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"I don't know what the hell I'm doing here. I'm 237 years old; I should be collecting social security."
ackstasis19 July 2007
Before he became a "serious" filmmaker and gained the respect and admiration of film critics, Woody Allen was already entertaining millions of fans with such unashamedly silly comedies as 1973's 'Sleeper.' The science-fiction story concerns an unfortunate Miles Monroe (Allen), the 1970s owner of the Happy Carrot health-food store, who goes into St. Vincent's Hospital for a routine peptic ulcer operation and wakes up 200 years later in a terrifying police state. He is revived by a subversive underground rebel organisation to help uncover the secrets of the dreaded "Aries Project," and to overthrow the tyrannical government and its dictator. Along the way, Miles enlists the help of the neurotic and exuberant Luna Schlosser (Diane Keaton, who collaborated with Allen on multiple occasions, most notably in 'Annie Hall (1977)' and 'Manhattan (1979)').

A chaotic blend of razor-sharp satire and slapstick humour, 'Sleeper' contains enough of Allen's and co-writer Marshall Brickmann's trademark wit to remind us of what makes their later collaborations so brilliant. Of course, as Allen had yet to reach his creative peak, some of the jokes in the film work (the infamous Orgasmatron; the Volkswagen Beetle that starts up immediately after 200 years of neglect), whilst others aren't pulled off quite so well (the giant chicken; the mock Miss America pageant). In one memorable sequence, year 2173 historians show Miles a collection of historical items and photographs, and he idly gives off ridiculous explanations which they accept as fact. For example, yes, Howard Cosell's sporting reports were used as punishment for criminals who had committed a crime against the state!

The promotional posters for the film proclaimed: "Woody Allen Takes A Nostalgic Look At The Future." This, more than likely, refers to the style of comedy, which, aside from Allen's witty observations, very much evokes memories of the silent slapstick comedies of Lloyd, Keaton and Chaplin. Much like the latter did with most of his films, Allen wrote, directed, starred in and composed the score for 'Sleeper.' The score itself, which is very upbeat, New Orleans-style traditional jazz, was performed by the Preservation Hall Jazz Band with Allen sitting in on clarinet. 'Sleeper' may have been inspired by H.G. Wells' classic novel, 'The Sleeper Awakes,' which recounts the tale of a man who awakes from a 203-year sleep to find himself in a horrifyingly-transformed futuristic London.

Aside from including a wealth of instantly-quotable one-liners ("I'm not really the heroic type. I was beat up by Quakers"), Allen also has a lot of fun in his disorganised futuristic dystopia. After pouring too much "Instant Pudding" into a bowl, the overdone dessert practically comes to life and has to be beaten into submission with a broom; it is also revealed that, contrary to popular agreement in 1973, such substances as deep fat, tobacco and hot fudge are not only not unhealthy, but probably the best thing for your body! When Miles happens upon a garden of human-size fruit and vegetables, we just know that the giant banana peel is going to come into play somewhere, and, sure enough, Miles inevitably takes a tumble.
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random_avenger27 August 2010
Miles Monroe (director Allen), a health food store owner and jazz clarinetist, goes to a hospital for a routine operation, but something goes wrong and he is put to cryogenic sleep for over 200 years. When he is woken up in the 22nd century, the society has changed into a pleasure-addicted dictatorship. Miles is immediately pulled into revolutionary activity and soon has to flee the state police on his way to the mysterious ruler of the society. He also finds himself teaming up with an initially reluctant woman called Luna (Diane Keaton) and together they adventure through the futuristic society.

The comedic style of Sleeper is an entertaining combination of over-the-top farce and Allen's usual verbal jabs at the society of the 20th century. The silly jazz music accompanying the bumbling chase scenes evokes memories from the silent era (some scenes are even sped-up), and the old masters of slapstick have clearly been a major influence to the style. There are also many references to more modern works of science fiction, such as 2001: A Space Odyssey and Nineteen Eight-Four. Besides the funny farcical scenes, Allen gets to perform his classic neurotic worrying routine that works fine and will amuse fans of his on-screen persona.

A very notable aspect of the film is its visual style: the sets and props all look excellent. The futuristic houses, round vehicles, stiff servant robots, gigantic fruits and even an unruly pudding look hilarious and the many details of the society provide chances to comment on how things are advancing in our times. Be it an orgasm-machine or nonsensical poetry, they seem to suggest we are moving towards times where ignorance revels and empty pleasure-hunting is celebrated as the only correct form of bliss; it can be said that the underlying themes of Sleeper are not unlike those of Aldous Huxley's classic novel Brave New World.

Social commentary aside, Sleeper is also a very funny comedy that appeals not only to friends of Allen's neurotic shtick but also to slapstick fans and admirers of creative production design. Diane Keaton also deserves praise for her performance that features all the necessary comical energy and makes a good pairing for the protagonist Miles. In brief, I laughed out loud several times and would rank the film highly among the handful of Allen films I've seen so far. As far as sci-fi comedies go, Sleeper is a definite winner.
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A treasure among other comedies because of its wit and charm.
ilovedolby27 May 2003
Woody Allen's films are generally treasured among other comedies because of their wit and charm. Many critics would agree, though, that Allen's earlier films were among his best. One of those movies was a lighthearted film called `Sleeper,' which starred a younger version of Allen and a younger, but always beautiful Diane Keaton. Although `Sleeper' leaves a person in stitches from laughter, its one flaw is that it lacks an ending. But don't let that stop you from seeing this comedy classic. In the end, who cares where it goes because it's just flat out funny. `Sleeper' is the story of Miles Monroe (Allen), who is cryogenically frozen in 1973 after having a procedure in a hospital. He is awoken nearly 200 years later by a group of scientists who want Monroe to help them defeat the leader of their society, as America's future consists of a totalitarian state. While on his adventure through this futuristic world, Monroe meets a beautiful woman named Luna Schlosser (Keaton) who he begins to have a love interest in. The two team up to try to oust their tyrannical government and bring about freedom and prosperity. `Sleeper' was hysterical from beginning to end. The very opening scene shows Monroe covered in tin foil-clearly scientists in 1973 found new and amazing uses for this wonderful kitchen product. As soon as Monroe awakens, he is disoriented, smiling aimlessly into space and walking backwards and into people. Allen's comical blend of intellect and charm shows up soon after. The futuristic society is comprised of people who have no historical references for the events of the past 200 years, as their leader has undoubtedly outlawed certain forms of knowledge that could lead to rebellion. They use Monroe to fill in the historical gaps by showing him pictures of famous twentieth century individuals, such as Joseph Stalin. Monroe provides his own synopsis of their contributions to the world in his own clever way, as he does also for former President Nixon. Allen's writing, direction and performance were hilarious. Rarely do we see writing as clever and sidesplitting in today's comedies. The only other comic director today that could even compare to Allen would be Christopher Guest, whose mockumentary films such as `Best In Show,' and the recent `A Mighty Wind,' have a real source of comedy. Most present comedies are trivial, filled with rehashed jokes that depend more on toilet humor than any form of real wittiness. The film's only problem is that after an hour and a half, it doesn't seem to know what to do with itself. It ends on a clever note about love with the protagonists somehow managing to save themselves, but not really the day. They realize that perhaps the only thing worth fighting for, in the end is love. All in all, `Sleeper' was a very funny farce on science fiction stories, and it cemented Allen's ability to be an engaging and funny in his films. ***
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Woody's Funniest
drednm24 April 2007
A futuristic comedy from Woody Allen in 1973 has him waking up from an operation 200 years later (in 2173) to find society has gone berserk.

Clever, witty, and very funny. Allen is hysterically funny as the "sleeper" who gets to give history lessons on the 1970s, pose as a robot, and become a revolutionary to be near Diane Keaton.

Filled with sight gags galore and great one-liners. The giant vegetables and chicken are funny. And so is the "1984" political humor that fits the Bush era better than it did the Nixon era. Also very funny is Allen's extended Blanche du Bois speech.

Allen is excellent as is Keaton. John Beck plays a revolutionary. Mary Gregory is the doctor. George Furth is a party guest. Jackie Mason does the voice of the Jewish tailor.

A must see.
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Successful Combination of Physical and Verbal Humour
JamesHitchcock28 March 2005
In this early comedy, Woody Allen plays Miles Monroe, a twentieth century healthfood restaurant owner and jazz clarinettist who is cryogenically frozen after surgery and awoken two centuries later. The America of 2173 is a totalitarian state ruled by an oppressive dictator, and Miles has been reanimated by a group of rebels fighting to overthrow the government. For reasons too complex to set out here, Miles is forced to go on the run disguised as a robot and finds himself falling in love with his new owner, an attractive but intellectually vacant young woman named Luna. The film recounts how Miles wins Luna over to the rebel cause and tells the story of their fight against the regime.

Unlike some of Woody's later films, this is a pure comedy. It does not try to explore philosophical issues or to analyse the human condition in the same way as, say, "Hannah and her Sisters" or "Crimes and Misdemeanours". Although I normally think of Woody as a master of verbal wit, much of the humour in "Sleeper" is physical slapstick, based upon (and no doubt deliberate homage to) the comedians of the silent era such as Charlie Chaplin or Buster Keaton. (I particularly liked the scenes where Woody is disguised as a robot and those where the villains are attempting to clone the dictator, killed in a bomb explosion, from his nose). The links with that era are reinforced by the musical score, composed by Woody himself, in a jazz/ragtime style reminiscent of the 1910s and 1920s. The sets, by contrast, are very futuristic, with the clinical glass-and-chromium look of many science-fiction films. The combination of a futuristic theme with a traditional style of comedy is doubtless why the film was advertised under the slogan "Woody Allen takes a nostalgic look at the future".

This is not, however, simply a pastiche of silent humour like the one Mel Brooks was to attempt a few years later in "Silent Movie". This being a Woody Allen film, there is also a good deal of verbal humour, particularly one-liners along the lines of "I haven't seen my analyst in 200 years. He was a strict Freudian. If I'd been going all this time, I'd probably almost be cured by now". (As that line suggests, Miles is the typical, neurotically insecure Woody Allen character). As is often the case with humorous science-fiction (such as Douglas Adams's "Hitchhiker" books), the humour is frequently used to make satirical points about twentieth-century society as seen from the viewpoint of an imagined future. Contemporary worries about our diet are neatly satirised by a joke about how the science of two hundred years hence has proved that fatty foods and smoking are actually beneficial to health whereas what we now think of as healthfoods are regarded as unhealthy. This joke has remained topical because anxiety about what we eat is, if anything,even greater today than it was in 1973. There is perhaps also a dig at seventies "radical chic" as the vacuous conformist Luna becomes an equally vacuous revolutionary. (The plot of "Sleeper" seems to owe something to another tongue-in-cheek science-fiction film from a few years earlier, "Barbarella", which also dealt with rebellion against a dictator and even featured similar "orgasmatron" machines; the star of that film, Jane Fonda, had by 1973 become Hollywood's most famous radical chic actress).

The humour of "Sleeper" is often directed against figures from the sixties and seventies- perhaps too much so, as this type of humour tends to date very quickly. Some of it is still funny (such as Diane Keaton's Marlon Brando impersonation), but some can now be difficult to understand, particularly for non-Americans. (I had no idea, for example, who Howard Cosell was- apparently he was a sports commentator). That is, however, a minor quibble. Overall, this is an entertaining film and, in places, very funny, combining successfully two very different styles of humour. 7/10
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True Comic Genius
jzappa6 April 2007
Sleeper is a comedy with one of the wittiest premises I've ever seen. It is a comedy about life in the 22nd century through a neurotic Jewish Brooklynite's cynical eyes. No matter how different things are in the future, his perspective doesn't change, his wry sense of humor stays the same, happily misplaced ragtime music plays over the movie, and old-fashioned sight gags are employed complete with the occasional stepped-up film speed.

Allen has always done well playing virtually the same character in all of his movies, but his talent as an on screen comedian is milestoned in this performance. He has the brilliance to mock even the most elusive and unnoticed physical conventions of screen acting, for instance his whispering to Diane Keaton while they pose as doctors in the presence of several people close by. It's a nitpicky sense of humor that contributes greatly to the intelligence behind all of his manic goofiness.

Diane Keaton is his match, however, whereas most of his leading ladies usually aren't. In fact, I hold Diane Keaton's performance in Sleeper as her crowning achievement so far that I've seen of her, even beyond her work in the Godfather films. She delivers great laughs. Her highlight is in what is possibly the funniest scene in the entire film, which eventually involves her doing an impression of Marlon Brando. Who would think that Diane Keaton would deliver the most convincing and dead-on Brando impression one has ever seen. While we're on the subject of that particular part of that hysterical scene that I will preserve for you to see for yourself, I must say that most people, even some of the most talented comedians and office/class clowns can hardly come close to mimicking Brando's voice, expressions and mannerisms. Diane Keaton somehow nails it. In Sleeper, she gives one of the funniest performances I've ever seen from an actress. She and Allen are truly one of the funniest comic pairs I've ever seen in a movie.

What makes Sleeper so funny is not just the physical comedy but the out-of-the-box, completely unorthodox creativity behind all of the physical comedy. There is a scene where someone slips on a banana peel. But the banana peel is the size of a canoe, as is the banana and all of the electronically preserved fruits and vegetables in this particular place, and Allen is being chased by a futuristic cop and both of them are slipping repeatedly on the peel. The film has robot butlers and maids of the future, and gradually throughout the film some are introduced as robots programmed to act and speak like effeminate gay men and Brooklyn Jewish stereotypes. There is also a great amount of intellectualism and cultural knowledge in even the zaniest of humorous moments in Sleeper, and that is what makes it one of Woody Allen's funniest films and a work of true comic genius.
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early Woody is the best Woody
rupie26 April 2000
No question that Woody Allen's earliest films were the most unpretentiously humorous, and Sleeper stands out among them. The conception of a frozen Allen waking up centuries in the future allows for plenty of biting satire on America in the 70's, not that we don't have plenty of good old-fashioned slapstick to boot. The bit with the Jewish robot tailors knocks me out no matter how many times I see it ("o-KAY, ve'll take it IN").
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Woody Allen's Second Best Movie After Annie Hall
hokeybutt22 June 2004
I think I am going to have to rank this as Woody Allen's second-best (and second-funniest) movie... after the unbeatable "Annie Hall". Even after having seen the movie 3 or 4 times I still find myself amused by some of Allen's shtick... and his rarely-demonstrated adeptness at physical comedy. So many classic physical bits: riding around in the wheelchair... eating the rubber glove... the future scientists trying to force his slack body into a futuristic vehicle. After this movie Woody started to get a little too cerebral... this was his last attempt at a just-plain-funny movie... and probably his most satisfying of his early comedies... only because there was a sort-of storyline. Woody is cryogenically frozen after a botched operation in the 1970s and is awoken 200 years later to find himself in a repressive Orwellian future. He meets up with a spoiled rich chick (Diane Keaton) and influences her (not really intentionally) into becoming a revolutionary activist.
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Hilarious and Stupidly Hilarious and Never Just Stupid
secondtake18 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Sleeper (1973)

Hilarious and Stupidly Hilarious and Never Just Stupid

Laughter is its own best defense, and so if you find early Woody Allen films funny, you'll love laughing here. But an hour and a half of good laughs is one thing, and a cinematic masterpiece is another. Not that Allen's goal was the stars, not yet.

I know, to not go gaga over "early Woody Allen" is announcing that I'm a brick, a philistine, or just a humorless aesthete. Well, maybe not. Woody Allen can be uproariously funny and also deeply funny at the same time, and that might happen here now and then, but it happens more in Love and Death (his next film, in the same silly early vein) and of course in his next film after that, Annie Hall, which is a terrible pinnacle to compare any of his films against. I won't even mention (not) later films where humor is more consistently layered with high drama (Hannah) or high art (Stardust).

The concept in Sleeper is funny to start with, of course, and that's ninety percent of the game. The funny ploys depend, often, on that single 200 year misalignment. But the slapstick, and the schtick, are uneven. I suppose you might love the idea, and the characters, and the actors, so much you can laugh at Diane Keaton doing a bad New York accent (is that what it was?). But either way you have to admit these kinds of ploys are fresh in Allen's hands, and the movie never gets dull.

Allen himself will make reference to earlier directors, and usually talks about them with a reverence he doesn't offer for his own films--part humility, part truth. Following that lead, it's fair to at least look at the prototypical kinds of humor in Chaplin and Keaton (Buster, not Diane) films, or even Peter Sellers vehicles that are closer to Allen's time (and of some obvious influence). And we can sometimes see a gift for transcendence or timelessness in those other films that Sleeper, itself, doesn't have, even when it might be making reference to them.

Funniest scenes? See for yourself. I laugh just thinking about them.
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very stupid, well-polished fun
planktonrules22 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Woody Allen's previous efforts, BANANAS and TAKE THE MONEY AND RUN, were exceptionally funny but very uneven films. His being a bit of an amateur in the film business is pretty obvious in these movies. However, by the time he created SLEEPER, he was a lot more polished and consistent film maker. While this is still a very stupid and sophomoric film, it is very funny nevertheless. While there are occasionally bad moments (such as the giant chicken), they are very few and the humor just keeps hitting you again and again. I particularly liked the Orgazmatron and the history lesson he gives the futuristic professors. This film is slapstick and dopey--exactly the type of film that intellectuals (the audience for most later Allen films) will probably hate. This is Allen for the common man--back when he used to be very funny.
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a snore!
standardmetal19 July 2004
In this early Woody, most of his shtick is already in evidence. And, for quite a while, the jokes are funny. But after a while, the jokes start repeating and the film just lies there, a noisy unwieldy mess with Woody and Diane arguing repeatedly and noisily.

It seems to me that Woody here is rather strongly influenced by Chaplin's "Modern Times" which I'm also not a fan of. But Chaplin had an undeniable gift for physical humor which Woody does not. Later on, Woody became more pretentious in an effort to be profound, especially when he was trying to channel Bergman.

I have found it typical of all the Woodies I've seen more than once, that I can't really watch it again. If you think I'm not a fan, you are right!

6 out of 10.
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This is one of my all time favourites
chris_curran_112 January 2005
Although i was only 1yr when this film was made, its still one that i can watch again and again. Woody Allens physical slap stick is brilliant, the scene of him waking up and getting in the wheelchair makes me cry with laughter. I'm not a big Woody Allen fan so i cant compare it to his other movies, but i would strongly recommend this film. Anyone wanting a good laugh should definitely see this movie. It has that innocent feel you get from older movies that still had some standards of censorship. If the film was made today it would probably be crude and crass like American pie. I'm no prude but i feel that this film was made during the best time of movie making, when plot and good acting were more important than special effects and shock tactics.
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Woody Allen slapstick is wacky but takes some disappointing turns...
moonspinner556 November 2006
Woody Allen is such a staple of New York and city-living that it's a hoot to see him at the center of the far-out futuristic surroundings in "Sleeper". His nuttiness isn't tempered by the visual gimmicks, and the movie is both recklessly daffy and wonderful to look at (it's great eye-candy, one of his best designed pictures). Allen's screenplay, co-written with Marshall Brickman, about an ulcerous health food fanatic frozen in 1973 and thawed out 200 years later, is a doodle that desperately has to work up new subplots just to keep going, and the entire brainwashing thread is wearing (although it does allow Diane Keaton to do an impersonation of Brando which is very funny). The film is decidedly shrill, and the neurotic one-liners (mostly about sex) seem to come from nowhere. Still, the movie has a lunatic decadence to it, and a kind of nostalgic abandon, which makes it both silly and edgy at the same time. *** from ****
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Likable, but overly self-indulgent
bengreenb27 June 2007
I had the reaction to this movie that I usually have had to Woody Allen flicks in the past. It's funny, filled with interesting jokes and ideas, but in the end I felt like Woody had more fun than I did.

The scenes where he has petty arguments with Diane Keaton just didn't strike me as funny. To be more specific, I don't think she's funny. Woody Allen is on screen, inducing laughs from his Jewish sense of humor, while she tags along and does a pretty bad job of playing along with it. This is a comedic routine with a long and time-honored tradition: the joker and the straight man. The problem is she can't play a good straight (wo)man-- she's just not fit to act the role. If Woody would choose actresses that can act better, rather than choosing ones on the basis of his relationships off film, his movies would be twice as good.
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One of his best comedies
danielrub-130 November 2003
Sleeper was a very interesting project for Allen. He had spent time doing stand up, and up until this, his movies had been written around the jokes. With the exception of Play it Again, Sam, they were a series of sketches loosely tied into a weak plot. Sleeper was the beginning of the end of this. While the plot is somewhat "sit-com-ish", it was still there, and viewers always kept it in mind. It was also loose enough that Allen could incorporate scenes paying homage to the early silent film stars (the scene with the flying suits is my personal favorite). Miles Monroe was also a rip off from Bob Hope's cowardly hero personalities, but Allen gave it his own twist, and, in my opinion, made it much better. All in all, Allen achieved the perfect blend of slapstick and substance for those in need of a simple comedy. It lacks the depth of some of his better films, but if you want to laugh, this is for you.

Oh, and if you find it somewhat intellectually devoid, try Love and Death. It was his next film, and he added less slapstick and more highbrow comedy, as well as a little more real drama and substance.
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A Slip on a Banana Peel and a Bonk on the Head with a Mallet
kilgore234525 March 2006
I was a bit disappointed with "Sleeper" in comparison to other early Woody Allen films. This is most likely due the amount of slapstick comedy, which I found to be a little too alien for a Woody Allen picture. This is not to say that the slapstick was not funny at times, just that Woody Allen really excels at plot/dialog driven comedy and the slapstick became redundant and the humor was lost. However, this should not detract from how funny this film is especially in comparison to most of today's silver screen comedies, even recent Woody Allen contributions.

Putting the slapstick aside, "Sleeper" employed a lot of Sci-Fi archetypes: the sleeper, an American dystopia with an Orwellian "Leader," androids and machine living, cloning, and so on. Unfortunately, Woody Allen doesn't really joke on these Sci-Fi conventions, instead the film mocked American pop culture up to 1973. This dates the film more so than the antiquated look of the "futuristic" computers, and in my opinion, a missed opportunity to give some really good jabs to the Sci-Fi genre.
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Allen's simple tribute to sci-fi and slapstick
TheNorthernMonkee11 July 2004
Warning: Spoilers

Woody Allen is a genius, few people will deny that. However, in recent years it's been well reported of his decline in success. Skipping back to 1973 and Allen created arguably his second greatest feature (After "Annie Hall") with "Sleeper".

In this film, Allen plays Miles Monroe, health food shop owner from the mid 70s. Awoken two hundred years later, Monroe is roped into helping an underground movement to overthrow a totalitarian government. Aided by the originally unwilling, talentless poet Luna (Diane Keaton), Allen is placed in all manner of scrapes as he attempts to acclimatise to his new surroundings.

"Sleeper" is brilliant. Never a film to be taken seriously, it has all the elements of a cult film, with the exception being that because it's a Woody Allen film, it's been pushed more into the mainstream. With a brilliant story which is actually relatively short on dialogue, Allen shows us an obscure future where freedoms are limited, but everyone is happy due to a combination of orgasm creating machines and a healthy diet of cigarettes and fudge cake.

The reasoning behind the limitations of dialogue is that they just aren't necessary. Forever the master of quick witted, social commentary, in "Sleeper" Allen has created a tribute to the silent slapstick of the Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin era. One early scene in particular with Allen in a wheelchair causing trouble is excellent as the audience find themselves laughing at something which really shouldn't be funny, but ultimately is.

Perhaps the one criticism of this film is the suddenness of it's ending. At the very end, "Sleeper" might conclude with a happy ending, but it concludes with a very sudden one. In comparison though with a world today where endings seem to never come ("Lord Of The Rings" taking a particularly long time to finish), it feels quite a nice change.

Therefore to summarise, Allen's "Sleepers" is a brilliant film. With some cracking slapstick humour and some equally good witty comments, Allen has created a gem. Whilst not as good as some of his other work, who cares. This film is a fun film designed to make people laugh and it succeeds with this in tons. Enjoy.
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Woody Allen + Diane Keaton = Magic
gridoon202416 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
"Sleeper" is packed with visual (at times it's almost like a tribute to silent comedy) and verbal gags, but personally I don't think it is quite as funny as "Bananas", or quite as imaginative as the best sketch (the closing one) of "Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex (But Were Afraid To Ask)" (although the orgasmatron and the shaving-mirror scene come close), and the ending feels rushed. However, it is a very important part in Woody Allen's evolution: up to that point, his films were mostly "Woody against the world"; here, he's dancing (metaphorically, but sometimes also literally!) with a partner - and what a partner! Diane Keaton, at her sexiest and fastest, is almost like a female Woody Allen at times - that's how well-synchronized their teamwork is. Woody is so confident of Keaton's abilities that he even gives her a couple of wild comic scenes all to herself, like her Tarzan imitation, and he sometimes lets himself become the butt of her jokes ("You're dealing with one of the greatest minds you've ever encountered" - "Yeah, and his isn't so bad either!"). Apart from their heavenly pairing, the strongest asset of "Sleeper" is its wonderful jazz score. *** out of 4.
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Perfect comedy
ill_behavior12 January 2005
Slapstick combined with razor sharp dialogue.

The film is pure magic, its my favourite comedy and I think it is in my top three Allen films of all time.

See it if you like the Marx brothers, Woody is all of them rolled into one in this film, it's utter genius. Woody also plays the jazz music which scores the film, and you know you're in for a treat when hearing the first few bars makes you smile. There aren't many comedies out there which could top this in terms of low budget, gags-per-second ratio, music, and sheer quality.

If a film could save your life (as in Hannah and her sisters), it's this one.
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a very pleasant 90 minutes
christopher-underwood22 January 2020
Not sure I had ever seen this before and found it quite a pleasant surprise. It is not as funny as, I'm sure, it is supposed to be but that is because one or two of the jokes are pertinent both to a place and time not now familiar. There is also a fair reliance on slapstick, which is not as Allen seems here to suppose, just running around, something funny should actually happen. The trad jazz accompaniment for which Allen contributes clarinet is great and helps things enormously. For the most part it is likeable and amusing enough with both Woody Allen and Diane Keaton most engaging. The pacing is good, the effects perfectly fine and if not laugh out funny then a very pleasant 90 minutes.
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Visual humor is the key
CameronMB14 February 2004
This movie relies much more strongly on visual humor than many of Woody Allen's other works. It draws heavily on the tradition of silent film. Unfortunately, it never achieves the level of true genius that Allen is capable of; although better than the average comedy, it is far below the average quality of a Woody Allen work. I guess there must be something wrong with me, since most people I know really like this movie, but somehow it just falls a little flat.
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Great fun
bsinc20 January 2003
Wow, this movie was really a step forward from Woody Allen' s previous work. It's much funnier than "Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex" and is a great satire. The best parts are definitely the ones where Woody is dressed up as a robot. They're just hilarious. Diane Keaton is also very funny when she tries to speak like a jew. A good comedy that ends too soon. 7/10
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Surprisingly good
DJAkin20 February 2006
This was a goofy and weird movie. It was really funny to watch Woody Allen do his physical comedy for a change. I agree with other reviews, this is NOT LIKE Crimes and Misdemeanors at all. This is just a 1973 movie filled with a ton of one liners and funny scenes. The best was where he was in the balloon suit and running all over the place and bouncing. Also, where he was dressed as a robot and had that shower head thing in his mouth. I laughed so hard at that scene. I loved the scene where he had a helicopter gadget and was running all over the place. Diane Keaton must be a huge fan and friend of Woody Allen because she seems to be in all of his movies. I liked Sleeper and would see it again.
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Weird and wacky! 6/10
leonblackwood27 September 2014
Review: What a strange and wacky movie. To be honest, I lost the plot halfway through the film, but some of the scenes are really funny. I think that this is Woody Allen's slightly warped look at politics in the 70's which sees him on a mission to destroy a nose. Like most Woody Allen movies, there is a love interest and this is film she is played by Diane Keaton, who cracked me up with her funny expressions and crazy lines. I definitely saw a bit of Charlie Chaplin in Allen's acting, which was quite physical compared to his latter movies. Anyway, this is a off the wall type of movie which has some funny moments. Enjoyable!

Round-Up: For a movie that was made in 1973, $2milion dollars was quite a big budget and you can see were the money was spent in some of the extra ordinary scenes and weird costumes. It does seem a bit dated but it's a unique comedy that reminded of classic films like Dr. Strangelove and Clockwork Orange. It does get a bit out of hand near the end, but I liked the chemistry between Allen &  Keaton and you can't say that it wasn't original for its time.

Budget: $2million Worldwide Gross: $18.3million

I recommend this movie to people who are into there Woody Allen movies about a man who wakes up 200 years in the future after a operation that goes wrong. 6/10
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This Peek at the Future is Often Stuck in the Past
drqshadow-reviews30 January 2012
A freezer-burned Woody Allen emerges from a lengthy cryogenic slumber to apply his own specific brand of humor to the late 22nd century. At times overly topical and horribly dated, this is really at its best as a flippant physical comedy. Even then, the puns and gags are stretched awfully thin, with blatantly sped-up footage and a ragtime soundtrack giving it the look and feel of a futuristic Benny Hill. Allen's pokes and prods about the evolution of society are occasionally good for a snicker, particularly the advent of technology supplanting our need for sex, drugs and organized religion, but the central storyline is so thin and inessential that the whole mess feels like a series of vaguely-related skits. The glut of weak, DIY-esque backdrops and special effects make the arrival of Star Wars just four years later seem even more impressive by comparison. Mildly silly at best and utterly dull at worst, it's not something I'll be revisiting again soon, if ever.
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