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Yuen Biao is awesome
gridoon21 September 2005
First things first: the fight scenes in "Knockabout" are plentiful and SUPERB. Some of them are staged like elaborate comic dances - Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton would probably be pleased if they could see some of the gags here. In addition to his great fighting, Yuen Biao performs many admirable acrobatic feats (I doubt that Jackie Chan could ever do some of the stuff that Biao does here), and Sammo Hung moves with incredible agility for a man his size! There is also a lot of comedy in this film, which will not be to everyone's taste, as it involves a lot of mugging and twitching (as well as exaggerated sound effects and animal sounds), but there ARE some genuinely funny moments. The only problem with the film is the plodding pacing: there simply isn't enough story to support 100 minutes of running time. (**1/2)
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Keep on watching... it gets a whole lot better towards the end!
BA_Harrison6 October 2006
About half an hour into Knockabout and I was ready to award it a rating of 6; the martial arts were not particularly impressive and the comedy was routine. Half an hour later and I had changed my mind; the action had improved somewhat and the story was picking up. A 7 now seemed like a reasonable score.

By the end of the film, however, I was utterly flabbergasted: Knockabout had improved beyond belief, delivering one of the most impressive finales in a martial arts movie that I have had the pleasure to witness. I now award the movie an 8 and highly recommend it to fans of the genre.

Yuen Baio and Ka-Yan Leung play brothers Yipao and Taipao, lovable rogues who convince a martial arts expert to take them on as students. When Yipao discovers that their teacher is actually a wanted criminal, Silver Fox (Chia Yung Liu), he is attacked by his master. Taipao jumps in to protect his sibling but is killed; Yipao barely escape with his life. Seeking revenge, Yipao enlists the help of a beggar (Sammo Hung) who is a master of monkey-style kung fu, and together they take on Silver Fox in a breath-taking fight to the death.

On reflection, I now realise that the earlier, less impressive fights were deliberately underwhelming in order to show how much the brothers still had to learn. As they gain more experience, the fights get better and better, until the mind-bogglingly acrobatic ending in which Biao performs feats that need to be seen to be believed.

The training scenes with Sammo's beggar involve some of the greatest acrobatics I have ever witnessed and these alone make the film worth watching. A final battle with Hung and Biao combining their monkey kung fu skills against Chia Yung Liu's snake style rounds off a wonderfully satisfying movie experience.

Knockabout is a real treat for all lovers of old-school martial arts movies and especially fans of Yuen Baio and Sammo Hung.
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Yuen Biao stars
SamuraiNixon14 May 2008
Yuen Biao never got the acclaim that his Peking Opera brothers Sammo Hung and Jackie Chan obtained (all part of the Seven Little Fortunes), but for martial art movie fans he is still widely appreciated. His breakout in the Hong Kong film industry was his first starring role in Knockabout in 1979. Of course, it helped that the director was Sammo Hung Kam-Bo, but Yuen's reputation was solid for his years of stunt work, being an extra and doubling actors for dangerous or acrobatic scenes (he would continue to do that after this film). This film is full of under-appreciated martial artists and performers though.

Knockabout is the fourth film directed by Sammo Hung and is one of the many hybrid Kung Fu comedies (Mo Lai Tau style) produced by Golden Harvest that were popular in the late 70's Hong Kong like Drunken Master (1978) and Hung's earlier film Enter the Fat Dragon (1978). While it was not the resounding success that Drunken Master was, it has had a resurgence in popularity the past few years.

Biao stars as Hei Yu (also called Little John in the subtitles) as a congenial con-artist with his brother Big John (Leung Kar-Yan: Warriors Two, The Postman Strikes Back) who have to cheat or steal to stay fed. After a successful scam on a cheating gold exchange cashier (working off the old adage that the best people to con are the ones who think they are conning you), they decide to gamble their profit at the local casino. They are quite unsuccessful at it and get beat up when unbeknownst to them they try to fool a gambling house with fake money. But like the consummate con-men they are, if they fail once, they will look for another mark. The new rube is an elderly man (the not-so-elderly and underrated Lau Kar-Wing who is mostly known for being the brother of Lau Kar-Leung, though he is an excellent martial artist who has appeared in many supporting roles) who is eating at the local teahouse. Their set-up fails miserably and so they set to take revenge on Jia Wu-Dao by ambushing him. Of course, he just happens to be a Kung Fu master. After they get beat up they ask him to be their sifu. He eventually acquiesces, but there seems to be something mysterious and sinister about him.

There are a few problems with the film. Karl Maka's role as the bald inspector reminds me too much of a clone of Dean Shek. The composition of the film is unbalanced. It starts mostly with comedy for the first 50 minutes and then ends heavily with action. I liked both elements, but the cohesion of the two did not quite work as a whole. The plot's biggest weakness is the inevitable turn of Jia Wu-Dao against his pupils. You knew it was going to happen, but it felt forced. And the prolific use of lifting copyrighted material for music continues with the cue for the Fat Beggar lifted from Ennio Morricone's score in The Good, The Bad and The Ugly (1966).

Luckily, there is so much to like with this movie. Biao and Leung work well together as brothers and would continue to work with Hung on later films. The portrayal of Jia Wu-Dao by Lau Kar-Wing is interesting because he is not a one-dimensional character. He cares for his adopted pupils and trains them well in martial arts (every good teacher always hides something from his students though). This makes the character change more shocking, but also makes it feel less real. I enjoyed the comedic touches like the overly flexible Yuen Biao (that is not his leg) and the ordinary men they look to beat up.

However, the best parts of the film are the training and martial art sequences in the last half of the movie. These segments are so strong that you tend to forget the somewhat meandering and mostly comedic nature of the previous scenes. The training involves some of the more masochistic devices to help, and I will not spoil them here. I will state that you get to see Biao show off his abilities with his excellent forms and most awesome somersaulting ability. The fighting scenes include an excellent team match between Seven Dwarfs (Lee Hoi-Sang: bald as usual), Snow White (Wang Kuang-Yu: The Water Margin (1972)) versus Little John and Big John. Also, I think you might enjoy the "finishing move" of Jia Wu-Dao. I am not sure I've seen much use of this professional wrestling move in Hong Kong cinema, but I have seen The Rock use it many times. Also, in the tradition of saving the best for last, you get a 12 minute fight sequence at the end that is sublime in its intestinal fortitude.

Sammo Hung was not only the director and a supporting actor in this film; he is also the action director (fans of the auteur theory should take note). His knowledge and presence help make this one of the underrated classics in martial art cinema. The competition between him and Jackie Chan during this time period helped create more intricate and daring martial art scenes for there movies. With Knockabout there is one of the best martial art movie sequences of the 70s. Knockabout is a must watch for devotees of this genre and should be a good case study for future action directors on how to choreograph. Knockabout also shows you the skill of Yuen Biao and why he should be regarded as one of the best martial art actors of the 1970s/80s.
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Some great kung fu, marred by some sub-par comedy
scott_quirico24 May 2006
First off, Yuen Biao is amazing, and teaming him with Sammo Hung always makes for a good movie. Fans of those two should definitely see this one. The problem here is that this film doesn't get to the good stuff until 2/3 of the way through.

The first third is mainly over-the-top goofy comedy where Yuen Biao and his brother try to work various scams on unsuspecting people. I usually like Sammo's comedies, but this part seemed to fall flat. I think that's because it tried too hard to be goofy and funny, for example the characters are constantly twitching and making silly faces.

The second third is a mix of comedy and kung fu when the brothers undertake some training. This part comes off fairly well and nicely sets up the story for a twist that takes off in the final third.

The final third of the film switches to a typical training-for-revenge story, and this part is downright great. Yuen Biao undergoes some of the best training scenes I can remember and finally gets to let loose and show his stuff. This culminates in a long fight scene with the villain that's both intense and inventive. If the whole movie was like this I'd give it a nine or ten, but it's weighed down by the first parts to end up just above average.
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absolutely brilliant!!! 10 out of 10
scottnow27 April 2004
I just love this movie and give it 10 out of 10. Sammo is great and is his usual funny self with great martial arts, but Yuen Baio is AMAZING! I know he is famous for his kicking and acrobatic prowess, but in this film he is absolutely awesome. Some of the training sequences with Sammo where he is back flipping, somersaulting etc whilst using a skipping rope really show his fantastic acrobatic skills and he looks dead cute and sexy as well. His facial expressions are great whether he is being silly or serious and shows that he also a good actor as well as being an amazing martial artist. If you are a Yuen Baio fan, this film is a DEFINITE MUST SEE.
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Great training scenes, average acting, bizarre plot twist and effects
Groverdox30 August 2019
"Knockabout" is the kung fu flick that gave legendary cinema acrobat Yuen Biao his first starring role. It was directed by and co-starred his Peking Opera School "brother", Sammo Hung, who despite his chunky frame was also astonishingly nimble.

The movie, if you ask me, really isn't that great. It's worth seeing for Biao's athleticism, particularly in the training sequences, of which "Knockabout" has more than average. The plot is strange, taking a really unexpected turn at the eleventh hour with a character going from the typical wise old man to an evil villain. It also has a really awkward mix of humour that leaves one unprepared for scenes in which we are led to believe the characters involved were killed.

Aside from the training bits, including an astonishing jump-rope sequence in which Yuen does backflips through the rope, it has one other unforgettable scene, due to it being unintentionally disturbing. Yuen and another actor fight a bald-headed henchman, and with each blow delivered to him, he gets a bright red bump on his head, as though this were a cartoon. Soon, his head is covered with red bumps. This leaves us with an absolutely appalling image. It looks like the man's head is infested with cysts or tumours. It is hard to look at it. Even thinking about it is making me nauseous.

Thankfully this only happens in one fight scene. The fight scenes in "Knockabout" aren't that great. They look so choreographed that it seems like the people involved aren't fighting, but dancing. It's so stiff and clearly rehearsed, though it does look dangerous.

I used to think this was one of Yuen's best. Rewatching it just now, I have changed my mind. The best is probably "The Prodigal Son".
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it doesn't get any better than this
pressureworld4 August 2001
After watching this the only comment i could make was that sammo hung actor, director is a damn genius I collect gallios and kung fu films and this is one of the greatest of all time easily in the top five. It starts off kind of silly the great yuen Biao in his (debut role)and the awsome Ka Yan Leung are brothers when lueng is killed by their teacher yuen gets revenge his new teacher is begger sammo they double team the master in a 15 minute duel the moves are so crisp and yuen sammo and Leung as well as the evil master Lau ka Wing are at the top of their game. this easily blows away the overrated shaw brothers films and yuen wo pings films from the same period. but you won't want to stop here,check out the Odd Couple ,The Victim Warriors Two, Blade of Fury and The Magnificent Butcher, you can thank me later.
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It sucked
I-Sense-A-Plot20 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The story stars Yuen Biao as Little John, and his on screen brother Big John is played by Leung Kar Yan.

Lau Kar Wing(famous director and brother of the equally famous Lau Kar Leung) plays the villain "Silver Fox".

The movie opens with a hilarious con by Big John and Little John that goes horribly wrong when the beggar, played Sammo Hung (who also directed) derails the plan. The two brothers are left hungry and without money after the plan goes bad so they look for another sucker to dupe. They meet Silver Fox, who not only out smarts them, but beats them terribly.

The con artist brothers realise that it is yet another opportunity to scam the man, and beg to become his students hoping Silver Fox will pay their bills, give them a place to live, and pay their gambling debts. They succeed. Silver Fox becomes their new "master" and takes care of them, but little do they know, Silver Fox is evil. He teaches the brothers to fight, and they are good. The only problem is that they can't fight without each other. Little John learns to Northern Kick and Big John learns the Southern Fist. Lau Kar Wing a real life practitioner of Hung Gar was excellent and comparatively, the other actors were out of their depth.

Things go wrong when Little John learns that his master is not only evil but is also an outlaw and a cop killer. Big John is eventually murdered by the teacher saving Little John's life. Little John vows to take revenge on his old master. He runs into the Beggar, learning that he is versed in monkey Kung Fu. He begs the Begger to teach him, but the Beggar refuses. Little John eventually cons the Beggar into becoming his teacher. Apparently he's learned nothing from the death of his "con" artist brother.

The Kung Fu lessons are full of insults and abuse. The Beggar and Little John don't particularly care for one another and Little John already seems to be over the death of his closest brother. Yuen Biao is nimble enough, and his acrobats are nice. But the monkey Kung Fu sucks. If you want to see excellent "Monkey" Kung Fu, go watch MAD MONKEY KUNG FU, better story, better stunts, better acrobats, and better training sequences.

Yuen Biao is nothing short of amazing though and he is clearly skilled as history would dictate. But his Kung Fu skills (in this movie) are too slow, and choreographed. Sammo Hung as a director is terrible. He uses camera tricks to make the actors move faster, and to cover the fact that some of the moves are lacking. Yuen Baio and Leung Kar Yan move like they're counting numbers "1-2-3-left" arm throw, it's very slow and contrived to me.

I can tell that Leung Kar Yan had no formal martial arts training, and Yuen Biao of course is very good but the choreography didn't do him justice. Plus, the students didn't care about their master, and in the end, Yuen Biao and the Beggar barely liked each other.

These student-teacher relationships are all about respect but this silly movie failed to capture the essence of these important relationships.

I will say that, Knockabout was very funny, and it did make me laugh. So I think fans of Yuen Biao and that other guy, Sammo Hung will enjoy this movie. I'm no fan of Sammo Hung so I didn't but Yuen Biao and Leung Kar Yan did just enough to keep me entertained. Ultimately, it was forgettable.
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The quintessential kung fu movie!
sarastro77 February 2005
"Knockabout" is a prime example of all the virtues of old school kung fu movies. It has cool characters, comedy, seriousness, a classic type of story, and loads and loads of great fighting and training sequences (especially, of course, towards the end). And it has these elements in such gold standard versions that it comprises a superb representation of the classic Hong Kong martial arts movie genre.

"Knockabout" brings together three of that time's top names in the world of kung fu movie-making, Sammo Hung, Ka-Yan Leung and Yuen Biao. Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao went on to do many movies with Jackie Chan, and actually Ka-Yan Leung's comedic role in this movie could well have been played by Jackie Chan. But I guess, at the time (1979), Ka-Yan Leung was a hotter name. This is the first time I've seen Ka-Yan Leung in a comedy role; he's usually very intense and serious, and often even bitter (see "Lightning Kung Fu" and "The Postman Strikes Back"). So this is quite a change. He pulls off the comedy part very well indeed, demonstrating that his acting range isn't limited to one kind of role.

The main reason Ka-Yan Leung's such a hot property, however, is his marvelous kung fu skills. In "Knockabout" he and Yuen Biao are a couple of thieving brothers who're pretty good at kung fu. But when they encounter a guy they can't beat, they beg to become his students. And indeed, he teaches them to become so good that (as he tells them) "ordinary people" are no match for them. So, the happy-go-lucky brothers promptly go out in search of some "ordinary people" to test their new skills against. They find a bunch of extortion racketeers at the local marketplace, who, when asked who they are, claim to be "merely ordinary people" - and then, of course, the fighting breaks out! Very effective comedy.

Sammo Hung plays a beggar/thief who follows the naive brothers, consistently fooling them out of half their loot. When their newfound master turns out to be a bad guy who only trained the brothers in order to fight off his enemies (who were using combinations of styles that no one person could counter, but two could), Sammo's the only one who knows enough kung fu to beat him. And that's leaving out a *lot* of details! This is a very good movie with a good story, but parts of it are not as entertaining as it could be. The seriousness is *too* serious, considering how wacky the movie's comedy dimension is, so it comes off as not being very well balanced.

I rate "Knockabout" an 8 out of 10. It's among the really good ones, although one movie with a similar cast that is even better, is "Prodigal Son" (1982), which I rate a 9. (9 is my top rating for movies without several layers and other exceptional qualities, like aesthetic cinematography, etc. So far, the only kung fu movies I've rated a "10" are "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" and "Hero".)
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BandSAboutMovies1 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Once he established himself as the premier action choreographer in Hong Kong, Sammo Hung directed the Iron-Fisted Monk for Golden Harvest and followed it up with a movie that would give Yuen Baio his first starring role.

Yuen Biao is Yipao while Bryan Leung is Taipao. Things are looking up as they cheat everyone around them with con games, but that's until they meet Jia Wu Dao (legendary Shaw Brothers fight choreographer Lau Kar-Wing) who decimates them in a two on one fight. They ask him to train them so that they can become great fighters, but Yipao soon discovers that his new mentor is a murderer. When he tries to kill the young man to keep his secret, Taipao takes the fatal strike in his place.

Yipao escapes and wonders how he will ever avenge his brother when he meets a large beggar played by Hung. Will the new monkey style kung fu he's learned be enough to stop Jia Wu Dao's snake style?

I kind of love this tagline when this was released in the U. S. as The Jade Warriors: "His name is Samo Hung, Bruce Lee's fattest contender in Enter the Dragon. Juan Biao is Jackie Chan's toughest Kung Fu opponent ever. Together Samo Hung and Juan Biao will go up against the odds... And then the evens." Were they trying to sell Yuen Baio as Latino? Or did they figure no one could pronounce his name?

And no, your ears do not deceive you. This has the theme from The Good, The Bad and The Ugly in it.
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Facial tics and furious kicks.
illogik27 July 2003
Its no joke, this movie is INSANE.

Hong Kongs most underated talent Yuen Biao and Hong Kongs greatest talent and my personal favorite Sammo Hung team up for some memorable scenes. The training montage is the best i have ever laid eyes on Yuen does back flips, kip ups, cartwheels, sommersaults and a plethora of other superhuman feats.... WHILE SKIPPING! Another act that had my jaw on the floor was Yuen Biao doing strait legged backwards tumbles with sharpend bamboo splints strapped to the back of his legs. Must be seen to be belived.

10/10 An often overlooked classic.
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Yuen Biao's debut as leading man
dworldeater3 September 2023
Knockabout is Yuen Biao's debut as leading man. Directed by his good friend Sammo, who also put together the fights as well. Overall, this was well done. However, the goofy humor wore a little thin on me this time around. Perhaps I am a little burned out by watching 4 of these kung fu /comedies in a row. I won't complain about the fights, they are fast and furious and as good as they can be. For acrobatic kung fu, Yuen Biao's in the A list. Compared to his other two Chinese opera brothers (Jackie and Sammo), Yuen Biao is sometimes overlooked. This has a good cast with Yuen, Sammo, Beardie and other familiar faces from 70's/80's kung fu films. Knockabout does not rank as one of favorites, but it's a good enough watch to recommend to fans of the genre.
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Not good
kanifuker-8470813 July 2022
You can see from this movie where they improved things when they made The Prodigal Son 2yrs later. This wasn't good at all from the plot to what exactly was going on.
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Knockabout no knockoff...
poe4263 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
KNOCKABOUT follows the contretempts of a pair of brothers, Yipao (Yuen Biao) and Taipao (Ka-yang Leung), as they seek to eke out a living swindling anyone and everyone they can. Shadowing them throughout is a beggar (Sammo Hung) who's also a sneak-thief and who has a pet monkey. The interplay throughout is beautifully handled as the three drifter grifters butt heads (funny especially early on because Biao and Leung aren't even AWARE that Sammo is picking their pockets). Yet again we have some absolutely brilliant fight choreography by Sammo (you can get winded just WATCHING these guys!), and there are the kind of off-the-wall characters we've come to expect from a Sammo movie throughout- the funniest (so to speak) being a pair of EFFEME fatales (two guys) who kick up a fuss at one point. Both Sammo and Biao showcase their outstanding skills in scene after scene. The one and only problem I had with this one was an unfortunate tendency for the subtitles to disappear altogether for periods of time (when they weren't being poorly synched to the action). In all honesty, the action was still easy to follow, but the problem was annoying. Still, a solid ten.
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Monkey on your back...
Guardia1 November 2006
A Kung Fu/comedy film about two brothers who are trying to get ahead in life using various scams and tricks on the public. This is one of the best films that demonstrate Yuen Biao's amazing acrobatic ability, not to mention his fundamental Kung Fu techniques.

As like many other Sammo Hung films, there is an attempt to blend comedy, Kung Fu action, and drama. Most of the time it works, but there are certain scenes that sort of fall flat due to the utter reliance of on poor slapstick. Ka-Yan Leung's reactions are not as effective as they could of been, and even some of Yuen Biao's are a little hard to take.

But apart from that minor problem, this film is awesome at everything else it attempts. Sammo's appearance is very satisfying and entertaining, as he plays a kind of beggar/master for Yuen Biao's character - the closest he's ever come to playing the notorious So Hai character I would guess. And the fighting increases in interest and technique as the film progresses flawlessly.

Sammo really is/was a true ground-breaking director, and Yuen Biao under his direction is outstanding. This film is somewhere between "Iron-fisted Monk", and "The Young Master", in terms of it's Kung Fu and dramatic content.
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Monkey business
kosmasp27 September 2022
No pun intended - and one of the movies I might not have seen when I was little. I know for sure I don't remember this one at all. Maybe I was watching more Shaw Brothers stuff and not so much Golden Harvest. Anyway, this has Yuen Biao in it - in the leading role. And he has quite the funny sidekick/friend to him. Morally speaking those two have some issues. But as the story progresses we see more and more that they have more empathy and good morals too - more than others for sure.

Apart from those two, we also have someone who becomes their master (Shi Fu) and also Sammo Hung. And a lot of slapstick comedy - which I am certain had its origin in US movies (Buster Keaton and others) - but of course mixed with martial arts it becomes a completely new thing, that is equally as awesome.

But the movie does not only walk a thin line when it comes to the comedy versus the fighting (or "and" instead of versus - no pun intended), but also the change in tone midway through the movie. Great fights to say the least, while the movie may have some ... pacing issues. Still I prefer the original version instead of the shorter international version. You get a feel (and comedy) from those minutes cut mostly from the beginning. They may have also cut some references to chinese tv shows (even weather station/show apparently) that western audiences may not get ... but again, there is more fun in the longer version ... even if you may not get every joke.
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This is an underrated material arts gem that's an absolute must see
kevin_robbins20 October 2022
Knockabout (1979) is a movie in my DVD collection that I recently rewatched on Prime. The storyline follows a pair of young friends looking for direction in life. While stealing resources to survive they meet a martial arts master that teaches them martial arts. When they discover he's actually a bad guy they try to escape only to have to face him.

This movie is directed by and stars Sammo Kam-Bo Hung (The Victim) and also stars Biao Yuen (The Prodigal Son), Chia-Yung Liu (The 36th Chamber of Shaolin) and Ka-Yan Leung (The Victim).

Everything about this movie is amazing. The cast delivers outstanding performances in both martial arts, comedy and character development. The choreography is out of this world and does a great job of mixing in hand to hand combat, weapons and random objects. The training scenes are also very well done and it was fun seeing animals mixed into the martial arts characteristics all the way to the final fight. The storyline is also very smart and clever, especially for the martial arts genre.

Overall, this is an underrated material arts gem that's an absolute must see. I would score this a 10/10 and strongly recommend it.
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Knockabout...Yuen Biao and Leung Kar Yan
gorytus-2067231 July 2021
Aug 21

Knockabout starring Yuen Biao and Leung Kar Yan is yet another tip top comedy martial arts film also with a big part from Sammo Hung.

The comedy is great, the martial arts are great, just plenty of fun all round.

Another absolute must watch.

9.5 out of 10.
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Amazing Kung Fu Movie
coconutkungfu-3070418 February 2020
This is Yuen Biao's second best starring role IMHO.

He really gets his time to shine in this terrifically choreographed film. The acrobatics are very impressive, Leung Kar Yan gives one of his greatest fighting performances and the finale is one of the greatest kung fu finales ever.

Required viewing for kung fu fans!
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Outdoes Drunken Master in terms of enthralling action and intense training
Leofwine_draca13 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is a superlative, period-set kung fu comedy along the lines of DRUNKEN MASTER – except it's actually better! Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao are in their physical prime and as an added bonus Sammo sets a high standard with some fine directing. Essentially, this is a film of two halves, with the first half along the typical lines of a kung fu comedy – lots of gurning, slapstick, and silly double/triple cross situations, plus over the top characters (the emphasis is very much on the effeminate) and some action here and there. Biao and Leung Kar-Yan both prove to be adept in their roles, particularly Kar-Yan as the sympathetic kung fu student.

The second half of the film changes track into revenge-thriller territory, although there's still time for some comic horseplay as Sammo and Yuen grapple over a chicken. Biao takes part in some truly gruelling training sequences which even top those performed by Jackie Chan in DRUNKEN MASTER, and then it's time for the flawless extended ending, which sees Sammo and Yuen tag-teaming the truly evil kung fu master, Lau Kar-Wing, who seems almost immortal. This fight is furious, fast-paced and brutal, often managing to be hilarious in equal measure as Sammo and Yuen master monkey kung-fu and end up hanging from the ceiling as they battle their opponent.

The fight scenes are superbly staged and both Sammo and Yuen put in great performances – Sammo as the twitchy beggar and Yuen as the arrogant, headstrong fighter. The supporting cast is very good, including PROJECT A villain Lee Hoi Sang whose bald head takes a vicious bumping and an unrecognisable turn from Lam Ching Ying. Kar-Wing's villain is one you love to hate and as a whole the film gels together very well, funny during the comedy and exciting during the fighting. Another classic from Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao, the best cinematic pairing of all time.
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Comedy and Kung Fu meld into a wonderful film
dafrosts25 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Yipao (Biao) and Taipao (Ka-Yan)(My CC shows their names as Lil Jon and Big Jon) are the Hope and Crosby of the countryside, if Hope and Crosby knew Kung-Fu. These two run every kind of scam possible to make money. They are robbed by The Beggar (Sammo)twice, while arguing over their bounty. After running afoul of a casino owner and ending up penniless, they try a scam at a restaurant to get food. It backfires as they get played by their "sucker", The Fox(Chia Yung Li), who not only takes the Jade ring Taipao wears, but also roughs the Duo up pretty well. The boys develop an elaborate scam involving The Fox taking them on as students. The Fox trains them to work as a team. The Fox uses them to eliminate his old partners, Matchmaker and The Painter. The duo heads into town and attempts another scam against the Casino owner. Their scam is revealed by The Beggar, who also steals the Duo's money. The Duo manages to beat the Casino owner's minions this time, but still end up penniless. Yipao returns to The Fox's home, in time to overhear a conversation between The Fox and a policeman called The Tiger, in which The Fox's true nature is revealed. Yipao watches, from a hiding place, as his "master" kills The Tiger. Taipao returns to the house shortly after the murder and unintentionally alerts The Fox to the fact Yipao knows his true identity. This leads to some amazing fighting in which The Fox tries to kill Yipao. Taipao gives his own life to save his brother. Yipao goes on the run and encounters The Beggar, who takes Yipao on as a student. The training is humorous to watch. The jump roping scene is incredible. I rewound the movie to watch it three times. The final fight scene is worth every moment. The Monkey style The Beggar and Yipao use is humorous and powerful against The Fox's snake style. Even in battle, The Beggar and Yipao find humor. I always feel sorry for the restaurant owners' in these movies. Their places always end up in shambles. I give this movie an 8 out of 10 because the fight scenes are incredibly impressive. The humor seals it. Another winner for Sammo and troupe.
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