Metti lo diavolo tuo ne lo mio inferno (1972) Poster

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Derivative DECAMERON riff from the director of BLACK EMANUELLE
Davian_X23 June 2023
Following the release of Pier Paolo Pasolini's THE DECAMERON, Italian audiences were besieged by a number of low-rent knock-offs, the so-called "decamerotici" of the 1970s. While the more ambitious of these staked out new and compelling territory (e.g., the delightful Edwige Fenech vehicle UBALDA, ALL NAKED AND WARM), most, like PUT YOUR DEVIL INTO MY HELL, were content to dress a few starlets in period clothes, bluff their way through a half-baked script, and call it a day.

Taking its title from the bawdy punchline to a Boccaccio tale featured in Pasolini's film (how's that for idea theft?), DEVIL follows the not-too-interesting adventures of Riccardo, a trickster and ne'er-do-well intent on bedding the most beautiful and prominent women of a small Italian village. First seen as an artist, he's attempting to make love to the mayor's wife while painting her portrait. When the mayor gets wind that a papal convention in Rome is set to draw religious dignitaries from throughout Europe, he seizes on the idea of promoting increased tourism by re-routing traffic from the nearby villages. As clerics from all over begin parading through the remote town, plenty of opportunities for bawdy shenanigans arise as the townspeople strive to meet their lecherous needs.

As the above probably makes clear, the film is a bit schizophrenic in its attempt to marry two different plots, neither of which is well developed. Riccardo's philandering, for instance, is the stuff of innumerable Italian sex farces, but there's no center to make it stick: no thrill of forbidden romance, etc. Similarly, the set-up of the various hypocritical and over-sexed religious figures heading through town is a solid one, but the film doesn't do much with it: it mostly contents itself to let them grope a few of the women (dressed as nuns to mimic a monastery for them to bed down in) and call it a day. There's one funny (though certainly dated) section of gay-panic humor about a group of Germans, but that's about it.

Anyone looking for the kind of lusty, joyous omnibus delivered by Pasolini will be sorely disappointed, even accounting for the fact that attempting to compare BLACK EMANUELLE director Bitto Albertini to the illustrious PPP is like putting up a pound of ground chuck against a Porterhouse. There are no spritely, playful tales here, no memorable characters, just a lackluster narrative that barely manages to reach a coherent conclusion, while Pasolini was busy using a similar set-up to interrogate the very nature of storytelling itself, in between all the playful shenanigans. The gulf between the two is as vast as between Heaven and Hell - would that Albertini had put a bit more of the former into the latter.
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A Campy Erotic Horror with Limited Appeal
LeoFilmbuff7 June 2024
"Metti lo diavolo tuo ne lo mio inferno," a 1972 Italian film directed by Bitto Albertini, is an attempt to blend eroticism with horror in a campy, over-the-top fashion. The film follows the story of a young woman who becomes entangled with a mysterious and sinister cult. While the film's premise is intriguing and it offers some moments of visual flair, it ultimately falls short in delivering a cohesive and engaging narrative, earning a rating of 5/10.

One of the film's strengths lies in its bold and colorful cinematography. Albertini makes effective use of vibrant colors and dramatic lighting to create a visually striking experience. The film's settings, from opulent interiors to eerie, shadowy exteriors, are meticulously crafted to enhance the sense of both allure and danger. However, despite these visual merits, the film's pacing is uneven, and the plot often feels disjointed. The narrative struggles to maintain a consistent tone, oscillating between campy humor and genuine horror without fully committing to either.

The performances in "Metti lo diavolo tuo ne lo mio inferno" are a mixed bag. While some actors embrace the film's campy tone and deliver entertainingly over-the-top performances, others fall flat, lacking the charisma and energy needed to fully engage the audience. The dialogue is often stilted and unnatural, detracting from the overall immersion and making it challenging for the audience to connect with the characters. Additionally, the character development is shallow, with many of the characters feeling like one-dimensional archetypes rather than fully realized individuals.

Ultimately, "Metti lo diavolo tuo ne lo mio inferno" is a film that falls short of its potential. While it offers moments of visual brilliance and an intriguing premise, the inconsistent storytelling and underdeveloped characters prevent it from achieving greatness. Fans of campy erotic horror may find some value in this film, but for the average viewer, it is likely to be a frustrating experience.
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