The Undefeated (1969) Poster

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"The conversation sorta dried up, ma'am."
estabansmythe11 February 2006
"The Undefeated" is one of the finest of John Wayne's later westerns, "True Grit" excepted and taking into consideration that "Big Jake" is nothing to slouch at.

"The Undefeated" is the Duke's biggest large-scale epic since "The Alamo" a decade earlier. The battle scenes and the shots of the horse drive are stirring and impressive.

Another thing that separates this film from other post-1965 Wayne westerns (except for "The Cowboys") is the dialog. It's sharp, crisp, witty and often fun.

Here's a good example of that sharp, witty & pointed dialogue: Duke and co-star Rock Hudson had just returned to their camp after being forced to kill a Mexican bandit leader, who, with his gang wanted Rock & Duke's valuables, their horses and their women. When one of the women asks the Duke why he had to kill him, he replied matter of factly, "The conversation sorta dried up." Classic stuff!

And Hugo Montenegro's memorable score is terrific - the best work I personally have heard from him. It helps perpetuate the whole notion that this is indeed an epic western.

I'm amused at some of the wanna-be Rex Reed's here, the "I am a critic so I can't really, actually, truthfully admit that I loved something like this" with their "ho hum, it's passable, I guess"; and their "it's an okay time killer if you've got nothing better to do." How too, too cool. Give me a break, you elitist wanna-be's!

"The Undefeated" is long on length and even longer on entertainment. This is a grand western.
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Duke Yank and Rock Reb
bkoganbing13 January 2006
The Civil War is over and it's been pretty costly to both sides. John Wayne has lost nearly every man who volunteered to serve with him and is broke. Rock Hudson who was also a Colonel on the other side went broke financing a regiment of his own and the Yankee carpetbaggers are ready to take over his plantation.

Wayne leads the remainder of his men to capture and tame wild horses to sell. Hudson gets an offer from Emperor Maximilian of Mexico to bring his people and resettle there. He needs all the help he can get to prop up his unpopular government. Hudson is certainly bringing a better quality of Anglo than Burt Lancaster did in Vera Cruz.

When Wayne feels a rip off coming from some middlemen horsetraders, he settles it in the usual Duke fashion and heads to Mexico himself. There the parties of Wayne and Hudson meet and their stories are entwined from then on.

With Wayne and Hudson co-starring, The Undefeated was led by two men who between them were number one at the box office for about a dozen years combined. Wayne was coming off his Oscar winning performance in True Grit. This film was definitely guaranteed an audience.

The story is both men are decent fellows and born leaders. Each is trying to pick up the pieces of civilian life and each is the leader of a party looking to them for leadership. A healthy and mutual respect develops between them despite previous political differences.

Wayne gets a whole load of players who worked with him before for this part. As he grew older he liked to have familiar faces around him. He had the star clout to insure it as well. Ben Johnson, Bruce Cabot, Edward Faulkner, Harry Carey, Jr., are some of the Wayne film veterans here.

Dub Taylor in his only film with the Duke does a very entertaining job as McCartney the cook. Dub did so many westerns when he wasn't doing hillbillies it's amazing that his and Wayne's path crossed only once.

This was also an early film for Jan Michael Vincent who went on to a star career of his own. Two members of the Los Angeles Rams, Roman Gabriel and Merlin Olsen were in this as well. Gabriel played a surrogate son to Wayne and rival for the hand of Melissa Newman to Vincent. Merlin Olsen is also here as a Confederate aide to Hudson. Gabriel decided movies wasn't his thing, but Olsen certainly had a substantial career after football.

The Undefeated has a nice, easy and charming flow to it, just like The Comancheros. Wayne and Hudson work well together in their only joint outing. Less action than you normally have in a Wayne film, but it's mixed in well with some good comic moments.

As Duke said parodying one of his one lines from a previous hit film of his, "Let's Take 'Em to Mexico." You'll like the ride.
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Good enough to be likeable, likeable enough to be good
Laitue_Gonflable25 September 2003
The Undefeated is a pretty good Western flick. It's light-hearted (for the most part), solid entertainment. John Wayne plays a Yankee soldier who forms an unlikely friendship with a Confederate, played by Rock Hudson, very shortly after the end of the Civil War. The two are both leading men south of the border for various reasons, and as the film progresses, the two help each other, rescue each other, and share a few drinks a number of times.

That's why it's light-hearted, there's a lot of smiles from both lead actors, all the supporting cast and, I dare say, the majority of the audience. There are very few unlikeable parts to this movie. That's not to say it's outrageously good; some of the supporting cast look amateurish at times, and the music occasionally stifles the action on screen, but aside from that, it's fine. John Wayne and Rock Hudson were two of those rare actor types who can't put in a bad performance if they try, but I don't think I need to tell you that.

It's a good package. Perfect for evening viewing, I'd recommend, as I just spent a very profitable evening in front of it. Some short but sweet action scenes, some just plain sweet romance subplots and a good and happy ending makes for one satisfied viewer. Far from perfect but great all the same. *** / *****
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A likable Western, but mixes a serious story with occasional goofiness
Wuchakk3 December 2014
"The Undefeated" (1969) teams up John Wayne and Rock Hudson as ex-Union and Confederate officers after the Civil War in Mexico. Langdon (Hudson) wants to relocate his family & friends whereas Thomas (Wayne) wants to make money selling horses to Emperor Maximilian. The problem is that Benito Juarez and his followers are at war with Maximilian and this causes unforeseen problems for the Americans, who have no choice but to team-up.

The set-up of story is great and loosely based on Joseph Orville "Jo" Shelby and his Missouri raiders and their families who really did seek to relocate to Maximilian's Mexico, but had to return after the victory of Juarez' forces. The movie starts with a Civil War battle and the announcement that Lee has surrendered and the war is over, which segues into Langdon and Thomas and their people going to Mexico for completely different reasons; and then they meet. This is great, but the filmmakers add some goofiness, like an over-the-top, fun-spirited brawl between the Confederates and Federals at a 4th of July party in the wilderness. These types of scenes were fairly common in Wayne Westerns at the time and I always thought they detracted from these movies. There's a way to mix realistic comedy into a movie and a way not to and this isn't the way. Besides, how can a serious brouhaha be fun? When you punch people in the face in real life they get bloody noses and missing teeth; here they just laugh it off.

Another problem is NFL quarterback Roman Gabriel as a full-blooded Native American and adopted son of Thomas. No matter how you slice it, he looks like a white dude with a mop of black hair. To add insult to injury, Langdon's cute daughter (Melissa Newman) falls head-over-heals in love with him and the way it happens simply isn't realistic. Would a genuine Southern belle really swoon over a full-blooded Indian who visits their encampment? Would no one notice that the two have wandered off to make-out, in plain view of the others? Would Col. Langdon really not mind that his daughter is sucking face with a full-blooded Native? In our day and age it's no big deal and most people could care less, but it's still an issue in some circles; how much more so back then, particularly with a proud Southern Colonel and his people?

If you can overlook these flaws, however, this is a very worthwhile Western with quality drama, action, characters and locations (shot in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and Durango, Mexico). The cast is also notable. Besides the two stars, you also get Lee Meriwether, Marian McCargo, Jan-Michael Vincent (in a too-small role), Merlin Olsen, Ben Johnson and various Wayne Western staples.

This is a likable Western because the people are so likable. For instance, the way one group is unselfishly willing to let go of something of great worth on behalf of another group blows the mind, but it reveals their nobility and the fact that they value human beings more than they do monetary gain, but only because they've found them worthy. It also reveals respect and the willingness to forgive & heal after the nation's most bloody war.

The film runs 119 minutes.

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Duke and his Yankees bail out Hudson and his rebels.
yenlo10 November 1999
The Civil War is over but certain Confederate units refuse to call it quits. Colonel John Henry Thomas (played by The Duke)and his gang encounters one such band of rebels at the start of this film. Then there is the unit led by Colonel James Langdon played by Rock Hudson. They accept the fact the war is over but decide rather than live under the stars and stripes head out lock stock and barrel for Mexico women and children included. Wayne and his men bid farewell to the Army and set out to make a buck or two rounding up and selling wild horses. Wayne and his men cross paths along the way with Hudson and his refugees which make up the bulk of the story.

It's a little easy to understand Thomas and his men but not so easy to understand the Langdon group. When they encounter trouble it's almost hard as a viewer to have any pity for them.

Wayne gets support from a number of actors who co-starred with him in several of his films. Veteran character actor Dub Taylor is along as a nasty Chuck Wagon driver. Former Los Angeles Rams Quarterback Roman Gabriel is cast as a native American who served for Wayne during the war and is now his main man when it comes to tracking, scouting etc. Gabriels Ram teammate Merlin Olsen is also featured as a Confederate soldier who hates to fist fight but is called upon to do so. Decent western John Wayne film all in all. The Confederates may have lost the war but in this film they certainly ate better than the Yankees do.
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Two mighty stars, Wayne and Hudson, in a Mexican adventure during the Maximilian-Juarez war
ma-cortes18 January 2009
This moving western has Yankee colonel Henry Thomas (John Wayne) joining forces with Confederate official named Langdon (Rock Hudson), during the post-Civil War and in Mexican territory . Wayne tries to sell wild horses to the French military in Mexico and Hudson leading a wagon train to Durango . Both colonels battling it out toe to toe and side by side across 2000 miles of thundering adventure . They feared no one , Juarista rebels , cut-throat bandits, the armies of Maximilian, as they challenged an angry land and each other . The two big men with reckless courage clash and nothing can match them ,the big men ride and nothing can stop them . Through a thousand dangers and a thousand thrills they fight their glorious way to destiny , conquering desert , risks , savage outlaws , and enemy soldiers.

This agreeable Western packs adventures , silly romance , action , shootouts and historical events about American Civil War and Mexican war between Emperor Maxilimilian and Juaristas . Casting is frankly good, the legendary John Wayne , Rock Hudson . Before filming began, John Wayne had to lose most of the weight he had put on in order to play Rooster Cogburn in True grit (1969). According to director Andrew V. McLaglen, his first choice for the role of Colonel James Langdon was James Arness, who was willing to do it but backed out just before shooting began ; Rock Hudson was brought in as his replacement . John Wayne became good friends during the shoot with Rock Hudson and even joked that he'd rather have been born with Hudson's movie star face than his own. Magnificent plethora of secondaries , as usual John Ford's actors , Ben Johnson, Bruce Cabot, John Agar, Harry Carey Jr , among others . Furthermore , ordinary cameraman William H Clothier (Cheyemne Autumm , Man who shot Liberty Valance , Horse soldiers) who creates a luminous and colorful cinematography . Lively and evocative musical score by Hugo Montenegro . The motion picture was well directed by Andrew V. McLagen , a known Ford's disciple . He's a Western expert (McLintock, Shenandoah, Bandolero, Chisum , Cahill , Way west) and warlike genre craftsman (Return to Kai, Wild Geese , Sea Wolves). Rating : acceptable and passable. The movie will appeal to Wayne and Hudson die-hard fans.
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Major, I don't think you realise that the war is over.
hitchcockthelegend10 December 2010
The Undefeated is directed by Andrew V. McLaglen and adapted for the screen by James Lee Barrett from a story by Stanley L. Hough. It stars John Wayne & Rock Hudson, features a musical score by Hugo Montenegro and William H. Clothier provides the South Western cinematography.

Much yee-hawing and lots of patriotic fervour, The Undefeated is a fun and undemanding way for the Western fan to spend a couple of hours. Plot basically revolves around some post Civil War rivalries between Union and Confederate leaders played by Wayne and Hudson respectively. Both men and the groups they have under their control, get mixed up in the Maximillian/Juarez revolution in Mexico. Cue moral quandaries, big decisions and life affirming human interests; as McLaglen (aided by Wayne apparently) directs unfussy without pushing the envelope of Western directing. True enough at times the tone is uneven, it's hard to tell if it's meant to be light hearted or serious during some passages (kind of why John Ford was a genre master since he could achieve it comfortably), and some casting decisions are rather baffling (hello Roman Gabriel); but it's all very spirited, especially Hudson, to round it out as a solid genre offering from the late 1960s. 6.5/10
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"The conversation sorta dried up, ma'am."
coltras3520 July 2021
Wayne, discovering that the Union army is planning to cheat him on a horse-trading deal, decides instead to drive his herd down to Mexico to sell to the Emperor Maximilian; Hudson, meanwhile, is leading a wagon train of disgruntled Southerners to settle in Mexico at the Emperor's invitation. Their odysseys converge, and when their arrival in Mexico coincides with the Juarez revolt, they decide that the good old US of A provides better choices than these pesky foreigners after all.

Characteristically folksy Western, the Undefeated has a lively supporting cast, great camera work by William Clothier, and a very inspiring idea, exploring the relation between the former Union and Confederate post-civil war, and they realise they have something in common.

It's a good western, a bit slumbering in places, especially in the first half, then after that moves briskly. It's got a mix of action (horse stampede at the end is exciting), humour and drama, but it's the two stars The duke and Rock Hudson that carry the film. Both actors are like chalk and cheese, but they work well together. The romantic subplot can be a bit contrived, though.

There's a great one liner: "The conversation sorta dried up, ma'am" when a lady asks him why they stopped the conversation and shot the bandit.
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Underrated and watchable western with some originality.
carlwilcox23 December 2007
Saw this film around 30 years ago. At that time I thought it just a fairly formulaic star vehicle, bringing together the grizzled, typical Wayne cowboy character with someone who was a newer and - at the time -a really big name in Rock Hudson. Seeing it anew in 2007, I realise my earlier estimate was too dismissive by far. It has a good plot with many original aspects, well described already on the web-site by earlier reviewers, especially the linkage of US civil war with events happening at the same time in Mexico. Not being a huge fan, ordinarily, of either of the main stars, it has to be said they both turn in good performances and are fully believable as leaders whom other men would naturally follow, and who inspire fierce loyalties. The dialogue has a few unexpectedly good lines and is generally above average standard. The stars play it light-heartedly, and this gives the film warmth, colour and humour. Some aspects of the film, admittedly, conform to the hackneyed Wayne cowboy film recipe, such as the free-for-all fist fight, but in general the film stands up well nearly 40 years after it was made, and it has held on to a much more modern feel than other Wayne westerns. The musical score just about carries enough grandeur to match the action and the occasionally majestic cinematography, especially the scenes involving the drive across country of a few thousand horses. Any film-lover who enjoys the more upmarket western should give this film a try. The nearly two hours pass quickly, and it's a film to make you think (about the nature of war against your fellow countrymen, about loyalty, friendship and heroism) and escapist enough to make you smile.
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Spectacular Cinematography Lifts Uneven Western
dglink25 August 2016
Set in the period just after the Civil War, "The Undefeated" pits ex-Union officer John Wayne against ex-Confederate officer Rock Hudson in an amiable, if uneven, big-budget western. Hudson, as Colonel James Langdon, leaves his ancestral home after the defeat of the Confederacy and leads his family and friends southwards on a trek to find a new home in Emperor Maximilian's Mexico. Meanwhile, Colonel John Henry Thomas, played by Wayne, gathers his ex-army buddies and endeavors to round up and sell horses to the U.S. Army. The two men and their followers meet up in Northern Mexico and find themselves embroiled in the struggle between French-backed supporters of Maximilian and Mexican nationalists who back Benito Juarez. The resulting film, directed by Andrew V. McLaglen, is a predictable western with enough action and friendly verbal sparring between the former battlefield enemies to entertain for the two-hour running time.

Besides Wayne and Hudson, the cast benefits from such veteran western stalwarts as Bruce Cabot, Ben Johnson, Paul Fix, Harry Carey Jr., John Agar, and Dub Taylor. However, the film's most outstanding assets are a fine musical score by Hugo Montenegro and exceptional cinematography by William H. Clothier; Clothier captures sweeping vistas of northern Mexico, a herd of galloping horses, mounted cavalry advancing across battlefields, and horse-drawn wagons fording a river that enhance the visual spectacle of "The Undefeated."

Unfortunately, the film falters during a silly mass fist fight between the Northerners and Southerners, and the anachronistic romance between a Native American scout and Langdon's daughter creates a time warp; the pairing of a Southern white woman with a Native American in the days after the fall of the Confederacy is pure fantasy. Well coiffed and made-up ladies in formal French gowns dining on make-shift tables outside their covered wagons is also a stretch of credibility; no dust or grime intrudes on their frontier life. The friendly bonding between the former adversaries Langdon and Thomas and their followers is equally unlikely, and, although Wayne and Hudson make strange bedfellows, they work well together. While not among the landmark westerns of Wayne's career, "The Undefeated," elevated by Clothier's outstanding cinematography, Montenegro's score, and a supporting cast of familiar western faces, is solid entertainment and well worth discovering or re-discovering.
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Americans United Contra Mundum
JamesHitchcock10 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The title of "The Undefeated" refers to those Confederates who refused to accept defeat in the American Civil War and migrated to Mexico rather than live under the Union. The film is loosely based on a true story, although the details are very much fictionalised. A group of Confederate soldiers, led by Colonel James Langdon, make their way with their families across Texas, hoping to cross the Rio Grande and to join Emperor Maximilian of Mexico, who has offered them land where they can make a new life. Langdon was once a wealthy plantation owner, but has been ruined financially by the war, and before leaving sets fire to his mansion rather than see it fall into the hands of Northerners.

On the journey, Langdon meets an old Civil War antagonist, Colonel John Henry Thomas, who is leading a group of his former soldiers on an expedition to capture a herd of wild horses, which he is hoping to sell to the US government. Upon learning, however, that the Mexican government are willing to pay a better price, Thomas and his men also turn south with their captive herd. The film tells the story of what happens when the two groups of Americans, former enemies, are forced to work together to fight off attacks from bandits and from the Juaristas, republican opponents of Maximilian's government.

A number of Westerns from this period had a Mexican-related theme and generally involve Americans becoming embroiled in either the Mexican civil war of the 1860s or the Mexican Revolution of the 1910s; others include "The Wild Bunch", "Two Mules for Sister Sara" and "The Professionals", with "Veracruz" being an earlier example from the fifties. The makers of "The Undefeated", however, were less concerned with the intricacies of Mexican politics than they were with putting across a message of American patriotism. Although the Confederates and Unionists have recently been fighting one another, they learn to respect one another and to unite against a common foe. Thomas and his men not only help the Confederates fight the bandits, they also give up their horses to ransom them when they are being held hostage by a Juarista general.

The old divisions- North versus South, blue versus grey, abolitionists versus advocates of slavery- no longer matter; the reconciliation between the two groups takes place, very symbolically, at a Fourth of July party. What matters is that former Confederates and former Unionists are all now Americans, united against the world. Even non-whites are included; a romance develops between Thomas's adopted Indian son Blue Boy and Langdon's daughter. The implied message for the Americans of 1969 is that they must learn to overcome their own divisions- conservative versus liberal, young versus old, black versus white, pro-Vietnam war versus pacifists- in a similar way.

This message of inclusive patriotism would have been dear to the heart of one of the film's two big stars, John Wayne, who plays Thomas. The following year Wayne was to make another Western, "Rio Lobo", about Northerners and Southerners learning to live together after the Civil War. It is a potentially interesting theme, but not one which this film makes the most of. Rock Hudson's performance as a Southern gentleman has been criticised, but for me he was not the problem with the film. I will leave comment on his accent to those who are more familiar with the dialects of the Deep South than I am, but I found his portrayal of a proud and honourable aristocrat a convincing one. John Wayne, however, had already shown in "The Green Berets" the year before that he was really too old to go on playing a front-line soldier, and he is no more credible here. The film also contains a few other implausible elements. There may have been men in the 1860s who would have had no objection to their daughter entering into a racially mixed marriage, but I doubt if a die-hard Confederate aristocrat like Langdon would have been one of them. The film ends with both Langdon and Thomas on surprisingly good terms with the Juarista General Rojas, even though he has shown himself to be both ruthless and treacherous and has threatened to shoot the Confederates in cold blood if his ransom demands are not met. The film is also overlong and its pace, particularly during the second half, tends to flag.

The late sixties and early seventies saw the last great hurrah of the Western before its decline in the late seventies and eighties, but "The Undefeated" cannot compare in quality with some of the other offerings from the period, such as "The Wild Bunch", or Wayne's other film from 1969, "True Grit", or even with "Chisum", another collaboration between Wayne and director Andrew V. McLaglen from the following year. It is marginally better than the non-Western "The Green Berets", but to say that about a film is no very great praise. 5/10
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Not perfect, but exceptionally watchable
Pro Jury15 June 2000
John Wayne and Rock Hudson play off each other with confidence and style in this fine movie western.

THE UNDEFEATED endlessly frames its two super-popular movie stars from low camera angles and often adds perfect blue skies above and picturesque western vistas in deep focus behind. Both in full command of the camera, regal, standing straight and tall -- here John Wayne and Rock Hudson live forever larger than life. THE UNDEFEATED is pure hero worship eye candy!

Although the story is rather flawed, everything else is A+. The music is among the best of bold western movie scores. The direction as noted above is respectful to the picture's two great American icons. It is not perfect, but THE UNDEFEATED is an exceptionally fun movie to watch.
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Just Fun
noworkinternational14 November 2006
The seven vote is simply an attempt at film criticism objectivity.

But, since I'll always end up watching the darn thing when I spot it surfing channels, and having felt majorly disappointed when I missed all but the end on AMC, it has to be a 9 in terms of enjoyability, to me.

Love the music too. I'll be singing it every so often just by happenstance.

The ending is somewhat ironic. No huge climactic battle against Rojas, but a prior fight against the forces of Mexico the cowboys were intending to supply the horses to.

Not the Wild Bunch, but also not the mean-spirited, bloody movie either that might prevent me from plopping down on a sofa with my kids to watch it. They get tired of me trying to imitate the Duke. I love the Wild Bunch, but its anti-hero, violent nonconformity which was so potent then has lost its luster after so many years of Hollywood trying to imitate its original glamor.

"The conversation sorta dried up." - Duke "You go to hell." - Dub Taylor Great lines. Great cast. Good fun.
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"No girl looks the way you do is too young to marry."
utgard1419 May 2014
If you ever wanted to see John Wayne and Rock Hudson wear long sideburns, this is the movie for you. Duke plays a Yankee and Rock plays a Rebel in this post-Civil War western that finds both men coming into conflict with Mexican bandits and soldiers. Yeah. Watch to see how that happens. Supporting cast includes Jan-Michael Vincent, Merlin Olsen, Tony Aguilar, and so on. Certain elements of this, such as the hairstyles, are very much a product of the era in which this was made rather than historical accuracy. It reminds me of Bonanza in the '70s when Little Joe had long bushy sideburns because actor Michael Landon cared more about his personal style than that of his character. The curiosity factor of seeing Duke and Rock in a movie together might make it worth seeing for some. Really, though, it's pretty dull. The direction is pedestrian and uninteresting. It's watchable enough, particularly for fans of Wayne and Hudson. But beyond that it's nothing special.
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THE UNDEFEATED (Andrew V. McLaglen, 1969) **1/2
Bunuel197626 May 2007
The late, great British film critic Leslie Halliwell’s verdict on Howard Hawks’ EL DORADO (1966) – “Easy going, semi-somnolent, generally likable but disappointing Western…an old man’s movie all around” – is a bit harsh in my view but it does rather aptly describe John Wayne’s films from DONOVAN’S REEF (1963) onwards – with a couple of obvious exceptions. This, then, is one from that professionally made, solidly entertaining and unassuming bunch; despite having been shown on TV several times over the years, it is not one that I had been familiar with prior to this viewing.

The third of five films the Duke would make with director Andrew V.McLaglen, it is not the best but not the worst either: actually, it has a surprisingly good premise – in post Civil War days, a band of Northerners (led by Wayne, naturally) take to rustling horses and selling them to the highest bidder; when that happens to be Emperor Maximilian of Mexico, they take a hard ride down Mexico way which pits them against several odds: the U.S. and the rebel Juaristas-aiding French armies (who both want to take possession of their herd), as well as a proud group of Confederates (led by a somewhat uncomfortable Rock Hudson) who have been promised shelter from Maximilian himself. During the course of the journey, tensions and friendships flare up as Wayne’s adopted Native American son falls for Hudson’s daughter and both parties engage in a free-for-all drunken fistfight (a pre-requisite John Wayne movie ingredient, especially at this stage in his career) to celebrate the 4th of July. However, when Hudson and his men reach Maximilian territory, they are abducted by the Juaristas who demand the exchange of Wayne’s horses for the Southerners’ lives. Will they comply?

The immediate post-Civil War backdrop provides James Lee Barrett’s script with something to say about tolerance and patriotism; the rugged, larger-than-life action is set in sprawling locations (Louisiana and Durango, Mexico) expertly lighted by frequent Wayne cinematographer William H. Clothier and set to an appropriately grandiose Hugo Montenegro score. The film (running a longish 118 minutes) loses some momentum in the second half and the romantic/youthful interest here is a particular liability – but this is countered by some good quips, delivered in Wayne’s typically dry fashion (especially his classic excuse to shooting a bandit he was supposed to just have a talk with: “The conversation kinda dried up, ma’am”)!

Of course, it would not be a John Wayne movie if it did not have the benefit of a number of reliable character actors featured in the cast and here we have a pretty colorful one, too: Ben Johnson, Bruce Cabot, Harry Carey Jr., Paul Fix, Royal Dano, John Agar, Dub Taylor and Pedro Armendariz Jr; prominent supporting roles are also offered to a very young Jan-Michael Vincent and two professional American football stars, Roman Gabriel and Merlin Olsen. Interestingly enough, Hudson’s role was originally intended for another of Wayne’s stock company of character actors, James Arness; again, Wayne was injured during the making of the film (forcing the director to shoot him from a limited number of angles) but he, ahem, soldiered on because he felt he owed his fans a good show!
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"Let's take 'em to Mexico!"
classicsoncall24 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The opening Civil War battle scene in "The Undefeated" takes place three days after General Lee surrendered at Appomattox Court House, the opposing Colonels receiving word of the news via a courier on the battlefield. Union Colonel John Henry Thomas (John Wayne) is only too glad to get on with civilian life. He takes the remains of his once seventy five member regiment, now reduced to ten, on a drive to deliver wild horses to Mexico's Emperor Maximillian. His opponent, Confederate Colonel James Langdon (Rock Hudson), disaffected with the War, intends to lead his men and their families to a new life via Durango and on to Mexico City.

Along the way, the two Colonels renew acquaintances, in a virtual bygones be bygones ritual cemented by trading barbs and slugs of whiskey. But it won't be long before trouble begins, as Mexican banditos lay in ambush for the Confederate wagon train, seeking horses, gold and women, not necessarily in that order. Colonel Thomas had the foresight to send his adopted Cherokee son Blue Boy (L.A. Rams Quarterback Roman Gabriel) away from the Confederate party, to round up his redskin brothers to help save the day.

From there on, the story meanders it's way along with some side stories involving a talented supporting cast that includes Bruce Cabot, Jan-Michael Vincent, Ben Johnson, and another football notable, Merlin Olsen. However you can't convince me that the women on the Confederate wagon train exhibit any degree of authenticity, as Lee Meriwether, Melissa Newman and Marian McCargo are all just too darn pretty, not a hair out of place and dressed to the nines in every scene, even when they pick up rifles to fight the bandits.

Having just watched John Wayne in the 1948 film "Fort Apache", I was conscious of a possible reference to the Shirley Temple character in that film when Colonel Thomas and Colonel Langdon have a conversation. Thomas responds to his Southern counterpart "Not like Philadelphia", which was the name of Temple's character. When Langdon seeks clarification, Thomas says never mind. Any insight into that exchange would be appreciated.

Following the film's progress for two hours, the ending comes as a bit of a letdown, as one expects the alliance between the Union and Confederate Colonels to lead a final charge against the Juarista General Rojas (Antonio Aguilar), who holds the members of Langdon's wagon train hostage in exchange for Colonel Thomas' horses. Instead, Thomas agrees to the terms, presumably to insure a fight for another day and another movie.
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a pretty good civil war era film starring John Wayne and Rock Hudson
disdressed1223 March 2008
i rather enjoyed this movie starring John Wayne and Rock Hudson.i found it fast paced and exciting.i don't think it had the epic feel of many of Wayne movies(it feels like it has a smaller scope to it)but it's still pretty good.i did think that the music was bit too much at just got too loud and repetitive.the acting was pretty good,not only from Wayne and Hudson,but also from the supporting players,many big names of the time,and some yet to be.this is not the best John Wayne movie i have seen,but it is still very good and well worth could do a lot worse with your time.for me,The Undefeated is a 7/10
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Remarkable story, unremarkable movie
Bob-4516 May 2014
The story of two remarkable men whose deeply flawed world views were irrevocably changed for the better makes for an very interesting theme. To set this theme against the backdrop of both the War of Secession ("War Between the States") AND the Mexican Revolution makes "The Undefeated" all the more promising. Furthermore, parallels to Vietnam make "The Undefeated" a downright profound story. Sadly, Andrew V. McLaglen tepid direction and bland casting of the female characters makes "The Undefeated" an unfulfilled promise and so-so effort.

To understand the profundity of "The Undefeated" requires a crash course in the War of Secession. Though slavery was a major issue, it was NOT the primary cause of hostilities. Revolutionary War debt was coming due and many states that remained with the union had not paid their debts. However, states that joined the Confederacy HAD paid their debt and resented draconian tariffs on goods entering and leaving their harbors. Secession was recognized and accepted, as it is a basic part of the Declaration of Independence and of the Congressional Record at the time of the enactment of the US Constitution. Even Lincoln, as a member of Congress, recognized the right of secession. For those who still insist the war was about slavery, keep in mind four slave states remained in the union.

It is time now to discuss the flawed world views of both union Colonel John Henry Thomas (John Wayne) and confederate Colonel James Langdon (Rock Hudson). Thomas is a decent, kind hearted man, but his world view is quite callous. Thomas thinks nothing of taking his loyal men into strife-torn Mexico, even though he knows they may be killed and that none of them has seen home for four years. Langdon is also decent and kind hearted, but his vanity leads him to destroy his property and take his family into Mexico to fight alongside General Maximilian, who is doing to the citizens of Mexico what the Union did to the Confederacy. BOTH men receive a deserved comeuppance from Juarista General Rojas (Tony Aguilar). I am sure this would be lost on most American audiences even today even in the hands of a more skilled western director, such as John Ford, Howard Hawks, Sergio Leone, Anthony Mann, Budd Boetticher, Fred Zinnemann or even Henry Hathaway.

The finest performances in "The Undefeated" come from Rock Hudson and Roman Gabriel. Unfortunately, their same-sex antics drew publicity which clearly eclipsed the movie. Other fine performances include the aforementioned Tony Aguilar (whose reluctance and relief at a key moment is the best scene of the film), Merlin Olsen (as a wise man who prefers the company of children to adults), Royal Dano (who reveals the true theme of "The Undefeated") and Big John Hamilton (who proves one does not have to fight a war or appear unafraid to be a hero).

Hugo Montenegro, who had a top 40 hit channeling Ennio Morricone with "The Theme From 'The Good, The Bad & The Ugly') here channels Elmer Bernstein with his music. While not "great Bernstein," Montenegro's score is at least "good Bernstein".

I give "The Undefeated" a "6".
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Very Decent Western
denis8885 May 2014
I like John Wayne, regardless. he was a real good actor for war movies and for westerns like this one. The Undefeated is a nice post-Civil War western with Wayne and Hudson as main stars, and they both deliver excellent parts, as a Union and a Confederate officers, respectively. This is not any new story, down in Mexico, with all the bandits, wild horses, Mexican troops, deserts, shoot-outs, women, Indians, cactuses, dances and all. Nothing very new, but this movie really works well and all 120 minutes it is a nice and fast sunny dry Mexican drama. Some phrases and dialog lines are very cool and deeply humorous, too. Why 8, and not 10? As I wrote above, rather predictable plot, looks often like many Mexico border westerns so far. Often, smacks of some other Wayne films, but generally, still, a very enjoyable, fast, often hilarious movie full of action and events. Good for all western buffs and Civil war aficionados like me/ Recommended
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I am undecided on Undefeated.
glentom117 July 2006
It takes place after the Civil War and has great characters, and an interesting plot.

On one hand, it is a feel good movie about how the south and north work together, and on the other hand it is really corny.

This movie tries to tackle too many social issues, it is north vs. south, Indian vs. white, USA vs. Mexico, and Mexico vs. insurgents.

The ending is melodramatic, and without the action that characterizes earlier scenes. However, it was refreshing to see an ending that was diplomatic, rather than a blood bath.

Worthwhile watching.
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"Biggest reb I ever saw." "It's the biggest anything I ever saw."
wdannygi7 March 2020
One of John Wayne's best. To the point and not a lot of unnecessary gab. Excellent soundtrack didn't hurt.
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Ho hum.
Bobster3614 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Typical John Wayne formula except for the presence of another big star in Rock Hudson. The usual familiar faces are all present. There's the usual subplot involving the young, good-looking couple. Wayne is the larger than life hero.

A key battle with Mexican (or were they French?) forces near the end of the film is poorly filmed. At some points, it looks like the soldiers have turned Wayne's horse herd. At other times, the herd is plowing through them. All of Wayne's men have repeating rifles which existed, but were still fairly rare at the end of the civil war. Since these were recently mustered out union soldiers, it would be more realistic that a lot, if not most of them, would have single shot rifles. But John Wayne movies always loved those Winchesters or Henrys regardless of the era they were supposed to be in. Heck, in the Comancheros, a fairly young widow tells Wayne that her husband died at the Alamo. But the guns in that movie are the usual for a Wayne film, which would have put them about 30 years or more after the Alamo fell in 1836.

And in the Undefeated, when all the conflict is resolved, Wayne, Hudson and the Mexican leader all share a friendly chat and a toast. No one seems particularly upset that the Mexican has been threatening to murder all of Hudson's people unless his demands were met.

The movie seems silly and contrived. Nothing more than a vehicle for its two stars. They should have given them a better script. Or a better movie.
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Saturday Matinée Classic
Dianaleern10 July 2005
I first saw this movie when I was 11 or 12 with the neighborhood kids and we all loved it!! I remember the whole crowd of us cheering John Wayne on.

And as young girls we also thought Roman Gabriel was to die for!! LOL It taught us the evils of prejudice, the sadness and happiness of unrequited love similar to Romeo and Julliette (Blue Boy and the Col.s daughter). It even taught us the futility of war. Maybe not all those things in the obvious sense but as kids it made us feel sad about war, disgusted at the prejudice and fall in love with the handsome native American, Blue Boy.

Great Movie, great actions, lots of good things to enjoy just for pure entertainment value!!!
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Re: The "Philadelphia" comment
Jonmouk30 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The "Philadelphia" comment by John Wayne does not refer to Shirley Temple or Fort Apache. It refers to an exchange earlier in the film between Wayne and Marian McCargo. Wayne tells her about his (Col. Thomas') ex-wife, who "was trying so hard to be a lady, she forgot how to be a woman". Thomas' ending remark was how she was happy, "living in Philadelphia, giving piano lessons...". Another interesting sidelight, the actor playing Gen. Rojas, Antonio Aguilar was a rather well-known, major actor in Mexican films, hence his high billing in this film. Wayne is well served by his "stock company" of western actors that he used in many of his later Westerns. You will see many of the same actors used in Chisum, Rio Lobo, Big Jake and Cahill, US Marshall. John Agar is listed in the credits but other than a single shot of him (one of Wayne's riders sitting on their horses in the rain, when Wayne is resigning from the Army), he doesn't seem to be in the film.
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Two good actors wasted on a poor mansucript
klaus-solberg-soilen16 April 2021
Hudson and Wayne play well, but it never come close to saving this long and tedious manuscript. Sure the story is ok, on paper. But that is about it, there is no excitement, no suspense, no build up and the jokes are cheap.
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