I enjoyed this one a lot. I liked seeing Tora be a bit more closer to hero than anti-hero than usual. While he has his family squabbles and other expected flaws, I liked things like him bringing his family gifts (though he did mistakenly get them the wrong things), and then he even got to save a young woman from an attempted attack that was... surprisingly intense for Tora-san.
I mean, it was often jarring to see Zatoichi save a woman from a similar situation in one of his movies, and violence was a far more common presence in that series.
There was toilet humour it in this one, too? Tbh, I liked it. My sense of humour can be pretty immature at times, and it being unexpected made it funny. Absolutely nuts opening dream sequence, too.
Also quite liked the general story, and really loved the song near the end.
Still not sure about the priest as a character- he did particularly little in this one, and I'm guessing they just have to put him in all of them (he is also a legendary Japanese actor, so maybe they want to keep working with him regardless).