Adventures of a Private Eye (1977) Poster

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Don't expect Fawlty Towers
Committed_to_nitrate4 March 2024
This reminds me of what I think TV comedies were like in the 1970s - not the good programmes which get repeated but rather the hundreds of other ones which we've successfully purged from our collective memories. It's not the funniest comedy but it's by no means the worst. There's a fair bit of nudity but nothing you couldn't watch with your mother in the room.

The last two Carry On films from the 1970s were rightly criticised for becoming seedy, sordid and smutty - not in keeping the traditional Carry On saucy seaside postcard spirit. Their slide into the gutter was because they were competing with the so-called sex-comedies such as the 'Confessions of' and 'Adventures of' series which unapologetically set out to give the audience daft childish humour and lots of lovely, luscious topless ladies! This film actually feels more innocent, more cosy .....almost more family friendly than the last two Carry On films! Unlike the Confessions films or the dire Carry On England, this one's got a proper story, a reasonably clever script, proper stars doing proper acting playing proper characters - some quite funny and even some of the jokes are funny. Also Christopher Neil is pretty good. He's likeable which is important in a weak film like this, he keeps you watching. Unlike the stereotypical working class cheeky chappie caricature Robin Askwith played in the Confessions films, you can relate to Christopher Neil.

As a comedy, you don't need to take precautions against the possibility of your sides splitting. As a smutty movie you don't need to worry about your grandma turning up - she'd might even enjoy it more than you! It's called a 'sex-comedy' but it's very tame, the sex scenes are there for comedic purposes only and the nudity isn't much more explicit than you'd see queuing up outside your local nightclub these days. How strange that not too long ago this was what couples would go the cinema to see. Innocent naivety!
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I detect a stinker!
BA_Harrison10 January 2015
I thought that, by working backwards through the 'Adventures of…' films, I might see a slight rise in quality with each one I watch, ending with the best, but that is most definitely not the case: in fact, Adventures of a Private Eye, the middle film in the 'trilogy', is so diabolical that it's a wonder they ever made a third film.

The action starts in expected low-rent Confessions knock-off style, with private eye assistant Bob West (Christopher Neil) unable to resist taking over the role of detective while his womanising boss (Jon Pertwee) is out of the office for a few days. Agreeing to help sexy Laura Sutton (Suzy Kendall), who is being blackmailed for £50k, he takes off for the countryside to see which of the other potential heirs to Laura's late husband's fortune could be the the extortionist. As the silly plot progresses, the film turns into a very tired murder/mystery farce, albeit one with plenty of gratuitous nudity and soft-core sex featuring some very attractive British babes.

A cavalcade of crass and not in the least bit funny japes, Private Eye is a sorry state of affairs that makes even the weakest of the Confessions movies look like pure comedic genius. But what is REALLY sad about this film is seeing such a talented cast of British comic actors going to such waste: among those given absolutely nothing to work with are Irene Handl, Diana Dors, Liz Fraser, Harry H. Corbett, Willie Rushton, and Ian Lavender.

2.5/10, generously rounded up to 3 for the nostalgia factor, the film showing me West Byfleet Railway Station in all of its 70s glory and an early appearance by Peter Moran, who would go on to play obnoxious ginger Pogo Patterson in classic kids' TV series Grange Hill.
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No private dick could solve the mysteries of this film
jaibo23 June 2008
Adventures of a Private Eye introduces us to a number of dense, almost unsolvable mysteries: has Britain ever produced a worse director than Stanley A. Long? why does Long not know, despite spending over 15 years in the film business prior to making this film, how to pace a sequence or end one on a proper punchline? why does he hire enormously talented actors like Harry H. Corbett, Irene Handl, Diana Dors, Jon Pertwee, Anna Quayle and Julien Orchard and give them absolutely nothing to do? why did 70s English audiences flock to see absolute rubbish like this in their droves? It can't be the sex, as compared to the likes of the then-contemporary Swedish and French cinema, there's hardly any flesh on display here, and none of it is even remotely erotic; nor can it be the comedy, which is a lot of things (incompetent, mean spirited, offensive, banal, ignorant, half-hearted, old hat) but not even remotely funny; it can't be the story, which makes British comedy capers of the period which were less successful at the Box Office (House in Nightmare Park for example) look like Chinatown.

To be fair, Private Dick is a smidgeon better than the first entry into the series, purely because it actually has some kind of story as opposed to being a merely string of idiot vignettes. And the film does look good, especially on the new Region 2 Dvds, where the gorgeous lighting of the interiors and night time scenes is genuinely impressive (catch the shot of photographer Scott walking towards the mansion after dark, the screen awash with breathtaking colours). And Adrienne Posta does a mean Liza Minelli impression, supported would you believe by the boy from the Tomorrow People playing a Bugsy Malone-type Italian gangster, all school play amateurism and elbows.

"Bloody amateurs" is a phrase a police inspector in the film uses about private eyes, and it's apt given the star of the movie can't act: Christopher Neil is a nullity into oblivion as the title character, taking over from Barry Evans (who instead chose to appear in the flop sex comedy Under the Doctor). Yet another document on the sexual, spiritual and social dereliction of the UK in the 1970s. It does bear the distinction of having a cameo by Shaw Taylor, tipping the wink to TV's then current Police 5, which just goes to show how narrowly culturally specific an audience of TV morons the producer was aiming at with this.
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Boring, but one thing stands out.
BlackJack_B6 April 2002
The second of the "Adventures" series, this one features Chris Neil as Bob, an assistant to a P.I. who tries to crack a case when his boss is on vacation. The whole ordeal is done in a slow, boring, unfunny, contrived sort of way.

However, the film perks up when Adrienne Posta comes in. Posta delivers a superb impersonation of Oscar-winning actress Liza Minelli (named Lisa Moroni here) who gives him shelter when the bad guys attempt to eliminate him when he's starting to get a bead on solving the case. Posta portrays Minelli from her role in Bob Fosse's "Cabaret" and looks and sounds like her as well. It's a darkhorse candidate in my book for the best mimic job in the history of cinema. Otherwise, there's not much here to like.
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Was this the nadir of the British film industry.
malcolmgsw25 December 2015
For those who won't have been around at the time that this film was released they will look at the cast and wonder.There is Jon Letters,Dr Who,Harry H.,Corbett,Steptoe,Ian Lavender,Private Pike.Additionally Diana Ford,Irene Handel and Fred Emney.The reason for their participation in this film is that other than spin offs and a few American financed films this is the only type of film that was being made.So the actors were prepared to take What they could get.Now you can have some funny sex films but this wasn't one of them.It is unfunny and truly dreadful.It took the British film industry many years to get out of the doldrums.
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So Bad It's Unfunny
JamesHitchcock5 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
During the permissive seventies there was a marked relaxation of censorship in the British cinema, and films which would have been taboo during even the supposedly swinging sixties suddenly became acceptable for public viewing. One result of this increase in permissiveness was that mildly suggestive smutty comedies like the "Carry On" series, with their "seaside postcard" style of humour, suddenly went out of favour and were replaced by more explicit sex comedies like the "Confessions" and "Adventures" series.

"Adventures of a Private Eye" is a fairly typical example of this new breed. There is not a great deal to say about the plot; it revolves around the efforts of Bob West, a hapless young private investigator, to find out who has been blackmailing his client Laura Sutton, the young widow of an elderly millionaire. (The answer, in case anyone's interested, is that Laura appears to have been blackmailing herself. No, I couldn't work that one out either). Most of the film, however, is taken up with scenes in which Bob has to fight off, generally unsuccessfully, the sexual advances of various women. (Most of these women, as one might expect from a seventies sex comedy, are lonely, frustrated housewives. When Bob isn't in bed with them he is leaping out the window to avoid being discovered by their husbands).

The film features a surprising number of well-known actors including Diana Dors, Harry H Corbett and former Doctor Who Jon Pertwee. They must have been desperately short of money, as I can't think of anything else which might have induced them to appear in a production as dire as this one. Dors, admittedly, was none too fussy in the latter part of her career about the sort of films she appeared in- indeed, she seemed to make unfunny sex comedies her stock-in-trade. A sad decline for someone who was once a beautiful and gifted young actress. Corbett is today best remembered for his part in the highly successful sit-com "Steptoe and Son", but its very success was a mixed blessing for Corbett who forever afterwards was so closely associated with comedy in the public mind that found it difficult to secure parts in the sort of serious dramas he preferred. As for Pertwee, he seems to have fallen victim of a "curse of Doctor Who"; few of the classic Doctors, with the exception of Peter Davison, are much remembered for anything they did after leaving the show.

One could not, however, call the leading man Christopher Neil a well- known actor; I had never heard of him before. Apparently Barry Evans of "Mind Your Language" fame (or should that be infamy?) was originally slated to play Bob, but when he had to pull out Neil took his place. I can only think that he was cast on the basis of his physical resemblance to Evans, which is considerable, rather than on the basis of his charisma or his talents, which are virtually non-existent. Evans himself was never a great actor, but at least he would have been better than this. Neil was only to make one more film after this, another one of the "Adventures" series, and I can't say I'm surprised.

I refer to Adventures of a Private Eye" as a "sex comedy", which is how films of this type were generally known at the time, but in fact they were not particularly erotic even when compared to fairly softcore offerings like the "Emmanuelle" franchise. As for comedy, well most of them were not particularly comic either. A "comedy", after all, is supposedly a film marked by wit and humour, and these are characteristics in which most so-called "sex comedies", this one included, are singularly lacking. The only people likely to find it funny are those who find the idea of a man being seduced by an endless succession of frustrated housewives to be a capital joke in its own right. There may have been a few cinema-goers of this type about in the seventies, but today they will be a lot thinner on the ground. Even in 1977 the film's main selling-point was probably not its attempts at humour but the prospect of a few brief glimpses of nudity. Today, when nudity has become commonplace even in mainstream movies, it would seem to have no selling-points at all. Why the obscure cable TV network London Live thought it was worth broadcasting recently is beyond me. It only avoids the minimum 1/10 mark because I generally reserve that for films that are so bad they're funny. This one is so bad it's unfunny. 2/10.
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For those who liked American Pie
blumdeluxe14 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Adventures of a private eye" is the old version of the several sex-flicks that you can watch nowadays. It brings us the story of a dumbly assistant of a private investigator, that tries to solve a case while his boss is away on vacation. What follows is a lot of chaos and sex sells.

While some see this movie very critically, I was all in all relatively entertained by it. Of course some of the jokes and punchlines turn out rather simple and there is no doubt that it was of high interest for the producers to add some nudity, but if you accept this as given, there are actually quite a few funny moments in the film. The story of someone failing his job badly is of course not very creative in itself, but the way this is used to create a plot with some humorous potential is at least solid.

This is something to turn our head off and relax. Don't watch it for the plot or any message. Under this condition, you can actually have some fun with it.
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More sex please. We're British!
mark.waltz6 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A very bizarre farce dealing with the oversexed Christopher Neil who discovers that the best way to find more sex is to pretend that you're a private detective and pop in and out of places, sometimes as an intruder because you never know when you're going to find a lonely housewife. Neil pretends to be the head of an agency when client Suzy Kendall shows up and he ends up in several bizarre situations, ultimately in drag (with a female Liza impersonator no less!) and in a seance with weird Madame Medea (Anna Quayle) and other assorted weirdos.

This is indeed too weird to be completely horrible, but it's also too weird to describe. Outside of the Liza shtick, there is a funny incident including a naked man and a mouse trap and a scene on a row boat with Neil making love to Diana Dors as the boat sails down the river and a crew team sails by as the coach (on a bicycle) screams over and over "In, out!" But for the most part, it's rather lame, mostly very unfunny. I have to say that the Liza impersonator is probably the highlight because it's one of the rare times when you see one and it's actually a woman!
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They see your every move
bkoganbing29 March 2019
British pop singer Christopher Neil stars in this Carry On film Adventures Of A Private Eye. It has the look of a Carry On movie without the cast of Carry On regulars.

Cinema fans will also recognize the plot premise from Bob Hope's comedy from the 40s My Favorite Brunette. That's the one where Hope is asked by Alan Ladd to watch his office and take messages. Of course Hope decides he'd rather survey Dorothy Lamour.

Neil has the same situation as Jon Pertwee just asks him to mind the store, but Neil wants a chance to soar and Suzy Kendall certainly makes him soar.

In fact this film has the look and feel and general raunchiness of a Carry On film. But it would have been so much better with Carry On regulars.
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an unapologetically lurid, lowbrow B-Movie bacchanal of puerile bottom-pinching perfidy!
Weirdling_Wolf31 March 2022
All B-Movie boggled eyes are sure to be on glistering Giallo Glamour Girl Suzy Kendall who sizzles sensationally in serial smut-wrangler Stanley A. Long's riotously ribald, stupendously silly, bra-burstingly boorish comedy misadventure 'Adventures of a Private Eye' (1977). Witness the blissfully bawdy, barrel scraping buffoonery of charisma-challenged Christopher Neil's brainlessly bumbling private dick enthusiastic attempts to get to the bottom of things, and frequently getting more than his own knickers in a twist!!! One of muck maestro Stanley Long's frivolously frothy, fitfully filthy film's many highlights is the legitimately fabulous burlesque routine by the distractingly delicious Adrienne Posta, energetically performing her rewardingly 'not-so private', eye-catchingly exotic Liza Minnelli Cabaret routine! The more forgiving fans of prosaic Carry on-style pratfalls, dribble-entendres, juvenile jackanapes, and grubby-fingered, saucy postcard piffle will certainly dig on the asinine antics and retrograde tomfoolery of Christopher Neil's scurrilously salacious sleuth, plus the surprisingly glittering cast is a burnished Brit-cult dream, featuring the estimable acting talents of Jon Pertwee, Harry H Corbett, Diana Dors, Ian Lavender, Anna Quale, Irene Handle, Liz Frazer and William Rushton.

'The 'Adventures of a Private Eye' is an unapologetically lurid, lowbrow B-Movie bacchanal of puerile bottom-pinching perfidy, and, sadly, we shall never see it's inglorious like again!
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A private eye/dick for everybody
kosmasp8 July 2022
Curious to see, if the advertising for the movie, may be too much for imdb. But just to be clear, no pun intended and I did not invent the word that describes detectives ... but also can mean something nasty. Of course I am talking about the detective use of the word ... sure sure and all that.

That being said, this has the same main actor than the other adventures movie and he seems as gullible (or even more so), than the one that was a taxt driver. He plays his role nicely and even has a short plumber scene ... which is both hillarious and bad. Especially the puns and the annoying kid. Sorry kiddo, not your fault, it was in the script, I know.

There is a story and there are many sex related jokes. But most have to do with the incompetence and our main character trying to get laid every other minute. A lot of nudity ensues, but climax almost never is being reached - no pun intended. More for the laugh muscles than anything else. If you find anything particularly funny that is of course.
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Not as bad as everyone is saying
sil3288 October 2021
I actually quite enjoyed this - it was far better than the plumber's mate sequel.

Even if you took the naked girls out of it (and that would be a very bad idea), there was a plot and the acting was by and large very good, thanks in part to a plethora of good character actors.

Yes, there were silly bits, unrealistic bits, and plot holes, but you know this film wasn't aiming for Oscar nominations. It also had a lot of humour in it - I liked the screaming maid always dropping her tray, the over-dramatic mystic, and the brilliant interchange between a dressed-up Christopher Neil and Basil Emney, who was so funny.

It is not intellectually challenging but that is not why you are watching it. It entertained me, and I enjoyed it. Such a low overall IMDB rating is unfair so I'm giving it 8 stars. So there.
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I'd actually rather watch this than most Sherlock Holmes stuff. Including that Cumberbatch show.
GiraffeDoor20 November 2019
Exactly what you'd expect: a passable piece of comedic mystery whose main purpose is a wrap around for its infrequent eroticism involving women who don't skip meals. (nice).

I actually really love this fantasy of eccentric British Aristocrats it recreates.
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dumb dumb dumb
sandcrab27712 March 2018
This is just dreadful for a comedy attempt...the bumbling idiot was pathetic doing his best to create laughs out of terrible situations...if it wasn't for some fairly decent looking women in the cast i likely would have quit viewing after the first five minutes of this disaster...well, i've seen enough to know this is a turkey that should be avoided
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A cut above
Groverdox5 January 2021
Like its sequel, "Adventures of a Plumber's Mate", "Adventures of a Private Eye" is a cut above the average Brit sex comedy from the same era. There's more going on than just the standard "hapless lad has a job that involves meeting lots of frisky housewives with violent husbands", although there's that, too, of course. There's also a sub-film noir plot our inexperienced hero tries to solve, a gothic horror setting in a manor house with a macabre butler, and a séance.

More comedic set-ups - and the movie has more than you can count - means more jokes, which also means more likelihood that the jokes might land. Unbelievably, this time, a few actually do, and I found myself chuckling on occasion.

For future reference, this is the sex comedy where the other Tom Baker, Jon Pertwee, plays a swinging private eye - though there's certainly nothing about him that would suggest being a babe magnet - who leaves his business in the hands of his young protégé, who ends up taking on one of his cases. He gets a new secretary, and expects a sexy, available "bird" like the one his boss had, but instead gets an odd, ageless woman with round spectacles.

There's also a scene where he ends up dressed as a woman - nothing too special about that - but then has to perform on stage with a burlesque dancer.

Both the actress who plays the dancer, and the one who plays the odd secretary, are superior to the material, especially the multi-talented dancer.

I say check it out.
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