Beyond the Poseidon Adventure (1979) Poster

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the plot is thinner than shaved ham,but the movie is actually quite fun
disdressed125 June 2008
it took awhile for me to get into this movie.but somewhere along the line,i actually started to enjoy myself.once you get around the wafer thin plot,it's not half bad.the trick with this movie is to not take it too seriously.for instance,as soon as the bad guys show up,you know they're bad long before they reveal their intentions.the only other thing they could have done to telegraph they were bad would have been to have been for them each to have a neon sign over their heads saying's that absurd.and there's some cringe worthy dialogue.however,the are some very witty one liners mostly courtesy of Sally Field,and their was an interesting,and(mostly)likable mix of characters.there were actually even a few exciting moments.of course,there are endless explosions.this movie doesn't hold a candle to the original Poseidon was actually fairly pointless,when you think about.but it was fun,and actually quite entertaining.for me,Beyond the Poseidon adventure is a solid 5/10
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Stupid people get what they deserve.
mark.waltz7 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, so you're out at sea after a tidal wave and come across a huge ocean liner that is upside down. What would your first thought be? Going in and looking for valuables? That's exactly what Michael Caine plans along with his small tug assistant Karl Malden and the reluctant passenger, Sally Field, along with the captain of another boat, Telly Savalas, who claims to be part of the rescue team looking for other survivors. I guess they weren't in the main room when Carol Lynley sang "The Morning After". The ship's nurse (there's only one?), Shirley Jones, and some other passengers are found, claiming they were with the other passengers but got separated somehow. Funny, I don't remember seeing them and I certainly would remember seeing Marian the librarian and Shirley Partridge with Ernest, Stella, Gene, Shelley and the others from the original film.

"I find it very ironic captain that I'm one of the people that I came down to rescue", Telly Savalas says, and it's probably the most intelligent quote in the movie. Why didn't Michael Caine just leave a trail of breadcrumbs in the path that they utilize to get down and put something to block vent from closing on them so they would be trapped? Those plot devices are absurd but certainly more intelligent than anything that happens in this wonderfully laughable film that if it wasn't so ridiculous would make a great disaster movie spoof.

Sally Field is absolutely wonderful in this because she has never played a dumb character (dizzy yes, dumb no) up until then, and she shares her Oscar for "Norma Rae" that year with this performance. There should be a drinking game for every time she says something idiotic. You've also got Peter Boyle, Slim Pickens, Angela Cartwright, Shirley Knight, Jack Warden, Veronica Hamel and Mark Harmon, maybe not a story cast for the most part, but an eclectic one. Then there's the art direction. Nobody can create an upside-down ship set like Irwin Allen.

I would rank this one a little worse than "The Swarm" but much better than "When Time Ran Out", ironic considering that it came out in between those two, showing that the time of Irwin Allen had long passed. So between trying to get these surviving passengers out of there, Kane, Field and Malden find the cash room, and even though there are explosions going on around them, they stop to analyze the value of the antique coins. You can't make a bad movie any more fun like this because everything is just so ridiculous. I could have ranked this as a bomb, but I had too much fun so that takes it up a couple notches.
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Sequel of famous film with a sensational although wasted casting
ma-cortes19 March 2007
This formula disaster movie from Irwin Allen (Towering inferno) concerns about the famous ship , previously winner of numerous Oscars and some former footage is sprinkled into the opening sequence . Later wreckage Poseidon during New year's eve , when a tidal wave overturns it , now Michael Caine is the captain of a crew (Sally Field,Karl Malden) which race each other commanded by Telly Savallas for obtaining reward and loot . After sea tragedy Poseidon centering on survivors from liner passenger and the rescuers of the shipboard .

This mediocre sequel blends action , intrigue , gunshots , disaster spectacle , suspense and emotional byplay with romance included . Our heroes get stuck in the ship before it sinks . The protagonists spend most of their time devising grisly ways for avoid to die like the first part . The picture isn't bad but deeds better and more spectacularly filmed in ¨The Poseidon adventure¨ . The explosion , pyrotechnics , floods are spectacular but the film is just another usual Hollywood product . Succeeds only in wasting various talented actors , an all-star-cast formed by Michael Caine in a similar role Gene Hackman-alike , Jack Warden as a blind passenger , Slim Pickens as a habitual role , Peter Boyle as a zealous father of his daughter Angela Cartwhright enamored by Mark Harmon , besides appears Veronica Hamel , Shirley Knight , Shirley Jones...Lively score musical by Jerry Fielding and colorful cinematography by Joseph Biroc . It's an Irwin Allen's rehash of former disaster movie clichés that even the splendid casting cannot save . The picture is one of the last Allen's flops along with ¨Swarm¨ and ¨When the time ran out¨. Rating : Average but entertaining , it's a fairly watchable disaster movie .
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Obviously inferior, but fun in a bad way!
Poseidon-321 April 2000
This horrifyingly bad and automatically inferior sequel to "The Poseidon Adventure" came and went in theaters so quickly that one could be forgiven for not even realizing that it ever existed! The real victim here was Paul Gallico, the author of the original story. When "PA" was made into a film, the writers changed several things around (as often happens). When plans of a sequel came about, Gallico wrote the sequel to the novel based NOT on his own great little book, but on the FILM's storyline. Then the filmmakers discarded his novel "Beyond the Poseidon Adventure" and went with the version found here. So he adjusted his characters and story to fit Hollywood's version, only to have it abandoned in favor of this rehash. In it, two disparate groups join up to either salvage loot from the overturned vessel or rescue any leftover survivors. Instantly they are trapped as the boat belches and rocks continuously, yet they stay inside to find salvage, linger over conversations with newly discovered passengers and finally run around shooting at each other! The inexplicable cleanliness of the sets and utter illogic of the storyline pale in comparison to the hilariously bad dialogue and the banal music score. Previous, greater disaster movies had majestic scores done by excellent composers. This music has no memorable opening theme and features inappropriate and discordant music during scenes (often a whimsical "Flight of the Bumblebee" type of thing is heard.) Some of the dialogue has to be heard to be believed. One classic scene is when Knight dislocates her shoulder after grappling to save her blind husband Warden. Award-magnet Knight does a terrific job of displaying her injury and is carried over to a corner and revived realistically with smelling salts. Then purportedly-kind nurse Jones reveals an utter lack of bedside manner. Does she resort to the standard "You'll only feel a slight prick" or "This won't hurt a bit"??? Nooooo She grabs Ms. Knight's arm and goes, "This is going to hurt a great deal Mrs. Meredith, I'm so sorry!" Apparently, the violence of this scene was so intense that it had to be filmed through debris (fully obscuring Jones' face!) so as not to shock the audience! The characters are unwaveringly pathetic and annoying (and in many cases, just thinly disguised versions of folks from the original film.) Boyle is mercilessly loud and obnoxious, taking Ernest Borgnine's "type" to a new level of irritation. Cartwright is a little old to be playing the little girl sort of role that Pamela Sue Martin already did. Her costume makes her look like a frump. Pickens is hilarious, drawling out lines like, "Who's Svevo? As a matter of fact, who's Suzanne?" in a thick Texas accent. Jones' character is a drippy nurse and has to dredge up her own long-ago award just like Shelley Winters' swimming medal, to no good effect. Warden and Malden vie for audience sympathy with their afflictions, but don't get any. Field rubs immediate tarnish on her Oscar for "Norma Rae" with her over-the-top, "Three's Company" - level comedic attempts and Caine should have known better, but this was his period of making bomb after bomb. Still, it's fun on a camp level to watch once and future Oscar-winners slumming badly. Hamel, for the brief time she is on screen, is both alluring and amusing. Sadly, this and "When Time Ran Out" would slam the lid on any hopes of a film career, but she rebounded on television. Knight adds some much needed class, desperately trying to underact and say her lines with dignity amidst all the squalid overacting and preposterous situations. She is done no favors for this. Sadly, the old VHS and now the newly released DVD shear 8 minutes off the film's running time, cutting a lot of Warden, Knight and Jones' scenes, even removing the fact that Warden and Knight are authors! These were sentimental moments between all three and must have been spliced out in order to keep the action, such as it is, moving. It's a pointless, grave-robbing hack job intended to wring more money out of the classic original, but which sank like a stone at the box office. At least now it can be enjoyed for the audacious mess that it is!
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TOTAL disaster movie!
milliefan11 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Being stuck in bed with the flu and feeling too rough to get up to find the remote, I actually watched this abomination from start to finish (how many people can say that? And for any who can - what's your excuse?). My God, has there ever, EVER been such a total mess released by a major studio? There is not one second of genuine tension in a supposed "thriller"; the script is inept and ludicrous; the sets look like they were leftovers from a low-budget TV movie; and the cast ... WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?!!! Sally Field gives what is without doubt the worst and most embarrassing performance of any Academy Award winner in history. Her irritating nasal whine and stupidly perky behaviour in what is meant to be a life-threatening situation are truly asinine. It's a wonder she didn't use all her future earnings to buy up and destroy every print of this turkey. Michael Caine, who now pontificates endlessly on the art of screen acting - even running master classes for would-be thespians - should be taken out and shot (preferably by one of Telly Savalas' henchmen). Angela Cartwright, an actress I usually like (and whose name isn't even in the opening credits, poor soul), is ten years too old for her role, and her horrible matronly yellow prom dress must haunt her nightmares to this day. Slumming it are Karl Malden and Shirley Knight - hopefully they collected a big pay packet to assuage their involvement. The whole film is a series of bad scenes, but one that especially sticks in my mind is the explosion which results in the "ceiling" (if an upside-down ship's deck can be termed as such) collapsing and a load of empty cardboard boxes falling through! Ooh, how scary! Really, really, terrible.
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Just hopeless
preppy-322 May 2015
Pointless sequel to "The Poseidon Adventure" that came out 7 YEARS after the original! It opens shortly after the survivors of the original are rescued and flown away. Then a small salvage crew (Michael Caine, Karl Malden and Sally Field) arrives to get what jewels and money they can get from the boat before it totally sinks. Then ANOTHER boat shows up headed by a doctor (Telly Savalas) to find and help any more survivors. So they all head into the ship. They find MORE survivors but their way out is blocked off and they have to find a way out.

Pointless and stupid full of HUGE plot holes (it is never explained what Savalas wants and why) and stock characters. The puzzling thing is they got talented actors to play these one-dimensional roles. There's Peter Boyle (with hair) playing a angry father, his young daughter (Angela Cartwright) and a man who saved her (Mark Harmon). Then there's a married couple (Shirley Knight and Jack Weston) who needs help...but he's blind. Then there's Shirley Jones as a nurse. Next up is a "humorous" drunk played by Slim Pickens. Last is Veronica Hammel who barely figures in this.

Field plays the "comic" relief but some of her lines are downright painful. The situations are dull and the action sequences are just rehashes from the first film. There's a HUGE amount of things that make little sense (good luck trying to figure out what happened between Hammil and Savalas) and it gets frustrating. The acting varies. The whole cast tries but the characters are drab and the dialogue is terrible. Savalas is easily the worst actor here. Caine is the best. But, all in all, a dull pointless movie. Avoid.
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Beyond Ridiculous
alex83010 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Oh my goodness, what could have possibly possessed Irwin Allen to make this ridiculous sequel to the original classic. The premise of this movie is unbelievably asinine, the acting is atrocious (especially by Sally Field, who gives the most embarrassing performance of any Oscar-winner ever), the sets are hideously cheap, and the cinematography is abysmal. It's a little disconcerting to think that actual paychecks were handed out in the making of this project.

First of all, do the script-writers really want us to believe that anyone in their right mind would enter a sinking, exploding, and UPSIDE DOWN ship without any sort of equipment, JUST TO LOOT IT??? If that's not ridiculous enough, a gunfight breaks out between several of the characters while the ship is continually exploding and sinking. After the gunfight, the group led by Michael Caine (who is horribly miscast as a gruff tug-boat captain) decides to rest, giving Sally Field and Shirley Jones a few minutes to discuss their love lives (I'm not making this up!). Do these characters really not sense the danger they're in?? As a side note, this movie isn't even possible to begin with since in the original, the water practically CHASED the cast to the engine room, meaning all the decks below were flooded. In this movie, the water seems to have receded, as if the ship were some sort of flesh eating monster waiting for fresh meat to drown and devour.

Avoid this movie unless you are interested in seeing top-notch actors embarrass themselves.
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Beyond bad
brefane23 May 2015
This sequel to 1972's water and cardboard(character)epic is not a disaster film, but a disaster itself. Actually, there is no disaster here; it's a modern-day pirate film. The original boasting five Oscar winners had passable performance but the acting in Beyond with a cast that includes four Oscar winners is atrocious. Field in particular as would be comedy relief is embarrassing; the idiotic dialog would sink anyone, but she could have turned down the role. Directed by Irwin Allen, this is a tedious, uneventful, unimaginative waste of time with no purpose other than to hopefully cash in on the original's popularity. It doesn't even rise to the level of camp or so bad that it's good status which actually makes it less memorable and/or watchable than Ross Hunter's musical remake of Lost Horizon.
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Feeble last gasp of the "disaster movie" era
ejonconrad9 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Those too young to remember the 70s probably can't appreciate the significance of the "disaster movie" genre to moviegoers of that decade. The canon of this genre included "Airport", "Earthquake", "The Towering Inferno", and of course the original "Poseidon Adventure". These wowed audiences with big budgets and state of the (pre-CGI) art special effects, but at heart, the central disaster and exacerbating obstacles were really just a vehicle to drive the interaction of the all-star casts, resulting in pithy dialog, personal revelations, budding romance, and noble sacrifice.

Because of the epic, apocalyptic nature of these movies, there was generally a solid sense of closure and finality at the end. This made sequels an even more dubious concept than usual for movies. There were two progressively worse sequels to "Airport", and this movie follows a similar pattern. It's characterized by a lower budget, lesser "stars", and a much more contrived plot than the venerable original.

The contrast between the two movies is stark from the beginning. Whereas the first opens in the grand ballroom of a luxury cruise ships, this opens with Michael Cane piloting his teeny tugboat across the Atlantic through a the same storm that is capsizing the Poseidon not far away. I laughed out loud when the "waves" broke over the deck, clearly thrown from buckets just off camera. The storm causes him to lose his cargo, which consists of three crates lashed just behind the wheel house. Desperate for money, he stumbles onto the capsized Poseidon and decides to loot it under the "international laws of salvage". Luckily for him, after rescuing the surviving cast of the original movie, everyone else left, without making any attempt to recover anything from the ship or locate additional survivors. Simultaneously, another, nicer boat arrives, carrying Telly Sevalas and his sinister looking, white-clad crew. He claims to be be a doctor looking for survivors. If it's a "spoiler" to tell you he's lying, then you've never watched *any* movies.

They all enter the boat and, yada yada yada, survivors, setbacks, revelation, romance, betrayal, sacrifice, pretty much everything on the checklist. Disaster movies are never particularly believable, but this one doesn't even try. It starts with the absurd premise that the original rescuers left after picking up just the folks who happened to be standing under the hole at the time, goes on to the fact all the lights are still on, and includes contrived obstacles and magic water that floods some decks above other decks which are dry. At one point, they're crawling through a ventilation shaft and not only is it inexplicably lighted, but the lights are *upright* on the upside down ship!

Not to say the movie didn't have a few redeeming features. Michael Cane can usually elevate a role, and Sally Field was at the peak of her "spunky" period. There was an interesting pairing of Mark Harmon near the beginning of his career with Agnela Cartwright ("Lost in Space") near the end of hers.

So, an interesting distraction for people of a certain age, but don't go out of your way to see it.
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Go back. Go...beyond.
CuriosityKilledShawn9 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Since the original Poseidon Adventure raked in so much dough, Irwin Allen wanted to get a sequel off the ground right away. It would eventually take him 7 years to get it made and in that space of time it would go through many changes.

To begin with, Beyond the Poseidon Adventure was to star Borgnine, Buttons and the rest of the survivors. After being rescued by the French Coast Guard they were to be transported to safety by train through the French Alps. A tunnel cave-in was to trap them all over again amid other, more sinister, drama.

That idea was soon squashed. Hackman didn't want to return (as Reverend Scott's brother!) and even though poster art was created (you can still find the train/gun image out there), that's about as far as production got. Allen focused on making other movies for the time being. Then, in 1978 he asked Paul Gallico to write a sequel. Gallico obliged but died before Beyond was published. His novel had Rogo, Martin and Manny Rosen being forced at gunpoint to return to the ship to plunder its secret cargo. Bandits, pirates, double-crosses and macabre plot developments followed.

Unable to convince Borgnine and the others to return at this point, Allen changed the story to accommodate a bunch of new characters. This Mike Rogo became Mike Turner (Michael Caine) and Bandits and Pirates became Stefan Svevo (Television Savalas) and his group of terrorists.

Beginning just before the storm in which the Poseidon capsized, Turner and his crew (Sally Field and Karl Malden) are out in Jenny the Tugboat. Turner loses his cargo and worries about the bank taking his precious boat away. New Years Day arrives and the sea is calm once again. Turner sees the French Coast Guard chopper buzzing overhead and figures there must be something interesting over the horizon.

Interesting indeed. An abandoned 5-star, world-class super-liner designed to carry hundreds of wealthy passengers. There's sure to be riches to plunder and a quick trip down to the Purser's Office (the idiot who chose to die in the first) might save Jenny from the banks greedy hands.

'Doctor' Stefan Svevo (trying saying that while drunk) and his group of suspicious men dressed in impeccably white clothes follow Turner inside, hoping to save some remaining survivors. Yeah right! Svevo just happens to be after a secret cargo of guns and plutonium and has an agent still stuck on-board.

Turner and his crew find the Purser's safe quite easy and load up on the loot. But they also find a bunch of stranded passengers including a very young-looking Peter Boyle, Slim Pickens, Mark Harmon and Jack Warden as a blind writer. His quick trip to pinch the riches turns into the much more noble task of leading the rest to safety. But once they discover Svevo's plot a fight breaks out.

I think that BTPA has had an unfair amount of criticism. Until the 2006 DVD release the film suffered 27 years of pan and scan TV screenings and videos, which completely screws up the scope photography. Seeing the film in widescreen, as intended, gives it a much slicker look. But I wasn't too impressed with the set-decoration and lighting. The Poseidon was already trashed and unstable before the first survivors escaped. By now it should be seriously threatening to sink or explode and the sets should reflect how much stress the ship is under. But they do look too spotless and the lighting is too bright and un-atmospheric. And, just so you know, a ship of this size would have more than one kitchen. So moans about it 'already being flooded' are invalid.

And I do think that the ending is kind of abrupt and rushed. It was a bit of a let-down having finish with such a lame, flippant finale. And, despite, previous criticisms, I do think that the characters are just as good as before. I felt sorry for Jack Warden when his wife died, or when Michael Caine realised that he lost the gold. Wilbur (Karl Malden) was a good character too and I think that his exit from the film was less than what he deserved. There is also more continuity with the original than the negative reviews proclaim. So don't let that put you off.

It's had a bad reputation, but BTPA isn't as bad as pretentious movie zealots would have you think. If you are a fan of the original then it is at least worth a rental.
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The boat movie that helped sink Irwin Allen's career...and proof that even this awful role couldn't derail Sally Field's career.
planktonrules6 March 2021
During the 60s and 70s, producer-director Irwin Allen had a long string of successes, both on television and the big screen--including such hits as "The Time Tunnel", "Voyage to the Bottom of the Seas", "The Towering Inferno" as well as "The Poseidon Adventure". However, by the late 70s, Allen's long string of successes had come to an end, and his last three theatrical releases were box office bombs. "The Swarm", "When Time Ran Out" and, "Beyond the Poseidon Adventure" all failed at the box office....after which Allen had very few offers to make films and he was eventually forced to retire. The public seemed to have grown tired of his big-budget spectacles and disaster movies. So is "Beyond the Poseidon Adventure" really that bad...bad enough to help end Allen's career?

I saw "The Poseidon Adventure" in the theater as a kid and watched it again a couple years ago. Despite a silly premise, I found the film to be enjoyable nonsense....and scored it a 6. The film ended with a group of survivors finding their way to freedom from the capsized ship. With "Beyond the Poseidon Adventure", it begins shortly after the boat is still floating upside down and with a hole cut in the hole from which they freed the group of survivors. Here, a couple guys who are in financial strai ts (Michael Caine and Karl Malden) decide to use their small boat to tie up along side the stricken Poseidon in order to salvage when they can from her. Joining them are an annoying woman (Sally Field...who often spouts one-liners like she's appearing at a comedy club) and a rescue boat captained by Dr. Svevo (Telly Savalas). Unfortunately, shortly after they enter the boat, there's an explosion and they are stuck inside...and soon they meet up with other survivors who were passengers on this ocean liner.

While I don't think that audiences were demanding a sequel to "The Poseidon Adventure", I do think the film MIGHT have worked....had the writing been good and had it come out shortly after the original film...which it didn't. It wouldn't have been a masterpiece, but it could have been an enjoyable time-passer. However, "Beyond the Poseidon Adventure" didn't work simply because the writing and some of the acting was just bad. The worst, and I mention it above, was Sally Field's character. I don't think I'd blame her entirely, as she is a multiple she can act. But her character is simply annoying AND about as realistic as the Easter Bunny. After all, why would she spend the entire film talking like she's on a sitcom?? The problem with much of the rest of the cast is that many of the characters were woefully underwritten...more caricatures than real people. Tex (Slim Pickens) is a great example as well as all the folks who yell at each other inexplicably....YES, I am particularly talking about Peter Boyle...who just seems angry and nasty for no reason. There also are some dopey and confusing parts of the film...such as why there's 18th century gold coins and tons of paper money aboard the ship. Because of this writing, the film really isn't very good. Overall, a somewhat lavish (though not by Irwin Allen standards) and incredibly poorly written epic that most likely will leave you disappointed.

By the way, in the case of Michael Caine, while he's just fine in the film you might wonder WHY he appeared in the film since he's a rather well respected actor. Well, Caine himself explained when he his choice of roles in films (particularly in the late 70s and early 80s): "First of all, I choose the great roles, and if none of these come, I choose the mediocre ones, and if they don't come, I choose the ones that pay the rent". Clearly this was a film to pay the rent!

Another by the way. If a group of passengers were rescued at the end of the first movie, what are the odds that no other rescue ships would be there at the beginning and end of the second movie...especially because a lot of time has passed?? After all, I am sure the initial rescuers in the helicopter didn't say "Well, these obviously are the only survivors...let's call it a day and tell all the rescue boats to stay home" after they saved the folks from the first film. Surely there would have been MANY ships there looking for more survivors!!! This rather makes the dumb script even dumber if you watch the story.
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What a good sequel!
TheNextTarentino11 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This film ranks up there with Psycho II as being one of the greatest sequel ever made! Irwin Allen returns to the setting of his first major picture to create one of his last. Irwin Allen ignored all the aspects of the novel that was written for him, and comes up with a storyline that far surpasses the novel. Watching an all-American film from a British Citizen's point of view is always exiting, normally i would laugh at a character like Tex but in this, it works surprisingly well! Micheal Caine is an inspired choice as a salvage captain. I was a bit unsure of Sally Field's character at first but as the film went on her character added so mush to the story. Telly Savalas, what can i say? This man is a legend! Ever since i first saw him as Blofeld in On Her Majesty's Secret Service he was the ultimate villain and in this he doesn't disappoint. A lot of the supporting cast are quite memorable too..Slim Pickens as Tex, Peter Boyle who i did get a bit bored of all we seemed to hear was "where's my daughter?" which got a bit annoying after a while.

This film does have it's faults, why is still afloat with a hole in the bottom, and most of all WHY THE HELL DOES THE DAMN BOAT EXPLODE AT THE END?? Overall Fantastic effort, no way would this ever surpass the original but it's racing in at its heels.
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Return to the Poseidon
chris_gaskin12327 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Beyond the Poseidon Adventure is the follow -up to The Poseidon Adventure and I enjoyed watching this, despite reading bad reviews.

Two rival parties board the upturned wreck of the Poseidon and rescue more people and also go looting after some gold and plutonium. They go their own ways and a motley collection of people are found including a blind man and his wife, the ship's nurse, a drunk and a father, daughter and her boyfriend. After several deaths, they manage to escape just before Poseidon explodes and sinks, taking with it the party who went for the plutonium.

Although not as good as The Poseidon Adventure, this sequel isn't too bad with decent special effects.

A good cast too: Michael Caine (Zulu, The Italian Job), Telly Savalas (Kojak), Karl Malden (The Streets Of San Francisco), Sally Field (Mrs Doubtfire), Anglea Cartwright (Lost In Space, reuniting her with director Irwin Allen), Peter Boyle and Slim Pickens.

If you like 1970's disaster movies and Michael Caine like myself, I recommend this.

Rating: 3 stars out of 5.
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Oh, The Humanity, Oh, The Horror! ---Holy Disasters, Batman, This Is a BAD movie!
stalzz645 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
4 Oscar winners, Karl Malden, Sally Field, Shirley Jones, Michael Caine. Great character actors Telly Savalas and Peter Boyle. 1 hour 54 minutes of sheer tedium, melodrama and horrible acting, a mess of a script, and a sinking feeling of GOOD LORD, WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?

Irwin Allen was just trying to cash in on the popularity of the original classic disaster film with a grade D minus script, the actors were obviously just in it for the paycheck as well,... the horror, the horror!

How insane are the characters that Caine, Savalas, Malden and Field are playing? Go into a potentially deadly sinking ship that's 1. on fire 2. Hot from steam 3. Slippery from water and oil, 4. boilers that are exploding every 5 minutes, etc., all for the love of money? Greed? 5. They have very little equipment, not even a pair of gloves or work boots in sight, much less a grappling hook, rope, etc.


What were they thinking?

Peter Boyle overacts so much that I just wanted to smack him! Stop it! And what's the deal with the bad toupee? Also, there is no way you can believe his character was a WW2 veteran.

Caine, Field and Malden find all that gold and money and they are happy--whoopee! We're rich! (We may not live to spend it, but hey...)

And yee haw, it's the great character actor Slim Pickens!

Survivors galore! Jack Warden and Shirley Knight, too!

The final dramatic sub plot about that scary plutonium never really went anywhere, it's like they forgot, sort of? Lots of holes in the script.

This film has an illness that the strongest pill couldn't cure. I'm surprised Alan J. Smithee's name wasn't on the script, I'd be embarrassed to have penned this one!

Oh the insanity, Oh The humanity! Oy Vey!

The Horror, The Horror!

It's like a bad two hour TV movie.

At least the sets were made from recycled material from the first movie.

The script needed to be on the compost heap...
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I think it's quite a good sequel.
Dr Wily20 March 2004
A lot of people don't like this picture, but, I think it works. It is helmed by a strong cast of principle performers and carried off by a unique twist on the sequel impetus. The idea is fairly original, as opposed to the usual: for this story, one would normally expect they'd just focus on another group of survivors and how they get out. Instead of dealing with people wanting to get out, the plot is spurred on by people wanting to get IN. Then, ironically, they become trapped and become the people who have to get out, along with some of those aforementioned survivors to keep with tradition. I also have to give the film credit for that little bits of continuity, like Linda's body is still lying near the entrance of the ship the crew uses, the same hole the original movie's survivors escaped from. In the end, the movie isn't as bad as it is often called.
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At least worth a look, but a pretty crummy sequel.
vip_ebriega8 February 2007
My Take: Formulaic disaster movie, but has its moments with its well-known cast. Otherwise, a pretty weak disaster movie.

This sequel is not as good as its hit predecessor "The Poseidon Adventure" was, but easily passable, depending on the yardstick you measure it with. I really like Irwin Allen's production films. They really show a great and realistic disaster and a great well-known cast. This elements would set the pattern to today's disaster hit films. Many bad things has been said about this failed sequel to the 1972 classic, so I guess this is quite a guilty pleasure to me. It's hardly a good movie, in fact its quite a mess upon further observation (plot holes, needless back stories, and one character is disposed of without explanation), but I did kinda enjoyed it on a "it wasn't the complete disaster" way.

The film resembles a little like the original disaster was. But I think it was meant to be that way. Anyway, most of the cast die heroically. Michael Caine gives a fine performance, but I really liked Sally Field here. She really gives a spunky performance. Field's character is the one Caine's character likes to call "monkey", but she turns out to be his love interest in the film. Telly Savalas makes a really good villain as Dr. Svevo. Jack Warden and Shirley Knight are fine as the couple who never seems to lose hope for each other. The other cast includes Karl Malden, Shirley Jones and Peter Boyle, do their best without being too embarrassing. But Slim Pickens is quite weird in his role as a Texan drunk, who never seems to let go of his priceless bottle through the entire film.

Overall, I kinda liked "Beyond the Poseidon Adventure", though I think a large amount of suspension of disbelief is required. Non-disaster buffs won't dig it, but for nostalgia, fans of the original may want to check it out. It wasn't as good as that film, but along with THE SWARM, it's kind of a guilty pleasure.

Rating: ** out of 5.
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Silly sequel
jhaggardjr8 August 2000
"Beyond the Poseidon Adventure" is Irwin Allen's follow-up to his excellent 1972 box office smash "The Poseidon Adventure". However, this one doesn't come close to matching the danger and excitement of the original. In fact, I found myself laughing most of the time at the absurdity of it all. Michael Caine reteamed with Allen after "The Swarm" for this soggy sequel about two salvage crews (one good, one bad) that race each other to probe the upside-down wreck of the luxury liner Poseidon, which as you'd recall got turned over by a 90-foot tidal wave in the first film. The usual all-star cast is here, but this time around a brand new cast comes on board. Most of them make total fools of themselves. Caine takes over for Gene Hackman as the one who barks orders at everyone (instead of a reverend, Caine plays a tugboat captain). Sally Field embarrasses herself as Caine's sidekick (Field has said that this is the worst movie she's ever made and on the basis of her performance here, she's right). Peter Boyle (TV's "Everybody Loves Raymond") has the Ernest Borgnine role as the one who's yelling and complaining all the time (no, he doesn't reprise Borgnine's role from the first film). Telly Savalas looks silly as the doctor who actually has an agenda of his own. Slim Pickens has the goofiest role in the film as an alcoholic Texan who spends the entire movie holding a bottle of wine. Karl Malden, Jack Warden, and the two Shirleys (Knight and Jones) have the only good roles in the film. These roles should have been put into a better, different movie. There are two actors who star in "Beyond the Poseidon Adventure" in early roles before they hit it big on television: Veronica Hamel is in this film a few years before she was cast on the great TV show "Hill Street Blues" (she also appeared in Allen's next film: "When Time Ran Out"), and so is Mark Harmon (before "St. Elsewhere"). Now I'll grant you there are some good scenes in this film, but not enough of them. So take my advice: stick with the original film. You'll be glad you did.

** (out of four)
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Belated sequel with a beleaguered cast...
moonspinner5515 October 2006
Awkward disaster mishmash has a team of scavengers coming across the overturned S.S. Poseidon, hoping to loot it before it goes under for good. Irwin Allen's sequel to his 1972 blockbuster "The Poseidon Adventure" arrived in theaters SEVEN YEARS LATER! Never mind that nobody cared anymore, why give us such a shoddy production, filled with dim characters and miscast actors, only to trash the memory of your biggest hit? One might end up feeling really sorry for Michael Caine, Sally Field, Peter Boyle, Jack Warden, Karl Malden and Shirley Jones were it not for their lost-at-sea expressions (good for a few stray laughs). There's a moment when saintly Jones is tempted into taking some treasures just for herself and she timidly starts stuffing her pockets that is an unintended hoot. The film was a career bungler for all concerned, most especially Allen, who never quite recovered from this. * from ****
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Beyond the Poseidon adventure, what can possibly be entertaining?
jztzt31 July 2013
This film is more of a remake than a sequel, having virtually the same plot and sets but different characters. This time the filmmakers have an advantage though, because they don't have to spend their budget on creating the moment that Poseidon strikes disaster (already established in the previous film); and there are opportune moments when money is saved by reusing shots from the first film: from time to time showing the Poseidon upside down in the ocean and exploding continuously (how many explosions can the ship sustain?).

This is a laughable and lackluster film. All the prestige and excitement from its precursor have disappeared. Unlike the first film, there is hardly a moment of genuine tension or invention. I never feel that the characters are in any peril. In fact, there are surprisingly few deaths and lots of wasted opportunities for thrills and tension. The action set pieces are very drab and routine. Also, the sets and special effects are cheap and unconvincing.

Like the first film, there's a large all-star cast, but they hardly do or say anything exciting, intelligent, meaningful, original, and that isn't laughable. Pretty much all of their character traits, back stories, and motivations are paper-thin and stereotypes. Some characters are annoying, useless, and unnecessary, and should have been cut from the film or rewritten. The only interesting character derives from the performance of karl Malden, and even his character is underdeveloped and underutilized, let alone adequate to save the picture.

Just like the characters, the plot is paper-thin. It's also very predictable. insipid, and hard to believe. For example, I find it hard to believe that there are still so many survivors left on the ship. Also, there are so many gaps in logic, unanswered questions, and unresolved plot points. As if realizing that there are only so much they can do with a capsized ship the second time, the filmmakers have added an unnecessary and derivative subplot involving Telly Savalas and his crew in a futile attempt to spice up the action.

I sat in my chair being mostly bored and unamused. In fact, I became quite restless. This is not how I reacted to the first Poseidon film.
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Needed A Full Rewrite
sambase-3877311 September 2021
To make a good movie you need to have a good screenplay. They didn't. And they made the movie anyway. Ouch.

I wanted to like it and for the first 15 minutes or so I thought it might be kind of fun. You know, keep my expectations low and just go with the flow. But there was no flow. The scenes were just randomly thrown together.

It's funny at times, I'm not sure if intentionally or not, usually when the actors are barking their lines out like they've just had 10 cups of very strong coffee. It's cruel at times, which seems strange for a family movie. It's confusing at times. Sometimes it's just, odd.

So there you have it. 1970's moving making at its worst. It is a fun cast. Shirley Jones is beautiful, quite lovely as a nurse. But the cast is wasted on a bad movie. Abandon ship!
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Not quite as bad as everyone says
Gubby-Allen12 March 2002
Warning: Spoilers
While there was so much that is awful about this, I did still enjoy it. The Poseidon Adventure was one of the best films ever made, but you're better off, watching this never having seen it, as much of the original plot is ignored here, like certain areas that flooded are now clear. Why did the original escapees not stumble across anyone at all in the final third while escaping?

Granted, almost every character is annoying at some (most) parts and also incredibly cliched, with every tipe of person being portrayed. Why can't people in these situations ever just all get on with each other?

The idea of a sequel could've been excellent. You can't help but wonder what happens after people escape these disasters and the concept of a boat stumbling across the ship & salvaging what they can is not an unrealistic one, so this could have been better. It was ruined for me by having 'guns' as any part of the plot at all. It's ridiculous really to have escaped a sinking liner only to be shot by a villain moments from safety. By all means have 2 groups competing over the salvage, but shooting each other? Telly Savalas escaped a little too easily for me too.

Otherwise, still enjoyable, if you don't get too involved in the characters.

A low 6/10
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Struggled really hard to stay interested.
CaptainLombard335 May 2020
While "The Poseidon Adventure" wasn't "Citizen Kane," It was a well-crafted thriller filled with interesting characters essayed by a group of great actors. No one chewed scenery as believably as Ernest Borgine.

The sequel brings a host of good actors in their own right, including Michael Caine, Sally Field, Telly Savalas, Peter Boyle, Jack Warden, and Karl Malden, but the spark just isn't there. The situations are bizarre, to the point of comical. Aside from the engine room, which looks really close to the set of the original film, the rest of the set looks like it's from an entirely different film.

At one point, the group enters the ship's galley. In the original film, it was a burned-out mess with the dead bodies. In the sequel, it looks entirely different, not burned at all, and there aren't any bodies to be found. This is a pattern throughout the film, where the upside down passageways have an upended chair or two lying around to try and mimic the original sets. It looks like set dressing, and it's obvious. Also, it's VERY brightly lit, far more than the sets in the original film, which stretches realism to the breaking point. Since the ship is on back-up power from the initial capsize, it should be getting darker, not lighter.

The cast does a decent job in the acting department, but are heavily let-down by the script and inane dialogue. Also, the sequel tries to drink from the well of the original film. Since we don't have Rogo, Peter Boyle's Frank Mazetti becomes the stand-in. Since there's no Belle Rosen, she's replaced by the blind Harold Meredith.

I watched it to the end, but I have no rush to see it again, unlike the original film, which I've seen countless times.

Paul Gallico, who wrote the novel the original film is based on, wrote a sequel novel based entirely off the film. Even modified character descriptions to match the actors who played them. It's not his best work, but it's an enjoyable read, and even brings Mike Rogo, James Martin, and Manny Rosen back to the ship, where they end up working together with new characters, part of a salvage crew, to face off with a character who shares traits with Telly Savalas' role. Rogo was always my favorite character, and I would have enjoyed seeing Borgnine return.

Granted, by the time this movie went into production, Borgnine, Buttons, and Albertson were all years older, and it probably would have showed, but one can't help but wonder if the sequel had followed Gallico's novel more closely, and brought those actors back, if it would have been a better final product. One thing is for sure, it couldn't have been any worse.

Borgnine and Caine, competing to see who could chew the most scenery. That would have been something I'd have enjoyed watching repeatedly.
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The Adventure is not quite over!!
disasterfilm8426 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Irwin Allen's production of Beyond the Poseidon Adventure was very exciting to watch. It was always intended for Irwin Allen to make the sequel, but some delays caused it to be shelved for seven years. Micheal Caine acted for Allen for the second time giving the same tempered performance as he did with Allen the previous year in The Swarm. He plays a scrapper and with Karl Malden and Sally Feild who discover the Poseidon still floating upside down and decide to go in her. From the moment they get in there the action and thrills never stop. Then as in the first film they realize they have to get out again and go through the ship as the the survivors did in the first Poseidon Adventure. Allen also directed this action packed sequel.
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Bad movies we laugh at
mls41821 January 2022
Oh where to begin? Some of the most annoying characters ever put in a movie? The ludicrous plot that an ocean liner would be carrying a nuclear weapon? In the original film, the characters were a bit trite and hackneyed, but in this film they are all irritating. Instead of anticipating who will survive, you keep hoping the old Poseidon will finally go down so you can turn it off.

It takes a really bad script to create a bomb that these fine actors can't save. This, along with the even worse abomination The Swarm released the year before, virtually ended the disaster movie craze for 20 years.

Still, I watch it every few years. It still has a camp, train wreck quality about it.
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poop-side down adventure
ptb-825 September 2004
Maybe here in Sydney we are all poop side down and as a result we get to lap up floaters like this s-eek!-uel in classy theaters. Released here in 1980 this hilarious all-tar drama was greeted with howls of delight at the session I attended. In fact the audience were so into the ludicrous antics on screen it played like a Rocky Horror session. Within 5 minutes we all knew it was a real disaster: the tug boat scene where you can see the buckets of water tossed in from off-set. after that it was every patron for himself and the cinema rang with advice, cheering for bad acting and oo-waah reactions. The gunfight in the hold among the crates is especially idiotic and allows drunken viewers with friends in altered states also watching to contribute appropriately. I call these films with Michael Caine his holiday house films as I always reckon he agrees to do them because he has seen a house he likes and doesn't want to spend his savings. Like Jaws 3 or 4 or whatever it was called.
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