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kirbylee70-599-52617928 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It's been 39 years since the movie CRUISING was released. Poorly received by critics, making only a modest amount of money and surrounded by controversy from both the gay and anti-gay community it certainly stirred the pot in 1980. One would think that in those 39 years the movie would be less controversial but the fact is it remains so.

If you've never seen the film it's a murder mystery set in the hard core S&M gay community of New York City at the time. Director William Friedkin says in the extras that he always saw it as a murder mystery and not about the gay community but others disagree. Gay men are being murdered, stabbed to death and even dismembered in various locations. Police detective Captain Edelson (Paul Sorvino) decides the best way to handle the case is to send someone in undercover.

He recruits a young officer named Steve Burns (Al Pacino). The assignment is to infiltrate the S&M clubs and leather bars the victims once frequented and find as much information as possible. At first reluctant to take the job Burns changes his mind realizing that this could lead him to a gold shield and detective position bypassing walking a beat. He takes the job as well as the condition not to tell anyone about what he is doing. This includes his girlfriend Nancy (Karen Allen).

Burns moves into an apartment in the gay community and begins making friends, first with next door neighbor Ted Bailey (Don Scardino). Through Ted he gains some information about the community as well as which clubs to frequent. Having not been exposed to what takes place there it's an eye opener for him as well as the uninformed viewer. Bondage, sexual acts taking place for all to see and rampant random sex are the norm here.

As Burns begins to look into this lifestyle his character begins to change as well. There are moments when you're not quite sure just how far he's taken this assignment but nothing is seen or certain. It is affecting him though. When he gives Edelson a potential suspect he and the man are arrested, he is slapped by an imposing detective in a jock strap and the suspect is beaten as well. This is not what he expected either.

Eventually the potential suspect is revealed but not before several possibilities are offered. Through it all the question of just who are these men and who is Steve Burns really are pondered. Their treatment of one another is called into question while at the same time their treatment at the hands of the police is also noted.

As for the movie itself when I saw it on its initial release, even as a Friedkin fan, I was disappointed. It didn't feel like a complete movie and used far too little dialogue to propel the film. The cinematography and editing were fantastic but the story itself seemed to present such an unappealing worlds that it was difficult to remove oneself from it and pay attention only to the mystery at its core. It is by no means a pleasant film and none of the characters with the exception of perhaps Edelson and Ted Bailer are sympathetic. And Pacino, whose acting prowess is well known, feels like he's just not quite sure what way to go here.

As I said the movie didn't do major business at the box office in spite of the fact that Pacino was coming in off of the success of AND JUSTICE FOR ALL, DOG DAY AFTERNOON, SERPICO and THE GODFATHER PART 2. While he had the clout to get this production under way Friedkin wasn't as hot at the time having just had two commercial failures with THE BRINKS JOB and SORCERER (two highly underrated movies in my opinion). Odds are the problem was the content of the film and the controversy surrounding it.

The gay community was fearful of the film being released by feeling that it portrayed them all as this select group of S&M leather wearing roughnecks. They attempted to stop or slow down the production while it was being filmed and protested it. On the other end religious groups were opposed to the film for what they felt was promoting a gay lifestyle. Odd how both saw the film as a problem for completely opposite reasons.

Arrow has done their usual wonderful job of making the movie not only accessible but in the best format possible. This is a brand new restoration in 4k from the original film negative, supervised and approved by writer-director William Friedkin. Extras this time are limited but important none the less for fans of Pacino, Friedkin or the film itself. They include an archival audio commentary track by Friedkin, "The History of CRUISING" an archival featurette about the making of the film and its origins, "Exorcising CRUISING" another archival featurette looking at the controversy surrounding the film and the original trailer.

One word of warning I would offer to those considering picking this up is to be well aware of the subject content of the extreme gay community this movie depicts. It doesn't present it in the most favorable light which would account for the gay community that objected at the time. It is indeed graphic even by today's standards. Know this going in.
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One dark movie
BandSAboutMovies2 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Despite being appraoced with New York Times reporter Gerald Walker's 1970 novel Cruising several times, William Friedkin (The Exorcist, Sorcerer and perhaps not as successfully, Jade) wasn't interested. He changed his mind after an unsolved series of murders in New York's leather bars.

Articles by Village Voice journalist Arthur Bell helped inform this film, as well as NYPD officer Randy Jurgensen, who went into the same deep cover as this film's protagonist Steve Burns. Then, Friedkin learned that Paul Bateson, a doctor's assistant who appeared in The Exorcist, had been implicated in the crimes while serving a sentence for another murder.

Friedkin did some of his research for the film by attending gay bars dressed in only a jockstrap, but by the time the movie began filming, he had been barred from two of the biggest bars, the Mine Shaft and Eagle's Nest, due to the controversy surrounding the movie.

Much like The New York Ripper and God Told Me To, this movie feels like one set at the end of the world - New York City near the close of the 20th century. Someone is picking up gay men, murdering them and leaving their body parts in the Hudson.

Officer Steve Burns (Al Pacino) - who is exactly the type of man who the killer has been after - is on the case, assigned by Captain Edelson (Paul Sorvino) to infiltrate the foreign world of S&M and leather bars. But as the case goes on, he begins to lose himself and his relationsip with Nancy (Karen Allen).

Soon, he learns of just how brutal the NYPD is to gay men - even if they're just suspects. And he finds himself growing closer to his neighbor Ted (Don Scardino, Squirm).

By the end, nothing is truly clear. While the killer may be Stuart Richards, a schizophrenic who attacks Burns with a knife in Morningside Park, it could also be Ted's angry boyfriend Gregory (James Remar). After all, Ted's mutilated body is discovered while Stuart is in custody. Or the real killer is still out there - perhaps he's even a patrol cop (Joe Spinell). The truth is never told.

Spinell is incredible in this. That's no surprise. He used his real life for inspiration, as there's a line that talks about his wife leaving him and moving to Florida with his daughter. His wife Jean Jennings had just done exactly that before this movie was shot.

The real vesion of this movie may never be released. Friedkin claims it took fifty rounds to get the MPAA to award the film with an R rating. Over 40 minutes of footage was cut, which consisted of time spent in the gay bars. The director claims that these scenes showed "the most graphic homosexuality with Pacino watching, and with the intimation that he may have been participating."

This footage also creates another suspect - Burns himself may have become a killer.

When Friedkin sought to restore the missing footage for the film's DVD release, he discovered that United Artists no longer had it and may have even destroyed all of the cut footage.

In 2013, James Franco and Travis Mathews released Interior. Leather Bar., a metafictionalized account of the two filmmakers trying to recreate the lost 40 minutes of Cruising.

There's a disclaimer at the start that says, "This film is not intended as an indictment of the homosexual world. It is set in one small segment of that world, which is not meant to be representative of the whole." Years later, Friedkin would claim that MPAA and United Artists required this, hoping that it would absolve them of the controversy that had been all over this production.

That's because protests had started at the urging of gay journalist Arthur Bell, the aforementioned Village Voice writer whose series of articles on the Doodler's killing of gay men inspired this movie. There were numerous disruptions to the filming, as protesters blasted music and loud noises at all filming locations, leading to hours of ADR to fix the ruined dialogue.

Arrow Video has released a new blu ray of this film that is spectacular. No surprise - Arrow always has great releases.

This release features a brand new restoration from a 4K scan of the original camera negative, supervised and approved by writer-director William Friedkin, along with audio commentary from the 2007 DVD. The two features from that release, The History of Cruising and Exorcizing Cruising, are also on the disc.
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One of the Most Ambiguous Conclusions of an American Movie
claudio_carvalho19 October 2012
In New York, the ambitious police officer Steve Burns (Al Pacino) is assigned by his Captain Edelson (Paul Sorvino) to work uncover in the gay S&M underworld to seek out the serial-killer that is killing and severing the members of gays since he has the same appearance of the victims. Steve has the objective to be promoted to detective and get his golden shield and Capt. Edelson is the only one in the department who knows Steve's assignment.

Steve does not tell to his girlfriend Nancy (Karen Allen) his mission and he needs to learn the behavior of this community. During the investigation, Steve is affected by the discoveries in this new world, but Captain Edelson does not want him to quit his assignment.

In the 70's and 80's, Al Pacino was among my favorite American actors with his magnificent performances. "Cruising" is an original movie that discloses part of the society unknown to straight persons like me: the gay S&M world of New York in the late 70's.

I have seen this film at least four time and today for the first time on DVD, and my greatest question is how far a person would go to be promoted. Steve Burns dreams on having a golden shield and when he has his chance, he accepts a dangerous psychological mission to find the serial-killer that is killing gays and affects his personal life and his relationship with his girlfriend. The conclusion is one of the most ambiguous that I have ever seen in an American movie, when Steve looks at his image on the mirror. My vote is eight.

Title (Brazil): "Parceiros da Noite" ("Night Partners")
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The 80's had it
lisa-rolfy3 March 2018
What strikes me while watching the film, is that truth to reality is really refreshing. No editing in the world can make up to a camera catching a dark, rainy street as they could back in those days when equipment was not developed. Aristoleles claimed that cruelty should be committed outside the scene, that is, in the background. The imagination of the spectator is far more imaginative than a view of the actual event. Therefore, leaving out is stronger in terms of storytelling than showing. Quite the contrary to contemporary movies, I'd say. The advantage of this story is thus the suspense built up on lack of knowledge. There is no flirting with the audience; you do not know in advance who dunnit. There is no flirting with the audience on the task of staging one of the protagonists as a gay either. This is not the greatest movie, but really worth seeing.
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What Was All the Fuss About?
bkoganbing13 May 2006
I do well remember all the outrage when word about Cruising being filmed on location in the streets of New York with all kinds of protesters from the GLBT community picketing the set. Word had gotten out that the film was going to be about the Leather/S&M scene and everyone that I knew was upset.

Viewed 26 years later Cruising is mild stuff compared to some of what is shown on television today. There isn't a prime time TV series that today doesn't have some gay themed episode on it during its season. Some are sensitive and some are far more crassly exploitive than Cruising could ever aspire to be.

The fuss back then was that in many places including the location of the film, New York City, gay civil rights was not on the statute books. A whole lot of people were trying to make that happen and a film like Cruising was feared in that it would give homophobes a lot of ammunition against the proposed civil rights law.

People needn't have worried. The cause and the community proved a lot stronger than the impact of one film at the box office.

Without all the politics involved, Cruising is a murder mystery. There's a troubled young man with a whole lot of issues murdering and dismembering men he picks up in various locales in New York. Chief of Detectives Paul Sorvino picks officer Al Pacino because in looks and build he fits the physical profile of the victims. Cruising is the story of Pacino's undercover investigation looking for that killer. It also is a story of Pacino reexamining a whole lot of preconceived notions about human sexuality in general.

As it turns out I happen to know one of the cast members of the film who had a small three line speaking role in the film and with Al Pacino himself. He related to me that when the casting call came out, he came in the required leather uniform and had three levels of audition. First with the casting director, then with Bill Friedkin and finally with Al Pacino himself.

What he also mentioned was that Pacino was a nice down to earth sort of fellow when he met him and easy to work with. And the reason he was easy to work with was that he was a man totally focused on the job at hand when on the set.

He also related to me that apparently Bill Friedkin had decided in advance to do some kind of a gay related story. The final script for Cruising beat out others including one that would have had a prostitution angle in it. Probably a worse image for a film than what Cruising was about. This writer whose script was rejected was a political activist as well and he was the one who got the ball rolling with all the protests.

My friend mentioned that among his own group of friends he lost only one permanently over his decision to work in the film. Everyone else in his circle saw the film and their reactions were a gamut of applause for the film to a total trashing. But only one individual broke with him over it.

Art sometimes predicts life. There is a shot during Al Pacino's travels through the bars and clubs of the West Village of 1980 of the Ramrod bar. After Cruising had come and gone from theaters, a man named Ronald Crumpley one November night in 1980 drove by with an Uzi and wounded six and killed two people. Things like that are still happening, even in some of the gay friendliest areas in the USA.

Besides Pacino and Sorvino, the performances to look for are those of Don Scardino as the young writer who lives next door to the apartment Pacino is located in during his undercover assignment and James Remar as Scardino's roommate who is a dancer. They have a volatile relationship and Scardino would be considered a battered spouse had they been able to marry. A story all to true, but hardly limited to same sex relationships.

Cruising will never rank in the top 10 of Al Pacino's films on anybody's list. But sufficient time has passed so that we can look at it with a bit more objectivity than was possible in 1980.
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William Friedkin's divisive sleazy murder mystery is an engaging ride from start to finish.
IonicBreezeMachine18 January 2022
When body parts of men start showing up in the Hudson River, police come to believe a serial killer is targeting gay men. Under intense pressure from the media, gay advocacy groups, the city's elected officials, Steve Burns (Al Pacino) is assigned to go undercover in the fringe S&M gay scene as he has a similar profile and build to the men being killed. As Steve adopts the alias of John Forbes, he finds himself further and further entrenched and drawn to the lurid allure of the scene.

Based on the 1970 novel Cruising by Gerald Walker, French Connection producer Philip D'Antoni had approached Friedkin earlier in his career only for Friedkin to turn it down due to lack of interest. D'Antoni then approached Steven Spielberg, but was unable to find studio backing. When the rights were bought by Jerry Weintraub years later, Friedkin had warmed up to the idea thanks to his exposure to a series of articles by Village Voice writer Arthur Bell as well as encounters with former police officer Randy Jurgensen who had done similar deep cover work to investigate a series of gay murders. Not only was the film prone to frequent conflicts with the MPAA to secure an R rating with nearly 40 minutes of deleted footage of explicit material in the various bars, but the film was also subject to massive protests and pickets from gay rights groups who characterized the film as homophobic and anti-gay. In the years since it's troubled release the film continues to be discussed and has found appreciation among directors such as the Safdie brothers, Nicholas Winding Refn, and Quentin Tarantino.

The movie is very giallo like with its lurid sexualized murders investigated by a where the film is more concerned with crafting an atmosphere and sense of character as Friedkin captures the seamy side of New York's nightlife. While Al Pacino does well playing the audience proxy as he reacts to the world crafted by Friedkin's film, there is a sense that Pacino is a bit more secured in his sexuality than the filmmakers intended. As an experience the film is simply unforgettable.

William Friedkin's Cruising is a tense and thrilling film that captures its lurid atmosphere so vividly you can feel it with every scene. While the movie's loose structure and ambiguous payoffs will challenge viewers, in terms of craft of filmmaking Cruising has few equals.
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Sexy, dark, erotic, sinister, psycho thriller.
CriticsVoiceVideo12 June 2021
Knowing that this was inspired by true events and what really happened, I understand why the film may seem as one giant plot hole to some viewers. I know most people want a definitive answer and this movie doesn't exactly make it clear for the viewer. Done intentionally by Friedkin to reflect the true story's mystery, which I think is brilliant. That said, I wish the cast was hotter and I still can't believe Al Pacino did this film. I love it. It's such an amazing documented piece of Homosexual life before AIDS hit. Something we will never see or experience ever again.
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Bleak and uncompromising thriller from director William Friedkin
dworldeater4 June 2019
Crusing is a very dark psychological thriller from acclaimed director William Friedkin and leading man Al Pacino. Based on true events where a serial killer preyed on gay men part of the S+M gay leather scene in NYC, pre AIDS, where casual sex or cruising was a big thing in that scene. Al Pacino goes deep undercover to attempt to bring down the killer. This film only shows one side of the gay community, which was controversial and brought a polarizing reaction in the gay community in that time. The gay S+M clubs, parks and other areas of NY are the backdrop to this sleazy, violent and downbeat thriller. Al Pacino is excellent, as is the support cast of Paul Sorvino, Joe Spinell and Karen Allen as Pacino's girlfriend. The film is similar in a lot of ways to the Italian giallo films and it seemed to borrow some of its ambiance and style. While most of what happens in the film is pretty ambigious, it seems that as the film progresses Al Pacino seems to identify more with the gay community. This film is very well done and very much in the 70's style, gritty, suspenseful and uncompromising in its presentation. Crusing certainly will not appeal to everyone, but for those that like this kind of film, it is very well done.
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Into the Heart of Darkness
sol121823 October 2005
***SPOILERS*** With the Democratic Convention coming to New York City a rash of murders of local gay New Yorkers has put the NYPD on the case in a very big way. From the mayor on down every city official wants the politically explosive murders stopped, and solved, as soon as possible. NYPD Detective Captain Edelson, Paul Sorvino,gets local patrol cop Steve Berns, Al Pacino,to go undercover in the gay community to help find and arrest the killer before he kills again. At the same time Burns is very uncomfortable with his new and secret assignment. Not having any idea of the local gay lifestyle Burns feels it would alienate him from his live-in girlfriend Nancy Gates, Karen Allen, but he really has no choice in the matter.

The movie "Cruising" has some of the most graphic scenes ever, in a major studio released motion picture, about the heavy leather and S&M gay world. Those scenes are peppered into the movie in almost every other sequence to the point that it almost loses it's story about a gay serial killer on the lose.

Burns taking the name John Forbes and moving into a West Village apartment tries to get familiarized with the clubs and bars that the killer frequents to find new victims in his bloody rampage against gays. Even with a strong police presence the killer goes on his way killing gays but now he's being tracked by the undercover Steve Burns aka John Forbes who got a good idea to who he is.

It turns out that the killer Stuart Richards, Richard Cox, is an art student at Columbia University. Stuart's first victim was a professor Vincent who's class he attended. Officer Burns realized that Stuart was seen at the local gay bars in the village were a number of the killers victims were picked up and later murdered. The very fact that Stuart was also a student of the murdered Prof. Vincent, who was also gay, was just too much of a coincidence to be overlooked.

Breaking into Stuart's apartment on the Columbia Collage campus Burns finds a number of leather jackets and caps hidden in his closet. The clothes match the ones that Burns saw the person who looked a lot like Stuart at a number West Village gay bars and clubs. There's also a box-full of letters written by Stuart to his father, who's been dead for ten years, begging his forgiveness for not being the man that he always wanted him to be.

The movie ends on a confusing note where we don't exactly know if Stuart is really the killer or not. Ever more surprising it's not made clear if someone else had taken up Stuarts cause or "crusade" against New York's gay community. Since a number of murders, including Burns' next door gay neighbor Ted (Don Scardino), happen after Stuart was already taken into custody. You don't know for sure but it seems as if the now very troubled and confused, about his own sexuality, Officer Burns had lost his bearing and went off the deep end. Burns may have began murdering gays like the killer he was assigned to capture!

As the movie ends we see Capt. Edelson investigating Ted's murder and then pulls back in a white fright, this was the first time in the movie that he showed any real or genuine emotions at all, when he finds out who possibly may have murdered him! Edelson finds that Officer Burns, using the name John Forbes, was living in the next door apartment at the time of Ted's murder!

Did Edelson at that point realize that in what he did in trying to find and apprehend the gay serial killer he unknowingly created an even bigger Frankenstein Monster! A monster Which he and his bosses in the NYPD would have to answer for in the very near future.
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Carefully Offensive
excalibur10718 March 2018
William Friedkin directed not only The French Connection and The Exorcist, he also directed The Boys In The Band then years before Cruising. If there is an evolution in how the straight world saw the gay world in the decade between Boys In The Band and Cruising, the evolution is backwards. The gay scene in Crusing is sheer hell and I have to believe that it reflected the Country's mood of the day. In not such subtle ways Cruising tells us about the depravity of one group threatening the other. If you think I'm wrong, why then the gay sex and enviroment is wrapped in violent rock music in which actual feelings are not even present but the heterosexual sex scenes between - the always wonderful Al Pacino and the beautiful Karen Allen are wrapped in lyrical classical music, all feeling, tenderness and light. As soon as the film ended I had to wash my face and pour myself a double scotch on the rocks. I was kind of angry and definitely disturbed. Oops, maybe I recommending Cruising without meaning to.
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a question of taste
dixxjamm14 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is a FRIEDKIN movie. Consequently, it is soulless, dark and physical. There are no heroes, the range goes from unclear/mixed up/tortured souls/loonies to the dephts of hell. It is also highly interpretative, you can not expect a logical script and a "I did it" smile or a "walk towards the sun" type of ending. So, it's a question of taste if you like his movies or not. I DO. I very much doubt that Pacino or Sorvino regret making this film. It is riveting. For one, characters are not even gray, they are a mystery. Sorvino's character, for instance is so blank, that you even wonder if he cares about anything, including Burns' fate. Pacino's character is pretty ambitious, but other than that he is completely controversial. Although he shows some kind of goodness (towards his neighbor, for instance), the ending even kinda questions that (was it because he had sexual intentions with the guy or that he just wanted to do some good?). Also, he sometimes feels overwhelmed by the undercover job ("I don't know if I can do this") but then he starts to adapt. One of the possible ideas of this movie is: you dance with the devil and then you start to like it. In any case, it leaves conclusions to the viewer. The atmosphere and especially the music are truly amazing and original. 9/10.
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Lots to like, occasionally icky
jellopuke24 August 2023
An undercover cop is sent to infiltrate the S&M gay community but the weird subculture starts to get to him the more time he spends there. A killer is targeting people and he has to find the man before more die. He wants out, but finally manages to accept his gig but is forever changed.

This movie can be a tough watch at times. Today you see an entire community that would have been decimated from AIDS only a few years later, but also it can just be gross. That said it's a super effective slasher / detective move with an extreme focus on reality and (for the time) accuracy in its presentation of what most people would have had no idea of.

Some people can't take how ambiguous it is, but that's partly why it works. You don't really know just what went on. How far did Pacino go? Did he start to like it? It's up to you and that may affect your final opinion. But it's well made and holds up, even if it can be icky in places.
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Interesting But Unsatisfying Gay Bar Serial Killer Film
ShootingShark8 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
A serial-killer is attacking homosexual men in New York and the police have no leads. An ambitious young cop goes undercover and hangs out at the gay bars and nightspots to lure the killer out, but finds himself being changed by the scene he becomes part of.

Based on a book by Gerald Walker, this is an intriguing (and daring for the time) delve into the NYC homo underground of leather bars and pick-ups in Central Park, and is a great pre-Aids snapshot of a particular era of the city's history. Unfortunately, as a crime thriller it's pretty pedestrian; the murders are bland, the investigation boring and the suggestive ending just plain confusing. Friedkin is a very stylish director, but here he deliberately abandons that for a documentary-like approach; this adds to the drama but kills any suspense, although James Contner's ultra-dark photography is terrific. Pacino is likeably believable, Sorvino does a gritty textbook job of a police captain who hasn't slept in a week and the supporting cast are good. Ultimately however, this film is more interesting as a pre-political-correctness depiction of a particularly sordid corner of society. As with other urban-ghetto films of the time (Busting, Fort Apache - The Bronx, etc) it was crucified by the white liberal arts media as queer-bashing propaganda, but of course it's not - they just didn't like the way it depicts the specific social scene the story is set amongst. An important document of a time, but not really a very good movie.
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a feel-bad epic from a subversive misanthrope
LewisJForce5 May 2004
William Friedkin is a mysterious, often mystifying film-maker. Although he rose to prominence at the same time as the rest of the so-called 'movie brat' generation of directors (Coppola, Spielberg, Scorsese, DePalma, et al.), he stands apart, even from a group as essentially disparate as this one. For one thing, his films lack the intertextual references and cinematic stylisation common to most of the other members. If he has an over-riding aesthetic, it would be the ugliness of the majority of human existence. He's not interested in prettifying his images or indulging in style-for-style's sake; which is not to say that his film's don't exhibit inventive and effective technique, just that this technique is always at the service of the story he's telling, and is often blunt and brutally effective in it's employment. All of this no doubt arises from his start in documentary film-making. Friedkin is particularly good at depicting the menace of urban environments, and the locales of a lot of his films are frightening, tangibly real places. Witness the sequences involving Karras' aged mother in 'The Exorcist', which for me are the most disturbing scenes in an often terrifying film. As we observe the elderly lady living alone in her shabby apartment in a crime-ridden neighbourhood, we realise that this is the existence that many millions of people are forced to endure, and it's oppressiveness adds immeasurably to the psychological impact of the film as a whole. We share Karras' fear and traumatising guilt that she died alone in such circumstances, and the special effects trickery of the climax is lent a genuine resonance.

Because of the stark, seemingly 'artless' force and apparent misanthropy of much of his work, a number of otherwise perceptive commentators dislike Friedkin intensely. Pauline Kael was extremely cool about 'The French Connection' and absolutely hated 'The Exorcist'. David Thompson described him as "essentially incompetent", bludgeoning the audience with blatant and obvious effects. In fact, Friedkin's best work is highly sophisticated in it's use of sound and music, and employs often visceral imagery to telling and subversive effect. However, some of his films ARE genuinely bloody awful, or at least depressingly mediocre. The very inconsistency of his work lies at the centre of the mystery that is his career. He seems to me to be a fiercely intelligent man whose art is driven by his life rather than the culture of film, and whose reportedly quixotic, often self-destructive personality in no small measure accounts for the expansive peaks and troughs of his cinematic achievements.

Friedkin has reassuring or comforting his audience way down the list of his priorities. In the case of 'Cruising', he neglected to add them at all. Because of this, 'Cruising' is a very difficult film to watch. Most film-makers, were they making a film set in such an alien and frightening environment, would go overboard on providing us with at least one protagonist we could identify with. But Friedkin takes the very opposite route and presents us entirely with characters who are abhorrent, sleazy or totally ambiguous. Indeed, ambiguity is the film's raison d'etre - we are never sure of anything, and this becomes both the pictures great strength and source of much audience frustration. It seems that unlike, say, Spielberg, who continually seeks the approbation of his audience, Friedkin actively resents his (or rather, their preconceptions and certainties), leading him to consistently challenge and upset them. This can be exciting to those who value such seditious manouveres, but dispiriting and destabilising for those that don't.

The major problem with evaluating 'Cruising' is that the film as it currently exists is seriously incomplete (apparently having been shorn of some 40 minutes of footage by the censors!). I suspect that a 'directors cut' should it ever emerge, although no doubt clarifying certain issues, would overall fail to dispel the central ambiguity that is so infuriating and troubling to the majority of the audience, and that lies at the heart of Friedkins vision. "What interests me is the very thin line between good and evil", the director once said when asked to provide a thematic overview of his work - and this is the core of 'Cruising'.

I would urge you to watch the film. It is a uniquely dark, brave piece somewhat compromised by well documented production difficulties and the censors scissors. It has a sinister, compelling momentum and wonderfully ugly, grainy textures that seep into your pores leaving you uncomfortable and unsettled. Sometimes a feel-bad movie can be as bracing as a winter morning. 'Cruising' is such an experience, and a fascinating, provocative one at that.
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Easy to feel the grimy reality...
alienlegend24 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
These types of clubs in the meat-packing district of New York are where Clive Barker got some inspiration for Hellraiser so seeing this onscreen is really interesting. There are some great moments in this with Al Pacino's character. Really the storytelling is very solid and I think it pulls you right into this world. It's definitely a dark film and I feel bad for the wife because she doesn't seem to have a clue. I just like the mature subject matter, and I think for the time, this was way ahead of the game. Friedkin is really a master director who knows how to make a compelling film and he didn't shy away from difficult subjects.
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Better than its reputation.
gridoon5 March 2002
Not as offensive as it's reputed to be (the opening disclaimer is self-explanatory), and almost a "pleasant" (so to speak) surprise, coming from the director of two of the most overrated movies ever made, I think ("The French Connection" and the "Exorcist"). At least it's more character-driven than those films, a fascinating story of a man who changes and evolves during the course of the picture, perfectly played by Al Pacino. The film may not be as fully-developed as we might have wanted (they say it was cut before release), but it has a gritty, grungy realism and a feel of authenticity. (**1/2)
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Challenging, if incomplete film.
Get_your_azz_to_Mars8 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
William Friedkin's controversial 'Cruising' is a challenging and oftentimes frustrating film. The story centers around Al Pacino going undercover to find a serial killer in the gay BDSM culture of late 70's NYC. The story seems simply enough, right? Well, it's deceiving as what Friedkin does is take the audience into a dark abyss of sordid sex, extreme debauchery, and brutal violence. It is, quite honestly, one of the more uncomfortable American films of the period to sit through.

The problem with the picture are the character motivations are vague for virtually all involved (Pacino, the killer, and the police chief). Why is the killer doing this? Why is Pacino starting to lose it? What is the deal with the police chief? Does he care about Pacino or not? Everything is so opaque and mysterious that the film is both fascinating and aggravating at the same time. And perhaps that was done on purpose, but considering reportedly 40 minutes was cut from the film I would imagine that many of those questions I posed were more clear. The ending itself is even more strange and confusing and I would suspect that while the ending wouldn't have been wrapped up in a nice little bow for the audience (nor would I expect that in a Friedkin film), the viewer could at least attempt to make more sense of it.
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"Has anyone ever smoked your pipe?" Not for everyone that's for sure but I liked it.
poolandrews11 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Cruising is set in New York where severed body parts are being found in the Hudson River & a gay man into extreme leather & S&M sex named Loren Lukas (Arnaldo Santana) is found brutally murdered, a single serial killer targeting the extreme gay community is thought to be responsible. The New York gay community doesn't have much of a relationship with the NYPD & getting any sort of information is like getting blood out of stone, Captain Edelson (Paul Sorvino) needs a man undercover so recruits patrol cop Steve Burns (Al Pacino) who matches the victims physical profiles. Steve accepts the assignment & start cruising the notorious extreme gay S&M bars in New York looking for clues & trying to attract the killer...

This American German co-production was written & directed by William Friedkin & while it has a notorious reputation I must admit that I quite liked Cruising (the film not the real life act I hasten to add...). The script was based on the novel by Gerald Walker & is a fairly sleazy, seedy serial killer thriller but one that I found strangely entertaining. It's gritty, uncompromising & sometimes explicit but that adds to it rather than detracts in my opinion, it gives it a certain gravity although it's certainly not a film for everyone & I could see it offending more than a few people. It's interesting to note although maybe not surprising that apart from Pacino's wife I don't think there is another female speaking role in the entire film. The basic story of a detective going undercover in a sleazy world he didn't even know existed is reasonable, we don't really get inside his head that much & while we know it's affecting him we aren't really sure why. I think Friedkin could have expanded this side of the script a bit more to be honest. The way the killer is tracked down is also a little bit random, the way the killer just happened to try & chat Pacino up & then Pacino is handed a load of photo's on the slim chance he might recognise someone who he does. A bit to much of a coincidence for me. I would have liked a bit more detective work & the ending is very frustrating & abrupt which leaves the viewer wondering what the hell has just happened. Sure the ending is open to viewer interpretation but since it's a bit of a mess it's very hard to make any definite conclusion & you finish watching the film feeling a little cheated which isn't good. Having said that Cruising remained nothing if not watchable & fairly engrossing for me, I suppose it's a bit like a car crash where you just have to look & for me the gay bar scenes are certainly memorable although I am not sure they paint the gay community in a particularly good light. I mean according to Cruising all gays are hunky bodybuilder types who dress in tight t-shirts or vests, wear leather cowboy chaps, wear those leather caps & tight jeans who are all into kinky S&M leather bondage sex with complete strangers.

There is some priceless dialogue in Cruising that is laugh out loud funny, I know I shouldn't laugh but I did. The 'has anyone ever smoked your pipe' & 'come here, I want to show you my nightstick' lines had me in hysterics. Then of course there's the infamous interrogation scene when the NYPD use a naked except for a cowboy hat & jock strap big black guy to beat a suspect! A truly surreal yet funny scene that I probably won't forget in a hurry. Apparently cut by forty odd minutes Cruising can be pretty graphic at times, from vicious knife murders to severed limbs to autopsies, from explicit sexual dialogue to sequences set in gay bars to depictions of S&M. I'm sure many will will much here to object to but none of it really bothered me to be honest. Cruising caused a fair bit of controversy & there were prominent protests both during the filming of it & when it opened to theatres.

Technically the film is very good, it's well made & has that Hollywood polish about it although it still remains fairly gritty & sleazy just as it should. Shot on location in New York & in real gay bars there. The acting is very good from all involved, Pacino is just a great actor anyway & watchable in any film he's ever been in really.

Cruising is not a film for everyone & I think that is pretty clear but I have to say that I liked it & was pretty impressed. I don't really care if this ruffles a few feathers in the gay community or upsets anyone, I liked it & that's all that matters to me.
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Taut Thriller With Unique Twist
gdavenport27 June 2001
I know this film got bad reviews when it was first released but I have always thought it deserved much better than it got. The film is a very tense thriller with a terrific performance from Al Pacino. The film is filled with memorable scenes and characters. The killer is one of the most interesting villains I have seen.....attractive with a complex character that is both mesmerizing and frightening. The film has a creepy quality that sometimes reminds me of the feeling I got watching "Silence of the Lambs." The scene in which Pacino goes to the shop and views the different colored bandanas for sale provides some brief humor that gives your nerves a chance to calm down.
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sex, death and disco
sohrmn23 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
'Cruising' is not an especially good film. Not as a gruseome, gritty crime thriller. Not as an adaption of a crime novel. Not as one of the first mainstream Hollywood films to depict, often quite explicitly, the"after hours" life-style of some gay men.

The film depicts – intentionally or not – gay and bisexual men in a manner starkling similar to Hollywod vampires; i.e. nocternal, decadent, amoral and predatory.

Granted, it could be argued that the film's decadent aspects – namley the S&M leather bars and depicting the men who visit these bars as willingess to engage in casual, even public, sex acts may be accurate.

In the sexual liberation ethos of the 1970s (filming largely took place in the summer of 1979), before the AIDS pandemic, it is certainly possible that this is how some (mostly white, middle class) gay and bisexual men liked to "get down" and party after work.

The problem is that 'some' becomes 'all' as far as this film is concerned. The film makers had many creative and simple ways to better depict the gay community without being a bland, public service announcement.

The undercover cop has a gay neighbor who is a nice character (played by a terrific actor) but is not really given much to do, except be brutally murdered.

Franky, even the film's stars are not really given much to do, largely because the film removed much of character development, motivation and story arches found within the novel.

As a crime drama, we have a depiction of the New York City police department that is, frankly, down right scary.

I am surprised that members of law enforcement are not as outraged as the gay community is on how this film depicts them. 'Criminal Minds' or 'NCIS, it ain't.

The 'investigation' into a serial killer basically boils down to one straight man posing as a regular bar at kinky gay bars in the hopes that the killer will try and pick him up.

Basically, this means paying a straight man to dance in sweaty/smoky bars and then being awfully surprised that this is not an effective way to track down a serial killer.

Apparently, all that late night dancing (to some funky disco and punk music) gives the undercover agent a sexual identity crisis, which, in turn, transforms him into a gay murderer.

After the gay serial killer is caught, the gay neighbor is killed, apparently, by the undercover cop.

Yup, our film's hero becomes a gay serial killer after catching a gay serial killer have no idea. He hung out with gay and bisexual men? His girlfriend dumped him? He listened to punk rock music? The homophobia, sexism and good-old-fashion bad writing in this film makes for a rather tragic triad.

"Tragic" because the film has got a great cast and crew involved with it. The novel itself could be adapted into a great film. I even enjoyed the retro, 1970s music.

Film audiences -- gay or straight -- deserve better. Fans of gritty, crime thrillers deserve better. Heck, fans of vampires or the S&M scene deserve better.
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All dressed up, no place to go
moonspinner5522 January 2001
The first knifing in William Friedkin's "Cruising", which takes place in a seedy hotel room after two men have had sex, seemed so realistic I stared in numb surprise. It was something akin to what I imagine a snuff film would be like. Once straight cop Al Pacino is assigned to the case, going undercover in New York's gay leather bars to find the serial killer of homosexual men, I found the picture akin to cheap porno: ugly, depressing, degrading, repetitive and, finally, boring. A few good scenes here and there: Pacino practically forcing a man into sex because he thinks he's got the murderer, with the cops bursting in too soon; the interrogation scene of that unfortunate guy, who is achingly humiliated. Karen Allen (in her debut) has a nice, squirrelly presence as Pacino's girlfriend, and the pseudo-dramatic ending got a laugh out of me for its sheer dumbness. Pacino himself isn't shown to good advantage here; he's "acting," showing off, but he's not in character because there really is no character. The movie has a foreboding presence, but doesn't utilize it to build any kind of momentum. Alas, as a thriller, "Cruising" is impotent. *1/2 from ****
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subversive genius
m-c-hohmann30 January 2005
I had the pleasure of seeing this movie recently and I highly recommend it to any people who savor the darker things in life. If I had never seen this movie the reviews left about it everywhere on the net would surely have made me miss it at every opportunity but luckily I only came across them looking for more information after its viewing.

The first thing that really got me was the fantastic soundtrack. This is American punk rock at it's best and most glorious and I cannot think of a more apt context for it than the New York gay S&M scene. This my friends ... is punk-o-rama.

This is not a gay film ... nor is it a porno film ... this is an in your face horror much like William Friedkin's other classic "The Exorcist" ... but not a hammer horror nor a gore filled voyage through some fiery "kissing the devil's ass" hell but a very real slice of a very real life that exists in every major city in the world as well as some smaller ones. This is a film about a world so few know anything about that it is far above common criticism ... yet at the same time the directions and nuances are all too common. I would say that any fans of the movies of David Lynch might enjoy the somewhat lost disenchantment of this flick as it slides further and further into the darkest realms of the grotesque. As well anyone who's enjoyed the backwards pleasures of watching the cult classic "Je'Taime ... Moi Ne Plus" starring Jane Birkin would also find a little gem here.

"Cruisin'" is pure subversive genius.


Pure *ART*
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Village people
jotix1005 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
It is easy to dismiss this film as a piece of commercial psycho sexual exploitation thriller. This was a project that was controversial at the time it went into production and it met a lot of opposition from the same gay scene it wanted to present to a larger audience. If William Friedkin would have decided to direct the film today, it probably didn't cause the same uproar it did back then.

Al Pacino, an actor that brings all his intensity into most of the films in which he appears, seems to have been miscast as the undercover police officer he is supposed to portray on the screen. This was a movie based on real events. The main character, a policeman who worked on the case, probably didn't get a lot of publicity when the movie came out. Gerald Walker's novel was the basis for the screen treatment Mr. Friedkin gives credit as his inspiration for the script he created. In reality, Randy Jurgensen, a real undercover New York policeman, was involved in the investigation of a case that involved the killing of innocent gay victims.

"Cruising" presents a dark side of a faction of the gay life. As depicted frankly in the finished product, it probably will turn off squeamish viewers for the kind of rough scenes presented, something that never had been shown to a wide audience. This was a slice of life in New York City before the arrival of AIDS, something that no one during those careless years probably had in mind and which decimated a lot of the gay population addicted to this form of sexual activity.

The best way to watch the film is to have an open mind as it reflects a period of that culture in which a deranged individual zeroes in this particular group of people to wreck havoc among them.
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Murder mystery which tries, unsuccessfully, to freshen itself up by exploring the seedier side of the gay underworld.
barnabyrudge6 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
William Friedkin never quite returned to the heights of his early masterpieces The French Connection and The Exorcist, but in 1980 he plunged to new depths with Cruising. This thoroughly unsympathetic cop thriller set in the underbelly of New York's S&M scene seems to be rather over-impressed with its own courage in dealing with a hitherto taboo subject. The problem with Cruising is that the subject matter is treated terribly superficially – this is little more than a murder mystery, with scenes of excessive sleaze and gay bar activities tossed in to stir up some controversy. One almost feels that Friedkin wasn't happy with the idea of a simple, straightforward cop thriller, so he came up with all the gay scene trappings to add spice to his film. He uses gay characters and gay lifestyles merely to shock us, but never really gets down to making a serious statement about his sexual and political intentions.

Dismembered corpses are found in the Hudson River in New York. The police believe that the deaths are the work of a serial killer who is preying upon gay men, luring them from gay bars in the city, raping them, then killing them and throwing their cut-up remains into the water. Captain Edelson (Paul Sorvino) of the New York Police Department appoints rookie cop Steve Burns (Al Pacino) to crack the case. Burns – a straight guy with a steady girlfriend - is approximately the same build as the victims. Edelson hopes that he will go undercover in the gay underworld scene and attract a little attention upon himself – perhaps even lure the killer into the open. Determined initially to take on the case to win promotion, Burns gradually finds himself drawn deeper and deeper into the unfamiliar gay culture. His relationship with girlfriend Nancy (Karen Allen) suffers, and he finds himself uncertain of his own sexual identity and orientation.

The film aroused a large degree of protest when released, partly because it was ahead of its time and partly because gay activists were afraid that the film might set back their cause. Sometimes such controversy inadvertently generates extra box office for a film, but in the case of Cruising the film was a flop. Pacino gives an acceptable performance as the emotionally and sexually bewildered cop, though the script does him few favours. In a city as big as New York, it seems almost unthinkable that an undercover cop could be chosen to ensnare a serial killer merely because he is roughly the same build as one of the killer's preferred victims. It is such an unconvincing plot point, yet so important to the whole story, that it wrecks the film's credibility. On the plus side, the gay bar scenes seem fairly accurate, but less agreeable is the way some of the anti-gay characters who people the film are presented too over-the-top (for example, the police interrogator who assaults a gay man in his custody whilst wearing a jock-strap and cowboy hat.) The film's climax also sits awkwardly, especially the way that it hints that maybe Pacino himself has committed one of the murders. If we pursue this line of thought, are we to assume that the film is saying that indulging in gay activities will ultimately turn you into a killer? Cruising is a confused, repellent thriller. It treads ground that many movie makers are afraid to step upon, but sadly it never tells us much about the places and people it attempts to explore and emerges as a somewhat disappointing film.
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