buffs might remember him as "RAOUL" from a little picture from around the same year called "Eating Raoul" with the great Mary Waronov, who is also briefly in this movie as a mad scientist/zombie gone good with a conscience. Her part I wish had been larger, and that her interaction with Beltran had been more detailed... they are great on screen together, and she fits right in with this 80s camp.

Catherine Mary Stewart who used to be Kayla Brady on Days of our Lives shines as the tough chick, while cute Kelly Maroney of Ryan's Hope is her naive cheerleader sister. Sorry if some of you think it is awful, but if you grew up during the time this film was made, I believe you will really enjoy it. The music is really nostalgic... there's one slow song that is really reminiscent of the Frank Stallone days when he was on top with "Staying Alive"... Anyone remember "Moody Girl"? This song will remind you of that, and this movie will make you long for days before the world lost all it's creativity and started copying everything great from that time.

Enjoy, Children of the 80s, this one's for you.

PS... Had to edit this upon just watching it again... How funny and predictive is it that Kelly says "Beam me up Scotty"... As The future Chakotay is listening!" :)
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A Much-Loved 1980s Apocalyptic Film
gavin694214 October 2013
A comet wipes out most of life on Earth, leaving two Valley Girls (Catherine Mary Stewart and Kelli Maroney) to fight the evil types who survive.

This came from producer Wayne Crawford, who also co-wrote and co-produced the film "Valley Girl" (as well as being the primary creative force behind "Barracuda"). I like to think Crawford had some important contributions to "Comet", but who knows? This was directed by Thom Eberhardt, who went on to make "Captain Ron" (1992).

Many people love this film, and Stewart and Maroney are always big hits on the convention circuit. I liked it, too, though perhaps not as much as some people. The film was funny, quirky and entertaining, though it never quite escalates from "good" to "cult classic", and I am curious to see if this will get some new eyes looking on it with the amazing Scream Factory release.

I will say the script is more clever than it first appears, though, once you begin to connect the dots on subtle jokes (such as when the comet struck and who has been playing the arcade game).
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Charming and nice Science Fiction about a Zombie Apocalypse caused by a destructive comet
ma-cortes9 March 2021
The passage of the comet, which last visited 65 million years ago when the dinosaurs disppeared, arrives in Earth with fateful consequences . The passing comet turns almost everyone in LA into piles of red dust . As the comet comet wipes out most life on Earth , disappearing all but a few people on our Earth . As two teens : worker Catherine May Stewart and cheerleader Kelli Maroney survive the breathtaking disaster . After surviving the explosion of the deadly comet , the two beautiful sisters discover that they seem to be the last people on Earth . They respond to the end of the World by shopping for disco clothes in a disco-free town. But these girls can handle comet related effect : an occassional Zombie plague with automatic weapons and karate films . When the zombies start pursuit them , thing begin to lose their charm . The survivors , mostly young adults as Robert Beltran , are hunted by a pair of baddies : Mary Woronov , Geoffrey Lewis , these emerge from their low-budget bunker to reveal that the turn-of-dust thing is accelerating and they need to drain the blood of uncontamined survivors .

An amusing and enjoyable Science Fiction movie with two wonderful protagonists giving and having fun. It is added with a moving musical score and packing about twenty songs . Enjoyable chiller in medium budget with thrills , terror , noisy action , shootouts and it all adds up to a zesty spoof of science fiction genre . Cute and fun , but the storyline runs out earlier the film does . Sympathetic starring duo : Catherine May Stewart and Kelly Maroney , they give funny and agreeable acting as two likable teenagers , especially when are dancing at the deserted Mall under background a famous song sung by Cindy Lauper . Furthermore , a fine and adequate support cast with brief interpretations from Sharon Farrell , Michael Bowen , Mary Wonorov and Geoffrey Lewis .

The motion picture was lively and professionally directed by Thom Eberhardt . Thom has directed a few but acceptable films as Sole Survivir , Without a clue , The night before , Gross anatomy , Captain Ron , Ratz , Face Down , among others . Rating 6.5/10 . Decent and entertaining enough Scifi/horror movie with hilarious elements .
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End of the World Fantasy with Some Laughs
CommieTT14 December 2000
I originally saw this movie in the theater, and I LOVED it! I had often fantasized about the end of the world where only myself a few others had survived.

Well, I'm 16 years older now, and not quite as misanthropic, but I still got a kick out of watching this again the other night. Sure, the soundtrack was atrocious, and some of the acting was sub-par, but the sheer aplomb that "Samantha" has carries the film, I thought.

Plus, it was fun to see Robert Beltran (ST: Voyager's second in command), so much younger!

Quite a few laughs, and a pretty good plot twist or two to keep you guessing makes this an easy movie to enjoy.

My rating: 7
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Surprisingly lacklustre and lacking in direction and ideas
Coffee_in_the_Clink8 August 2023
I have been meaning to track this down for years. I can remember seeing it briefly on TV when I was a child, and loving the red-sky and general claustrophobia of the film. The zombies terrified me. I got around to watching it again, and I was very disappointed. I think people who rate this highly are more so rating it for the time and place, and for their personal and special memories that go with it, than they are the movie itself.

A pair of sisters find themselves the only few survivors after an apocalyptic event involving a comet. They roam the streets of LA, fighting the zombies and a mad group of scientists out to capture the few survivors.

My main gripe with "Night of the Comet" is that it is simply boring, and that is down to the poor script and directing. It is very clear that they did not know what direction to take this film in. They had one good idea, and one good image that they worked on - and produced well - the red sky and empty streets of LA. But that was it. After that, they struggled to fill the runtime, and it felt like the scientists coming after the survivors was a last-minute throw of the dice to add some action and excitement to the film. It failed.
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What if they gave a parody and nobody came?
penelopedanger21 December 2004
Trapped in a hellish copyright limbo for over a decade, Thom Eberhardt's "Night Of The Comet" is a film whose reputation is due for a serious rehabilitation. Generally--and wrongly--categorized with typical 80s teen horror films, "Comet" is in fact a smart, skillful parody of the low-budget sci-fi horror classics of the 50s, 60s and 70s--and a wry commentary on teen culture in the 1980s as well. For those familiar with the original films, the parody "clues" are all over the place--not least of which is that the early part of the film takes place in the back of LA's classically offbeat El Rey movie theatre, which is showing low-budget B horror movies. Most of the "scary" scenes are preceded (subtly or otherwise) by the famous "red light" warning used commonly in the 60s and 70s. And the apocalyptic plot, settings and dialog, especially among the scientists, are straight out of the 50s.

Catherine Mary Stewart is by far the centerpiece of the movie as Reggie, the only teenage girl in Los Angeles who's both a lowly-paid theatre usher and an expert with assault weapons. She is most definitely *not* a Valley Girl. A pre-"Voyager" Robert Beltran is Hector "date night in the barrio" Gomez, the classic b-movie hero, and far more engaging here than his stoic, dry-as-bones role for the McTrek franchise. Kelli Maroney brings the totally 80s camp value as Valley Girl Samantha, who realizes with horror that her pool of potential Izod-clad boyfriends has just shrunk dramatically. Geoffrey Lewis sheds his mostly Western image here as the deliciously megalomaniacal leader of the researchers, whose taste for superscience soon gives way to a craving for hot buttered gray matter.

Eberhardt is a canny director who doesn't miss a trick--the scares are rare, but when they come, they'll get you. The gore is minimal, but the atmosphere of malevolence gets progressively thicker until the climax. The tightrope between comedy and fright is skillfully toed--undead droog stockboys, anyone? The effects may not be the digitized visual pablum people take for granted these days, but in a way they're more engaging for their rawness. Anyone who thinks this was a low-budget movie has never tried to completely empty out downtown Los Angeles at 7 am for a film shoot. Thom Eberhardt should be hailed for his brilliantly sharp, funny script and his deft execution as director.

Veteran sci-fi/indie/horror actress Mary Woronov is "Night Of The Comet"'s direct physical and spiritual link to the golden days of the genre. She's passing the baton here to a new generation of camp sci-fi/horror fans. That nobody has thus far picked up that baton is a tragedy.

To address a distressingly common misperception: the comet in question is *not* Halley's comet. Both in-film plot elements and the film's tagline suggest this comet only appeared once before, when it wiped out the dinosaurs. Halley's comet, on the other hand, has had more comebacks than Cher.

"Night Of The Comet" works pretty well the way a lot of people view it--as a simple 80s cheesy sci-fi comedy. But as with "Rocky Horror," if you've seen the original material it's spoofing, the results are a hundred times more rewarding. A future DVD release is a must.
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An EotW classic complete with explanations.
cartattack6 November 2004
I am horribly fascinated with EotW films. This particular endeavor may very well have been the cause. I was 12 when I first viewed it. It impressed upon my mind the possibility that all could be lost....and could actually get worse. But what distinguishes it as one of the worthy few among films of it's kind is simple. They had a believable reason for the calamity. Moreover, they explained how and why the heroes were spared. Instead of obsessing over the hidden mechanism by which people were elected to survive or die, the viewer could relax and enjoy the rest of the story. Although it's fashion sense is long lost, I believe that lovers of this genre will appreciate it's adventurous spirit.
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Tame and messy when it should be spunky and fun
tomgillespie200215 June 2014
18 year-old Reggie (Catherine Mary Stewart), is a Valley girl working in the local movie theatre when the rest of the world are out partying, waiting for the arrival of a passing comet. Reggie has a party of her own with goofy projectionist Larry (Breaking Bad's Michael Bowen) and ends up missing the event entirely. After Larry is attacked by a zombie- like creature and dragged away, Reggie emerges into the world the next morning to find everyone vanished. All that remains are piles of clothes and red dust. She travels home to pick up her adorable sister Samantha (Kelli Maroney), and heads to a local radio station in search for fellow survivors, only to find lovable idiot Hector (Robert Beltran).

What is clearly aiming for pastiche of 1950's apocalyptic sci-fi movies, is actually an uneasy mix of many things. With the early introduction of the 'zombies', who can talk and use weapons, we are in horror territory. But this seems quickly forgotten once Hector goes to search for his mother and the girls head out for some very 80's retail therapy, even dancing around to Cyndi Lauper. Then it feels like we are in a John Hughes movie, with light humour and a cheesy soundtrack replacing the end-of-the-world atmosphere. It then switches again when the survivors are tracked down by a group of researchers who may or may not be up to any good. We are then in kiddie-friendly sci-fi mode, with men in white suits and big buttons that make science-y sounds.

Night of the Comet really isn't that bad, it just suffers from a disarming lack of follow-through that withhold's the film's potential, and shifts between genres too gleefully. The result is a film that's isn't funny enough to be labelled an out-and-out comedy, too bloodless to be called a horror, and takes too long to get to the shady scientist types that it would be misleading to name it science fiction. The performances are all decent, especially Star Trek: Voyager's Beltran and Chopping Mall's (1986) Maroney, who both would have benefited the film by having more screen-time. Geoffrey Lewis also shows up near the end as the big-bad head of the shady researchers, but it's too little, too late, and Night of the Comet is tame and messy when it should be spunky and fun.
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A forgotten gem from the 80's
thirdi16 January 2005
There's a lot worth forgetting about the 80's but one of the few things that decade of big hair and keyboard-drowned-music had was some of the best horror and sci-fi comedies of any time. There have been funny scary movies before and scary funny movies since, but some of the best examples of those perfectly balanced action, horror, and science fiction comedies were made in the 80's. I'm thinking of other good ones like Fright Night, American Werewolf in London, Big Trouble in Little China and on maybe a level or two below films like Return of The Living Dead and Toxic Avenger. Some people use the term spoof when referring to a lot of these movies but that's the wrong word in my opinion. Naked Gun and Airplane were spoofs, movies like Night of the Comet and Fright Night were genuine horror films that had a nice mixture of scares, drama, and tongue-in-cheek laughs. All of these elements of different genres are what made these movies unique.

While classic might be a little too strong of a word to describe Night of the Comet, I agree with most other folks here that it is a great low-budget 80's movie (maybe not low-budget, but definitely not big-budget). There was a vast amount of post-apocalyptic, low-budget horror films in the 80's but this is one that stands apart due to writer-director Thom Eberhardt's sharp, don't-take-it-all-too-seriously slant. Just the idea alone of two valley girls being among the small group of survivors of a world ending disaster is pretty cool. It took a familiar science fiction idea and made it somewhat original. But more importantly it was perfect for the times. Take Dawn of the Dead, mix in Valley Girl and Fast Times at Ridgemont High and you've got an excellent foundation for scares, action, drama and of course laughs.

The acting all around is very good for this type of flick and while it certainly isn't perfect, the entertaining and fun spirit of the movie make up for any flaws. It also can't be said enough that the presence of Catherine Mary Stewart definitely helps to elevate the movie. She was one of the most beautiful and under-appreciated actresses of the 80's and despite being in a few bigger movies and shows (The Last Starfighter, Nighthawks, Mischief, Weekend at Bernie's, Days of Our Lives, etc...), she just never really became the household name she seemed destined to be. Although no doubt she has plenty of fans like me. Unlike many lead actresses of the day in this genre, she was actually a very capable actress. Both she and Kelli Maroney give knock-out performances as two teenage girls just trying to cope with brain-eating zombies and the end of the world.

If curiosity about this movie has led you here, then I would pay little attention to the few negative reviews and trust the fact that the large majority of comments here are positive about this film. Maybe Night of the Comet isn't a forgotten "classic" by the normal standards, but it was certainly a cut above the typical low-budget horror/post-apocalyptic movies of the 80's and deserves to be seen by many. What it doesn't deserve is its current state of obscurity, its too-low rating on IMDb, and to not be available on DVD. That's the real shame of it all.
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Night of the Comet: Misses greatness
Platypuschow17 April 2019
Night of the Comet is a movie I thought I'd seen years ago, alas I was mixing it up with the superior Night of the Creeps (1986).

It tells the story of a comet that goes by earth and somehow turns almost the entire worlds population to dust. Those not vaporized are either okay or psychotic deformed cannibals!

Now I'll be honest I loved this concept, I love the idea of waking up and everyone is gone with an element of danger in the form of these mutants. I was very excited to see what they did with it and for the first half I was very engaged.

After the halfway point however it quickly becomes apparent that the writer had run out of ideas because it got really quite mediocre. Gone was the mystery, gone was the gimmick altogether to be fair and we were instead facing a generic 80's sci-fi.

Starring Robert "Voyager" Beltran and industry veteran Geoffrey Lewis the cast do their best but when the half way point is reached sadly there was really nothing that they could do.

I'm anti-remakes/reboots but this is one of those rare exceptions. I'd love to see someone remake this, however the second half would need re-writing into something less generic and quite honestly pathetic.

Watchable stuff but it should have been considerably better.

The Good:

Fantastic concept

Some decent visuals

Suitable soundtrack

Geoffrey Lewis and Kelli Maroney

The Bad:

Trails off hard

Potential wasted
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I don't get why this is so highly regarded, I really don't.
poolandrews23 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Night of the Comet starts as the world prepares for a once in a lifetime event, the passing of a 65 million plus year old comet. Instead of watching the light show Regina Belmont (Catherine Mary Stewart) decides to spend the night with cinema projectionist Larry Dupree (Michael Bowen) in his booth... They awake the next morning & as Larry attempts to leave the cinema he is attacked & killed by a zombie, the same zombie attacks Regina but she manages to escape where upon she discovers that almost everyone on the entire planet has been turned into red dust. Almost everyone because by some amazing coincidence the only other person to survive happens to be her sister Samantha (Kelli Maroney), they desperately search for more survivors & meet up with a long distance trucker named Hector Gomez (Robert Beltran). Meanwhile an evil bunch of scientists need human blood to develop a serum to save themselves from turning into dust & they're on the look out for unwilling donors...

Written & directed by Thom Eberhardt I found Night of the Comet a pretty rubbish viewing experience, I'm surprised at the amount of positive comments on IMDb about it because I just thought it was boring crap that never lived up to it's potential. The script starts off 100 miles an hour with the obliteration of the entire population of Earth & a zombie attack but then it goes absolutely nowhere & then eventually introduces the sinister blood stealing scientists towards the end of the film because by that time the slim story has run it's course. There are plot holes too, if these scientists want blood why shoot the three or four gang members & save the two sisters when the guys would have provided more blood for their experiments, killing them just seemed a totally bizarre & an almost suicidal thing to do considering they need blood to develop a cure, it just doesn't make sense I mean if your going to die & you need to experiment on human blood would rather have five or six donors providing blood or just two? I'm not having the fact that the two sisters survived independently of each other, I mean what are the odds on that? When Hector confronts the female scientist for the first time she never mentions Samantha or where she was or where the underground facility was where they took Regina before she committed suicide so how did Hector know these things? I also thought after the first twenty odd minutes the film slows down to a snails pace & became incredibly boring & dull to watch, after hearing so many good things about it Night of the Comet comes across to me as nothing more than an overrated boring piece of crap.

Director Eberhardt does a really good job, I liked the look of the film with it's red tinted sky & he manages to create a really cool atmosphere of isolation. Unfortunately there are far too many shots of empty streets, there are constant montage's of empty streets, deserted roads & abandoned buildings & it gets extremely repetitive & dull. OK we get it there's no one else about so there's no need to keep ramming it down our throats by constantly showing roads without cars on them. The zombies are totally wasted, there are two zombie attacks in the entire film & that's two individual zombies as well although there are a couple of effective nightmare scenes. Night of the Comet pays homage, or rips-off whichever you prefer, several other much better films including the obligatory end of the world shopping spree in a mall lifted from Dawn of the Dead (1978). Forget about any blood or gore as there isn't any.

Technically Night of the Comet is pretty good, the special effects are decent enough & the production crew were obviously very good at closing streets off. The acting was alright expect for Maroney as Samantha the air-head blonde who became highly irritating.

Night of the Comet was a big disappointment for me, I had hoped for so much more. Persoanlly I found this film dull, boring, uneventful & the puke inducing sequence where the sisters go shopping to the tune of 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun' is probably the worst moment in the film. Really bad & I just don't get why so many people like this, I'm sure I'll get slaughtered for saying it so let the abuse begin I can take it...
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cheesy but fun 80's post-apocalypse movie
Phil S. Stein19 November 1999
First of all, 2 glaring corrections:

1. 'Liquid Sky' is NOT an Aussie's an American film.

2. 'Liquid Sky' was released two years before NOTC, and has no thematic resemblance to the NOTC. I think the poster below me is thinking of a different movie, about a man who wakes up in Sydney to find himself seemingly the last man alive. Can't remember the name of it though.

Don't believe anyone who tells you NOTC is a isn't, it wasn't meant to be the uberartistic art-fag opus that many people for some reason seem to think everything should be. It's simply a cheesy 80's movie that centers around 2 valley girl sisters who decide shopping and listening to Cindy Lauper tunes will cheer them up after a comet turns the majority of the population into red ferrous-oxide dust, and turns most everyone left who isn't immune into flesh-hungry zombies...and any movie with zombies ain't completely bad. Face it people, we need more zombie movies, and this one's a toot. Not perfect by any means, but I'm proud to have it in my collection.
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Daddy would have gotten us Uzis.
erosen14 August 2000
All of you who said this movie was dumb, unrealistic, or not scary, that is the point of a B-movie, as others have pointed out. What made this movie great was that it knew it was cheesy. A valley-girl cheerleader and her movie-theater-employee sister running around with machine guns, raiding the mall and saving the world while hiding out as radio DJ's, is not supposed to be taken seriously. Of course it is ridiculous that people would be instantly incinerated, yet plant life, clothes, and the electric company would be untouched. A lot of Academy-Award winning movies are not realistic either. This is supposed to be entertaining, and make you think about what you would do if you were one of the few people left in the world. This film was a classic 80's comedy. And I for one found the zombies pretty creepy, except for the junior zombie that breaks into Hector's mom's house, that was just hilarious. Catherine Mary Stewart (Regina) is great as the older sister, I was always surprised that she didn't become a bigger star after this one. If you grew up in the 80's, and you never saw this movie, see it now! It is an 80's classic! To this day I can't jaywalk without hearing the line, "The future of civilization is on us, we do not CROSS against the LIGHT!!"
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"The burden of civilization is upon us"
utgard1429 March 2014
Two valley girl sisters (Catherine Mary Stewart, Kelli Maroney) wake up to find that a passing comet has wiped out most of the life on Earth. All that's left where people used to be are piles of red dust. Oh, except for some zombielike mutants, a truck driver named Hector, and some shady scientist types up to no good.

Catherine Mary Stewart is one of the prettiest women ever. Kelli Maroney is super cute and likable. Both girls are lots of fun and believable as sisters. Mary Woronov and Geoffrey Lewis are great as two of the bad scientists. Robert Beltran (who?) plays Hector and oddly receives top billing. Perhaps it wasn't odd in 1984 but now it seems strange he would be billed above Stewart, Woronov, or Lewis. I'll concede Maroney since this is the biggest thing she ever did. Anyway, Beltran's good like the rest of this terrific cast. Funny script with lots of memorable lines. Post-apocalyptic movies have never been more pleasant.
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It May Be Terrible, But it's Also Terribly Fun
jimmy03080623 February 2022
Some of my favorite movies are among the worst movies ever made. We all have at least one movie we consider so bad it's good, I may have more than some but that doesn't mean my taste isn't refined, I'm just not a movie snob. I say all that to make this point; sometimes it's necessary to watch without expectations of anything other than to have fun and enjoy yourself like you did when you were a kid. If you haven't seen this and want to, I suggest that you try that mindset when you do. That said, this movie reflects the era in which it came out. Hailey's Comet was due to make a flyby in less than two years and fascination (and fear) with all things comet related was at an all-time high. Previous transits of the famous comet had caused hysteria stoked by sensational headlines warning of the danger posed by comets and capitalized on by unethical people/companies selling bogus products claiming to comet-proof an individual/home/family (i.e. Gas masks in during the previous passing in the early 1900's). While this movie may have been rooted in the times, it's still a campy horror movie that elicits more groans than gasps. The special effects were truly bad even for the times. The acting is pretty terrible, the dialogue even worse. However it does play pretty successfully on every teenager/young adult's fantasies of living in a world with no rules, all the material things one would ever want, and fast cars with no cops to enforce the speed limit; albeit a post-apocalyptic one but why be picky. It also has a lead character infused with charisma for days by Catherine Mary Stewart. I may be biased in that by the crush I had on her for the most of that decade and the next. The movie is terrible but if you allow yourself to be a kid again, without expectations of anything but having fun and enjoying yourself, then it can be terribly fun.
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Eighties over-hyped
p-stepien14 February 2009
I really wanted to like this movie, but in the end I just couldn't.

The film has no real direction and despite certain comedic attempts most jokes falls flat. The idea behind the movie seems very farsical, but somehow the script doesn't fill the shoes well. Jokes or various 'ha-ha' nudges are mostly weak. Additionally the movie progresses slowly with little or no scary moments, whilst dramatic scenes are laughable. In the end we have a movie, where the director has no real clue of what genre he is trying to fill.

I must say that the film ends at a very high note and I gave the movie two extra stars for the absurd 'future of the human race' outro. The best sold idea in a movie, that gets caught up in the undertow of its hype.
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Totally awesome, for sure!
morgan197619 August 2004
Yes, it's a B-movie. Yes, it's a zombie-ish movie. Yes, it's about the end of the world. But it's the mid-eighties, so everything is totally awesome, for sure!

This is one of my favorite horror flicks. There's something about two teenage valley girls from L.A. being the only survivors (well, there are a few others) of an unexpected mass-extinction flyby of a comet, that makes you love this film. It's fun, has a few jumps, and tons of one-liners. It's one of those films that if you watch it more than once, you'll be quoting lines from it. It's all just good fun.

Sadly, I think I've seen this film more than any other film in my life. This used to be my guilty pleasure: I watched this almost every other day for a year when I was a kid and I used to know every line. I just recently watched it after a decade-long absence and I still love it every bit as much.
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Bad??? No, just a off center.
critic2-226 December 1998
Another critic called this movie a disgrace but I belive they were wrong. The whole movie was supposed to be off center, sort of like "Eating Raoul". If you liked one you would like the other. Catherine Mary Stewart did a good job in this movie and was fun to watch. The lines about the Uzi's was great. Also Mary Woronov was good in this. Hope to see more of both of these actresses. This is not "BEN HUR" but it is a fun watch so I give it a 7.0
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A laughably shallow light comedy about two ditsy teenage girls as they wake up following an apocalyptic event.
ccunning-7358718 February 2020
A laughably shallow light comedy about two ditsy teenage girls as they wake up following an apocalyptic event, i.e. the returning comet that killed off the dinosaurs 65 million years ago... None of the concepts were well thought out or portrayed: One girl survives in a steel lined building (Okay, a little bit), the other girl survives in a simple tool shed, and a couple survive in the cab of a truck... As lightly protected as they were, literally 10's of millions of Americans would have also survived (Jobs, lifestyles, chance, coincident...). The one girl, all 100 pounds of her, beats off a huge black, male, zombie early on; they are attacked by four armed men and, one girl is unarmed, they kill the four attackers; the 'experts' in a sealed lab 'forget' to shut off the 'ventilation' and are exposed to air (as were all the above mentioned people), etc. NOT family friendly or socially redeeming: both girls are into casual sexual intercourse with friends, out of boredom, one night stands, etc... I did take exception to hollywood's divisive push of age warfare onto children as all the adults are portrayed as simpletons, self-serving, and willing to sacrifice the children for the adult's benefit but the kids are more intelligent and capable... If really bored and want your intelligence insulted watch it, otherwise pass on this one, and saved 95 minutes of your life that you won't get back...
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Girls just want to have fun....even when surrounded by walking dead
clydestuff20 July 2004
If you've seen any film such as The Day After, The Stand, Armageddon, Independence Day, or even the recent extravaganza The Day After Tomorrow, the end of the world would seem to be pretty serious business for us to have to deal with sometime down the road. Film directors one and all want us to believe it's all doom and gloom what with asteroids zooming around haphazardly in space, aliens needing to ravage us and the planet, global warming screwing up the weather or some deadly virus escaping some government lab infecting mankind with a super flu. Thom Eberhardt doesn't quite find it such a dreary proposition, and in fact finds quite a bit of humor in the situation by way of telling the story of two of the survivors, teenagers Reggie Belmont (Catherine Mary Stuart) and her sister Sam (Kelli Maroney).

Somewhere out there in the final frontier where no man has gone before, is a comet zipping around with nothing better to do but to pay all of us here on earth a quick friendly visit. No, it doesn't exactly have earth's name on it, but it does want to take a cue from Top Gun and do a major fly by just so it can get up close and personal. Of course since we're a partying kind of planet, we decide to have one big planet wide comet festival just to welcome it into our solar system. There are comet tee shirts, comet hats, people have comet barbecues, and everything is just one big comet celebration. One of these comet parties is being held by Doris Belmont, wicked step monster to Reggie and Sam. Reggie and Sam's father is off doing army duty, and it's left up to Doris to keep the two girls safe and out of trouble, or as in Doris's case be a first class bitch while screwing the next door neighbor on the side. After an argument with Doris, Reggie ends up in a projection room at a local theater, and Sam ends up….well more about that in a moment. Eventually the comet does pass overhead, and being the grateful kind of comet that knows how to treat its host, it leaves us all a present by turning the vast majority of the human population into orange pixie dust.

Of course, if you happen to be one of the very lucky few, like Reggie and Sam, you may have survived. It turns out if you were in a dwelling of some sort completely encased by steel, then you also woke up the next morning to see the dawn's early light. Reggie, having spent the night in the theater projection room which just happens to be steel lined, does survive. Sam, who found herself somehow spending the night in a trash dumpster survives also. However, if you were only partially protected by a steel enclosure, then you only get to survive temporarily which also means you get to play zombie for a while before you disintegrate into a pile of dust bunnies. Then there are those scientists who were aware of the danger but instead of warning us all to momentarily hop into our Kenmore refrigerators, they built themselves a huge enclosure to protect themselves with. So not only are they extremely selfish scientists, they are also straight out of the Fred MacMurray School of Absent Minded Professors because although I'm sure they wear their seat belts and lock their car doors, they somehow forget to close the vents on their Comet Proof Bomb Shelter. What that means is they need to track down Sam, Reggie and other survivors who may pop up here and there in order to find a cure before they have to begin their own auditions for George Romero.

If it all sounds kind of goofy and wacky it certainly is all of that. Early in the film, you may have a bit of trouble buying into the proceedings but you'll eventually be seduced by the perkiness and charm of Stuart and Mulroney, and the witty dialog that inhabits Eberhardt's script. For instance, when Reggie returns with an arsenal to fight off zombies, Reggie complains that, `Dad would have gotten us Uzis'. And what are two teenage girls to do when faced with the apocalypse? They play D.J. on the only radio station still broadcasting, they vie for the affection of the only guy available, and they lift their spirits by going shopping at the mall to the music of Girls Just Want to Have Fun. As for special effects, they aren't much to speak of but we don't care because it's the script carrying the film anyway. It's obvious that Eberhardt was working from a somewhat miniscule budget, and although there are a few scary moments when Zombies pop out of nowhere, it's the whole premise of two Valley Girls trying to survive in a desolate Los Angels while being chase around by monsters and evil scientists that will win you over. It's obvious from the narration in the opening moments that this is a B movie, but Eberhardt keeps things on track by never taking himself seriously or asking us to which is a major requirement in a film of this nature.

Night of the Comet is not currently available on VHS or DVD. You may catch it on Cable at some point if you don't own it. Your only other alternative is to purchase it on Ebay at your own risk. I was lucky enough to have taped it some years ago, and am glad of having done so.

It takes an offbeat sense of humor to make a film like Night of the Comets and have it succeed as well as it does. It takes a quirky sense of humor for someone watching it to appreciate the film for what it is: a cheesy plot-hole ridden B movie, with a lot of odd but good natured humor and with two lead actresses that are good enough to take us along for the ride. I bought it, hook, line, sinker, cheap special effects and everything else that went with it. And if I can buy into all this I have no choice but to give you my grade which for Night of the Comet is a B. Now excuse me for a second while I go check out the vents on my comet shelter.
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Two hot gals battle for survival.
Aaron137526 February 2003
Warning: Spoilers
They don't make them like this anymore. Some would say that is good, but me I like this one. A comet goes over earth...anyone who directly watches it dies by totally drying up, anyone indoors becomes a lunatic who craves human blood, and anyone lucky enough to be in some sort of metal shelter survives.

Two really attractive girls survive (one is even a cheerleader, hehe) and they have to fight some of the lunatics to survive. They run into a truck driver also lucky enough to survive in this one too. There is also an institution where there are apparent survivors to the comet, but looks are deceiving as they too are slowly becoming bloodthirsty. Best to turn off your brain for this one cause there are a few flaws. Like how do people in an underground facility get infected just cause they left air vents open, but someone in a metal movie projector hut not get infected cause that hut is not air tight. Like I said just turn off your brain for some mindless fun.
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This movie is 80% padding
tonik_200014 March 2021
I remember seeing the ads for this movie when I was a kid and wow did I want to see it! I was fascinated by the idea of "last person on the planet" since I first saw that old Twilight Zone episode of that topic. So all these years later I'm finally watching it. All I can say is that it is so mind-numbingly boring that even my desire for 80s nostalgia can't keep me interested. If you want to take a trip to the 80s it's fine. If you want plot and good acting, you wont find that anywhere here. I'm struggling to finish it.
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