Fighting Back (1982) Poster

(I) (1982)

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Taking back the neighbourhood.......
HaemovoreRex2 September 2007
Here's an almost criminally forgotten post Death Wish gem from director Lewis Teague.

Whilst perhaps not as violent, nor as rewarding purely entertainment wise as the aforementioned pinnacle of the vigilante/revenge genre, this film approaches the issue of taking the law into one's own hands in a very different (and perhaps more realistic) manner and succeeds in delivering a solid ninety or so minutes of highly gripping viewing.

The always superb Tom Skerrit headlines as Michael D'Angelo, a humble greengrocer who is pushed too far by a series of brutal events and who subsequently decides to fight back by setting up a citizens patrol force in order to clean up the area in which he lives. Not giving too much away, but fuelled by his anger at the both the suffering of those around him and additionally the blatant inefficiency of the police force to tidy up the neighbourhood, Michael's methods are very hands on, leading to a number of violent altercations with the criminal denizens in the district.

Despite the nature of the subject material (perfect exploitation fodder), the director and cast performances manage to instill a far deeper sentiment into this than that usually found in a typical vigilante/revenge flick of the era. In fact, far from a simple tale of one mans war on crime, this serves in effect as a fascinating study of the social degeneration and general feeling of hopelessness, powerlessness and despair so prevalent in today's society at the escalating crime statistics and inefficacy of the law system to punish those responsible. The simple message is that together, as communities we can unite and turn the tide against this abject unhappiness for both ourselves and indeed future generations.

Rousing stuff indeed and highly recommended.
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It may only exists due to De Laurentis' Seller's Remorse over the Death Wish rights, but I far prefer this to the actual Death Wish II
IonicBreezeMachine6 July 2022
In a crime ridden area of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Italian-American delicatessen owner John D'Angelo (Tom Skerritt) is a family man with an expectant wife, Lisa (Patti LuPone), and young son Danny (Jonathan Adam Sherman). Following an incident where a pimp attacks them causing Lisa to suffer a miscarriage and another incident where John's mother Vera (Gina DeAngelis) is mugged in a drugstore, John organizes other citizens of his area to form a neighborhood watch called The People's Neighborhood Patrol (PNP) which takes direct action on criminals in the areas through citizen's arrests. While John attains respect and prestige in the community because of his actions, he is also looked upon unfavorably by elements of City Hall and prominent members of the black community such as Ivanhoe Washington (Yaphet Kotto) who runs a group similar to John's.

During the Dino De Laurentis' sale of the rights to the Brian Garfield novel Death Wish and its characters to Cannon Films, De Laurentis briefly discussed with director Michael Winner the prospect of him directing the Death Wish sequel under him instead of Golan and Globus, when Winter refused De Laurentis proceeded with the sale of the rights but also produced his own vigilante film as a direct clone of Death Wish. The end result was Fighting Back which was released about three months after Death Wish II, and despite coming from Paramount, a larger studio than Cannon, and sporting the writers of films such as Straw Dogs and Monte Walsh, Fighting Back didn't even manage to recoup its $9 million budget in the United States with Death Wish II bringing in three times its gross. The moviehas fallen into obscurity in the years since and critical reception was rather tepid upon initial release (though somewhat better than Death Wish II if not by much). Despite the movie being made purely out of Dino De Laurentis regretting selling the Death Wish rights, Fighting Back is less ugly and reprehensible than Death Wish II.

Like every other vigilante movie that followed on from Death Wish the movie hits all the marks to a "t". Everyman suffers a wrong or wrongs that motivates him to take justice into his own hands? Check. Police are inept giving excuses like "we don't have the manpower" but become mobilized as an antagonistic force against our protagonist? Check. Man on the Street/News reports paying lip service to a "debate" about pros and cons of vigilantism? Kind of. The one point in Fighting Back's favor is that it does at least seem aware of the inherent racism of the wish fulfillment aspect of vigilante stories and Yaphet Kotto's Ivanhoe Washington does serve as something of a counterpoint to John's Anthony Imperiale-esque antics so at least it is addressing some of the beneath the surface problems that give rise to urban blight rather than boiling it down to "good guy with gun takes down bad guys with guns". I also commend the film for not including any of the lurid sexual violence Death Wish II used such as the prolonged rape scene where I character who vocally believed in "the system" is violently stripped nude and assaulted as the camera lingered on every part of her anatomy. Fighting Back largely avoids the more lurid traps of this genre so I also have to commend it on that point. Aside from that though, it's just another vigilante movie. Despite the movie trying to add some semblance of credibility by showing stock footage of the Reagan and Pope John Paul II assignation attempts or Yaphet Kotto being a foil to Skerritt's John D'Angelo the way the movie ends does feel like it celebrates John's actions down to the over the top happy scene at the now cleaned up park where children are having a snowball fight.

There's nothing all that much to Fighting Back other than to say "it's not hateful like Death Wish II". It still celebrates vigilantism and makes excuses for it and it follows most of the major points established by Death Wish even if it doesn't go into as much gory detail with it. It's violent stupid wish fulfillment, but at least it's somewhat aware of it and does have some amusing moments that aren't drowned in excessive sadism.
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5.8 rating about right...wanted to like this more, but movie is aimless
goods11624 January 2013
I love these 1970s and early 80s gritty movies, and in this regard, the film delivers. The large old American cars, the street scenery, the police, etc. all has that feel that you don't get in today's movie. But overall, the film fails to deliver. By the middle of the movie I was starting to get bored waiting for something more interesting to happen. Much of the movie is also unrealistic. The police seem virtually non-existent, which is not genuine (even if the point is that a neighborhood watch is needed). The rivalry with the pimp also made no sense, there were a series of meetings which just did not flow with the plot. Overall, you are unlikely to be very satisfied with this film, although it is reasonably watchable. This is why the rating is in the 5-6 range and the film remains obscure. The few reviewers who gave it an 8 to 10 rating are waaaaaaay over-rating the movie and do not know what a true 9 or 10 movie is (in my view, only 4-6 movies a year can really be called a 9 or 10).
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"Remember this business is all about favours."
lost-in-limbo21 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Oh here we go again, another low-budget vigilante feature of someone trying to make a difference. Actually I enjoy these types of features, no matter how well-worn or rancid they can be. However "Fighting Back" was a surprisingly effective if mildly realistic piece (up until a point), while not always fulfilling it did provoke some harsh and lasting set-pieces with a barnstorming performance by Tom Skerritt. It kind of crosses paths with films such as; "Death Wish" (1974), "Boardwalk" (1979) and "Vigilante" (1983). While scathingly violent and exploitative, its messages are obvious (especially the use of Yaphet Kotto's pointless character) and ambitiously put across with a multi-facet bunch of central characters that are thoroughly illustrated and this helps make the situations deliver on the impact. There's a lot more food for thought here, but it kind of over does towards the end.

After an incident involving a pimp and his elderly mother ending up injured in a hold up, John D'Angelo finally has had enough of the crime suffocating his community. With the support of friends and neighbours he organises the People's Neighbourhood Patrol to protect their lifestyles. Dressed up in uniforms (caps, bubble vests and wooden bats) and their own patrol car ("Ghostbusters" anyone?). The only way to do it is to fight fire with fire, but still staying in the boundaries of the law. This gets on the nerves of the local police, upsets worried politicians and only aggravates the street gangs, especially the pimp he crossed paths with.

What starts off basic, than moves away into political territory and the problems that face the D'Angelo character (things getting out of hand). Where soon he becomes self-obsessed and pinned-down with his campaign, where judgements are clouded, hot-headed confrontations erupt and his wife's (Patti LuPone) well-being for her family is discarded. Skerritt's character is not particularly sympathetic either, as from what he's doing he becomes news --- popularity sky rockets --- a people's hero --- why not run for office. So he does. Michael Sarrazin is excellent in the role as D'Angelo's friend, who just happens to be a cop. Sarrazin's character is much more agreeable in his motives.

Director Lewis Teague ("Alligator (1980)", "Cujo (1983)") does a respectably stark and gritty job capturing the urban decay and crime-riddled environment. There's a tit for tat structure to the group doing their rounds, but the constant beatings are excitingly gripping ""Nobody laughs at my momma!". There's one sequence where a fast food outlet owner just happens to have a battle axe(!?) stored away, when D'Angelo comes a knocking. The pacing is rapid and some scenes are highly charged, although the ending (D'Angelo and the Pimp) does feel so anti-climatic.

"Fighting Back" has its feet in both camps; exploitative but also contemplative.
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Taking a Bite Out of Crime
Uriah439 June 2022
After his mother is brutally mugged in his own neighborhood and the Philadelphia police are unable to resolve the increasing rate of crime there, a delicatessen owner by the name of "John D'Angelo" (Tom Skerritt) decides to do something about it. So, to that effect, he manages to convince a number of his neighbors to help him form a neighborhood watch group to alert the local police whenever they see something suspicious or illegal taking place. What he doesn't count on, however, is the resistance to their group by, not only the criminals, but the local politicians as well. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that I saw this movie when it first came out and I was as impressed by it then as I am with it today. And, although the main character was a bit too hot-headed at times, I still thought Tom Skerritt's added just the right amount of anger and passion to make this movie seem pretty realistic and I have rated it accordingly. Above average.
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Cool 80s Urban Vigilante Schlock
crypticsubmoron30 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
How disappointing this isn't available on DVD. It seems people are even absurdly inspired by "Fighting Back", judging from wannabe vigilante "Legend_In_The_Making"'s comments, (thinks it's a friggin 10 star classic). I consider this as good badfilm, nothing more. I remember back in the 80s, this was one of those films HBO would show constantly - must have been cheap for them!

Some very classic moments - the plot provides plenty of reasons for Tom Skeritt's character John D'Angelo to vent his righteous rage - the old lady getting her finger cut off for her wedding ring - the family dog found hung in the shower by thugs, and the neighborhood pimp who calls John D'Angelo's wife a bitch, and then tells JA "a man who can't control his woman can't control his bowels - he shits his pants." Oh no he din't!!

The crime in the area becomes so bad that John D'Angelo forms a "citizen's patrol", complete with a bad-ass modified ex-police car and a black member so you'll know that the urban paranoia at least isn't racist. I won't reveal any more, but suffice it to say that I really miss this film, and much of it is indelibly etched into my memory.

This movie is so over the top, I would recommend it to anyone like me who enjoys the unintended humor in this type of genre. Good luck finding it on VHS. I give it the five stars (out of ten) that it so richly deserves.
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Typical white Racism and Stereotypes
phuckracistgop15 March 2024
Straight from the start anyone who doesn't have their heads up their Keesters can see the obvious Racism written by white people.

The robbery of the pharmacy both robbers wore gloves and ski mask, and Tom Skerritt's character wasn't in the store. Yet he claims that the perpetrators were African Americans.

And a pimp wouldn't cause undue attention by chasing someone across town because his wife threw so ice on him.

But I figured that these other reviews are written by people in denial of the Racism that exists here in America.

FYI, criminals come in all shades, colors and ethnicity. But apparently dino de Laurent is oblivious of this bit of factual data.

Pure unadulterated Garbage coming from the usual suspects.
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Streets of Philadelphia … The grim, early 80's vigilante edition
Coventry7 February 2010
First of all I concur with all my fellow reviewers who can't seem to fathom that "Death Vengeance" is still so underrated, unknown and unavailable on DVD. This is a cult movie in the purest definition of the term, for crying out loud, with an acclaimed director and cast and a harshly realist subject that is applicable to all times and all big cities! Even more so, there were most vigilante thrillers all too easily revert to crowd-pleasing violence (Charlie Bronson's "Death Wish" being the best example of this), at least "Death Vengeance" attempts to remain more rational, with ordinary characters, dramatic sub plots, politically engaged and socially relevant. Tom Skerritt, in one of his best performances ever, stars as the Italian-American John D'Angelo who owns a deli shop in the roughest and most crime-infested neighborhood in Philadelphia. Following a couple of dramatic incidents where his wife lost their unborn baby and his mother her ring finger, John mobilizes his fellow petrified neighbors into founding the People's Neighbourhood Patrol. In a relatively short time, they free the park and streets around their houses of muggers, drug dealers, pimps and prostitutes and organized crime. Even though John's family life suffers under his obsession and he often has difficulties of drawing the line between what's legal and what's not, his achievements grow increasingly important. So important even, that the current mayor fears John to become an unbeatable rival in the next elections. "Death Vengeance" is a strong and compelling revenge/vigilante thriller with the emphasis on character development and grim atmosphere. The sequences where John D'Angelo confronts Ivanhoe Washington (a black volunteer who tries to keep petty criminals off the streets) are equally important as the sequences where the vigilantes battle hardcore thugs in the park. For the real die-hard fanatics of grisly early 80's cult cinema, "Death Vengeance" has quite a lot of brutal images to offer as well, like the drug store hold-up, but the violence never becomes gratuitous or overly exploitative. That alone is a remarkable accomplishment of director Lewis Teague ("Alligator", "Cujo"). The supportive cast is excellent as well, with Michael Sarrazin ("The Reincarnation of Peter Proud"), Yaphet Kotto ("Across 110th Street") and David "Sledge Hammer" Rasche! Is there an online petition anywhere to release this gem on DVD that I can sign?
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BandSAboutMovies23 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Known as Death Vengeance in the UK, this Philadelphia-set crime thriller starts with a news story about the increase in violence since JFK's assassination in 1963. With the increase in crime, Philadelphia is becoming unsafe. Proud Italian-American John D'Angelo (Tom Skeritt) runs a deli with his wife Lisa (Patti LuPone). One night, they see a pimp named Eldorado (Pete Richardson ) beating one of his girls. She yells at him to stop and he chases their car, ramming it, and causes the death of their unborn child. Not long after, John's mother Vera (Gina DeAngelis) is attacked and the crooks take her wedding ring.

Enough is enough.

John and his best friend Vince Morelli (Michael Sarrazin) start The People's Neighborhood Patrol (PNP), with their own uniforms of blue hats and vests that have a PNP logo on them, headquarters to take phone calls and even vehicles. With Vince's help, the police allow the PNP to patrol the neighborhood. The problem is the PNP does whatever it wants, like going into a nuisance bar and attacking everyone in it.

John does what he wants even as his acts are seen as racial discrimination by a small portion of the African-American community like Ivanhoe Washington (Yaphet Kotto), the leader of a black vigilante group. He actually finds the two men who stole the wedding ring from John's mother and gives them over to him. John only attacks the black one, which proves the point.

John runs for councilman in the upcoming election but Vince is killed by Eldorado. To get back at him, he organizes a full-scale attack on crime in a local park that even gets the cops involved. Eldorado gets away and John is arrested, but told where his enemy lives. The cops say they are "too busy" and ask him to take care of it; a favor will be asked for later. John has effectively sold out, but it feels good dropping a grenade on the pimp and getting rid of him forever.

John wins the election and celebrates inside his deli. The neighborhood is all cleaned up and kids are playing in the park. Is this a happy ending?

It's based on Anthony Imperiale, who advocated armed white self-defense. During the 1967 Newark riots, he formed the North Ward First Aid Squad to escort Italian-Americans through racially troubled neighborhoods. When he was accused of being a vigilante, he said, "When the Black Panther comes, the white hunter will be waiting." He had a long career in politics, then founded a volunteer ambulance company in Newark. He was praised by his former political rivals for his generosity, sense of humor and commitment to equal treatment. Of course, both his kids went to jail for shooting people after arguments, but there you go.

Fighting Back is a weird movie in that it feels like it's so right wing yet I wonder if all the newsreel footage and in your face moments are supposed to swing you the other direction. Maybe it's just an exploitation movie.
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More than a Death Wish Rip-off
integralesixteenvalve9 October 2007
Why this has never been released on DVD I'll never know, especially when so much grade-z rubbish has been given the lavish 'Special Edition' treatment. This is, quite simply, one of the finest 'revenge' genre films made and far more intelligent than most of it's type. I mean, just take a look at the cast: Tom Skerrit, Michael Sarrazin. These a class actors.

What makes Death Vengeance so strong are the well developed characters. You identify with them more than anything. Paul Kersey was someone who appealed to the lowest common denominator, those who liked to cheer violent characters responding in a totally over the top fashion. John D'Angelo seemed to be grounded more in reality, reacting in a way we can understand. While not always sympathetic, Skerrit's performance made him believable.

The film was marketed in a fairly deceptive way. This is more than just another shoot-em-up no-brainer and deserves to be recognised as such. Director Lewis Teague could have taken the easy option, thrown in lots of action set-pieces and had a sky-high bodycount. Instead, he decided to engage our brains instead of our base instincts. He, and the film need to be recognised for this. Shame this doesn't happen more often. See it and you will find an underrated and surprisingly thought provoking film.
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Very good vigilante flick with Tom Skeritt
dworldeater11 July 2023
Fighting Back was unknown to me until recently. I just grabbed the Blu Ray from Arrow Films. This differs greatly from the Death Wish movies(especially past the second movie). This looks at vigilantism in a realistic and intelligent way. This is also more blue collar/working class. An Italian American deli owner (Tom Skeritt) gets fed up with the rampant crime wave that is ruining his neighborhood. He gets a neighborhood group together and they start cracking heads. Their critics accuse them of racism as the majority of the people they go after are black. This is not a shoot em up action piece, most of the violence are brawls and are very gritty and realistic in their depiction. He ends up getting media attention and is drawn into politics. Skerit's neighborhood action group often goes beyond the law and this film looks at how a man changes from the beginning of the movie, to the end. The film has a lot to say about politics and American society at this time. I thought Fighting Back was a very good movie and it was well scripted, acted and directed.
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Great revenge thriller.
HumanoidOfFlesh5 September 2009
Set in an Italian neighborhood of Philadelphia "Fighting Back" tells the story of a storekeeper(Tom Skerritt),who is outraged by an incident on the streets that results in his pregnant wife losing the baby and by a robbery in which his mother's ring finger is cut off.He organizes the local people into a security patrol.The patrol does wipe out crime but operates beyond the law with our vigilante carrying on more of a personal vendetta than a campaign to establish law and order."Fighting Back" by Lewis Teague is a taut and exciting revenge thriller obviously influenced by "Death Wish" movies.The film is well-acted and looks surprisingly authentic.There is not much violence on display,however if you are a fan of thought-provoking cinema you can't miss this gritty flick.8 out of 10.
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Surprised John didnt die
XxEthanHuntxX30 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A relatively intelligent vigilante film about the extremely tricky situation, that is: the clearance of "punks", as they call them in the movie, and how to handle it. The film doesnt produced a clear answer, but proposes numerous methods on the matter. Highlighting, of course, the protagonist's way. Blending the perennial quest for justice, supposed racism and political power in a true and thoughtprovoking manner. Showing concern and arguments from both sides of the spectrum, reflecting the though and Injust reality extraordinarly well.

"Fighting Back" might seem muddled or chaotic but so is the question its tackeling, so any othe result would just not be staying true to the situation. The outcome is, in my opinion, a great all-over-the-place, wild and haphazardus natured crime-action flic with a, perhaps, too ambiguous but truthfull intention. And maybe a little bit clichéd too. But it doesnt matter when the goal is to offer an enjoyable, dramatic action-packed movie experience. With a charismatic yet brutal Tim Skerritt in the lead role.
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Taking it Back!!!!
Filmlaundrymat3 December 2021
Excellent movie with a very good cast. Tom Skerrit Patti Lupone, Yaphet Kotto, Joseph Ragno a great collection of believable actors making this a credible story. This movie is based upon true stories of out of control street crime corrupt official apathetic judges. Out of total desperation 2nd generation store owner John De Angelo rallies his neighbors to start a private patrol force of volunteers to rid the streets of thugs punks and thieves. This is not a typical shoot em up vengeance film without merit but a look at reality in the big cities where the citizens and cops have been out numbered and out gunned for a very long time. Worth the watch if you can find this film. There are racial situations and language in this film, but no animals were hurt during the making of this film, just scum bags.
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Finally Available On Blu-Ray
city5705boy26 March 2024
I have this film on VHS, and a dubbed DVD, when I received a like on Facebook from Tom Skerritt on a comment from a birthday message a year earlier, it made me think about this film and seeing if there's been an official release since the last time I looked.

I was surprised that Arrow Video released it on Blu-Ray. I always loved this film, and thought it was a good print. The only thing keeping me from a perfect 10 rating, was the ending, I recall it having a message on their saying what happened to DeAngelo, and how crime continues to decline in his district. I don't know why this was omitted from the print. Any answers welcomed.

Also the racism element is blown out of proportion, has several of the criminals they went after were non-black. Like the bar they introduced themselves in, the school drug dealer, and the arsonists. The Yaphet Kotto character blew it out of proportion.

The movie seems to relate to current events.
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